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Stereotypy and variability of social calls among clustering female big-footed myotis (Myotis macrodactylus) PDF

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Preview Stereotypy and variability of social calls among clustering female big-footed myotis (Myotis macrodactylus)

ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH Stereotypy and variability of social calls among clustering female big-footed myotis (Myotis macrodactylus) Yan-HongXiao1,LeiWang1,JosephR.Hoyt3,Ting-LeiJiang1,Ai-QingLin1,JiangFeng1,2,* 1JilinProvincialKeyLaboratoryofAnimalResourceConservationandUtilization,NortheastNormalUniversity,ChangchunJilin130117,China 2SchoolofAnimalScience&Technology,JilinAgriculturalUniversity,ChangchunJilin130118,China 3DepartmentofEcologyandEvolutionaryBiology,UniversityofCalifornia,SantaCruzCA95064,USA ABSTRACT electrical, and acoustic signals. Of the communication modalities, acoustic signals have the advantage of Echolocating bats have developed advanced broadcasting information for longer distances with less auditory perception systems, predominantly using interferencefromphysicalbarriers. Thisadvantagewaslikely acoustic signaling to communicate with each other. a driving force in the evolution of acoustic communication They can emit a diverse range of social calls in in a wide range of taxa (Seyfarth et al., 2010; Wilkins et al., complexbehavioralcontexts. Thisstudyexaminedthe 2012). Acoustic communication fulfills an important function vocalrepertoireoffivepregnantbig-footedmyotisbats in social interactions, especially for bats, who are among the most diverse and gregarious of all mammals and live in (Myotismacrodactylus). Intheprocessofclustering, predominatelydarkenvironments(Kerth,2008). Theacoustic thelastindividualtoreturntothecolony(LI)emitted communication systems observed in echolocating bats are socialcallsthatcorrelatedwithbehavior,asrecorded extremelycomplexinthemammalianworldbecausetheycan onaPC-baseddigitalrecorder. Theselastindividuals emit two kinds of calls: echolocation and social calls, which could emit 10 simple monosyllabic and 27 complex servedifferentfunctions(Kanwal,2009,2012).Socialcallsare multisyllabic types of calls, constituting four types of mainly used to transmit information under special behavioral contexts.Manybatspeciesdemonstrateadiverserepertoireof syllables. The social calls were composed of highly socialcallsunderavarietyofbehavioralconditions(Bohnetal., stereotyped syllables, hierarchically organized by 2008;Clementetal.,2006;Gadziolaetal.,2012;Knörnschild a common set of syllables. However, intra-specific et al., 2010; Ma et al., 2006). These characteristics of variation was also found in the number of syllables, bats provide a unique opportunity for research on acoustic syllableorderandpatternsofsyllablerepetitionacross communicationofanimalsociality. callrenditions. Datawereobtainedtocharacterizethe The motivation-structure hypothesis states that social call types are decided by the behavioral context of birds significant individual differences that existed in the and mammals (Kanwal, 2009; Morton, 1977). In bats, the maximumfrequencyanddurationofcalls. Timetaken behavioral settings of their vocalizations include aggressive toreturntotheroostwasnegativelyassociatedwith thediversityofsocialcalls. Ourfindingsindicatethat variabilityinsocialcallsmaybeaneffectivestrategy Received:25September2017;Accepted:11January2018 takenbyindividualsduringreintegrationintoclusters Foundationitems:ThisresearchwassupportedbytheNationalNatural offemaleM.macrodactylus. ScienceFoundationofChina(31700319,31670390);theFundamental Keywords: Socialcalls;Clustering;Big-footedmyotis Research Funds for the Central Universities (2412017QD026); U.S. NationalScienceFoundation(NSF)(DEB-1115895);andtheNSFEast INTRODUCTION AsianPacificSummerInstituteProgramIIA-1415092 Animals have evolved a variety of communication systems *Correspondingauthor,E-mail:[email protected] across all sensory modalities, such as visual, chemical, DOI:10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2018.026 114 SciencePress ZoologicalResearch39(2):114-122,2018 or warning, courtship, communication, distress, mother-infant MATERIALSANDMETHODS recognition, and clustering behaviors. Intra-specific Acquisitionandmaintenanceofanimals communication under specific behavioral contexts usually carries significant information about the signaler (Behr et The study was conducted from May to June 2010. Five al., 2009; Behr & von Helversen, 2004; Knörnschild and pregnantM.macrodactylusindividualswererandomlychosen von Helversen, 2008). Under some behaviors, intra-specific from90pregnantbatsinanaturalcaveinJilinProvince,China. differences and elaborate sequences of acoustic signals are They were banded and roosted together as a colony in a of importance, and contribute to accurate mother-infant and temperature- and humidity-controlled animal room (20 m×10 individual recognition within a colony. For instance, songs of m×4m)atNortheastNormalUniversityinChangchun, China. free-tail bats contain multiple elements (e.g., syllables, notes Theday-nightcyclewascontrolledat12hdarkand12hlight. and/or phrases) with highly structured, rather than random, They could fly freely within the animal facility and were given arrangement. Males often modify types of calls through waterandmealwormsadlibitum.Beforetheexperiment,allfive modulating the repeated syllables, which can differ among subjectswerehabituatedtohandlingandtothetestingcage. individuals(Bohnetal.,2009). Clusteringbehaviorisanother Acousticrecordings important context in which bats emit social calls. Mammals We recorded and analyzed the social calls and associated living in low-temperature ambient environments often huddle behaviorsofthecaptivebats.Tooptimizerecordingquality,the togethertoreduceenergyconsumptionandpromotemember fiveanimalswerehousedinasmalltestingcage(200cm×80 fitness (Gilbert et al., 2010). The central temperature of a cm×100cm)inaroomlinedwithanechoicfoam,separatefrom cluster is higher, and the central site is safer than the border theanimalholdingroom.Toreduceenvironmentalinterference position (Hatchwell et al., 2009). Thus, achieving the central with the ultrasonic calls, environmental temperature and position is often the objective of an individual within a cluster. humidityoftheroomwerekeptconstant. Acoustic signals containing characteristic information may Vocalizationswererecordedusingtwoultrasoniccondenser contribute to accurate recognition, which can help individuals microphones (CM16, Avisoft Bioacoustics, Berlin, Germany) saveenergyandtimeduringcontentionforthecentralcluster connected to amplifiers and A/D converters (UltraSoundGate site (Dugatkin and Earley, 2004). Although several studies 416 H). The microphone had a flat frequency response have examined the clustering behavior of bat species (Kerth, from 10–250 kHz. The gain of each microphone was 2008), there have been no studies on the diversity and independently adjusted to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio structuralcharacteristicsofacousticcommunicationthatoccur of the recording. Acoustic signals were digitized at 375 kHz duringtheclusteringofgregariousbats. with16-bitdepth,andmonitoredinrealtimewithRECORDER Big-footed myotis, Myotis macrodactylus, belongs to the software. Weusedtwoinfraredsurveillancecameras(Pensee, subgenus Leuconoë of the genus Myotis (Yangochiroptera, PIS-322EG) to simultaneously record the behavior of all Vespertilionidae). Sexual segregation in colonies is known animals. We defined the last animal to join the group (LI) as to occur in many bat species, with separate clustering of the last individual moving toward the cluster and displaying females during the summer pupping season (Bradbury, “approaching”behavior(Kobayasietal.,2012). Inmostcases, 1977; McCracken and Wilkinson, 2000). Females rear their the LI was observed as roosting last within a cluster. Most young communally with the formation of maternity colonies, recordings occurred during the clustering process after bats whereas males are solitary or form small bachelor groups had eaten (Figure 1). The characteristics of their social calls (Senior et al., 2005). The clustering of pregnant bats is a and the time they took to join the cluster were analyzed cooperativebehaviorthatpermitsindividualsinvolvedinsocial using Avisoft-SasLab Pro software, Version 5.1.20 (Avisoft thermoregulation to minimize heat loss and thereby lower Bioacoustics, Berlin, Germany). Time here was defined as their energy expenditure, and may allow them to reallocate consumedtime(CT).Thestudywasconductedfor38dfrom the saved energy to other functions such as growth and 2100h–0100heachnight. reproduction(Gilbertetal.,2010). Thus, theclustercenteris the optimal position for pregnant bats, and may assist better Analysisofvocalizations fetal development. According to our observations, the last We examined the social call sequences of the LI using individuals (LI) returning to a group will usually try to enter nomenclature similar to Kanwal et al. (1994) and Bohn et al. the central position of the cluster. Approaching behaviors (2008),withasyllableconsideredthesmallestacousticunitof are always accompanied by social calls produced by the LI avocalizationdefinedasonecontinuousemissionsurrounded until physical contact with the other bats. Thus, we assumed by background noise, and a call considered the simplest that the social calls emitted by the LI attempting to enter the emission pattern of a vocalization used for communication clustercenterarerelatedtothisspecialbehavior.Wetherefore consisting of one or more elements (syllables). Vocalizations examinedtwoquestions: (1)Arethesesocialcallsassociated were semi-automatically analyzed using Avisoft-SasLab Pro with successful entrance into the center of the cluster? (2) software (Version 5.1.20 Avisoft Bioacoustics). Syllable start Does the variety or structure of the social calls influence this and end times were automatically detected using a standard behavior? Werecordedandanalyzedthesocialcallsemitted threshold level (5%) and hold time (2 ms), and manually byM.macrodactylusunderthisbehavioralcontext. adjusted when necessary. Signals were high-pass filtered ZoologicalResearch39(2):114-122,2018 115 200 cm A B 80 cm Bats 1 Mic-1 2 Video-2 Video-1 LI Colony bats Quick movement UltraSoundGate 3 Slow movement Mic-2 Figure1Schematicshowingthecageset-upforsimultaneousaudioandvideorecordingsofcaptiveM.macrodactylus A:Testingwasconductedinawiremeshcage(200cm×80cm×100cm). Twoultrasonicmicrophones(UltraSoundGateCM16)wereplacedoutsidethecage andpointedatthecenteroftheceilingofthecage,whichwasabout50cmabovethetipofthemicrophone.Twovideomonitorswereusedtomonitorandrecord behaviors. B:Clusterofbats(illustratedassolidcircles)andapproachingbat(dottedcircle),bothinabottom-upview. Thesketch,takenfromasequenceof videoframes,showstheLIapproachingthecolonyafterforaging. at 1 kHz and the amplitude of each pulse was normalized Statisticalanalyses to 0.75 V (Bohn et al., 2008; Gadziola et al., 2012; Kanwal Call parameters were checked for normality using the et al., 1994). As a result, social call sequences were of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Since all call parameters were similar amplitude and unwanted echolocation signals were normallydistributed,differencesincallcharacteristicsbetween removed. Foranalyses, werandomlyselectedthreecallsper individuals were compared using one-way ANOVA, followed call type from all individuals that were of sufficient quality for by Tukey multiple-comparison tests. Discriminant function measurementsandsyllableidentification.Thesocialcallswere analysis (DFA) was used to determine to which individual automatically analyzed with the Avisoft-SasLab Pro software certain social calls should belong. We examined the general (Version 5.1.20 Avisoft Bioacoustics). Spectral and temporal relationshipsbetweenthevariablesacrossalltheLIs,including analyseswereobtainedfromthespectrogramandoscillogram call variants and CTs, by performing Spearman correlations. with a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) length of 512 points We used a simple linear regression analysis to assess the (87.5% overlap), which allowed for a frequency resolution of statistical significance of call variation as a predictor of 732 Hz and temporal resolution of 0.171 ms. We measured individual recognition of CT in the process of approaching the following parameters for each social call (Figure 2): total clusters. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS durationofcall(totdur),minimum(fmin)andmaximum(fmax) 15.0 statistical software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The frequencies of call, and mean frequency of highest energy alpha level was set to 0.05 and data were presented as (freq). This was done by measuring the peak frequency of means±SD. each component (and then calculating average); number of RESULTS componentstocall(nocomp);andnumberofdifferentsyllables (Difptype) in each call (Russ et al., 2004; Russo & Jones, Acousticstructureofcalls 1999). Ifmorethanoneharmonicwaspresent, valuesofthe A total of 885 call sequences were analyzed from five first(fundamental)harmonicweretaken. Additionally,weused individuals when the LI approached the cluster. We oscillogramsandspectrogramstoidentifysyllableswithincalls. distinguished a total of four syllable types, which could be Wealsoexaminedthecompositionofeachcallintermsofthe combinedtoform10simplemonosyllabiccallsand27complex total number of each syllable type and the proportion of calls multisyllabic calls. The four syllable types and their 37 with syllables. Finally, for each call recorded, we assigned a combinationsareoutlinedinFigure3andFigure4: downward callvariantandcalltypebasedonitssequenceofsyllables. frequency-modulatedsyllable(DFM;Figure3A),shortquasi-V 116 www.zoores.ac.cn 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0.02 0.04 0.06 Time (s) Figure2Spectrograms(center)ofsocialcallsofMyotismacrodactylusshowingthechangeoffrequencywithtime Oscillogram(top)givesthechangeofamplitudewithtime. Meanfrequencies(leftpartofspectrum)aretheaverageamplitudeofdifferentfrequenciesofthe measuredtimewindow.Parametersevaluatedinthisstudyareshown. Time (s) Figure3Echolocationpulse(FM)andsimplesyllables Oscillogram(top)ofthesyllable(s)withthecorrespondingspectrogram(bottom). Syllablesare: A,downwardfrequency-modulatedsyllable(DFM);B,short quasi-Vfrequency-modulatedsyllable(VFM);C,archedfrequency-modulatedsyllable(AFM);D,sinusoidalfrequency-modulatedsyllable(SFM). frequency-modulated syllable (VFM; Figure 3B), arched we performed a DFA using four spectrotemporal and two frequency-modulatedsyllable(AFM;Figure3C)andsinusoidal syllable parameters (Table 1). This analysis resulted in two frequency-modulatedsyllable(SFM;Figure3D).Inthesyllable canonical functions with eigenvalues greater than 1, which sequence (Figure 5), social calls started with DFM syllables, togetherexplained90.1%ofthevariationinthecallsfromthe which, in turn, usually gave way to VFM syllables. The VFM five bats (Figure 6). Subsequent univariate ANOVA showed syllableswerefollowedbySFMsyllables,usuallyattheendof that the first and second canonical functions could be used acall.TheAFMsyllableswereonlyinterjacentinthesequence to differentiate between social calls of individual bats (PC1: and only made transition with DFM syllables. Typically, SFM F =36.6, P<0.001; PC2: F =13.4, P<0.001). Maximum 4,67 4,67 syllableshadalongerduration(10.4±2.8ms)thanthatofthe frequency and duration were the most distinctive features of othersyllabletypes(DFM,1.6±0.7ms;VFM,4.2±0.8ms;AFM, these calls, indicating different acoustic repertoires. These 3.5±0.8ms). analyses suggested that social calls from different individuals shouldbedistinguishablebyconspecifics. Individualacousticaldifferences Toestablish whetherthesocial calls were individual-specific, ZoologicalResearch39(2):114-122,2018 117 Figure4Spectrogramsandoscillogramsofmulti-elementsocialcallsfromfemaleMyotismacrodactylus B D Start A End C Figure5Modelofcallsbasedontransitionsyllables Arrowsrepresenttransitionsfromonesyllabletothenext. Arrowthicknessincreaseswithtransitionfrequenciesthatdeviatefromtheexpectedbymorethan 10%,30%,or50%.Dottedlinesrepresenttheendofacall.SeeFigure4forexamplesofeachcall. 118 www.zoores.ac.cn Table1SocialcallparametersfromMyotismacrodactylusfemales Bat Call(n) Variants totdur(ms) freq(kHz) fmax(kHz) fmin(kHz) Pulses(per0.1s) Difptype 1 33(3) 4 46.6±10.5b 49.4±5.2a 100.4±6.7a 23.6±3.1b 5.5±1.2a 1.0±0.0a 2 51(4) 7 37.8±7.9a 49.6±9.3a 99.1±8.5a 25.5±3.6a 4.9±0.8a 1.4±0.6b 3 120(5) 12 51.1±15.3bc 39.8±4.3c 78.4±8.1d 18.0±3.1e 7.4±2.3c 1.1±0.2a 4 297(11) 20 52.0±14.1c 46.2±5.2b 93.1±9.6b 20.6±2.9c 7.2±2.1c 1.2±0.4a 5 384(15) 29 49.7±10.6bc 45.8±4.6b 87.0±7.5c 19.2±2.8d 6.5±1.5b 1.4±0.7b F 14.94* 50.59* 105.43* 79.39* 26.37* 18.37* “n”isthetotalnumberoftimesthebatwasLI,restrictinganalysistothreecallspercalltype.Sameletter(a,b,c,d,e)indicatesnotsignificantly differentfromeachother(Tukeymultiple-comparisontest).*:P<0.001. Figure6Distributionofsocialcallsfromfivefemales(markedbydifferentsymbols)onfirsttwocanonicalaxes Function1wasmostcorrelatedwithmaximumfrequencyandfunction2wasmostcorrelatedwithduration.Largecirclesencloseareaswith75%probabilityof includingcallsfromeachbat. Callvariantsandclustersuccess waspositivelycorrelatedwithclusteringefficiency. The clustering success of females was measured as the DISCUSSION time taken to join a cluster (CT). We correlated the CT with the number of call variants emitted during one complete Intra-species variability of LI calls was found in the number processofreturningtothecolony. Becausecallvariantswere of syllables, syllable order and syllable repetition across most influenced by type and number of syllables, a negative call renditions. These data confirmed that differences in correlation between the call variants of the LI and cluster social calls existed between M. macrodactylus individuals success was derived (Figure 7). Clustering success tended during the process of approaching the colony. Our results toincreasewiththetotalnumberofcallvariantsproduced.The further confirmed the hypothesis that social call richness numberofsocialcallsforthefiveindividualsvariedfrom4to29 was significantly negatively correlated with time taken for the duringtheentireresearchsession. Wefoundthatcalldiversity successfulreunionofM.macrodactylusfemalesinacluster. ZoologicalResearch39(2):114-122,2018 119 y=113.2−1.8x R2=0.982, P<0.001 30 Figure7RelationshipbetweencallvariantsandtimetakentojoinaclusterinMyotismacrodactylus Solidlinedepictslinearregression. The LI can emit 10 simple monosyllabic and 27 complex inter-individual differences in calls, with males able to emit multisyllabic call types composed of four syllable types. diverse courtship calls, and differences in individual calls In previous studies, simple monosyllabic calls have been most evident in regard to maximum frequency and duration. recorded in Myotis species at maternity roosts before bats Higher diversity in the community may contribute to species leave and after they arrive (Pfalzer & Kusch, 2003), and identification in bats. In our study, individuals emitting low usually begin with downward frequency-modulated signals. diversity calls required more time to join the group, and In mammals, repeated calls in communication signals can occasionally could not attain the central position. The border indicateageneralcodingrule(Fischeretal.,2001;Schehkaet temperatureofagroupislowerthanthatofthecentralposition, al.,2007). However, complexmultisyllabiccallsinPipistrellus so bats need more energy consumption for thermogenesis. pipistrellus constitute different syllables, which may attract Therefore, the LI must repeatedly communicate with others conspecifics and thereby help to deter predators (Budenz et when returning to the colony to obtain maximum benefit. To al., 2009). We found that complex multisyllabic calls were reduce the time taken for the recognition process, social emitted by M. macrodactylus females returning to the colony; behaviormaydrivethediversityofindividualcalls. furthermore,thediversityofcallswasaffectedbysyllabletype Wealsofoundthatthesamecallswereemittedbydifferent and unique syllable types led to specific calls. New evidence individuals; these calls may function as identification signals has suggested that Megaderma lyra can regularly modify the among members of a colony and have a universal meaning. structure of their calls, including the number and repetition of However,variationinthenumberandtypeofsyllablesmaybe syllables,accordingtocompetingstrength(Bastian&Schmidt, due to specific information conveyed by individuals. Huddling 2008), and signalers may convey their own properties in togetherinaroostislikelyathermoregulatorystrategyusedby acousticsignals(JanßenandSchmidt,2009). M.macrodactylustoconserveenergyandincreasesurvivalor ThesequencesofpulsesinM.macrodactylus femalecalls fitness. In this study, five individuals were randomly selected demonstrated a stable pattern. The social calls always from 90 females, with no significant differences in forearm beganwithadownwardfrequency-modulatedcomponentand length or body size impacting the results. Each of the five were followed with one or two other sub-syllables; by adding bats could potentially be the LI, but the time spent alone syllablesortypesofsyllablesbasedonthisrule, callvariants by each bat was negatively correlated to their call diversity. wereincreased. Similardescriptionsofcallswithhighdiversity Under natural circumstances, calls may be relevant to status have been found in studies on Saccopteryx bilineata (Behr & identification. The clustering of numerous individuals would vonHelversen,2004),Tadaridabrasiliensis(Bohnetal.,2009) make diverse calls more identifiable by others. In this study, and Pipistrellus nathusii (Russ and Racey, 2007; Jahelková individuals that emitted multiple social calls may be more et al., 2008) courtship songs. These studies noted large easily identified and accepted by others, such that individual 120 www.zoores.ac.cn calls may evolve towards complexity under natural selection. Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K, Cheney DL, Seyfarth RM. 2001. 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