Statistics ofmagneticfield measurements inOBstars 7 1 A.F.Kholtygin1,S.Fabrika2,S.Hubrig3,G.A.Chuntonov2,A.S.Medvedev2, 0 Yu.V.Milanova3,M.Schoeller4,G.G.Valyavin2,O.A.Tsiopa5,S.V.Boronina1 2 1AstronomyDepartment, Saint-Petersburg StateUniversity, Russia; n a [email protected] J 2Special Astrophysical observatory, NizhniiArhyz,Russia; 3 3Leibniz-Institut fürAstrophysikPotsdam(AIP),Potsdam,Germany; ] R 4European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany; S . 5MainAstronomical observatory, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; h p - Abstract. WereviewthemeasurementsofmagneticfieldsofOBstarsandcompile o acatalogofmagneticOBstars. Basedonavailabledataweconfirmthatmagneticfield tr values are distributed according to a log–normallaw with a mean log(B)=2.53and a s standarddeviationσ=0.54.Wealsoinvestigatetheformationofthemagneticfieldof a [ OBAstarsbeforetheMainSequence(MS). 1 v 9 3 1. Introduction 7 0 The origin of magnetic fields in massive stars is still poorly known. Many authors ar- 0 gued that magnetic fields could be fossil, or it may be generated by a strong binary . 1 interaction in stellar mergers, or during a mass transfer or common envelope evolu- 0 tion. Theanswers toquestions related tothe origin andevolution ofmagnetic fieldsin 7 1 massivestarsrequire thereforeadditional effortsinthisfield. : v i X 2. Statistical Characteristics ofMagneticFields r a Asthemostconvenient characteristic ofthestellarmagneticfieldweusethermsmag- neticfield n 1 2 hBi= Bk (1) vtn z Xk=1(cid:16) (cid:17) where we sum over all measured values of mean longitudinal magnetic fields Bk for a z given star. Here k is the running number of the individual observation, n is the total number of observations. Kholtygin et al. (2010) showed that in the case of dipole fieldconfiguration thermsfieldvalue hBidepends weaklyontherotational phase φof observations,therotationaxisinclinationanglei,andtheangleβbetweentherotational axis and the axis of magnetic dipole. This conclusion holds for quadrupole and other field configurations. As a measure of reality of the measured field values we use the 1 2 Kholtyginetal. criterion (4) presented by Kholtygin et al. (2010). This criterion is equivalent to the condition thattheabsolute valueofthemeasuredmagneticfield|B |is3ormoretimes z largerthantheerrorofthemeasurements atleastforonefieldmeasurement. 2.1. DistributionofMagneticFields Theanalysisofadifferentialmagneticfielddistribution f(hBi)(themagneticfieldfunc- tion) introduced by Fabrika et al. (1997) is important for understanding the origin of stellarmagneticfields. Thefunction f(hBi)isdefinedasfollows: N(hBi,hBi+∆hBi) f(hBi) ≈ , (2) N∆hBi where N(hBi,hBi+∆hBi)is thenumber of stars in the interval (hBi,hBi+∆hBi), N is the total number of stars with real measured rms field hBi. At present, only for about one dozen of O-type stars the presence of a magnetic field is confirmed using high- and low-resolution spectropolarimetry. For remaining 10 stars the presence of a weak magneticfieldisstillunderdebate(Hubrigetal.2011,2013). 1 Figure1. ThedistributionofthermsmagneticfieldsofknownmagneticOstars (leftpanel)andthedistributionofthermsmagneticfieldofBAstarsinthecatalogue byBychkovetal.(2009)(rightpanel). Thecalculatedbyusfunction f(hBi)forallOstarswithmeasuredmagneticfields, including data by (Hubrig et al. 2011, 2013) is given in Fig. 1 (left panel) and can be fitted with a power law f(hBi) = A hBi γ , where A = 0.035, γ = −2.78 for 0 hBi 0 0 hBi > hBitr = 100G. The magnetic field(cid:16)func(cid:17)tion f(hBi) for BA stars was also fitted with a power law by Kholtygin et al. (2015) for hBi > hBitr = 300G. They obtained A = 0.35 ±0.06, and γ = 2.09 ±0.13. It means that the average magnetic fields of 0 O-typestarsare8−9timesweakerthanthoseforBAstars. At hBi < hBitr the magnetic field function greatly reduced relative to the power law. TherelativelysmallnumberofstarswithhBi< hBitr wasinterpreted byLignières etal.(2014) asanevidence ofthemagnetic desert inthisfieldregionasaresult ofthe bifurcation betweenstableandunstable largescalemagneticfieldconfigurations. To clarify this issue we calculated the magnetic field distribution function using allsuitable datafromthecatalogue byBychkovetal.(2009). Wefitthemagneticfield Statisticsofmagneticfield 3 distributionbylog–normallawinsteadofapowerone. Theresultofourfitispresented in Fig. 1 (right panel). We do not see the magnetic desert at least for BA stars. The number of measured magnetic fields for O stars is to small to check if the log–normal lawisbetterthanthepoweroneforthesestars. RecentlyFossatietal.(2015)createdthehistogramofthedistributionofthedipo- larmagneticfieldstrengthforthemagneticmassivestarsusingtheirnewmeasurements anddidnotdetected themagnetic desertforintermediate-mass stars. Theyargued that therelativelyweakfieldsmightbemorecommonthancurrently observed. 3. Magneticfieldgeneration beforetheMainSequence The population synthesis model of the magnetic field evolution for O and BA stars (Medvedev & Kholtygin 2015) showed that the present-day distribution of the mag- netic fields of OBA stars can be reproduced assuming that the initial magnetic field distribution at the ZAMS obeys the log–normal law. For the sake of convenience the authors used the magnetic fluxes F ≈ 4πhBiR2 for stars with known values of hBiin- ∗ steadoftheirmagneticfields. Allobtainedinitialdistributionsofthemagneticfluxesat ZAMSwere also fitted withlog–normal law. Recently Medvedev & Kholtygin (2016, this issue) show that parameters of the initial magnetic flux distribution can be chosen thesamebothforOandBAstars. Themeanlogarithmoftheinitialmagneticfluxesat ZAMS for all OBA stars in the model without magnetic field dissipation (model I) is F = 26.45 withthe standard deviation σ = 0.50, while for model IIwith adissipation time T = 1/2T F = 26.87 and σ = 0.35. Here T is the star lifitime star on d MS MS theMS. 0.8 1.2 0.7 1 0.6 0.8 0.5 f(F) 0.4 f(F) 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 log(F) log(F) Figure 2. Distribution of generatedmagnetic fluxes for modelI (left panel) and modelII(rightpanel)attheZAMS.Thickdashedlinesshowtheinitialmagneticflux distributioninthepopulationsynthhesismodelbyMedvedev&Kholtygin(2015). Thenatureofthelog–normal distribution ofmagneticfluxesforOBandBAstars is enigmatic. To explain this we can use the main idea by Ferrario et al. (2009) that mergers of protostars might play an important role in the formation of magnetic field ofmassivestars. Developingthisidea,weassumethatthemagneticfieldisnotformed in a final merging of the protostars, but in multiple merging events of protostars and planetesimals. SupposethattherewasN cyclesofmergingbeforeZAMSandafteractiofmerg- ing the magnetic flux of star hFi = αhFi , where α is the coefficient of the field i i i−1 i 4 Kholtyginetal. amplificationandhFi isthestellarmagneticfluxatthecyclei−1. Theamplification i−1 coefficients aresupposed tobeuniformly distributed inthe interval [a,b], whereaand b are constant. The initial magnetic flux hFii=0 = F0 supposed to be identical for all stars. InFig.2wedemonstratetheresultofourmodelingofthemagneticfluxdistribu- tionatZAMS.Wefixedavalue N = 20andfittedtheparametersa,bandF only. The 0 obtained optimal parameters are a = 1.0, b = 2.49, F = 7.9·1021Gcm2 for model I 0 anda = 1.0,b = 1.88, F = 7.0·1023Gcm2 formodelII.Thetotalfieldamplification 0 ratio F /F ≈ 3.5·104 and F /F ≈ 103 formodelsIandIIrespectively. N 0 N 0 4. Conclusions We show that the magnetic filed distribution for early BA-type stars can be described with the log–normal law. This means, in particular, the absence of a magnetic desert at least for early-type stars. From our considerations we can conclude that multiple dynamo action during merging of protostars and planetesimals can be responsible for thegeneration ofmagneticfieldsbeforetheMS. Acknowledgments. AFK,SF,GAC,ASM,GGVandSVBthankstheRFBRgrant 16-02-00604 Aforasupport. GGValsothanksforasupportfromtheRussianScience Foundation (project14-50-00043). References Bychkov,V.D.,Bychkova,L.V.,&Madej,J.2009,MNRAS,394,1338 Fabrika,S.N.,Shtol’,V.G.,Valyavin,G.G.,&Bychkov,V.D.1997,AstronomyLetters,23, 43 Ferrario,L.,Pringle,J.E.,Tout,C.A.,&Wickramasinghe,D.T.2009,MNRAS,400,L71 Fossati, L., Castro, N., Morel, T., Langer, N., Briquet, M., Carroll, T. 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