Stimulation of a Adrenergic Receptors Induces Cellular 1a Proliferation or Antiproliferative Hypertrophy Dependent Solely on Agonist Concentration Beilei Lei1, Debra A. Schwinn2, Daniel P. Morris3* 1DepartmentofAnesthesiology,DukeUniversityMedicalCenter,Durham,NorthCarolina,UnitedStatesofAmerica,2DepartmentsofAnesthesiology,Pharmacology, Biochemistry,UniversityofIowaCarverCollegeofMedicine,IowaCity,Iowa,UnitedStatesofAmerica,3DepartmentofAnesthesiologyandPainMedicine,Universityof Washington,Seattle,Washington,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract Stimulationofa AdrenergicReceptors(ARs)isknowntohaveanti-proliferativeandhypertrophiceffects;however,some 1a studies also suggests this receptor can increase cell proliferation. Surprisingly, we find the a AR expressed in rat-1 1a fibroblasts can produce either phenotype, depending exclusively on agonist concentration. Stimulation of the a AR by 1a high dose phenylephrine (.1027M) induces an antiproliferative, hypertrophic response accompanied by robust and extendedp38activation.Inhibitionofp38withSB203580preventedtheantiproliferativeresponse,whileinhibitionofErkor Jnk had no effect. In stark contrast, stimulation of the a AR with low dose phenylephrine (,1028 M) induced an Erk- 1a dependent increase in cellular proliferation. Agonist-induced Erk phosphorylation was preceded by rapid FGFR and EGFR transactivation;however,onlyEGFRinhibitionblockedErkactivationandproliferation.Thegeneralmatrixmetalloprotease inhibitor, GM6001, blocked agonist induced Erk activation within seconds, strongly suggesting EGFR activation involved extracellular triple membrane pass signaling. Erk activation required little Ca2+ release and was blocked by PLCb or PKC inhibitionbutnotbyintracellularCa2+chelation,suggestingCa2+independentactivationofnovelPKCisoforms.Incontrast, Ca2+ release was essential for PI3K/Akt activation, which was acutely maximal at non-proliferative doses of agonist. Remarkably,ourdatasuggestsEGFRtransactivationleadingtoErkinducedproliferationhasthelowestactivationthreshold of any a AR response. The ability of a ARs to induce proliferation are discussed in light of evidence suggesting 1a 1a antagonisticgrowth responses reflect native a AR function. 1a Citation:LeiB,SchwinnDA,MorrisDP(2013)Stimulationofa AdrenergicReceptorsInducesCellularProliferationorAntiproliferativeHypertrophyDependent 1a SolelyonAgonistConcentration.PLoSONE8(8):e72430.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430 Editor:ClaudioM.Costa-Neto,UniversityofSa˜oPaulo,Brazil ReceivedApril19,2013;AcceptedJuly8,2013;PublishedAugust22,2013 Copyright:(cid:1)2013Leietal.Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsunrestricted use,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:Thisworkwassupportedby2005–2016NIH/NHLBIR37HL49103(MERITAWARD):SubcellularDistribution&Regulationofa1a-AdrenoceptorstoDebra A.Schwinn,ProjectNumber:5R37HL049103-19;$1,250,000/5years(Years16–20;MERITawardbeganinyear11).NHLBIwebsite: fundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] Introduction opening of the IP3R channel, while membrane bound DAG activatesnovelproteinkinaseC(PKC)isoforms(d,e,g,mandh) AdrenergicReceptor(AR)stimulationbyepinephrinehasbeen andincombinationwithCa2+;activatesfourtypicalPKCisoforms recognized as integral to the fight or flight response [1] of the (a, b, b , c). DAG can also induce Ca2+ entry from the sympatheticnervoussystemsinceearlyinthe20thcentury[2].As extracIellulIaIrmediumthroughcanonicaltransientreceptorpoten- part of the sympathetic response, these receptors are activated tial channels [6], while depletion of ER Ca2+ stores can lead to within seconds of stimulus recognition; however, they are also store operated Ca2+ entry through calcium release activated involved in more extended processes including tissue injury and calciumchannels[7].Regulationofthese[8],andprobablyother repair. Early studies distinguished the a1AR family from the [9] channels, produce the extended increase in cytosolic Ca2+ a2ARs and bARs on a pharmacological basis using specific associatedwitha1aARactivation[10–13].Inaddition,Gqappears agonistsandinhibitors[3].EvenbeforeidentificationoftheDNA to directly activate signaling through effectors including GRK2 sequencesencodingthethreea1ARgenes,itwasrecognizedthat [14] and RhoGEFs [15] with the later activating Rho/Raf a1ARs induced smooth muscle contraction through Ca2+ release GTPases.Althoughlimitedinformationisavailableforthea1ARs, [4] directedby phospholipase Cbeta (PLCb). stimulation of GPCRs also activates Gbc subunits, which signal Canonical a1aAR signaling is initiated by agonist stimulation through a variety of molecules including some isoforms of PLCb that allows GTP association with Gq, dissociation of the trimeric [16]. In addition, Gq-coupled receptors can transactivate EGFR GproteinsandactivationofPLCbviadirectinteractionwithGq/ and other Receptor Tyrosine Kinases through triple membrane GTP [5]. Resultant cleavage of membrane-bound phosphatidyli- pass (TMP) signaling that involves matrix metalloproteases nositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2) produces soluble inositol triphos- cleavage of growth factor precursors [17–19]. Other signaling phate(IP3)andmembrane-bounddiacylglycerol(DAG).Inmost proteinsreportedlyactivatedbya ARsincludePKD1[20],PLA2 1 cells,IP3inducesacutereleaseofintracellularCa2+storesthrough [21], PLD [22], AMPK [23] and Na+/H+ exchangers [24]. PLOSONE | 1 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Despitetheextensivestudy,mechanismsofa ARfunctionappear hydroxyphenyl)-ethylamineomethyl)-tetralone([125I]HEAT),[Per- 1 tobeverycomplexandarepoorlyunderstoodinmosttissues[25]. kin Elmer Life Sciences, Boston, MA]; High Glucose Dulbecco’s Functionally, the a ARs are present in many cell types where Modified Eagle Medium (11995) and Pen/Strep (15140) [Gibco, 1 they play diverse roles: however, attention has focused on stress Grand Island, NY]; Hyclone Fetal Bovine Serum responses associated with the cardiovasculature. Although a AR (SH30071.03HI),Restorestrippingbuffer(21059)andSupersignal 1 signaling can be identified by phenylephrine (PE) activation, the substrate (34076) [Thermo Scientific, Rockford,IL]. subtypethatproducesaspecificbiologicalresponsecanbedifficult to establish in native tissues. Pharmacologic identification of the Cell Culture a ARismoredependable,asselectiveagonistsandinhibitorsare Rat-1cellsstablyexpressinghuman,hemagglutinin(HA)tagged 1a available for this subtype [26]. Nevertheless, transgenic mice a -AR at about 1.77pmol/mg of total protein [49] were 1A missing individual a AR subtypes have proven invaluable, maintained in complete media containing DMEM, 10% FBS, 1 although murine phenotypes can be altered by small amounts of penicillin/streptomycin (P/S) and 400mg/ml G418. Prior to all the remaining subtypes [27,28], as well as compensatory experiments, cultures near confluence but not quiescent were upregulation [29] and synergistic interactions. Almost unstudied trypsinized and plated in 6 or 12 well plates and grown in aredifferencesina ARsubtypeexpressionwithindistinct[30,31] complete media without G418 selection. For growth assays with 1 and similar [32] cell types of a single tissue, despite the potential variedPEconcentrations(i.eFig.1)cellswerewashedtwicewith importance of endocrine like growth factor release produced by serumfree(SF)media(DMEMwithP/S)andthenreturnedtoSF transactivation. media and immediately stimulated with the a -AR selective 1 Most studies of a AR mediated cell signaling have been agonist,PE,attheindicatedconcentrationsfor1,2or3days.For 1a performedinexpressionmodelsusingepitopetaggedreceptorsnot Western analysis or growth assays involving pretreatment with only because of the clarity provided by expression of a single agents,cellswerewashedtwicewithSFmediaandthenincubated subtype, but also because native receptor levels are too low for inSFmediafor3–4hourspriortopretreatmentwithagentsand antibodydetection[33].Inthesemodels,comparisonofsignaling stimulationwithPEfor1day.Unlessindicated,agentswereadded efficacybetweenindividualsubtypeshasshowna ARsignalingto tocells30minPriortoPE.ForWesternanalysiscellswereplated 1a bemorerobustinHeLa[10],rat-1fibroblast[22,34,35],HEK293 atappropriatedensityin6wellplates(100–200thousandcellsper [34],SK-N-MC(1996theroux)andCHO[36]cells,althoughthe well), grown to near confluence (80–100%), washed twice with relationship between canonical signaling intensity and a AR- DMEM and then incubated in DMEM for 3–4 hours prior to 1 induced phenotypic responses [36–39] remains unclear. Beyond treatments andPE stimulation asindicated. signaling intensity,therearesubtype specific mechanismssuchas therapidinternalization[40]andproliferativephenotypes[38]of Analysis of Cell Growth the a AR that contrast with the slow internalization [41] and For growth assays, analysis of cell morphology (imaging), cell 1b antiproliferative[38]phenotypesa AR.Insomenativecells,the number and protein per well were performed side-by-side. After 1a a AR subtype displays unique signaling complexity, apparent as PE stimulation, images showing typical density were captured 1a pharmacologically distinct basal conformations, either with high usingadigitalcamera.Cellswerecountedusingahemocytometer prazosin affinity (a AR) or with low prazosin affinity (a AR), followingaPBSwash,trypsinzationandadditionofabout1 mlof 1a 1a(L) sometimes observed in activity assays [26]. The low affinity DMEM.Totalproteinperwellwasalwaysquantitatedinparallel phenotype, often designated as the a AR, appears to be wellsusingtheBCAproteinassayreagentkit(Pierce)withBSAas 1a(L) importantinsomeprototypica ARmodelsofsmoothmusclecell a standard. Analysis was performed on 50 ml samples from PBS 1a (SMC) contraction[42–45]. washed cells harvested in 250ml of lysis buffer (1% nonidet P-40 Thesignificanceoffibroblaststoinjuryresponsesinvolvingthe and0.5% sodium deoxycholate). a AR[46],aswellaschronicstressincludingthosethatproduce 1a cardiomyopathy [47,48] has increased the need to understand Western Blotting a1aAR biology in fibroblasts. Recently, we identified a naturally Cells in DMEM for 3 to 4 hours were pretreated with agents occurringa1ARSNPfromahypertensivepatient,whichincreases andstimulatedwithPEatthetimesandconcentrationsindicated proliferation of rat-1 fibroblasts [49] through a mechanism prior to media aspiration and direct solubilization with 2% SDS involvingconstitutivetransactivationofEGFR[50].Inthecurrent sample buffer. Samples were sometimes frozen in Liquid N , 2 study, we investigated the connections between a1aAR signaling heatedat95uCfor5 min,andthensubjectto15secofsonication pathways and biological phenotype following the discovery that or hard vortexing to shear DNA. Samples, loaded equally and wild-type a ARs can induce either anti-proliferative or prolifer- resolvedon26well4–20%or10–20%precastCriterionSDSgels 1a ative responses dependent solely on differences in signaling were transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride (162–0177) or intensity due to agonist concentration. Because clonal rat-1 nitrocellulose (162–0015) membranes in standard buffers with fibroblasts in the same media are identical prior to low or high 10%methanoland0.005%SDSusingaCriterionBlotter(plate), dose a AR stimulation, causal and coincident signaling events all from Bio-Rad, (Hercules, CA). Western treatment conditions 1a canbedistinguishedcompletelyfreeofsuperfluousdifferencesdue used TBS with 0.1% Tween, 5–10% dry milk (Biorad) with toenvironment, clonalvariationandcelltype. antibodies, four 5 min, 40ml washes, and1h, 25uC,2u antibody incubations.Primaryantibodies(targetnamed)wereincubatedat Methods 25uC (1–3 h) or 4uC (overnight) at $ 1/1000 dilutions unless indicated including Erk (9102), P-Erk1/2 (9101), p38 (9212), P- Materials p38 (9211), JNK (9255), P-JNK (9251) at 1/500, Akt (9272), P- Reagentsandsupplierswere:phenylephrine,prazosin,U73122, Akt-T308 (2965), P-Atf2 (9221) and P-Mk2 (3041) from Cell PMA,GF109203X,genistein,thapsigargin,HRP-conjugatedgoat SignalingTechnology,(Beverly,MA)andP-FGFR3-Y724(33041) antimouse IgG (A9169) and antirabbit IgG (A9044), [Sigma, St. at1/500fromSCBT,(SantaClaraCA)orP-EGFR1068(324867) Louis,MO];G418,calphostinC,BAPTA/AM,W-7,KN-93,PD fromEMDMillipore.Asrequiredforthesubstrate,dilutedHRP 98059, SB 203580 (Calbiochem, San Diego, CA); 125I-(2-b-(4- secondary antibodies were used at ,1/50,000 with PVDF and PLOSONE | 2 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Figure1.Thea ARinducesproliferationatlowPEconcentrationsandantiproliferativehypertrophyathighPEconcentrations. 1a Rat-1cellsstablyexpressingthea1aARat1.77pmol/mgoftotalproteinwereincubatedat37uCunder5%CO2inserum-freeDMEMfor24,48and 72hwiththeindicatedconcentrationsofPE(10210to1025M).TheeffectofPEona AR-inducedproliferativeandhypertrophicgrowthresponses 1a wasdeterminedbyside-by-side(A)morphologicalobservation,(B)cellcounts;(*),P,0.05at48and72h;(**),P,0.05at24h,(C)proteinquantitation perwell;(*),P,0.05at48h;(**)P,0.05at48and72h,and(D)estimationofproteinpercell;(*),P,0.05atalltimes.Allcomparedby1-wayANOVAto basal(n=3–8).ERepresentativeWesternblotimagesandsemi-quantitativeanalysisofhistoneH3proteinlevelsat20and24hours. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g001 ,1/10,000 with nitrocellulose membranes. When possible mul- without native adrenergic receptors derived from embryonic tiply probed blots were mildly stripped with Restore stripping fibroblasts[51].Intheseexperiments,rat-1cellsstablyexpressing bufferfor5minutesat25uCorharshlystrippedwith2%SDSplus HA-a AR were incubated for 24, 48 and 72 hours with various 1a 0.7% b-mercaptoethanol at 50uC for 30 minutes. Signal was concentrationsofPE(10210to1025M)andtheeffectsofagonist detected with X-ray film or when noted imaged and quantitated stimulation on proliferative and hypertrophic growth responses with a HD2 CCD camera (Alpha Innotech, San Leandro, CA). determined by side-by-side cell counts, total cellular protein Semi-quantitative analysis of band intensity from x-ray film was measurement and morphological observation. As previously done withImageJ usingnon-saturated exposureswith membrane reported[38,39],highdosesofPE(1026to1025M)arestrongly background. antiproliferative and induced a visually evident decrease in cell number (Fig. 1A) quantitatively established by cell counting Statistical Analysis (Fig.1B).Thisstrongcellcycleblockadewasaccompaniedbyan Results are expressed as the mean6SEM, compiled from n obvioushypertrophicresponse[38],reflectedintheneardoubling replicate experiments each performed in duplicate or triplicate. oftheproteinpercell(Fig.1Aand1D).Inthisclonalline[52],the Statistical significance was analyzed by one-way or two-way dosedependence of thishypertrophicphenotypeon PE (Fig.1D) ANOVA and where identified, respective, Dunnett or Bonferri was similar to the dose dependence of IP3 formation (EC50 post-tests.AllcalculationswereperformedusingGraphPadPrism ,361027M),whichservesasameasureofGproteinactivation. (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA) with p,0.05 considered More unexpectedly, we found low concentrations of PE significant. (,1028M) to be associated with increased proliferation relative to untreated control cells (Fig. 1B). Agonist dose response curves Results alsoshowedhigherlevelsofhistoneH3incellsexposedtominimal PE, indicative of increased DNA synthesis [53]. This unexpected Biological Effects of a AR Stimulation growthresponsepromptedustoreconsidertheabilityofa ARto 1a 1a Althoughthea ARshavebeenshowntoactivateawidearray regulate p38, JNK, and Erk1/2, as these MAPKs are key 1 of stress and growth related pathways, increased proliferation is regulators ofcell growth. not a commonly observed phenotype. Thus it was initially surprising when a AR stimulation by low doses of agonist 1a increasedproliferationofrat-1fibroblasts;afrequentlyusedmodel PLOSONE | 3 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Activation of Stress Activated Protein Kinases Activation of p38 is Required for the PE-induced ThestressactivatedMAPKs,p38andJnk,werebothactivated Proliferative Blockade following stimulation of HA-a1aAR expressing rat-1 cells with To investigate the mechanism of a1aAR induced, antiprolifer- 1025 MPE(Fig.2A,toppanel).Followinganacuteperiod(2 min) ative hypertrophy, we employed inhibitors of MAPKs, including where low basal p38 phosphorylation decreases modestly, p38 thep38kinaseinhibitor,SB203580,theJNKinhibitor,SP600125, phosphorylation became intense within 5 minutes and maximal and the MEK inhibitor, PD98059, which blocks Erk phosphor- near 15 to 30 minutes. Thereafter p38 phosphorylation levels ylation.CellsinSFmediawerepretreatedfor30minwithvehicle decreasedfrom1to24hours,butremainabovebasallevelsforat orinhibitorsandthenincubatedwith10 mMPEfor24hours.As least 24 hours. Dose response experiments at several PE shownabove,PEathigherdosessignificantlyinhibitedcellgrowth concentrations show the extent of p38 phosphorylation at 15 (Fig.3A) and increased cell size(Fig. 3B) relative tounstimulated minutes(Fig.2B,toppanel)isalsosimilartothedosedependence control cells. As for Cho cells [36], the p38 inhibitor, SB203580, of IP3 formation [49,52]. Compared to p38 activation, JNK prevented the antiproliferative response induced by a -AR 1a phosphorylationisbothdelayed[54]andmoretransient,reaching stimulation in rat-1 fibroblasts (Fig. 3A); however, the inhibitor a maximum near 30 minutes before waning rapidly (Fig. 2A, hadnosignificanteffectoncellhypertrophy(Fig.3B).NeitherErk middle panel). The PE dose dependence of Jnk phosphorylation or Jnk inhibition interfered with either PE induced phenotype; (Fig. 2B, middle panel) displayed a profile grossly similar to p38 however, the a AR inhibitor, prazosin, completely reverses both 1 activation. cellcycle blockadeand hypertrophy. High doses of PE Produce Sustained Erk Inhibition Proliferation Induced by Low doses of PE Required Erk Althougha ARstimulationcanproducemodestErkactivation Activation 1a [36], in rat-1 cells high doses of PE (1025M) inhibit Erk activity Given the established importance of MAPKs in control of cell (Fig. 2A, lower panel) in agreement with prior evidence [37]. growth [55], the role of MAPKs and upstream activators in low Although Erk phosphorylation was severely reduced both acutely dosea -ARsignalingwasinvestigatedunderconditionsotherwise 1a (2 min) and later in the time course (,1 hour), we did observe a identical to those used in the high dose experiments. Inhibitor period of recovery between 15 and 30 minutes (Fig. 2A, lower analysis showed that p38 and Jnk signaling were not involved; panel) where Erk phosphorylation approached basal levels. At however, inhibition of Erk signaling largely blocked proliferation even longer times, Erk phosphorylation remained depressed induced by 1028M PE (Fig. 4A) at concentrations of the MEK relative to untreated control cells. Problematically, the basal Erk inhibitor, PD98059, that also prevented increased Erk phosphor- phosphorylationlevelofcellsplacedintoSFmediafor3–4hours ylation (Fig. 4B). Consistent with control of proliferation, the was both low and sensitive to minor details of cell handling, additionof1028MPEincreased ERKphosphorylationwithin2 nevertheless,theresponsepatternincludingbothminimaandthe minutesandproducedstrongactivationbetween5and30minutes recovery period was qualitatively consistent (n.13). A dose (Fig. 4C). In contrast, P-Jnk was undetectable under basal and response curve directed at the time of acute Erk dephosphoryla- stimulatedconditions(datanotshown).Stimulationwith1028M tion (,2min), defined a broad range of agonist concentrations PE produced p38 phosphorylation that was marginally (e.g. (1027 to 1025M PE) that produced this acute inhibitory effect Fig. 2B) but not significantly higher than detectable basal levels (Fig.2Blowerpanel).Inaddition,thiscurveshowedanincreasein (1.2960.15-fold,n=6)andneverexceeded1.8-foldoverbasalin Erk phosphorylation at 1028M PE relative to basal levels, anylow doseexperiment. suggestinganarrowrangeofconcentrationswithinwhicha -AR 1a stimulationcanincreaseErkactivity.Giventheestablishedroleof EGFR Transactivation Precedes and is Required for Low Erk in enabling proliferation, the elevated phosphorylation dose PE Activation of Erk associated with low doseagonist stimulation suggested a basisfor Becausetransactivationofreceptortyrosinekinases(RTKs)was increased proliferation (Fig.1B) that isaddressed below. a potential mechanism of Erk activation [17], we analyzed the activation-dependent phosphorylation state of the fibroblast and general growth receptors, FGFR and EGFR. Following a -AR 1a stimulation, phosphorylation of both RTKs exhibited temporal Figure2.Westernanalysisofhighdosea ARinducedMAPKactivationusingphospho-specificantibodiesforactivatedkinases. 1a a ARexpressingcellswereplacedintoSFmediafor3–4hours,treatedwithPEfortheindicatedtimeandcollectedbydirectadditionofSDSsample 1a buffer.(A)Timecoursefollowingtreatmentwith1025MPEshowsstrongp38activation,transientJnkactivationandacuteinhibitionofalreadylow basalERKactivityfollowedbytransientpartialrecovery.(B)DoseresponseofPEandMAPKphosphorylation.Followingtransfertoserumfreemedia thecellsweretreatedfor15or2minwith0to1025MPEasindicated. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g002 PLOSONE | 4 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Figure3.TheantiproliferativeeffectsofhighdosePErequire p38 activity. a AR expressing cells placed into SF media were 1a pretreatedfor30minwithvehicle(0.1%DMSO),20mMPD98059(MEK/ Erk inhibitor), 10mM SB203580 (p38 inhibitor), 10mM SP600125 (Jnk inhibitor),or10mMPrazosin(a1AR)andthenstimulatedwith10mMPE Figure 4. Low dose a AR stimulation activates growth- for24hpriorto(A)cellcountingor(B)proteinassayandestimationof 1a associated signaling. a AR expressing cells were placed into SF cellularproteincontent.Valuesarethemean6SEM(n$3);(*),P,0.05, 1a mediapriortopretreatmentandstimulation.(A)Priortocounting,cells comparedtovehicleorinhibitoralone. werepretreatedfor30minwithvehicle(0.1%DMSO),20mMPD98059 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g003 (MEK/Erk inhibitor), 10mM SB203580 (p38 inhibitor), 10mM SP600125 (Jnk inhibitor), or 10mM Prazosin (a AR) and then stimulated with 1 patterns that were recognizably similar to one another (Fig. 4C, 10mM PE for 24h. Values are the mean6SEM (n$3); (*), P,0.05, upper panel), despite P-EGFR signal near the limit of detection. comparedtovehicleorinhibitoralone.(B)20mMPD98059blocksPE- inducedErkphosphorylation.(C)Erkisacutelyactivatedwithin2minof RapidbuttransientphosphorylationoftheRTKeffector,Akt,was 10mM PE addition and remains robustly phosphorylated for 15–30 alsoobservedfollowingRTKphosphorylationbutwastemporally minutes. Prior to Erk activation, stimulation induces sustained distinctfromErkactivationandwaslostasErkreachedmaximal phosphorylationofEGFRandFGFRandacutetransientphosphorylation activity. Semi-quantitative estimation of relative band intensity ofAktatT308downstreamofPI3K/Aktsignaling.TotalAktprovidesthe (Fig.4C,lowerpanel)illustratesthetemporaldistinctionsbetween load control for this multiply reprobed blot. In the lower panel, differencesintemporalactivationpatternsareshownfollowingsemi- these activation profiles. quantitative analysis of Erk, FGFR and Akt phosphorylation. Results ConsistentwithRTKinvolvement,thegeneralRTKinhibitor, representthefoldincreaseinphosphorylationrelativetobasalsignal genistein, completely prevented the a1aAR induced proliferative (Erk,FGFR3)orforAkt,background(arbitrary)signal. response (Fig. 5A) as well as increased Erk phosphorylation doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g004 (Fig.5B).Toidentifythepathwayresponsible,specificinhibitorsof potential RTKs were tested. While the FGFR inhibitor, To demonstrate that TMP signaling was the mechanism of PD173074, modestly decreased proliferation (Fig. 5A) and Erk EGFR transactivation responsible for increased Erk activity, phosphorylation(Fig.5B)ofbothbasalandstimulatedcells,itdid various concentrations of the commonly employed ‘‘general’’ notappeartoblocktheincreaseinproliferationandErkactivation MMP domain protease inhibitor, GM6001 (galardin), were induced by low doses of PE. In contrast, the EGFR inhibitor, applied to cells 30 minutes prior to PE stimulation (Fig. 5D). AG1478, had little impact on either basal proliferation or Erk Across the PE concentrations that induce proliferation, GM6001 phosphorylation, but largely prevented both agonist-induced reduced receptor-activated Erk phosphorylation in a dose depen- proliferation and Erk activation (Fig. 5A and 5B). Inclusion of dent manner. As TMP signaling is predicated on growth factor bothinhibitorsresultedinapparentlyadditiveeffectsoflowbasal precursor proteolysis occurring outside the cell, competitive proliferation and minimal agonist-induced proliferation. Because inhibition by GM6001 [58] should be almost instantaneous, as preliminary experiments showed 100mM concentrations of confirmed by the similar results obtained with a GM6001 AG1478 and a second EGFR inhibitor, Erlotinib, completely preincubation of ,15 seconds (Fig. 5D, lowest panel). These blockedErkactivationevenwithashort5minutepreincubation, results strongly suggest TMP transactivation is essential for low dose response experiments were performed which demonstrated respective IC50s 865 nM and 3064 nM for these inhibitors dose a1aAR activation of Erk and increased proliferative of rat-1 cells. (Fig. 5C). These results are consistent with the potent EGFR inhibitionpreviouslyreported[56,57]andsuggestintendedtarget inhibition. PLOSONE | 5 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Figure5.EGFRtransactivationthroughaTMPmechanismisrequiredforlowdosea AR-inducedproliferationandErkactivation. 1a a ARexpressingcellswereplacedintoSFmediapriortopretreamentandadditionofPE.(A)Priortocounting,cellswerepretreatedfor30minwith 1a 0.1%DMSO(Veh),20mMGenestein,1mMPD173704(PD17),1mMAG1478(AG),1mMPD173704+1mMAG1478priortogrowthwithout(control)or with 1028M PE.Values arethe mean6SEM;(*), P,0.05comparedto vehicleor inhibitoralone(n$3);(**), P,0.05comparedtovehicle+PE.(B) RepresentativeWesternanalysisofErkphosphorylationincellspretreatedfor30minwithvehicle0.1%DMSO(Veh),1mMPD17,1mMAG,1mMPD +1mMAGor20mMgenistein(Gen)priortostimulationwithout(2)orwith(+)PEat261028Mfor10minutes.Lowerpanelshowssemi-quantitative analysisofP-ErkbandintensityfromCCDimages.Valuesarethemean6SEM(n=4);(*),P,0.05comparedtovehicleorinhibitoralone.(C)Inhibition ofErkphosphorylationbyadilutionseriesoftheEGFRinhibitors,AG1478andErlotinib,added5minutespriortostimulationwith361028MPEfor5 minutes.Tomaintainrelativeintensity,panelswereconcordantlyadjusted.(D)QuantitationofP-ErkbandintensityattheindicatedAG1478and Erlotinibconcentrationsrelativetolevelsinuntreatedcells.(E)Top3panelsshowswesternanalysisofErkphosphorylationincellspretreatedfor N 30minwith0.1%DMSO(Veh)orGM6001(GM)priortoincubationfor5minuteswithout(2)orwith(+)PE.Thebottompanelshowsasimilar experimentinwhichtheGM6001preincubationwas,15seconds.Paneladjustedindependentlytoemphasisinhibitionpattern.( )Indicatesan artifactualband. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g005 Erk Activation RequiresPLCbProduction ofDAG but not ing IP3R-mediated Ca2+ responses through a mechanism inde- Increased Intracellular Calcium pendent of Gq/PLCb signaling. However, these authors found Gq/PLCb/IP3Riscompletelyinhibitedby10 mMU73122inless Although the ability of Gq-coupled GPCRs to transactivate than3minuteswhereasthelargerERCa2+transientsmediatedby EGFRleadingtoErkmediatedproliferationiswellestablishedin caffeine-activated ryanodine receptors was impacted more slowly rat-1 cells [17,59–61]], the role of canonical Gq signaling in this (.4 min), suggesting maintenance of adequate ER Ca2+ levels process has not been investigated. Consistent with a requirement for Gq activation, inhibition of PLCb with U73122, effectively across this period. Using a short, 3 minute, preincubation, we found the initial PE-induced increases in Erk phosphorylation blocked increased Erk phosphorylation (Fig.6A). In these images were inhibited by 2 mM and blocked by 5 mM U73122 (Fig. 6A, somebandshavebeenoverexposedtoallowvisualizationofbasal 2 min PE). Note that basal Erk phosphorylation at that time Erk activity; however, these long exposures show the variable (3 min preincubation plus 2 min incubation) was unaffected by phosphorylation of the p44 Erk isoform, providing an accurate 5 mMU73122,suggestingminimalimpactonErksignalingatthe proxyforp42phosphorylationinlessexposedimages.Recently,it time of receptor stimulation (3min). Erk phosphorylation follow- has been reported that U73122 can also inhibit the SERCA ing5minuteofPEstimulationwassubstantiallyreducedby5 mM calciumpump[62],potentiallyemptyingERstoresandsuppress- PLOSONE | 6 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Figure 6. Low-dose a AR-induced proliferation requires Erk phosphorylation dependent upon Gq signaling through PLCb and 1a PKC.a ARexpressingcellswereplacedinSFmediapriortopretreatmentandstimulation.(A)WesternanalysisofcellspreincubatedwithDMSOat 1a 0.1%(V2)or0.25%(V5)orwiththePLCbinhibitor,U73122,priortostimulationwithout(2)orwith(+)361028MPEfortheindicatedtimes.Panels adjusted independently. (B) Western analysis of cells preincubated 10min with 0.2% DMSO (Veh) or with 40mM BAPTA-AM (B-AM) prior to PE stimulationatthetimesandconcentrationsindicated.(C)Westernanalysisofcellspreincubatedfor15or30minuteswithwith0.2%DMSO(Veh)or thePKCinhibitor,GF109203X,priortostimulationwithout(2)orwith(+)361028MPEfortheindicatedtimes. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g006 U73122(notep44isoform);however,completeinhibitionrequired inhibits basal and stimulated Akt activity (Fig. 7D). Although a concentration of10mM(Fig.6A, rightpanels). chronic inhibition of Akt probably plays a role in enforcing the To delineate the PLCb signaling pathway responsible for antiproliferative phenotype, these delayed effects are beyond the transactivation we investigated dominant downstream effector scope of the current report as they are not associated with the pathways. In contrast to PLCb inhibition, complete chelation of proliferative response and probably involve distinct changes in intracellular Ca2+ with 40mM BAPTA-AM [63] increased basal geneexpression. Erk phosphorylation and did not prevent acute a AR-induced 1a Erk phosphorylation (Fig. 6B), strongly suggesting increased Discussion cytosolic Ca2+ is not necessary for Erk activation as well as Generally, a AR stimulation has been associated with limiting potential problems associated with off-target SERCA 1a antiproliferative [38] and [39,65] hypertrophic phenotypes; inhibitionbyU73122(above).Ontheotherhand,broadspectrum however, this receptors ability to induce proliferative [46] and inhibition of PKC isoforms with GF109203X resulted in protective [66] responses demonstrates a diversity of biological concentration dependent reduction in Erk phosphorylation that functions. This variability is consistent with contradictory a AR wascompleteattheconcentrationof10 mMwhethera ARwas 1a stimulated with 361028M (Fig. 6C) or 1028M PE 1(adata not signalingresponsesthatarenoteasilydistinguishedfromresponses of the other subtypes. Consistent with phenotypic results in shown). These results strongly suggest that Erk activation by low expression models [38,39], pharmacologically dissection in doses ofPErequires canonical Gqsignaling andisdependent on primary foreskin fibroblasts suggests the a AR mediates prolif- PLCbactivationpresumablyofnovelPKCisoforms,whichdonot 1b eration rather than the equally expressed a AR. [67]. Indeed, require calcium. 1a until very recently [50], no study had reported a AR-induced 1a EGFR transactivation, even though rat-1 cells were used in the a AR Induced Activation of PI3K/Akt is Separable from 1a originaldissectionofTMPsignaling[17,59,60,68]andhavebeen Erk Activation and Proliferation a primary model of a AR signaling. Nevertheless, under some 1a EGFR signaling through Akt can be proliferative; however, conditionsthenativea ARappearstoenhanceproliferation[46] 1a a1aARactivationofAktwastemporallycomplexandnotmaximal asweobservedwithminimalstimulationinrat-1fibroblastsdueto at PE concentrations inducing proliferation. At low PE concen- a mechanisminvolving EGFRtransactivation. trations, modest, acute Akt activation returned to baseline by 15 Thea ARhasbeenviewedasastressreceptorduelargely to 1a minutes (Fig.4C, and7A); however, at higherPE concentrations agonist-induced activation of stress pathways, including sustained more intense Akt activation is preserved for a longer period increasesincytosolicCa2+[10–13]andactivationofbothp38and (Fig. 7A). These findings do not contradict an earlier report that Jnk[36,37,69,70],allofwhichareassociatedwithcelldeath[71] a ARactivationinrat-1cellsinhibitsAktsignaling[64],ashigh [72]. Also induced are potentially deleterious immunologic 1a doses of PE invariably reduced Akt phosphorylation within one pathways including arachidonic acid release [73], NF-kB activa- hour (Fig. 7B). Indeed, chronic PE administration for 24 hours tion, IL6 secretion [74] and TNFa secretion [75] due to TACE stronglyinhibitsAktactivityatallPEconcentrationsabovethose transactivation [76] all concordant with a AR function during 1a associated with cell proliferation (Fig. 7C). Of equal importance wound healing responses [46,75,77]. More broadly, Gq/PLCb and in stark contrast with Erk activation, Akt phosphorylation activationappearstohaveplayedaconservedroleinwoundingas appears strongly dependent on intracellular Ca2+as BAPTA-AM farback asC.elegans [78]. PLOSONE | 7 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Figure7.Stimulationofa ARresultsinstrongCa2+dependentAktactivationfollowedbychronicAktdownregulationathighPE 1a concentrations.a ARexpressingcellswereplacedintoSFmediapriortopretreatmentandstimulationwithPE.RepresentativeWesternAnalysis 1a showingthePEdosedependenceof(A)acuteAktphosphorylationfrom2–10min.,(B)intermediateAktandErkphosphorylationat1hourand(C) chronicAktdephosphorylationat24hours.(D)Treatmentofcellswith0.1%DMSOvehical(2)or20mMBAPTA-AM(+)for10min.priorto5min stimulationwithvariousconcentrationofPEdemonstrateanimportantroleforintracellularCa2+releaseinAktactivationthatcontrastswithErk behavior. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072430.g007 Asastressactivatedkinase,withanestablishedroleinblocking release that required both PKC and Src activities [86]; however, the cell cycle at both the G1/S and G2/M transitions [79], it is thesecellsreportedlyexpressmoreproliferationassociateda AR 1b unsurprisingthattherobustandextendedp38activationinduced [21]. Although SMCs lose a ARs during isolation [30], an 1a by a AR stimulation produces a nearly complete cell cycle elegant series ofin vivoand vessel studies bythe Faberlaboratory 1a blockadethatcanbepreventedbyp38inhibition.Consistentwith suggest the a AR can increase proliferation of both SMCs and 1a indirect blockade of the G1/S transition through Erk inhibition fibroblasts during vessel injury [46,77,87]. Despite the predomi- [79], p38 phosphorylation is also associated with a reciprocal nance of the a AR in the SMCs of conduction vessels and the 1d decrease in Erk phosphorylation. At longer times, cell cycle presenceoftheproliferativea AR[31],pharmacologicdissection 1b blockadeisprobablyreinforcedbygeneticreprogrammingashas showsthea ARisessentialforproliferation[77,87].Ofnote,the 1a been suggested [38,39], presumably through mechanisms related proliferativeeffectofthea ARonmedialSMCsoccurreddespite 1a inparttoactivationofp38anditseffectors.Despiteconsiderable the near absence of this receptor from this cell type [31], study,themechanismbywhicha ARsandotherGPCRsactivate potentiallysuggestingcelltocellendocrine-likesignalingasaresult 1a p38 to produce an antiproliferative phenotype has yet to be oftransactivationofthefibroblastpopulation.Thea ARcanalso 1a established. Both our laboratory [52] and others [54] have be protective as in heart [66], where activation of EGFR by Gq- observednorequirementforcanonicalPLCbsignalingina AR- coupledGPCRsincludingthea AR/a ARmayinvolveEGFR 1a 1a 1b mediated p38 activation. Fairly recently it has become apparent transactivationandErksignaling[88,89].Incardiomyocytes,Gq- that both Gq and Gbc can induce RhoGEF activation of Rho coupled GPCRs activate Erk much more than PI3K/Akt [90], GTPases [15,80,81] and that one pathway is mediated by direct potentiallysuggestingamechanismdistinctfromtransactivationin RhoGEF association with G [82] or G [15] bypassing which growth factor release might be expected to activate both q/11 12/13 PLCb. A number of studies have linked Rho GTPases to p38 pathways [89]. In this regard, it is notable that a ARs in rat-1 1a activation, including a recent mechanistic description of p38 cells activate Erk at a lower concentration of agonist using fewer activation following a AR stimulation through the RhoGEF, activated receptors, without a requirement forCa2+release. 1b AKAP-lbc [83]. Ironically, these investigators used a ARs The role of canonical Gq-coupled signaling in EGFR 1b expressed in HEK293 cells, where the a AR has an uncharac- transactivation has received relatively little attention and had not 1b teristic antiproliferative, hypertrophic phenotype [84], perhaps been studied in relation to a AR signaling. More surprisingly, 1a because transactivation is poorly coupled in these cells [85]. The giventheextensivestudyofTMPtransactivation,neitherhasthe relevance of this pathway and other Rho/Gef signaling to p38 roleofcanonicalGqsignalingbeenaddressedinrat-1cellsforany activationbythea ARandotherGPCRsrequiresfurtherstudy. receptor. The results reported here suggest a requirement for 1a Giventheusualantiproliferativeandhypertrophicphenotypes, PLCb activation during EGFR transactivation by the a AR, 1a the ability of the a AR to induce proliferation of rat-1 cells despiteminimalIP3production[52]orcalciumrelease[12]atthe 1a through EGFR transactivation provides important support for agonist concentrations that lead to Erk activation. In addition, invivo evidence of this phenotype. Extensive studies in rat-1 cells cytosolic chelation of this minimal Ca2+ release does not prevent have shown most Gq-coupled receptors [ET , LPA, Thrombin Erk phosphorylation. Combined with a requirement for PKC A [59], M1-acetylcholine [17], BB2-bombesin, Bradykinin [60], activity,theseresultssuggesttheessentialfunctionofPLCbduring CASR-calcium [61]] can transactivate EGFR through a TMP a AR induced proliferation is DAG activation of a nonclassical 1a mechanism involving Hb-EGF. However, until our recent report PKC isoform. [50] and the data presented above, the a AR was a notable Even for other Gq-coupled receptors, evidence for or against 1a exception. An extensive analysis in GT1-7 neuronal cells had canonical signaling in transactivation is limited and disparate suggested EGFR transactivation by the a ARinvolved Hb-EGF [19,91,92], however, some studies report PKC involvement 1a PLOSONE | 8 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a upstream of EGFR activation [19,85,93]. Problematically, many tion due to acutely released growth factors from the proliferative studies have focused on the AT1R, which along with the a b1 effectsofEGFR/Erkmediatedgeneexpressionseemedunlikelyto 1b, and b2 adrenergic receptors, displays rapid b-arrestin mediated bedefinitive andhas notbeen pursued. internalization [94] that often leads to sustained cytosolic Erk TransactivationdependentsignalingbyPI3K/Aktdownstream activationthroughintracellularbArrsignaling[94,95].Incontrast, of a ARs [26] and other Gq-coupled GPCRs [18] appears 1 the a1aAR internalizes very slowly [41,96,97] through a mecha- important for contraction of smooth muscle cells. In mesenteric nism largely independent not only of the carboxy terminus [96] resistancearteries,wherethea AR(ora AR)isdominantatthe 1a 1L but also receptor activation [98,99] and phosphorylation [100]. mRNA [43,104] and functional [42,105] levels, inhibition of These characteristics suggest internalization-dependent mecha- EGFR has little impact on acute a AR-mediated contraction 1 nisms of Erk activation will be less important to a1aAR signaling [106] induced by Ca2+/Calmodulin activation of myosin light perhaps favoringEGFRtransactivation, particularly inrat-1 cells chain kinase [107], but largely prevented sustained vessel where signaling by focal adhesion complexes is limited [101]. contractioninducedbyPI3K/AktdownstreamofEGFRtransac- More broadly, activation of PKC by DAG or phorbal esters is tivation [106,108]. In the current study, the role of PI3K/Akt generally proliferative and has been implicated in transactivation signalinginproliferationwaslessclearandmaximalactivationof [102]. Given the number of Gq-coupled receptors that can Aktbythea ARdidnotcorrelatewiththelowdoseproliferative 1a transactivateEGFR,itseemslikelythatDAGfrequentlyfunctions response. For this reason it was not a focus of the current study, as an initiatorof PKC induced proliferation. nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the PI3K/Akt pathway often The proliferative response induced by minimal a1aAR stimu- supports Erk signaling at low levels of EGFR activation [109] lationoccurredoveranarrowandsomewhatvariablerangeofPE giventhata AR-inducedtransactivationofErkwasprecededby concentrations (1028 to 361028M) at the lower edge of the modest, brie1faAktactivation. efficacious concentrations. Consequently, 1028M PE was some- On the other hand, robust acute Akt activation at higher PE times ineffective, leading to frequent use of the slightly higher concentrations correlated with proliferative inhibition. However, concentration. Nevertheless, all PE concentrations producing a this anti-proliferative effect is more reasonably linked to chronic proliferative response were considerably below the EC of IP3 50 Akt inhibition subsequent to p38 activation. The need for Akt formation(PE,361027M),clearlydemonstratingatinyfraction signaling during cellular growth suggests retention of Akt activity ofavailablereceptorsareresponsibleforthephenotype.Although with low agonist plays at least a permissive role in allowing distinct fractional populations of a ARs have been identified 1a proliferation. The divergent requirement for releaseof intracellu- [45,52,103],a1aARsstablyexpressedinrat-1cellsat,1.8pmole/ lar Ca2+ for Erk and Akt activation was unexpected and clearly mg display unambiguous receptor reserve behavior including suggests distinct separable signaling pathways. Of potential agonistbindingaffinities(Kd,1025to361025M)thatare30-to significance to fibroblasts, a AR stimulation also resulted in 100-foldabovetheEC forIP3production[49,52].Inaddition, 1a 50 transactivation of an FGFR, perhaps FGFR3, which functions receptorsat5-foldlowerdensitydisplayabout5-foldhigherEC 50 primarilythroughPI3K/Aktsignaling[110,111].Importantly,an values [49], implying conservation of activated receptor number. inhibitor with specificity toward FGFR1/3 slightly reduced both Although receptor reserve does not disprove the existence of a Erk phosphorylation and cell proliferation without apparently subpopulation of a ARs with special characteristics and high 1a impacting agonist-induced effects. While EGFR clearly plays an agonistaffinity,itallowsthepossibilitythatfractionalactivationof essential role in a AR agonist induced Erk activation and ‘‘typical’’ receptors could produce the low dose response. In any 1a proliferation of rat-1 fibroblasts, the biological function of PI3K/ case, PLCb activated by low doses of PE drives very strong Erk Akt signalingrequires additionalstudy. activation despite almost undetectable increases in IP3 and Thecombinatorialbasisofstresssignalinghasbeenrecognized presumably DAG at the whole cell level. This finding is of for more than a decade in well studied models of cardiac injury considerable significance, as it suggests Erk activation by EGFR [112]. Concordantly, we view the question of which pathways maybethepathwaymosteasilyactivatedbyagoniststimulationof representnativea ARsignalingasaredherring,giventhearray a ARinfibroblasts. 1a 1a of receptors activated with the a AR during severe stress and Somewhatdivergently,ourrecentfindingthatamutanta AR 1a 1a tissue injury. In those situations where isolated a AR signaling (G247R) induces proliferation through constitutive EGFR trans- 1a operatesaspartofnormaltissuefunction[e.g.duringpenilevessel activationsuggestedamechanismthatwasGproteinindependent contraction [113]], transactivation of Akt may represent a [50]. While G247R-a ARs may in fact bypass the requirement 1a dominant signaling process. However, during severe stress, for PLCb/PKC, our present data shows that very small, agonist- combinatorial signaling can induce extreme responses, such as induced increases in IP3/DAG can induce transactivation. This the sustained Ca2+ elevation and p38 activation of cardiac readilyexplainshowbasalPLCbactivityassociatedwithG247R- ischemia [114,115] that are similar to high dose a AR response a ARwasnotdetected,butcannotexplainwhyprazosindidnot 1a 1a in the rat-1 model. Less extensive vessel injury will be associated significantly prevent G247R-a AR induced proliferation [50]. 1a withlessadrenergicstimulationandlowerreceptoractivationthat One possibility is that G247R-a AR, which constitutively 1a maysupportproliferationandvesselrepair[77,87].Indeed,recent activates EGFR, induces enough constitute PLCb activity and evidencethatchronicstressresponsessuchascardiachypertrophy DAG production toenabletransactivation evenwhenprazosin is aremediatedbyfibroblastactivation[47],suggestadditionalroles bound. Alternatively, chronic transactivation by the mutant for a ARs in fibroblasts [48]. While the biological reason for receptor may have reprogrammed gene expression using well 1a proliferative and antiproliferative signaling through the same established EGFR/Erk based mechanisms [92], resulting in a reduced requirement for PLCb/PKC signaling. Potential diver- receptorremainstobedetermined, theunanticipated isolationof gence between acute and chronic signaling is also relevant to Erk signaling at the lowest agonist concentrations allowed proliferation due to agonist-induced Erk activation; however, in unambiguous analysis of this pathway independent of concurrent thestimulatedmodelacutelyreleasedgrowthfactorsremaininthe signaling through unrelated pathways or other a1AR family media as evidenced by the continued elevation of FGFR members. phosphorylation. Delineating the importance of chronic stimula- PLOSONE | 9 August2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 8 | e72430 a AdrenergicReceptorandCellGrowth 1a Acknowledgments Author Contributions WethankAnushOganesianforscientificconsultationandMarinKleine- Conceived and designed the experiments: BL DM. Performed the Brueggeneyforcriticaleditingofthemanuscript. experiments: BL DM. Analyzed the data: BL DS DM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysistools:DSDM.Wrotethepaper:BLDSDM. References 1. 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