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Step by Step Guide for Emission Calculation, Record Keeping and Reporting for Airborne Contaminant Discharge (Revised Feb 2006) PDF

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Preview Step by Step Guide for Emission Calculation, Record Keeping and Reporting for Airborne Contaminant Discharge (Revised Feb 2006)

j^/3S^ ^o^<f^^ STEP BY STEP GUIDELINE FOR EMISSION CALCULATION, RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING FOR AIRBORNE CONTAMINANT DISCHARGE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Revised: February 2006 Ontario Contents Table of Ill Glossary INTRODUCTION 31 1 3 REPORTING CRITERIA 2 792731 ARRpeepoplooirrcttai.tn"ia;onCCraoittfeeRrneiaagutflooarrtPCiaoornnttiacumliantaenMtasttweitrhfMroOmERoGarda•d-De•udstM-LP;iOsteTd'h^ri'yne's^Trha^o'blil,d'es''2^LA'i^.s.t.ed in 3-^t Table 2B 4 3 CONTAMINANT EMISSIONS 4 CALCULATING EMISSIONS 4 4.1 IdentifyEmission Sources WithmtheFacility 5^ 4.1.1 Combustion ^ 4.1.2 Manufacturing ^ 4.1.3 Solvent Evaporation ^ 4.1.4 Storage !''"Z'^Z^6 4.1.5 Fugitive 7 4 244..22..12SelectCProEenmdtiiicsntsuiiovoeunsEEmEsimtsiissmisaoitnioonMnoMnMoientitothrooirdniognlgo(gSPyyEsMt)em (CEMS) ^^^ 4.2.3 SourceTesting g 4.2.4 Mass Balance g 4.2.5 Emission Factors ^q 4.2.6 Emission EstimationModel ^^ 497 EngineeringCalculation • . 4.3 GatherSupporting Information forCalculating Emissions ^^ 4.3.1 Combustion ^2 4.3.2 Manufacturing j2 4.3.3 Solvent Evaporation ''"^ ^3 4.3.4 Storage 14 4.3.5 Fugitive ^4 4.4 Calculate Emissions ••;; ••ï,'ï:; 15 4.5 CalculatingEmissions from Glycol Ethers and Mineral Spirits ^^ REPORTING EMISSIONS 5 ^-j -sSi1 TTaabbllee'2'BACPaornttiacmuliantaenMtastwtietrhfMroOmERoGardadDeudstMPO Thresholds- Aimual••"R•epor"•t.mg 17 RECORD KEEPING 6 39 REFERENCES List of Figures and Tables Table 1 Source Sectors forAirborneContaminant Discharge Reporting 20 Table2A Airborne Contaminantswith MOE Release BasedThresholds 28 Table2B Airborne ContaminantswithMOE Graded MPO'"*' Thresholds 29 NotestoTables2Aand2B 30 Annex 1 toTable2B Contaminants Listed underGlycol Ethers 31 Annex 2 to Table 2B Definition ofThreeMineral Spirits Groups andtheAssociated Contaminants 32 Table 3 Annual EmissionsReportingParameters 33 Table4 Record Keeping Parameters forAnnual Emissions 35 Appendices Appendix A.1 CalculationofAnnual EmissionsUsingSource TestingResults 42 Appendix A.2 Estimation ofAnnual EmissionsUsing Mass BalanceMethod 44 Appendix A.3 Estimation of.Annual EmissionsUsingEmissionFactors 47 Appendix A.4 CalculationofAnnual Emissions Using Emission EstimationModel 50 Appendix A.5 Calculation ofAnnual Emissions Using Emission EstimationModel 52 Appendix B ReferenceTable forReportingand Record Keeping 55 GLOSSARY "by-product" isa substance listed in Table2Aor2B in theGuideline, that is incidentallynnanufactured, processed orotherwiseused atthefacilityand isreleased on-sitetotheenvironnnentortransferredoff- sitefordisposal. "CAS number"standsforChemicalAbstracts Service Registrynumberassigned tothecontaminant, referenced in theGuideline. TheCAS information isthepropertyoftheAmerican Chemical Societyand anyuseorredistribution, exceptas required in supporting regulatoryrequirementsand/orforreportsto thegovernmentwhen the information and thereports arerequired bylaworadministrativepolicy, is not permitted withoutthe prior, written permission oftheAmerican Chemical Society. "coating material" includes paints, lacquers, enamels, varnishes, urethanes, polishes, sealers, vinyls and othermaterialsthatare used in surfacecoatingoperationsfordecorativeorprotective purposes, butdoes not include printing ink. "Director" isthe Directorofthe Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch, Ontario Ministryofthe Environment, 125 Resources Road, Toronto, Ontario, M9P3V6. "discharge"when used as averb, meansadd, deposit, leakoremittotheatmosphere, andwhen used as a noun, meansaddition, deposition, emission orleak totheatmosphere. "discharge unit" means adevice, ora groupofdevices thatoperatetogether in such a mannerthatone device cannotfunction independentlyoftheotherdevices in theunit, and thatdischargesorhasthe potential todischargea contaminant intotheair. "emissions" includestackorpointemissions toair, fugitiveemissionsto air, storageorhandlingemissions toair, emissionsto airfrom spills, and othernon-pointemissionstoair. "emissions monitoring system" includesasuiteofoptions: continuousemission monitoring systemor othermethods including, butnotlimitedto, themethodsdescribed in the Guideline. Othermethods include, butarenotlimited to, predictiveemission monitoring system, mass balance, emission factors, emission estimation model and engineering calculationswhich provide accuracytypicallyobtained through sourcetesting conducted in accordancewiththeOntario SourceTesting Code, orbetter. "facility" includesall buildings, equipment, structuresand stationary items, such as surfacesand storage piles, that, (a) are located on a singlesite, or (b) are located on twoormorecontiguousoradjacentsitesthatare owned oroperated bythe same person and function asa single integrated site. "fugitiveemissions"arethetotal ofall emissionstoairthatare notemitted through confined process streams. Theseemissions include: fugitive equipmentleaksfrom valves, pumpseals, flanges, compressors, sampling connections, open-ended lines, etc.; evaporativelossesfrom surface impoundmentsand spills; emissionsfrom building ventilation systems; and anyotherfugitiveornon-point airemissionsfrom land treatment, minetailings, storage piles, road dust, etc. "Guideline"meansthe Ministryofthe Environmentpublication entitled"StepbyStepGuidelinefor EmissionCalculation, Record Keeping and ReportingforAirborneContaminantDischarge"and dated April2001, asamendedfrom timetotime. "hoursoflabour"isthetotal numberofhoursworked, including paid vacation and sick leave. Owners, students, part-timeand contractemployeesare included in thiscalculation. Thiscalculation depends specificallyonthenumberofhoursworked byall employeesatthefacilityduringthecalendaryearand noton thenumberofpersonsworking. 10"full-timeemployees"isequivalentto20,000 hoursworked. "manufacture"meansto produce, prepareorcompound a substance(in Table2B). Italso includesthe incidental production ofasubstanceasaby-productresultingfrom themanufacture, processingorother useofothersubstances. Theproduction ofchlorinedioxidebyachemical plantisan exampleof manufacturing. Theproduction ofhydrochloricacidduringthemanufactureofchlorofluorocarbons isan exampleofincidental production. "MPC"meansmanufacture, processorotherwiseuse. "nameplatecapacity"means, (a) with respecttoadischarge unit, thetotal designed energyinputcapacityofthedischarge unit, including butnotlimited totheenergyinputfromfuel, steam, electricity, heatof chemical reactions and processmaterials, and (b) with respecttoafacility, thetotal ofthenameplatecapacitiesofall thedischarge units in thefacility. "othernon-pointemissions"areanyothernon-pointairemissionsnotestimated in oneoftheemission types listed undertheterm"emissions". "otheruse"and "otherwise used"encompassanyuseofasubstanceatafacilitythatdoesnotfall under thedefinitionsof"manufacture"or"process". This includestheuseofthesubstanceasachemical processingaid, manufacturing aid orsomeotherancillaryuse. "portablefacility" meansa facilitythatcan beentirelyrelocatedforoperation, including portable polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)destructionequipment, oran asphaltorconcrete plant. "process"meansthe preparation ofa substance (in Tables2B), afterits manufacture, fordistribution in commerce. Processing includespreparation ofasubstancewith orwithoutchanges in physical stateor chemicalform. Theterm alsoappliestotheprocessingofamixtureorformulation thatcontainsa substanceasonecomponent, aswell astheprocessingof"articles". "printing ink"is inkthatisused inthe printing processes (weboffsetlithography,webletterpress, rotogravure, flexographyandscreen printing, etc.). Printing isacoatingoperationwhichresultsin an imageordesignon thesubstrate. Printing inksgenerallyconsistof3majorcomponents: pigments, bindersand solvents. The binderand solventmakeupthe"vehicle" partoftheinkandthesolventwill evaporatefromthe inkintotheatmosphereduringthedryingprocess. "solvent"meansanyvolatileorganiccompound thatis used asadiluent, thinner, dissolver, viscosity reducer,cleaningagentorforasimilarpurpose. "spills"areanyaccidental emissionstoairthatdonotqualifyaspointornon-pointairemissions. IV "stackorpointemissions"aretotal airemissionsfrom stackorpointsources including stacks, vents, ducts, pipesorotherconfined processstreams. Emissionsto airfrom pollution-control equipment generallyfall intothis category. "storageorhandling emissions"arethequantityofemissionsto airfrom storageorthe handling ofa contaminantlisted inTable2Aor2B.

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