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Steps in English 3 - Student's Book PDF

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• In Podr~cznjk dopuszczony do uzytku szkolnego przez minisrra wlasciwego do spraw oswiaty i wychowania i wpisany do wykazu podr~cznik6w przeznaczonych do ksztakenia ogolnego do nauczania j~zyka angielskiego. na podstawie opinii rzeczoznawc6w: dr Matgorzaty Adams-Tukiendol'f. mgr Elibiety Zawadowskiej-Kittel. mgr Malgorzaty Brudzyilskiej. Poziom: A1/A2. Etap edukacyjny: 11. 1Yl' szkoly: szkola podstawowa. Rok dopuszczenia 2011. Numer dopuszczenia 302/3/2011 Student~~J< .1. S ~ 114.llIrn .~ J'.l ..ION Tim Falla • Paul A Davies OXFORD Paul Shipton • Ewa Palczak 11' ................ 1. ........ :_. AA _ _ ..J_I ___ C" _ _ _ "'_" ,: __ 1 (jrammar Words, words, words Welcome 8artek and friends Present simple clothes photostory Present continuous colours page 4 job. places in a town musical instruments geographical features WordS, words, language (jrammar Steps Skills Steps Culture words Steps Unit 1 appearanCII! Bartekand Step 1 page 12 Step' page 13 Reading friends Present simple and Describing people Royal guards Looking good! photostory present continuous Slep 2 page 16 Project page 9 Vocabulary Step 2 page 14 Reading a new strip for Revision clothes Imperatives Borrow your clothes! national sports- team page 19 Song PromJnciation JtJ and lu! Self- School photo Listening DUD evaluation Grammar in context identifying peop1e from page 20 Strange investigations descriptions Writing My dothes using punctuation marks Unit 2 wild animals Bartekand Step 1 page 24 Step 1 page 25 Factfile friends Comparatives Talking about the weather Zac Efron Wild adjectives photostory Slep 2 page 26 Step.L page 28 Song page21 Vocabulary Superlatives Reading You Can't Stop Revision plants Grammar in conte:xt Fastest man adopts cheetah THhaeir sBperaaty ()f rom page 31 Strange investigations Pronuncidtion Isl and IzJ Self- Listening evaluation comparisons with animals page 32 and adjectives Writing describing animals ordering adjectives Review-Units 1-2 page33 Unit 3 foods Bartek and Step 1 page 38 Step 1 page 39 Reading friends a/an, the, some" and Invitations Special Let's eat photostory any Step 2 page 42 Project poge35 Vocabulary Step 2 page 40 Reading a special Revision dates Countable and A celebration of cooking in page 45 uncountable nouns Pronunciation 191a nd 161 DUD Self- Song Listening evaluation The waitress making a cake page 46 Grammar in context Writing Strange investigations invitations prepositions in time • • expressions 2 Unit 4 transport Bartek and Step 1 page 50 Step 1 page 51 Factfile friends Past simple -be At the station Avril Lavigne Travel photostory page47 Step 2 page 52 SI p2 page 54 Song Vocabulary Past simple Reading ... Runaway Revision four compass Czasowniki regu!arne An amazing journey page 57 points - twierdzenia Pronunciation /';}uJ and laul Self- Grammar in context Listening evaluation Strange investigations travel problems page 58 Writing a postc.ard using and, bvt. or, so and because Unit 5 furniture Bartekand Step 1 page 62 Step 1 page 63 Reading friends Past simple Talking about -events Sherlock Holmes Mystery photo story Przeczenia page 59 Step 2 page 66 Project Vocabulary Pytania i kr6tkie Reading a famous fictional Revision adjectives odpowiedzi Mysterious creatures character page 69 Step 2 page 64 Listening DVD Self- Past continuous a mistaken identity Twierdzenia evaluation Przeczenia Writing page 70 opening paragraph of a story Past continuous and using quotation marks past simple Pronundation la:! and 11£/ Song Halloween Grammar In context Strange investigations Review. Units 3-5 page 71 Unit 6 films Bart@kand Step 1 page 76 Step 1 page 77 Factfile friends must At the cinema Miley Cyrus Entertainment photostory page 73 Step 2 page 78 Step 2 page BO Song Vocabulary should Reading Girls Just Wanna Revision mobile phones My own TV channel for a day! Have Fun page 83 Adverbs of manner Pronunciation /D/ and 1':):/ Self- Grammar in context Strange investigations Listening evaluation renting films page 84 Writing a film review using paragraphs Unit 7 shops Bartekand SI 1 page88 Step 1 page 89 Reading friends gOjng to In a clothes shop The story of 5hopping photostory Harrods page 85 Stel page 90 SI 2 page 92 Vocabulary will Reading Project Revision money verbs decisions, promises, The world's biggest a favourite shop page 95 offers shopping mall DVD Self- Song Pronu ciation 13:1a nd iL;J/ evaluation Teamwork Listening page 96 Grammar in context clothes shopping Strange investigations Writing an advertisement using imperatives Unit 8 Illnesses and Bartek and Step 1 page 100 Step 1 page 101 Factfile injuries friends Present perfect At the doctor's The Beatles Health and photo story Twie(dzenia sport Step 2 page 104 Song page 97 Vocabulary Step 2 page 102 Reading I Feel Fine sports equipment Present perfect Have a good sleep! Revi5ion Project page 107 PPryzteacnziae nii kar 6tkie Pronunciation lu:l and /;,ul a favourite song Self- odpowiedzi Listening DVD at the party after the school evaluation Grammar in context play page 108 Strange investigations Writing an email starting and finishing emails Review. Units 6-8 page 109 Festivals. Bonfire night page 113;Thanksgiving page 1 14 I:nA~nf_ ... o.,. ...... 1,. .... rl.."'''' ... ; ........... 1" ....... ..." ...,0111 'M ...... AB ... t .-.",...,<> 11("·lrr ...... "I.,. .... nO'h,. 110'+ ... ..,n .. ' 10 3 1 @]Listen and read. Then act out the story. Grace, this is Bartek. He's in my class. Hello, Grace. How are you? Grace Hi, Bartek. Nice to meet you. I'm OK, but I'm a bit nervous. This is my Bartek Nice to meet you, too. first school play! Alfie Bartek is from Pozna'\ in Poland. Don't worry. It's fun. This is his first week in the UK! But Do you take part every year, Alfie? he speaks very good English. Yes, I do. I love drama. Bartek Thanks, Alfie! The next day Hello, everyone. Thanks for coming. What part have you got in the play? That's Mr Hart, the English teacher. I don't know. Let's see, ... I've got the He organizes the play every year. part of Mary! Let's read the play. Do you want to Evie What? But that's the best part' And this start, Evie? is your first school play! It's not fair' Alfie Evie is in the same class as Grace. Grace Sorry, Evie. But it isn't my fault! Bartek Do they get on well? Alfie Well, Grace and Evie usually get on well. Alfie Yes, they do. 4 prehension 6 Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative form of the verbs_W hich two plete the sentences with the correct name 5entences are facts? the box. l ) ) wear go eat live speak - fie Bartek Evie Grace Mr Hart Kangaroos ____ in Australia. _ _ __ is taking part in her first school play. 2 My sister to a dance class on Sunday_ _ ___ loves dra ma. 3 I a uniform at school. _ ___ is from Poland. 4 My family and I a special meal on _ _ __ and Alfie are in the same class. Christmas Day_ - Glace and ____ are in the same. class. 5 Brazilians ____ Portuguese _ _ _ __ is organizing the school play _ _ ___ has got the best part in the play_ 7 Complete the text_U se the correct present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs. r the questions. y is Grace nervous in photo 1? ich city is Bartek from? hat subject does Mr Hart teach? Hi, Jason, :>0 Grace and Evie like each other? There's a big basketball match at school this Saturday_ ich part in the play has Grace got? Every year, the teachers (play) against I the students. The match is always eXCiting and funny, _d ay English too. The teachers' (not play) very well, but they're bigger. My dad always (watch) the phrases in the story which mean: 3 match. My dad and I' (love) basketball! My -0 jest zabawa. (frame 1) mum (not like) it. so she and my sister • le mi ci~ poznac_ (frame 2) 5 ____ (stay) at home. Can you phone me? - :Albrze iyjq ze sobq? (frame 3) ::nbaczmy_ (frame 4) I ' (not know) your number. -0 jest niesprawiedliwe! (frame 4) Greta el"t simple 8 Look at the table and circle the correct answers. at the table. How is the he / she / it form of "rb different from the others? Pytania i kr6tkie odpowiedzi I I Do the teachers play basketball well? Yes, they do. I No, they don't. O\J We IYou IThey like drama. I I Does Greta's dad like basketball? She I It likes drama. Yes, he does_ I No, he doesn't czenia We IYou !They don't like ICT 9 Complete the questions about Greta's email. Then She / It doesn't like ICT. work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions_ = = do not doesn't does not 1 the teachers and students play the :::as present simple stosujemy wtedy, gdy big basketball match every week? vlmyo: 2 Greta's dad always watch the big faktach, match? rym, co nigdy si~ nie zmienia, 3 Greta like basketball? czynnosciach wykonywanych regularnie_ 4 Greta's mum and sister watch the match, too? 5 ____ Greta know Jason's phone number7 5 6 Words, words, words 8 Complete the musical instrume!1ts and find them 1 in the picture. Find the children in the picture on page 6 and write the correct numbers. n 1 g ____ r 4 ________ e 2 k ______ d 5 s _______ e Jade is wearing a red coat. 2 Derek is wearing yellow tracksuit 9 3 v _ ___ n bottoms. 3 Tommy is wearing a green cap. Find and circle six more musical instruments. 4 Kyle is wearing a blue hoodie. ./' 5 Sheena is wearing white shorts. 2 Write the children's names. DJ 1 ____ is outside the church. 2 ____ is outside the post office. 3 ____ is at the bus stop. 4 ____ is outside the cinema. 5 ___ is in the park. 1 0 ITIJ Listen and match the musical instruments and styles. 3 Look again at the picture. What other items of instrument style clothing can you see? 1 keyboard a jazz 2 violin b hip hop 4 Write sentences describing your clothes and a 3 bass guitar crock 'n' roll friend's clothes. 4 saxophone d classical I'm wearing white trainers, blue socks, .. . 5 piano e pop Wictor is wearingjeans, a brown belt, .. . 11 Which geographical features from the box are in 5 Who are the children in exercise 1 watching? the picture? Ask and answer in pairs. Choose five of the jobs in the box. beach lake cliff field hill island fire fighter teacher waiter builder mountain river valley waterfall wood shop assistant nurse police officer actor me~hanic chef doctor Jade is watching a ... Is there a beach? Yes, there is. 6 Race against time! Put the jobs from exercise 5 Is there a lake? No, there isn't. in alphabetical order in one minute. Zapisywanie wyraz6w z kolejnosci alfabetycznej to dobry spos6b, by 1 2 nauczyc si~ ich pisowni! Make a list of famous examples of the features in exercise 11 in Poland. SOl'ot beach is near Gdansk. 7 Work in pairs. Make true or false sentences about the places in the box and the jobs from exercise S. school department store hospital restaurant theatre police station A shop assistant False. A teacher works in a school. works in a school. 7 Present continuous 4 Look at the table and circle Ihacorrect answers. 1 Look at the table and complete the sentences. Pytani. i kr6tkie odpowiedzi Twierdzenia I 'm cooking. You I We I You /They 're cooking. He I She lit 's cooking. Przeczenia 'm not helping. Is she sleeping? Yes, she is. I No, she isn't. You IWe I You IThey aren't helping. Are they eating? Yes, they are. I No, they aren't. He I She lit isn't helping. 5 Write questions in the present continuous. Dave and Angie I play I basketball? Are Dave and Angie playing ~asketball'? 2 it! rain? 3 the bus I stop 7 4 Rita and Maria I speak I English? 5 lustin I eat I an apple? 1 She making the dinner. 2 He helping. 6 ITD Listen and write anSwers to the questions 2 in exercise 5. Match the long and short forms. 1 Yes, they are. 1 am a 's 2 are b 'm 7 3 is c isn't Complete the text messages. Use the correct 4 are not d 're form of the present continuous. S is not e aren't 3 Look at the pictures and correcllhe senlences. e Hi' I'm in the park. '--:--:-_:-: (you I do) anylhinq inlerestinq? I'm at my uncle's house. We (have) a barbecue. 1 Cathy is reading. 2 Ryan and Charlie (your dad I cook)' She isn't reading. are doing their She's watching TV. homework. NO, he isn't. My uncie "_ __ _ (cook). Bul he '---..,----,_ .. '.. If (not look) at the food. He (talk) 10 his friends. of ' - That isn't a qood idea. 00 you want to come to the park? 3 Harry is listening 4 Sue and Ellie are We ' (play) football. to music. doing judo. OK. I ' (not have) fun at the barbecue anyway. Now there's a fire in the qarden! Don't worry. The fire fiqhters • (come). I can see the fire enQine! 5 Sharon is dancing. 6 loe is cycling. 8 Words, words, words 1 lID Match the words with the pictures. Then 3 CID Listen. Which person is it? Write A, B, C or D. listen and check. 3 5 7 freckles a fringe make-up wavy hair 2 4 6 8 a moustache a beard earrings a necklace 1 - make-up 2 Complete the chart with the words in the box. blond blue curly a dress green long a moustache a necklace tall height He's ,,_ short / medium height / ' 4 Choose one of the girls in exercise 3. Can your hair t-si;";'s got ... partner guess who it is? short / ' hair. straight / wavy / 3 hair. Has she got freckles' No. she hasn't. dark 1 brown / ' hair. a fringe. He's bald. I- - Is she wearing a necklace? eyes He's got ... brownl' I' eyes. '- face ~sgot. .. freckles / glasses / a beard / 7 Write a description of someone in your class, clothes She's wearing ... Jacek is medium height. He's got blue eyes and a red hat/ ' and straight. "rown hair. He's wearing.,. jewellery earrings / make-up / 9 9

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