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Stochastic Systems and Optimization: Proceedings of the 6th IFIP WG 7.1 Working Conference Warsaw, Poland, September 12–16, 1988 PDF

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erutceL Notes ni Control dna noitamrofnI Sciences detidE yb amohT.M renyVV. Adna k.ml IFIPI 136 .J Zabczyk )rotidE( Stochastic Systems and Optimization fo sgnideecorP eht 6th IFIP GW 1.7 gnikroW Conference ,wasraW ,dnaloP September 12-16, 1988 f+~ galreV-regnirpS nilreB grebledieH weN kroY nodnoL siraP oykoT gnoH gnoK Series Editors M. Thoma • A. Wyner Advisory Board L. D. Davisson • A. G. .J MacFarlane • H. Kwakernaak .J L. Massey • Ya Z. Tsypkin A • .J Viterbi Editor Jerzy Zabczyk Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Sniadeckich 8 00- 950 Warsaw Poland ISBN 3-540-51619-0 Spdnger-Vedag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-51619-0 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data IFIP GW 1.7 Working Conference (6th 1988 : : Warsaw, Poland) Stochastic systems and optimization : proceedings of the 6th WG IFIP 1.7 Working Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 12-16, 1988 / J. .W Zabczyk, editor. (Lecture notes in control and information sciences 136) ; ISBN 0-387-51619-0 (U.S.) .1 Control theory--Congresses. 2. Stochastic processes--Congresses. 3. Mathematical optimization--Congresses. .I Zabczyk, Jerzy. .1I Title. .1II Series. QA402.3.~4539 1988 629.8'312--dc20 89-21791 This work is subject to copyright. All rights reserved, are whethtehwreh ole or part otfh e material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, ,gnEtnirper re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions otfh e German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its version of June 24,1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Spdnger-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 1989 Printed In Germany The use of registered trademarks, etc. in names, this publication does not imply, even in the abseonfc e a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Offsetprinting: Mercedes-Druck, Berlin Binding: Helm, Berlin B. 216113020-543210 Printed on acid-free paper. PREFACE This volume presents the scripts of most of the lectures given at the Sixth IFIP Working Conference on Stochastic Systems and Optimization which took place in Warsaw, Poland, September 12-16, 1988. The conference was held under the auspices of IFIP WG 7.1 and was organized by the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Institute of Mathematics of Warsaw University. eliT programme of the conference was prepared with the help of the International Programme Comm~ittee: A.Bensoussan, A.V.Balakrishnan (Committee Chairman), M.H.A. Davis~ }[.Engelbert, W.Fleming, B.Grigelionis, A.Halanay, K.Helmes, L.le±Ksnys and J.Zabczyk. The Organizing Committee consisted of T.Bielecki, T.Bojdeckl, ~.Goldys, K.Malanowski, W.Smoledskl, L.Stettner (Secretary), J.Zabczyk (Conference Chairman) and P.Zaremba. The meeting was a continuation of the foregoing conferences in Kyoto (1976), VilnJus (197g), Visegrad (1980), Marseille-L~nlny ~1984) and Eisenach (1986) and focused on topics of current interest in the field of stochastic systems and opti- mization. Particular emphasis was placed on stochastic differential equations both in finite and infinite dimensional spaces, stochastic control and estimation, asym- ptotic methods and periodic systems. During a special evening session Professor T.Hida and Professor G.Kallianpur shared with the participants their views on the white noise theory. On behalf of the organizers I want to thank all the participants for making the conference an interesting and a memorable event. J. Zabczyk CONTENTS 1. STOCHASTIC FINITE-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS C. BltUNI m~d G. KOCII: Some Results about Two-Mode Stoclnmtic Compartmcutal Models ....................... 3 It. BUCKDAIIN: Anticipating Lincar Stochastic Diffcrcntinl Equations .................................... 18 O. ENCIIEV: Nonlinc~ Filtcring for Signal Correlated with the Noise ................................. 24 II. J. ENGELBEILT and W. SCIIMIDT: Continuous Local Martingales: Strong Markov Property, Solutions of Stocha.~tic Equatious, mid the Interplay between Them ................................ 48 A. IIALANAY and T. MOILOZAN: Tracking Almost Periodic Signals under Whitc Noisc Perturbations ...................... 75 T. IIIDA aald SI SI: Variational Calculus for Gaussian Rmldom Ficlds ........................................ 86 J. KISYI(ISKI: Local Uniqueness of Fcllcr Processes with Intcgrodiffcrcutlal Gem-tarots .................. 98 A. KOWALSKI and D. SZYNAL: On GcncrM ARMA Models and Rcgul~ity Conditions ................................... 112 A. ILOZKOSZ aud L. SLOMINSKI: On Limit Points of a Sequence of Weak Solutions of 0nc-DimcnsionM Stochastic Diffcrcntial Equations ........................................................ 125 K. SOBCZYK: Modelling of Rml(lom Fatigue Accumulation ............................................. 134 V K. UItBANIK: Functionals on Stoch~tic Processes ..................................................... 142 C. VARSAN: Asymptotic Ahnost Periodic Solutions for S~ochastic Differential Equations .............. 152 2. STOCHASTIC INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS T. BOJDECKI and J. JAKUBOWSKI: Stochastic Integral with Respect to a Generalized Wiener Process ill a Coauelcar St)ace .................................................................... 161 A. CHOJN OWSKA-MICtIALIK: Periodic Linear Equations with General Additive Noise in Hilbcrt Spaces ................. 169 P. KOTELENEZ: Low and High Density Reaction-Diffusion Models ........................................ 185 Z. KOTULSKI: EquaLions for the Characteristic Fullctiolml aald Moments of the Complex Stochastic Evolutiolls--Motiw~tion and Results .......................................... 191 It. MANTIlEY: On a Class of Semiliurar Stochast, ic Partial Diffcrcnti~d Equations ........................ 201 B, MASLOWSKI: Strong Feller Property for Scmilinc~u" Stochaztic Evolution Equations and Applications ........................................................................ 210 E. PLATEN: On the Macroscopic Noncquilibl5um Dynmnics of ml Exclusion Process .................. 225 J. ZABCZYK: On L,'u'gc Deviations for Stochastic Evolution Equations ................................. 240 3. STOCHASTIC CONTltOL AND ESTIMATION A. BENSOUSSAN and K. GLOWII~SKI: Al)l)roximation of Zakai Equation by the Splitting up Method ............................ 257 VI A. IIENSOUSSAN and NAGAI: An Ergodic Cont1"ol Problem on Whole Euclidcaal Space ................................. 266 T. BIELECKI and L. STETTNEIt: On Limit Control Principle for Singulm'ly Perturbed Markov Processes ................... 274 T. DUNCAN: Some Solvable Stochastic Control Problems in Symmctrlc Spaces of Type IV ............. 284 D. GATAItEK: Impulsive Control of Picccwisc-Dctcrministic Processes .................................. 298 U. IIAUSSMAN: Synthcsis of Optimal Controls ........................................................... 309 P, KAZIMIEItCZYK: Consistent ML Estimator for Drift Pm'amctcrs of both Ergodic mid Noncrgodic Diffusions ...................................................... 318 B. PASIK-DUNCAN: On Adaptive Control of Contimlous Time Linear Stochastic Systcms ..................... 328 Z, POILOSIi</SKI ~uld K. SZAJOWSKI: A Minim;~x Control of Lineal" Systems ................................................... 344 A. SIEItOCII{/SKI and J. ZABCZYK: On a Packing Problem .................................................................. 356 C. TUDOR: Quadratic Control for Linear Stc~chastic Equations with Pathwisc Cost ................... 360 ADDRESSES OF CONTRIBUTORS .............................................. 371 .i STOCHASTIC FINITE DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS SOME RESULTS ABOUT TW0-MODE STOCHASTIC COMPARTMENTAL MODELS C. Bruni i, G. Koch 2 I) Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma 2) Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" piazzale A. Moro 5, 00186 Roma I. Models rof two-mode compartmental systems. In this paper we consider a class fo population models, which will be named "two-mode" and si suitable ot represent phenomena characterized by the interaction fo two compartment groups. The two groups, both containing the same number fo compartments, exhibit some difference ni their behaviour ("mode"), and ni the following we conventionally denote them as "active" and "inactive" compartments. a i Let 2n be the total number fo compartments, and tel Xkt , Xkt , ,n...,2,l=k denote the number fo individuals at time ,t respectively ni the a i active and inactive k-th compartment. By X t and Xt we denote the n- a i dimensional vectors respectively with components Xkt , Xkt , and by t X we denote the 2n-dimensional aggregate vector : = t X )l.i( \×t) 4 We assume that within both active and inactive subsystems the exchanges of individuals may occur in all possible ways, and we denote by a i vkj' ~kj the exchange rates from k-th to j-th compartment, k,j=l,2,...n, respectively in the active and inactive subsystem. We also assume that between the active and inactive subsystems exchanges only occur in a pairwise fashion, that is each active compartment communicates in both direction with just one inactive compartment (by a suitable ordering, any two communicating compartments will be given the same index). Moreover a special feature of our model is that these last exchanges occur much faster than those ones within each subsystem. For this reason, the exchange rate from j-th active (inactive) compartment to j-th inactive ai ia (active) one will be denoted by c.~j (c.t)j ), where c is a gain factor, c>>1. In order to account for possible birth/reproduction and death phenomena, each exchange between communicating compartments is attached a reproduction factor ,¢o which is a non negative integer expressing the number of individuals appearing into the arrival compartment whenever one individual disappears from the departure one. This factor will be indexed in the same way as the corresponding exchange a i rate. By assigning to a reproduction factor of the type ~Xkk (CXkk) a value greater than 1, one can model reproduction phenomena occurring within the k-th active (inactive) compartment itself. No reproduction is allowed in the exchanges between an active (inactive) compartment and the inactive ai ia (active) corresponding one, thus C~k = °~k = 1. This is motivated by the fact that such exchanges have indeed to be considered as changes of "status" (of mode) for the individual, rather than real compartmental transitions; besides, they will be supposed to occur at a very high rate, which cannot be matched by necessarily slower reproduction processes. Deaths can be accounted for by simply giving one compartment (let us say the n-th one) in each subsystem the role of death compartment, defined as the arrival compartment for all (and only those) exchanges with a zero a i reproduction factor. Assuming for the initial condition Xn0, Xn0, the zero value., the death compartments stay permanently empty and death corresponds indeed to a disappearing of individuals.

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