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Preview Statistical properties of superflares on solar-type stars based on the Kepler 1-min cadence data

Solar and Stellar Flares and Their Effectson Planets Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 320, 2015 (cid:13)c 2015International AstronomicalUnion A.G. Kosovichev, S.L. Hawley & P. Heinzel, eds. DOI:00.0000/X000000000000000X Statistical properties of superflares on solar-type stars based on the Kepler 1-min cadence data Hiroyuki Maehara1,∗, Takuya Shibayama2, Yuta Notsu3, Shota Notsu3, Satoshi Honda4, Daisaku Nogami3, and Kazunari Shibata5 ∗email: [email protected] 6 1OkayamaAstrophysical Observatory,National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3037-5 1 Honjo, Kamogata, Asakuchi,Okayama, Japan, 719-0232 0 2Institutefor Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University,Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, 2 Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, 464-8601 3Department of Astronomy,KyotoUniversity,Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto, n Japan, 606-8502 a 4Center for Astronomy,Universityof Hyogo, 407-2, Nishigaichi, Sayo-cho,Sayo,Hyogo, Japan, J 679-5313 6 5Kwasan and HidaObservatories, KyotoUniversity,Yamashina-ku,Kyoto, Japan, 607-8471 ] R Abstract. We searched for superflares on solar-type stars using the Kepler short-cadence (1- minsampling)datainordertodetectsuperflareswithshortduration.Wefound187superflares S on 23 solar-type stars whose bolometric energy ranges from the order of 1032 erg to 1036 erg. . h Usingthesenewdatacombinedwiththeresultsfrom thedatawith30-min sampling,wefound p the occurrence frequency (dN/dE) of superflares as a function of flare energy (E) shows the - power-law distribution (dN/dE ∝E−α) with α=1.5 for 1033 <E <1036 erg. The upperlimit o r of energy released by superflares is basically comparable to a fraction of the magnetic energy t stored near starspots which is estimated from the amplitude of brightness variations. We also s a foundthatthedurationofsuperflares(τ)increaseswith theflareenergy(E)asτ ∝E0.39±0.03. [ This can be explained if we assume thetime-scale of flares is determined by theAlfv´en time. 1 Keywords. stars:activity, stars:flare, stars:solar-type v 2 3 1 1. Introduction 1 0 Solar-flares are energetic eruption in the solar atmosphere caused by the magnetic . reconnection (e.g. Shibata & Magara 2011). The occurrence frequency of solar-flares 1 (dN/dE) as a function of flare energy (E) can be fitted by a simple power-law function 0 6 (dN/dE ∝E−α)withα=1.5-1.9intheflareenergyrangebetween1024ergand1032erg 1 (e.g. Crosby et al. 1993, Shimizu 1995, Aschwanden et al. 2000). The bolometric energy : releasedbyanX10 classsolarflare is estimatedto be the orderof1032 erg(Emslie etal. v i 2012)andthe occurrencefrequency ofsuchflareis aboutonce in10years.Inthe caseof X otherstars,includingsolar-typestars,moreenergeticflarescalled“superflares”havebeen r observed (e.g. Landini et al. 1986, Schaefer 1989, Schaefer et al. 2000). Recently, many a superflaresonsolar-typestars(G-type mainsequencestars)havebeendiscoveredbythe Keplerspacetelescope(e.g.Maeharaetal.2012,Shibayamaetal.2013).Thebolometric energyreleasedbythesuperflarerangesfrom1033to1036ergwhichis10-104timeslarger than that of the largest solar flares (∼1032 erg). Majority of solar-type stars exhibiting superflares show quasi-periodic brightness variations with amplitude range from ∼0.1% to 8%. These light variations are thought to be caused by the rotation of the star with starspots (e.g. Notsu et al. 2013).Although most of solar-type stars with superflares are 1 2 Maehara, H., Shibayama, T., Notsu, Y., et al. rapidlyrotatingstars,the temperature androtationvelocityofsomesuperflarestarsare close to those of the Sun (Nogami et al. 2014). Previous studies of superflares on solar-type stars using the Kepler long-cadence data mainlyfocusonsuperflareswithextremelylargeenergy(E >1034erg)andlongduration (> 1 hour). Here we report the results from the data with high time-resolution (∼ 1 min) and discuss the statistical properties (e.g. occurrence frequency, flare duration) of superflares on solar-type stars. More details are described in Maehara et al. (2015). 2. Data Wesearchedforflaresfromtheshort-cadencedata(∼1mininterval)observedwiththe Keplerspacetelescopebetween2009April(quarter0:Q0)and2013May(Q17)(Kochet al.2010,Gillilandetal.2010).We selectedsolar-type(G-typemainsequence)starsfrom the data set by using the surface temperature of the star (T ) and the surface gravity eff (logg) taken from Huber et al. (2014) instead of those from Brown et al. (2011) (initial KeplerInput Catalog).Inpreviouspapers(Maeharaetal.2012,Shibayamaet al.2013), we used stellar parameters taken from Brown et al. (2011) and the selection criteria of 5100K<T <6000Kandlogg >4.0.HoweverthetemperaturesinBrown et al. (2011) eff aresystematicallylowerby∼200KthanthoseinHuber et al. (2014).Inordertoreduce the difference in statistical properties of superflares caused by the systematic difference in stellar temperature, here we used the selection criteria of 5300K<T <6300K and eff 4.0<logg <4.8.Thetotalnumberofsolar-typestarsobservedwithshort-cadencemode is 1547. WeusedthePresearchDataConditioned(PDC)lightcurve(Stumpeetal.2012,Smith et al. 2012) for the detection of flares. The detail procedures of the flare detection are described in Maehara et al. (2015). Bolometric energy released by each flare was esti- mated from the flare amplitude, flare duration, and stellar luminosity with the same manner as Shibayama et al. (2013). The stellar luminosity were calculated from the ef- fective temperature and the stellar radius takenfrom Huber et al. (2014). We estimated periods of long-term light variations from light curves of each star by using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) method. For period analysis, we used the long-cadence data (time resolution of 30 min) obtained from 2009 September (Q2) to 2013 April (Q16). These periods are basically consistent with those in McQuillan et al. (2014). 3. Results and discussion We detected 187 flares on 23 solar-type stars from the data of 1547 solar-type stars. Figure 1 shows typical light curves of superflares detected from short-cadence data. The amplitudeofflaresnormalizedbytheaveragebrightnessofthestarrangefrom1.3×10−3 to 8.5×10−2 and the bolometric energies of flares range from 2×1032 to 8×1035 erg. 3.1. Occurrence frequency distribution Figure 2 (a)representsthe occurrence frequency ofsuperflares(dN/dE) as a function of the bolometric energy of superflares (E). Solid histogram in figure 2 (a) represents the frequency distribution of superflares on all solar-type stars derived from short-cadence data and dashed histogram represents that from long-cadence data (Shibayama et al. 2013).Sincetheperioddistributionofthestarsobservedinshort-cadencemodeisbiased to the shorter-period end, we estimate the corrected occurrence frequency for short- cadence data taking into account the bias in the period distribution of the observed samples. Both frequency distributions from short- and long-cadence data are almost the Statistical Properties of Superflares on Solar-type Stars 3 sameforthe flareenergybetween1034 ergand1036 ergandcanbe fittedbyapower-law function (dN/dE ∝ E−α). Using the combined data set from both short- and long- cadencedata,thepower-lawindex αis 1.5±0.1forthe flareenergyof4×1033 -1×1036 erg. AccordingtoShibata et al. (2013),thefrequencydistributionofsuperflaresonSun-like stars(early-GdwarfswithP >10day)andthoseofsolarflaresareroughlyonthesame rot power-lawline.Figure2(b)representsthecomparisonbetweenthefrequencydistribution ofsuperflaresonSun-likestars(58006T <6300andP >10day)derivedfromboth eff rot short- (filled circles) and long-cadence (solid line) data and those of solar flares (dashed lines). The thin dotted line indicates the power-law function (dN/dE ∝ E−α) with an index α=1.8 taken from Shibata et al. (2013). 3.2. Flare energy and area of starspots Majority of solar-type stars exhibiting superflares show quasi-periodic light variations withtheamplitude oftheorderof1%.Thesevariationsarethoughttobecausedbythe rotation of star with spotted surface and the amplitude of light variations corresponds to the area of starspots. Figure 3 shows the scatter plot of the energy of solar flares and superflares as a function of the area of sunspot/starspot group (A ). The area of spot starspots on superflare stars were estimated from the amplitude of light variations.Since the flares are a result of a sudden conversion of magnetic energy to thermal and kinetic energy, the bolometric energy released by the flare should be a fraction of the magnetic energy (E ) ((Shibata et al. 2013, Notsu et al. 2013)). The energy released by a flare mag can be written as the following form: fB2L3 fB2A3/2 E ∼fE ∼ ∼ spot, (3.1) flare mag 8π 8π wheref,B andLcorrespondtothefractionofmagneticenergyreleasedbytheflare,the magneticfieldstrengthofthestarspotsandthescalelengthofthestarspotgrouprespec- tively. The equation (3.1) suggests that the flare energy is roughly proportional to the area of the starspot groupto the power of 3/2.According to Aschwanden et al. (2014)), F/Fav 000...000234 (a) KTPeIroCfft== 16111.664210 0 dK797 000...000233505 (b) tE0f=la5re4=918.12.·61301355 erg F/Fav 00..0068 (c) KTPeIroCfft== 15416.254658 1 dK430 000...000567000 (d) tE0f=la5re6=260.88.·31501365 erg DRelative flux −000...000011 0000....000001125050 DRelative flux 000...000024 0000....000012340000 −0.02 0.000 −0.02 0.000 54975 54980 54985 54990 54995 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 56205 56210 56215 56220 56225 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 F/Fav 00..0023 (e)KTPeIroCfft== 15606.531335 8 dK279 00..001146 (f) tE0f=la5re5=240.86.·61705393 erg F/Fav 00..0023 (g) KTPeIroCfft== 15115327.459 3 dK827 000...000000567 (h) tE0f=la5re6=326.50.·21701323 erg DRelative flux −000...000011 000...000011802 DRelative flux −000...000101 0000....000000001234 −0.02 0.006 −0.02 0.000 55195 55200 55205 55210 55215 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 56360 56365 56370 56375 56380 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 BJD − 2400000 Day from flare peak BJD − 2400000 Day from flare peak Figure 1. (a), (c), (e), (g): Long-term light variations of the G-dwarf KIC 11610797 (a), KIC 11551430 (c), KIC 10338279 (e), and KIC 11253827 (g). The vertical axis means the relative difference between observed brightness of the star and the average brightnes during the observation period. The horizontal axis means the times of the observations in Barycentric Julian Date. (b), (d), (f), (h): Enlarged light curve of a superflare on KIC 11610797 (b), KIC 11551430 (d),KIC 10338279 (f), and KIC 11253827 (h) (indicated by thedown arrow in panel (a),(c),(e),and(g)).Filled-squareswith solid-lines and dashed-linesrepresent thelight curves from short- and long-cadence data respectively. 4 Maehara, H., Shibayama, T., Notsu, Y., et al. f ∼ 0.1. The typical sunspot area for generating X10-class flares (E ∼ 1032 erg) flare observed in 1989-1997 was 3×10−4 of the half area of the solar surface (Sammis et al. 2000), and the typical magnetic field strength of sunspot is the order of 1000 G (e.g. Antia et al. 2003). Therefore equation (3.1) can be written as E ∼7×1032(erg) f B 2 Aspot/2πR⊙2 3/2. (3.2) flare (cid:18)0.1(cid:19)(cid:18)1000G(cid:19) (cid:20) 0.001 (cid:21) Solid and dashed lines in the figure 3 represent equation 3.2 for f = 0.1, B = 1000 G and f = 0.1, 3000 G respectively. Majority of superflares detected from short-cadence data (filled-squares) and almost all solar flares (small dots) are below these analytic lines. This suggests that the upper limit of the energy released by the flare is basically comparabletothestoredmagneticenergyestimatedfromtheareaofstarspots.However there are some superflares above the analytic relation. These superflares would occur on the stars with low-inclination angle or stars with starspots around polar region. In the case of such stars, the light variation caused by the rotation become small. Hence the the actual area of starspots should be larger than that estimated from the amplitude of brightness variation.According to Notsu et al. (2015), some superflarestars which show superflares with energy larger than that expected from the amplitude of light variation were confirmed to have low-inclination angles. Moreover polar spots are often observed on rapidly-rotating late-type stars (e.g. Strassmeier 2009). 3.3. Correlation between flare duration and flare energy Figure4representstheduration(e-foldingdecaytime)ofsuperflaresasafunctionofthe energy of flares. A linear fit for the superflares from short-cadence data in the log-log 10−34 −1star)10−35 (a) −1star)10−20 NadnNo/fdlaEre(cid:181)sE (−A1s.c7h9wanden et al. 2000) (b) −1ear 10−36 −1ear 10−25 MdicNro/fdlaEre(cid:181)sE (−S1h.7im4izu 1995) y y −1ncy (erg 1100−−3387 −1ncy (erg 10−30 Solard flNar/edsE ((cid:181)CEro−s1bd.5yN3 e/td aEl. (cid:181)19E9−31).8 que10−39 que10−35 e fre10−40 e fre S( eSuth paibel.ar f2yla0ar1me3sa) Flar10−41 Flar10−40 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1024 1026 1028 1030 1032 1034 1036 1038 Flare energy (erg) Flare energy (erg) Figure 2. (a): Bold solid and dashed histograms represent theoccurrence frequency of super- flares on all solar-type stars from short- (this work) and long-cadence data (Shibayama et al. 2013) as a function of total energy of superflares respectively. The vertical axis indicates the number of superflares per star, per year, and per unit energy. (b): Comparison between occur- rence frequency superflares on Sun-like stars and those of solar flares. Filled-circles indicates the occurrence frequency of superflares on Sun-like stars (solar-type stars with Prot > 10 days and 5800<Teff <6300K) derived from short-cadence data. Bold-solid line represents the pow- er-lawfrequencydistributionofsuperflaresonSun-likestarstakenfromShibayamaet al. (2013). Dashedlinesindicatethepower-lawfrequencydistributionofsolarflaresobservedinhardX-ray (Crosby et al. 1993), soft X-ray microflares (Shimizu 1995), and EUV nanoflaers (Aschwanden et al. 2000). Occurrencefrequency distributions of superflares on Sun-likestars and solar flares are roughly on the same power-law line with an index of −1.8 (thin-solid line; Shibata et al. 2013) for the wide energy range between 1024 erg and 1035 erg. Statistical Properties of Superflares on Solar-type Stars 5 plot yields τ ∝E0.39±0.03 (3.3) flare flare whereτ andE indicatethedurationandenergyofsuperflares.Similarcorrelation flare flare between the flare duration and energy was observed in solar flares (e.g. Veronig et al. 2002,Christe et al.2008).The flare energyis relatedto the magnetic energystorednear the starspots as shown in equation 3.1. On the other hand, the duration of impulsive phase of flares is comparable to the reconnection time (τ ) which can be written as rec τ ∼τ ∼τ /M ∼L/v /M , (3.4) flare rec A A A A where τ = L/v is the Alfv´en time, v is the Alfv´en velocity, and M is the non- A A A A dimensionalreconnectionrate(M ∼0.1-0.01forthe fastreconnection;Shibata&Mag- A ara2011).IfweassumeBandv arenotsodifferentamongsolar-typestars,theduration A of flares can be written as τ ∝E1/3 . (3.5) flare flare Thissuggeststhatthepower-lawslopeforthecorrelationbetweentheflaredurationand flare energy is about 1/3 which is comparable to the observed value of 0.39±0.03. 4. Conclusions We found 187 superflares on 23 solar-type stars from the Kepler 1-min cadence data. Thisnewdatasetofsuperflaresonsolar-typestarssuggeststhatthepower-lawfrequency Magnetic flux (Mx) 1000 1021 1022 1023 1024 1036 1035 Flare energy (erg)1111111000000022333338901234 1018 3000G10191000GA1re0a20 (cm2)1X012CMX10 1111100000-----76534-2X-ray flux (W m) Flare duration (min) 1 1000 1 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 Spot group area (area of solar hemisphere) Flare energy (erg) Figure 3. Scatter plot of flare energy Figure 4. Scatterplotof theduration ofsu- as a function of spot area. The lower and perflares as a function of the bolometric en- upper horizontal axis indicate the area of ergy.Filled-squaresindicatesuperflaresonso- starspot group in the u nit of the area of lar-type stars from short-cadence data. We solar hemisphere and the magnetic flux for used e-folding decay time as the flare dura- B = 3000 G. The vertical axis represents tion. Dotted line indicates the linear regres- the bolometric energy released by each flare. sion for thedata of superflares from short-ca- Filled-squares and small-crosses indicate su- dencedata.Thepower-lawslopeofthelineis perflares on solar-type stars from short-(this 0.39±0.03 work) and long-cadence data (Shibayama et al. 2013) respectively. mall filled-cir- cles represent solar flares (Ishii et al., pri- vate communication, based on the data re- trieved from the website of the National Geophysical Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA/NGDC), Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division at http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/). 6 Maehara, H., Shibayama, T., Notsu, Y., et al. distribution of superflares (e.g. Maehara et al. 2012, Shibayama et al. 2013) continues to the flare energy of 1033 erg. We also found the flare duration increases with the flare energy as τ ∝E0.39±0.03. This suggests that the time-scale of flares is determined by flare flare the Alfv´en time. 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