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Stochastic Processes — Mathematics and Physics II: Proceedings of the 2nd BiBoS Symposium held in Bielefeld, West Germany, April 15–19, 1985 PDF

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Preview Stochastic Processes — Mathematics and Physics II: Proceedings of the 2nd BiBoS Symposium held in Bielefeld, West Germany, April 15–19, 1985

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 1250 IIII I Stochastic Processes- Mathematics and Physics 1! Proceedings of the 2nd BiBoS Symposium held ni Bielefeld, West Germany, April 15-19, 1985 Edited S. by Albeverio, .hP Blanchard and .L Streit galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg NewYork Berlin London Paris oykoT Editors Sergio Albeverio Ruhr-Universit~.t Bochum, Mathematisches Institut Universit~,tsstr. 150, 4630 Bochum, Federal Republic of Germany Philippe Blanchard Ludwig Streit Fakult&t fur Physik, Universit~.t Bielefetd Postfach 8640, 4800 Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany Mathematics Subject Classification (1980): 22-XX, 28-XX, 31-XX, 34 B XX, 35-XX, 35JXX, 46-XX, 58-XX, 60GXX, 60HXX, 60JXX, ?3-XX, ?6-XX, 81 C20, 82-XX, 85-XX ISBN 3-540-17797-3 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-17797-3 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg sihT work si tcejbus to ,thgirypoc llA sthgir era ,devreser whether eht of part or whole eht lairetam si ,denrecnoc yllacificeps the sthgir of ,noitalsnart ,gnitnirper esu-er of ,snoitartsulli ,noitaticer ,gnitsacdaorb noitcudorper no smliforcim or ni other ,syaw dna storage ni data .sknab noitacilpuD this of noitacilbup thereof parts or si only dettimrep the under snoisivorp of eht namreG Copyright waL 9, 1965, September of ni sti noisrev of enuJ ,42 ,5891 dna a thgirypoc fee tsum be always .diap snoitaloiV the under fall noitucesorp act of eht namreG Copyright .waL © galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg Berlin 7891 detnirP ni ynamreG gnitnirP dna :gnidnib suahkcurD ,ztleB .rtsgreB/hcabsmeH 2146/3140-543210 PREFACE ehT Second Symposium no "Stochastic Processes: Mathematics dna Physics" saw held at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, in April 1985. It saw organized by the Bielefeld - muhcoB Research Center Stochastics (BiBoS), sponsored by the Volkswagen Stiftung. ruO aim by choosing the topics of the conference saw to present different aspects of stochastic methods dna techniques concerning not only the mathematical development of the theory but also its applications to various problems in physics dna other domains. • ehT IInd BiBoS-Symposium saw an attempt to provide na overview of these results, as well as of open problems. ehT success of the meeting saw due first of all to the speakers: thanks to their efforts it saw possible to take recent developments into account. It is a pleasure to thank the staff of ZiF for their generous help in the organization of the Symposium, in particular .sM .M Hoffmann. eW are also grateful to .sM B. Jahns, .sM M.L. Jegerlehner dna Dipl.-Phys. Tyll KrUger for preparing the manuscripts for publication. S. Albeverio, .hP Blanchard L. Streit Bielefeld dna Bochum, February 1987 CONTENTS Ph. Blanchard, Ph. Combe, .M Sirugue, .M Sirugue-Collin Jump processes related to the two dimensional Dirac equation ......... I E. BrUning A constructive characterization of Radon probability measures on infinite dimensional spaces .......................................... 41 I.M. Davies A "Brownian motion" with constant speed .............................. 13 M.H.A. Davis, G.L. zemoG The semi-martingale approach to the optimal resource allocation in the controlled labour-surplus economy ................................ 63 R. Figari, S. Teta A central limit theorem for the Laplacian.in regions with many small holes .......................................................... 75 M. Fukushima, S. Nakao, .M Takeda nO Dirichlet forms with random date - - recurrence and homogenization ....................................................... 87 R. Graham, D. Roekaerts A Nicolai pam for supersymmetric quantum mechanics on Riemannian manifolds ............................................................ 98 Z. Haba Stochastic equations for some Euclidean fields ........................ 601 V Y. Higuchi Percolation of the two-dimensional Ising model .................. 021 .N .G van nepmaK woH od stochastic processes enter into physics? ................. 821 oW Kirsch Estimates no the difference between succeeding eigenvalues dna Lifshitz tails for random Schr~dinger operators ................. 831 T, Koski ,W Loges nO identification for distributed parameter systems ............. 251 .P .A Meyer Fock space dna probability theory ............................... 061 .Y Oshima, .M Takeda nO a transformation of symmetric Markov processes dna recurrence property ........................................................ 171 Y. Oshima nO absolute continuity of two symmetric diffusion processes ..... 481 .E Presutti Collective phenomena in stochastic particle systems ............. 591 Y. Rozanov Boundary problems for stochastic partial differential equations . 332 .W .R Schneider Generalized one-sided stable distributions ...................... 962 .G L. Sewell mutnauQ fields, gravitation dna thermodynamics .................. 882 Vl A. Stoll Self-repellent random walks and polymer measures in two dimensions 298 .M Takeda nO the uniqueness of the Markovian self-adjoint extension ........ 319 D. Testard Representations of the group of equivariant loops in SU(N) ........ 326 .W von Waldenfels Proof of na algebraic central limit theorem by moment generating functions ........................................................ 342 H. Watanabe Averaging and fluctuations of certain stochastic equations ...... 348 .W Zheng Semimartingale with smooth density. - the problem of "nodes" - ..................................... 356 PMUJ SESSECORP DETALER OT EHT OWT LANOISNEMID CARID NOITAUQE .hP Blanchard Theoretische Physik dna BiBoS Universit~t Bielefeld .hP ebmoC Universit# d'Aix Marseille II dna ,SRNC-TPC Marseille, dna BiBoS .M Sirugue ,SRNC-TPC Marseille .M Sirugue-Collin SRNC-TPC dna Universit# ed Provence, Marseille I. Introduction In four papers [I] written from 1963 to 1968, Symanzik indicated woh to fit Feynman's formal approach [2] to Bose quantum field theory into a framework making possible mathematical control. ehT Euclidean strategy sah emoceb a central tool in the mathematical analysis of quantum field theory, which simplifies exact calcula- tions dna estimates of functional integrals (see e.g. [3] dna the reference therein). ehT derivation of a path integral representation for the wave function of spin par- ticles saw solved by dna namnyeF Hibbs [4, ex. 2-6] dna revisited many times [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Recently, a probabilistic solution saw derived for the Pauli equation [11], [12] r [13] dna na approach based no stochastic mechanics saw formulated [14], [15]. There sah been a revival of probabilistic representations of the solutions of the Dirac equation in the last few years with the work of Gaveau, Jacobson, caK dna Shulman [16] dna the thesis of Jacobson [17] no the one hand, dna a series of papers yb Ichinose [18], [19], [20], [21] no the other hand. Ichinose proved the existence of a matrix valued countably additive path space measure no the Banach space of con- tinuous paths for the Dirac equation in two dimensional space time. Gaveau et al. derived a probabilistic representation of the solution of the free Euclidean Dirac equation in two space time dimensions. However, they were not able to treat the Dirac equation in the presence of na external potential. ehT purpose of this lecture is to present for real time a probabilistic re- presentation for the solution of the two dimensional Dirac equation in terms of pure jump processes, even in the presence of na external electromagnetic field. eW refer to [22] for a generalization for the 3- dna 4-dimensional cases. But briefly the deep origin for the derivation of such a probabilistic repre- sentation even for a real time is the existence of an underlying Poisson process, which allows to define Feynman's path integral as a bone fide integral. This is es- pecially obvious in two space time dimensions. Indeed, using a time reversal the real time Dirac equation can be identified to the backward Kolmogorow equation of a jump process both in time and helicity. The propagation of the nonrelativistic quantum mechanical Euclidean electron can be expressed in terms of the Wiener process or Brownian motion. In this lecture, ew will show that ot~ler well-known stochastic processes, namely Markov jump processes, play the same role to describe the propagation of the relativistic electron even in the presence of external fields, Moreover, taking advantage of this probabilistic representation the nonrela- tivistic limit c ~ can be studied. Finally, let us mention that lattice approximation in connection with path integral representation for the Dirac equation has been considered [17] t [23]. II. Stochastic Models Related to Telegrapher's Equation and Euclidean Dirac Equation In this section, we will first consider a strongly biased random walk, which leads not to a diffusion equation but to a hyperbolic one, the Telegrapher's equa- tion. This model has been considered in [24]. eW have a one dimensional lattice and a particle starting from the origin x = 0 which always move with speed c either in the positive direction or in the negative direction. Each step is of duration At and covers a distance c (the lattice spacing). eW have then c = cA t, At each lattice point ew assume that aAt is the probability of reversal of direction, a being small. eW introduce won the following dichotomic variable f +1 with probability 1-aAt (2.1) a = \ -I with probability aAt and consider a sequence {1,a2 .... ~n-i of such independent random variables. Let n X be the displacement of the particle starting from the origin after n steps. If the particle starts in the positive direction then n X will be n = X c At[1 + I a + ala 2 + ... +al{ 2 ...an_ 1] (2.2) and if it starts in the negative direction this displacement will be -X n . Let be a smooth function. eW consider won the two following expectations ( mn ) ±X = E[m(X ± Xn)] (2.3) Writing +2o+t(I~CtAC+tAc+x[~[E q)+(X) = .... + (~2a3...an_l)] ] .1 and performing first the average over I a we will obtain a recursion relation for the m~'s , namely = E[ [x +cAt-c t(1 ] L + (1-aAt)E[~[x+cAt+cAt(l+a2+...+a2a3...an_l)] ] + = aAt mn_l(X + cat) + (1 - aAt)~n_l(X + cat). (2.4) In the same way we obtain for ~n the following recursion relation mn(X ) = aAt m:_l(X-CAt)+(l-aAt)q)n_l(X-cAt). (2.5) The equation (2.4) can now be rewritten + + + + q)n(X)-~°n- l(X) ~n- i (x + cat) -q)n_l(X) a[m:_l(X+cAt) - mn_l(X + + cat)]. At At Taking the limit At ÷ 0 in such a way that nat = t we get T m{o- + = c ~-oxJ- - a m + a + m - (2.6a) -°~~at - -c --~-~i + + ma - - ma (2.6b) I + - Settina f = (~++m-) and g = ~(m -m ) we obtain ~f ~g (2.7) ~t - c ~-~ = c~ Of 2ag. (2.8) Differentiating (2.7) with respect to t and (2.8) with respect to x , we obtain for f the Telegrapher equation 1 ~2f a2f 2a ~f (2.9) 0t 2 = c ---x~ ~ c ~t " eW will now discuss briefly limiting cases of this equation. If a = 0 then the probability of reversing direction is zero; it follows that f(x,t) = ½[~(x+ct) + ~(x-ct)] (2.1o) and ew recognize the case of a vibrating string. a2 i Letting won a ~ +~ and c ~ +~ in such a way that ~ = stays constant, (2.9) becomes the diffusion equation 1 ~f ~2f (2.11) D ~t ~x 2 In the model ew consider the probabilities are either extremely small or extremely large. For the standard random walk model leading to Brownian motion the probability of a move to the right or to the left is 1/2 . Therefore, the only way to obtain I/2 is to let a ~ as At ~ O. Moreover, in the limit of the random walk model the velocity of a Brownian particle is infinite: for this reason c must also go to infinity. eW will won briefly discuss the connection with Poisson process t N and ex- press the velocity c(t) of the particle at time t. The number of reversals of direction up to time t is just t N , so ew have (assuming that the particle starts in the positive direction) t N c(t) = c(-I) and the position of the particle at time t , which is the continuous analogue of n , X is given by t N x(t) = c | (-1) T Td (2.12) 0 The solution of the Telegrapher'sequation is simply in terms of Poisson process: f(x,t) = ½ [ El~(x c + ]rt (-I)N ~ dr) + ~(x - c I t (-1) NTd~)] (2.13) L 0 0 eW notice a close analogy between (2.10) and (2.13). The time t in (2.10) is re- placed by the random time S~(-I) ~N d[ and the expectation with respect to the Pois- son process is taken. This property is valid for all equations of this form in any numbers of dimensions. Consider for example the equation 1 ~2f (t,x) + 2a ~f (t,x) = Af(t,x) x E RI d (2.14) 2 c ~t 2 ~-~ ~ , .

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