UCC @50 —our future yond W. Ever Goldey, se-ecitors The Preamble defines our faith by Clyde J. Steced te Unted Church of three sreqrarhs lana, Romatkoby he orn povicla 2h as ining to i ths bi donty of a UOC wh raining i own in mest ocl cuca n Paragraph 1 the Synod adapted the Castine; n paragiapy 3,3 he varias pert re UCC “The preamble svnigucly authosteive ia che UCC. IE Ma J argue, Lameng thom, that these vas ise ater of dhe feth and prcetice ofthe ehmrch ro grounded in Jesus Christ, bur many others would a whieh all have assented by voting, a congregations or misgivings about an mpked excinsivism mn conn lee Chis ‘628 voted on by the whole shureh-—not the Statement UCC representstivestoectmencal dialogs bss hen they join te demos ination, Nothing of Faith, Manual on Ministry, Hook of Wray led on the peeamle answer questions about whet New Century Hymnal, or the Stil the UCC is etuly Cheistian body 2x has soy ese niviatve In x church cht ries local and indus} Chrolegcal coavieons. Comminees on tv rns auanamry on maters of faith ave provi, itis pt ary have used the preamble vo counter suggestions ha sucprisingthac this ane statenrentcacryingtoroal aus churches or ministers car believe anything the wun -ncrity should be neglects or even anknow, hse wi explain the UCC view ofthe auch The looks tothe Word and Baws, ets erten hy the Commision to Prepare Goal in the Seri aes." Snore tar rhe sath abe, along with the rst ofthe Constiution scripture have cite its word 4 Constistios (30 members, 15 each fom the uniting of the Word rather han che literal words, a distin devominations! clecied by General Synod 1 ia 1957. or that des aot saisty everyone, And the tied pas Gerhard Grower, pastor of St Beals UCC ia Chicay, graph mikes it lear tt she Cnstitton “defines st litre she Commis reealates* vnly the General Synod and is elated bo Much was required of this preamble, I ecto sie while o her stings ike Incl churches ela in up an caery forse the longer aeclesia a faith sf feeard voluntary manner ise now say, “i comer" with one aaarker and exe General Synod lemations appearing in che Basis of Unioa of 1948. ‘fthe ‘I'ese vite services performed by rhe arene, hae earl llirms cht fosus Chistis che sol hea of hese whe sinin he ep Duckgrnl of CC din cures at she church is compe ‘confess ests Christ sem of Go sl Savior. Though And Par itor bag these would hardly seem disputed poins,tthink rhac the UCC today, 5096 ily, perhaps starting with Foszitality, 4 Aiversyinstie action, anal a Gea sho stil speaking ine di Preamble ta the Constitution hike Vater Church ot Chitet, paragrepa 2 ‘hatioted Chyna Ciel eckaoadgus 4s soa Hard sie howe Sn Fsoser: Sever retknouledgoec¢ dod + Chris allwto sareit ts ‘eriason. I ocks othe Pete of Goi the Scriptures, ond othe oresonce dine of he Hy hi. pga etait laos min ‘pedo clams or evn the Fim of he hisore Chcchexorescee the noe enc and elaine ia fe base igh ofits Potsan Rafa: 5 llonstherexoebilty ote Chuchin each geraraon a wc hz fois one i realy of worship, n hones fthoush one expression, ard inpanty of bean before Gos lo cecardance wh betaling Fouled nde sou ce renliny ume exangelca Chine #recagrass hoo ‘acemem:2oprem arth Lords Supparo Vio Commanie,