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Stichting Argus  this CD-Rom 2004 by Stichting Argus Goedestraat 46 NL-3572 RV Utrecht Netherlands [email protected] Please check our site on Secret Societies and Fraternal Organizations at: www.stelling.nl/vrijmetselarij Other CD-Roms available are: • Secret Societies and Fraternal Organizations • Scottish Rite Library: Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated • Knights Templar Library: Revised Knight Templarism Illustrated • Odd Fellow Library: Revised Odd-Fellowship Illustrated For inquiries and orders, please e-mail us. SCOTCH RITE 4htz~xnr~g 3Utnde~r. THE COMPLETE RITUAL OF ?HH ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SconIsH RITE, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. By A SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER, 330 WITH AN HISTORICAL IRETCH OP TEE ORDUR. IETRODUcTIOU ANDCRITICAL ANALYSIS 01 EACH DEGREE —3,— J. PRESIDENT BLANCUARDOFW~EATON COLLEGE OVER FOURHUNDRED QUOTATIONS FROM STANDARD MASONIC AUTHORITIES CONFIRM THU ACCURACY OPTHU RITrIAI. ANDSHOWTHE CHARACTER OF MASONIC TEACHING ANDDOCTRINE VOLUME 2 NINETEENTH TO THIRTY-THIRD DEGREE INCLUSIVL K NOMENCLATURE AND CLASSIFICATION OP THE GRADES IN FREEMASONRY SYMSOUCGRADES Conferred only In regular Lodges of Master Mason.. d$constituted by Grand IMJea ~• PUBLISHER’S PREFACE INEFFABLE GRADS 4 Secret Master • Master Elect of Nine 5 Perfect Master l0 Master Elect of Fifteen SECOND VOLUME. 6. Intimate Secretary 11’ SublIme Master Elected 7’ Provost and Judge 11’ Grand Master Architect 1’ Intendant of the24b’uiGldrianngd EIlVectMMasatqeornof the Ninth Arch This Second Volume is simply a continuatio~i of the Conferred In a Lodge of Perfection, 14, duly con- First one. The magnitude of the work, (aggregating utituted under authority of the Supreme Council of the 88’. over One Thousand Pages,) rendered a division into ANCIENT HISTORICAL AND TRADITIONAL GRADE two Volumes desirable. The Introduction, Historical 15’ Knight of the East or 16’ Prince of Jerusalem Sketch and Preface found in the First Volume are for Sword Conferred In a Council. Prince, of Jerusalem, 16’. the entire Work. AP0C.~LTPTIC AND CHRISTIAN GRADES Attention is again called to the fact that the First 17’ KnIght of the East and West 18’ Knightof Rome Croix de H-R-D-M Three Masonic Degrees, termed the “Blue Lodge De- Conferred In a Chapter of Rose Ctoh grees,” are notgiven inthis work, because those degree’~ de H-R-D-M. 18’ are common to all the different Masonic Rites, and are MODERN HISTORICAL. CHIVALRIC. AND PHILOSOPHICALGRADES very fully and accurately given in Freemasonry Illus- 16’ Grand Pontiff U 2?• Commander Of the Temple trated, as advertised in the back part of this Volume. 30’ Master ad Vltam 26’ KnIght of the Sun 2V Patriarch Noachite 33’ Knight of St. Andrew The reader will however find the “Secret Work” of 33’ PrInce of Libanus 30’ Grand Elect Kadoshor 32’ Cbtef of the Tabernacle Kni ht of the White and those degrees given in thelast Chapter of this Volume. 34’ Princeof the Tabernacle UlaA Eagle 36’ KnIght of the Urasen 31’ Grand Inspector Serpent Inguistor Commander THE PUBLISHEII. 36’ Prince of Mercy 33’Subllme Prince of the Royal Secret Conferred In a Conui.tory, Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. 82’ OFFICIAL GRADS 88’ SovereIgn Grand Inspector General Comierred only by the SUPREME COUNCIL, 88 sad upon those who ma~be elected to receive Itby that highbodyw ch easemblee yearly. 5 CONTF.NT~. Page 49 F’trst Sign. Graud Master of All Sypahollo Iiadges.......’.. 50 Second sad Third Sigus................................... 51 Sign of Introduction and Token 52 Token of introduction, Grand Msater of sli Symbolic Lodges 52 PassWord.Jeckson. Refers toPretei,der. Chas Edv~ard NotC225 53 Masonic “Proficiency” in Charity Note 226 56 “Hypocrisy and Deceit s!e U~,kuonu among Us “ Note 227 “Tracing Board, the Same as Floor.eluth ‘ Note 228 58 rtoor.cloth. Coija.,oam,,,lii, iiEn,L,ietooar,’ loscribed N,’te229 5? Symbolism of the Triangle Note 230 5? The Square. “A S~uitioi of Moislity.” N,’te 2’tt. 57 CONTENTS I“n‘tTehmepReriagnhcte.Ha“nadSthnei,JeScstmoi,ofiMoofa,F.ii,tdceliPtyen.”altieNsot.e~ 2N33ote 2.32 s5r8 Discourse, by Grond Orator 59 word vengeance “used S~mbottcaiiy “ Note2J4 . 59 Page Mssonie Obligations are Oath’, Note 235 59 PTrheefacOeonte,iavSeecoonrdCVeolelsutmiseI City . . . 313 C“Thahreac1t1erordofPrthioerIliistenooft MAiitsora,himed aNsoateT2i:t1l6e.” N.te 237 6600 “ToNDoteenot1e90the Ides of Seiiig Locked up Iu Seclusion.” II S“oIv’oenretiifgfn.m“aenlosEp~ltIihidetg~eA.Mppiaik.dert.oCBerridtagienl)Beugirledeear.“” NN’..,itee223428309: 6611 CHAPTER Xxxiii —Ninetsanth Degree, or Grand Pontiff .. 12 CRoarpdiodn.GSrloansotnhi,’otfieetuze.,tiSoe,o,tibInERnigteliabNeaottteed2C41oiiar. N,1e 62 “Founded on the Myaleries of the Apocalypse ‘ Note 107 12 “Connection B,’tneen Freemasoory sod Politics “ Note 242 63 111gb J.)cgreesConnected nIth TempleofZi’ruhh.ibel Note 1ii~ 12 Closing Ceremonies. Grand Master ofAll Symbolio Lodgas 64 Rob Morris, ‘Roy..l Solomon Mother Lodge ‘ Note 199 13 ileferato “Tenipi.sofs,’i.,n,on,Ze,ubL,.,beiaudM,rod “ N.’te243 64 OpeningMCeemrebmerosnieCs,alleGdran“TdruPeonatnifdf l”altbful Itrotbers ‘‘.. Note 2.00 . 1144 ZHAPTEFIotrmX,X’iXlyIICI,,i—,f,T.weden‘t‘yt.hFeiraIltigDhetgtroeeOrNelolIalLcehiteI.o.rdgP,’rsus‘‘eisoNKtenig24h4t 66l7 jiAI’TEI“IHoeXe~h’e.Xa.iVT—hIenitwiaotirodn,ofGAracncdismPaotniotisf.f”...Note 201 . 16 T‘1h..iesgeDi,edgorfeeII,,’“lT4c,’.g,,ie,dcli,t.o’sct,hieb,’Tsothneer‘1ro.ifvcBi’,a,b.fell’..”’iegN‘oteN24o5te246 667r “ALlel’u~seio,nnsssretolOtbraeniTirfirboems tobfeJu1d5a,obkoafudllrvBeeluatjaiomOloo ‘“ NNoottee2210123 1167 ““AFrrkedo,f’Nciockab.the0G,,‘icoaftthneaTshreCeeSrtaacirn,l’ydStaiunMtuasroens ‘‘“ NNoottee2244S7 6en8 T“fhlae~iSyI~onni.bolITnbme oAfncNIeunmtbCeraspitalNootfeC2b0s4ldea ‘ Note 205 .. 22121 3“lToahceh,tMese.etliaagsn.a,ore,oCA.ilpkp’dlieGdrantod CFhrea,p.nre,.r,sso“oa.NNotoete250249 6699 Obilgation Degree ot Grand Pontiff . .. 24 SecrecyandS,,encs. “E’,ac,IceofaliM..’,,oleChara,.ter ‘‘ N te251 “Q1uslslmficaAtllopnbss oafndMOemmbeegras.’’ofN(Jort.,,’nd206Consis~tory Note 207 2214 OCHpeAnPinTgERCireXm‘oCnXieVs,IIIN—oaIncihtiiatetionosrPNruosasciahniteKonrighPtruesian Knigkt 7724 No I’rivate I’IIuea or Quarrels ‘ Note 21,8 ~...... 2h “The Rituals bpe.,kof theLofty Toner ofB.,bel ‘ N ti’252. 75 SMiganc.keyGroanndMais’oonnItclffPeDnaegltrieees. Note 2~ ... . . . 2265 OSibglnigaotfionO.rdiIr’..,trNio,.r,h,hiteNooarhili’e,uo.sian Knighi 77756r TL“oTeckhteeunreS,eGroprraennldtOowcPtaorsinnteIa.ffSGsr.ma..n.b.do..l..P.oofnttiuffe Universe “ Note 210 2268 SSIteiigoconnno,do,,fsoSIi,g,binyro.dOuNreaottt.ooinrl,.zteNooacrhi1te’ruoasriaPnrusIssinainglitIsnight 7789 St. John. “One of the I’atrons of Our Lodges “ Note 211 30 ‘‘Ninirud as One of the Founders of Masoury “ Note 25.3 79 TheAtscal.ypseBorrno’edfrom,~beAnne,,1M’SIcrice Note212 31 Closing Cerericuies. Noachite or Prussian Knight 83 All tbat Is venerabie~Dates from .lerus4lem. Note 213 32 CHAPTER XXXIX —Twenty’Second Degree or Prince of Libanus 84 CPhloilsoinsogphCIidceoarellamtrAoynniaetslby,esisG,ParaDrenendgtrePoeofnotaifflflGSr.a.i.nn..d......P....o....n....t..i..f..f..................... 333314 liL“eRerogedefnoedrme.nscoeil“MlIc’,,a.,~i,t~ha~se,,g’MofysitsthiceAaplDpe.igrAeresosetoly,taNtt3toouotkeno2o5of4,,.”theNoDtem520555 18144 The Lodge Master Personates ChrIst ............... 35 Note 2514 . ... 85 The Purpose to inspire Awe and Horror...... . ........ 36 Aholiab, “A Ds,,it,’ of Great Skill “ N.’te 257 86 Masonry the image of the itomish Beast 37 She Degree Di’die,,ted to the Lebanon Mountains. Note 258 86 CHAPTECRhsrXaXcteKrv.o—fTDwrentDisathlehoDegree, Grand Master of.All Sym’. 38 Opening “CLei’r,etmuroensiesI,tel.P,treincteo tohef L(‘i,b‘daanruasof. Lebanon.” Note 250 8877 bolic Lodges ...... ‘.‘.‘ ‘.‘‘ 39 CHAPTER XL—Initialion. Prinoe of Libanus 88 Reeembl4nce of Masonry to M~ateri,s of Adonis Note 214 39 “Formed Colleges on Mount lebanon.” Note 260 88 Symbolism of tbe Number NIne Note 215 . . 44) Obligation. Knight of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanos 92 ‘‘Let tbere be Light and tbcre was LIght ‘‘ Note 216 ... 40 Sign and A. sn.~’r. PrInce of Libanus 93 “Wisdom Was Represented by Yellow“ Not,’ 2l~ . 40 Token. I’r,i,ce of Lii,onus 94 Tetrags’aznmaton. “Title Given by the Talmodists to the Itistory of the Degree 94 Name of God.” Note 218. . ,., 41 Closing Ceremonies. Prince of Libanus 100 Opening Ct’ehrielmusoonpihesh.aiG~ir,arintdoMfathsteeSryaotefmAUofSi’yrem,mboalsi’c,erLodgesNote..21’i 4422 HistoricaFlreAemsaal~sosinsi.y20ath.Un2i1vsetrs,a,indRe2l2ignidonDegrees 130011 CIIAPTEIt Xxxvi —Initiation. Grand Master of All symbolic Satan the Masonic God 102 “In SLcoodtcghesMas.,.,.n.r.y...a..d...v..l..tamlbs itsBrood,’st~tope “ N..t.’221, 4455 PMuuemrilitDesrumofPthlaetitMudaRess tohne LPaabgoorda and Ledge 130034 S‘.‘,bJ,umstoince,,‘‘ttihneeT3ofpethoerRFoepurresCenartodtiinvael ,,vfir‘,t‘,u,~e,si..’”n. N‘otNe,.2te22221. . 4457 CHAPTEDRecXorLatIio—nsTwoefntyL.Todbgired IDtoegormee...o.r...C..h.i.e..f...o..f..t.h..e...T..a..b.ernacle 110055 “Truth is a Divine Attribute.” No. 223 .. 48 Ramasy the Probable Inventor of the Degree. Note 224.... 48 IL F CONTRNTS. 1~ 6 CONTENTS. Page Page. 105 ObligatIon. KnIghts of the Brasen Berpent................. 154 Members “are CaUed Levites.” Note 261 lOG Sign of Order and Itecognltlon. ~nigbts of the Brasen Ci,,thiug and Decorations of the High Priest 106 Serpent 155 Opening“CTehreemoPnrieessi.dinCghief(titohfertheReTparebseernntascleAsion. Note 262. ‘1O0S7 TI.oNk.eRn.. IA.ns“wJeesru.aoPfaNsaszaWreothrdtbeal~ndtugSoaftcbreed.tewWaord“ Note29.~.. 115565 “PrimitIve Existciit’e Contained 10 the Letter Yod.” Note 26.1 100 Closing Ceremonies, Knights of the Brazen Senpent............. 151 CHAPTER XLII—InitiatiOO Chief of the Tabernacle...... ?hiloaophinal Analycis, Knights of the Brazen Serpent isa “lIeu,ription of the Setting up of the Tabernacle.” Note261 110 The Goodness and SeverIty of God ...............~.. 155 ““ADbatihraamn. wAasReaulR,eenulthCeu“lte.Notthee2S6o5n of Eliab ‘‘ Note 266 1111 F“aSlasteapL’sighItgsneosn SthaetniC,oatsot oSwfaCmhpristMenednomEterualtl”......... 116548) Prep.iratioh of Candidate. Chief of the Taherusele , ~uotes the Bible as Satan DId to DeceIve Men ........~.. 161 LOei,viligteast.lon“.ReCphreIesefntoefdtihneso~me ofthe High Degree.’’ Note261 111145 CHAPTERII XRLetlI’gtii.o—nTwhuetntyh-oSliiznthess DaengdreeJusotircePrinee of Merc.y......... 116623 Sign. Chief ot the Tabernacle 115 “It Is a ChrIstIan Degree In Its ConstructIon.” Note290 . 163 T,,keo sad Pass Word. ChIefof the ~ 115 ‘rissera or Mark ....................... 164 Unel. “An Ar(bangel Mentioned only in 2 Eadras.” Note 2611 116 “Teaser., or Pledges ot FrIendshIp were Used at Rome.” C?hloiisoinsogph“CLiInaetarnceltdmastAocnMniaetclosiy.istiIhsCn.ehiCEPefhastigaeoaftf’ntIotsfhWhemtohereTnshtaTIbpoaebfrautrhnaeaccllPeer.I.e..s.t.h..o.o..d...“.....N.ote 269 111111117889 OCHpeAnPinTgE“RCIterNexImsLotoveaniIieiH2.s—9.I7ghI~IPirtiinaPctheiIolnosoofphPMircienarlcoeyDo.e.fg..r.e.M.e...e”.r..c.y...N..o.le 21111 111166664557 SFaintaitne BMoathn sImaditattehse aInndfiuRlteesisGtsodChrist I13201 P“rAelplaursaiotInosnaroeftoCtahnedITdahtree.eCPorvInecneasmofofMMerecryi’.y..” ...N.ote..2.’..t.t.) . 11667? ChAPTER“TheXLLIoIdIg—e TIswsCnatlyl’erdouia’thhIDereagrrceheyor“PriNncoeteof2t7h0e Tabernacle 112213 “PDroebgarteieon.andThetheInStuecrvceaeldInBge.t”weenN,ottehe30R0e.c.e.p..t.I.o.n....of One 165 OChpAenPinTgER““CRTeherfexeem~rPtovntroeies—sItdhIienPnigntinBacutOieiollfdniico,ncfgiPtrRohinefecpetrTheaesobefenTrttns,hiabeceMlrernoaasbeeetsern““aciNeNotoete227712 111122227.663 O““bLDloIogsNoa~rotaoIttofeinothn8e~P0M3rinAidcdeRleeoClifhgIaMomuebsrecryRw..Iatea..l.n.P..tr.ba..cetRiciegdh.t...bSyid.e.t.h..”.e.....AN...on.t.eel3inQts2...”.. 111776028 “The Book of the Law is that Sacred Book “ Note 273 128 “Ught Is a Symbol of Knossledge.” Note 503............. 172 TTT“““““““ELhhhTISTIneeetmihqhkeuLFrbeTLearTlleererPeehIeesIvmlarhmowueneenoalmeaga.tfstsilbhceoRLte.BnDheILrelgl(oyeaiSiihfgpenrqtAiimeetsnouMhn.nngeaeidcWarseTLinSeIotEoitnhtvraiamotdeninrEtbdCtmMhlCiHaehsibCn,aomiti,osdrtsoSugdaStmmiyteueRNiSpsmcrsnoumaasbusoctonsuoIgrfseufeahlrsodnnaFRftldUsrSoEeentSgefot,PithtmnvuauNleeelut.aaeirumAsirsmioatbl‘ny‘ltRb.or.”ey”urr.lNs”e“.o“NN”teNooNNNttoee2otooe8t2tteee20.2727.7.872294775...67.. 11111111i123t2322233o19018800u1 C?hloIiseienogpbUSSTL““C“iALTctiseeeggeukrcihmonlearteeumpssrensr,Ft.oeAhooon..ffHnrPtImheaaaEesPPlfvs.ynbrrseIsoiPtninir~sra~cr.ewaNniVenrneeohooayeePregniddcordaihfatnEianovcmODondefeMdfrrse.dtCeGheAMrSohor.oy”.fnaaofecdrdrPraecMCercyrdsMihtNeonerrncroeicws.emtySteoPporoerrd3iilfsenl0s,scM”5GeP.i.ebor.il.rfnI....rcy..n.Me.......”..e...o.r....c.f...y..N....M..o..t..ee...r.Jc4y1.&......... 1i1111I111Sr77788177Os36901545 T“hTehePeCrfuebcet CIsubae. Symbol...o..f ‘I:nth. of Wisdom, of Moral 131 ChAPTERReneXwLInIXg —theTwPelnatgyu.SeseveonfthEgyDpetgroene AomrerCicoamnmSaonidler...o..f the 182 “ThePPerufnectstIotong‘P‘ooNerootefF2ir8etis...N..a.t’u.r.a.l.l.y...D..e.d..u’c.e’d~.”’ Note282 133 TItTleeemopfleOff~icers.DecorationsofRooni. Aproi..Etc Note3ii6... 118633 C?COhlHpoielAsonisPniongTpgEh“StS““CZMFO“M““TR“uiCliiJTATTcr‘’aogergnoaoerocainrnhihhvnhsoesse,rllXioieeeNieseehmdmMsrsrCnmsuoIeonA.aoiaCTIVrafsctoeSSsanosPoe.ineedon,o“iise,,rR.ra,eg,nsn—,iA,ieSBel,2Isni.,nrry’lTmu,i8hey.ace.gASvTs.3hitpio“o~innpMoewPsgItlnPIgKsilon,WtotnrSseiChte.eintlmnesi,neentIa1sm,PoForiiecan1otg,jerryo,1eoi?doo~ghniedg’Harinfle1ttffT.bbryeysc’dieioMerftoepMa,raMIPItfSbrfoIhn,tPvooHtro,hieafoiai’rre,orttarrnesotaetIhilvphftstnacsleatoTeeheeehotetsrrlbyhentoe—tfoTfh’pientfruoTTnnseK“neioBFasfvfarItamyn’rAhmsebRlbaiwtTmenrSGegmhizee,NtarttWee’hehedi.einobfcrrooDtenatneesnrentsTceAtegresahnSlgttaSaeiceo“artalrebehlClc.f2tcreeoeel8pilMe.eaFt8leEN.IPhnnd.sEunyea.oeatn.sarot.ctFNeets.pehB.rtiaarl.eeeIri.m2ae..t“a.s.hRlsez...a..”e7..d“““n..N~...N.oN.NN.WN.S.to.oe.ooeo..ttat.terteee2tepe8e2r229122n188101t14506 11111111111r111111114444333334444444444411111415668900356782111’ OCIC?IhHplIoIAeAlsneiPPiennTeTggpEEhOMNvS“OSSH““OD“RR““CiiMDTTitalrTcTlebsaigygieepsaerhgogslhohnlrntoileuoereeieLLoesgeomnltdenmtsreaoIfoEe—AIyoootnFNPocfO—LCin,nnfnoln“rroo“IeborieeanTiKnRCtTeCudaoebnls.aseiyregDrswynoeioct.On’nudr.shicInnhie.eadetihgiortCtossnntTGCddeiOghaIe.nmtgomewfooniotryrRcinoarmvaknmic-m,optsnroenOSeCImt4rmdKwmndmoedfl!oANtfonav~aneiPhamiCafneosbcnrienoehC,hdgnemReemodi,RdarldtrethmteiomhenheCaorotrAISPrledTismnsmsnisl.cruongadnhqooMooadpsrmiDesIASuofnetsewffSshr“ttieeuerdlniiayysHeygasd.stesitoD’mlnrothhnrtherwush.fileedesftdeoObameCSeegtentoo,rRohyrrohbtETrldsefTFhemfuslieT..leeeeteoa.ee,etre.mmbttcmrSboTh.Ihmhot.ruenspTceoe.opelnpK.otmlIderfl.eASdlcte.m.aanetp.’e”TcIKln.IAlrp.Pols.gee.de.hnl.tidmho.eg.toi..aiRtfgo..tspNONsm..i“thhri.ls.hu.ooita.tO.eeet.stt.“o“.s.ee..n~.”T”.fNo.”e..ef3.3..oN.m”t.0N1t.h.e.8Co.pNe5.NN‘~tlcNoeo.eoo3.c.ut.0ott..Se.ee..733rt..ue31.3t..n33..033..4...i..191...0..1...2 222222211111111121113000000089999998008899102857124461649005790 CHAPTE“‘S“R‘SWeIrcopoiX”teNthtItnr.ioo’tst,th,eh1teia,2—n,,’C’d~tq2Iir,no,ooCsi,trsnrie.oaO.i.sttl.isb.oI..n~’sM..UE.aKsvkeIen”diegi,nhMfttltyth.oi’afSBStinhryaaemzibeBnoarlSaozeSferypnCmetnS.bnteoirla‘p‘te.”ontfNoNtTeorut2e0th3294 111111418511118113 Opening“FOCarpeeeernmeSImnatgrsoIoncniPterlryysa.yeKaPrh.nPiilgeohKrsptonsepitghuohiacfttasioltnhoeafnodStfhuenSSacnSieunwtniSo..tr.’s..h.”.I.p....”N..o..t.e.N..o1..t1.e6. 517.. 223300096661 8 CONTENTh. CONTENTS. 9 Page Page. CCPCCPCHhHlhHHoiiAAlslAAooiPnPaPPsTgTsoTTpEpEEEA.hS“‘PH‘““‘TRh~PGMOSHC“TS“CISl‘HFFTPR““““FS““‘P“RMT““‘‘‘RRLoOL‘nilire‘iTThSIioelloraCDiDOAhAAhTsIeegBoelIibaaicoThgdagiovrnireootsnasiusfoboreivhhrgncoabslssafhmnirheairgurttperutessdirdALmejhssacenhodleethdaLodsdr.ggioeLNALLonttemearCCSNsgwniIfeuadmmhirotrlaRsarceIin,”slrtieIvIyle.sonatADyeeataoe’aeoAESWcIra.tiittgISSAAhilhaiy’.RTaWsnl.IntcIie,naceti,cldanttt—ise5S1.henmroau“hilsnne’eirgd,ksl—oH—SanldtoI0oiAaaggeaiIosteoa.ttyontTnsesedd“‘—Sn.gbiiarfkCeuendtonrnTbdae‘nnwragdsslf“bAFVedThneiAohsIIrlMespdn.~“‘3,mdvy.eigFiaaTyhy‘snneeAFTeatetnehAf“iSshe24eDIsCn.n,tabssriRdiircber.hKSttWrK2ue.maw3eoFKatTriettnsiuohhehaateotK“xlhI’iis.etiCWNwdesyeMGSahna’h)Seaafeeenita.upstNgn.FtafAIaKtngmdiiNKDchtiyhiettonneueaKstseorodtsinuai6otegriiiaCtodidepegikCtnin.tdprttr,ooc.sFKpaa’cdn’tdimtfCarth’’yht.etpoBirs~hhidehiooGSAe.hsd.tlnnrmspaeroid:dgt’g.Sorotaiabmkofirtreeab.nseegNfTSSAiOin..~beeufinhndsuheiiKlGnieeiicieelfihtoiisdseMOiTDtegrigoiatcgtiaiteift3orfy’ottineesristtstnsaKA‘hctntiodmnilhmkooL3neriieraeimyi~KoFeasrsdti‘bwtti’’ttrteeio‘7Terlsse5er.vudsffthh1’iilng.hedftg’itiabya’etoo’t~msn.r.s~t’inbfuhl.rioeeetrhioMooitcttheet’gtWooltlffa~toirgIOeoe,esenihkttafeihslreergrfb‘DTtaafllnrtftK“ohhselhn.O.seait~enil1ehrddIlbhr•Ioiho.et”eelAttSFfltend31nOe’nstehu’i)‘oGS1IhatsldfkOi‘RtFe.ig1’et.tPKrsi.iti1ioKThtigbIoietofIN0ab,iigehbe’.g•bSGboiret’1tasoIdremr.ifSB,,btnrasie~tn’.S)tonrigi)’ehlra~igSoKaumitti.efhItoriekoeIeoSaSou’b’i.rceit.t‘GttetbadcimfaettN.gd.leegonaNCAnni,wsee.ifv’hafSDTho’nutrent“entsceih.SOr.nhriaSAbteo.rhiivetti’la‘NSroKDLnakhgdda.Geyoautuet.tn.tl1et.troNCtmeesdriotenuorhnysg.osoeeo.hi.nitnrrg.se1rifSoRNtr..tsohtdbrdr..gfKotoeeiiieiKgiwesoi.eAAEe-efdutnaeeAAoSWrrt.too3Tooitwndhelnei.eoeteDlgsn’lirff2SL.rit.’gffi.isinhiwesigfSt“Ntsi.eoacivil3Lo‘ctlttg3rhS.ietshtgs.a’drttrhulISIh.rstitof31“icthede’hth..“.fnllhr’l‘genlat.a534“3.hhtrotel‘.“ot.egif.o.tnei’’net1S4C’stinceyNA...slrwielSAiKFs’’”tfG1‘rt’egrlftgirl‘as.iunoPANr’u.nonyl”.eiSc3snetNNnrat..anS‘SoNdttiheg3rfli‘aloiiehengitssurtofD8A“mgIotknuNioti‘NSec,len“.et‘d’theldti“inweeereo““Ntev3SotrdN..d‘“‘At.3VN2ei‘‘to‘te.‘‘rn‘eA33o.4‘‘5NK3wn.et“MeoeNN34e.2tN4wdnn.te9oa0.N3A7eoNN3r.odao.gdt1N3NNeN33.tetsnrot.e‘5o.oewo’e3343eeoto3..lodtaottes224’.4wette3rten.rth,329re6e33e.’e3u2cI4J223wt~233eh‘01323l3tS1.27o4)1”1(’5f81. 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222331233323000011122222223.33344011112222334444444444444114617711938S76891791145581U34611856890239600000033545789132) OPCOCCPChHlHhplHciolAeieAolAsnloPisnPiPnsongTTogTpgEpE5hEMDTCFRCT“T“STMDEShRCCOF“’RiSCTT“S“WiEFS“D“RShrlaeWci3STFOCtiioTael“hieoNaeghiIhacpsHhhyPlripeolair’mcglkelraphebAiosgrcehmhaentarsaeiseesluoueomhcLLhanuereuriiodNRlnsmteclsnmsetLCmNITuedesrrsrboMWetmnpsetisSambiuovosNNhtsIdtmtooaenoN“RenrXlvooloaAhrnIraIhuMrIitoIIyoASStsseyNtpgridaomoTaalmnnosctloaIotwnhgnyaeiie.ihOP“tnhnenaiitfEahnentspyta—afidtcnonerxtnedoggs.oOsuemWpasi,..eelrnieeq—pisIOPagskmali—”eaOPfagntesnelaal.O38zaodaihtoyuTsyaKr,llrltrnpb66RSHelanshebaas3~hAoyt,a.ee1“JCsrnIraTa~F67htyhlgghstat5““Aees1dsnuiyuufsbaSnIhuyhdSGh.nsoied54Thr,lciAAg.ayATentiledrc.sNvie,espse2”esAGoarnoterigtntrrhidr.aGIAterrIrowianrhpTKaedcynastofh.nns.dIcverntriciaGetrhnoms.nKGiurJkdbhtatee’ianyniasiesed~GireaiufSoi.uatndevrleuAotnrce.oeninidSKtNnriiiintCGindlagiirrfaOLhdeonneituacdLrngnitgiinedieanouoiglsnhaeagmacgTOIRiotasrgoglePS3~noclsddnsenddahtllrrntaa”ihlynnhTE6WarwhIhdteeyohtg.seddnIssttddtrL5yaindtipelgenolwntphnfaedraLSFTtiloslcUIbiieeskKo8cddtrlteeteAGononcetoIreKoECoeeiyIptK6aeeogaddfDiCnvraaudtInfemsffI9ndrneonlrataDpn,tt.IunamAKKoepnsgaeeeeaoicdtdrMivn.ldplKAttotoesngfHocseelultaoaErhhepoedAoelolpnMGnotgrrdsdflsdanereeysoaieIoaSKiSlreleshtrsasslsohWIn,irrrmoobfWiKiMhoalcetpatognasstttIuhigaTMsors,ttomltiqonhnthnnFMqnoneolIItDCh,bito~oe.h~tkhsigttneutduorirarvbeevhcdsrropEIgiaaeedhdeRqsrideBnraaineeonsshesenaontnt~KIbetn“‘NnoqhiytomrFaCIntnngGISlt‘allaoSnng.u.oia-ctgsoeidaoKquIi”ihiio.gioafgrfIuscideinnfhKSnnle.rtmuifcassuahapst~rIn.opaoBreeu.Ah.iooiernMratseoOpbnr..ssdtraebcehinnaKOt..docdCNRhmiwoecgtt..ncelHrtoartDhhr.or.iaroeoodetoyeol.oesmo.DteeesdSCICoe..mrb.e.tesd.ronto“”d.mhn.Fsr.odnekOeoreeg.o.nFd..fms.s”googiu”l.mremrCoipih.o1erenrulHIG3ysvd.m1leNPenmoften.rsN.ae1i’6coe.”rq.sgmdimog.nt”aihloo.8uh.NNobeondtt”nd.mtaefhirrfoEc.ee.doosne.e.~NenafIettq.d.r3Nteet.3Inr.Dhuo~os.5DNn.6dKLLO.oreit3r..e33oq0leoee..taiag66os.efutggrd.t14ierdWC3..eirrhe..d.s3o7ei.treo.tis~e8hI6aes0.tsm.sr”6.heols.2”.~e.3.P.r...-””.a8883g1313333131333338333333337777e222233333133467444446772222212244322111121551124).8860006310000856065287744166771126611271200471379366842804028’)i Opening~S“~pTPeehhrsaeimlimpoHnIeiesIsstV,o.rinySuGoDrfrneaoatnhmdeeeadtED.leleesctt“ruRTceKhttienooingrMhotothftetoKthaFedoaofTIsrehtm“heplaNTrobsltre“ty3~4SN9eoctoeud348 222454919 “MDMAaialalihago,crlihaa“mib,A,oA“CfAoSmCkSopIilnoglsfnnuieIslnftiotcArayPnritalLfriWotcdeoogrferodfaRItnohSoeigmtThneirfiibcTeahnoItrftywDosaenrcdo“.”ndNoNDtoeetge3r7e13e7.”2. 888777887 CHAPTER LNVotIe—3l5a0itiattan. Grand Elect Knigit Kadosh...... 257 “EzrNa.oteTh3e73Celebrated Jewish Scribe.” Note 874....... 337799 “AllusIons are to the Ancient Order of Kni~ht5 Templars.” 2S? Thirty second Degree Csmp................................. 880 Note 351 ~1 10 CONTENTS. Page ““‘AIbrgeenAtt.kI”orfentchhefCorovSenilovititl.”‘‘ NNoottee 337155 ... ‘ 838812 Opening Ceremonies. SublimS Prince of the Royal Secr5t 385 Instituted by Council of Emperors of Fast aitd ‘I’.est. Note 377 - 385 CHAPTER LX—Initiation. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 391 “The Assembly is Called it S.ivecelgn Conoistoit ‘‘ N,iti’ i7’l 31)1 Hiram Abif, “The Celebrated Arihitect of King Solititiit Teinpl’.e.” Note i79 399 Obligation. Sublime tritice of (tie Itoyal Sc’ret 414. 5 INl.iati1hvl’eistr.,tSour“ybUlismie’edroitPIcCr.irt.tCeelTebs‘iiiftiotc~th‘estihcIett’’’.NIteioISptti’h”g.iitrecect“ Note 380 441107 THE CONCLAVE” ‘‘h‘‘‘‘iTT5ti~5attihnkozigt’o.oitr.yASAobSPiSiitgiaitgnsieneIfiefic.iPearnniStntiitctbe9iWtiotiitri.it’llIitii’titit’ttitlltit.i’i’..’ie.ihiItItilgig8hliliici’uDh)tliel’tCgtyrriea’ili”s.S‘‘‘‘t’ r1’7’’.I’’I’.’ ‘ii 44442222.1221 CELESTOIAR L CITY ‘D‘VovJea.tcb‘‘wTobrIdsa.ItiUrdsed‘.‘.iti’i.i iitttt’”’ ‘lritirIti’’..it.a,t.”.ti’i.ni.t’i,.’.heti’i.g’gi’rr.’t’‘‘‘ Ni‘l,.e.tt ‘ 426 ‘‘‘‘IF.Arc’egii’nn.i’i.siifinr3themI’dbtAe’liitltiveniiiS. .iIIIti•eioiStlt.iirgihltueth‘e‘ SNonoitce IOt’l’~veti- ‘4I3’l1l Containing an epitome of the twelve degrees of the Nile 1116 ‘T‘hDeovDeo‘tiiSbote. Aille’.t’.i.dtyeed(tI,Xit—igliit’ii’.cmi’t1t’’..iitStittiredNIt’tTireti.l‘~‘itNote .tt’.7 44‘1l7it Philosophic Chamber of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. ‘‘Silembeci if the Per-ian Curt Iteittig to the Mystic lit‘I’ 4’iT The twelve degrees preceding the Rose Croix are, as MystNetotetes ‘o3)f19the Per’.lan :.,d Slittirit‘ Note‘31)0 -‘ 4’tq Kabb.ii’i I~nmbraee5 ‘‘513alital littel 4i’m we have shown, associated with the twelve signs of the Stile .1111 1ir,’Iitti.ioa of Scrilititt” 444128 Zodiac. Closing Ceremonies. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 441) Philosophical Analysis. Sublime Prince ofthe Betel Secret From these fixed signs, the Rite passes to the Sun, (HAPTEII. LXI.~Tbirty’third Leguec. or Sovereign Grand Inspector 459 General Moon and the Planets, t.ilttntste Degree of tile Au’.lint atid A’.’.eptid Iiit.’ 459 ‘‘A N(‘hoateste39D2ispistI of5’.niloilic Octt.tnti’ttl” Stile .3’i.i 44661 From these the Rite looks to the four elements or Opening Ceremonies. Sovereign Grand Inspector General 46I 461 four components of man, etc., and from these it con- lipettiasPrtiper. SoVereign 0iiitd Iit’qt’ tue t.eOei I 464 Sign of Order. S,vt’rCtgtt Gi.iitd in”i’i hr t-,’it’r.tl 465 siders the spirit and matter, or infinite and finite of the CHAPTER LXII~Initiati.in, SovereIgn Grand inspector Geneesi 465 ‘the Protector otid (‘iiiiser’...t.i’. of the Ordec ‘‘ Note I9C~ 466 Universe and of man. First ObligallOn. S.ivcceigii Gr.tnd lutipedor General 467 Aitive Siemitera ‘i’i’e.t~5 t’.itl.tc Iliiti.c.ir~ aStab Not.’ AiiIi 4467’i1l In the Rose Croix Degree, we have seen the son of Skelitun Selaing l’sitdtii.tti’ Wbut’ Tatlith’ Ottligotlon 472 I”tnai Iitttig;tli’.ii’. ‘l’hirty-tbtctl liegrie 474 masonry and heard the promise of universal peace and Sign of Order and FIrst SIgn. Thin’..third Degree Ring. “On the Inside a 13db Sarrottitdiitg the Figures 1.1 474 joy. Now letus proceed to seek the methods of realiza- Note 397 475 Sciitud Sign and Sign of Entraut’e. Thu ty-thied Degree 476 Lecture. Thirti .third Degree 479 tion, and learn how to restore the lost Eden and re- Closing Ceremoniss. Sovereign Grand Inspector Ganeral 481 Philosophical Analysis, Soveraigo Grand Inspector Genecal 481’ edify the Celestial City. CHAPTER LXIII—rnublsma and Seoretaof Thirty.three Degrees Note 196.—Conclave. Commanderies of KnIghtsTemplars in England and Canada are called Conclaves. aiid the Grand Encampment the Grand Conclave. The word is also applIed to the meetings in some other of tbe high degrees. The word is derivedfront the Latin con. “.‘.ith.’ and davis. ‘a key.’ to denote Ihe Idea of beIng locked op In seilusion. and in this sense was first applied to the apartment in which the cardinals are liter- ally locked tip niben met to elect a pope.”—Mackey’s EncyclopaedIa ~ Freemasonry. Article Conol*ve. 1. GRAND PONTIFF. 13 ~ )( ~E ~afl 0 £‘L ‘~L i~ 1W ~ On the base of each column is the initial in the same order of the name of one of the Apostles of Christ, viz: John, Peter, Andrew, James, CHAPTER XXXIII Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas, Matthew, James, Lebbeus, Simon, and Matthias, NINETEHNTiI DEGREE OR GilAND PONTIFF. DRA7I:—The tracing board has a mountain in the foreground. A four-square city appears descending from MERCURY •~ the sky; below is a representation of Jerusalem,’” over- DECORATiONS :—The hangings are blue sprinkled with turned and in ruins, There are twelve gates of pearl, slais gold; tite whole Chapter is lighted by one large of three on each side; a great glory in the center gives it ‘.4plierical Transparency behind the Master’s seat in the light. Beneath the ruins of the city lies a serpent with East. three heads bound in chains; on one Side of the draft is In the East is a throne, and o’ier it ts a blue canopy. a high mountain. Around the room are t’i~-l”e columns as folloits: One TITLES :—The Master is Styled Thrice Puissant and on each side ofthe Master, onc on each stde of the War. is seated on athrone in the East, and holds a sceptre in den in the ~Vest,four in tile North and four tn th~ his hand,onhis breast isthe High Priest’s Breast Plate, South of the Chapter; on the Capitals of these Columns There is but one Warden seated in the West witha are thc initials of the names of the twcl”c trtbes,ins in golden staff in his hand. the following order, beginning on the column on the There is alsoan Orator, two Deaconsand a Master of right hand of the Master, and goinground by the North, Ceremonies, and Tyler. The brethren are styled Faith- West and South, viz: ful and True Brethren, Titu~achar, Epliraini, Benjamin, Dan, DRESS:—The brethrenare clothed in white linen robes, Naphtnhi, Asher, each with a blue fillet of satin round his head with Manassab, Zebulon, Reuben, twelvegold stars on it, Simeon, and Gad :—A broad crimson ribbon, with twelve gold Under thesc in the s~,ame order, are the zodiacal signs. staOrsRDinERfront, worn fsom rightto left. Note 197.—Grand Pontiff. The 19th degree of the Aitelent sad Ac- :——A gold medal or square plate, on one side cu’t’.t”’.t mile The diii.~‘ In fiunmuded cmi the moysicrit” itt the Apocalypse. JEWEL relating to the sewJerusalem, as set forth in the Recitatittit of St lohit of which is engraved the word Alpha,and on the other azi. aimmi xxii.. ‘.‘.‘Iiiiti ii ilio’itrstea and endetivors In e’.ploin The assem- bly is atsled a chapter. too spartmeats are ret Omega. 1uireil The presiding otlitir Is etsled Thrim’,’ l’olssttnt Grauid Poitliff The neember’. ore called BATTERY :—Ts twelve equal strokes. FaIthful Itrithers “—Macny’s Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of rreema- scary.. Article Grand Pontiff. Note iBS.—”The eastern portion of Jerusalem. known as Mt. Morish. Note 198.—’.’Tribes of Israel, All the twelve tribes of Israel were en’ ssectrtihbedwhtiicnhderatshatmahseoands,; awseaarerethpearctilceuftlsarloyfcrooncckesr.neidh,e ihsiltfuwlleystdoef- gaged in the coimotructiOn of the first Temple But lummig before its Mt Moriab the valley of Jehoshaphat. the value of Shaveb end other deatro’.thin tin of Ihem revolted, and formed the nalitun of iai.tel. whIle neighboring places under their respective titles. The history of this the remaIning two, the tribes ofJudab and Benjamin retained possession memorable city partakes In its mIsfortunes of the exaggerations of of the Tenipli’ mind of .ter’.msolcm nuder the numnie ofthe kingduum of Jmmdsh romaOce. Levelled again and again to the ~round; pillaged. burned; To these too tribes alone otter the mettirui from the captivity was in- spoil of every natIon of antiquity. t has yet resisted every trusted the bumlimling of the secomiui Temple Iii’nu’e In tit’.’ high degrees attempt to blot it from existence and stands, at the present day, with which, of course, are connected for the moat part soith the Temple mit a population of 125.000. insIgnificant in comparison with its former Zerubbahel or aIth events (bit otemurred amibseulOetit to the destriii’tIOVof grandeur, yet representing Ihe grandest and most important scenes that of Solomoti. the tribe if .t’.’.’.lm’Iu anti Itetijutmln only are referred to recorded In the pages of history, human and divine. in ISIIS a lodge But In the primary degree1s pwoihnittshatricreehxapsleaiilnedtinbtyheafirresftereTnecmeimlteo. tthhee was established here antler the title of the Royal Solomon Motbee MtwaeslovneIctrirbeefesre‘n‘c—esMaactki’.auym’3ssEinnurecyctoloptaheediat’.’o.eflve~.rterelbmi’asaonlCieyu,,Aerticii’l.ethTeriboelSd Lodge.“—MolTis’s Masonic DictIonary, Article lerumlem. loecftuIrsmr’asel.the twelve origins GRAND PONTIFF. 15 labor together for his glory and the improvement of mankind. Together my brethren, (all give the sign.) Thrice Puiasant—(Strikes one; 0.) Warden—(Strikes one; 0, and so on alternately to twelve.) OPENING CEREMONIES Aii—(Clap twelve with their hands, and cry three times;) HOshea.sei 5 Thrice Puissant—The Sun is up and thisChapter is DEGREE OF’GRAND PONTIFF. Thrice Puissant—Faithful and true brethren Grand open. Pontiff, I propose to open this Chapter; aid me to do Thrice Pui.ssant—(Sti’ikesone; 0.) Be seated, faith- so. Brother Junior Deacon, see that we are properly ful and true brethren. tyled. Junior Deacon—(Knocks twelve on the door, opens MaNsoontseo3fOtIh.—e ”SXcoetetoishhe,.RiTtehe inworsodmoefoafctchlaemaCtaIhoinersusietdIsbysptehleledreSeangche. it and says:) Faithful and true brother, this Chapterof It Is. I think, a corruplion of the word huam. which Is used by the English and American.Mssoaa of the same Rite.“‘..MU*57•g Seepelo. Grand Pontiffs is about to be opened, take due notiee —~ ef lreemaeeaxy Axtiele Eseehee. and govern yourself accordingly. (Then shuts the door.) Thrice Puissant, we are properly tyled. Thrice Puissant—How? Junior Deacon—By afaithful and true brother with- out, armed and vigilant. Thrice Puissant—Faithful and true brother Warden, what is the hour? Warden—The timeis foretold to all nations,the Sun of Truth has risen over the desert, the last struggle be- tween good and evil, lightand darknesscommences, the Cube Stone has becomea mystic Roseand the lost word is recovered. Thrice Puissant—Be grateful to God, my brethren. and let us proceed to open this Chapter, that we may Note 300.—”Bmnud Pentiff. (Stand Pentife on Kunablime Zoemals.) The nineteenth degree of the Ancient and Accepte4 Scottish Rite. The degree is occupied In an examination of the Apocalyptic mystertee of the New Jerusalem. It. officers are a Thrice Puissant and one warden The Thrice Pulsiant is seated in the east on a throne canopied with blue, and wears a white satin robe The warden Is in the west, and holds a staff of gold The members are clothed In white, with bin.’ fillets embroidered with twelve stars of gold, and see called True and Faithful Brothers. The decorations of the Lodge are blue spitokied with mid stars“—Maskey’. Enerolopeedia atPreeznasourp Article Brand Pemt~~ INITIATION. 17 Junior Deacon—Why doth lie now desire to attain the degree of Grand Pontiff? Master of Ceremonies—That he may be better quali- lied to serve the cause oftruth and light. Junior Deacon—What other weapons does lie need than Charity, hope and Faith? CHAPTER XXXIV Junior Deacon—Then let him take his first le~soii now, and wait with patience until the Thrice Puissant NINETEENTH DEGREE on GRAND PONTIFF. is informed of his request, and his will ascertaint’d. Junior Deacon shuts the door,goes to the Thrice Puis- INITIATiON. sant, and the same questions and answers are given, Master of Ceremony retires and prepares the can- e~tcept the last to be patient and wait. didate as a Knight Rose Croix, conducts him to the Thrice Puissant—Since his desires are commendable, door, knocks six and one. faithful and true brother Junior Deacon, lethim enter. Junior Deacon—(Knocks six and one, opens the door Junior Deacon opens the door, the candidate enters and says:) Who hails? with the Master ofCeremonies who conducts him twelve Master of Ceremonies—A Knight Rose Croix, who times round the Chapter, halting at one of the columns desires to attain the degreeof Grand Pontiff. ateach circuit. At the fourth column. 55’ shallreturn again to Junior Deacon—How longhath he served? Master of Ceremonies—Judah hisfirst estate, when theempire of evil ends; Light and Master ofCeremonies—Three years. not darknessiseternal;Truth and noterror isimmortal. Junior Deacon—Where? (At the third column.) Masterof Ceremonies—Tn Ihe ranks of Truth. Master of Ceremonies—Issachar shall once more be Junior Deacon—How armed? free, when sin and suffering are known no longer; far Master of Ceremonies—With Charity, Hope and in the future unto us, that day of light isnow with God. Faith. Time is a succession of points, each in the center of Junior Deacon—Against i~hat enemies? eternity; evil lasts only during time. The reign of God Master of Ceremonies—Intolerance andoppression. is measured by eternity. (At the ninth column.) Mete 202.—’‘Grand Pontiff.” (Scotch Masonry.1—The brat degree con- Master of Cere,nonies—Zebulon, shall find peace, as ferred in the Cousiatory of Princes of the Royal Secret. Scoith Masonry and the 111th upon the catalogueof that system its officers are a Thrice ships that come out of great storms, and furl their sails Puissant Grand Pontiff and a Warden. The members sri’ termed True and Faithful Brothers. The historical lessons are drewn from the SonIc of ReyclatlOtiS The assembly is styled a Chapter The hangings are Mobs 203.—”Judah and flenjamin. Of the twelve tribes of Israel blue, sprinkled with gold stars The members are clothed in white who acre at various limen. carried into capitivity. only two, those of linen with blue fillets. embroidered with 12 golden stars Jewel. a Judab and Benjamin. returned under Zerubbahel In rebuild the second square plate of gold having on one side the word Aiph,. on the other Temple. Hence. tn the high degrees, which are founded on events that the word Omega Roars, from the hoar foretold to the hour accom occurned at and after the building of the second TernpIc the allusions pushed. The draft of the lodge represents a squarecity’ with 12 gates. sre made only tothe tribes of Juilab and P”njamln “—Mackey’s E three on a side; in the midst a tree bearing twelve manner of fruits.” pedla of 2’resonasonry. Article Juda.h and Senjaman. ye —Mania’s Masonic Dictionary. Article Grand ?ontuff.

www.stelling.nl/vrijmetselarij. Other CD-Roms available are: • Secret Societies and Fraternal Organizations. • Scottish Rite Library: Scottish Rite
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