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Step by Step 1. Teacher's Book PDF

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1 Драгана Макевић Блага Делић Драгана Макевић Блага Делић Рецензенти мр Душица Блажић др Јована Димитријевић Савић Амалија Мокосек Уредник Маја Милорадовић ©БИГЗ школство д.о.о., Београд, 2011. Ниједан део ове књиге не сме да се умножава, фотокопира нити на било који начин репродукује без писмене дозволе издавача. 1 Драгана Макевић Блага Делић приручник за наставнике CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 6 1.1 Aims 6 1.2 Unit & Lesson Framework 7 1.3 Language Games 8 2 LESSON PLANS 10 APPENDIX: 3 49 Activity Book/INSTRUCTIONS TO PUPILS (WHAT THE TEACHER SAYS) 5 INTRODUCTION 1 is intended for children who 1.1 Aims STEP BY STEP 1 are in the first year of learning English at lower- primary level. aims at: STEP BY STEP 1 developing children’s motivation and interest for is organised around content • STEP BY STEP 1 learning English as a foreign language through a and activities carefully matched to the interests, variety of motivating and interesting topics and needs and abilities of young learners. activities is based on: developing a positive attitude towards the STEP BY STEP 1 • a communicative approach English culture and children’s literature through • a selection of original and adapted chants, a topic-based approach • rhymes, songs and stories an activity-based approach • encouraging children to be co-operative and presentation, practice and production methods • • positive in classroom situations total Physical Response (TPR) ideas • creating a lively, positive and creative learning • language (vocabulary and structures) in context • atmosphere and learning through trial and error concepts; expanding children’s knowledge by learning to communicate with others means to get the • about new concepts and content message across developing children’s own learning styles by different class management, methods-warm- • • applying learning to learn strategies up activities; different learning styles activities- encouraging and developing children’s cognitive visual, auditory and kinesthetic; teacher-guided • potential by teaching them to compare, contrast, activities, child-centred activities, pair-work match, differentiate, classify, predict, etc. activities, group-work activities; co-operative and competitive activities; mixed-ability developing children’s creativity and imagination • activities through a variety of creative tasks balance of routine and variety developing and integrating language skills; • • focusing on listening and speaking through communicative skills/reception, interaction and • communicative tasks production skills integrating the language skills with the cognitive integrated skills/language skills/listening, speaking, • • skills reading and writing, and cognitive skills introducing, practising, consolidating, recycling, integrated content and language, language and • • reinforcing and revising the language syllabus culture, language and children’s literature natural, spoken language • authentic content: chants, rhymes, songs, games • and stories rhythm and movement • fun • 6 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Unit & Lesson Framework STORY TIME Tasks include looking, listening, pointing, repeating, Both the Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book have playing with friends, acting out, singing and the same structure: chanting. • INTRODUCTION, SPECIAL DAYS Tasks include looking, listening, pointing, repeating, • 8 UNITS, speaking, singing and playing. and • STORY TIME The Activity Book caters for further practice–con- • SPECIAL DAYS. solidation, revision and reinforcement of the lan- Both the Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book have a guage introduced in the Pupil’s Book. The tasks in- five-lesson unit framework. Each unit in both the clude llooookkiinngg,, lliisstteenniinngg,, ppooiinnttiinngg,, ssppeeaakkiinngg,, rreeppeeaa-- Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book covers seven ting, playing games with friends, chanting, singing, teaching hours, INTRODUCTION two hours, STORY counting, tracing, circling, marking the odd one out, TIME eight hours and SPECIAL DAYS two hours of matching, colouring, drawing, numbering, cutting teaching–68 altogether. (Teachers are invited to out and glueing activities. design activities for two revision lessons–after units Topics and vocabulary covered in the Pupil’s Book/ 1-4 and 5-8, to suit their own teaching situation.) Activity Book include: The Pupil’s Book provides a variety of listening and speaking practice through clear lesson routine International words INTRODUCTION: activities. The new language syllabus and skills are School things; colours and numbers UNIT 1: introduced, practised, consolidated and reinforced School environment, classroom; gradually and systematically–starting with reception UNIT 2: playground games skills, and then focusing on interaction and production skills. Family and home; toys and games UNIT 3: Clothes; human body; descriptions of UNIT 4: INTRODUCTION people; weather and seasons Tasks include looking, listening, pointing, repeating Food (breakfast, sweets) and chanting. UNIT 5: House and furniture UNIT 6: Animals (wild, pets and domestic); UNITS 1-8: UNIT 7: descriptions of animals; places in town Lesson 1: Vocabulary–introduction and practice • Tasks include looking, listening, pointing, Birthday party; months of the year; food UNIT 8: repeating and chanting. (fruit and vegetables) Lesson 2: Language in context–introduction The Gingerbread Man, Three • STORY TIME: and practice Tasks include looking, listening, Billy Goats repeating and acting out. Christmas and New Year, Lesson 3: Vocabulary and language in context– SPECIAL DAYS: • Easter introduction and practice Tasks include looking, These are presented through a range of listening text listening, pointing, repeating, speaking and formats, such as instructions, short descriptions, talking to a friend. situational dialogues, chants, rhymes, songs and Lesson 4: Vocabulary and language in context– • stories. consolidation and reinforcement Tasks include Language functions include: asking for and giving looking, listening, pointing, repeating, chanting, information, asking for and giving permission, saying rhymes and tongue twisters, and playing classroom communication, counting, expressing with a friend/friends. ability/inability, expressing likes/dislikes, greeting Lesson 5: Song/Rhyme–further reinforcement • and congratulating, identifying, locating and of the topic Tasks include looking, pointing, describing people, things and places, introducing listening, chanting, saying rhymes, singing songs oneself and others, social interaction/polite phrases and playing games. and telling the time. 7 INTRODUCTION 1.3 Language Games Language games are enjoyable activities intended change places. Pairs of children can be given the for language practice in which children communi- same cards e.g. with the picture of pencil; when the cate “naturally” – there is no “obvious practice” of teacher says e.g. pencils, they change seat. language for its own sake. They are used to make Children stand in two language learning more enjoyable, to stimulate ccchhhiiilll--- Chinese whispers: lines, facing the board. The teacher whispers a word dren to learn, to help children learn by providing to the last children in the lines and they pass it on fun learning strategies, to provide variety, to cater to the front. The first child in the line, next to board, for young children’s limited concentration span, to has to take the corresponding flashcard, or draw the boost children’s confidence, and to encourage active word on the board, hurry back and stand last in the participation. Some games are to be played in pairs, line. The game can be played in a circle as well. some in groups or teams and some by the whole class; some as warmers, some as fillers and some as The teacher puts flashcards in different Crouch: follow-up practice; some can be used as stirrers and places in the classroom, with a certain number of some as settlers; some will require co-operation and children standing in front of those flashcards. When some will require competition, etc. Here are some the teacher says e.g. blue, all the children in front of them: of that card crouch. The teacher continues with the rest of the cards. When the teacher says blue again, The game is excellent for in- Back to back: the children stand up. troducing parts of the body. The teacher plays some music and everybody dances. When the music is Children match/sequence cards Dominoes: stopped, the teacher says back to back or knee to according to the given instructions. knee, and everybody has to touch somebody else’s There has to be body part with the same part of their own body. Freeze/Musical statues: enough room for the children to move around. They walk one behind another and the teacher calls out The game can be played with either the Bingo: instructions e.g. Walk! Hop! Jump! Run! Skip! When filled-in or fill-in grids in which children cross out or the teacher says Freeze! they must stop and stay draw and cross out the pictures the teacher calls out. When they have three pictures in a row (horizontally, in the position they found themselves in. Any child vertically or diagonally), they call Bingo! The game who makes a move is out of the game. can be played in pairs and groups. A child is chosen to be the hider, Hot or cold: and he informs the seeker how near he is to the The teacher takes a flashcard, covers Bit by bit: object, telling him he is cold when he is far from the it with a piece of paper and moves it slowly so that object (or freezing or if he is extremely far off), and the card is revealed bit by bit. The children have to hot when he is extremely close to the object. If the guess what is on the card. seeker is moving away from the object, he is told he is getting colder. If the seeker is moving closer to the Board game/Snakes and ladders: Children start with a counter in the starting square object, he is told he is getting warmer. and take turns to move their counter by the number The teacher puts a lot of picture flashcards of squares indicated by the dice roll, following a fixed I spy: on the board/desk/around the classroom and says route marked on the board. If they land on the e.g. e.g. ‘I spy with my little eye something blue.’ The squares with a ladder, they can move their counter children look at the cards and say what it is. up to the higher-numbered square. If they land on the snake, they must move their counter down to The Kim’s game (What’s missing?): the lower-numbered square. teacher puts the cards on the board/desk/around the classroom. The children look at the cards and Children are divided into two Categories: then close their eyes while the teacher removes one or more teams; each team is given a number of of the cards. When they open their eyes, they say different flashcards to be arranged by category, e.g. which card/s has/have been removed. This game family, house, etc. can be played by changing the position of cards. Children sit in a circle When the children open their eyes, they say which Change of seat: and change seats when the teacher says e.g. Girls, cards have changed position. 8 INTRODUCTION There are two sets of cards, either gestures, etc. Memory: identical or corresponding, placed face down. The The children have to order the children try to pair them off by turning two cards Sequencing: cards according to instructions. over at the same time. If the cards do not match, they put them back in the same place they were In this game a teacher/child Simon says: taken from. The winner is the child with the most gives commands and the children obey only if the pairs of cards. command is preceded by Simon says. The children who obey the command without Simon says are The teacher whispers a Mime the word: out. The winner is the last child in the game. word to a child; he/she mimes it for their team to guess. Set a time limit for the teams to guess the The Slap-slap-slap-clap-clap-clap: words. teacher puts flashcards on the board. Children slap their legs three times and clap hands two times. The teacher pairs off children to be a Mirrors: When they clap their hands the third time, they say person and a mirror. The mirror has to do whatever a word referring to one of the flashcards. The idea the person does. Then they switch roles. behind the game is to keep the rhythm of saying the Children sit or stand in a circle target words. Musical cards: while the teacher plays some music. The children A pack of cards is dealt out among are given a few cards, which they pass counter/ Snap: children in face-down stacks as equally as possible. clockwise. The teacher pauses the music and asks Play proceeds with the children taking it in turns the children with the cards to say what cards they to remove a card from the top of their stack and have got. place it face-up on a central pile. If two cards placed Children stand in a circle. The consecutively on the pile are identical, the child says Musical circle: teacher plays some music while the children pass a Snap! and takes the paired cards. ball from hand to hand. When the teacher stops the The pictures offered music, the child with the ball answers a question, The odd one out: have something in common, but one of them does does an action, etc. not fit in the same category. The children have to Children have to pair opposites, find the odd one out. Opposites: e.g. size, position, etc. A child Touch and guess/Feely bag: There are two corresponding with eyes closed touches an item in the bag and Pelmanism: sets of cards. The children have to pair off the cards. tries to guess what it is. Children One child Picture/colouring dictation: What’s the time, Mr. Wolf?: draw a vocabulary item. The teacher draws the is chosen to be Mr Wolf and stands facing away same picture/s on a piece of paper/the board for from the other children at the opposite end of the the children to check their drawing when they have classroom. All children except Mr Wolf chant What’s finished. They can swap their drawing and correct the time, Mr Wolf? and Mr Wolf calls a time, usually each other’s dictation according to the picture/s on an hour ending in o’clock. The other children take the board. that many steps towards Mr Wolf. They then ask the question again. Alternatively Mr Wolf may call The teacher puts Dinner time! and turn and chase the other children Race to your card: flashcards in different places in the classroom. Pairs back to their starting point. If Mr Wolf tags a child, of children then race to the card the teacher calls that child becomes Mr. Wolf for the next round. out. Pairs or teams of children say Word tennis: Children match rhyming words related to various topics by quickly taking Rhyming words: words. Different prompts can be used to help turns, i.e. without hesitation. children create rhymes, e.g. flashcards, realia, 9 LESSON PLANS 2 ACTIVITY 3: Playing language games with English words STEP 1: Play a few games to introduce international English words Play games with new words in different TIP: contexts, through different language and cognitive skills, and by applying different INTRODUCTION learning styles strategies whenever you find the WE LOVE ENGLISH, 2h time–to help children memorise words over a 2/68 ENGLISH IS FUN period of time i.e. to store them in their long- term memory, so they are able to activate them when necessary AIMS: Developing a positive attitude towards English language learning; familiarising the children Hour 2 with the world of English; building self-confidence ACTIVITY 4: Look, listen and point. Look, listen, point LANGUAGE FOCUS: International words; doctor, and repeat. Chant. (Pupil’s Book) clown, computer, phone, sandwich, chocolate, STEP 1: Tell the children to open the Pupils’ Book; tiger, zebra, football, skateboard; I love X. X is fun. tell them to look at the items, listen, and point to the MATERIALS: Flashcards with international words items in the playground STEP 2: The children look at the items, listen to the Hour 1 chant again, point and repeat ACTIVITY 1: Getting to know each other STEP 1: Greet the children by waving a hand and STEP 3: Say We Love English, English Is Fun, and saying Hello!; introduce yourself by saying I’m X. invite the children to join you by chanting individual words as you raise the flashcards; use the heart and STEP 2: Invite the children to do the same (the whole smiley flashcards to prompt the children to say love class at the same time); do it with individual children and fun STEP 3: Ask the children to do the same in pairs; do STEP 4: Invite the children to say the whole chant it as a TPR game and play the Slap-slap-slap-clap-clap-clap game at the same time ACTIVITY 2: Familiarising the children with the Rhyme, rhythm and repetition reinforce Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book TIP: speaking skills, language structures, etc. – use STEP 1: Tell the children about the Contents and chants to help the children learn and memorise about the unit and lesson framework and structure the language; use them to introduce or revise the STEP 2: Refer them to the icons and introduce the language syllabus main activities; say a few words about the topics and the main characters; explain how you plan to ACTIVITY 5: Chanting We Love English, English Is Fun manage class activities related to the Pupil’s Book/ with more international words Activity Book–what they are supposed to do and STEP 1: Add more international words, e.g. radio, how you suggest they organise their work, etc. play station, film, music, pizza, hamburger, hotdog, Design a poster with all the icons, or have TIP: etc. individual icons in A4 size, so that you could point to the one/s you need at any time, to make sure that everyone’s attention is drawn to ACTIVITY 6: Look, listen and play Bingo. (Activity the right one/s when needed; icons in both the Book) Pupils’ Book and the Activity Book have been STEP 1: Explain to the children how to play the game carefully designed so that the children find it STEP 2: Play the class Bingo with the flashcards simple to follow the instructions i.e. the right order of activities 10

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