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Preview Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Innsbruck, Austria, 10–14 July, 1995

Lecture Notes in Statistics 104 Edited by P. Diggle, S. Fienberg, K. Krickeberg, 1. Olkin, N. Wermuth G.U.H. Seeber B.l. Prancis R. Hatzinger G. Steckel-Berger (Editors) Statistical Modelling Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Innsbruck, Austria, 10-14 1u ly, 1995 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Gilg U.H. Seeber Brian J. Francis Institut fUr Statistik Centre for Applied Statistics Universitllt lnnsbruck Lancaster University Christoph-Probst-PlaI7. Fylde College A-6020 lnnsbruck Lancaster, LAI 4YF Austria England Reinhold Hatzingcr Gabriele Steckel-Bergcr Institut fur Statistik Institut fUr Statistik Wirtschaftsuniversităt Universităt Innsbruck Augasse 2-6 Christoph-Probst-Platz A-1090 Wicn A-6020 lnnsbruck Austria Austria Library of Congress Cataloging-in-l'uhlicatioll Data Available Printed on acid-frcc paper. © 1995 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. in 1995 AU rights rcserved. This work may not be translated or copicd in wholc or in pan wiLhoUlthe wriuen permission of Lhe publisher Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, except for bricI' excerpts in conncction with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection wiLh any fonn of infonnation storage and rctrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar mcthodology now known or hcreafter developed is forbidden. The use of general descriptive name" tradc numcs, tradcmarks, etc., in trus publication, evcn if Lhe fonner are not cspecially idcntified, is notlO be taken as a sign Lhat such names, as understood by Lhe Tradc Marks and Merchandisc Marks Act, may accordingly hc uscd freely by anyone. Camera rcady copy provided by Lhe author. 9 8 765 432 I ISBN 978-0-387-94565-1 ISBN 978-1-4612-0789-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-0789-4 Preface This volume presents the published proceedings of the lOth International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, to be held in Innsbruck, Austria from 10 to 14 July, 1995. This workshop marks an important anniversary. The inaugural workshop in this series also took place in Innsbruck in 1986, and brought together a small but enthusiastic group of thirty European statisticians interested in statistical modelling. The workshop arose out of two G LIM conferences in the U.K. in London (1982) and Lancaster (1985), and from a num ber of short courses organised by Murray Aitkin and held at Lancaster in the early 1980s, which attracted many European statisticians interested in Generalised Linear Modelling. The inaugural workshop in Innsbruck con centrated on GLMs and was characterised by a number of features - a friendly and supportive academic atmosphere, tutorial sessions and invited speakers presenting new developments in statistical modelling, and a very well organised social programme. The academic programme allowed plenty of time for presentation and for discussion, and made available copies of all papers beforehand. Over the intervening years, the workshop has grown substantially, and now regularly attracts over 150 participants. The scope of the workshop is now much broader, reflecting the growth in the subject of statistical modelling over ten years. The elements ofthe first workshop, however, are still present, and participants always find the meetings relevant and stimulating. The number of submitted papers has grown with the number of participants, but successful contributed papers still receive a relatively generous 30 minutes of presentation time, and invited speakers one hour. Parallel sessions have been avoided, allowing everyone both to learn and to contribute. Poster sessions are now held, and software demonstrations and displays are organ ised. One change is that the workshops have become more international in nature. Participants now attend from all corners of the globe, and work shops have travelled around Europe - to Perugia (1987), Vienna (1988), Trento (1989), Toulouse (1990), Utrecht (1991), Munich (1992), Leuven (1993) and Exeter (1994). The current workshop, hopefully, will be no exception. The invited speakers chosen for the meeting are all experts in their field, and all but one of their contributions are included in this volume. It is particularly appropriate that Murray Aitkin will deliver the opening paper of the workshop, as he was one of the invited speakers at the initial workshop. He will be presenting work VI Preface on a general procedure for non-parametric maximum likelihood estimation of mixing distributions. Anthony Atkinson will introduce participants to optimal experimental design in generalised linear models, and Adelchi Az zalini will be speaking on new software tools in S-Plus and related practical problems in fitting models to repeated measurements. Last in the alpha bet, but not least, James Booth will deliver work on bootstrap methods in generalised linear mixed models, illustrated by practical datasets collected in small spatial areas. This workshop, therefore, both continues with its GLM heritage, and looks forward to new developments in the analysis of repeated measures, mixed and random effect models. There are also some forty contributed papers presented in this volume. They, together with the invited papers, are presented in alphabetic order of the name ofthe first author. These cover a wide variety of application areas, from epidemiology to education, and from agriculture to sociology. Many papers present analyses of real data sets, whereas others have a greater emphasis on theoretical and technical issues. All have been subject to a refereeing process by the Scientific Committee, who rejected approximately half of the papers submitted. The Editors of this volume would like to thank all members of the Scientific Committee and other referees who again worked extremely hard in assessing the large number of papers submitted. The local organisers of the workshop listed below also deserve our thanks in advance, for what is always a busy and onerous task. Finally, we thank the authors for simplifying considerably the task of preparing this volume, both by submitting their papers in UTEX in the correct format, by keeping strictly to the tight timescale, and for restricting their interesting ideas to eight pages. GUHS, RH, BJF, GS-B (April 1995) Scientific Committee: J. Engel (Eindhoven), L. Fahrmeir (Munich), A. de Falguerolles (Toulouse), A. Forcina (Perugia), B.J. Francis (Lancaster), P. Gherardini (Rome), R. Gilchrist (London), R. Hatzinger (Vienna), P. van der Heijden (Utrecht), J. Hinde (Exeter), E. Lesaffre (Leuven), B. Marx (Stanford), Ch.E. Minder (Berne), G.U.H. Seeber (Innsbruck), G. Tutz (Berlin). Local Organising Committee: G. Marinell, G.U.H. Seeber, G. Steckel Berger, Ch.M. Traweger, H. Ulmer, M. Volp (Innsbruck); R. Dittrich, R. Hatzinger (Vienna). Table of Contents Preface v NPML estimation of the mixing distribution in general statistical mod els with unobserved random effects MURRAY AITKIN 1 Some topics in optimum experimental design for generalized linear mod els ANTHONY C. ATKINSON 11 Autoregressive modelling of Markov chains ANDRE BERCHTOLD 19 A case-study on accuracy of cytological diagnosis A. BIGGERI, M. BINI 27 Dynamics and correlated responses in longitudinal data models R. BLUNDELL, R. GRIFFITH, F. WINDMEIJER 35 Bootstrap methods for generalized linear mixed models with applica tions to small area estimation JAMES BOOTH 43 Confidence intervals for threshold parameters R.C.H. CHENG, W.B. LIU 53 Optimal design for models incorporating the Richards function G.P.Y. CLARKE, L.M. HAINES 61 Mixed Markov renewal models of social processes R.B. DAVIES, G.R. OSKROCHI 67 Statistical inference based on a general model of unobserved hetero geneity EKKEHART DIETZ, DANKMAR BOHNING 75 An extended model for paired comparisons R. DITTRICH, R. HATZINGER, W. KATZENBEISSER 83 Vlll Table of Contents Indirect observations, composite link models and penalized likelihood PAUL H.C. EILERS 91 Model estimation in nonlinear regression JOACHIM ENGEL, ALOlS KNEIP 99 Pearson statistics, goodness of fit, and overdispersion III generalised linear models C.P. FARRINGTON 109 M-estimation: Some remedies ROBERT GILCHRIST, GEORGE PORTIDES 117 Subject-specific and population-averaged questions for log-linear regres sion data ULRIKE GROMPING 125 Radon and lung cancer mortality: An example of a Bayesian ecological analysis ULRICH HELFENSTEIN, CHRISTOPH E. MINDER 133 IRREML, a tool for fitting a versatile class of mixed models for ordinal data A. KEEN, B. ENGEL 141 Towards a general robust estimation approach for generalised regression models JAYALAKSHIMI KRISHNAKUMAR 151 Comparing local fitting to other automatic smoothers MICHAEL MADERBACHER, WERNER G. MULLER 161 Iterative reweighted partial least squares estimation for G LMs BRIAN D. MARX 169 Protective estimation of longitudinal categorical data with nonrandom dropout BART MICHIELS, GEERT MOLENBERGHS 177 Analysis of counts generated by an age-dependent branching process SALOMON MINKIN 185 Quantitative risk assessment for clustered binary data GEERT MOLENBERGHS, LIEVEN DECLERCK, MARC AERTS 193 Optimal design and lack of fit in nonlinear regression models TIMOTHY E. O'BRIEN 201 Table of Contents i x N onparametric regression, kriging and process optimization M. O'CONNELL, P. HAALAND, S. HARDY, D. NYCHKA 207 Frailty in multiplicative intensity models GH.R. OSKROCHI 215 Methods for assessing the adequacy of probability prediction models JOSEPH G. PIGEON, JOSEPH F. HEYSE 225 Forecast methods in regression models for categorical time series HELMUT PRUSCHA 233 Standard errors, correlations and model analysis K.L.Q. READ 241 Mean and dispersion additive models: Applications and diagnostics ROBERT A. RIGBY, MIKIS D. STASINOPOULOS 249 Computational aspects in maximum penalized likelihood estimation ORI ROSEN, AYALA COHEN 257 Risk estimation using a surrogate marker measured with error AMRIK SHAH, DAVID SCHOENFELD, VICTOR DE GIWTTOLA 267 Estimating attributable risks under an arithmetic mixture model KAREN STEINDORF, JAY LUBIN 277 A non parametric method for detecting neural connectivity KLAUS J. UTIKAL 287 On the design of accelerated life testing experiments A.J. WATKINS 297 Splitting criteria in survival trees HEPING ZHANG 305 The different parameterizations of the GEEI and GEE2 ANDREAS ZIEGLER 315 List of authors 325 NPML estimation of the mixing distribution in general statistical models with unobserved random effects Murray Aitkin ABSTRACT: General maximum likelihood computational methods have recently been described for longitudinal analysis and related problems using generalized linear models. These developments extend the standard meth ods of generalized linear modelling to deal with overdispersion and variance component stnlctures caused by the presence of unobserved random eHects in the models. The value of these methods is that they are not restricted by particular statistical model assumptions about the distribution of the random effects, which if incorrect might invalidate the conclusions. De spite this generality these methods are fully efficient, in the sense that the model is fitted by (nonparametric) maximum likelihood, rather than by approximate or inefficient methods. The computational implementation of the methods is straightforward in GLM packages like GLIM4 and S+. An important feature of these computational methods is that they are applicable to a much broader class of models than the GLMs described above, and provide new general computational solutions to fitting a very wide range of models using latent variables. KEYWORDS: Mixture; Overdispersion; Variance Components; Nonpara metric Maximum Likelihood; EM Algorithm; Gauss-Newton Algorithm 1 Background The analysis of longitudinal studies with normally distributed response variables is well-established, and maximum likelihood methods are widely available for modelling intra-class (equal) correlation structures of the re peated measures over time. (Maximum likelihood methods for autoregres sive or other patterned correlation structures are also available, though much less widely.) The same methods apply to the analysis of hierarchi calor nested studies, for example in school effectiveness studies which test pupils nested in schools. However for binary, categorical or count data mea- 2 Murray Aitkin sured repeatedly, the available statistical methods are much less satisfac tory. The difficulty is that the generalizations of the standard exponential family (binomial, Poisson or gamma) models which allow for repeated mea sures by common random effects (equal correlation) do not have a closed analytic form for the likelihood function, and standard methods for nor mally distributed variables cannot be applied. To avoid this difficulty, two different approximate procedures have been used. The first is to assume that the common random effects are normally distributed as in the normal variance component model, and to approxi mate the exponential family likelihood in one of several ways by a normal likelihood; this allows methods for normal variance component models to be applied approximately to non-normal distributions. This conditional ap proach has been applied in slightly different ways by McGilchrist (1994), Longford (1994 Chapter 8) and Goldstein (1991). The second is to assume that the marginal distribution of the response is from the exponential fam ily and to model the covariance structure induced by the repeated measures in one of several reasonable ways (Liang and Zeger 1986, Diggle, Liang and Zeger 1994); the model is fitted by a generalized quasi-likelihood method (generalized estimating equations, GEE). This second marginal approach is inconsistent with the random effect model structure, since the marginal distribution ofthe response must be a mixed, not a pure, exponential family distribution. Thus the GEE approach actually fits a different model; there is considerable disagreement over whether the conditional or the marginal approach is preferable. A disadvantage of any approach using a specified parametric form (e.g. normal) for the mixing distribution of the random effects is the possible sensitivity of the conclusions to this specification. The influential paper by Heckman and Singer (1984) showed substantial changes in parameter es timates in variance component models with quite small changes in mixing distribution specification; Davies (1987) showed similar effects. This diffi culty can be avoided by nonparametric maximum likelihood (NPML) esti mation of the mixing distribution, concurrently with the structural model parameters. In this approach the random effect distribution is unspecified, but remarkably can itself be estimated by ML (Kiefer and Wolfowitz 1956). The NPML estimate is well-known to be a discrete distribution on a fi nite number of mass-points (Kiefer and Wolfowitz 1956, Laird 1978, Lind say 1983), but actually finding the NPML estimate is widely regarded as computationally intensive, the particular difficulty being the location of the mass-points. Current approaches use Gateaux or directional deriva tives (Ezzet and Davies 1988, Follmann and Lambert 1989, Lesperance and Kalbfleisch, 1992, Bohning, Schlattman and Lindsay 1992). Barry, Francis and Davies (1989) remark: "[NPMLj is not a simplification of the paramet ric approach as the identification of the number, location and masses of these points of support present formidable computational problems." An important paper by Hinde and Wood (1987) addressed the computa-

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