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Springer Theses Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research Robert J. Sharpe Stereoselective Desymmetrization Methods in the Assembly of Complex Natural Molecules Springer Theses Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research Aims and Scope The series “Springer Theses” brings together a selection of the very best Ph.D. theses from around the world and across the physical sciences. Nominated and endorsed by two recognized specialists, each published volume has been selected foritsscientificexcellenceandthehighimpactofitscontentsforthepertinentfield of research. For greater accessibility to non-specialists, the published versions includeanextendedintroduction,aswellasaforewordbythestudent’ssupervisor explainingthespecialrelevanceoftheworkforthefield.Asawhole,theserieswill provide a valuable resource both for newcomers to the research fields described, and for other scientists seeking detailed background information on special questions. Finally, it provides an accredited documentation of the valuable contributions made by today’s younger generation of scientists. Theses are accepted into the series by invited nomination only and must fulfill all of the following criteria (cid:129) They must be written in good English. (cid:129) ThetopicshouldfallwithintheconfinesofChemistry,Physics,EarthSciences, Engineeringandrelatedinterdisciplinary fields such asMaterials,Nanoscience, Chemical Engineering, Complex Systems and Biophysics. (cid:129) The work reported in the thesis must represent a significant scientific advance. (cid:129) Ifthethesisincludespreviouslypublishedmaterial,permissiontoreproducethis must be gained from the respective copyright holder. (cid:129) They must have been examined and passed during the 12 months prior to nomination. (cid:129) Each thesis should include a foreword by the supervisor outlining the signifi- cance of its content. (cid:129) The theses should have a clearly defined structure including an introduction accessible to scientists not expert in that particular field. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8790 Robert J. Sharpe Stereoselective Desymmetrization Methods in the Assembly of Complex Natural Molecules Doctoral Thesis accepted by The University of North Carolina 123 Author Supervisor Dr. RobertJ.Sharpe Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Johnson AdvancedResearch Chemist TheUniversity of NorthCarolina EastmanChemical Company ChapelHill, NC JohnsonCity,TN USA USA ISSN 2190-5053 ISSN 2190-5061 (electronic) SpringerTheses ISBN978-3-319-39024-6 ISBN978-3-319-39025-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39025-3 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016939115 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2016 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAGSwitzerland Parts of this thesis have been published in the following journal articles: 1. Sharpe, R. J.; Malinowski, J. T.; Johnson, J. S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17990. 2. Sharpe, R. J.; Malinowski, J. T.; Sorana, F.; Luft, J. C.; Bowerman, C. J.; DeSimone, J. M.; Johnson, J. S. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2015, 23, 1849. 3. Sharpe, R. J.; Johnson, J. S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4968. 4. Sharpe, R. J.; Johnson, J. S. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80, 9740. To my wife in honor of her love, patience, encouragement, and support during these past four years. I can’t wait for our next adventure together, and I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else but you! ’ Supervisor s Foreword The design and implementation of new chemical reactions is central to the advancement of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Whether these pro- cesses provide more efficient access to known compounds or entry into heretofore underexploredstructuralmotifs,syntheticorganicchemistryremainsacriticalfacet in the betterment of global health. These goals have remained at the core of our researchprogramindesigningandimplementingnovel reaction methodologiesfor rapid introduction of structural and stereochemical complexity from relatively simple starting materials. In pursuing these challenges, our most fruitful source for inspiration is nature itself, which for centuries has been the source of architecturally complex and biologically interesting small molecules. These molecular scaffolds charge the organic chemist with extending the limits of known reaction space, and it is often the case that endeavors in natural product synthesis lead simultaneously (and perhapsoutofnecessity!)tonewreactiondevelopment.Eachofthetotalsynthetic endeavors in our group have been made possible by or ultimately resulted in new reaction development. Oneofthemostfruitfulreactionmethodologiesinourlaboratoryinrecentyears hasbeenthemanipulationofmolecularsymmetryelementsforrapidlyintroducing stereochemical information that would otherwise require multiple stepwise trans- formations. It may come as no surprise to the reader that this strategy was initially borne out of desperation with a challenging total synthesis! When Robert Sharpe, the author of this thesis, joined our group in 2011, we were “knee deep” in the synthesis of the aminocyclitol natural product pactamycin. While this molecule’s biological profile has made it an attractive target for biological investigation, the inherent cytotoxicity of the parent structure has, to date, precluded its use in chemotherapy.Thus,thevalueofanexpedienttotalsynthesisofpactamycin(vis-à- vis,structure–activityrelationshipinvestigations)isobvious.However,for50years sinceitsdiscovery,thismoleculehadremainedimpervioustototalsynthesisuntila 32-step synthesis was reported in 2011. In revising our original approach to pac- tamycin, Robert, in cooperation with another student in our group, came upon a ix x Supervisor’sForeword symmetry-breaking diketone monoreduction strategy which completed assembly of the entire carbon skeleton of the molecule within the first three steps of the synthesis. Additionally, the discovery of a fortuitous “stereochemical correction” downstreaminthesynthesisultimatelyyieldedthenaturalproductin15stepsfrom commercial starting materials. This work challenged the limits of synthetic cre- ativityandprovidedexpedientaccesstofurtherexplorationofthebiological space in which pactamycin participates. Robert then went on to prepare 25 unique structural analogs of the parent structure via this synthetic route and demonstrated its effectiveness in modifying biological activity of the parent structure. Our studies in implementing stereoselective desymmetrization reactions then continued with the preparation of the indole-diterpene alkaloid natural product paspaline,theparentmemberofanowextensivefamilyofnaturalproducts.While thesynthesisofsteroidandsteroid-likemoleculeshasbeenextensivelystudied,the recent discovery of new molecules bearing unique deviations from the classical steroid design has reignited investigations in this arena. In Robert’s hands, pas- paline again served as the breeding ground for new reaction development, as a biocatalytic enantioselective desymmetrization rapidly assembled core features of the molecule. As the synthesis progressed, however, a second avenue for stereoselective desymmetrization presented itself; in this iteration, an oxime-directed symmetry-breaking C–H activation/acetoxylation delivered the necessarystereochemicalinformationatacriticalall-carbon quaternarycenternear the end of the synthesis. Robert’s work on this molecule continued to demonstrate the viability of desymmetrization analysis in planning for complex molecule synthesis. This thesis is outstanding, not just for the quality of the science described, but alsofordelineatingthatscienceinanarrativethateffectivelytellstheentirestoryof each total synthesis. In each chapter, Robert describes in detail the initial results that,whileultimatelyunfruitfulinourroutes,representqualitycontributionstothe synthetic toolbox and guided our thinking as we arrived at the final, successful approachineachproject.Thisthesisisthefinalproductofanincredibleamountof hard work and sheer determination and should be inspirational to future graduate studentsundertakingchallengingtotalsyntheses.Theworkdescribedhereinserved as an inspiration to UNC faculty and students alike. I hope this document will motivateyouinyourfutureendeavorstocontinuetochallengethelimitsofknown spacetocreateknowledgethatwilllikewiseinspireanothergenerationofscientists. February 2016 Jeffrey Johnson Acknowledgements My success in this program has been primarily the result of contributions and encouragementfromsomanyothersoutsideofmyselfduringthesepastfouryears. I would first like to thank my advisor, Jeff Johnson, for the teaching, mentorship, patience,andsupporthehasprovidedmesinceIbeganinhisprogramin2011.Jeff, even going back to when I was crowding your inbox with emails as a prospective student, your kindness to me has been far more than I deserve. Because of your researchprogram,Ifeelequippedforsuccessinanyfuturescientificendeavor,not just because of your training in synthesis, but also for your training in effectively communicating scientific discoveries, devising creative approaches to hard prob- lems, and managing time effectively. I am especially grateful for your help and referrals during my job search: one interviewer, when asked by me why I was brought on-site for an interview, simply stated, “I have a high respect for Jeff, and he wrote you a strong recommendation.” Thank you for taking me on four years ago,andIamgratefultohavebeenapartofyourprogramandtohaveworkedon some really fun projects. I would like to thank Professors Michel Gagné, Simon Meek, Michael Crimmins, and Maurice Brookhart for serving on my final defense committee as wellasaspecialthank youtoSimonMeekandChrisLuftforbeingreferencesfor job applications. Chemistry at UNC truly has an incredible support network for solving challenging problems in science, and I am grateful for the guidance and support you all have provided. I am thankful for the incredible group of co-workers I have been able to work alongside during my four years in the Johnson Lab. The current group is strong (GuyGoodman,WillMackay,SamBartlett, MattHorwitz,KendrickSmith,Jamie Giarusso,DesireéMatias,BlaneZavesky,SteffenGood,andJessicaGriswold),and Ihaveverymuchenjoyedgettingtoknoweachofyou.Iamespeciallygratefulfor all of the students I worked with directly on projects. Justin Malinowski, I really appreciateyoushowingmetheropesinthelaboratoryandforthegreattimewehad working on pactamycin. Federico Sorana, I had a blast making pacta derivatives with you and getting to know more about your life and work in Italy. Steffen, xi

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