Status of Shoebill Balaeniceps rex in Malagarasi, Tanzania LarsDinesena andMarcBakerb Statut du Bec-en-sabot du Nil Balaeniceps rex a Malagarasi, Tanzanie. En Tanzanie, le site de Malagarasi est le plus important pour la survie du Bec-en-sabot du Nil Balaeniceps rexetest sup- pose abriter la plus grosse population de Fespece en dehors du Sudd au Soudan. Les tentatives pour estimer la taille de cette population semblent cependant avoir resulte en de considerables surestimations. L’examen de lalitterature et les comptages aeriens realises en novembre 2001 par les auteurs suggerent que la population de Malagarasi ne comprendrait que quelques centaines d’oiseauxseulement. Les comptages aeriens de 2001 ont egalement montre que l’etendue de cer- taineszoneshumidesaMalagarasiavaiteteserieusementsurestimee. Lesauteursconsiderentdone que le changement du statut de conservation du Bec-en-sabot de ‘Quasi-menace’ en ‘Vulnerable’ (espece dont la population entiere compte moins de 10.000 individus) est justifie. Le Bec-en- sabot du Nil a une repartition restreinte, s’etendant du sud du Soudan au nord de la Zambie et de la Republique Democratique du Congo orientale a la Tanzanie occidental, et Fespece est menacee dans tous les sites importants, comme les marais du Sudd, Malagarasi, Bangweulu eten Ouganda. Un protocole est propose pour les futurs comptages aeriens du Bec-en-sabot, afin de definir les zones principales occupees par Fespece et d’effectuer des comptages complets. Summary. The Malagarasi ecosystem is the stronghold for Shoebill Balaeniceps rex in Tanzania and is believed to host the largestpopulation ofthe species outside the Sudd in Sudan. However, attempts to establish population numbers in Malagarasi seem to have resulted in considerable over-estimations. A review ofthe literature and aerial counts in November 2001 by the authors suggestthattheMalagarasipopulation mightcomprise 100 orafewhundredbirds only.Theaer- ial survey in 2001 also revealed that previous estimates ofthe extent ofcertain wetland habitats in Malagarasi have been significantly overestimated. The authors therefore support the upgrade ofthe conservation status ofShoebill from NearThreatened toVulnerable, i.e. with a total pop- ulation of less than 10,000 individuals. Shoebill has a limited range from southern Sudan to northern Zambiaand from eastern DRCongo towesternTanzania, and the species is threatened at all its main localities e.g. the Sudd swamps, Malagarasi, Bangweulu and in Uganda. A design for future aerial surveys ofShoebill is proposed focusing on identifying core areas for the species and comprehensive counts. Shoebill Balaeniceps rexhas adiscontinuous dis- veys by the Tanzania Wildlife Conservation tribution, restricted mainly to a few large per- Monitoring (TWCM, now Conservation manent wetlands from southern Sudan, Uganda, Information Centre under Tanzania Wildlife eastern DR Congo and northern Zambia to west- Research Institute (TAWIRI) between 1990 and ern Tanzania. Its world population was estimated 2000 (Tanzania Wildlife Conservation at only c.1,500 individuals two decades ago Monitoring 1991, 1998, 1999 and unpubl.,Jones & (Brownetal. 1982), andatc.l1,000 (Elliott 1992) Hill 1994a, Collar 1994, Baker 1996, BirdLife or 12,000-15,000 in 1986 (Collar 1994, Rose & International 2000). The prime locality for Scott 1994, BirdLife International 2000). This Shoebill in Tanzania are the permanent swamps apparent increase was due to the use ofnew cen- and inundated floodplains along the Moyowosi, sus methods, including aerial surveys. In 2002, Nikonga, Kigosi, Igombe, Ugalla and Malagarasi however, the population was estimated at rivers (hereafter: the Malagarasi) formingamosaic 5,000-8,000 birds and declining, based on new ofwetlands in westernTanzania (Fig. 1). information (Delany & Scott 2002). The Malagarasi was listed as a Ramsar site in The Tanzanian population was estimated at August 2000, when Tanzania ratified the maximum 2,500 individuals, based on aerial sur- Convention onWetlands (Ramsar 1971), and the StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker BullABCVol13No 1(2006)-37 Figure 1. Map ofTanzaniashowingprotectedareas andtheMalagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsarsites. CartedelaTanzanie indiquantles aires protegees etleSiteRamsarMalagarasi-Muyovozi. designated area covers c.32,500 km2 The main Study area rationalewas thatitsupports appreciab.lenumbers A large part of the Malagarasi ecosystem was ofrare, vulnerable or endangered species’ such as included in the Malagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsarsites Shoebill, Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculatus, with the notable exception of the outlet of the Sitatunga Tragelaphus spekei and Slender-snouted Malagarasi River into Lake Tanganyika. The site Crocodile Crocodyluscataphractus(Anon. 1994a,b, includesanumberofpermanentrivers, suchas the Jones & Hill 1994a). However, it is recognised Moyowosi, Nikonga, Kigosi and Igombe in the that additional research is needed to establish north-east, the Malagarasi in the north and the more precise population numbers anddistribution Ugalla in the south-east, and adjacent floodplains. patterns of these species. This paper focuses on The rivers meet in a central area, where the lakes Shoebill and is based on field work on the ground Sagara (328 km2) and Nyamagoma (53 km2) are in 1995, aerial transectcounts in November2001, located (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute subsequent visits in 2002-03 and a review ofthe 2002). From the lakes the water flows west for existing literature. c.100 km as the Malagarasi River, until it forms a delta when flowing into Lake Tanganyika. The 38-BullABCVol13No 1(2006) StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker Malagarasi watershed forms c.30% of the Lake Norton-Griffith (1978). These surveys were TWCM Tanganyika catchment (Tanzania Wildlife undertaken by in the Moyowosi and Research Institute 2002) and is the second-largest Kigosi Game Reserves during counts of large riverbasininTanzaniaaftertheRufiji.Threegame mammals and were not specifically designed for reserves lie within the Ramsar site: Ugalla Shoebill. However, specific attention was paid to (3,000 km2), Kigosi (9,000 km2) and Moyowosi Shoebill and Wattled Crane during surveys in (11,000 km2). There are no legal settlements in September 1990, November 1992 andJune 1993, the game reserves and access is limited to trophy and a helicopter was used in the 1992 counts in & hunting by foreign tourists. Seasonal fishing and some of the areas (observers unknown, Jones beekeeping by local communities are undertaken Hill 1994a).The surveys in the 1990s are difficult in Ugalla via a dispensation from the Wildlife to compare with each other and impossible to Division. During an aerial survey in 2001, in compare with other surveys because of the wide which the authors participated, it was estimated variation in methodology, observerexpertise, areas that only 13% ofthe Ramsar site constitutes wet- covered and areas used for extrapolation (Jones & land habitats: open water (lakes and rivers) 0.6%, Hill 1994a). permanentswamp 3.2% andseasonallyinundated Aerialsurvey in 2001 grassland 9.2% (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute 2002). Thus the site comprises mainly The Ramsar site, covering thevast majority ofthe Miombo woodland {Julbernardia-Brachystegia Malagarasi ecosystem, was surveyed on 17-28 6C3o%m)b,retwuimthanpdocAkceatcsiaobfushrlivaenrdi.neThfeoreesxttsentanodf: wNohveenmbwearte2r00l1e,velast twheereendatofthtehier dlroywesseta.sonA, papyrus swamps was estimated at 480-900 km2 Systematic Reconnaissance Flight (SRF) was con- ducted with two Cessna 182 aircraft flying at a (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute 2002), m which is far less than the previously proposed fig- nominal altitude of c.100 (actual range ure of 2,000 km2 (Anon. 1994b). Permanent c.60-300 m) and a mean speed of 200 km/h. saewraiamlpstrwanesreectesstuirmvaetye)d aotr1,13,36525kmk2m(2ba(sbeadseodnoann ANorttoonta-lGri7f6fitthrsa’ns(e1c9ts78)wimtehthaodotoltoaglylweansgtuhsedo.f c.8,000 km were flown. Transects were spaced 1:250,000 land covermaps preparedfrom satellite images) (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute 5 km apart. Both aircraft flew c.6-7 hrs per day, 2002). A previous estimate of3,200 km2 for the includingan averageof1.5-2.0 hours to andfrom northern Moyowosi and Kigosi Game Reserves base. One skilled birder operated as rear-seat observer in each ofthe two planes (M. Baker and alone again appears to be a considerable Anderson); the other rear-seat observer was a overestimate. J. TWCM member ofthe unit specialised in count- Material and methods ing mammals. Observations were limited to the strip oflandvisible between two markers attached Groundsurvey in 1995 to the wing struts. Each transect was divided in The majorwetlands inTanzaniawere surveyed by sub-units of 30 seconds. The rear-seat observers 17 teams in 1995 in the first comprehensive recorded all wildlife, selected bird species and waterbird count in the country (Baker 1996), human activities in a small tape-recorder. These which included the first ground-based waterbird data were subsequently transcribed onto data survey of the eastern part of the Malagarasi sheets and analysed using Herd Count 2000 soft- ecosystem. ware developed for SRF surveys. However, the Aerialsurveys in 1971 and1990s combined total area of the observation strips of The population ofShoebill in Malagarasiwas first the two aircraft for all sampled transects covered estimated by an aerial survey in 1971 (Parker only c.6-7% ofthe Ramsar site. The counts were 1984). In the 1990s itwas estimated byaerial sur- extrapolated to cover the whole survey area using veys using Systematic Reconnaissance Flights Jolly’s Method 2 of Unequal Sized Units (Jolly (Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring 1969) including the 95% confidence intervals. 1991, 1998, 1999 and unpubl., Jones & Hill Incomplete transects were not included in the 1994a) and the methodology described in final data analysis. Surveys in the 1990s used a StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker BullABCVol13No 1(2006)-39 . similar census and data analysis methodology. 3) Thesurveyin 2001 ofthe 32,500 km2 Ramsar Additionally, L. Dinesen undertook an oppor- site, using similar methods as under 2 and tunistic morning and afternoon count at the end resulting in an estimate of134 Shoebills. of the survey in some selected core areas for 4) A total count in 1992 carried out by helicop- Shoebill, and had spent 14 days counting water- terwith specificfocus on Shoebill andWattled birds in Malagarasi inJanuary 1995. Crane. The presumed core areas were covered & and 578 birds counted (Jones Hill 1994a). Results Extrapolation resulted in an estimated popula- The surveys in the Malagarasi ecosystem between tion of 2,489 birds, the highest estimate for 1972 and 2001 involving Shoebill counts can be the Malagarasi. groupedinto sixcategories.All Shoebillcounts are 5) A ground count of accessible swamps in the summarised inTable 1 easternpartaroundLakes Sagara, Nyamagoma 1) An aerial count in 1971 (Parker 1984), which and Masimba as part of the nationwide wet- estimated the Shoebill population at ‘more lands survey in 1995 (Baker 1996). This pro- than 300 birds’ within an estimated 200 km2 duced 44 Shoebills, with concentrations in ofsuitable habitat. Lumbe and Masimba. 2) TSixWaCerMial wildlife counts (SRF) undertaken by 6) A rapid one-day aerial count in November between 1990 and 2000 aimed at 2001 in perhaps less than halfofthe expected estimating large-mammal populations in Shoebill core areas produced 56 birds. Moyowosi and Kigosi Game Reserves. All Shoebills or cranes were also counted. The surveys in 1971, 1992 and 2001 (Parker & Population estimates vary from 2,260 1984,Jones Hill 1994a, this study) andground Shoebills in 1990 to 235 in 1998 following surveys in 1995 (Baker 1996) revealed, unsurpris- massive extrapolations. However, the areas ingly, a clumped distribution of Shoebills, often covered by the surveys varied from 3,771 km2 located in ‘bays’ ofpermanent grassland swamps to 21,870 km2 and so does the extent of (not papyrus) fringed by Miombo woodland. Shoebill habitat used as the basis for the Basedonthesesurveys thekeyareasforShoebillin extrapolations. Malagarasi are largelyknown. Table 1. Shoebill numbers recordedandestimatedduring aerial surveysinthe Malagarasi ecosystem 1971-2001. Tableau 1. Nombrede Becs-en-sabotdu Nil Balaenicepsrexcomptesetestimespendantlescomptagesaeriens dansI’ecosystemede Malagarasi en 1971-2001. 1971 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 2000 2001 2001 Estimate 300+ 2,258 2,489 1,028 689 723 235 997 134 none SE ±899 ±642 ±443 ±241 ±102 ±296 ±46 Actualcount 78 578 35 45 61 15 136 9 56 Timeofyear Aug Sep Nov June Wet Dry May Dry Nov Nov Areascovered* SA GRs SA GRs GRs GRs GRs GRs RS SA Method** TC SRF TC SRF SRF SRF SRF SRF SRF TC Areacovered(km=) 20,183 2,125 4,188 21,870 3,771 21,870 21,666 Sources:1971:Parker(1984);1990:TanzaniaWildlifeConservationMonitoring(1991);1992:Jones&Hill(1994a,b);1993:Jones&Hill (1994a,b); 1994:TanzaniaWildlifeConservationMonitoringunpubl.viaBaker(1996);1995:TanzaniaWildlifeConservationMonitoring unpubl.viaBaker(1996);1998:TanzaniaWildlifeConservationMonitoring(1999);2000:unpubl.;2001TanzaniaWildlifeResearchInstitute 2002 ( ). *GRs=Moyowosi/KigosiGameReserves;RS=Malagarasi-Muyovozi RamsarSite;SA=SpecificAreas,consideredtobecoreareasfor Shoebill. **SRF=Transectcount;TC=Totalcount. 40-BullABCVol13No 1(2006) StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker : Figure 1. FishermaninLumbeswamp, Malagarasi; the Figure3. ShoebillBalaenicepsrexhasbeen broughtto numberofusersintheMalagarasifloodplainshas thebrinkofextinctionwithinc.150yearssinceexplorers increaseddramaticallyin recentdecadesplacingnatural reachedthe interiorofthecontinent (Lars Dinesen) resourcesunderpressure (Lars Dinesen) Environ 150 ans apresl'arriveedes explorateursdans Unpecheurdanslemarais deLumbe, Malagarasi; l'aug- l'interieurducontinent, le Bec-en-sabotBalaenicepsrex mentationimportantedunombred'utilisateursdeszones estauborddel'extinction (Lars Dinesen) humidesdeMalagarasipendantles dernieresdecennies consumeunemenacepourlesressources naturelles (Lars Dinesen) sonal movements to areas outside the Malagarasi ecosystem could explain the variation, as suggest- & ed byJones Hill (1994a). There are no indications ofmigration out of Malagarasi. Although there are sightings of Shoebills outside the Malagarasi ecosystem (Baker 1996, Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute 2002) and outwith other possible breeding grounds in Tanzania, e.g. the Kageraand Maraswamps, there is no evidence for regular seasonal migration, nei- ther from this nor from other localities (Guillet 1978, Brown etal. 1982, Elliott 1992). However, it is expected that birds make local movements in Figure2. ThesurvivalofShoebillBalaenicepsrexin relation to seasonal flooding regimes, food avail- Malagarasirequires 'realistic' conservationplanning, edu- ability and disturbance. A study in southern cationandawareness-raising, andaportionofluck Sudan by Guillet (1978) found that birds move (Lars Dinesen) seasonally between nesting and fishing sites, LasurvieduBec-en-sabotBalaenicepsrexaMalagarasi according to the flood regime. Odd records in dependdelaplanificationrealistedesactions de Tanzania are more likely caused by adverse situa- conservation, d'educationetdesensibilisation, etune tions, e.g. birds leaving their home range in dry partdechance (LarsDinesen) years due to extensive fires. Under the reasonable assumption that the bulk ofShoebills is confined Discussion to the Malagarasi ecosystem we think that the extrapolated numbers (under points 2 and 3) are TheMalagarasi Shoebillpopulation crudeatbest.Thebasisforextrapolationoversuch Thevariationinestimatednumbers (rangingfrom large areas is thin because the distribution of 134 in 2001 to 2,489 in 1994) prompts two ques- Shoebill is discontinuous in space and time. The tions: (1) What is the actual population size of actual numbers counted are small (9-136 in six Shoebill in the Malagarasi? and (2) What is the surveys) and the surface area used for extrapola- population trend since the first survey in 1971. tion follows protected area boundaries rather than Moreover, it seems crucial to know whether sea- the extent of suitable habitat. Moreover, there are StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker BullABCVo!13No 1(2006)-41 major differences in observer skills and most and Kigozi) are severe and expanding. The first counts were undertaken as part oflarge-mammal rice paddieswere seen to appear at the edge ofkey surveys. Shoebill swamps. However, quantitative land use Atotalcountattemptedpartlybyhelicopterin data are lacking. Guillet (1978) considered fire & 1992 resulted in 578 birds counted (Jones Hill and cattle to be the main threats in the Sudd. 1994a) anddensities reportedof5 birds/km2in an There are no data on breeding success from areaof65 km2 andaestimatedtotal of2,489 indi- Malagarasi, but it is ofconcern that the long-liv- viduals. These figures appear crude because ing Shoebill has a low reproduction rate and non- Shoebill is considered to be a solitary bird (Brown productive populations may exist for decades in et al. 1982, Elliott 1992, Collar 1994). Parker formerlyproductive areas. (1984) estimated 0.64 Shoebills/km2 in suitable habitat in Moyowosi in 1971. Howard & Globalconservation status Aspinwall (1984) counted23 singles andfivepairs The Shoebills main global stronghold is the Sudd in the Bangweulu swamps in Zambia during a swamps in southern Sudan, where a total of6,407 Lechwe Kobus leche survey. The sightings by the birds was counted in 1979-82 (Robertson 2001). authors in 1995 (44 birds) and 2001 (65 birds) in Guillet (1978) warned that the rapid growth of Malagarasi were of singles or pairs, although a the human population jeopardised the survival of A clumped distribution was observed. The densities Shoebill here. serious additional threat is the ofother large swamp birds such as Wattled Crane plannedJongleicanal,whichwilldrainalargepart and Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus sene- ofthe swamp. Uganda has c.400-600 birds, con- galensis in prime habitat in the Okavango, fined mainlyto papyrus swamps (Elliott 1992). A Botswana, were 0.12 and 0.10 per km2 respective- cautious estimate of the populations in western ly (Craig & Gibson 2001). We therefore suggest a Tanzania (Malagarasi) and northern Zambia surveydesigned specificallyfor Shoebill basedpri- (Bangweulu) gives not more than a few hundred & marily on total counts and conducted by experi- birds for each site (Howard Aspinwall 1984, enced birdwatchers (seeAppendix). Collar 1994, Leonard 2001, this study) and both There has been a huge expansion of human populations are under increasing pressure. The activities in Malagarasi in recent decades (Mutch populations in Mara in Tanzania, Akagera in 1977, 1980, Anon. 1994a,b, Jones & Hill Rwanda/Tanzania, and localities in eastern DR 1994a,b, Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Congo are much smaller and, in the latter sites, Monitoring 1998, Tanzania Wildlife Research under significant pressure due to the civil unrest Institute 2002) and a decline in Shoebill popula- (Kanyamibwa 2001). In sum, the handful ofcore tion is to be expected. The species is specialised in Shoebill populations are under increasing threat both its feedingand nestinghabits, andvulnerable due to disturbance, conversion ofswamp habitat to disturbance. Itrequires special fishingsiteswith and locally from collectors (see also Elliott 1992 solid platforms, standingwater, plenty offish and forareview) andnowhereis its survivalsecure.We long periods of undisturbed fishing in order to therefore stronglysupport the upgrade ofits glob- secure adequate quantities offood (Guillet 1978). al conservation status from Near Threatened Information from the Sudd indicates that the bird (BirdLife International 2000) to Vulnerable (VU is intolerant ofeven a low level ofhuman distur- Cl) (IUCN 2001, BirdLife International 2004) bance (Guillet 1978). In Malagarasi large areas of i.e. a population of fewer than 10,000 mature Miombo woodland adjacent to the swamps are individuals and a decline of more than 10% in being cleared for tobacco farming and agriculture, three generations. Although there is no hard evi- and the human population, consisting offarmers, dence fora 10% decline, empiric reports from the fishermen, refugees and semi-nomadic Watutsie core localities indicate a serious andsteadydecline pastoralists, has increased very rapidly in recent in all sub-populations. More importantly, conser- decades. Hunting companies reported that the vation actions should target the few key wetlands annual dry-season burnings and cattle grazing in in Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda and Sudan where the core area ofthe Shoebills (southern Moyowosi the species has a reasonable chance to survive. 42-BullABCVol13No 1(2006) StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker Acknowledgements Guillet, A. 1978. Distribution and conservation ofthe The Danish International Development Agency Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) in the southern Sudan. DANIDA) supports the Sustainable Integrated Biol. Conserv. 13: 39-49. Management of Malagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsar Site Elliott, A. 1992. Family Balaenicipitidae (Shoebill). In & 'SIMMORS) project and the aerial surveys. The del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. Sargatal, J. (eds.) project, Isabell von Oertzen and Charles Mulokosi Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1. ire warmly thanked for their assistance. The field Barcelona: LynxEdicions. ;urvey in 1995 was supported by BirdLife Denmark Howard, G. W. & Aspinwall, D. R. 1984. Aerial cen- mdTanzania, andwasundertakenwithH. Meltofte, suses ofShoebills, Saddlebilled Storks andWattled 1C. Rahbek and M. Rahner. We thank Honorary Cranes at the Bangweulu Swamps and Kafue Flats, Maliti and the pilots Vilfred Minja and Michael Zambia. Ostrich 55: 207-212. Masota for their cooperation in the field, and Clive IUCN. 2001. IUCNRedList Categories and Criteria. [ones for information on earlier surveys. David Version 3.1. Gland: International Union for Moyer, GeoffreyHoward andJuliusArinaitwe made Conservation ofNature andNatural Resources. constructive comments on drafts ofthis paper. Jolly, G. M. 1969. Samplingmethods foraerialcensus- & es of wildlife populations. E. Afr. Agricultural References ForestryJ. 34: 46-49. Anon. 1994a. The Malagarasi/Moyowosi/Kigosi/Ugalla Jones, C. & Hill,J. 1994a.The Malagarasi/Moyowosi/ RiverineWetlandEcosystem.A Wetlandofthe United Kigosi/Ugalla Riverine Wetland Ecosystem. Republic ofTanzania to be included in the List of Arusha, Tanzania: Frankfurt Zoological Society. Wetlands ofInternational Importance as the first Unpubl. report. Ramsar Site. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Natural Jones, C. & Hill,J. 1994b.The Malagarasi/Moyowosi/ Resources andEnvironment,Tanzania. Kigosi/Ugalla Riverine Wetland Ecosystem. Anon. 1994b. The MalagarasilMoyowosilKigosi/Ugalla Proposed Boundary Extension to Kigosi Game RiverineWetlandEcosystem. RequiredInformationfor Reserve. Unpubl. report for Frankfurt Zoological the Ramsar Database. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Society. Natural Resources andEnvironment,Tanzania. Kanyamibwa, S. 2001. Rwanda. In Fishpool, L. D. C. Baker, N. E. 1996. TanzaniaWaterbirdCount. TheFirst &Evans,M. I. (eds.) ImportantBirdAreasinAfrica Coordinated Count on the Major Wetlands of andAssociatedIslands:PrioritySitesforConservation. & Tanzania,January 1995. Cambridge, UK: Wildlife Newbury: Pisces Publications Cambridge, U.K: Conservation Society of Tanzania and BirdLife BirdLife International. & International. Leonard, P. M. 2001. Zambia. In Fishpool, L. D. C. BirdLife International. 2000. Threatened Birds ofthe Evans, M. I. (eds.) Important BirdAreas in Africa World. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions & Cambridge, andAssociatedIslands:PrioritySitesforConservation. UK: BirdLifeInternational. Newbury: Pisces Publications & Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. 2004. Threatened Birds ofthe BirdLife International. World2004. CD-ROM. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife Mutch, G. R. P. 1977.ThefloraoftheMoyowosiGame & International. ControlledArea. TanzaniaNotes RecordsNos. 81 Brown, L., Urban, E. K. & Newman, K. 1982. The & 82. Birds ofAfrica. Vol. 1. London, UK: Academic Mutch, G. R. P. 1980. The larger mammals of the & Press. Moyowosi. TanzaniaNotes RecordsNo. 84. Craig, C. G. & Gibson, S. 2001. Aerial Survey of Norton-Griffiths, M. 1978. Counting Animals. Wattled Cranes in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Handbook No. 1. Revised second edn. Nairobi: August 2001. Botswana: Unpubl. report of DG AfricanWildlife Foundation. Ecological Consultingto BirdLife Botswana Crane Parker, I. S. C. 1984. Shoebill Balaeniceps rex and WorkingGroup. Wattled Crane Grus carunculatus in the Moyowosi CDoelllaanry,,N.SJ.&19S9c4o.ttT,heD.Sho2e0b0i2ll.. BWualtl.erAbiBrCd 1P:op1u9l-a2t0i.on Robesrwtsaemnp,,PT.an2z0a0n1i.a.SuScdoapnu.sI8:n2F4i-s2hp5o.ol, L. D. C. & Estimates. Third edn. Wageningen: Wetlands Evans, M. I. (eds.) Important BirdAreas in Africa International. andAssociatedIslands:PrioritySitesforConservation. StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen &Baker BullABCVol13No1(2006)-43 Newbury: Pisces Publications & Cambridge, UK: a high focus on total counts in the permanent BirdLife International. swamps and floodplains of the ecosystem. This Rose, P. M. & Scott, D. A. 1994. WaterfowlPopulation shouldbepossiblewithinoneortwoweeks, depend- Estimates. Slimbridge: InternationalWaterfowl and ingontheseasonandkeepinginmindthatthemax- Wetlands Research Bureau. imum extent ofShoebill habitat is <7.4,225 km2 and TanzaniaWildlife Research Institute. 2002. Aerial cen- the area ofpermanent swamp c.1,040 km2. Because sus in the Malagarasi-Moyowosi Ramsar Site, dry Shoebill is dependent onwater for both feeding and season 2001. Arusha: Tanzania Wildlife Research nesting, only the waterlogged plains need to be sur- Institute & SIMMORS. Unpubl. report. veyed. At the end ofthewetseason, inApril-May, a Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring. 1991. large area is flooded and this coincides with the Wildlife Census: Moyowosi-Kigosi. Arusha: expected breeding time. Shoebill has been recorded & FrankfurtZoological Society. Unpubl. report. breeding in Malagarasi on a few occasions (Jones Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring. 1998. Hill 1994a,b). Pre-countreconnaissanceflightsusing Aerial Wildlife Census: Moyowosi-Kigosi Game a few days should be undertaken to potential Reserves, May 1998. Arusha: Tanzania Wildlife Shoebill areas before a final decision on specific Conservation Monitoring / Frankfurt Zoological count areas is taken. Flight transects should be Society/ EUWildlife Survey. Unpubl. report.. c.500 m apart (Craig & Gibson 2001) and flights m Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring. 1999. should be at <7.250 altitude in a high-winged air- Wildlife Census Moyowosi-Kigosi. Arusha: craft. In Malagarasi individual count areas should FrankfurtZoological Society. Unpubl. report. follow the different floodplains. Count areas in key aAavej 1, 4470 Svebolle, Denmark. E-mail: dinesen- arreesaosurscheos,ulcdoubnetcocvateergeodri1e0s0c%oualnddp,edrehpapesndbiengploannntehde [email protected], Arusha, Tanzania. E-mail: w2i5t%h 5(0e%ach(eacfhousretchonldinlei)ne)caonvedraasgea mriesnpiecmtiuvmelyo.f [email protected] However, itis recommendedas aminimum thathalf the survey area is covered 100%. Two skilled bird- Received 14March2005; revisionaccepted25 October watchers should be rear-seat observers and record 2005 Shoebills on a dictaphone, while afront-seatobserv- erwouldrecordthecountareacodesandcoordinates ofallendpoints.Attemptstocountotherwaterbirds Appendix 1. Proposed survey design or mammals should be avoided. In the data analysis Annexe 1. Protocole pour les comptages aeriens ofthe Wattled Crane population in the Okavango, futurs Jolly’s (1969) method for sample units of unequal size was used to calculate estimates of density and All Shoebill observations by the authors (AM09) in variance (Craig & Gibson 2001), and a similar the Malagarasi ecosystem have been in waterlogged method should be used in the analysis ofthe 50% grassland. The stronghold is the permanent swamp and 25% sampled count areas. Surveys should be areasformedbytheMoyowosi,NikongaandGombe undertaken in both the dry and wet seasons, and Rivers in and south of the Kigosi and Moyowosi indication ofbreeding should be noted (expected to Game Reserves (Jones & Hill 1994a,b). We recom- be in the peakwet season, inApril/Mayonwards). mend aerial surveys using a stratified approach with & 44-BullABCVol13No 1(2006) StatusofShoebillinMalagarasi, Tanzania:Dinesen Baker