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STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY NOISE ROLANDSCHNAUBELTANDMARKVERAAR 0 1 0 Abstract. We study the wellposedness and pathwise regularity of semilin- 2 earnon-autonomousparabolicevolutionequationswithboundaryandinterior noiseinanLp setting. Weobtainexistence anduniqueness ofmildandweak n solutions. The boundary noise term is reformulated as a perturbation of a a stochastic evolutionequation withvalues inextrapolationspaces. J 3 1 ] 1. Introduction R Inthispaperweinvestigatethewellposednessandpathwiseregularityofsemilin- P ear non-autonomous parabolic evolution equations with boundary noise. A model . h example which fits in the class of problems we study is given by t a ∂u m (t,s)= (t,s,D)u(t,s) on (0,T] S, ∂t A × [ ∂w (1.1) (t,s,D)u(t,s)=c(t,u(t,s)) (t,s) on (0,T] ∂S, 1 B ∂t × v u(0,s)=u (s), on S. 0 7 3 Here S Rd is a bounded domain with C2 boundary, (t, ,D)=div(a(t, ) ) for ⊂ A · · ∇ 1 uniformlypositivedefinite,symmetricmatricesa(t,s)withtheconormalboundary 2 operator (t,s,D), c(t,ξ) is Lipschitz in ξ C, (w(t)) is a Brownian motion t≥0 . B ∈ 1 for an filtration and with values in Lr(∂S) for some r 2, and u is an t t≥0 0 0 -measurable in{iFtia}l value. Actually, we also allow for lower ord≥er terms, interior 0 0 F noise, nonlocal nonlinearities, and more general stochastic terms, see Section 4. 1 As a first step one has to give a precise meaning to the formal boundary con- : v dition in (1.1). We present two solution concepts for (1.1) in Section 4, namely a i X mildandaweakone,whichareshowntobe equivalent. Ouranalysisis thenbased on the mild version of (1.1), which fits into the general framework of [29] where r a parabolicnon-autonomousevolutionequationsinBanachspacesweretreated. The results in [29] rely on the stochastic integrationtheory in certain classes of Banach spaces (see [8, 21, 23]). In order to use [29], the inhomogeneous boundary term is reformulated as an additive perturbation of a stochastic evolution equation cor- responding to homogeneous boundary conditions. This perturbation maps into a so–called extrapolation space for the realization A(t) of (t, ,D) in Lp(S) with A · the boundary condition (t, ,D)u = 0 (where p [2,r]). Such an approach was B · ∈ Date:January13,2010. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary60H15;Secondary35R60, 47D06. Key words and phrases. Parabolic stochastic evolution equation, multiplicative boundary noise,non-autonomous equations,mildsolution,variationalsolution,extrapolation. Thesecondnamedauthor wassupportedbytheAlexander vonHumboldtfoundationandby aVENIsubsidie(639.031.930)intheVernieuwingsimpulsprogrammeoftheNetherlandsOrgani- zationforScientificResearch(NWO). 1 2 ROLANDSCHNAUBELTANDMARKVERAAR developed for deterministic problems by Amann in e.g. [5] and [6]. We partly use somewhat different techniques taken from [18], see also the references therein. For this reformulation, one further needs the solution map of a corresponding elliptic boundaryvalue problemwithboundarydatainLr(∂S)whichis the rangespaceof the Brownianmotion. Here we heavily rely on the theory presented in [5], see also the references therein. We observe that in [5] a large class of elliptic systems was studied. Accordingly,wecouldin factallowforsystems in(1.1), but wedecided to restrict ourselves to the scalar case in order to simplify the presentation. We establish in Theorem 4.3 the existence and uniqueness of a mild solution u to (1.1). Such a solution is a process u : [0,T] Ω Lp(S) where (Ω,P) is the × → probability space for the Brownian motion. We further show that for a.e. fixed ω Ω the path t u(t,ω) is (H¨older) continuous with values in suitable interpo- ∈ 7→ lationspacesbetweenLp(S)andthe domainofA(t), providedthatu belongsto a 0 corresponding interpolation space a.s.. As a consequence, the paths of u belong to C([0,T],Lq(S))for allq <dp/(d 1). Atthis point,we makeuse ofthe additional − regularity provided by the Lp approachto stochastic evolution equations. In [20] an autonomous version of (1.1) has been studied in a Hilbert space sit- uation (i.e., r =p = 2) employing related techniques. However, in this paper only regularity in the mean and no pathwise regularity has been treated. In [12, 13.3], § Da Prato and Zabczyk have also investigated boundary noise of Neumann type. They deal with a specific situation where a(t) = I, the domain is a cube and the noise acts on one face which allows more detailed results. See also [3], [13] and [27] for further contributions to problems with boundary noise. As explained in Remark 4.9 we cannot treat Dirichlet type boundary conditions due to our meth- ods. In one space dimension Dirichlet boundary noise has been consideredin [4] in weighted Lp–spaces by completely different techniques. In the next section, we first recall the necessary material about parabolic deter- ministic evolution equations and about stochastic integration. Then we study an abstract stochastic evolution equation related to (1.1) in Section 3. Finally, in the last section we treat a more general version of (1.1) and discuss various examples concerning the stochastic terms. 2. Preliminaries We write a . b if there exists a constant c only depending on K such that K a cb. The relation ah b expresses that a . b and b . a. If it is clear what K K K ≤ is meant, we just write a . b for convenience. Throughout, X denotes a Banach space, X∗ its dual, and (X,Y) the space of linear bounded operators from X B into another Banach space Y. If the spaces are real, everything below should be understood for the complexification of the objects under consideration. The complexinterpolationspaceforaninterpolationcouple(X ,X )oforderη (0,1) 1 2 ∈ is designated by [X ,X ] . We refer to [28] for the relevant definitions and basic 1 2 η properties. 2.1. Parabolic evolutionfamilies. Webrieflydiscusstheapproachtonon–auto- nomous parabolic evolution equations developed by Acquistapace and Terreni, [2]. For w R and φ [0,π], set Σ(φ,w) = λ C : arg(z w) φ . A family ∈ ∈ { ∈ | − | ≤ } (A(t),D(A(t))) satisfies the hypothesis (AT) if the following two conditions t∈[0,T] hold, where T >0 is given. STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY NOISE 3 (AT1) A(t) are densely defined, closed linear operatorson a Banachspace X and there are constants w R, K 0, and φ (π,π) such that Σ(φ,w) ∈ ≥ ∈ 2 ⊂ ̺(A(t)) and K R(λ,A(t)) k k≤ 1+ λ w | − | holds for all λ Σ(φ,w) and t [0,T]. ∈ ∈ (AT2) There are constants L 0 and µ,ν (0,1] such that µ+ν >1 and ≥ ∈ A (t)R(λ,A (t))(A (t)−1 A (s)−1) Lt sµ(λ +1)−ν w w w w k − k≤ | − | | | holds for all λ Σ(φ,0) and s,t [0,T], where A (t)=A(t) w. w ∈ ∈ − Condition (A1) just means sectoriality with angle φ > π/2 and uniform con- stants,whereas(A2) saysthat the resolventssatisfy a Ho¨lder conditionin stronger norms. In fact, Acquistapace and Terreni have studied a somewhat weaker ver- sion of (AT2) and allowed for non dense domains. Later on, we work on reflexive Banachspaces, where sectorialoperatorsare automatically densely defined so that we have included the density assumption in (AT1) for simplicity. The conditions (AT) and several variants of them have intensively been studied in the literature, where also many examples can be found, see e.g. [1, 2, 6, 25, 30]. If (AT1) holds and the domains D(A(t)) are constant in time, then the Ho¨lder continuity of A() · in (D(A(0)),X) with exponent η implies (AT2) with µ = η and ν = 1 (see [2, B Section 7]). Letη (0,1),θ [0,1],andt [0,T]. Assumethat(AT1)holds. Thefractional ∈ ∈ ∈ power ( A (t))−θ (X) is defined by w − ∈B 1 ( A (t))−θ = (w λ)−θR(λ,A(t))dλ, w − 2πi − ZΓ where the contour Γ= λ:arg(λ w)= φ is orientatedcounter clockwise. The { − ± } operator(w A(t))θ is defined as the inverse of(w A(t))−θ. We will also use the − − complex interpolation space Xt =[X,D(A(t))] . η η Moreover, the extrapolation space Xt is the completion of X with respect to the −θ norm x = ( A (t))−θx . Let A (t):X Xt be the unique continuous k kX−tθ k − w k −1 → −1 extensionofA(t) whichis sectorialofthe sametype. Then(w A (t))α :Xt − −1 −θ → Xt is anisomorphism,where0 θ α+θ 1. IfX is reflexive,then one can −θ−α ≤ ≤ ≤ identify the dual space (Xt )∗ with D(A(t)∗) endowed with its graph norm and −1 the adjoint operatorA (t)∗ with A(t)∗ (D(A(t)∗),X∗). We mostly write A(t) −1 ∈B instead of A (t). See e.g. [6, 18] for more details. −1 Under condition (AT), we consider the non-autonomous Cauchy problem u′(t)=A(t)u(t), t [s,T], (2.1) ∈ u(s)=x, for given x X and s [0,T). A function u is a classical solution of (2.1) if ∈ ∈ u C([s,T];X) C1((s,T];X), u(t) D(A(t)) for all t (s,T], u(s) = x, and ∈ ∩ ∈ ∈ du(t) = A(t)u(t) for all t (s,T]. The solution operators of (2.1) give rise to the dt ∈ followingdefinition. Afamilyofboundedoperators(P(t,s)) onX iscalled 0≤s≤t≤T a strongly continuous evolution family if (1) P(s,s)=I for all s [0,T], ∈ 4 ROLANDSCHNAUBELTANDMARKVERAAR (2) P(t,s)=P(t,r)P(r,s) for all 0 s r t T, ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ (3) the map (τ,σ) [0,T]2 :σ τ (t,s) P(t,s) is strongly continuous. { ∈ ≤ }∋ → ThenexttheoremsaysthattheoperatorsA(t),0 t T,‘generate’anevolution ≤ ≤ family having parabolicregularity. It is a consequence of[1, Theorem2.3],see also [2, 6, 25, 30]. Theorem 2.1. If condition (AT) holds, then there exists a unique strongly contin- uousevolution family (P(t,s)) suchthatu=P(,s)x is theuniqueclassical 0≤s≤t≤T · solution of (2.1) for every x X and s [0,T). Moreover, (P(t,s)) is 0≤s≤t≤T ∈ ∈ continuous in (X) on 0 s<t T and there exists a constant C >0 such that B ≤ ≤ (2.2) P(t,s)x Xt C(t s)β−α x Xs k k α ≤ − k k β for all 0 β α 1 and 0 s<t T. ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ We further recall from [31, Theorem 2.1] that there is a constant C >0 such that (2.3) P(t,s)(w A(s))θx C(µ θ)−1(t s)−θ x k − k≤ − − k k for all 0 s < t T, θ (0,µ) and x D((w A(s))θ). Clearly, (2.3) allows to ≤ ≤ ∈ ∈ − extend P(t,s) to a bounded operator P (t,s):Xs X satisfying −θ −θ → (2.4) P (t,s)(w A (s))θ C(µ θ)−1(t s)−θ −θ −1 k − k≤ − − for all 0 s<t T and θ (0,µ). Again, we mostly omit the index θ. ≤ ≤ ∈ − 2.2. Stochasticintegration. LetH beaseparableHilbertspacewithscalarprod- uct [, ], X be a Banach space, and (S,Σ,µ) be a measure space. A function · · φ:S X is called strongly measurable if it is the pointwise limit of a sequence of → simple functions. Let X and X be Banach spaces. An operator-valued function 1 2 Φ:S (X ,X ) will be called X -strongly measurable if the X -valued function 1 2 1 2 →B Φx is strongly measurable for all x X . 1 Throughout this paper (Ω, ,P)∈is a probability space with a filtration ( ) t t≥0 F F and(γ ) isaGaussian sequence;i.e.,asequenceofindependent,standard,real- n n≥1 valued Gaussian random variables defined on (Ω, ,P). An operator R (H,X) F ∈B is said to be a γ-radonifying operator if there exists an orthonormal basis (h ) n n≥1 of H such that γ Rh converges in L2(Ω;X), see [7, 16]. In this case we n≥1 n n define P 2 1 R := E γ Rh 2. γ(H,X) n n k k (cid:16) (cid:13)nX≥1 (cid:13) (cid:17) (cid:13) (cid:13) This number does not depend on the seq(cid:13)uence (γn)n≥(cid:13)1 and the basis (hn)n≥1, and defines a normonthe spaceγ(H,X)of all γ-radonifyingoperatorsfromH into X. Endowedwiththisnorm,γ(H,X)isaBanachspace,anditholds R R . γ(H,X) k k≤k k Moreover, γ( ,X) is an operator ideal in the sense that if S (˜, ) and 1 H ∈ B H H S (X,X˜), then R γ( ,X) implies S RS γ(˜,X˜) and 2 2 1 ∈B ∈ H ∈ H (2.5) S RS S R S . k 2 1kγ(H˜,X˜) ≤k 2kk kγ(H,X)k 1k If X is a Hilbert space,then γ(H,X)= 2(H,X) isometrically,where 2(H,X) C C is the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators. Also for X = Lp there is a convenient characterization of R γ(H,Lp) given in [10, Theorem 2.3]. We use a slightly ∈ different formulation taken from [22, Lemma 2.1]. Lemma 2.2. Let (S,Σ,µ) be a σ-finite measure space and let 1 p< . For an ≤ ∞ operator R (H,Lp(S)) the following assertions are equivalent. ∈B STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY NOISE 5 (1) R γ(H,Lp(S)). ∈ (2) There exists a function g Lp(S) such that for all h H we have Rh ∈ ∈ | |≤ h g µ-almost everywhere. H k k · Moreover, in this situation we have (2.6) R . g . γ(H,Lp(S)) p Lp(S) k k k k A Banach space X is said to have type 2 if there exists a constant C 0 such ≥ that for all finite subsets x ,...,x of X we have 1 N { } N 2 1 N 1 E r x 2 C x 2 2. n n n ≤ k k (cid:16) (cid:13)nX=1 (cid:13) (cid:17) (cid:16)nX=1 (cid:17) (cid:13) (cid:13) Hilbert spaces and Lp-sp(cid:13)aces with(cid:13)p [2, ) have type 2. We refer to [16] for ∈ ∞ details. We will also need UMD Banach spaces. The definition of a UMD space willbeomitted,butwerecallthateveryUMDspaceisreflexive. Wereferto[11]for an overview on the subject. Important examples of UMD spaces are the reflexive scale of Lp, Sobolev, Bessel–potential and Besov spaces. Adetailedstochasticintegrationtheoryforoperator-valuedprocessesΦ:[0,T] × Ω (H,X), where X is a UMD space, has been developed in [21]. The full → B generalityofthis theoryisnotneededhere,sincewecanworkwithUMDspacesX of type 2 which allow for a somewhat simpler theory. Instead of of being a UMD space with type 2, one can also assume that X is a space of martingale type 2 (cf. [8, 23]). A family WH = (WH(t))t∈R+ of bounded linear operators from H to L2(Ω) is called an H-cylindrical Brownian motion if (i) W (t )h :j =1,...,J; k=1,...,K isaGaussianvectorforallchoices H j k { } of t 0 and h H, and W (t)h:t 0 is a standard scalar Brownian j k H ≥ ∈ { ≥ } motion with respect to the filtration ( ) for each h H; t t≥0 (ii) E(W (s)g W (t)h)=(s t)[g,h] fFor all s,t R an∈d g,h H. H H H + · ∧ ∈ ∈ Now let X be a UMD Banachspace with type 2. For anH-stronglymeasurable andadaptedΦ:[0,T] Ω γ(H,X)whichbelongstoL2((0,T) Ω;γ(H,X))one × → × T candefine the stochasticintegral Φ(s)dW (s) asa limitofintegralsofadapted 0 H step processes, and there is a constant C not depending on Φ such that R T 2 E Φ(s)dW (s) C2 Φ 2 , H ≤ k kL2((0,T)×Ω;γ(H,X)) (cid:13)Z0 (cid:13) cf.[8], [21], andth(cid:13)e referencestherein(cid:13). By a localizationargumentone mayextend (cid:13) (cid:13) the class of integrable processes to all H-strongly measurable and adapted Φ : [0,T] Ω γ(H,X) which are contained in L2(0,T;γ(H,X)) a.s.. Below we use × → in particular the next result (see [8] and [21, Corollary 3.10]). Proposition 2.3. Let X be a UMD space with type 2 and W be a H-cylindrical H Brownian motion. Let Φ : [0,T] Ω γ(H,X) be H-strongly measurable and × → adapted. If Φ L2(0,T;γ(H,X)) a.s., then Φ is stochastically integrable with ∈ respect to W and for all p (1, ) it holds H ∈ ∞ t p 1 E sup Φ(s)dW (s) p . Φ . H X,p Lp(Ω;L2(0,T;γ(H,X))) k k (cid:16) t∈[0,T](cid:13)Z0 (cid:13) (cid:17) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 6 ROLANDSCHNAUBELTANDMARKVERAAR In the setting of Proposition2.3 we also have, for x∗ X∗, ∈ T T (2.7) Φ(s)dW (s),x∗ = Φ(s)∗x∗dW (s) a.s., H H DZ0 E Z0 cf. [21, Theorem 5.9]. 3. The abstract stochastic evolution equation Let H andH be separableHilbert spaces,and let X and Y be Banachspaces. 1 2 On X we consider the stochastic evolution equation dU(t)=(A(t)U(t)+F(t,U(t))+Λ (t)G(t,U(t)))dt G (SE)  +B(t,U(t))dWH1(t)+ΛC(t)C(t,U(t))dWH2(t), t∈[0,T],  U(0)=u0. Here (A(t))t∈[0,T] is a family of closed operators on X satisfying (AT). The pro- cesses W and W are independent cylindrical Brownian motions with respect H1 H2 to ( ) . The initial value is a strongly -measurable mapping u :Ω X. t t∈[0,T] 0 0 F F → We assume that the mappings Λ (t) : Yt Xt and Λ (t) : Yt Xt are G → −θG C → −θC linear and bounded, where the numbers θ ,θ [0,1] are specified below. In Sec- G C ∈ tion 4, the operators Λ (t) and Λ (t) are used to treat inhomogeneous boundary G C conditions. Concerning A(t), we make the following hypothesis. (H1) Assume that (A(t)) and (A(t)∗) satisfy (AT) and that there t∈[0,T] t∈[0,T] exists an η (0,1] and a family of Banach spaces (X ) such that 0 ∈ η η∈[0,η0] X ֒ X ֒ X ֒ X =X for all η >η >η >0, η0 → η1 → η2 → 0 0 1e 2 and each X is a UMD space with type 2. Moreover,it holds e ηe e e [X,D(A(t))] ֒ X for all η [0,η ], e η → η ∈ 0 where the embeddings are bounded uniformly in t [0,T]. e ∈ Assumption(H1) hasbeenemployedin[29]to deducespacetime regularityresults for equations of the form (SE), where spaces such as X have been used to get η rid of the time dependence of interpolation spaces; see also [19, (H2)]. We have included anassumption on(A(t)∗) for the treatmenetof variationalsolutions. t∈[0,T] This could be done in a more general way as well, but for us the above setting suffices. Assumption (H1) can be verified in many applications, see e.g. Section 4. Let a [0,η ). The nonlinear terms F,G,B and C in (SE) map as follows: 0 ∈ F :[0,T] Ω X X, G(t):Ω X Yt, a a × × → × → B(t):Ω X γ(H,Xt ), C(t):Ω X γ(H ,Yt), × a → e −1 × ae→ 2 for each t [0,T], where Yt are Banach spaces. We put G(t)(ω,x) = G(t,ω,x), B(t)(ω,x)∈= B(t,ω,x)eand C(t)(ω,x) = C(t,ω,x) fore(t,ω,x) [0,T] Ω X. ∈ × × Assuming (H1) and a [0,η ), we state our main hypotheses on F,G,B and C. 0 ∈ (H2) For all x X , the map (t,ω) F(t,ω,x) is strongly measurable and a ∈ 7→ adapted. The function F has linear growth and is Lipschitz continuous in space uniformely in [0,T] Ω; that is, there are constants L and C such F F × that for all t [0,T], ω Ω and x,y X we have a ∈ ∈ ∈ kF(t,ω,x)−F(t,ω,y)kX ≤LeFkx−ykXea, STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY NOISE 7 kF(t,ω,x)kX ≤CF(1+kxkXea). (H3) For all x Xa, the map (t,ω) ( Aw(t))−θGΛG(t)G(t,ω,x) X is ∈ 7→ − ∈ strongly measurable and adapted. The function ( Aw)−θGΛGG has linear − growth and iseLipschitz continuous in space uniformly in [0,T] Ω; i.e., × there are constants L and C such that for all t [0,T], ω Ω and G G ∈ ∈ x,y X we have a ∈ k(−Awe(t))−θGΛG(t)(G(t,ω,x)−G(t,ω,y))kX ≤LGkx−ykXea, k(−Aw(t))−θGΛG(t)G(t,ω,x)kX ≤CG(1+kxkXea). (H4) Let θ [0,µ) satisfy a +θ < 1. For all x X , the map (t,ω) B ∈ B 2 ∈ a 7→ ( A (t))−θB(t,ω,x) γ(H ,X)isstronglymeasurableandadapted. The w 1 − ∈ function( Aw)−θBB haslineargrowthandisLipschietzcontinuousinspace − uniformly in [0,T] Ω; that is, there are constants L and C such that B B × for all t [0,T], ω Ω and x,y X we have a ∈ ∈ ∈ k(−Aw(t))−θB(B(t,ω,x)−B(t,ω,ey))kγ(H1,X) ≤LBkx−ykXea, k(−Aw(t))−θBB(t,ω,x)kγ(H1,X) ≤CB(1+kxkXea). (H5) Let θ [0,µ) satisfy a + θ < 1. For all x X , the mapping C ∈ C 2 ∈ a (t,ω) ( Aw(t))−θCΛC(t)C(t,ω,x) γ(H2,X) is strongly measurable 7→ − ∈ and adapted. The function ( Aw)−θCΛCC has linear groewth and is Lips- − chitzcontinuousinspaceuniformlyin[0,T] Ω;thatis,thereareconstants × L and C such that for all t [0,T], ω Ω and x,y X we have G G a ∈ ∈ ∈ k(−Aw(t))−θCΛC(t)(C(t,ω,x)−C(t,ω,y))kγ(H2,X) ≤LCkxe−ykXea, k(−Aw(t))−θCΛC(t)C(t,ω,x)kγ(H2,X) ≤CC(1+kxkXea). We introduce our first solution concept. Definition 3.1. Assume that (H1)–(H5) hold for some θ ,θ ,θ 0 and a G B C ≥ ∈ [0,η ). Let r (2, ) satisfy min 1 θ ,1 θ ,1 θ > 1. We call an 0 ∈ ∞ { − G 2 − B 2 − C} r X -valued process (U(t)) a mild solution of (SE) if a t∈[0,T] (i) U : [0,T] Ω X is strongly measurable and adapted, and we have a e × → U Lr(0,T;X ) almost surely, a ∈ (ii) for all t [0,T], weehave ∈ e U(t)=P(t,0)u +P F(,U)(t)+P Λ G(,U)(t)+P B(,U)(t)+P Λ C(,U)(t) 0 G 1 2 C ∗ · ∗ · ⋄ · ⋄ · in X almost surely. Here we have used the abbreviations t t P φ(t)= P(t,s)φ(s)ds, P Φ(t)= P(t,s)Φ(s)dW (s), k =1,2, ∗ ⋄k Hk Z0 Z0 whenever the integrals are well-defined. Under our hypotheses both P F(,U)(t) ∗ · and P Λ G(,U)(t) are in fact well-defined in X. Indeed, for the first one this is G ∗ · clear from (H2). For the second one we may write P(t,s)Λ (s)G(s,U(s))=P(t,s)( A (s))θG( A (s))−θGΛ (s)G(s,U(s)) G w w G − − 8 ROLANDSCHNAUBELTANDMARKVERAAR It then follows from (2.4), Ho¨lder’s inequality, and (H3) that t P(t,s)Λ (s)G(s,U(s)) ds G X k k Z0 t . (t s)−θG ( A (s))−θGΛ (s)G(s,U(s)) ds w G X − k − k Z0 .1+kUkLr(0,T;Xea), using that 1 θ > 1. Similarly one can show that P B(,U)(t) and P − G r ⋄1 · ⋄2 Λ C(,U)(t) are well-defined in X, taking into account Proposition 2.3: Estimate C · (2.4), Ho¨lder’s inequality and (H4) imply that t P(t,s)B(s,U(s)) 2 ds k kγ(H1,X) Z0 t . (t s)−2θB ( A (s))−θBB(s,U(s)) 2 ds − k − w kγ(H1,X) Z0 .1+kUk2Lr(0,T;Xea) since 1 θ > 1. In the same way it can be proved that the integral with respect 2 − B r to W is well-defined. H2 We alsorecallthedefinitionofavariationalsolutionfrom[29]. Tothatpurpose, for t [0,T], we set ∈ Γ = ϕ C1([0,t];X∗) : ϕ(s) D(A(s)∗) for all s [0,t] t (3.1) ∈ ∈ ∈ (cid:8) and [s A(s)∗ϕ(s)] C([0,t];X∗) . 7→ ∈ Definition 3.2. Assume that (H1)–(H5) hold with a [0,η ). An X(cid:9)-valued 0 a ∈ process (U(t)) is called a variational solution of (SE) if t∈[0,T] e (i) U belongs to L2(0,T;X ) a.s. and U is strongly measurable and adapted, a (ii) for all t [0,T] and all ϕ Γ , almost surely we have t ∈ ∈ e (3.2) t U(t),ϕ(t) u ,ϕ(0) = [ U(s),ϕ′(s) + U(s),A(s)∗ϕ(s) 0 h i−h i h i h i Z0 + F(s,U(s)),ϕ(s) + Λ (s)G(s,U(s)),ϕ(s) ]ds G h i h i t + B(s,U(s))∗ϕ(s)dW (s) H1 Z0 t + (Λ (s)C(s,U(s)))∗ϕ(s)dW (s). C H2 Z0 The integrand B(s,U(s))∗ϕ(s) in (3.2) should be read as (( A (s))−θBB(s,U(s)))∗( A (s)∗)θBϕ(s). w w − − It follows from (H4) that the function s (( Aw(s))−θBB(s,U(s)))∗ is X∗- 7→ − strongly measurable. Moreover,the map s ( A (s)∗)θBϕ(s)=( A (s)∗)−1+θB( A (s)∗)ϕ(s) w w w 7→ − − − belongs to C([0,t];X∗) by the Ho¨lder continuity of s ( Aw(s))−1+θB (cf. [25, 7→ − (2.10) and (2.11)]) and the assumption on ϕ. Using (H4), we thus obtain that the STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY NOISE 9 integrand is contained in L2(0,T;H ) a.s.. As a result, the first stochastic integral 1 in (3.2) is well-defined. The other integrands have to be interpreted similarly. Thenextresultshowsthatbothsolutionconceptsareequivalentinoursetting. It followsfromProposition5.4andRemark5.3in[29]inthesamewayasTheorem3.4 below. (Remark 5.3 can be used since X is reflexive as a UMD space.) Proposition 3.3. Assume that (H1)–(H5) hold for some θ ,θ ,θ 0 and a G B C ≥ ∈ [0,η ). Let r (2, ) satisfy max θ ,θ < 1 1 and θ < 1 1. Let U : 0 ∈ ∞ { C B} 2 − r G − r [0,T] Ω X be a strongly measurable and adapted process such that U belongs a × → to Lr(0,T;X ) a.s.. Then U is a mild solution of (SE) if and only if U is a a variational soleution of (SE). e We can now state the main existence and regularity result for (SE). Theorem 3.4. Assume that (H1)–(H5) hold for some θ ,θ ,θ 0 and a G B C ≥ ∈ [0,η ). Let u :Ω X0 be strongly measurable. Then the following assertions 0 0 → a F0 hold. e (1) There is a unique mild solution U of (SE) with paths in C([0,T];X ) a.s.. a (2) For every δ,λ>0 with e δ+a+λ<min 1 θ ,1 θ ,1 θ ,η { − G 2 − B 2 − C 0} there exists a version of U such that U P(,0)u in Cλ([0,T];X ) a.s.. 0 δ+a − · (3) If δ,λ>0 are as in (2) and if u X a.s., then U has a version with 0 a+δ+λ ∈ paths in Cλ([0,T];X ) a.s.. e δ+a e Proof. Assertions (1) and (2) can be reduced to the case e dU(t)=(A(t)U(t)+F˜(t,U(t))+B˜(t,U(t))dW (t), t [0,T], H ∈ ( U(0)=u0. taking F˜ = F +Λ G and B˜ = (B,Λ C) and H = H H . The theorem now G C 1 2 × follows from [29, Theorem 6.3]. In view of (2), for assertion (3) we only have to showthatP(,0)u hasthe requiredregularity,whichisprovedin[29,Lemma2.3]. 0 · We note that, inorderto apply the aboveresultsfrom[29]here,one has toreplace in [29] the real interpolation spaces of type (η,2) by complex interpolation spaces of exponent η. This can be done using the arguments given in [29]. (cid:3) 4. Boundary noise Let S Rd be a bounded domain with C2-boundary and outer unit normal ⊆ vector of n(s). On S we consider the stochastic equation with boundary noise ∂u (4.1) (t,s)= (t,s,D)u(t,s)+f(t,s,u(t,s)) ∂t A ∂w 1 +b(t,s,u(t,s)) (t,s), s S, t (0,T], ∂t ∈ ∈ ∂w (t,s,D)u(t,s)=G(t,u(t, ))(s)+C˜(t,u(t, ))(s) 2(t,s), s ∂S, t (0,T], B · · ∂t ∈ ∈ u(0,s)=u (s), s S. 0 ∈ 10 ROLANDSCHNAUBELTANDMARKVERAAR Here w are Brownian motions as specified below, and we use the differential op- k erators d d (t,s,D)= D a (t,s)D +a (t,s), (t,s,D)= a (t,s)n (s)D . i ij j 0 ij i j A B i,j=1 i,j=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) X For simplicity we only consider the case of a scalar equation, but systems could be treated in the same way, cf. e.g. [5, 15]. (A1) We assume that the coefficients of and are real and satisfy A B a Cµ([0,T];C(S)), a (t, ) C1(S), D a C([0,T] S), ij ij k ij ∈ · ∈ ∈ × a Cµ([0,T],Ld(S)) C([0,T];C(S)) 0 ∈ ∩ for a constantµ (1,1]and all i,j,k =1,...,dand t [0,T]. Further, let ∈ 2 ∈ (a ) be symmetric and assume that there is a κ>0 such that ij d (4.2) a (t,s)ξ ξ κξ 2 for all s S, t [0,T], ξ Rd. ij i j ≥ | | ∈ ∈ ∈ i,j=1 X In the followingwe reformulatethe problem(4.1) as (SE) thereby giving (4.1) a precise sense. Set X =Lp(S) for some p (1, ). Let α [0,2] satisfy α 1 =1. ∈ ∞ ∈ − p 6 We introduce the space f Hα,p(S): (t, ,D)f =0 , α 1 >1, H2,p (S)= ∈ B · − p B(t) ((cid:8)Hα,p(S), (cid:9) α− p1 <1, where Hα,p(S) denotes the usual Bessel-potential space (see [28]). We also set X =H2η,p(S) for all η 0. η ≥ We further define A(t):D(A(t)) X by A(t)x= (t, ,D)x and e → A · D(A(t))= x H2,p(S): (t, ,D)x=0 =H2,p (S). { ∈ B · } B(t) Lemma 4.1. Let X = Lp(S) and p (1, ). Assume that (A1) is satisfied. The ∈ ∞ following assertions hold. (1) The operators A(t), t [0,T],satisfy (AT)andthegraph norms ofA(t) are ∈ uniformly equivalent with . In particular, (A(t)) generates H2,p(S) t∈[0,T] k·k a unique strongly continuous evolution family (P(t,s)) on X. 0≤s≤t≤T (2) We have Xt = H2θ,p(S) for all θ (0,1) with 2θ 1 = 1, as well as θ B(t) ∈ − p 6 Xt = X = H2η,p(S) for all η [0,1 + 1 ), in the sense of isomorphic η η ∈ 2 2p Banach spaces. The norms of these isomorphisms are bounded uniformly for t e[0,T]. ∈ (3) Let p [2, ). Then condition (H1) holds with η =1/2. 0 ∈ ∞ Proof. (1): See[1]and[30]. Note thatA(t)∗ onLp′(S)=X∗ isgivenbyA∗(t)ϕ= (t, ,D)ϕ with D(A(t)∗)=H2,p′(S), and thus also (A(t)∗) satisfies (AT). A · B(t) 0≤t≤T (2): Let θ (0,1) and p (1, ) satisfy 2θ 1 = 1. Then Theorem 5.2 and ∈ ∈ ∞ − p 6 Remark 5.3(c) in [5] show that (4.3) Xt =[Lp(S),D(A(t))] =[Lp(S),H2,p (S)] =H2θ,p(S) θ θ B(t) θ B(t)

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