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Stochastic Analysis of Synchronization in a Supermarket Refrigeration System JohnLeth∗ DepartmentofElectronicSystems,AalborgUniversity,FredrikBajersVej7C,9220Aalborg,Denmark [email protected] Rafael Wisniewski DepartmentofElectronicSystems,AalborgUniversity,FredrikBajersVej7C,9220Aalborg,Denmark [email protected] JakobRasmussen DepartmentofMathematicalSciences,AalborgUniversity,FredrikBajersVej7G,9220Aalborg,Denmark [email protected] Henrik Schioler DepartmentofElectronicSystems,AalborgUniversity,FredrikBajersVej7C,9220Aalborg,Denmark [email protected] Displaycasesinsupermarketsystemsoftenexhibitsynchronization,inwhichtheexpansionvalves inthedisplaycasesturnonandoffatexactlythesametime. Thestudyoftheinfluenceofswitching noiseonsynchronizationinsupermarketrefrigerationsystemsisthesubjectmatterofthiswork.For thispurpose, we modelit as a hybridsystem, for which synchronizationcorrespondsto a periodic trajectory. Subsequently, we investigate the influence of switching noise. We develop a statistical methodforcomputinganintensityfunction,whichmeasureshowoftentherefrigerationsystemstays synchronized.Byanalyzingtheintensity,weconcludethattheincreaseinmeasurementuncertainty yieldsthedecreaseattheprevalenceofsynchronization. 1 Introduction Inasupermarketrefrigeration,theinteractionbetweentemperaturecontrollersleadstoasynchronization of the display cases in which the expansion valves in the display cases turn on at the same time. This phenomenon causeshighwearofcompressors [6]. Inthisarticle,weapplytheconceptsin[7]tostudyasystemin[12]. Moreprecisely,wecombinethe hybridsystemmodelofarefrigeration systempresented in[12]withtheproposed methodformodeling switching noise presented in [7], and show that this formalism is able to characterize de-synchronizing behavior asaconsequence ofinaccuracy oftemperature measurement. Theaffectofthisinaccuracy has been utilized in apatent that proposes to adjust the cut-in and cut-out temperatures for the refrigeration entities tode-synchronize them[10]. Thedefinitions ofsynchronization havebeenformulated in[1],andnumerousexamplesofsynchro- nization have been analyzed in [9]. In [12], the synchronization of a supermarket refrigeration system was studied as periodic trajectories of a hybrid system with a state space consisting of a disjoint union ∗ThisworkissupportedbytheSouthernDenmarkGrowthForumandtheEuropeanRegionalDevelopmentFundunderthe project“Smart&Cool”. M.Bujorianu(Ed.)andR.Wisniewski(Ed.):4thWorkshopon (cid:13)c J.Leth,R.Wisniewski,J.Rasmussen,H.Schioler HybridAutonomousSystems2014(HAS2014). Thisworkislicensedunderthe EPTCS174,2015,pp.40–50,doi:10.4204/EPTCS.174.4 CreativeCommonsAttributionLicense. J.Leth,R.Wisniewski,J.Rasmussen,H.Schioler 41 ofpolyhedral sets anddiscrete transitions realized byreset mapsdefined onthefacets ofthepolyhedral sets. Howeverinreallifeapplications,theswitchinginstancesarenotdeterministic,theyareinfluencedby system and measurement noise. Therefore, we suggest a practical method rooted in stochastic analysis [7], where noise is introduced into the system. For the stochastic analysis, we “thicken” the switch- ing surfaces to a neighborhood around them and formulate a probability measure of the switching in such a way that the longer the trajectory stays within the neighborhood, the higher is the probability of switching. As a result, this method provides the means of computing intensity plots. By analyzing them, we conclude that contrarily to the deterministic behavior, the system synchronizes intermittently. In addition, we infer that the prevalence of synchronization increases with decreasing uncertainties of the temperature measurements. In conclusion, the method of intensity plots provides a tangible test of whetherandhowfrequently synchronization occursinarefrigeration system. Thearticle isorganized asfollows. InSection 2and Section 3werecall, from [12], asimplemodel of a refrigeration system and demonstrate that this model coincide with the notion of a hybrid system, technical details are given in the appendix. Section 4 start by introducing the notion of switching un- certainity from [7], which then is used to incorporate inaccuracy of temperature measurement into the model. Subsequently asynchronization analysisoftherefrigeration systemisperformed. 2 Refrigeration system First,abriefdescriptionofarefrigerationcycleofasupermarketrefrigerationsystemswithdisplaycases andcompressors connected inparallel, seefigure1foragraphiclayout. The compressors, which maintain the flow of refrigerant, compress refrigerant drained from the suction manifold. Subsequently, the refrigerant passes through the condenser and flows into the liquid manifold. Each display case is equipped with an expansion valve, through which the refrigerant flows intotheevaporatorinthedisplaycase. Intheevaporator,therefrigerantabsorbsheatfromthefoodstuffs. Asaresult, itchanges itsphasefromliquid togas. Finally, thevaporized refrigerant flowsbackintothe suction manifold. In a typical supermarket refrigeration system, the temperature in each display case is controlled by ahysteresis controller that opens theexpansion valvewhen theair temperature T (measured near tothe foodstuffs) reaches a predefined upper temperature limit Tu. The valve stays open until T decreases to the lower temperature limit Tl. Atthis point, the controller closes the valve again. Practice reveals that ifthedisplay casesaresimilar, thehysteresis controllers havetendency tosynchronize thedisplay cases [6]. ItmeansthattheairtemperaturesT fori∈{1,...,N},whereN isthenumberofdisplaycases,tend i tomatchastimeprogresses. In the sequel we discuss, for simplicity, a model of a refrigeration system that consists of only two identical display cases and a compressor. The dynamics of the air temperature T for display case i i∈{1,2} and the suction pressure P for the system of two display cases are governed by the following system ofequations, x˙=x d (x)=Ad x+Bd , (1) where −a−d c 0 d d b+ed T 1 1 1 1 Ad = 0 −a−d 2c d 2d, Bd = b+ed 2 , x=T2, 0 0 −a b +d +d P 1 2       42 StochasticAnalysisofSynchronizationinaSupermarketRefrigerationSystem Figure1: Layoutofasimplesupermarket refrigeration system. witha,b,c,d,e,a ,b constantswhosespecificvaluesareprovidedinAppendix6.1,andd =(d ,d )∈22 1 2 with 2 = {0,1} and d ∈ {0,1} the switching parameter for display case i; it indicates whether the i expansionvalveisclosed(d =0)oropen(d =1). Theswitchinglawisgivenbythehysteresiscontrol: i i 1 ifT ≥Tu i i d =0 ifT ≤Tl (2) i  i i  d ifTl <T <Tu, i i i i   where Tu and Tl are respectively the predefined upper and lower temperature limits for display case i. i i Byconvention, d =0foranyinitialconditionT(t )=T0∈]Tl,Tu[. Suchaninitialconditionisassumed i i 0 i i i throughout thispaper;hence,(2)iswelldefined. 3 Refrgeration system as a hybrid system Consider the following scenario. Let x(t ) ∈ ]Tl,Tu[×]Tl,Tu[×R , and d = (0,0); thereby, both 0 1 1 2 2 + display cases are initially switched off. Suppose that at time t, the air temperature T of the ith display i case reaches the upper temperature limit Tu, then the ith display case is switched on, and d =1. This i i scenario indicates thattherefrigeration system(1)comprisesfourdynamical systems,eachdefinedona copyofthepolyhedral set Q=[Tl,Tu]×[Tl,Tu]×R , (3) 1 1 2 2 + asillustratedinFig.2. Adiscretetransitionbetweenthesefoursystemstakesplacewheneveratrajectory reaches oneofthefollowingfourfacetsofQ Fa =Fa (Q)=d a [Tl,Tu]×[Tl,Tu]×R and 1 1 1 1 2 2 + Fa =Fa (Q)=[Tl,Tu]×d a [Tl,Tu]×R , 2 2 1 1 2 2 + J.Leth,R.Wisniewski,J.Rasmussen,H.Schioler 43 5 5 δ=(1,0) δ=(0,0) 0 5 0 5 5 5 δ=(1,1) δ=(0,1) 0 5 0 5 Figure2: Thestatespaceoftherefrigeration system consisting oftwodisplay casesisillustrated. Here, thepressure axisissuppressed, and(Til,Tiu)=(0,5). Thedirection ofthevectorfieldx d isindicated by thedarkshaded triangles(seeProposition 1in[12]). witha ∈2andd 0[a,b]={a},d 1[a,b]={b}. Moreover, the transitions between subsystems can be describe by eight reset maps R(d ):Fli(i,d )× i i {d }→Fli(i,d )×{l(i,d )}definedbyR(d )(x,d )=(x,l(i,d ))with i i (d +1,d ) if i=1 l(i,d )=(l (i,d ),l (i,d ))= 1 2 1 2 (cid:26)(d 1,d 2+1) if i=2, wheretheresults ofthesummationarecomputedmodulo2. Intuitively, themapl takesapolyhedral set enumerated by d to the future polyhedral set. The variable i indicates that the discrete transition takes place when the temperature T reaches its upper or lower boundary. The domain of areset map, will be i referred to as a switching surface. Specifically, a switching surface is a facet of one of the polyhedral setsmakingupthestatespaceoftherefrigeration system(1). The above construction allows us to identify the refrigeration system as a switched hybrid system. More precisely, let P ={Pd | Pd =Q×{d }, d ∈22} consist of the four polyhedral sets making up the state space, S = {x d | x d (x) = Ad x+Bd , d ∈ 22} consist of the four dynamical systems, and R ={R(d )|(i,d )∈{1,2}×22}consist oftheeightresetmaps. Thenthetriple(P,S,R)constitute i ahybridsystem asdefinedinAppendix6.2. Hencethebehavior ofthesystem isexpressed bymeansof a (hybrid) trajectory which heuristically can be described simply as the union of trajectories generated byfourlocaldynamicalsystems,seeAppendix6.3foraprecisedescribtion. With this notion at hand we say that a refrigeration system exhibit asymptotic synchronization if there exists a (T,l)-periodic trajectory which is asymptotically stable in X∗ [5, Definition 13.3], where X∗ denote the quotient space X/ ∼ with X = d ∈22Pd and ∼⊂ X ×X the equivalence relation, [2], generated by the reset maps in R. For a detaileSd explanation see [12], where it is also shown that the refrigeration system generates an asymptotically stable (T ,2)-periodic trajectory, with T ≈261, lying p p onthediagonal ofP andP . (0,0) (1,1) The(hybrid) refrigeration system withtwodisplay cases isillustrated inFig. 3. Here, each element of P has been (orthogonally) projected onto the (T1,T2)-space. Hence, the polyhedral sets Pd are rep- resented by cubes. The three cubes P , P , P have been vertically and/or horizontally reflected (0,1) (1,0) (1,1) (comparewithFig.2). Thestippled linesinthedrawingindicatetheresetmapsinR. 44 StochasticAnalysisofSynchronizationinaSupermarketRefrigerationSystem 0 F20 5 5 F20 0 P(0,1) P(1,1) F10 F11 F11 F10 5 F21 F21 5 R2(0,0) 5 F21 F21 5 F10 F11 F11 F10 P(0,0) P(1,0) 0 F20 5 5 F21 0 Figure3: TheT T -statespace oftherefrigeration system consists oftwodisplay cases. Thereset maps 1 2 are indicated by the stippled lines (see Fig. 2and its caption forfurther explanation). The pressure axis hasbeensuppressed; thus,eachPd =Q×{d }isillustrated byasquare. Byabuseofnotation, thefacets ofPd aredenoted byFia (instead ofFia ×{d }). 4 Stochastic analysis of synchronisation Sofar,thediscretetransitionfromalocalsystemtoanotherhasbeendescribedasdeterministic. Inother words, ittake place withprobability one when atrajectory “hits” a switching surface. However, from a practicalpointofview,thiscausesaproblem. Forinstance,anysamplingstepwillresultinthetrajectory “hitting” theswitching surface withprobability zero. Onaccount ofmodeluncertainty, noise, and most ofalltheinaccuracyoftemperaturemeasurement,theswitchingsurfaceshouldthereforebe“thickened” byreplacing eachswitchingsurface withanopenneighborhood ofit. In the sequel, we incorporate the “thickening of switching surfaces” into our model of the refrig- eration system. Specifically, we construct an open neighborhood around the switching surfaces within whichaprobability measureoneachtrajectoryisproposed. Afterwards,weusethismeasuretodescribe the probability of adiscrete transition, insuch away that the longer atrajectory stays within the neigh- borhoodthehigherbecomestheprobabilityofatransition. Thismakesitpossibletodeviseamethodfor analyzing thetypicalbehavior ofthesystem,aswellasawayofvisualizing it. LetU beastochasticvariableuniformlydistributedon[−e ,e ]withdensityfunction p(u)=I[−e,e](u)/2e , whereI denotes theindicator function ofasetA. Consequently, thedistribution ofU can bedescribed A bythesurvivorfunction 1 u<−e u S(u)=1− p(v)dv=1−(u+e )/2e |u|≤e Z−e  0 u>e ,   whichistheprobabilityofU≥u,P(U ≥u). ThedistributionofU canalsobedescribedbyitsconditional intensity (or hazard) function h(u)= p(u)/S(u)=I[−e,e](u)/(e −u). Heuristically, a small variation of h(u) istheprobability ofU being inasmallregion around uconditional onU notbeing smaller than u, P(U ∈du |U ≥u). The conditional intensity function, for short intensity, turns out to be a convenient starting pointfordefiningstochastic transitions betweenthedifferentlocaldynamicalsystems. J.Leth,R.Wisniewski,J.Rasmussen,H.Schioler 45 Tothisend, wederive anintensity function suitable forour purpose. Recall thenotation introduced inSection6.2,andletF(d )=Fl1(1,d )∪Fl2(2,d ) denotetheunionofswitchingsurfaces inthepolyhedral 1 2 setPd . Furthermore, letF(d )e denotethee -neighborhood ofF(d )inR3. For x ∈ F(d )e , let Fli(i,d ) be a switching surface within e (Hausdorff) distance to x, and define i x(i,d )=x−p (i,d )(x),wherep (i,d )istheorthogonalprojectionontoFili(i,d ). Hence,whenx(i,d ) isnon-zero, it is a normal vector to Fili(i,d ) (more precisely, to the affine hull of Fili(i,d )). It points into Pd when x∈ Pd −Fili(i,d ) andoutofPd whenx∈F(d )e −Pd . Letn(i,d ) denoteanormalvectortoFili(i,d ) whichpoints outofPd . Bymeansoftheabovequantities, wedefinetheparameter u(i,d )(x)=|x(i,d )|signhn(i,d ),x(i,d )i wherex(i,d ) =x(i,d )(x)isregardedasafunctionofx. Now let g (t;k) denote a trajectory (see Appendix 6.3) of the refrigeration system, and assume that g (t;k)followssystemd ,i.e.,g˙(t;k)=x d (g (t;k)). Theintensityfunctionh(i,d ) forswitchingfromsystem d tosysteml(i,d )atg (t;k)cannowbedefinedas 0 u (g (t;k))<−e ij h(i,d )(g (t;k))=h(uij(g (t;k))) |uij(g (t;k))|≤e  ¥ u (g (t;k))>e . ij  Hence, h(i,d )(g (t;k)) isthe intensity of thesigned orthogonal distance from g (t;k) to the switching sur- face Fili(i,d ) in the e -neighborhood of Pd . As a result, any trajectory whose intersection with the e - neighborhood ofFli(i,d ) iscontainedinanormalsubspacetoFli(i,d ) willswitchaccordingtotheuniform i i distribution ontherestriction ofthetrajectory tothee -neighborhood. Theaboveconstruction successfully copeswithswitchingforwhichatrajectoryreachesoneswitch- ing region at a time. To deal with the situation where a point of switching is within distance e to both switching surfaces, we will assume that switching to each of the systems will happen independently. With this assumption, we immediately conclude that if g (t;k) follows system d , and is within distance e from both F2l2(2,d ) and F2l2(2,d ) then the intensity function hd for switching from system d to system l(i,d )atg (t;k)isgivenbyhd (g (t;k)(t))=h(1,d )(g (t;k))+h(2,d )(g (t;k)). Thus,ifthediscretetransition occurs at g (t;k), the switch to the system l(i,d ) happens with probability h(i,d )(g (t;k))/h(d )(g (t;k)). Equivalently, we can allow switching to happen according to all of the intensities h(1,d )(g (t;k)) and h(2,d )(g (t;k)) independently of each other and disregard all the switchings except the first one which determines theswitching. Based on the above theory and numerical simulations, we now conduct synchronization analysis of the refrigeration system when switching noise is present. Tobegin with, we describe how the theory is implemented insimulation. Forthis,wefollowAlgorithm7.4IIIin[3,p.260]. WhenatrajectoryenterstheswitchingregionF(d )e ,anexponentiallydistributedvariablewithmean one is simulated. Thereafter, for each sample, the intensity is calculated, and subsequently the integral of theintensity is computed inductively. Afterwards, the exponentially distributed variable iscompared withthenumberobtained bytheintegral computation [3,p.258(Lemma7.4II)]. Asaconsequence, the switching occursatthesamplepointwheretheintegralexceedtheexponentially distributed variable. Intheabovesetup, thesystem trajectories become stochastic; hence, wecanapply concepts suchas mean values to describe the system behavior. For a trajectory (g ,T¥ ), A⊂X and I =[t′,t′′]⊂[0,¥ ), let Zg(A,I) be the arc length fromt′ tot′′ of g inside A. As a consequence, g 7→Zg (A,I) defines a non- negative random variable, whose mean E[Z(A,I)] describes the curve intensity relative to (A,I). The curveintensitymeasuresthetypicalbehavioroftrajectoriesbythemeanlengthoftrajectoriesonI inside A. 46 StochasticAnalysisofSynchronizationinaSupermarketRefrigerationSystem Weillustrate thetypicalbehavior oftherefrigeration systemwithtwodisplaycasesbysimulationof the curve intensity. For this purpose, we use the following algorithm: (1) Fix a time interval I ⊂[0,¥ ) and a sufficiently regular subset A ⊂ X. (2) Simulate n trajectories g ,...g . (3) Divide A into small 1 n subsets Ai. (4)Calculate E[Z(Ai,I)]≈ 1n(cid:229) jZgj(Ai,I)whereZgj(Ai,I)isapproximated bythe number of samplingpoints(ontrajectories) fallinginA. i 5 5 16 16 4.5 4.5 14 14 4 4 12 12 3.5 3.5 3 3 10 10 2.5 2.5 8 8 2 2 6 6 1.5 1.5 1 1 4 4 0.5 0.5 2 2 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 x 106 x 106 15 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 6 6 5 4 4 2 2 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 x 106 x 106 Figure 4: Each of the plots in column one and two are illustrated on various projections of the space obtained by identifying the four copies of Q in (3) used to define the state space of the refrigeration system. Thefirstcolumnrepresents intensity plots, e =0.1, I=[0,106],based onn=10trajectories at the point (0,0,15.23) on the asymptotically stable (T ,2)-periodic trajectory found in [12] (top: T T - p 1 2 plane, bottom: T P-plane). The second column represents one of the ten trajectories in a subinterval of 1 I (top: T T -plane, bottom: T P-plane) shown in the time interval [106,1.1·106]. The last two columns 1 2 1 represent fourofthetensimulations andshowthesample-timeevolution ofsuction pressureP. Intensity plotsforI=[0,106],e =0.1andn=10havebeengenerated forinitialvaluesbothwithin and outside the basin of attraction of the asymptotically stable (T ,2)-periodic trajectory found in [12]. p TheresultingintensityplotsaresimilartotheoneillustratedinthefirstcolumnofFigure4. Contrarilyto the deterministic behavior, the system synchronizes occasionally over the time interval I, as seen in the lasttwocolumnsofFigure4,wherethepressurepeaksat15.23correspondtothepresenceofthe(T ,2)- p periodic trajectory (synchronization). The behavior of the system in the remaining time is indicated in the first column of Figure 4 as the colored area except for the diagonal (top) and yellow/green circle through (0,15.23), and in the last two columns as pressure peaks at 10. We remark that the peaks at 10 do not correspond to another limit cycle, as shown in the second column of Figure 4 (in fact this correspond totheinterval[106,1.1106]oftheplotintherightlowercorner). Further simulations reveal that the time spent in the (T ,2)-periodic trajectory is highly dependent p on e . For e =0.1, relatively little time is spent in the (T ,2)-periodic trajectory, whereas for e =0.01, p the behavior closely matches that of the deterministic case. More precisely, for e = 0.01 and initial valuesinthebasinofattraction, thesystemrapidlyconverges tothe(T ,2)-periodic trajectory andstays p close to it with a high probability, while for initial values outside the basin of attraction, the system has a small probability of converging to the (T ,2)-periodic trajectory within the time interval I. As p a consequence, the relative frequency of appearance of the (T ,2)- trajectory can be described as a p monotonically decreasing function f(e )∈[0,1],where f(0)=1corresponds tothedeterministic case. In summary, uncertainties of the temperature measurements influence synchronization and can be J.Leth,R.Wisniewski,J.Rasmussen,H.Schioler 47 used to design de-synchronization scheme. We conclude that adding noise as above to temperature measurements de-synchronizes therefrigeration system: Anincreaseinmeasurement uncertainty yields adecrease oftheprevalence ofsynchronization. 5 Conclusion In this paper, we have investigate the influence of switching noise on the synchronization phenomenon in supermarket refrigeration systems. We have developed a numerical method for computing intensity plots. Byanalyzingthem,wehaveconcludedthatthetimetherefrigerationsystemstayssynchronizedis dependent onuncertainties ofthetemperature measurements. Agreatermeasurement uncertainty yields asmalleraccumulated timeinwhichtherefrigeration system isinsynchronization. 6 Appendix 6.1 Model ofrefrigeration system Themathematicalmodelpresentedhereisasummaryofthemodeldevelopedin[11]. Fortheithdisplay case,dynamicsoftheairtemperature T canbeformulatedas air,i dT Q˙ +Q˙ −d Q˙ air,i goods−air,i load,i i e,max,i = with (4a) dt 1+UAgoods−air,i M C (cid:16) UAair−wall,i (cid:17) wall,i p,wall,i Q˙ +Q˙ goods−air,i load,i T =T − , (4b) wall,i air,i UA air−wall,i Q˙ =UA (T −T ), (4c) goods−air,i goods−air,i g0,i air,i Q˙ =UA (T −a P −b ), (4d) e,max,i wall−ref,max,i wall,i T suc T wheretheprocess parameters arespecified inTable1,andd ∈{0,1}istheswitchparameter fortheith i display case. When d =0, the ith expansion valve is switched off, whereas when d =1 it is switched i i on. Thesuction manifolddynamicsisgovernedbythedifferential equation dPsuc = (cid:229) ki=1d im˙0,i+m˙r,const−V˙comp(ar Psuc+br ), (5) dt V ·(cid:209) r suc suc0 whereN isthenumberofdisplaycases, andm˙ =m˙ fori∈{1,...,N}. 0,i 0 WedenoteT =T andP=P andwritethedynamicsoftheairtemperatureandsuctionpressure i air,i suc intheconcise form(withtheprocess constants in(4a)collected ina,b,c,d,e,a ,b andthenreplaced by theirnumericalvalues) T˙ =−aT +b−d (cT −dP−e) (6a) i i i i =−0.0019T +0.0244−d (−0.0012T +0.0506P+0.1065), i i i P˙=−a P+b +d +d =−0.056P+0.0038+d +d . (6b) 1 2 1 2 48 StochasticAnalysisofSynchronizationinaSupermarketRefrigerationSystem Displaycases UAwall−ref,max 500s·JK Tg0 3.00C UAgoods−air 300s·JK m˙0 1.0kg/s UAair−wall 500s·JK Q˙load 3000J/s m˙r,const 0.2ksg Mwall 260kg (cid:209) rsuc0 4.6m3kbgar Cp,wall 385kgJ·K Thesameparametershasbeenusedforalldisplaycases. Compressor V˙comp 0.28ms3 Suctionmanifold Vsuc 5.00m3 Airtemperaturecontrol Til 0.000C Tiu 5.000C Coefficients aT=−16.2072 bT=−41.9095 ar =4.6 br =0.4 Table1: Parametersforasimplifiedsupermarket refrigeration system 6.2 Hybridsystems Adetailedstudyofthehybridsystempresentedbelowcanbefoundin[8]. WewriteF ≺PifF isaface of thepolyhedral setP. Amap f :P→P′ ispolyhedral if1) itisacontinuous injection, and 2)for any F ≺PthereisF′≺P′ withdim(F)=dim(F′)suchthat f(F)⊆F′. Definition1(HybridSystem) ForfiniteindexsetsJ andD,ahybridsystem(ofdimensionn)isatriple (P,S,R)=(P ,S,R ),where D J 1. P ={Pd ⊂Rn |Pd apolyhedral set,dim(Pd )=n, d ∈D}isafamilyofpolyhedral sets. 2. S ={x d :Pd →Rn |Pd ∈P, d ∈D}isafamilyofsmoothvectorfields. 3. R ={R :F →F′ |F ≺P∈P, F′≺P′∈P, dim(F)=dim(F′)=n−1, j∈J}isafamilyof j polyhedral maps,calledresetmaps. Afteridentifying DwithafinitesubsetofR,wecanrewritethehybridsystem(P ,S,R )asFig. D J d (x,q) ∈ F¯(x,q)={(x (x),0)|x∈P } for(x,q)∈C¯, and q q dt (x,q)+ ∈{R (x,q)|x ∈ G¯(x,q)=dom(R )≺P } for(x,q)∈D¯, k k q where C¯ = d ∈D(Pd ×{d }) and D¯ = {(d ,j)∈D×J |dom(Rj)≺Pd }(dom(Rj)×{d }). This is precisely the hybridsysteSmin[4]. S 6.3 Trajectories ofa refrigerationsystem We bring in a concept of a (hybrid) time domain [4]. Let k∈N∪{¥ }; a subset T ⊂R ×Z will be k + + calledatimedomainifthereexistsanincreasing sequence {t} inR ∪{¥ }suchthat i i∈{0,...,k} + T = T ×{i} k i i∈{1[,...,k} [t ,t ]ift <¥ whereT =[t ,t]ifi∈{1,...,k−1}, andT = k−1 k k i i−1 i k (cid:26)[tk−1,¥ [iftk=¥ . Note that T =[t ,t] for all i if k=¥ . We say that the time domain is infinite if k=¥ ort =¥ . i i−1 i k Thesequence {t} corresponding toatimedomainwillbecalledaswitching sequence. i i∈{0,...,k} Definition2(Trajectory) A trajectory of the hybrid system (P ,S,R ) is a pair (T ,g ) where k ∈ D J k N∪{¥ }isfixed,and J.Leth,R.Wisniewski,J.Rasmussen,H.Schioler 49 • T ⊂R ×Z isatimedomainwithcorresponding switchingsequence {t} , k + + i i∈{0,...,k} • g :Tk →X = d ∈DPd ×{d }iscontinuous (X hasthedisjointuniontopology) andsatisfies: 1. ForeachSi∈{1,...,k−1},thereexistd 6=d ′∈Dsuchthatg (ti;i)∈bd(Pd ),andg (ti;i+1)∈ bd(Pd ′). 2. Foreachi∈{1,...,k},thereexists d ∈DsuchthattheCauchyproblem ¶ g (t;i)=g˙(t;i)= ¶ t x d (g (t;i)), g (ti−1;i)=xi−1∈Pd ,hasasolution onTi⊂Tk. 3. Foreachi∈{1,...,k−1},thereexists j∈J suchthatR (g (t;i))=g (t;i+1). j i i Atrajectoryatxisatrajectory(T ,g )withg (t ;1)=x. Byabuseofnotationg willsometimesbereferred k 0 toasatrajectory. The next definition formalizes the notion of a periodic trajectory, which will be used in defining synchronization oftherefrigeration system. Definition3((T,l)-periodictrajectory) Let (T,l)∈ R ×Z . A trajectory (T ,g ) is (T,l)-periodic + + k (orjustperiodic)if(1)T isaninfinitetimedomain,and(2)foranyi∈{1,...,k}andt ∈ p(T ),where k k p:T →[t ,¥ [istheprojection p(t,i)=t,wehaveg (t+T;i+l)=g (t;i). k 0 Inparticular, if(T ,g )isa(T,l)-periodic trajectory, andT isnonzerothen p:T →[t ,¥ [issurjec- k k 0 tive.

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