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Stone List and Descriptions - Able Crystals and the Devic Centre PDF

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Preview Stone List and Descriptions - Able Crystals and the Devic Centre

www.ablecrystals.com WE NORMALLY HAVE SAMPLES OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING IN STOCK. They may be specimen, rough, tumbled, shaped or in jewelry. We will add items as we find more and ask you to contact us if you are looking for something not listed. We can often source it for you. Forgive us please if we are temporarily sold out of the item you want. The only items we will have pictures and prices for will be found under the Featured Products section of our website: www.ablecrystals.com. These will be special items of higher value so if you have a list of smaller items you want please email it and we will quote. Disclaimer : The metaphysical and healing properties of gems and crystals outlined in this section are for inspiration and reference only. These properties are suggested by myriad sources and are their attitudes and beliefs. We do not necessarily agree with all the attributes suggested but offer this information as "that of common belief'. In no way are is this offering meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician. Content Source Disclaimer: The material in the crystal descriptions is a compilation of pieces often verbatim and mostly without reference as the sources include many books and many sites which very often had identical information. The material is automatically out of date anyway as the crystal consciousness is evolving as are we. The basic information was correct and the stones will still maintain many of these properties while having already added others.If anyone chooses to accuse me of copyright infringement please simply contact me with the item and I will have it changed and/or removed. Stone Description ABALONE Abalone is used to enhance smudging activities- can stimulate fertility of the mind and body, enhancing decision making processes-promotes co-operation between groups. ACTINOLITE Also known as the 'Ray Stone', Actinolite is found in metamorphic rocks. It encourages the spirit to explore new directions, and gives awareness if you have strayed from your original goals. Actinolite promotes a feeling of self-worth and strength. Encourages inner balance and patience. Physically it stimulates the function of the kidneys, liver and aids the elimination of toxins. Balances yin / yang, protection, raises vibratory rate - A PHENOMENAL SHIELDING DEVICE FERRO ACTINOLITE stimulates creativity, access memories of Ancient Egypt, protective of the heart, strengthens self-worth, enhances life force - ASSISTS IN ASTRAL TRAVEL ADAMITE Adamite was named after Gilbert-Joseph Adam (1795-1881), French mineralogist, who found the first specimens. It blends the heart and mind allowing them to work together towards conscious outcomes. It provides inner strength when dealing with emotional issues and helps us vocalise our feelings. Adamite provides us with courage to step into the Unknown. AEGRINE helps you get through hard times, aids in recognition of Personal Truth, gives you strength of your convictions - STONE FOR ENERGY GENERATION AGATE Agates generally carry a quiet energy that works on the subtle bodies, and are great for achieving stability and balance in many aspects of one’s life. Agates tend to work behind the scenes on the cause, instead of the symptom, believed to improve mental functions where issues of clarity and stability are concerned. Agate is helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras. Agates work very slowly and deliberately, this gentle nature helps them to have a lasting impact. A banded variety of Chalcedony found in white, red, pink, gray,blue, green, brown, or any combination of these colors. APRICOT AGATE Apricot agate comes in natural swirling layers of pink, cream, and orange. These lovely stones are said to balance the yin and yang and ground the user by improving perception and truthfulness. A very calming stone. It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect which acts to smooth dysfuntional energies and diverse transform and eliminate connectivity. BLACK AGATE Black Agate brings the Great Spirit into ones life. Attracts good fortune. Increases concentration and clarity. Promotes good will. Aids in overcoming flaws, fears, and loneliness. Removes jinxes, helps eliminate bad luck. Has a calming effect during times of stress. Gives a sense of strength and courage. Encourages fertility. Powerful healer. BLUE LACE AGATE arthritic conditions, strengthens skeleton, expands consciousness, leads to spiritual maturity & inner attunement - BRINGS ANGELIC ENERGY BOTSWANA AGATE Botswana Agate can help as an anti-depressant,-may help those who are struggling to be genuine as it promotes an understanding of the need for deeper meaning. Use it to promote creative ability rather than focusing on negative aspects of daily challenges. Its has soothing and calming qualities,-energizes the auric body and is a reminder that we are love and compassion in action. COLOURED AGATE expands consciousness, soothing, wise, inner stability & sense of reality - PUBLIC SPEAKING FIRE AGATE The Fire Agate contains inclusions of Goethite or Limonite which produces an iridescent effect or "fire." Represents the spiritual flame of perfection. It is connected to Earth Energies and physical vitality. The energy of this stone will keep you calm and at ease, grounds and balances.Shares the message, "Be the best you can be. Tap into your own perfection." Helps to protect from energies not in your best interest. Helps to reduce cravings with addictions helps the stomach and digestive organs, lymphatic system, and skin disorders. Use Fire Agate as a support stone when going through emotional trauma. MONTANA AGATE Montana Agate prods and energizes you to seek growth, from the physical to the spiritual planes. Historical folk medicine: treatment of burns Balances emotions, discerns the truth, accepts circumstances, powerful emotional healer. Turritella Agate is primarily a stone of protection and survival. - helps to overcome fatigue. Assists with absorption of minerals and vitamin A.- stimulates and soothes the digestive tract. MOSS AGATE CONNECTS OUR HEART TO THE UNIVERSE, expands consciousness, harmony, self-esteem, prosperity, helps to communicate with plant & mineral kingdoms - NATIVE AMERICAN POWER STONE PINK LACE AGATE Pink Lace Agate helps your attitude, ease despair and depression and encourage and support. Its energy is flowing and circular, but it is not a protector stone. Use it to help bring out your inner beauty. Pink Lace Agate increases friendship and happiness, it achieves this by helping you balance your attitude. Also, this stone brings balance to the heart chakra. TREE AGATE Tree Agate brings prosperity and abundance especially in the form of bountiful crops and can help increase the health of plants at home. It helps connect with the earth and nature and encourages self-discovery. It can help relieve stress and give peace of mind. A type of Dendritic Agate it is a mostly white stone with its characteristic green mossy inclusions. TURRITELLA AGATE Some 40-60 million years ago, an ancient saltwater sea covered what is now Wyoming. A snail of the Turritella species lived in its shallow waters. The shell material was completely replaced by agate and chalcedony. Turritella Agate is a stone many use for healing Mother Earth, as it opens the channels between the plant world and the mineral world. AGNITITE The energy of Agnitite aids one with one's intuition and inner knowing so that one has an understanding that one is part of the "group consciousness" of Humanity, awakening one to higher dimensional energies. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit word for fire, "Agni". It fills body with fiery energy, increases vitality, detoxifies cells and increases one's passion for spiritual and physical life. The frequency of Agnitite connects to all of the chakras helping to unify whole of one's energy system. ALEXANDRITE Alexandrite was the favorite gemstone of the royal Russian family.him. The fine gems shift in color from red to green (the colors of Tsarist Russia). Alexandrite is believed to increase confidence and self esteem. It brings about success and prosperity. It is a stone for spiritual re-birth and is useful in repairing the tissues of the body. Alexandrite is special and meaningful because of its ability to change color in different light, thus bringing into harmony and union the parts of the self that are healed by those colors. For example, stones that contain red and green will stimulate and harmonize the base chakra with the heart chakra. Alexandrite is said to stimulate pleasure and love. It is also used as a lucky stone. AMAZONITE aligns astral bodies, unity with life, enhances creative expression, calms emotions, regulates metabolism, (liver) reduces cramps - STONE OF HOPE AMBER Approximately 90 million years ago, large stands of forests began to seep globs of sticky resin! As geologic time progressed the forests were buried and the resin hardened into a soft golden gem, amber. Amber gives a soothing, light energy that is calming and energizing. It can help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. Eases pressure, easier to make decisions, connects to nature, transmutes negative energy, positive, uplifting - HEALS THE BLOOD - PURIFIES THE BODY AMBLYGONITE Amblygonite was first discovered in Saxony by August Breithaupt in 1817, and named by him from the Greek amblus, blunt, and gouia, angle, because of the obtuse angle between the cleavages. Amblygonite provides the necessary elements to calm nerves and over sensitivity. It is a very useful stone to keep in an office type setting when intense stress and mental activity is present. AMETHYST helps to “let go & trust”, one of the best stones for meditation - AMETHYST IS HERE TO TEACH HUMILITY, spirituality, contentment, third eye stone, repels negative, helps eyes, liver, pancreas, intestines & lungs - AURIC CLEANSER, balances energies of the intellectual, emotional & physical bodies, amplifies healing energies, reduces tension & headaches - FOCUSES THE VIOLET RAY BRANDBERG AMETHYST Brandberg Amethyst offers clarity - Access to past lives and a feeling of Oneness. They help you to travel the astral planes. The phantoms in them help to access information about past energies.These are a powerful stone and much sought after as they are hand mined in Namibia. CHEVRON AMETHYST Chevron Amethyst (also called "Banded Amethyst") combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. A wonderfully spiritual stone, for gently removing the veils that obscure some of the hidden meanings in life.Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence. Helps remove resistance to change, and repel negativity kinds. Creates a strong healing field,to enhance the immune system, and amplify energies needed for manifestation VERA CRUZ AMETHYST Vera Cruz Amethyst is one of the finest manifestations of amethysts purple ray vibration. It offers a very clear energy for purification and protection from negative influences, and linkage with the divine aspect of the self. When worn or carried it can imbue the auric fields with a light that dispels all sorts of negative attachments, on spiritual and physical levels. Vera Cruz Amethyst will take you almost instantly into a meditative and/or journeying state because it can produce an immediate “Beta” state during meditation, and can help achieving a deep meditation. This property can also help those trying to connect with angels or spirit guides. Try mediating with a Vera Cruz Amethyst Point on the Third Eye Chakra for developing intuition and connecting with spiritual realms. Using Vera Cruz Amethyst with the Heart Chakra can promote Universal Love within the self, for application in one’s daily life. AMETRINE Ametrine is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine, connects physical and spiritual realms. A very soothing stone, believed to be valuable for chronic, long-term diseases. The Amethyst part of Ametrine can help one experience Divine Guidance, while the Citrine aspect allows for this guidance to be assimilated into one’s life. Enhances creativity combines masculine and feminine energy and helps bring harmony with others. For stress-relief, helps to remove negativity from the physical body as well as the auric field, assists in removing blockages from all bodies (physical, mental, spiritual, etc). Helps to relieve allergies, connects our knowledge with our wisdom. AMMONITE Ammonite gives stability and structure to ones life. It can eliminate the caustic attributes and can transform negativity into a smooth, flowing energy. It also tends to encourage and to supplement ones survival instincts. It is a stone to assist one in the promulgation of the requirements, and the actions necessary, for world survival. FOSSIL in the shape of a slug or snail, shows proportions of the sacred spiral, helpful in birthing, provides stability, eases depression - ASSISTS IN FINDING ONES CORRECT PATH AMOLITE gem quality ammonite, properties of ammonite plus insight, protection and stimulates architects or builders - ALBERTA’S GEM STONE ANANDALITE See Quartz, Anandalite ANGELITE protects from negativity, strengthens degenerate organs, excellent for creative people, provides spiritual awareness - STAIRWAY OF LIGHT ANGELSITE used to assist in channelling or contacting entities on “the other side”, a loving mineral which allows for open communication - HELPS BRING FORTH DREAMS INTO REALITY APATITE Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a medication or awareness tool it is said to help you maintian focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite can be used to enhance the energies of other crystal stones. Any weight (obesity or anorexia) or food allergy problem should be treated with apatite, also used to stimulate intellect, enhance creativity, develop clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and the awareness of the devic worlds, helps in meditation. Apatite is for proper metabolizing of nutrients, reflection and raising Kundalini - oneness with higher self - CLEARS MENTAL CONFUSIONS APOPHYLLITE Apophyllite has been used to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm. It facilitates attunement to ones body as well as to the higher dimensional life forms. It allows one to both recognize and act upon the truth in all situations. It enhances mindful analysis, and helps to realize that the state of perfection is the natural state of being. Provides contact to higher dimension and universal love, used to facilitate astral travel, helps in remembering dreams, connects to spirits of the land, - INCREASE INTUITIVE VISION AQUAMARINE emanates peace, refreshes spirit, inspires and uplifts, integrates our past with our future - STONE OF COURAGE ARAGONITE Aragonite comes in a large variety of colors, each one with a different vibration. the attributes, spiritually, are the same for all of them, you should listen to your intuition. The colors aragonite are gray, yellow, pale blue, violet, brown, and clear or colorless. Commonly a grounding stone, it will aid in centering and grounding your energies, self discipline, and will help you with spiritual matters. A great relaxer it can be used during stressful times. It will also strengthen your connection with the earth and its energies, and is a stone of balance, and of cleansing. It opens you up to new visions, and can help you view your inner self with better clarity. While these three properties are secondary, they are good for you nonetheless and can be used for healing purposes. It moves energy throughout the body, aids in calcium absorption, and stops muscle spasms, nourishes adrenal and pituitary glands -a great stone for those who feel overworked,out of touch with self or the earth. A CALMING AND CENTERING STONE. SPINE ARAGONITE Spine Aragonite also known as sputnick star clusters. Calms and centres, enlivens curiosity, connects our mind and our brain to old knowingness, assists with dyslexic patterns - HELPS MAINTAIN CONFIDENCE ARROW HEADS recently made in the south west Unites States, comes in sandstone and obsidian, used as totems, in medicine bags and as ornaments ASTROPHYLLITE Astrophyllite is a very rare mineral. Its name comes from the Greek words astron (star) and phyllon (leaf). It allows for the recognition that there are no limitations and that, "we are, in fact, all stars." It helps us make leaps forward beyond the obstacles. Sometimes we feel as if we're stuck and our best efforts haven't enabled us to move ahead - that's when Astrophyllite can help. ATLANTISITE Also known as Stichtite, It brings one higher awareness of one's emotions. In the home, it creates a tranquil environment, and can be useful in adapting children's behaviour so that it is more acceptable. It also encourages one to be true to one's word, to keep an open mind. Stichtite eases the passage of Kundalini energy through the Heart chakra. AVENTURINE Aventurine ranges in color from green, to brown, peach, yellow and red; Aventurine is considered a lucky stone, in any color; although the green color of this stone seems to be the most powerful.It gives the wearer inner equilibrium and it stimulates dreaming. Generally it is said to have a positive effect on the psyche, strengthening an individuals sense of self, being the ideal stone for those who are looking for a positive view of life. IT MAGNIFIES THE DIVINE BLUEPRINT BLUE AVENTURINE Blue Aventurine for healing and balancing the emotions, communicating and creativity. It enhances leadership qualities and intuitive power. GREEN AVENTURINE Green Aventurine is said to relieve anxiety and calm one's emotions, bringing opportunity and luck in gambling. It is said to enhance the sense of humor and cheerfulness of its possessor. While it makes a powerful good luck piece. It may also draw good luck in love. PEACH AVENTURINE Peach Aventurine is considered a stone of good luck, fortune, and a manifestor of exciting new possibilities. It has been called the "Whisper Stone" since the judgmental inner voice. Peach Aventurine also calms and stills the mind of inner chatter when preparing for and during meditation. RED AVENTURINE Red Aventurine is said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red Aventurine is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner. AXINITE Axinite allows one to submit gracefully to changes and provides grounding in all endeavors. It inspires friendship and an energy that helps to stabilize all types of relationships. Axinite transmits healing energy to the hands and is a perfect companion for energy workers. It is an excellent problem solving stone as it clears away ego and allows us to get to the heart of the matter. Axinite helps to dissolve energy blockages and transmute negativity. It is a very positive crystal that brings out the positive in everyone who encounters it. Physically, Axinite treats disorders of the adrenal glands. AZEZTULITE Azeztulite facilitates meditation inducing a state of "no mind". A stone of inspiration. Tunes into spiritual guidance assisting in making important decisions. Activates ascension points at base of spine, middle of abdomen, and center of brain. Helps to see the future. AZURITE Azurite is a copper carbonate mineral. No stone is a purer embodiment of the Blue Ray than Azurite. It's rich dark-blue color carries the exact frequency of the third-eye chakra and is a natural tool for the activation of that energy center. It is known as a "stone of heaven". It stimulates the pursuit of the heavenly self, awakening the development of the psychic self. Enhances communication & meditation, liver & thyroid stimulant, aids detoxification - cuts through illusion, brings forth creativity. GUIDANCE TO PSYCHIC SELF AZURITE - MALACHITE combines properties of both minerals, deepens meditation in order to be reborn in the light, stimulates liver, detoxifies and releases cramps, and gall bladder problems, initiates transformation and helps release suppressed emotions BARITE TABULAR CRYSTAL Barite is the mineral source of Barium. It's name comes from the Greek word "Barys", meaning "Heavy", as it is unusually heavy for a non-metallic mineral. Barite is an excellent stone for use in the healing of the earth. It produces incentive to "go for" ones dreams without restraint. It enhances friendship, harmony, and love, and can provide independence and motivation. BAUXITE Bauxite is the most important aluminum ore. It was named after the village Les Baux in southern France, where it was first discovered in 1821 by the geologist Pierre Berthier. It is a stone of manifestation that helps ground the ideas of philosophers, thinkers, and dreamers by manifesting their plans. It has the effect of making ideas come to life. BERYL includes aquamarine, emerald, goshenite, heliodor, morganite and golden or yellow beryl. Golden Beryl represents purity in all aspects of all planes of being, promotes the will to succeed with confidence, is a mental balancer, stimulates clairvoyance, telepathy, foresight and astral travel - BERYL IS TO AWAKEN THE PSYCHE TO ITS SKILLS AND EDUCATION GOLDEN BERYL Golden Beryl is said to protect the wearer from being manipulated (telepathically). It also said to increase psychic awareness. With its beautiful Golden Color it would be associated with the Sun. Promotes ones will to succeed even at times when courage fails. Teaches that there is no obstacle in any circumstance which cannot be overcome with confidence, courage and conviction. BISMUTH Bismuth is a man made crystal grown in a lab at about 271 degrees centigrade or 520 degrees Fahrenheit. It can only be grown from electronic grade highly refined bismuth. It has the properties of virtue and unification. It is said to assist one with bringing continuity to activities and seeing situations from different points of view. It is used to gather and store information. BIXBYITE Bixbyite grounds and energizes, an excellent protection piece, enhances intuition, sensitivity, imagination, adaptability and spirituality. It provides for teaching with integrity via insight. Bixbyite can help to ease headaches and painful conditions of the body. BLIZZARD STONE Blizzard was discovered in Alaska in the 1990s while Steve Monroe was looking for meteorites. It heightens the frequency balance of brain-wave transmission and provides connection to the Higher Self, awakening the energy of the third-eye. The stone has been used to locate energy blockages within the body and used extensively in dynamic healing. Magnetic qualities protects our fields, helps us cope with computer stress & worry - HELPS TO RECALL PAST LIVES BLOODSTONE (Heliotrope) This mineral is an intense healing stone and a "stone of courage". It can be used to awaken and to introduce uniformity within the vibrations of energy in the base, navel, sacral, and heart chakras. It helps one to accept the change in energy fields and also helps one toward the direct union with the Divine through contemplation, meditation, and love. Aids in decision making, prevents high blood pressure, cleanser of the body, blood & liver balancer - BRINGS GOOD FORTUNE BOJI STONES Boji Rock is a type of mineral only found in one location in the world, around a natural pyramid in Kansas. These stones have been termed "living stones" due to their own energy field and ability to "die". The energy of the Boji Rock is electromagnetic, and when a pair are held near each other, a slight pushing and pulling is experienced. It aids in meditation and healing. Aligns all subtle bodies, balances and aligns chakras, draws out pain, removes energy blockages - PRODUCES A CIRCULAR ENERGY FROM CROWN TO BASE BORNITE see Peacock stone BRAZILIANITE Brazilianite works well with the Solar Plexus and Heart chakra, assisting release of that which is not desired. Promotes understanding and insight into difficult situations. Brazilianite encourages close examination into situations and relationships. Used to diminish fevers, stabilize the body temperature BRONZITE Bronzite is called both a Stone of Focused Action and a Stone of Courtesy, helpful with certainty and taking control of our actions. It can also help one to think ahead enhancing the ability to take control of our own lives,it can help us also take necessary actions for our own benefit. Bronzite is a good grounding stone also, promotes change in a harmonious way,-helps assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension,dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments. BROOKITE Brookite is a titanium oxide mineral. It is an ascension stone, helping one increase the vibratory frequency of the spiritual body. It enhances psychic communication and connection to extraterrestrial beings. It is said to be a powerful chakra activator, especially the crown, third eye and the Kundalini channel. It can help one deal with intolerable situations. BUSTAMITE Bustamite belongs to the silicates group. In South Africa it is found with sugilite in Kalahari manganese fields. This is truly a stone for powerful energy work. Used in meditation, it provides a safe and sacred place where the soul is honoured and the inner being can feel the perfection of health, harmony and congruity of the universe. CALCITE balances mental and emotional, aids memory, teaches adaptability and learning for learning’s sake - STONE OF GROWTH AND CHANGE Clear Calcite is sometimes called Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar. Clear calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that it's in. In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can ameliorate arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship. Physically, calcites are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, and are generally good for healing. Clear calcite can be used for treating all conditions. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions. All forms of Calcite are energy amplifiers and can make you feel more energized when you carry them. Calcite alleviates skin and intestinal complaints and helps to ease the improper functioning of the kidneys, pancreas and the spleen. It helps to both normalize the rhythm of the heart and to strengthen the heart. Calcite encourages the healing of tissue and bones. It is particularly effective against laziness. Calcite can enhance our memory and is an excellent crystal for those who have lost hope. It has a strong effect in the speeding up of our spiritual development. Orange Calcite can also help to heal problems with the reproductive system, the gallbladder and the intestines. It is an uplifting stone bringing us joy, happiness and good humor. It is also a stone for balancing the emotions. Orange Calcite can help us to overcome fear and depression and is, in general, good for melting away or dissolving problems. Orange Calcite is an ideal stone for helping us to maximize our own potential. CALCITE Blue helps with memory and concentration, good for students who struggle with school or during exams Cobalto-calcite Cobalto-calcite amplifies and cleanses energy from the environment- restores motivation and accelerates growth and development- raises consciousness- links to higher spiritual states and awakens psychic abilities. Absorbs energy and returns it to the sender having transmuted and amplified it- cleanses the auric field and chakras, and is the stone of new beginnings. It helps dissolve pain and lower blood pressure-harmonises the bodies ability to assimilate calcium-is a powerful detoxifier and acts as an antiseptic. This is a stone that speaks of dreams. It helps with the formation of friendships. It enhances psychic abilities and assists one in understanding the cause, effect, and karmic lessons one has or is experiencing. Dogtooth Spar Calcite This mineral releases electrical impulses when placed under pressur, and is an energy amplifier. It helps the mind to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences. Calcite is a world teacher for all of humanity, facilitating macrocosmic awareness and appreciation of creative forces of nature. Fairy Stone Calcite Calcite Fairy Stone has a very soothing energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field. This soothing energy is extremely beneficial for emotional pain or illness. It also brings heightened energy even as it calms. Calcite Fairy stone is great for meditation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subconscious mind, and eases stress and anxiety. Gold or Yellow Calcite stimulates second and third chakras, may help with bladder and internal infections, enhances meditation, brings in spiritual light and knowledge Green Calcite excellent for anything connected to calcium: pains, broken bones, muscles and tendons, motivates - a mental healer, brings balance Honey and Maripose Calcites are beautiful varieties of the abundant group of Calcites. They have the same metaphysical properties, and gently amplify energy. They also assists in the challenges associated with change. They enhance psychic abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness. They also enhance intellect and memory. Orange Calcite provides happiness, vitality and sexual energy, strengthens the second chakra, heals stomach, especially if connected to muscles, dissolves problems and maximizes potential Pink Calcite Pink or Manganocalcite is sometimes called the Reiki Stoneand has a gentle but powerful energy. It has excellent energy amplification ability. It repairs inner child hurts and past abuse replacing it with a sense of motherly love. It is excellent for channeling It helps learning and studying. Manganocalcite is a nurturing stone which assists in self care. It allows us to accept love and have self-love -a high powered stress reliever - removes fears and reduces nightmares. Physically, pink it is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints, kidney, uterus, and physical heart issues. Often called Mangano - great for the heart and solar plexus, facilitates emotional clarity, calming for the whole body Red Calcite strengthens the body, increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids willpower, opens heart chakra Spectaria Calcite see Septarian White Calcite White Calcite helps us to trust ourselves and promotes a sense of stability and constancy which helps us to overcome difficulties and setbacks. It is particularly effective against laziness, helping to make us more energetic, industrious and successful and helping use to put our ideas into action. Calcite is a wonderful stone to use when studying the arts and sciences. Yellow Calcite Yellow Calcite is often used to enhance one’s will and self-confidence. Those who can benefit most from Yellow Calcite’s are people who are pessimistic, sarcastic, or overly analytical. CARNELIAN This mineral stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones inherent talents and adroitness. It is also used to produce inspiration from, and connectedness with, the spiritual worlds. It protects against envy, fear, and rage, and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. Releases sorrow, envy, fear, apathy & rage, past life work, clears blockages, balances emotions, promotes optimism - GUIDE TO THE FOURTH DIMENSION CASSITERITE Cassiterite, also called "Tinstone", can manifest dreams by helping to focus intent and manifestation energies. Provides for grounding and protection. For those whith issues of rejection, prejudice,abandonment, or disapproval. It will help to dissolve the pain or negative energies of these feelings.encourages/enhances optimism and positive spirit. Physically, Cassiterite has been used in the treatment of eating disorders, complusive behaviours, obesity and hormonal imbalances. Color: Black, Red/Brown, Yellow CAVANSITE Cavansite is a beautiful and rare mineral. Cavansite is a stone that aids in many psychic areas. It can stimulate intuition greatly, heightens psychic awareness, stimulates the third eye, and enhances channeling abilities. It is especially helpful in psychic healing and protects the healer during psychic healing sessions. It helps see what part of life needs attention. CELESTITE Celestite has a high vibration and is a teacher for the new age. It is imbued with divine energies. It takes you into the infinite peace of the spiritual and contacts the angelic realms. It jump-starts spiritual development and urges you toward enlightenment. This beautiful crystal promotes purity of the heart and attracts good fortune. It heals the aura and reveals the truth. Highly spiritual, clears mental clutter, enhances thyroid function, stress reduction, helps to adjust to higher state of awareness - STONE OF ANGELS CERUSSITE Cerussite is a popular collection mineral. It is famous for its great sparkle, great density and amazing twinned crystals. Cerussite has one of the highest densities for a transparent mineral. It is over six and a half times as dense as water. Cerussite helps us be centered, confident, capable and versatile amidst life's challenges. Grounding to here/now and higher self. CHALCANTHITE Chalcanthite is a water soluble, copper sulfate. Since it dissolves easily, it is generally found in arid regions, and less frequently occurs in wetter areas. It is a "stone of enchantment". It provides for sincerity, clarity of thought and inducement to accept the invitations of life. It heightens ones instincts and ones innate loyalty to fostering of humanity. CHALCEDONY Chalcedony is great for promoting a sense of peace and joy, helps to relieve one of negative emotions, bringing a greater sense of overall happiness into one's life.All Chalcedonies are thought to absorb negativity. A stone of Brotherhood. promotes group stability,alleviates hostility, increases physical energy and balances the body, emotions, mind and spirit. As a member of the Quartz family, Chalcedony brings a greater sense of overall happiness into one's life. Blue Chalcedony is often used during public speaking. Working with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, Blue Chalcedony is believed to facilitate an exuberant vibe from a speaker to an audience. Blue Chalcedony can be used when facilitating telepathic communication, as well as communication with other realms. Carry when in need of relief from depression or an immune system boost. Has a special connection with the Angelic Realm. Can bring a sense of generosity imparting more joy into one's life centered around service to others. BLUE CHALCEDONY balancing the energies of the body, mind, emotions & spirit, enhances generosity, responsiveness & receptivity - THE CRYSTAL OF DIPLOMATS CHALCEDONY PSEUDOMORPHS An irregular semi concentric formation with rose like patterns. Carries the properties of chalcedony WOODEN CHALCEDONY a well-known example is petrified wood, in which the wood has been completely transformed into Chalcedony. CHAROITE accelerates spiritual growth, enhances self-esteem & ability to love, helps us cope with change, reduces stress & worry, excellent to charge elixirs and potions - VERY HIGH VIBRATION CHIASTOLITE A mysterious crystal found only in few places on Earth. This rare form of Andalusite is the only crystal that bears this unusual cruciform pattern inside. Chiastolite is a powerfully protective stone. This is a creative stone with the power to dispel negative thoughts and feelings. Chiastolite is a gateway into mysteries and facilitates journeys out of the body. CHRYSANTHEMUM STONE also called Chinese writing stone. This is a pattern not a fossil. Helps one understand the flower is always within the self,enjoy the now, bloom into your full potential, inspires, enlivens, eliminate jealousy and animosity - REPRESENTS HARMONY AND CHANGE CHRYSOCOLLA This is a beautiful stone ranging in color from blue to turquoise to green. This is an "Earth" stone. It can help one become better attuned to the Earth - making it easier to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Chrysocolla promotes harmony on a universal level, but it can also purify the home and can even work to eliminate negativity within an individual. Encourages balanced nature & self awareness, communication, female energy, relieves ulcers, arthritis & lowers blood pressure, for stress & tension release - CREATIVITY & INNER STRENGTH CHRYSOPRASE prevents depression, increases grace & equilibrium, balances energy; yin / yang, stimulates liver, detoxification & elimination - PROMOTES INDEPENDENCE LEMON CHRYSOPRASE Lemon Chrysoprase is said to help with depression and help keep the mind more alert. It helps with nightmares specially in children - is good for liver and heart problems, treats hormone imbalance, and soothes the digestive system. Lemon Chrysoprase stimulates ‘thinking out of the box’, and can facilitate visions and a deep peaceful state. It helps harmonize relationships, stimulating self love and passion. It assists in uncovering deceitful unconscious thought patterns and encourages feelings of trust and security. It is the stone of the heart and encourages compassion. CINABRITE Scapolite + epidote It's a new find of 2012 from Peru , an association of white scapolite with red patches of red epidote. CINNABAR excellent in extracting energy blockages and physical obstacles, used for blood disorders and weight management, increases assertiveness, excellent for business, merchants stone - FOR THE STRENGTH OF THE HEART MUSCLE AND ITS VALVE FUNCTION CITRINE a gentle energy, builds confidence, develops the self-discipline to live in a higher awareness - THE MERCHANT’S STONE, aids focus & intuition, stimulates healing, removes mental blockages, cleans auras, detoxifies the body, aids tissue regeneration EMPOWERS FREE THINKING, attracts prosperity A POWER STONE OF THE AGES COPPER Copper was the first metal mined and crafted by man, and has been the most important one in the oldest times of history. It is a metal with a high electrical and thermal conductivity. Copper can combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, and independence. It emits a philosophic energy, free of orthodoxy and bias. Conducts all energies well, removes discordant energy and helps light flow, stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence, use with Quartz to enhance energy flow - HELPS RELEASE SELF RESTRICTION CORAL Coral was once believed to be a plant, but is now known to actually contain living animals called polyps. It is the result of accumulated skeletal masses from these polyps. Coral symbolizes life and blood force energy. It can be used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream, to restore harmony to the heart. Also it aids in depression, lethargy or deficient nutrition. Calms emotions, leads to inner tranquillity, use on bone and calcification, facilitates intuition and mystical propensities, helps communication with past spiritual masters - ACCELERATES THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE

enhances life force - ASSISTS IN ASTRAL TRAVEL .. It is famous for its great sparkle, great density and amazing twinned facilitates journeys out of the body.
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