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Strain versus stress in a model granular material: a Devil’s staircase. Ga¨el Combe and Jean-No¨el Roux Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chauss´ees, 58 boulevard Lef`ebvre, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France The series of equilibrium states reached by disordered packings of rigid, frictionless discs in two dimensions,undergraduallyvaryingstress,arestudiedbynumericalsimulations. Statisticalproper- tiesoftrajectoriesinconfigurationspacearefoundtobeindependentofspecificassumptionsruling 9 granular dynamics, and determined by geometry only. A monotonic increase in some macroscopic 0 loadingparametercausesadiscretesequenceofrearrangements. Forabiaxialcompression,weshow 0 that, due to the statistical importance of such events of large magnitudes, the dependence of the 2 resulting strain on stress direction is a L´evy flight in thethermodynamiclimit. n a PACSnumbers: 83.70.Fn,05.40.-a,45.05.+x J 0 2 The mechanical properties of granular media are cur- latingthebiaxialtestoffig.1. Exploitingtheisostaticity rently an active field of research, both in the condensed property [10, 11, 12] of such systems, which is exactly ] matter physics and in the mechanics and engineering satisfied provided impenetrability is enforced accurately t f communities [1, 2, 3]. enough, we designed a prescription [12] for the compu- o Granularpackings close to mechanicalequilibrium are tation of sequences of equilibrium states, that we call s . traditionnally modelled, in the framework of continuum thegeometricquasi-staticmethod(GQSM),inwhichthe t a mechanics, with elastoplastic constitutive laws [3, 4], only inputs are the geometric data. The strain versus m i.e., incremental stress-strain relations. Such laws, de- stress evolution in biaxial compression tests is recorded, - spite their practical success, were never clearly related and a statistical analysis of fluctuations and system size d n to grain-level mechanics. Moreover, cohesionless gran- dependence is carried out. Then the GQSM predictions o ular systems seem to be quite different from ordinary arecomparedwiththoseofastandardmoleculardynam- c solids. Many experimental, theoretical and numerical ics (MD) method. [ studies [2, 5, 6, 7, 8] have recently been devoted to the First,samples ofdifferentsizes aregenerated(51sam- 2 peculiar features of stress transmission in granular sys- plesofN=1024discs,23withN=1936,10withN=3025 v tems at equilibrium, with correlations over length scales and15 with N=4900). Disc diameters are uniformly dis- 2 significantly larger than the grain size. tributed between 0.5 and 1 (the largest diameter is cho- 6 Observations of displacement fields and strains, as sen as unit length), and packed in a loose state within 0 4 the system moves from one equilibrium to another, are a rigid, square box. After some amount of random mix- 0 scarcer. Systems of rigid grains are expected to deform ing(usingsomedynamicalmethodwithenergyconserva- 0 because of rearrangements of the packing, rather than tion) we proceedto the isotropic compaction: two of the 0 contact elasticity. How such rearrangements average to walls,1and2onfig.1,arenowmobile,andsubmittedto / t produceamacroscopicstrain,relatedtostressvariations, compressive external forces F (along the x axis on the a 1 m remains rather mysterious. The rather singular, unilat- figure) and F2 = F1 (along the y axis). Stress compo- eralformofthelocalinteractioninsuchsystemsledsome nents σ = F /L and σ = F /L are kept constant, - 11 1 2 22 2 1 d authors [9] to expect quite unusual macroscopic proper- equal to p, while the system lengths along directions 1 n ties, for which the very concept of strain, so familiar in and 2 (L and L ) decrease. To produce a dense, iso- 1 2 o mechanics of solids, would be irrelevant. c : Directgrain-levelapproachesare,inprinciple,possible y v by numerical simulations. However, one has then to de- F2 i X fineacompletemechanicalmodeltoenableacalculation 2 of particle trajectories. In practice, dynamical parame- r F a ters ruling energy dissipation are often chosen according L2 3 1 1 to computational convenience as much as physical accu- racy. Itwouldbedesirabletoassesstheinfluenceofsuch 4 choices on the results. Thepresentnumericalstudyaddressesthoseproblems, L1 as follows. x Disordered,denseassembliesofrigid,circular,friction- less discs, are prepared by isotropic compaction. The FIG. 1: Sketch of a biaxial compression test. forcelawreducestotheconditionthatcontactstransmit repulsive normal forces of unknown magnitude. Then, the direction of the load is gradually altered, thus simu- static equilibrium state we use the ‘lubricated granular 2 dynamics’ method of refs. [7, 14]. Then, the initial, ref- erence configuration of the biaxial experiment is ready: F = (p+q)L0 is gradually increased while F = pL0 2 1 1 2 staysconstant,straincomponentsaredefinedastherela- tivedecreaseoflengths(L ) ,withreferencetotheir i 1≤i≤2 initial values (L0) as ǫ =−∆L /L0. One also de- i 1≤i≤2 ii i i fines the volumetric [13] strain as ǫ = −ǫ −ǫ . We v 11 22 use units such that p=1. Our essential result here is the obtention of the ǫ(q) curves in the thermodynamic limit, as loading param- eter q increases monotonically, at constant p. Let us first describe the GQSM procedure. One starts from an equilibrium state in which the force-carrying structure FIG.2: ‘Axial’strainǫ22versusdeviatorqinonesamplewith is isostatic. This means that the equilibrium conditions N=4900. are sufficient to compute all contact force values, on the one hand (the structure is devoid of hyperstaticity, it is not ‘overbraced’ or ‘overconstrained’ [10]), and that the force-carryingstructureisrigid(devoidofmechanismsor tion. Thisalgorithmclearlyinvolves,insteps2and3,an ‘floppymodes’[12])ontheotherhand. Thefirstofthese arbitraryingredient: the prescriptionthat contactsopen two properties stems from the condition that two grains one by one. The main merit of GQSM, however, is that need be exactly in contactto transmit a force to one an- it does not introduce parameters other than geometric other [11, 12], and cannot interpenetrate. It entails that ones. force values, once equilibrium positions are known, are Wenowfocusontheriseofǫ withq,closetotheori- 22 geometrically determined, all material properties being gin, and ask whether the staircase approaches a smooth irrelevant in the limit of rigid grains. The second prop- curve in the thermodynamic limit. (Its initial slope, if erty is satisfied, for stability reasons, because the grains finite,wouldbetheeffectivecomplianceofthematerial). are circular and contacts do not withstand tension [12]. To do so, one studies the statistics of stress (δq) and It entails that an assembly of rigid discs will not deform strain (δǫ , δǫ ) steps. 22 11 atalluntilsomeinitiallyactivecontactopens. Thiscan- Successive δq and δǫ values are found to be indepen- notoccuraslongascontactforcesarecompressive,since dent, and the width δq of a stability interval is not cor- this would require the potential energy to increase from related to the following strain steps. Throughout the equilibrium. As soon as one contact force vanishes, this investigated q interval, the probability distributions of contact will open [12], because the resulting motion cor- incrementsδq,δǫ , andδW =pδǫ −qδǫ , whichis the 22 v 22 respondstoaninstability. Hencethefollowingalgorithm: variation in potential energy corresponding to the cur- (1) At equilibrium, as q increasesfrom its initial value rent load, do not appreciably change [15]. No significant q0, the contact forces depend linearly on q (equilibrium difference between samples is observed either. equationsarelinear). Whenqreachessomevalueq0+δq, Bothqandǫ22 valuesreachedatagivenstagecanthus the force vanishes in one contact, say l0. be regardedas sums of equidistributed independent ran- (2) Open l0, all other contacts being maintained. Due dom increments. The distribution of stress increments to isostaticity, this entirely determines the initial direc- δq is displayed on fig. 3. It decays exponentially for tion ofmotion for the whole structure. Keepmoving the grains with the same prescription. (3) When another contact,say l , closes,the new con- 1 tact structure (the old one, minus l , plus l ) is isostatic 0 1 and may carry the load with geometrically determined contact forces. If there is no traction, a new equilibrium state has been found: go backto step 1. Otherwise,pick up the largesttraction, call the corresponding contactl 0 and go back to step 2. This procedure determines a seriesof equilibriumcon- figurations,that are separatedby rearrangementsoccur- ringfordiscretevaluesofq. Thestrainversusstresscurve is a staircase (see fig. 2). As long as the same contacts carry the load, the system does not deform; as soon as FIG. 3: Probability distribution function for rescaled stress a rearranging event occurs, strain variables jump to the increments δq(N/1024)1.16 for the4 values of system size N. values corresponding to the next equilibrium configura- 3 large δq, and is shifted to smaller and smaller values as thedistributionfunction,onemayresorttoageneralized N increases, so that the probability distribution of the centrallimittheorem[16]. Inourcase,forlargenumbers rescaledincrementδqNα is size-independent. We denote M ofincrements,the asymptoticformoftheirsumǫ is 22 as δq its average. The exponent can be estimated as 0 α = 1.16±0.04. Stability intervals shrink to zero as N ǫ22 ∼δǫ0N−βMµ1ξ, (2) increases: in the thermodynamic limit, any macroscopic load variation entails some motion of the grains. This withanM-independentrandomvariableξ abidingbyan propertyofpackingsoffrictionlessrigidgrains,knownas asymmetric L´evy distribution of index µ. fragility [9,12],isunambiguouslyestablishedbyoursim- Thestress-strainrelationshipisobtainedoncombining ulations. The value of α should be related to the shape eqns 1 and 2: oftheforcedistributionforsmallvalues,andtothevary- ing sensitivity of the contact forces to macroscopic load ǫ22 = δǫ01 qµ1N−β+αµξ. (3) increments. The classical central-limit theorem, applied (δq0)µ to q increments, will relate for large systems the number Thepresenceofξinrelation3impliesthatthestrainver- ofstepsM fromthebeginningofthebiaxialcompression susstresscurvewillneverexpressadeterministic depen- to the current value of q, as dence. Some size effect – a dependence on N – remains q M ∼ Nα. (1) in the thermodynamic limit, unless one has: δq 0 The distribution of strain increments δǫ is shown on α=βµ (4) 22 figure 4. A reduced variable Nβδǫ /δǫ can also be de- 22 0 Ourestimatesofα,βandµarecompatiblewiththisrela- tion. Ifitissatisfied,thenthedistributionofaxialstrain increments ∆ǫ correspondingto a given,fixed, q incre- 22 ment, ∆q, should no longer depend on the system size assoonas N is largeenoughfor ∆q to involve,typically, sufficientlymanyelementaryrearrangingsteps. Thiswas checked, confirming (see fig. 5), within statistical errors, relation 4 and the absence of size effects. In order to compare the GQSM results to the pre- dictions of more conventional methods, we also simu- lated biaxial compressions on samples of 1024 and 3025 discs using MD, successively imposing deviator incre- ments ∆q = 10−3. Contacts obey an elastic unilateral law, with a normal stiffness equal to 105. After each stressstep,onewaitsforanewequilibriumstate,request- FIG. 4: Probability distribution function for rescaled strain ing forces on each grain to balance up to an accuracy of incrementsδǫ22(N/1024)2.18 forthe4valuesofN. Theinsert 10−5. Successive strain increments ∆ǫMD are uncorre- displaystheprobabilitydistributionfunctionofthenumberc 22 lated and distributed according to the same probability of lost contacts in one strain step for each system size. law, which coincides (within statistical uncertainties) as shown on fig. 5, with that of increments ∆ǫ obtained 22 fined, with an N-independent probability distribution. forthesamevalueof∆qbyGQSM.Similarly,the(power- Remarkably, the (power-law distributed) number c of law) distribution of the fraction of the total number of contactlosses(orgains)inonestrainstep,whichtendsto contactsthatchangewithinonefixedincrement∆q does growwithδǫ ,doesnotshowanysignificantsizedepen- not depend on N (fig. 5). We therefore conclude that, 22 dence,andcontactsthatsimultaneouslyopenorcloseare in a biaxial test, the axial strain ǫ22 dependence on de- homogeneously scattered throughout the sample, what- viator q, as expressed by relations 3 and 4, is a L´evy ever N. We estimated β as β = 2.18±0.12. Unlike for stochastic process. It does not become deterministic in stressincrements,thedistributionnowdecaysasapower the thermodynamic limit, but it is devoid of size effect: law: the strain versus stress curve approaches a Devil’s stair- case with a dense set, on the q axis, of discontinuities of p(δǫ )∼(δǫ )−(1+µ), 22 22 randommagnitudes. Moreover,itappearsnottodepend with µ = 0.46±0.03. As µ < 1, it should be remarked on dynamical parameters (at least within the accuracy that, although the typical strain increment decreases as of the present study) and to be determined by the sole N−β in the limit of large samples, the average strain in- system geometry. These results apply, without appre- crement does not exist. The standard central limit the- ciable change in the statistics, throughout the interval orem does not apply, but, due to the power law decay of 0≤q/p≤0.2. 4 to the approximation of small displacements (ASD), in which all relevant quantities are dealt with to leading order in the displacements, then, as shown in ref. [12], no iteration of steps 2 and 3 would have been necessary. Within the ASD, contacts are replaced one by one, and we have checked that the resulting strain increment dis- tribution does possess an average value. This geometric approximationwould ensure [12] uniqueness of the equi- librium state and a one-to-one correspondence between stress and strain. The ASD was used for slightly poly- dispersediscsonatriangularlattice,inwhichcaseitcan be justified and constitutive laws are obtained [12, 14] (the second ref. [11] proposes an independent implemen- tationoftheGQSM,withtheASD).Thedistinctiveme- FIG.5: Probabilitydistributionfunctionforstrainincrements chanical features of model granular assemblies that are ∆ǫ22 corresponding to ∆q=10−3p obtained for the 4 values reportedherearethusduetothemotionofthesystemin ofN byGQSM(continuouscurves)andforN=1024(crosses) configuration space along a tortuous path between local and N=3025 (square dots) by MD. The insert shows thedis- minima in a complex potential energy lanscape. Coop- tribution of C/N, where C is the number of lost contacts in erative rearrangingevents are also observedin glassy re- one increment ∆q, for thedifferent system sizes. laxation[17], which might open interesting perspectives. We are grateful to Jean-Philippe Bouchaud for useful suggestions. The evolution of ǫ (which can be of either sign, typ- v ically one order of magnitude smaller than ǫ ) is some- 22 what more complicated, since successive increments δǫ v are not equidistributed (unlike δW). Leaving a discus- sion of volumetric strains to a future publication, let us [1] Powders and Grains 97, R. P. Behringer and J. Jenkins eds. (Balkema, Rotterdam, 1997). further comment here the behavior of axial [13] strains. [2] Friction, Arching, Contact Dynamics, D. Wolf and P. Ourresultsprecludetheexistenceofaconstitutivelaw Grassberger eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997). intheusualsense. Asqisincreased,ǫ istypicallyofor- 22 [3] Physics of Dry Granular Media, H. J. Herrmann, J.-P. der q1/µ, but its actualvalue is essentially impredictible, Hovi, and S. Ludingeds. (Balkema, Dordrecht, 1998). withthe remarkableconsequencethatmacroscopicmod- [4] D. M. Wood, Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Me- els for granular mechanics should be of a stochastic, chanics (Cambridge University Press, 1990). rather than deterministic, nature. Of course, such a be- [5] S. N. Coppersmith et al.,Phys. Rev.E 53, 4673 (1996). haviormightbe limited tofrictionlessgrains,andisthus [6] F. Radjai, M. Jean, J.-J. Moreau, and S. Roux, Phys. Rev. Lett.27, 274 (1996). Seealso ref. 2. perhaps more relevantfor some colloidalglassesthan for [7] S. Ouaguenouni and J.-N. Roux, Europhys. Lett., 39, sand,althoughimportantfluctuationsandhighnoiselev- 117 (1997). See also in ref. 2. els were sometimes reported for soil materials or glass [8] D. M. Mueth,H.M. Jaeger and S.R.Nagel, Phys. Rev. beads. One does obtain an extremely noisy curve on E, 57, 3164 (1998) numerically compressing our system at constant strain [9] M. E. Cates, J. P. Wittmer, J.-P. Bouchaud, and P. rate instead of controlling the stress: understandably, Claudin, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London 356, 2535 betweentwo equilibriumstates thatcanbe relativelyfar (1998); Phys.Rev.Lett. 81, 1841 (1998). [10] C. Moukarzel, Phys.Rev.Lett. 81, 1634 (1998). apart,thecontactstructuredoesnotconsistentlyoppose [11] A. Tkachenko and T. A. Witten, Phys. Rev. E 60, 627 any given level of stress, and the observed response de- (1999); see also cond-mat 9910250 pends on dynamical parameters. Laboratory tests, at [12] J.-N. Roux,Phys. Rev.E 61, 6802 (2000). constant strain rate, on such systems, would be sensi- [13] For convenience we resort to the vocabulary pertaining tively influenced by the apparatusitself. It will be inter- to 3D triaxial tests. esting to study the dependence of parameter µ on grain [14] J.-N.Roux,inMultipleScaleAnalysisandCoupledPhys- shape and polydispersity. Preliminary MD results on ical Systems (Presses de l’Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss´ees, Paris, 1997), pp. 577–584. dense random packings of monodisperse spheres in 3D [15] Two variables are deemed equidistributed here if the yielded L´evy-distributed large strain steps with a value Kolmogorov-Smirnov likelihood estimator exceeds 0.05. of µ in the 0.4-0.6 range. [16] J.-P. Bouchaud and A. Georges, Phys. Rep. 195, 127 Physically, large strain increments are due to re- (1990). arrangements involving many contact changes (GQSM [17] See, e.g., S. Bu¨chner and A. Heuer, Phys. Rev. E. 60, steps 2 and 3 have to be repeated). Had we resorted 6507 (1999), and references therein.

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