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STATISTICS Fourth Edition David Freeman, Robert Pisani, and Roger Purves Statistics Fourth Edition DAVID FREEDMAN ROBERT PISANI ROGER PURVES Statistics Fourth Edition • • W W NORTON&COMPANY NEWYORK•LONDON Copyright(cid:2)c 2007,1998,1991,1978byW.W.Norton&Company,Inc. Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. CartoonsbyDanaFradonandLeoCullum ThetextofthisbookiscomposedinTimesRoman. CompositionbyIntegreTechnicalPublishingCompany,Inc. ManufacturingbyR.R.Donnelley. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Freedman,David,1938– Statistics.—4thed./DavidFreedman,RobertPisani,Roger Purves. p. cm. Rev.ed.of:Statistics/DavidFreedman...[etal.],3rded. (cid:2)c1998. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-393-92972-8 ISBN13-978-0-393-92972-0 1. Mathematicalstatistics. I. Pisani,Robert. II. Purves, Roger. III. Statistics. IV. Title. QA276.F683 519.5—dc21 W.W.Norton&Company,Inc.,500FifthAvenue,NewYork,N.Y.10110 http://www.wwnorton.com W.W.Norton&CompanyLtd.,CastleHouse,75/76WellsStreet,LondonW1T3QT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ToJerzyNeyman(1894–1981) Born in Russia, Neyman worked in Poland and England before coming to the UnitedStatesin1938.Hewasoneofthegreatstatisticiansofourtime. Contents Preface xv PARTI. DESIGNOFEXPERIMENTS Chapter1. ControlledExperiments 3 1. TheSalkVaccineFieldTrial 3 2. ThePortacavalShunt 7 3. HistoricalControls 8 4. Summary 10 Chapter2. ObservationalStudies 12 1. Introduction 12 2. TheClofibrateTrial 13 3. MoreExamples 15 4. SexBiasinGraduateAdmissions 17 5. Confounding 20 6. ReviewExercises 24 7. SummaryandOverview 27 PARTII. DESCRIPTIVESTATISTICS Chapter3. TheHistogram 31 1. Introduction 31 2. DrawingaHistogram 35 3. TheDensityScale 38 4. Variables 42 5. ControllingforaVariable 45 6. Cross-Tabulation 47 7. SelectiveBreeding 48 8. ReviewExercises 50 9. Summary 56 Chapter4. TheAverageandtheStandardDeviation 57 1. Introduction 57 2. TheAverage 58 3. TheAverageandtheHistogram 61 4. TheRoot-Mean-Square 66 5. TheStandardDeviation 67 6. ComputingtheStandardDeviation 71 7. UsingaStatisticalCalculator 74 8. ReviewExercises 74 9. Summary 76 viii CONTENTS Chapter5. TheNormalApproximationforData 78 1. TheNormalCurve 78 2. FindingAreasundertheNormalCurve 82 3. TheNormalApproximationforData 85 4. Percentiles 88 5. PercentilesandtheNormalCurve 90 6. ChangeofScale 92 7. ReviewExercises 93 8. Summary 96 Chapter6. MeasurementError 97 1. Introduction 97 2. ChanceError 97 3. Outliers 102 4. Bias 103 5. ReviewExercises 104 6. SpecialReviewExercises 105 7. SummaryandOverview 108 Chapter7. PlottingPointsandLines 110 1. ReadingPointsoffaGraph 110 2. PlottingPoints 112 3. SlopeandIntercept 113 4. PlottingLines 114 5. TheAlgebraicEquationforaLine 115 PARTIII. CORRELATIONANDREGRESSION Chapter8. Correlation 119 1. TheScatterDiagram 119 2. TheCorrelationCoefficient 125 3. TheSDLine 130 4. ComputingtheCorrelationCoefficient 132 5. ReviewExercises 134 6. Summary 139 Chapter9. MoreaboutCorrelation 141 1. FeaturesoftheCorrelationCoefficient 141 2. ChangingSDs 144 3. SomeExceptionalCases 147 4. EcologicalCorrelations 148 5. AssociationisNotCausation 150 6. ReviewExercises 153 7. Summary 157 Chapter10. Regression 158 1. Introduction 158 2. TheGraphofAverages 162

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