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Accepted forpublicationinTheAstronomicalJournal PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/26/04 THE VLA GALACTIC PLANE SURVEY J. M. Stil1 and A. R. Taylor1, J. M. Dickey2,3 and D. W. Kavars3, P. G. Martin4,5, T. A. Rothwell5, and A. I. Boothroyd4, Felix J. Lockman6, and N. M. McClure-Griffiths7 Accepted for publication inThe Astronomical Journal ABSTRACT The VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS) is a survey of Hi and 21-cm continuum emission in the Galactic plane between longitude 18(cid:14) and 67(cid:14) with latitude coverage from jbj < 1(cid:14):3 to jbj < 2(cid:14):3. The survey area was observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) in 990 pointings. Short-spacing information for the Hi line emission was obtained by additional observations with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Hi spectral line images are presented with a resolution of 10 (cid:2)10 (cid:2)1:56 km s(cid:0)1 (FWHM) and rms noise of 2 K per 0:824 km s(cid:0)1 channel. Continuum images made from channels 0 without Hi line emission have 1 (FWHM) resolution. The VGPS imagesreveal structures of atomic hydrogenand 21-cmcontinuum aslargeasseveraldegrees with unprecedented resolutionin this part of the Galaxy. With the completion of the VGPS, it is now possible for the (cid:12)rst time to assess the consistency between arcminute-resolution surveys of Galactic Hi emission. VGPS images are compared with images from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) and the Southern Galactic PlaneSurvey (SGPS). In general, the agreementbetween these surveysis impressive, consideringthe di(cid:11)erences in instrumentation and image processing techniques used for each survey. The di(cid:11)erences between VGPS and CGPS images are small, .6 K (rms) in channels where the mean Hi brightness temperatureinthe(cid:12)eldexceeds80K. AsimilardegreeofconsistencyisfoundbetweentheVGPSand SGPS.The agreementwe(cid:12)nd between arcminute resolutionsurveysof the Galacticplaneis acrucial step towards combining these surveysinto a single uniform dataset which covers90% of the Galactic disk: the International Galactic Plane Survey(IGPS). The VGPS data will be made availableon the World Wide Web through the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC). Subject headings: ISM: atoms | Galaxy: disk | Surveys 1. INTRODUCTION quires observations which reveal parsec-scale structures. For objects outside the solar neighborhood, resolving The physical processesin the feedbackcycle of matter parsec-scalestructuresrequiresarcminute-resolutionim- betweenstarsandtheinterstellarmediumplayanimpor- ages. Thedistributionofcoldatomicgasmayberevealed tantroleintheevolutionofgalaxies,andinthewayprod- by absorption of continuum emission or absorption of ucts of stellar nucleosynthesis are dispersed. A quanti- the Hi line emission itself (Hi self absorption). Results tative description of these processes requires knowledge from such observations depend strongly on the resolu- of the poorly known topology of di(cid:11)erent phases of the tion of the data (Dickey & Lockman 1990). To place interstellar medium and the timescales and locations of these processes into a Galactic context, the high reso- transitions between these phases. Atomic hydrogen is lution image should also show structure on large scales. the link between the gas heated or expelled by massive At 21 cm wavelength, images with arcminute resolution starsand coldmoleculargasfrom whichnew starsform. and a large spatial dynamic range can be obtained by Hi is widely distributed and, within certain limits, eas- aninterferometerincombinationwithalargesingledish ily observableacrossthe Galaxythroughthe 21-cmline. telescope to (cid:12)ll in large scale structure not detected by As such, atomic hydrogen has been used to study the the interferometer. dynamics of the Galaxy and physical conditions in the Previously the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey di(cid:11)use interstellar medium. (CGPS) (Taylor et al. 2003) and the Southern Galac- To study the interstellar medium in transition, from tic Plane Survey (McClure-Gri(cid:14)ths et al. 2001, 2005) the cold phase to the warm phase or vice versa, or the have provided high-resolution Hi images in the north- dynamical e(cid:11)ect of stars on the interstellar medium, re- ern sky (mainly the second Galactic quadrant) and the 1DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofCalgary, southernsky(thirdandfourthGalacticquadrants). The (cid:14) 2500UniversityDriveNW,Calgary,AB,T2N1N4,Canada CGPSwillbeextendedtolongitude50 ,whiletheSGPS 2School of Mathematics and Physics-Private Bag 37, Univer- has been extended to longitude 20(cid:14). A large part of sityofTasmania,Hobart,TAS7001,Australia the (cid:12)rst Galactic quadrant is located near the celestial 3Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota, 116 equator. This area of the sky cannot be observed at ChurchStreet,SE,Minneapolis,MN55455,USA 4CanadianInstituteforTheoreticalAstrophysics,Universityof su(cid:14)cient angular resolution by the interferometers used Toronto,60St. GeorgeStreet,TorontoON,M5S3H8,Canada in the CGPS and SGPS, because these interferometers 5Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of have exclusively or mostly east-west baselines. At the Toronto,60St. GeorgeStreet,TorontoON,M5S3H8,Canada 6NationalRadioAstronomicalObservatory,P.O.Box2,Green extremesofthe CGPSandSGPS,theangularresolution Bank,WestVirginia24944,USA of these surveys is degraded by a factor (cid:24) 3 in declina- 7Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO, P.O. Box 76, tion. EppingNSW1710,Australia The Very Large Array(VLA) can observe the equato- 2 Stil et al. TABLE 1 VGPS parameters Quantity Value Surveyarea jbj<1(cid:14):3 18(cid:14)<l<46(cid:14) jbj<1(cid:14):9 46(cid:14)<l<59(cid:14) jbj<2(cid:14):3 59(cid:14)<l<67(cid:14) Angularresolution(FWHM) 6000(cid:2)6000 Spectralresolution(FWHM) 1:56kms(cid:0)1 Channelwidth 0:824kms(cid:0)1 Noiseincontinuuma 0:3K Noiseperchannela 2K Tb=S(cid:23) 168K/Jy aNoiselevelsmaybedi(cid:11)erentfromtheserepresentativeval- uesdependingonlocationandvelocity(Hiline). rial part of the Galactic plane with adequate resolution. Inthispaperwepresentthe VLAGalacticPlaneSurvey (VGPS). The VGPS is an Hi spectral line and 21-cm continuum survey of a large part of the (cid:12)rst Galactic quadrant. This survey was done with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the 100 m Robert C. Byrd Green Fig. 1.|TheSensitivityFunctionoftheVGPS.Arepresentative BankTelescope(GBT)oftheNationalRadioAstronom- section of the primarysurvey area isshown. Contours are drawn atthe50%,80%,90%,95%,and98%levelsofthe maximumsen- icalObservatory(NRAO).Shortspacinginformationfor sitivityinthemosaic. Thisfunctionre(cid:13)ectstheGaussianprimary the VGPS continuum images was provided by a contin- beamshapeoftheVLAandthegridofpointingcentersindicated uum survey with the 100 m E(cid:11)elsberg telescope (Reich bythecrosses. Thelatitudecoverage ofthe surveywidensbytwo & Reich 1986; Reich et al. 1990). The CGPS, SGPS, morerowsofpointingcentersforlongitudesgreaterthan45(cid:14):7,and afurthertworowsforl>59(cid:14):7. andVGPS will be combinedinto asingle data setwhich provides arcminute-resolution images of Galactic Hi for 2.1.1. Mosaic Strategy 90% of the Galactic plane as part of the International An interferometer survey using the mosaicking tech- Galactic Plane Survey (IGPS). With the completion of nique to combine many primary beam areas into a large the VGPS, di(cid:11)erent parts of the IGPS overlap for the map begins with the choice of the area to cover and the (cid:12)rst time, allowing a detailed comparison of the results telescopetimeavailable. Thesetwonumberssettheover- from each survey. This paper describes the VGPS data, all sensitivity or noise level of the survey, but this sensi- and comparesthe VGPS spectral line images with those tivity is not uniform over the area. The gain in a single of the CGPS and SGPS in the areas where the surveys 0 VLA (cid:12)eld variesoverthe 32 (FWHM) primarybeam of overlap. the VLA antennas. When multiple (cid:12)elds are combined 2. OBSERVATIONSANDDATAREDUCTION in a mosaic, the spacing between pointing centers deter- minesthecorrugationorspatialvariationofthesensitiv- 2.1. VLA observations ityfunction. Acenteredhexagonalgeometryisoptimum The main set of observations of this survey was done for (cid:13)attening the sensitivity function, for a given num- with the Very Large Array (VLA) of the NRAO. The berofpointings,butthefunctioncanalwaysbe(cid:13)attened technical speci(cid:12)cations of the array are described in de- furtherbydecreasingthespacingbetweenadjacentbeam tailbyTaylor,Ulvestad&Perley(2003). TheVLAisan centers and so increasing the total number of pointings interferometer with 27 elements, each 25 m in diameter observed. Theoverheadcostsintelescopedrivetimeand (320 FWHM primary beam size at 21 cm). Several VLA the complexity of the data reduction are increased as (cid:12)elds must be combined in a mosaic to image an appre- the number of pointings increases, so there is a compro- ciable part of the Galaxy. The most compact con(cid:12)gura- mise requiredbetween (cid:13)attening the sensitivityfunction tionofVLAantennas,theD-con(cid:12)guration,hasbaselines and reducing the number of pointings. For this survey 0 between 35 m and 1.03 km, and is the most suitable for we have used the relatively wide spacing of 25 between imaging of widespread Galactic Hi emission. For short points,whichisnotmuchlessthanthefull-widthtohalf- observations (snapshots), the largest angular scale that power point of the VLA beam at (cid:21) 21-cm of 320. This canbeobservedreasonablywellis(cid:24)450arcsecondsat21 resultsinthesensitivityfunctionshowninFigure1. The 0 cm. The synthesized beam size is about 45 arcseconds 25 spacing choice is driven by the 20 second minimum (FWHM) at 21cm. The total amount of observingtime lagtime betweenthe end ofdatatakingononescanand attheVLAallocatedtothissurveywas260hoursinthe the beginning of the next, which is exacerbated by the period July to September 2000. In addition to the VLA need to delete the (cid:12)rst 10 second data average of each observations, a fast survey with the 100 m GBT of the scan. ThesefeaturesofthecurrentVLAdataacquisition NRAO was done to obtain the necessary short-spacing systemmakeitarelativelyslowtelescopeformosaicking. informationfortheHispectrallineimages. Table1lists There are other options available for data taking while basic parameters of the VGPS. drivingthe telescope(modeOF), butthese provedtobe impractical for this survey. The D con(cid:12)guration of the VLA is subject to shad- The VLA Galactic Plane Survey 3 Fig. 2.| Shadowing vs. hour angle and declination for the D array of the VLA. Two elevations, 13(cid:14) and 20(cid:14), are plotted with thin lines; two shadowing limits, zero shadowing and 10% shad- owing, are plotted with thick lines. These limits were computed usingtheAIPSsubroutinesGETANT,UVANT,andBLOCK,for theantenna (cid:12)lecorrespondingtothearrayusedforallsurveyob- servations. Allobservationsoftheprimarysurveyareaweretaken with zero shadowing, i.e.,forhour anglesinthe area between the Fig. 3.| Hour angles of the observations of sample pointings. solidcurves. Someoftheobservations ofthehigherlatitude (cid:12)elds The Galactic plane follows the center line, and the two lines on ((jbj>1(cid:14))weretaken withsomeshadowing,butnever morethan either side show latitudes (cid:0)1(cid:14) and +1(cid:14). Longitudes are marked afewpercent. withshortbars,withlongitude20(cid:14) and25(cid:14) indicated. Thepoint- ingcentersareshownastheverticesofseveralshortlinesegments owing, i.e. blockage of one antenna by another, at low (\chicken feet"). The short segments each represent an observa- tion,withthe directionofthesegment indicating thecorrespond- elevations. Foramosaicsurvey,itisevenmoreimportant inghourangle,with0hplottedasaverticalsegment,(cid:0)6hand+6h than usual to avoid shadowing, because of its e(cid:11)ect on plotted horizontally to the leftand right. The observingschedule the primary beam shape of the blocked antenna, which was chosen to optimize the uv coverage provided by awide range compromises the estimate of the telescope response to a ofhourangles,i.e.,abroadfootprintforeachpointing. model source that is needed for the maximum entropy Generallythestrongestcontinuumsourcesthatcausethe deconvolution. Thissurveyincludesmany(cid:12)eldsatnega- worstdynamicrangeproblemsarelocatedintheprimary tivedeclinations,forwhichtheavailablehouranglerange area, so this strategy is appropriate. However it should isminimal. Avoidingshadowingbecomesthe (cid:12)rstdriver be kept in mind that the quality of the imaging in the of the observing strategy. Figure 2 shows a rough guide area of the survey with jbj > 1(cid:14) is degraded relative to for the hour angle and declination range which is safe the lower latitudes. Most (cid:12)elds (93%) were observed at from shadowing for the D con(cid:12)guration. All scans for the primary survey area (jbj < 1(cid:14), 18(cid:14) < l < 65(cid:14)) were leastthreetimesatdi(cid:11)erenthourangles,and38%ofthe (cid:12)elds were observed four or more times. About 7% of takenwithout shadowing,asweremostin the secondary area (jbj>1(cid:14)). the (cid:12)elds were observed only 2 times. The theoretical sensitivity of the spectral line mosaics is 8.4 mJy (1 (cid:27)) Besides avoiding shadowing and minimizing tele- or 1.4 K per 0:824 km s(cid:0)1 channel for the beam size of scope drive times, the most important consideration for 00 60 . The rms noise amplitude in the (cid:12)nal VGPS im- scheduling was obtaining multiple scans on each (cid:12)eld at agesis 1:8 K per channel on average. The actual spatial widely spaced hour angles. This is the best way to min- variation of the noise in the (cid:12)nal VGPS images deviates imize sidelobes due to largeunsampled regionsof the uv somewhat from the regular pattern shown in Figure 1 plane that compromise the dynamic range of the result- because of di(cid:11)erences in the integration time per (cid:12)eld. ingmaps. Theschedulingprocesswasdrivenbytheneed Suchdi(cid:11)erencesexistbecauseofvariationinthenumber tospreadtheobservationsofeach(cid:12)eldovertheavailable of visits to a (cid:12)eld and because of a longer dwell time on houranglerangeatthedeclinationofthat(cid:12)eld,andstill the (cid:12)rst (cid:12)eld of a block of six. (cid:12)t everything into about 25 sessions, each typically cov- ering 14h < LST < 24h. The low longitude end, which 2.1.2. Spectrometer is observable only from (cid:24) 16h to (cid:24) 20h LST, was hard to (cid:12)t into approximately 25 sessions. The area north of Thissurveypushesthelimits ofthe VLAcorrelatorin +10(cid:14) declination (l>45(cid:14)) is relatively easyto schedule. that we need high resolution in velocity (0:824 km s(cid:0)1 Forsimpli(cid:12)cation,eachrowofpointingsatconstantlon- = 3.90 kHz channel spacing) and broad bandwidth ((cid:24) gitude (six beam areas, 20 minutes of integration time 300kms(cid:0)1 =1.4MHztotal). Thiswasimpossibletoob- total) was scheduled in a block. The (cid:12)nal observing se- tainwith the existingspectrometerfortwo polarizations quence gave hour angle coverages as shown in Figure 3. atonce. Tosacri(cid:12)ceoneofthetwocircularpolarizations Toppriorityforschedulingwasgiventotheprimaryarea wouldbeequivalenttogivinguphalftheintegrationtime (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) of the survey,latitude (cid:0)1 to +1 , longitude 18 to 65 . of the survey,sowechoseastrategythat keepsbothpo- The (cid:12)elds at higher positive and negative latitudes were larizationsbut with the coarservelocitychannel spacing observedwithsecondpriority,sotheiruvcoverageisless of 1:28 km s(cid:0)1. We then stagger the placement of the evenly distributed over the available hour angle range. channelsbetweenthetwopolarizationsbyhalfachannel 4 Stil et al. spacing, 0:64 km s(cid:0)1, so that the sampling on the spec- tral axis may be increased when all data are combined (Figure4). TheVGPSspectrallinedataaresampledon the same 0:824 km s(cid:0)1 spectral channels as the CGPS formaximumconsistencybetweenthetwodatasets. The spectral resolution of the data (1:21(cid:2)1:28 km s(cid:0)1 = 1:56 km s(cid:0)1) is determined by the size of the time lag window in the spectrometer. It is not changed by re- sampling to narrower spectral channels. The centers of the two polarizations are o(cid:11)set by +32:304 km s(cid:0)1 and (cid:0)31:460 km s(cid:0)1 from the nominal center velocity, which is set at vc(l) = +80(cid:0)(1:6(cid:2)l) km s(cid:0)1 with l the longitude in degrees. Combining these gives spec- tra with velocity width 341 km s(cid:0)1 after dropping 20 channels on either side of the band due to the baseband (cid:12)lter shape. The Hi line emission is unpolarized ex- cept for tiny amounts due to the Zeeman e(cid:11)ect, which are far below our sensitivity limit. But to avoid spuri- ous spectral features arising from Hi absorption of lin- early polarized continuum, which is common in the syn- chrotron emission at low latitudes, we alternate the fre- quency settings between the two polarizationsevery 100 seconds. Soasingleobservationofasurvey(cid:12)eldconsists oftwoshortintegrations(100seach)withcomplementary spectrometer settings. This gives enough bandwidth to Fig. 4.| Spectrometer channel spacing. Observing frequency cover the range of velocities in the (cid:12)rst Galactic quad- isindicatedonthebottom,witharepresentativespectrumshown rant, +150 to (cid:0)80 km s(cid:0)1 at the lower longitudes, with inthe inset,with velocity shiftedbyatypical o(cid:11)set fromthe rest 0:824 km s(cid:0)1 channels throughout. The local oscillator frequency of 1420.4058 MHz due to terrestrial and solar motion. Allobservations weredoneinpairs,withthe centerfrequenciesof settings for the survey were (cid:0)3:2, 3590 with bandwidth the two polarizations switched as indicated. The channel center code5(1.5625MHz,ofwhichtheinner(cid:24)85%isusable) frequencies are staggered as shown in the magni(cid:12)ed inset, so as and correlator mode 2AD. No on-line Hanning smooth- tomakeitpossibletosamplethepro(cid:12)leshapewith0:824kms(cid:0)1 channels in spite of the necessity to take the data with a broader ing was performed, and the single dish bandpass shape channel spacing (1:28 km s(cid:0)1). The center velocity was set at was not used to normalize the spectra, as is sometimes vc(l)=+80(cid:0)(1:6(cid:2)l)foreachlongitude,l. done as part of the correlationstep. plingidenticalforallchannels. Loweramplitudeglitches 2.2. VLA Calibration often had higher amplitude counterparts in other chan- Calibration of the VLA data was carried out using nels. The policy to (cid:13)ag all channels was found to be standard procedures within AIPS. The primary calibra- e(cid:11)ective in eliminating low-amplitude glitches as well. tors 3C286 and 3C48 were used for (cid:13)ux and bandpass After the automated (cid:13)aggingprocedure,only afew inci- calibration. Aftercalibration,thevisibilitydatawereim- dentalmanual(cid:13)aggingoperationswererequiredtomake ported into MIRIAD for further processing. Editing out spectral line and continuum images free from noticeable glitches in the largevolume of visibility data for the 990 e(cid:11)ects of bad data. VLA(cid:12)eldswasdonewithanautomated(cid:13)aggingroutine. Preliminarycontinuummosaicswereconstructedfrom Thevisibilitydataforthe VGPS(cid:12)elds weresearchedfor visibilitydataaveragedoverchannelsoutsidethevelocity high-amplitude points relative to the median visibility range of Galactic Hi line emission. These mosaics were amplitude for a particular baseline in a particular chan- analyzedwithanautomatedsourceextractionalgorithm nel and for a particular spectrometer/polarization com- tocomparethe(cid:13)uxesofcompactcontinuumsourceswith bination. The thresholds applied in this procedure were (cid:13)uxesinthe NVSSsurvey(Condonetal.1998). Sources chosen after careful inspection of the data. Amplitudes were labeled as suspected variables and removed from more than 20 Jy abovethe median amplitude in the du- consideration if the ratio of the absolute value of the ration of the snapshot were (cid:13)agged. Also, scans with di(cid:11)erence between the NVSS and VGPS (cid:13)uxes and the an overall median amplitude above 50 Jy were (cid:13)agged meanof these(cid:13)uxeswaslargerthan10timesthe formal to eliminate saturated antennas. Special care was taken error. This comparison between the NVSS and VGPS not to label legitimate signal on the shortest baselines showedthat(cid:13)uxesofcompactsourcesintheVGPSwere as bad data. The snapshots are su(cid:14)ciently short that on average30% less than (cid:13)uxes listed in the NVSS. The a constant visibility amplitude can be assumed for each origin of this discrepancy is not understood. It is be- baseline in a single channel in this search. lieved to be the result of the higher system temperature The (cid:13)agging procedure allowed streamlined visual in- in the VGPS observations, which is in part the result of spectionofidenti(cid:12)edbaddataand,ifnecessary,ahuman bright Hi emission in the Galactic plane. The VLA has veto before the actual (cid:13)agging. No false rejections were an automatic gaincontrol(AGC) system that scales the foundbecausetherejectioncriteriaweresu(cid:14)cientlycon- signal with the system temperature, but visibility am- servative. If visibilities for a particular combination of plitudes are corrected for this scaling. First we discuss time,baselineandpolarizationwererejectedinonechan- variousfactorsthata(cid:11)ectthesystemtemperatureinthe nel, all channels were rejected so as to keep the uv sam- VGPS. Later we derive a correction to the (cid:13)ux scale of The VLA Galactic Plane Survey 5 itydata. Thescalaraverageamplitudeofthecontinuum- subtracted visibilities (abbreviated here as ampscalar) gives a spectrum that is proportional to the rms visi- bility amplitude in each sample; it is noise dominated (proportional to T ). It takes into account the edit- sys ing of data rejected by the automated (cid:13)agging routine, and it is not necessarily averaged in frequency as is the system temperature recorded with the data. After con- tinuum subtraction, only the shortest baselines contain some correlated signal because of the Galactic Hi line. When averaging the ampscalar data over all antennas, this remaining signal has a negligible e(cid:11)ect. This was veri(cid:12)ed by comparing the result with ampscalar values averagedoverbaselines longer than 1k(cid:21). The ampscalar valuesare proportionalto the recordedsystem tempera- ture averagedover the array. We write the total system temperature as the sum of the receiver temperature T (cid:25) 35 K, an elevation- rec dependent term T (h) which includes atmospheric earth emission but is usually dominated by spillover to the ground, and the brightness temperature of cosmic radio emissionTb(v) which depends onvelocity becauseof the bright Galactic Hi line, Fig. 5.| Relation between scalar averaged visibilityamplitude Tsys(v;h)=Tb(v)+Tearth(h)+Trec (1) and sky brightness temperature (line + continuum averaged over The spectral line data of the VGPS allows separation of theVLAprimarybeam)forthreesnapshotsofthe(cid:12)eldG65.3+1.4 the contribution of Galactic emission to T from other takenwiththesamespectrometersettingsinasinglepolarization sys (L)on2000September7,17,and29atelevations52(cid:14):3,63(cid:14):5,and contributions. This in turn allows us to derive a new 24(cid:14):2 respectively. Each point corresponds to a single frequency functionalformfortheelevationdependenceofT (h). earth channel. The noise per channel changes as the brightness of the The brightness temperature in each velocity channel, Hilinevarieswithvelocity,andasigni(cid:12)cantvariationofthenoise level with elevation is apparent. The lines represent linear least Tb(v), averaged over the VLA primary beam, was de- squares (cid:12)ts used to separate the contribution of Galactic radio termined by smoothing the GBT maps and the E(cid:11)els- emissionfromotherfactorscontributing tothenoise. berg maps to the resolution of the VLA primary beam. Figure5 shows the relationbetween sky brightnesstem- the VGPS to make it consistent with the NVSS. perature (line + continuum) averaged over the primary beam of the VLA, with the scalar averaged amplitude 2.2.1. Contributions to the system temperature per channel. Three visits to the same (cid:12)eld on three dif- Compared with the NVSS, there are two important ferent days are shown. The main di(cid:11)erence between the enhanced contributionsto the system temperature. One snapshots in Figure 5 is the elevation of the (cid:12)eld at the contribution is from bright Galactic Hi and continuum time of observation. Some (cid:12)elds wereobservedat nearly emission, which can double the system temperature av- the same elevation on di(cid:11)erent days. Such observations eraged over the inner 75% of the frequency band. The have nearly indistinguishable values of ampscalar. The systemtemperaturechangesacrossthespectralbandbe- relation between ampscalar and brightness temperature causethebrightnessoftheHilinechangeswithvelocity. was(cid:12)ttedwithalinearrelationtoallowextrapolationto The other contribution is from spillover to the ground Tb = 0 K. The contribution of Galactic emission to the when a (cid:12)eld is observedat low elevation. Emission from system temperature is eliminated by this extrapolation. the atmosphere also depends on elevation, adding 2 to Werefertothisextrapolationasthescalar-averagedam- 4 K to the system temperature. The e(cid:11)ect of spillover plitude at Tb = 0 or ampscalar at Tb = 0, which is pro- is an order of magnitude larger than this. The average portional to T (h)+T according to Equation (1). earth rec systemtemperatureoftheVLAantennasinthezenithis We(cid:12)ndthattheslopeoftherelationinFigure5increases Tsys (cid:25) 35 K. The system temperature increases rapidly as the ampscalarat Tb =0 increases. (cid:14) atlowelevation,toapproximately70Katelevation30 . Figure 6 shows the relation between the scalar- VGPSobservationsweremadeoverawiderangeofhour averagedvisibilityamplitudeandelevationofthe(cid:12)eldat anglestoobtainadequatesamplingintheuvplane. Asa the time of observation for all snapshots taken on 2000 result, (cid:12)elds wereregularlyobservedfarfrom the merid- September 15. A poor correlation is found between the ian at low elevation. In contrast, when the NVSS was raw band-averaged ampscalar and elevation. After cor- made, its (cid:12)elds were observed close to the meridian in rection for the contribution by Galactic emission, a very order to minimize ground noise. This strategy is more tight relation is found between the ampscalar at Tb = 0 suitable for a continuum survey which targets compact and elevation. The scatter in this relation is consistent sources. with the estimated errorsintheextrapolationtoTb =0. The system temperature for each antenna of the VLA This extrapolation is less accurate towards the bright- isrecordedandstoredwith the visibilitydata. However, est continuum sources because the relation as shown in for the present purpose it is more convenient to adopt a Figure 5 is not well de(cid:12)ned. The points which do not di(cid:11)erentmeasureofT deriveddirectlyfromthevisibil- (cid:12)t on the relation represent snapshots with very bright sys 6 Stil et al. Fig. 6.|Rawbandaveragedampscalar(leftpanel)andampscalaratTb=0(rightpanel)asafunctionofelevationforsnapshotstaken on2000September 15. This(cid:12)gure illustrates the magnitude ofcontributions tothe noisefromGalactic Hi andcontinuum emission,and spillovertotheground. Lefthandpolarizationisshownasopensquares,righthandpolarizationas(cid:12)lledtriangles. Thebrightcontinuum sourcesW49andW51wereobservedonthisdayatelevations50(cid:14) and69(cid:14) respectively. Thecurvesintherightpanelrepresent(cid:12)tsofthe formA=acos4(h)+b,withhtheelevation ofthe(cid:12)eld. Fig. 7.| Band averaged ampscalar as a function of position in the sky. Top panel: smallest ampscalar for each (cid:12)eld in gray scales. Middle panel: smallest ampscalar per (cid:12)eld, corrected for elevation-dependent spillover to the ground. Bottom panel: VGPS continuum image. Thepredominance oftheobservingpatternofblocksof6(cid:12)eldsintheupperpanelshowsthatspillovertothegroundisimportant compared withGalacticemissionalmosteverywhereinthe VGPS.When theelevation-dependent contribution iseliminated,asdescribed inthe text,aclearcorrelationwithbrightGalacticemissionisseen. The VLA Galactic Plane Survey 7 hbL (cid:0)bRi = 0:13(cid:6)0:05. The di(cid:11)erence in ampscalar TABLE 2 between the polarizationsis equivalent to a system tem- Fits ofEquation(2) perature that is approximately 12% higher in L than in R. The rms residuals of the (cid:12)ts ((cid:27)L and (cid:27)R in Table 2) Date aL bL (cid:27)L aR bR (cid:27)R are0.06inthemean. Inspectionofthe(cid:12)tsindicatedthat 07/23 1.26 1.033 0.088 ::: ::: ::: larger values of (cid:27)L and (cid:27)R indicate variation in the sys- 07/25 1.10 1.078 0.061 1.14 1.169 0.057 tem temperature during the day. Such variation may be 07/28 1.28 1.079 0.060 1.32 1.182 0.061 relatedtosolaractivity,inparticularinSeptemberwhen 07/29 1.52 1.075 0.094 1.54 1.216 0.093 08/02 1.37 1.021 0.052 1.41 1.135 0.049 the angular distance of the Sun was smaller. Inspection 08/04 1.38 1.133 0.055 1.44 1.276 0.051 of the (cid:12)ts showed that variations in aL and aR in Ta- 08/05 1.48 1.090 0.031 1.58 1.187 0.037 ble 2 appear to be related mainly to intra-dayvariation. 08/08 1.50 1.056 0.058 1.42 1.215 0.051 08/10 1.41 1.079 0.076 1.51 1.166 0.071 However,therangeofvaluesofbL andbR representsreal 08/14 1.31 1.121 0.061 1.31 1.246 0.059 variations in the receiver temperature Trec during the 08/17 1.46 1.102 0.063 1.55 1.231 0.066 period of observations. 08/19 1.30 1.055 0.026 1.31 1.141 0.029 The(cid:12)tsinTable2allowustomakeanelevationcorrec- 08/22 1.26 1.166 0.055 1.28 1.228 0.054 tion for the noise amplitude for each snapshot to obtain 08/24 1.42 1.110 0.051 1.45 1.272 0.061 08/29 0.89 1.118 0.090 0.91 1.228 0.093 a prediction of the noise level if the (cid:12)eld had been ob- 08/31 1.41 1.115 0.039 1.51 1.262 0.040 servedatthe zenith. Figure7showsthedistributionper 09/05 1.40 1.143 0.042 1.54 1.287 0.046 VGPS (cid:12)eld of the smallest value of the band averaged 09/07 1.64 1.115 0.058 1.75 1.260 0.058 ampscalar of all snapshots contributing to a (cid:12)eld. This 09/11 1.39 1.132 0.034 1.54 1.272 0.034 09/14 1.17 0.933 0.097 1.18 1.243 0.109 maptypicallyshowstheampscalarfortheobservationof 09/15 1.41 1.147 0.066 1.42 1.314 0.061 each(cid:12)eld atthe highestelevation. Mostof thestructure 09/17 1.29 1.011 0.041 1.40 1.127 0.041 inthedistributionofthebandaveragedampscalarcorre- 09/18 1.33 1.258 0.163 1.79 1.351 0.174 sponds to the VGPS observing sequences of six (cid:12)elds in 09/19 1.32 1.139 0.065 1.46 1.284 0.061 09/21 1.15 1.237 0.088 1.26 1.398 0.101 a row. A few bright continuum sources near the Galac- 09/24 1.15 0.996 0.044 1.12 1.083 0.055 tic plane can be identi(cid:12)ed as well. The observing pat- 09/29 1.34 1.146 0.054 1.51 1.233 0.050 ternvisibleinthedistributionoftheband-averagedamp- 09/30 1.32 1.173 0.060 1.32 1.273 0.065 scalar shows that almost everywhere in the survey area elevation-dependentcontributionstoT areimportant. sys Elevation-dependent e(cid:11)ects and sky emission contribute continuum. Similarresultswereobtainedforeachdayof roughly equal amounts to the total system temperature VGPS observations. (Figure 6). Figure 6 illustrates the relative importance of factors The minimum ampscalar per (cid:12)eld tends to be higher which raise the system temperature. At high elevations, atlowlongitudes,inpartbecausethese(cid:12)eldstransitthe Galactic emission roughly doubles the system tempera- meridianatalowerelevation. Equation(2)allowsacor- tureintheGalacticplane. Thisincreaseismostlydueto rection to be made for the elevation of the (cid:12)eld at the the brightHi line, but the continuum alsocontributes 5 time of observation. Theparametersaandbweredeter- to 20 K to the system temperature, depending on longi- mined for each day and for each polarization separately tude. Thebrightestcontinuumsources(W49, andW51) by(cid:12)ttingEquation(2)totheavailabledataasillustrated actuallycontributemoretothesystemtemperaturethan inFigure6. Theelevation-correctedband-averagedamp- the Hi line when averagedover the spectral band. scalar was calculated by subtracting the excess in the The tight correlation between ampscalar at Tb = 0 band-averaged ampscalar value resulting from the ele- and elevation resembles the increase in T with eleva- vation of the (cid:12)eld. The map of the elevation-corrected sys tion from spillover to the ground measured by Taylor, ampscalar in Figure 7 shows a higher noise level in the Ulvestad & Perley (2003), who applied a second-order Galactic plane, and toward bright continuum sources. polynomial (cid:12)t to the data. It is di(cid:14)cult to interpret Some residualsof the elevation correction remain in this the results of a polynomial (cid:12)t when comparing di(cid:11)er- map. These are likely the result of intra-day variations entdaysofobservation,becausesomedayscoveredmore that are not traced by the daily averageof the elevation (cid:12)elds at low elevation than others. Inspection of all the correction applied here. data for each day separately showed that the elevation The distribution of the elevation-corrected ampscalar dependence of ampscalaratTb =0isalsodescribedwell showsastrongresemblancetotheVGPScontinuumim- with two free parameters by the form age. This resemblance is not inconsistent with the fact that the Hi line usually contributes more to the level A=acos4h+b (2) of T than the continuum. The visualization in Fig- sys Equation(2)was(cid:12)ttedtoeachdayandpolarizationsep- ure7tendstoemphasizethevariationsbetweenadjacent arately. Three (cid:12)elds centered on (l,b) = (43:3,(cid:0)0:1), (cid:12)elds. Field-to-(cid:12)eld variations in the velocity-integrated (49:0,(cid:0)0:5), and (49:4,(cid:0)0:3) were excluded from these Hi brightness are fairly small compared with (cid:12)eld-to- (cid:12)ts. These (cid:12)elds are most a(cid:11)ected by W49 and W51. (cid:12)eld variations in the continuum level. Results of the (cid:12)ts are listed in Table 2. 2.2.2. Correction of the VGPS (cid:13)ux scale Equation (2) provides an accurate (cid:12)t of the elevation- dependent noise contribution for each day. Note that The remainder of this section describes a method to the scatter around the (cid:12)ts in Figure 6 is much smaller adjust the (cid:13)ux scale of the VGPS to the (cid:13)ux scale of than the di(cid:11)erence between the L and R polarization. the NVSS. The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey also The mean di(cid:11)erence between the two polarizations is corrects its (cid:13)ux scale to the NVSS by comparing the 8 Stil et al. a list of identi(cid:12)ed sources was compiled. Each of these source lists contains continuum sources throughout the VGPSsurveyareadetectedinsnapshotswith nearlythe same band-averaged ampscalar. Figure 8 shows the ra- tio of NVSS (cid:13)ux to VGPS (cid:13)ux as a function of the band averaged ampscalar. A tight relation is found be- tween the band averaged ampscalar and the (cid:13)ux ratio NVSS/VGPS. This relationde(cid:12)nes the correction factor for the (cid:13)ux scale of each snapshot based on its band av- eraged ampscalar. The scatter in the relation shown in Figure 8 is dominated by source number statistics. The e(cid:11)ectofthesamplesizewasinvestigatedbyregenerating the relationfor (cid:12)fty randomlyselected subsamples, each halfthe sizeof the totalnumber ofsnapshots. The error barsinFigure8showthe rmsvariationforeachbinover the (cid:12)fty subsamples. Values of the band-averaged amp- scalararealwayslargerthan1.4intheVGPS.Asecond- orderpolynomialwas(cid:12)ttedtothedatatoprovideapre- scriptionforthecorrectionfactor,asa(cid:12)rst-orderpolyno- mial(cid:12)twasdeemedinsu(cid:14)cient. Asmallnumberof(cid:12)elds thatincludeverystrongcontinuumemissionhaveaband averagedampscalaroutsidethe rangewherethe relation is de(cid:12)ned. We assume the relation to be constant for bandaveragedampscalarmorethan3.8. All VGPScon- Fig. 8.|ThecalibratingrelationfortheVGPS(cid:13)uxcorrection. The (cid:13)ux ratio (NVSS/VGPS) is shown as a function of band av- tinuum mosaics were made again with this correctionto eraged ampscalar, which is proportional to Tsys. The solid curve the(cid:13)uxscale. Thesenewmosaicsweresearchedforcom- representsthe(cid:12)tthatisusedto(cid:12)ndtheappropriatescalefactorfor pact continuum sources and the (cid:13)uxes of these sources individual snapshots. After this correction, the (cid:13)uxes of compact were compared with (cid:13)uxes listed in the NVSS catalog. continuum sources inallVGPS continuum mosaicswere foundto be consistent with the NVSS to within 5%. A detailed compari- This comparison included many faint sources that were sonoftheHispectrallineimageswiththeCGPSandSGPS(this notincludedinthederivationofthe(cid:13)uxcorrection. The paper)furthercon(cid:12)rmstheintegrityofthe(cid:13)uxscaleafterthiscor- (cid:13)ux scale of the VGPS mosaics was found to be consis- rection. The smallercorrection forhigher system temperatures is notunderstood. tent with the NVSS (cid:13)ux scale within 5%. Thesuccessofapplyingthewell-de(cid:12)nedrelationinFig- (cid:13)uxes of continuum sources in each CGPS (cid:12)eld as part ure 8 adds con(cid:12)dence to the initial assumption that the of the (cid:12)eldregistrationprocessdescribedinTayloretal. di(cid:11)erenceinthe(cid:13)uxscalebetweenVGPSandNVSScon- (2003). A direct comparison of source (cid:13)uxes per VGPS tinuumimageswasrelatedtothehighersystemtempera- (cid:12)eld is not possible because, on average, only four com- tureintheVGPS.However,thenegativeslopeinthisre- pact continuum sources are available per VGPS (cid:12)eld. lationimpliesthatthelargestcorrectiontothe(cid:13)uxscale Bright extended continuum emission from Hii regions is necessaryfor VGPS snapshots with the lowest system andsupernovaremnantsalso inhibits acomparisonwith temperature. Thisresultremainsunexplained. However, NVSSsources. Asubsetofthe VGPS(cid:12)eldscontainsone we note that increased contributions to the system tem- ormoreisolatedcompactcontinuumsourcesthatcanbe perature by bright continuum emission and by spillover compared with corresponding entries in the NVSS cata- to the ground at smaller Galactic longitudes must also log. We obtain an empirical relation between the NVSS haveoccurredto someextent in the NVSS observations. to VGPS (cid:13)ux ratio and the system temperature, includ- The response of the VLA to increased system tem- ing all contributions, as measured by the band-averaged perature has been tested by following a (cid:13)ux calibrator ampscalar. Thisrelationisusedtopredictaspeci(cid:12)ccor- during a time span of several hours as it approaches the rection factor for each snapshot. horizon. These experiments indicate that the raw cor- Tothisend,eachcontinuumsnapshotwasimagedand relator output is adequately corrected for the scaling of cleaned individually. Cleaning VLA snapshot images is the signal by the AGC (R. A. Perley, private commu- di(cid:14)cult because of the highlevel of sidelobes of the syn- nication). Calibrators observed for the VGPS are not thesized beam. This is a particular concern for faint well suited to repeat this experiment because they cover sources. Therefore, only sources with a (cid:13)ux density a very limited range in elevation. In particular, the pri- larger than 100 mJy were considered. Sources identi- mary (cid:13)ux calibrators were consistently observed at high (cid:12)ed in the snapshot images were matched with sources elevation. With limited signi(cid:12)cance, we con(cid:12)rmed that in the NVSS catalog. A source was accepted if its po- the raw correlator output for the secondary calibrators sition was within 1500 of the NVSS position, and if the did not change with elevation. Our analysis shows that deconvolved size of the source in the NVSS catalog was a calibrator must be followed to very low elevations to less than 6000. These requirements are aimed to avoid probe the system temperature regime of VGPS observa- misidenti(cid:12)cation while retaining a su(cid:14)cient number of tions. ThebehaviorofampscalaratTb =0inFigure6is sources to determine a relationship between the band representativeforacalibrator,becausetheTb(v)termin averagedampscalarand the (cid:13)ux ratio NVSS/VGPS. Equation(1)isverysmallforacalibrator. Acomparison The snapshot images were sorted into narrow ranges ofthe twopanelsofFigure6showsthatthesystemtem- of the band averagedampscalar. Foreachnarrowrange, perature in VGPS target (cid:12)elds almost always exceeds The VLA Galactic Plane Survey 9 the system temperature of a calibrator at an elevation better than a (cid:12)rst order polynomial (cid:12)t. Gridding of the (cid:14) of only 25 . However, observations of a calibrator as it data was done with the task IMAGEMS, using a BOX (cid:14) sets to elevationsaslow as10 (Taylor,Ulvestad & Per- griddingfunction. Thelatitudeandlongitudesizeofeach 0 ley 2003) cover the system temperature range of most cell was set to 3, equal to the longitude spacing of the VGPS observations. observations. Each of the small Hi maps had a narrow The relation in Figure 8 compares (cid:13)ux measurements overlap in longitude with the adjacent maps. After ap- of fairly bright, relatively isolated, compact continuum plying the absolute brightness temperature calibration, sources. These(cid:13)uxmeasurementsshouldnotbea(cid:11)ected theoverlapregionswerecomparedforconsistency. Ama- by modest di(cid:11)erences in the uv coverage between the jorityoftheoverlapregionsshowedsmalldiscrepanciesof VGPS and the NVSS. Since ampscalar values do not order1(cid:0)3K,butafewregionswerefoundtohavebright- changeif the minimum baselineistakenaslongas1k(cid:21), nesstemperaturedi(cid:11)erencesofupto6(cid:0)8K.Theoverlap the ampscalar values are also not a(cid:11)ected by di(cid:11)erences regions were used to scale the cubes observed on di(cid:11)er- in uv coverage. Therefore, we believe that the behavior entdaysto acommoncalibration,which is consistentto in Figure 8 is not related to di(cid:11)erences in uv coverage within3%. As asecondcheckofthe observedbrightness between the VGPS and the NVSS. temperature consistency, a small portion of the galactic Insummary,the VGPScalibrationfollowsthesesteps: plane (65(cid:14) (cid:20) l (cid:20)67(cid:14); (cid:0)1:3(cid:14) (cid:20) b (cid:20) +1:3(cid:14)) was observed 1. StandardgainandphasecalibrationwasdoneinAIPS twice, once during the 2002 November 21(cid:0)25 observing for all snapshots. The gain and phase corrections were sessionandagainduringthe2003August29(cid:0)30session. applied to the data before importing the visibilities into Only small di(cid:11)erences of a few Kelvin were found be- MIRIAD for imaging. tween these maps. 2. Visibilitieswerechannel-averaged(continuumimages) 2.4. Imaging orcontinuum-subtracted(spectrallineimages)asappro- priate. The de(cid:12)nition of VGPS mosaic images is a direct ex- 3. The gain for each snapshot was adjusted by a single tension of the set of mosaic images of the CGPS. VGPS factorderivedfromitsbandaveragedampscalarandthe imagesaresampled in position and velocityon thesame relation shown in Figure 8. A small number of (cid:12)elds grid as CGPS images. Mosaics of 1024(cid:2) 1024 pixels was selected for self-calibrationafter construction of the (5(cid:14):12 (cid:2) 5(cid:14):12) are centered at intervals of 4(cid:14) in longi- mosaics (Section 2.4.1). tude. This provides signi(cid:12)cant overlap between mosaics for coverage of objects near the mosaic boundary. The 2.3. GBT observations velocityaxisofVGPSspectrallinecubesissampledwith Short-spacinginformationfortheHilineemissionwas thesamechannelde(cid:12)nitionsasthe spectrallinecubesof obtained using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) of the the CGPS, but the velocity range covered by the VGPS National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). The is di(cid:11)erent. There are three VGPS data products as de- GBTisa100mdishwithano(cid:11)-axisfeedarmforanun- scribed below: continuum images which include short- blockedaperturewhichreducestheradiosidelobes,radio spacingdata,continuum-subtractedHispectralline im- frequency interference, spectral standing waves, and the ages which include short-spacing data, and continuum- e(cid:11)ects of strayradiation. The extent of the GBT survey includedspectrallineimageswhichdonotincludeshort- varies with longitude, covering jbj (cid:20) 1(cid:14):3 for longitudes spacing data. All VGPS data products will be made 18(cid:14) (cid:20)l(cid:20)45(cid:14) andjbj(cid:20)2(cid:14):3forlongitudes45(cid:14) (cid:20)l(cid:20)67(cid:14). availableonthe WorldWideWebthroughtheCanadian Observations of these regions began on 2002 November Astronomy Data Centre (CADC). 21(cid:0)25 and continued on 2003 March 6(cid:0)9, 2003 May 2.4.1. Continuum 26(cid:0)27, and 2003 August 29(cid:0)30. The observing strat- egy was to make small, (cid:1)l = 2(cid:14)(cid:0)5(cid:14), Hi maps ‘on the VGPSlineorcontinuumimagesaremosaicsof several (cid:13)y.’ Using this technique, the telescope was driven at a VLApointings. As itisimpracticaltoprocesstheentire (cid:14) rate of 3 per minute with a sample written every sec- survey area at the same time, only (cid:12)elds with their cen- (cid:14) ond. After driving through the full latitude range, the trallongitudeswithin4 ofthecenterofthemosaicwere 0 telescope was stepped 3 in longitude. This process was included in the construction of each mosaic. Each VLA continued until the particular map was completed. The (cid:12)eld was imaged to the 10% level of the primary beam, data were taken in frequency-switching mode using the and (cid:12)eld images were combined with the VLA primary GBTspectralprocessorwithatotalbandwidthof5MHz beam as weighting function. The primary beam model across 1024 channels. The resulting channel spacing is fortheVLAisthesameasusedintheAIPStaskLTESS. 1:03 km s(cid:0)1 and the spectral resolution is 1:25 km s(cid:0)1 Figure 9 shows the sampling in the uv plane and the (FWHM).Dataweretakenbyin-bandfrequencyswitch- synthesizedbeam for a representative(cid:12)eld near the cen- ing yielding a total velocity coverageof 530 km s(cid:0)1 cen- ter of the survey, composed of snapshots taken at three tered at +50km s(cid:0)1 LSR. IAU standardregionsS6 and di(cid:11)erent hour angles. A Gaussian weighting function in S8 (Williams 1973) were observed and used for absolute the uv plane was applied to obtain a 6000 (FWHM) syn- brightness temperature calibration. The angular resolu- thesizedbeamthroughoutthesurveyarea. Thestrongest 0 tionof the GBTdatais(cid:24)9. The(cid:12)nalGBTHispectra sidelobesofthe synthesizedbeamarespokesrunningra- have an rms noise of (cid:24)0:3 K in emission-free channels. dially outward from the main lobe in several position Imaging and data calibration were done with the angles. The pattern of the spokes depends on the hour AIPS++ data reduction package. A (cid:12)rst order polyno- anglesatwhichthe(cid:12)eldwasobserved. Thepatternisdif- mialwas(cid:12)ttedtotheo(cid:11)-linechannelstoremoveresidual ferentforeach(cid:12)eld, but(cid:12)elds thatwereobservedwithin instrumentalbaselinestructure. Polynomial(cid:12)tsofhigher the same sequence of six (cid:12)elds (Section 2.1), have simi- orderwerealsoattempted,butthesewerefoundtobeno lar but slightly rotated patterns. The amplitude of the 10 Stil et al. Fig. 9.| Sampling of the uv plane and the synthesized beam for a representative (cid:12)eld in the center of the survey area. This (cid:12)eld is centered on (l;b) =(42(cid:14):5;(cid:0)0(cid:14):1). It was observed three times at hour angles (cid:0)2h:7, (cid:0)0h:2, and +2h:7. Left: sampling function of the uv plane. Right: the corresponding synthesized beam, with peak amplitude equal to 1. Gray scales increase linearly from (cid:0)0:05 to 0:30 in stepsof0:05. spokes in the dirty beam is typically 10% of the main from this visit were excluded from the initial imaging lobe, but peaks up to 17% are usually present. The step. The deconvolutionof this small mosaicproduces a VGPS images must be deconvolved to remove artifacts skymodelof\cleancomponents",whichisusedforphase resulting from these sidelobes. Emission in the Galactic self-calibration on the central (cid:12)eld only, after multipli- plane usually (cid:12)lls the (cid:12)eld of view. In this case, decon- cation with the primary beam model of the VLA. The volution is preferred after mosaicking the (cid:12)elds. smallmosaicisthenmadewiththe improvedcalibration Continuum images were constructed from visibility solution for the central (cid:12)eld. If any data were left out data averaged over channels without discernible line of the (cid:12)rst imaging step, those data were included after emission, but avoiding noisy channels near the edges of the (cid:12)rst round of self calibration. If necessary, adjacent the frequency band. Deconvolution of the VGPS images (cid:12)eldsareself-calibratedsubsequently. Thecentral(cid:12)eldis was done with the MIRIAD program MOSMEM which usuallyself-calibratedasecondtimeafterself-calibration uses the maximum entropy method described by Corn- of the surrounding(cid:12)elds. After self-calibration,the (cid:12)nal well&Evans(1985)andSaultetal.(1996). Experiments VLA continuum mosaic was constructed and regridded showed that no signi(cid:12)cant improvement was made after to Galactic coordinates. about 20 iterations of the algorithm, even if no formal The results of the self-calibration are usually satisfac- convergence could be reached. A maximum of 50 itera- tory. A dynamic range of (cid:24)200 was obtained in the tionswasadoptedinthedeconvolutionofthecontinuum continuum images after self calibration on sources that mosaics. The criteria that de(cid:12)ne the convergence of the mostlya(cid:11)ectasingle(cid:12)eld. However,self-calibrationdoes deconvolution,theentropyfunctionandthe(cid:31)2criterium, not provide a good solution if the source is too far from include a summation over the entire image. Therefore, the (cid:12)eld center. The brightest continuum sources in the theresultofthedeconvolutiondependssomewhatonthe VGPS, in particular W49 and W51, generate artifacts area that was imaged in the construction of the mosaic. even at large distances from the (cid:12)eld center. These ar- This causes small di(cid:11)erences between neighboring mo- tifactsremaininthe continuum images,mostlya(cid:11)ecting saicsintheareawheretheyoverlap,withrmsamplitude (cid:12)elds surrounding these sources. at or below the level of the noise. TheVLAisnotsensitivetoemissiononangularscales 0 Standard calibration alone results in images with a larger than (cid:24) 30 because structures on these scales are maximal dynamic range of (cid:24)100, which is not su(cid:14)cient resolved even by the shortest projected baselines. The to image bright continuum sources in the survey area missing continuum short-spacing information was pro- without discernible image artifacts. The continuum mo- vided by the continuum survey of Reich & Reich (1986) saics were inspected for residual sidelobes around bright and Reich et al. (1990) with the 100 m E(cid:11)elsberg tele- sourcesafterthedeconvolutionstep. Self-calibrationwas scope. ThedeconvolvedVLAmosaicwascombinedwith attemptedforselected(cid:12)eldswithstrongartifacts,begin- the E(cid:11)elsberg image with the MIRIAD program IM- ning with the (cid:12)eld in which the source is located closest MERGE. The interferometer and single-dish images are to the (cid:12)eld center. A small mosaic, typically including bothFouriertransformedandaddedintheuvplanewith (cid:14) all(cid:12)eldswithin(cid:24)1 ofthe source,wasmadeanddecon- baseline-dependentweightssuchthatthesumrepresents volved. Ifaparticularvisittothe(cid:12)eldcouldbeidenti(cid:12)ed the visibilities for all angular scales weighted by a single 0 as the prime origin of the artifacts, the visibility data Gaussian weighting function de(cid:12)ned by the 1 synthe-

differences in instrumentation and image processing techniques used for each survey. The differences World Wide Web through the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC). dental manual flagging operations were required to make made, its fields were observed close to the meridian in.
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