© Maktabalulirshad Publications, USA AT rights reserve, No pant af hie publication iisy ty reproduced le any Tanugs toed in any etre system oF Uaansnited lean fie or by any masa, wheter electronic, rmachani, photocopying, exiting or etherge, witout Ihe ‘vps peamiain ofthe capyright seri. GEN sirKSD ‘ie Lions Jamal, Ascwal 197 AH. /Folrusry 20168 ‘Cover Design Viktsbitullishod ta Revision of Translation by usta ‘Abdu Hak Larneu evisu fe Halting by AbsLllsh Omsn “Typesetting & formating by AbSSnlayman Mubomumad. Abdul- ‘sum Tn jeshua Baker Printings Ohio Printing Subjects Uhl Tin / Vinh Websites eos neat crm Tema intetunftabalulesa ne & Table of Contents TRANSLITERATION TABLE a BRIEF HIOGRAPHY OF THF AUTHOR 2 INTRODL.CHON. 4 SUCKING TO TICE PROPLFTIG SLA NAH ANIDTIS BREECH 6 PAY APTRNTION F0"1 Hh GOO? RERECIS OF FOLLOWING THE SUYNAH: . 30 AMONG 118 Welsh TS OF STICKING IO FESURAALL AND (18 PRATSEWOKTUY HRRECAS, 8 QUEsTIons a RACHUMATL Nope TRANSLITERATION TABLE Consonants ed dk coh @ sh + £ os bok ow 5 8g y Yowels Short > a : i : v leg we Diphthongs wo gy [reed HRCI SUE MAZE TTS ERB Arabic Symbols &¢ their meanings Foiteacgs ‘May Alla preserve him May Afah be plessed with im ic. ame comporion of the Frophec Muemzad (Gloria AT (IR she Mighty Subs {tay due Blessed &e Belted {Atay Besubline & Realed ‘May al send Messing & Salety upon Bin Ge. a Proplt or Messengy) May Alta send Blessings & Sey open him and hi Inuuty ie. Da'a sont erhen enticing Eke Pepe ‘apearet) fink Moy tla, be ple ith ‘Gem fie, Dua nade for the CComparions of the Prophet Le, TRARGLLS BATT the (ue i Majesty is Rand ‘May abe pease wit her eb Tha female companion o he rope: Mubammed) Se MPH, SOF TIE, SE AR ESL BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR Al-Allaamah Muhammad Bin (1347-14218) sh al-“Uthaymia His lineage and birth: Tle is the noble seholar, verifier, Fagh, a scholar of Tafsir, gocbfearing, ascetic, Muhammad Bia Salih Bin Muhammad bin Sulayinan bin ‘Abdur-Rabman Ali Uthaynua {rom Al Walbth of Bani Tamim, Le was born on the 270 night of the blessed month Ramadan in the year 1317 AZ. in‘Unay7ah -une of thecities of al-Qasim~ in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His scholastic uphvinging: his father, may Allah have mercy upon him, enrolled hia to shndy the Nuble Qur an with his malernal grandfather, the teacher "Abdur Ralunén Bin Sulayman ad-Damigh, may ANlah have mercy upon him. ‘thea he studied writing, some arihmetic, and Arabic literature at “al-Ustadh “Abdul ‘Asie Bin Salt a@-Déauigh's school”: and that was before hue TPP aye™ LeRY OMAP OR GE enrolled in “Al Mullen “Ali Bin “Abdilfalr Aste Shahaytin's School” where he memerized the Noble (Qur'an with him, and he had net reached fourteen yesars of age yet Under the direction of his father, may Allah have auexcy upon him, he embarked! upon seeking religious Amowledge; and the noble Shaykh Al-Allamah “Abdur Rahman Bin \asir Ae-Sa'dee, may Allsh have mercy upon him, use ty teach religious sciences and Arable at “fauna Kebeer” ge, Grand masjid where luruw‘ah his hold} in ‘Unayéah, Te arranged two of his senior sludents to teach the beginning stadenis. Therelora, the Shaykh (ie. Al-Uthaymeeh) would join Shaykh Muharmnad Bin ‘Abdul-'Azeez Al-Mutawwa's circle of knowlege, may Allth have mercy upon hin, until he attained from knowledge af Yarchzed, igh, ane Naw (ce Arabic graramar related to the ending of words) what be attained. ‘Thon he sat in the circles of knowledye nf bis Shaykh, “Abdur Rahnean Bin Nasir Asda'dee, may Allah have mercy upon him, So he studied with him 'alsi, Hadith, [reget HI ING ME Pa ettae m, Ge FRC Seerah of the Pruphet, at-Tawhid, AL-Figh, ALUsal, AF Taraa’id, an-Nahis, and concise memorization texts on these sciences, the noble Shaykh AL‘Allamah “Abdur Ralsnén Bin Nasir As-Sa'deo, May Allatt have mercy upon him, was considered to be his first Shaykh, Since he acquired knowledge, experience, and methods (of leaming) from fhim more so than anyone else; and he was impressed by his methodology, his principles, his way of teaching, and. his adherence to proofs and evidence, When Shaykh ‘Abdur-Ratman Bin “Ali Bin ‘Awdaan, may Allah have mercy upon him, was a judge in “Unayzah he (ie, Shaykh Al-Uithayrain) woud study the science of Al-Faraa'id with him, just like he would study AnNalw and Al-Halaghah wilh Shaykh ‘Abdur- Razzaaq “Afosfee, may Allah have ineccy upon him, uring his presence as a teacher ia. tbat city. ‘When the academic institution opened in Riyadh, some of his brothers urged him lo enroll, So he sought his