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Cosmology StevenWeinberg UniversityofTexasatAustin 1 3 GreatClarendonStreet,OxfordOX26DP OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwidein Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofficesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress intheUKandincertainothercountries PublishedintheUnitedStates byOxfordUniversityPressInc.,NewYork ©StevenWeinberg2008 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted DatabaserightOxfordUniversityPress(maker) ©Firstpublished2008 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress, orasexpresslypermittedbylaw,orundertermsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproduction outsidethescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment, OxfordUniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisbookinanyotherbindingorcover andyoumustimposethesameconditiononanyacquirer BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Dataavailable TypesetbyNewgenImagingSystems(P)Ltd.,Chennai,India PrintedinGreatBritain onacid-freepaperby BiddlesLtd.,King’sLynn,Norfolk ISBN 978–0–19–852682–7 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To Louise, Elizabeth, and Gabrielle This page intentionally left blank Preface Researchincosmologyhasbecomeextraordinarilylivelyinthepastquarter century. Intheearly1980stheproposalofthetheoryofinflationoffereda solution to some outstanding cosmological puzzles and provided a mechanismfortheoriginoflarge-scalestructure,whichcouldbetestedby observations of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background. November 1989 saw the launch of the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite. Measurements with its spectrophotometer soon established the thermal nature of the cosmic microwave background and determined its temperaturetothreedecimalplaces,aprecisionunprecedentedincosmol- ogy. Alittlelaterthelong-soughtmicrowavebackgroundanisotropieswere found in data taken by the satellite’s radiometer. Subsequent observa- tions by ground-based and balloon-borne instruments and eventually by theWilkinsonMicrowaveAnisotropyProbeshowedthattheseanisotropies areprettymuchwhatwouldbeexpectedonthebasisofinflationarytheory. In the late 1990s the use of Type Ia supernovae as standard candles led to the discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, implying that most of the energy of the universe is some sort of dark energy, with a ratioofpressuretodensitylessthan−1/3. Thiswasconfirmedbyprecise observations of the microwave background anisotropies, and by massive surveys of galaxies, which together provided increasingly accurate values forcosmologicalparameters. Meanwhile, the classic methods of astronomy have provided steadily improving independent constraints on the same cosmological parameters. The spectroscopic discovery of thorium and then uranium in the atmo- spheresofoldstars,togetherwithcontinuedstudyoftheturn-offfromthe mainsequenceinglobularclusters,hasnarrowedestimatesoftheageofthe universe. Themeasurementofthedeuteriumtohydrogenratioininterstel- larabsorptioncombinedwithcalculationsofcosmologicalnucleosynthesis has given a good value for the cosmic density of ordinary baryonic mat- ter, and shown that it is only about a fifth of the density of some sort of mysterious non-baryonic cold dark matter. Observations with the Hubble SpaceTelescopeaswellasground-basedtelescopeshavegivenincreasingly precisevaluesfortheHubbleconstant. Itisgreatlyreassuringthatsomeof theparametersmeasuredbytheseothermeanshavevaluesconsistentwith thosefoundinstudiesofthecosmicmicrowavebackgroundandlargescale structure. Progress continues. In the years to come, we can expect definite information about whether the dark energy density is constant or evolv- ing, and we hope for signs of gravitational radiation that would open the v Preface era of inflation to observation. We may discover the nature of dark mat- ter, either by artificially producing dark matter particles at new large accelerators,orbydirectobservationofnaturaldarkmatterparticlesimping- ingontheearth. Itremainstobeseenifinourtimesfundamentalphysical theory can provide a specific theory of inflation or explain dark matter or darkenergy. This new excitement in cosmology came as if on cue for elementary particlephysicists. Bythe1980stheStandardModelofelementaryparticles and fields had become well established. Although significant theoretical and experimental work continued, there was now little contact between experiment and new theoretical ideas, and without this contact, particle physics lost much of its liveliness. Cosmology now offered the excitement thatparticlephysicistshadexperiencedinthe1960sand1970s. In1999Ifinishedmythree-volumebookonthequantumtheoryoffields (cited here as “QTF”), and with unaccustomed time on my hands, I set myselfthetaskoflearningindetailthetheoryunderlyingthegreatprogress incosmologymadeintheprevioustwodecades. AlthoughIhaddonesome researchoncosmologyinthepast,gettinguptodatenowturnedouttotake afairamountofwork. Reviewarticlesoncosmologygavegoodsummaries of the data, but they often quoted formulas without giving the derivation, and sometimes even without giving a reference to the original derivation. Occasionally the formulas were wrong, and therefore extremely difficult for me to rederive. Where I could find the original references, the articles sometimeshadgapsintheirarguments,orreliedonhiddenassumptions,or used unexplained notation. Often massive computer programs had taken the place of analytic studies. In many cases I found that it was easiest to workouttherelevanttheoryformyself. This book is the result. Its aim is to give self-contained explanations oftheideasandformulasthatareusedandtestedinmoderncosmological observations. The book divides into two parts, each of which in my exp- erience teaching the subject provides enough material for a one-semester graduatecourse. Thefirstpart,Chapters1through4,dealschieflywiththe isotropic and homogeneous average universe, with only a brief introduc- tiontotheanisotropiesinthemicrowavebackgroundinSection2.6. These chaptersaremore-or-lessinreversechronologicalorder;Chapter1concen- tratesontheuniversesincetheformationofgalaxies,correspondingroughly toredshiftsz < 10;Chapter2dealswiththemicrowavebackground,emit- ted at a redshift z (cid:1) 1,000; Chapter 3 describes the early universe, from the beginning of the radiation-dominated expansion to a redshift z ≈ 104 whenthedensityofradiationfellbelowthatofmatter;andChapter4takes up the period of inflation that is believed to have preceded the radiation- dominated era. The second part, Chapters 5 through 10, concentrates on the departures from the average universe. After some general formalism vi Preface in Chapter 5 and its application to the evolution of inhomogeneities in Chapter6,IreturninChapter7tothemicrowavebackgroundanisotropies, andtakeupthelargescalestructureofmatterinChapter8. Gravitational lensing is discussed late, in Chapter 9, because its most important cosmo- logical application may be in the use of weak lensing to study large scale structure. ThetreatmentofinflationinChapter4dealsonlywiththeaver- agepropertiesoftheuniverseintheinflationaryera;Ireturntoinflationin Chapter10,whichdiscussesthegrowthofinhomogeneitiesfromquantum fluctuationsduringinflation. To the greatest extent possible, I have tried throughout this book to presentanalyticcalculationsofcosmologicalphenomena,andnotjustreport resultsobtainedelsewherebynumericalcomputation. Thecalculationsthat are used in the literature to compare observation with theory necessarily take many details into account, which either make an analytic treatment impossible,orobscurethemainphysicalfeaturesofthecalculation. Where this is the case, I have not hesitated to sacrifice some degree of accuracy for greater transparency. This is especially the case in the hydrodynam- ical treatment of cosmic fluctuations in Sections 6.2 through 6.5, and in the treatment of large scale structure in Chapter 8. But in Section 6.1 and Appendix H I also give an account of the more accurate kinetic the- ory on which the modern cosmological computer codes are based. Both approachesareappliedtothecosmicmicrowavebackgroundanisotropiesin Chapter7. So much has happened in cosmology since the 1960s that this book necessarily bears little resemblance to my 1972 treatise, Gravitation and Cosmology. On occasion I refer back to that book (cited here as “G&C”) for material that does not seem worth repeating here. Classical general relativityhasnotchangedmuchsince1972(apartfromagreatstrengthen- ing of its experimental verification) so it did not seem necessary to cover gravitationaswellascosmologyinthepresentbook. However,asaconve- niencetoreaderswhowanttorefreshtheirknowledgeofgeneralrelativity, and to establish my notation, I provide a brief introduction to general rel- ativityinAppendixB.Otherappendicesdealwithtechnicalmaterialthatis neededhereandthereinthebook. Ihavealsosuppliedatthebackofthis bookaglossaryofsymbolsthatareusedinmorethanonesectionandan assortmentofproblems. In order to keep the book to manageable proportions, I decided to exclude material that was highly speculative. Thus this book does not go intocosmologicaltheoryinhigherdimensions, oranthropicreasoning, or holographic cosmology, or conjectures about the details of inflation, or many other new ideas. I may perhaps include some of them in a follow- up volume. The present book is largely concerned with what has become mainstream cosmology: a scenario according to which inflation driven by vii Preface oneormorescalarfieldsisfollowedbyabigbangdominatedbyradiation, colddarkmatter,baryonicmatter,andvacuumenergy. Ibelievethatthediscussionoftopicsthataretreatedinthisbookisup to date as of 200n, where n is an integer that varies from 1 to 7 through differentpartsofthebook. Ihavetriedtogivefullreferencestotherelevant astrophysicalliteratureuptothesedates,butIhavedoubtlessmissedsome articles. Themereabsenceofaliteraturereferenceshouldnotbeinterpreted as a claim that the work presented is original, though perhaps some of it is. Where I knew them, I included references to postings in the Cornell archive, http://arxiv.org, as well as to the published literature. In somecasesIhadtolistonlytheCornellarchivenumber,wherethearticlein questionhadnotyetappearedinprint,orwhereithadneverbeensubmit- tedtopublication. Ihavequotedthelatestmeasurementsofcosmological parametersknowntome,inpartbecauseIwanttogivethereaderasense of what is now observationally possible. But I have not tried to combine measurementsfromobservationsofdifferenttypes,becauseIdidnotthink thatitwouldaddanyadditionalphysicalinsight,andanysuchcosmological concordancewouldverysoonbeoutofdate. I owe a great debt to my colleagues at the University of Texas, includ- ingThomasBarnes,FritzBenedict,WillyFischler,KarlGebhardt,Patrick Greene, Richard Matzner, Paul Shapiro, Craig Wheeler, and especially Duane Dicus, who did some of the numerical calculations and supplied manycorrections. IamgratefulaboveallamongthesecolleaguestoEiichiro Komatsu, who read through a draft of the manuscript and was a never- failing source of insight and information about cosmological research. I received much help with figures and calculations from my research stu- dentRaphaelFlauger,andIwaswarnedofnumerouserrorsbyFlaugerand other students: Yingyue Li Boretz, Kannokkuan Chaicherdsakul, Bo Li, IanRoederer,andYukiWatanabe. MatthewAndersonhelpedwithnumeri- calcalculationsofcosmologicalnucleosynthesis. Ihavealsobenefitedmuch from correspondence on special topics with Ed Bertschinger, Dick Bond, Latham Boyle, Robert Cahn, Alan Guth, Robert Kirshner, Andrei Linde, Eric Linder, Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Saul Perlmutter, Jonathan Pritchard, Adam Riess, Uros Seljak, Paul Steinhardt, Edwin Turner, and Matias Zaldarriaga. Thanks are also due to Jan Duffy and Terry Riley for many helps. Ofcourse,Ialoneamresponsibleforanyerrorsthatmayremaininthe book. Ihopethatreaderswillletmeknowofanymistakestheymaynotice; I will post them on a web page, http://zippy.ph.utexas.edu/ ˜weinberg/corrections.html. Austin,Texas June2007 viii Notation Latinindicesi,j,k,andsoongenerallyrunoverthethreespatialcoordinate labels,usuallytakenas1,2,3. Greek indices µ,ν, etc. generally run over the four spacetime coordinate labels1,2,3,0,withx0 thetimecoordinate. Repeatedindicesaregenerallysummed,unlessotherwiseindicated. Theflatspacetimemetricηµν isdiagonal,withelementsη11 = η22 = η33 = 1, η = −1. 00 Spatialthree-vectorsareindicatedbylettersinboldface. A hat over any vector indicates the corresponding unit vector: Thus, vˆ ≡ v/|v|. Adotoveranyquantitydenotesthetime-derivativeofthatquantity. ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∇2 istheLaplacian, + + . ∂(x1)2 ∂(x2)2 ∂(x3)2 Exceptonvectorsandtensors,asubscript0denotesthepresenttime. On densities, pressures, and velocities, the subscripts B, D, γ, and ν refer respectivelytothebaryonicplasma(nucleipluselectrons),colddarkmatter, photons,andneutrinos,whilethesubscriptsM andR referrespectivelyto non-relativisticmatter(baryonicplasmapluscolddarkmatter)andradia- tion(photonsplusneutrinos). The complex conjugate, transpose, and Hermitian adjoint of a matrix or vector A are denoted A∗, AT, and A† = A∗T, respectively. +H.c. or +c.c. attheendofanequationindicatestheadditionoftheHermitianadjointor complexconjugateoftheforegoingterms. Beginning in Chapter 5, a bar over any symbol denotes its unperturbed value. In referring to wave numbers, q is used for co-moving wave numbers, with anarbitrarynormalizationoftheRobertson–Walkerscalefactora(t),while k is the present value q/a of the corresponding physical wave number 0 q/a(t). (N.B. This differs from the common practice of using k for the ix

Cosmology. Steven Weinberg. University of Texas at Austin. 1 . myself the task of learning in detail the theory underlying the great progress in cosmology made in the previous two decades. Although I the second century A.D., the Alexandrian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy published a list of 1,022
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