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STOCHASTIC QUANTIZATION FOR THE FRACTIONAL EDWARDS MEASURE. 6 1 WOLFGANGBOCK,TORBENFATTLER,ANDLUDWIGSTEIT 0 2 Abstract. Weprovetheexistenceofadiffusionprocesswhoseinvariantmea- n sure is the fractional polymer or Edwards measure for fractional Brownian a motionindimensiond∈NwithHurstparameterH ∈(0,1)fulfillingdH <1. J The diffusion is constructed via Dirichlet form techniques in infinite dimen- 4 sional (Gaussian) analysis. Moreover, we show that the process is invariant 2 undertimetranslations. ] h p - 1. Introduction h t For a given probability measure ν on a measureable space X the stochastic a m quantization of ν means the construction of a Markov process which has ν as an invariant measure. Stochastic quantization has been studied first by Parisi and [ Wu for applications in quantum field theory, which were extended to Euclidean 1 quantum fields. v The two-dimensional polymer measure is informally given as 6 0 dµ =Z−1e−gLdµ , g 0 4 whereµ denotestheWienermeasure,Ltheself-intersectionlocaltimeofBrownian 6 0 0 motion and Z is a normalization constant. In the two-dimensional case stochastic . quantizationfor this ”polymer measure” has been studied by Albeverio, Roeckner, 1 0 Hu and Zhou [1]. Here we follow their approach, using Dirichlet forms also in the 6 fractional case. 1 Intersectionlocaltimes L ofBrownianmotionhavebeen studiedfor a longtime : v and by many authors, see e.g. [1],[2], [5]-[6], [10], [15], [17], [19] and [25]-[30], the i intersections of Brownian motion paths have been studied even since the Forties X [18]. One can consider intersections of sample paths with themselves or e.g. with r a other, independent Brownian motions e.g. [29], one can study simple [6] or n-fold intersections e.g. [7], [19] and one can ask all of these questions for linear, planar, spatial or - in general - d-dimensional Brownian motion: self-intersections become increasingly scarce as the dimension d increases. Asomewhatinformalbutverysuggestivedefinitionofself-intersectionlocaltime of a Gaussian process Y is in terms of an integral over Dirac’s - or Donsker’s - δ- function L(Y)≡ d2tδ(Y(t )−Y(t )), 2 1 Z where for now Y =B is a Brownianmotion, intended to sum up the contributions from each pair of ”times” t ,t for which the process Y is at the same point. In 1 2 Edwards’ modeling of long polymer molecules by Brownian motion paths, L is Date:January26,2016. 1 2 WOLFGANGBOCK,TORBENFATTLER,ANDLUDWIGSTREIT used to model the ”excluded volume” effect: different parts of the molecule should not be located at the same point in space. As another application, Symanzik [25] introduced L as a tool in constructive quantum field theory. A rigorousdefinition, suchas e.g. througha sequence of Gaussiansapproximat- ing the δ-function, will lead to increasingly singular objects and will necessitate various”renormalizations”asthedimensiondincreases. Ford>1the expectation will diverge in the limit and must be subtracted [17], [26], as a side effect such a localtimewillthennomorebepositive. Ford>3variousfurtherrenormalizations have been proposed [27] that will make L into a well-defined generalized function of Brownian motion. For d = 3 a multiplicative renormalization gives rise to an independent Brownian motion as the weak limit of regularized and subtracted ap- proximationstoL[30];anotherrenormalizationhasbeenconstructedbyWestwater to make the Gibbs factor e−g·L of the polymer model well-defined [28]. In this article we first introduce the setting along the lines of white noise or Gaussiananalysis,usingthe fractionalwhite noisemeasure. Thiscanbe compared to the approach in [22]. Moreover the results from [24] concerning the gradient are extended to this setting. We show in the framework of Dirichlet forms, that thereexistsaMarkovprocesswhichhasthefractionalpolymermeasureasinvariant measure. The proof is based on the results of [13] and [14], which show that the self-intersection local time in the case Hd < 1 is Meyer-Watanabe differentiable. The closability of the gradient Dirichlet form is then shown by an integration by parts argument. The irreducibility follows as in the Brownian case, see [1]. 2. Framework For d ∈ N and Hurst parameter H ∈ (0,1) fractional Brownian motion in dimension d is a Rd-valued centered Gaussian process BH with covariance t t≥0 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) cov (t,s):=E BHBH = t2H +s2H −|t−s|2H , s,t∈[0,∞). H t s 2 (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) For s ∈ (0,∞) let Θ := and set Θ ,Θ := cov (t,s) for s,t ∈ [0,∞). s 1[0,s) s t H H Moreover,let X :=span Θ s>0 . Hence x,y ∈X are of the form s (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:8) (cid:12) n (cid:9) m (cid:12) x= α Θ , y = β Θ i si j tj i=1 j=1 X X with n,m∈N and n m x,y := α β Θ ,Θ H i j si tj H i=1j=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) XX (cid:0) (cid:1) definesaninnerproductonX. Takingtheabstractcompletionoftheinnerproduct space X,(·,·) we obtain a Hilbert space H,h·,·i , extending (·,·) to H. H H H Moreover, H,h·,·i has a countable orthonormal basis η . For k ∈N let (cid:0) (cid:1) H (cid:0) (cid:1) k k∈N λ ∈R such that k (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) ∞ 1 1<λ <λ <...<λ <λ <... and <∞. 1 2 k k+1 λ2 k=1 k X STOCHASTIC QUANTIZATION 3 Next we consider ∞ H∋f 7→Af := λ f,η η ∈H k k k H k=1 X (cid:10) (cid:11) and define for p∈N H := f ∈H kApfk <∞ and N := H , p H p p∈N (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) \ (cid:12) wherek·k denotesthe inducednormonH. ThenN isacountablyHilbertspace, H which is Fr´echet and nuclear, compare e.g. [23]. Its topological dual is given by N′ := H . −p p∈N [ Thus we obtain the Gel’fand triple N ⊂H⊂N′. We denote complexifications by a subscript C. Now by the Bochner-Minlos-Sazanov theorem, see e.g. [3] or [11], we define a Gaussian measure µ on N′ by H 1 exp(ihω,ξi ) dµ (ω):=exp − kξk . ZN′ H H (cid:18) 2 H(cid:19) Remark 2.1. Note that the measure has full support, i.e. every open set has pos- itive measure. This can be seen by [9], Thm. 6 or the fact that the measure is quasi translation invariant w.r.t. shifts in direction of the subspace N dense in N′, compare e.g. [12], chapter 4B. We obtain the probability space (N′,C ,µ ). Here C := σ(Cξ1,...,ξn ) denotes σ H σ F1,...,Fn the σ-algebra of cylinder sets Cξ1,...,ξn = ω ∈N′ hξ ,ωi∈F ,...,hξ ,ωi∈F , F1,...,Fn 1 1 n n n (cid:12)(cid:12) ξi ∈N,Fj ∈B(R),j =1,...,n, n∈N , (2.1) o where B(R) denotes the σ-algebra of Borel sets in R. Note that since N is a nuclear countably Hilbert space we have, see e.g. [12]: C (N′)=B (N′)=B (N′), σ w s where B (N′) (resp. B (N′)) is the Borel σ-algebra generated by the weak (resp. w s strong) topology. We define by N P := p∈L2(N′;µH) p= hω⊗n,f⊗ni, f ∈NC ( ) (cid:12) nX=0 (cid:12) the space of smooth polynomials. (cid:12) We intend to construct the stochastic quantization Markov process via a local Dirichlet form as e.g. in [8]. To this end we define differential operators as follows: 4 WOLFGANGBOCK,TORBENFATTLER,ANDLUDWIGSTREIT Definition 2.2. Let p∈P and (ηk)k∈N ⊂N a CONS of H. Setting N p(ω+λη )−p(ω) D p(ω)= lim k = nhη ⊗ω⊗n−1,f⊗ni, ηk λ→0 λ k n=1 X we define ∇p:=(D p)∞ . ηk k=1 Remark2.3. Notethatthis definesD and∇onadensesubspaceofL2(N′;µ ). ηk H For p∈P we have ∞ ∞ N N (D p)2 = mnhω⊗m−1⊗η ,f⊗mihω⊗n−1⊗η ,f⊗ni ηk k k k=1 k=1m=1n=1 X X X X N N = m nhω⊗m+n+2,(f,f) f⊗n+m−2i. H m=1 n=1 X X Furthermoreforu∈HtheadjointD∗ =h·,ui −D onadensesubspace,e.g.poly- u H u nomials in L2(N′;µ ), see e.g. [24]. H 3. Results In the following we will just write L for L(BH), where BH, H ∈ (0, 1), is a d d-dimensional fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H. Moreover we denote by ν the measure ν =e−gLµ . g g H Theorem 3.1. The bilinear form E (u,v):=E(e−gL∇u·∇v), u,v ∈P, νg isadenselydefined, closable, symmetricpre-Dirichlet form andgives risetoalocal, quasi-regular Dirichlet form (E ,D(E )). Here E denotes expectation w.r.t. µ . νg νg H Theorem3.2. ThereexistsadiffusionprocessM=(Ω,F,(Ft)t≥0,(Xt)t≥0,(Pω)ω∈N′) which is associated with (E ,D(E )). νg νg Theorem3.3. Thereexistsaconstantc >0(seeLemma4.1below), suchthatfor 0 all g <c the form (E ,D(E )) is irreducible (i.e. u∈D(E ) with (E (u,u)=0 0 νg νg νg νg implies u is a constant), equivalently the associated diffusion is invariant under time translations. 4. Proofs Proof of Thm. 3.1: Note that the polynomials are dense in L2(N′;e−gLµ , H) compare the proof of Prop. 10.3. [12], p.371 and Prop. 2.3.2 from [23]. We show closability using an integration by parts criterion. Let (η ) be a CONS. We can k k write ∞ E (u,v)= E e−gLD u·D v . νg ηk ηk k=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) Itis enoughto show,see e.g.[20], thateachterminthe sumis closable. Indeed we have for the components of the gradient: E(D u·(vexp(−gL)))=E(uD∗ (v·exp(−gL))) ηk ηk =E(u(h·,η ivexp(−gL)−D v−vgD L)exp(−gL)). (4.1) k ηk ηk STOCHASTIC QUANTIZATION 5 We intendto showthat the lastexpressionis finite foru,v ∈P. This is evidentfor the first two terms. For the last one we have |E(v(DηkL)exp(−gL))|≤kvkL2(N′;µH)·kDηkLkL2(N′;µH), which is finite due to the Meyer-Watanabe differentiability of L, see e.g. [13]. For u,v ∈ P the expression (4.1) is well-defined, i.e. the adjoint of the gradient is densely defined. Hence the form is closable, see e.g. [16]. The rest follows by [20] Section IV.b., Thm. 3.5. (cid:4) Proof of Thm. 3.2 The proof is an immediate result of [20] Section IV.b., Thm. 3.5. (cid:4) For the proof of Theorem 3.3 we will follow the lines of [1]. In order to do so, we need a further result from [14]. Lemma 4.1 ([14], Thm. 1). Suppose that Hd<1. Then the self-intersection local time L fulfills E(eLp)<∞, for any p < 1 . Moreover there exists a constant c > 0 such that for all c < c Hd 0 0 one has 1 E(ecLHd)<∞, In particular, E(ecL) is then finite. This we will use in the following proof. Proof of Thm. 3.3: For ϕ∈L2(N′,e−gLµ ), and 1 + 1 =1,p,q>1 we have H p q g g 2 2 |ϕ|p dµ (ω)= |ϕ|p exp − L exp L dµ (ω) H p p H Z Z (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 1 p q q ≤ |ϕ|2exp(−gL)dµ (ω) · exp gL dµ (ω) , H p H (cid:18)Z (cid:19) (cid:18)Z (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) by Ho¨lder inequality. The last term is finite if qg < c as in Lemma 4.1. In this p 0 case we obtain |ϕ|p2 dµH(ω)≤CkϕkLp22(H;e−gLdµH). (4.2) Z Hence for any polynomial v ∈P, by setting ϕ=∇v, we have 2 2 p k∇vk2 := k∇vkpdµ (ω) ≤CE (v,v). (4.3) H,p2 H H νg (cid:18)Z (cid:19) So we see already that E (v,v)=0 implies v =const. a.e. for any v ∈P. νg Consider now u ∈ D(E ) such that E (u,u) = 0. Then by closability we νg νg find a sequence (v ) in P such that v → u in D(E ). Then by (4.3) we see n n n νg that k∇v k → 0. The convergence in L2(N′;e−gLdµ ) implies convergence in n H,p2 H Lp2(N′,dµ ), due to (4.2). The same holds for the gradients by (4.3). H Altogether,we havea polynomialsequencewhichapproximatesuin D . Here 1,p2 D denotes the corresponding Malliavin–Sobolev space, see e.g. [21] Sect. 1.2. 1,p2 Thus by [21] Prop. 1.5.5. we obtain u ∈ D , if 2 > 1, which is the case if we 1,p2 p choose p∈(1,2). 6 WOLFGANGBOCK,TORBENFATTLER,ANDLUDWIGSTREIT Moreover,inthiscasewehavethat∇u=0a.e.. Thenby[21]Prop.1.2.5,since ∇u=0 and u∈D , we find that u=E(u), which is a constant. 1,p2 The properties hold µ -a.e. and thus e−gLµ -a.e. by absolute continuity of the H H measure. Thus we have shown the assertion. (cid:4) Acknowledgement: WetrulythankM.Ro¨cknerforhelpfuldiscussions. Further- more we thank M. Grothaus and M. J. Oliveira for helpful comments. Financial supportby CRC 701and the mathematics departmentof the University ofKaiser- slautern for researchvisits at Bielefeld university are gratefully acknowledged. References [1] Albeverio, S., Hu,Y.-Z.,R¨ockner, M., Zhou, X. 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