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Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products FIFTH EDITION Edited by Kurt A. Rosentrater Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States WoodheadPublishingisanimprintofElsevier TheOfficers’Mess BusinessCentre,RoystonRoad,Duxford, CB224QH,UnitedKingdom 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates TheBoulevard,Langford Lane,Kidlington,OX5 1GB,UnitedKingdom Copyright©2022Cereals&GrainsAssociation. PublishedbyElsevierInc.incooperation withCereals&GrainsAssociation. Allrightsreserved. Nopart ofthispublicationmay bereproduced ortransmitted inanyform orbyanymeans, electronicor mechanical,including photocopying, recording,oranyinformation storageandretrieval system,withoutpermission inwritingfromthepublisher. Details onhowtoseek permission, furtherinformation aboutthePublisher’spermissions policiesandourarrangements withorganizations suchastheCopyrightClearance CenterandtheCopyrightLicensingAgency,canbefoundatourwebsite: www.elsevier.com/permissions. Thisbookandtheindividual contributionscontainedinitareprotected undercopyrightbythePublisher (otherthanasmay benotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging. As newresearchandexperiencebroadenourunderstanding, changesinresearch methods,professional practices,ormedical treatmentmay becomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchers mustalwaysrelyontheir ownexperience andknowledgeinevaluatingandusingany information,methods,compounds,orexperiments describedherein. Inusingsuchinformation ormethodsthey shouldbe mindfuloftheirown safetyandthesafetyofothers,including partiesforwhom theyhaveaprofessional responsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neither thePublishernortheauthors,contributors, oreditors, assumeany liabilityforany injuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligence orotherwise,or fromanyuseor operation ofanymethods,products, instructions,or ideascontainedinthematerialherein. ISBN:978-0-12-812758-2 Forinformation onallWoodhead PublishingandAACCInternational Presspublications visitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:Charlotte Cockle Acquisitions Editor: MeganR. Ball EditorialProjectManager:LindsayC.Lawrence ProductionProjectManager:Vijayaraj Purushothaman CoverDesigner: Mark Rogers Designations usedbycompaniestodistinguishtheir productsareoftenclaimed astrademarks,logosorregisteredtrademarks. Inallinstances inwhichWoodheadPublishersisaware ofaclaim,theproductnames appearininitialcapital orallcapital letters.Readers,however,shouldcontact theappropriate companiesformorecomplete information regardingtrademarks and registration. TypesetbyTNQTechnologies To Kari, Emma, and Alec. List of contributors Brian D. Adam, Department of Agricultural Economics, Gretchen A. Mosher, Iowa State University, Agricultural Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United and Biosystems Engineering, Ames, IA, United States States Thomas W. Phillips, Department of Entomology, Kansas Frank H. Arthur, USDA-ARS-Center for Grain and State University, Manhattan, KS, United States Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS, United R.H. Proctor, Mycotoxin Prevention & Applied Micro- States biologyResearchUnit,NationalCenterforAgricultural Griffiths G. Atungulu, Department of Food Science, Utilization Research, Peoria, IL, United States University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Fayet- Kurt A. Rosentrater, Department of Agricultural and teville, AR, United States Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Ray Bucklin, Department of Agricultural and Biological IA, United States Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Sammy Sadaka, Department of Biological & Agricultural United States Engineering, University of Arkansas Division of Agri- Mark Casada, USDA Agricultural Research Service, culture, Little Rock, AR, United States Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, Deanna S. Scheff, United States Department of Agri- Manhattan, KS, United States culture,AgriculturalResearchService,CenterforGrain Denis Drechsler, G20 Agricultural Market Information and Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS, United System (AMIS), Rome, Italy States Kenneth Hellevang, Department of Agricultural and Bio- Soraya Shafiekhani, Department of Food Science, systems Engineering, North Dakota State University, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Fayet- Fargo, ND, United States teville, AR, United States Digvir S. Jayas, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, John Sharpe, Federal Grain Inspection Service, Kansas Canada City, MO, United States Carol L. Jones, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Rashid A. Suleiman, Department of Food Sciences and OK, United States Agroprocessing, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania Phil Kenkel, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United Graham Thorpe, Institute for Sustainable Industries and States Liveable Cities, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Anthony Leali, 4B Components Limited, Morton, IL, United States T.J. Ward, Mycotoxin Prevention & Applied Micro- biologyResearchUnit,NationalCenterforAgricultural John Mack Manis, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Utilization Research, Peoria, IL, United States Annapolis, MD, United States Johnny Wheat, 4B Components Limited, Morton, IL, C.M. Maragos, Mycotoxin Prevention & Applied United States Microbiology Research Unit, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, IL, United Gregory D. Williams, Facility Engineering Services, States Springdale, AR, United States xvii Preface to the first edition StorageofCerealGrainsandTheirProductsisthesecond storage rather than to discuss specific problems presented in a series of monographs sponsored by the American by individual grains or products. And lastly, as might be Association of Cereal Chemists. The subject seems espe- expected, since all authorsdand the editorsdare citizens cially timely; in spite of recent advances in technology, of the United States or Canada, the book gives most millions of tons of cereals are wasted each year through emphasis to North American investigations and practices. spoilage of various sorts. Yet hunger is widespread and We are deeply indebted to our authors for the time and populations increase ever more rapidly. Protection of food labortheygavetothepreparationoftheirchapters,andfor suppliesthroughsoundstoragepracticesisthusamatterof their patience, forbearance, and cooperation, in dealing most importance. with the many matters, some important and some trivial, Eachofthe11chaptersofthebookhasbeenwrittenby that authors and editors are bound to discuss. Circum- oneormoreexperts.Thechiefaimwastoproduceauseful stances beyond our control made it necessary to find a treatise by combining comprehensive reviews of the sci- numberofnewauthorswhenabouthalfthebookhadbeen entificliteraturewithknowledgedrawnfromothersources. written, and as a result, the completion of the work was In pursuit of that aim, some unevenness among chapters considerably delayed. We are therefore especially grateful could not be avoided; some aspects of the subject are to those authors who turned manuscripts in early and were brightlyilluminatedbythelightofscientificknowledge;on later kind enough to bring them up to date and to those others that light is dim, and we must depend largely on who, coming to their tasks late in the day, made special practical experience; and elsewhere, even practical experi- efforts to meet our postponed deadlines. ence is limited, and we grope in semidarkness. In carrying out our part in the preparation of this book, Thefirst six chaptersdeal with moisture,chemical, and we received much help and valuable advice from the physical changes with time, microflora, respiration and chairmanoftheMonographCommittee,W.F.Geddes.The heating, insects, and rodents. Their main purpose is to other members of this committee were C. N. Frey, George provide the scientific background for a consideration of Garnatz, Majel M. MacMasters, Betty Sullivan, J. A. storage problems, though all, and especially those on in- Shellenberger, and ourselves. The committee chose the sects and rodents, do full justice to practical matters also. subject for the book, prepared an outline of its contents, Thelastfivechapters,bycontrast,deallargelywithareasin selectedauthorsforthevariouschapters,andaskedthemto which practical experience is the chief source of knowl- contribute. edge. Two describe grain storage facilities in the country We were particularly fortunate in persuading Kathleen andatterminalpointsanddiscusstheiroperation;onedeals Webb, who helped with volume I of this series, to under- with grain drying; and the last two with cereal products takethetechnicaleditingofvolumeIIalso;herpainstaking themselves, namely, with bulk storage of flour and with work has added immeasurably to the quality of this book. packaging of various types. EuniceR.Brown,MargaretHilligan,V.G.Martens,andR. Three further comments may appropriately be made on J.Chealealsogaveusvaluableassistance.Lastly,wepaya the book as a whole. Firstly, since authors were urged to well-earned tribute to R. J. Tarleton, Managing Editor of deal fully with their subjects, it was inevitable that some Cereal Chemistry, who undertook the final work of pub- topics should be discussed in more than one chapter. We lishing the book for the American Association of Cereal did not attempt to remove all such repetition, since we Chemists. believed that the reader would prefer to have each chapter essentiallycompleteinitself.Secondly,whilethetreatment J. A. Anderson is often both comprehensive and detailed, not all cereals A. W. Alcock andtheirproductsarefullycovered.Theaimwasprimarily October, 1953 to elucidate and illustrate the main principles governing xxv Preface to the fifth edition I have a distinct memory as a child of watching a con- (scooping out molding soybeans was an especially fun struction crew build forms, tie rebar, and pourconcrete for chore), fixing augers, and all of the other associated work a new grain elevator annex at our local co-op. It was necessarytokeepourgrainhandlingandstorageoperation fascinatingtowatchastructuresuchasthatbeingbuilt(see functional were definitely a character building experience Fig.1)!AsIbecameolder,Iworkedonmyfamilyfarmand forcertain(Fig.2).InthewordsoftheFFACreed“Iknow had increasing responsibilities, as did most farm kids, the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an starting with cleaning barns and hog houses and fetching inbornfondnessforthoseassociationswhich,eveninhours tools, to tillage, hauling grain, and, eventually, operating ofdiscouragement,Icannotdeny.”Imustgivecredittomy the combine itself! Harvesting the corn and soybean fields grandparents and parents, without whom I would not have wastheultimateresponsibilityonthefarm..afterallthatis hadtheseexperiencesandwouldnothavehadsuchadeep wherewederivedourlivelihood.Ialsorecallcheckingthe appreciation for agriculture and grains. graindryerinthemiddleofthenighttomakesurethatthe When I attended Iowa State University, I decided to wetholdingbinhadn’trunemptydifithad,thenthedryer focus on process engineeringdI had a keen interest in hadtobeshutdown.Loadingtrucks,haulinggrainintothat designingthesystemsthatIhadworkedwithallofmylife local grain elevator(hours of waiting in line todump were onthefarm,atleastupuntilthatpoint.Irememberfinding not much fun as a child though), cleaning out grain bins FIGURE1 Localgrainelevatorexpansionbuiltwhentheauthorwasa FIGURE2 Farmwheretheauthorwasraised;thisprovidedconsiderable childdthisspurredhislong-runninginterestingrainstoragestructures. experienceinproductionagriculture. xxi xxii Preface to the fifth edition the 4th edition of Storage of Cereal Grains and Their eventually lead to an updated, modernized version of this Products (edited by D.B. Sauer, 1992) in the ISU library, classic reference bookdthis version of the book. where I found the cutting-edge information critically Aswith thepreviouseditions,thisiterationofthebook importanttomycareer,especiallyasIstartedworkingfora has been written by a team of experts in the various local engineering company designing grain elevators and branches of grain and grain storage issues. I charged all feed mills (see Fig. 3). contributing authors with providing a comprehensive Itwasn’tuntilyearslaterthatIobtainedthefirstedition overviewoftheirspecifictopicandalsotoprovidein-depth (edited by Anderson and Alcock, 1954) of this book. It state-of-the-art scientific and technical aspects, so that this struck methat much had evolved in terms of technologies, volume will provide comprehensive coverage of modern equipment, and operations between the first and the fourth grain storage, preservation, and handling operations. After editions of this bookdyet there was much that had not all, it has been almost 30years since the last version was actually changed over the years. Our industry is like that. published. You will see that there are many chapters that Wehavesomuchknowledgebuiltupthatweuseonaday- correspond to previous editions (e.g., moisture, drying, to-daybasis,butmaynotthinkaboutthehistoricalcontext. aeration, insects, molds, etc.) These have all been updated Fast forward to July 2016. I was returning from an and expanded. But we have also endeavored to provide extendedtripthroughoutmultiple countriesinsub-Saharan new chapters that will augment the technical nature of this Africa with a group of undergraduate students, where we work.Forexample,chaptersonengineeringdesign,storage had just finished an experiential learning program focused in developing countries, sensors and instrumentation, as on subsistence farming, grain storage, and food security well as safety and human interactions have been added. issues.Also,Ihadjustfinishedmyworkonthenewedition Thisbookshouldnow bean updatedresourcefor notonly ofKent’sTechnologyofCerealsdwhichsomeofyoumay scientists and facility operators but also engineers and de- know focuses primarily ongrain processing topics. During signers of facilities. my layover in the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, I Some of the topics have been rearranged in order to decided to assemble a list of grain storage topics (inspired provide a better flow through the book. We have also from my time in Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, and South subdivided the chapters into four main sections: introduc- Africa); I began thinking about Storage of Cereal Grains tion to grain storage, design and operation of grain facil- and Their Products, so I wrote the proposal that would ities, preservation of grains, and further considerations. These subsections should help guide the reader to specific topics of interest. Ithinkthatitisimportanttoacknowledgethatthebulk ofthewritingforthisbook,notonlymychapters,butmany other authors as well, was undertaken and accomplished during 2020 and 2021. None of us will soon forget the COVID-19pandemicandthechallengesthatitbrought.To an extent, the writing was facilitated by the pandemic and thelockdownthatmanyofusexperienced..takingbreaks fromwritingtomowthelawnorchangethelaundry;onthe otherhand,writingwashinderedbyaconfluenceofvarious events in everyone’s lives. It is important to give special thankstotheauthorsofeachchapterforendeavoringtosee this project through to the end. Indeed your contributions are greatly appreciated. The pandemic was not easy to survive, let alone thrive and accomplish a project such as this. Thank you to all for your fortitude in this endeavor. We did it! So, with the pandemic (hopefully) behind us, it is importantthatweacknowledgethatwiththepublicationof thefirsteditionofthisbookin1954,AndersonandAlcock instituted what would become a classic text in the cereal grains literaturedas evidenced by five editions being pro- duced so far. Their intent was to provide a comprehensive review of all major aspects of cereal grain storage, preser- vation, and handling operations, and to help improve in- FIGURE3 Firstgrainelevatordesignedbytheauthor. dustrialoperationsandreducepostharvestlosses.Sincethat Preface to the fifth edition xxiii time, the grain and grain processing industries have seen shouldserveasatimelyandexpansiveresourcethatwillbe many changes and new technologies. Even so, on a useful for students, researchers, and industrial practitioners fundamental level, cereal grains, how they are preserved alike for years to come. and stored, how they are handled, and even how they are processedintovariousfood,feeds,andotherproducts,have Kurt A. Rosentrater changed only a little over the decades. This new edition July 2021

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