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Statistical mechanics of double-stranded semi-flexible polymers Tanniemola B. Liverpool , Ramin Golestanian and Kurt Kremer † § † †Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Polymerforschung, D-55021 Mainz, Germany §Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan 45195-159, Iran (February 1, 2008) 8 9 We study the statistical mechanics of double-stranded semi-flexible polymers using both ana- 9 lytical techniques and simulation. We find a transition at some finite temperature, from a type of 1 short range order to a fundamentally different sort of short range order. In the high temperature n regime,the2-pointcorrelationfunctionsoftheobjectareidenticaltoworm-likechains,whileatlow a temperaturestheyaredifferentduetoatwiststructure. Inthelowtemperaturephase,thepolymers J develop a kink-rodstructurewhich could clarify some recent puzzling experimentson actin. 7 87.15By, 36.20Ey, 61.25Hq ] h c A double-stranded semi-flexible polymer chain is the Note that it is independent of a, the separation of the e m basic structure of many biopolymers of which examples two strands, which is the other relevant length scale in areDNAandproteinssuchasactin. Therehasbeenalot the problem. However, the correlation function of the - t ofrecentexperimentalinterestinsystemsofbiopolymers bond-director field, defined as a vector that determines a ranging from the elasticty of biopolymer networks and the separation and coupling of the two strands of the t s its use in the prediction of the mechanical properties of combinedpolymersystem,hasdifferentbehaviourbelow . t cellstothe directvisualisationofsinglechainproperties. and above the temperature T 4.27κ/dk a. While it a c B ≃ m Themodelmostusedinthestudy ofbiopolymersisthat decays purely exponentially for T > T , there are addi- c of the worm-like chain [1] in which the polymer flexibil- tional oscillatory modulations for T < T . The related - c d ity (structure) is determined by a single length, the per- “bond-persistence length” ℓ˜ does not change appre- BP n sistence length ℓ which measures the tangent–tangent ciably at high temperatures , where its scale is again p o correlations. Forexample,DNAhas apersistencelength set by ℓ alone. In the low temperature phase, how- c p [ ℓmpe≈rs a5r0enmknowwhnilsttofhoravaectainmℓopre≈co1m7µpmlex. ‘Ttwheissteedb’iosptroulyc-- teivceurl,aℓr˜B,Pℓ˜does shℓo1w/3aa2t/e3mperTatu1r/e3dfeoprenTdence.0,Inwphairle- v2 ture. Themulti-strandednatureofthesepolymersisalso ℓ˜BP ℓpBPfor∼T p Tc. S∝imila−rly, the “pit→ch” H, de- 0 nottakenintoaccountinasimpleworm-likechainmodel. fined∼asthe period∼ofoscillationsin the low temperature 9 It is not clear if such a fine structure will have an effect regime, changes drastically with temperature , ranging 0 on the global properties of these objects. A possible ef- from H ℓ˜ ℓ1/3a2/3 near T = 0, to H 0 near 5 fect of such fine structure is what we attempt to study ∼ BP ∼ p ∼ T =T . At T =0 we regaina flat ribbonwhich has true 0 c in this Letter. Our model is, in a sense, microscopic be- 7 long-range order in both the tangent and bond-director causetheinteractionbetweenthebendandtwistdegrees 9 fields. The ribbon is essentially a rigid rod. As we ap- t/ offreedomis aresult. This is fundamentallydiffent from proach T = 0, the persistence lengths and the pitch di- a previous approaches [2] which try to include the twist verge with the scaling H ℓ˜ ℓ˜1/3. m degrees of freedom by adding extra terms to the free en- ∼ BP ∼ TP - ergy. The system is composed of two semi-flexible chains, d eachwith rigidityκ,whose embeddings ind-dimensional n We study a version of the rail-way track model of space are defined by r (s) and r (s). The Hamiltonian o 1 2 Everaers-Bundschuh-Kremer (EBK) [3] for a double- of the system can be written as the sum of the Hamil- c : stranded semi-flexible polymer, embedded in a d- tonians of two worm-like chains subject to the inexten- v dimensional space for arbitraryd. Excluded volume and siblity constraints [4]. The ribbon structure is enforced i X electrostaticinteractionshavebeenignored. Wefindthat by having r (s) separated from r (s) by a distance a, 2 ′ 1 r the system, has qualitatively different properties in the i.e. r2(s′)=r1(s)+an(s) where s s′ can be non-zero a low temperature and high temperature regimes, in con- but is small. We have defined a b|on−d-d|irector field n(s), trasttowhatonemightnaivelyexpectfromaninherently a unit vector perpendicular to both strands. The chains one-dimensional system with local interactions and con- are assumed to have “permanent” bonds (e.g. hydrogen straints. The tangent–tangent correlation function de- bonds) that are strong enough to keep the distance be- cays exponentially in the whole range of temperatures tween the two strands constant. In Ref. [3], it is argued with a “tangent-persistence length” ℓ˜ that has a very that the relevant constraint on the system would then TP slow temperature dependence, and whose scale is deter- be that in a bent configuration the arc-length mismatch mined by the (bare)persistence length of a single strand between the two strands should be very small. We can ℓ =κ/k T (κisthebendingstiffnessofasinglestrand). calculate the arc-length mismatch for the bent configu- p B 1 sreaptiaornataiosn∆osft=he|rs2t(rsa)nd−s.r1W(se)i+mpaonse(st)h|e, cwohnesrteraainitsatshae kHBmT = ds ℓbp(t− a2 ddns)2+ ℓbp(t+ a2 ddns)2+ c4aℓ3p2n2 + e (t a Rdn) hn+ e (t+ a dn) n , where b, c, and e hard one, namely, we set ∆s=0, as opposed to Ref. [3]. ℓp − 2 ds · ℓp 2 ds · Physicallythismeanswedo notallowbendsinthe plane aredimensionlessconstants. Wethenideterminethecon- of the ribbon. These bends are less important in d > 2 stants self consistently by demanding the constraints of because as we shall see the lower length-scale will be set Eq.(2) to hold on average, where the thermal average is by the ‘pitch’ which will make the in plane fluctuations calculatedbyusingthetotalHamiltonian + m. Note H H of the ribbon irrelevant [3]. This simplifying assump- that in choosing the above form, we have implemented tion should not change the behavior of the system [5]. the “label symmetry” of the chains, namely, that there We implement the constraint∆s=0 by introducing the is no difference betweentwo chains. The self-consistency “midcurve”r(s): r (s)=r(s)+a n, r (s)=r(s) a n. lead to the following set of equations for the constants b In terms of the tan1gent to the m2idcurv2e t = dr/d−s2and and c: 1 + a2√c = 1, c(b+√c) = d2ℓ4p, and e = 0. the bond-director n the Hamiltonian of the system can 4√2b 4dℓ2p d 2a4 The above equations, which are nonlinear and difficult now be written as to solve exactly, determine the behavior of b and c as κ dt(s) 2 a2 d2n(s) 2 a function of u = a/ℓp. We have solved them numeri- = ds 2 + , (1) cally in d=3 and the solutions are given in Fig. 1. One H 2 Z " (cid:18) ds (cid:19) 2 (cid:18) ds2 (cid:19) # cansolvetheequationsanalyticallyintwolimitingcases. For u 1 we find b = d2/32 , and c = (d/√2)4/3u 8/3, subject to the exact (local) constraints − ≪ whereas for u 1 we find b = d2/8, and c = 4/u4. In (t a dn)2 =1, n2 =1, (t a dn) n=0. (2) Fig. 1, the beh≫avior of b and c is plotted as a function of ± 2 ds ± 2 ds · u. Note that u is proportional to T and can be viewed as a measure of temperature. This completes the formulation of the model. The statistical mechanics of semi-flexible chains are difficult due to the constraint of in-extensibility. Vari- ous approximation methods have been devised to tackle 3.0 the problem. A successful scheme, that somehow man- ages to capture the crucial features of the problem, is to impose global (average) constraints rather than lo- c cal (exact) ones [4]. This approximation is known to be 2.0 b2 good for calculating the average end-to-end length but not so good for the whole distribution. It corresponds (d2/8)2 to a saddle-pointevaluation of the integralsover the La- 1.0 grangemultipliers,thatareintroducedto implementthe constraints [4]. In this sense, it is known to be a “mean- field” approximation in spirit. To study the effects of fluctuations on the mean-field result, we have performed (d2/32)2 0.0 u=4.265/d 3.0 4.0 5.0 a 1/d-expansion similar to the one successfully used by c u = a/l p David and Guitter to study the crumpling transition of FIG. 1. The solution of the self consistent equations for crystalline membranes [6]. We see that no divergent be- the constants b and c as a function of u = a/ℓ in d = 3. haviour appears in the diagrams of the 2-point correla- p The valueu ≃4.27/d corresponds to the transition point. tion functions whichmeans that the mean-field behavior c of these functions is not changed by fluctuations. This We can then calculate the correlation functions. For does not preclude differences in higher order correlation the tangent–tangent correlationone obtains functions. With the above discussion as justification, we ap- d s ply the same approximation scheme to our prob- t(s) t(0) = exp √2b , (3) lem defined above. The local constraints in Eq.(2) h · i 4√2b (cid:18)− ℓp(cid:19) are relaxed to global ones. To do this, we add the corresponding “mass terms” to our Hamiltonian whereas for the bond-director field one obtains n(s) n(0) = dℓ2p exp −(b−√b2−c)1/2 ℓsp exp −(b+√b2−c)1/2 ℓsp . (4) h · i 2a2√b2 c (cid:16)(b √b2 c)1/2 (cid:17) − (cid:16)(b+√b2 c)1/2 (cid:17) − − − −   2 The tangent–tangent correlation (Eq.(3)) is exactly ing extensive Molecular Dynamics(MD)/Monte Carlo what we obtain for a single worm-like chain, and im- (MC) simulations of double-stranded semi-flexible poly- plies uniform behavior for all temperatures. Eq.(4) on mers. A bead-spring model with bending and stretching the other hand, indicates a change of behavior at b2 =c energies was used. We combined a velocity-Verlet MD for the bond-director correlation. The correlation is coupledtoaheatbathwithanoff-latticepivotMCalgo- overdamped for b2 > c (high temperatures), while it rithm. The MD was useful for equilibriating the shorter is underdamped (oscillatory) for b2 < c (low tempera- length-scales and MC the long length-scales. Details of tures). The interesting point b2 = c happens for u = the algorithm and computational method will be pre- c 219/4/(2+√2)3/2d 4.27/d, that leads to the value for sented elsewhere [8]. ≃ T quoted above (see Fig. 1). We also find a divergence c in the specific heat, C = ∂2F where F = k T logZ V ∂T2 − B atT . Itshouldbe notedthatitis nota thermodynamic c phase transition in the sense of long-range ordering and broken symmetry. It is a cross-over that appears due to competingeffects,andthe transitionisfromastatewith some short-range order to a state with a different short- range order. Similar phenomena have been observed in Ising-likespinsystemwithcompetinginteractions[7]and the cross-over(transition)point correspondsto atype of ‘Lifshitz point’ for a 1-d system. The nature of competition in our double-stranded polymer system can be understood using a plaquette model. Considerrectangularplaquettesattachedtoeach other to form a ribbon. The attached sides (edges) cor- (a) (b) (c) respond to the bond-director field, while the other sides FIG.2. Typical conformations from MD/MC simulations determine the tangent-directorfield. The twistdegreeof ofaribbonmadeupoftwochainsof400monomers(a)above freedom corresponds to twisting the plaquettes against (b) near and (c) below T c each other. The energy expression corresponding to bends comes from the product of the tangent-directors We show typicalequilibriated conformationsin Fig. 2. of the neighbouring plaquettes, and has no competition. Thesnapshotsofthepolymerconfigurationssuggestthat Ontheotherhand,theenergyfortwiststhatcomesfrom atlow temperatures the polymer canbe viewed as a col- the product of the bond-director fields of the neighbor- lectionoflong,twisted(straight)rodsthatareconnected ingplaquettes,doesshowcompetition. Thesecompeting by short, highly curved sections of chain which we call effects come from an effective interaction between bond- “kinks”. Thispicturecanbeaccountedforusingasimple directors that are next nearest neighbors. This is due argument. We can model our system of two semiflexible to the fact that alike twists meeting at an edge tend to polymerssubjecttotheconstraintofconstantseparation, unwind(annihilate) eachother,while unliketwists when as a semiflexible ribbon, i.e. a semiflexible linear object theymeetaretrapped;theydonotannihilateeachother. with anisotropic rigidities whose Hamiltonian reads Thiscompetitionisonlypresentatnonzerotemperatures andismerelyduetotopologicalconstraintsoftheribbon. 1 dt dt = ds κ , (5) ij It is useful to study the bond-director correla- H 2 ds ds Z i,j (cid:18) (cid:19)i (cid:18) (cid:19)j tion in the limiting case b2 c, that corresponds X ≪ to relatively low temperatures. Using the asymp- whereκ =κ n n +κ (δ t t n n )determinesthe ij i j ij i j i j totic forms for b and c, one obtains n(s) n(0) = rigidityanisotkropyofth⊥e ribb−on,c−orrespondingtobend- h · i 1/3 1/3 ing parallel or perpendicular to the bond-director field. √2 exp d s sin d s+ π , for − 4ℓpa2 4ℓpa2 4 Theribbonstructurewouldrequireκ κ . Tobecon- very low(cid:18)tem(cid:16)peratu(cid:17)res. F(cid:19)rom t(cid:18)he(cid:16)abov(cid:17)e expressio(cid:19)ns for sistent with the hard constraint (seeka≫bove⊥) of constant thecorrelationfunctions,onecanreadoffthepersistence separation of the polymers, we should take the limit of lengths ℓ˜TP and ℓ˜BP, and the pitch H, as summarized infinite κ . The Boltzmanweight with the above Hamil- above. tonianinktheκ limitcanbeeasilyshowntorequire An intriguing feature ofthe behaviour ofthis model is the constraintkd→t(s)∞n(s) = 0, to hold exactly at every that, although the groundstate (T =0) configurationof point of the ribbdosn.·Recalling dt/ds = H(s) e from the the systemis aflatribbon, andsupportsno twists,upon Frenet-Seret equations, where H(s) is the curvature at raising the temperature, a twisted structure with short each point and e is a unit normal vector to the curve, rangeorderemerges. Wehaveconfirmedthisbyperform- we can write the constraint as H(s) e(s) n(s) = 0. · 3 It tells us that at each point either H(s) = 0, that is sive MD/MC simulations. We have shown novel non- we have straight, twisted sections with no curvature, trivialdifferencesbetweenthehigh,lowandzerotemper- or e(s) n(s) = 0, curved regions where the the bond- aturebehaviour. Analternativeformulationoftheprob- · director is perpendicular to the curve normal. The for- lem (see Eq.(5) and the following paragraph) where the mer case would correspond to the rod segments whereas constraints are implemented in a different way also sug- the latter would correspond to the “kinks”. Performing gests qualitatively similar results [8]. We also note that the configuration sum we obtain that the average sep- the low temperature phase can be used to explain some aration of the kinks is equal to the tangent-persistence recentexperimentsdoneonsingleactinfilamentsbyK¨as length, which is quite large at small enough tempera- et al [9] who observed a length-scale dependent bending tures. As the temperature is raised, the kinks get closer rigidityaswellasthekink-rodstructureexplainedabove. sothatatsometemperature the averagekink separation Thehigh-q smallbending rigiditycanbe associatedwith becomes comparable to the size of the kinks, where the the kinks and the low-q large bending rigidity with the rod-kinkpatterndisappears. Thisanalysiscanbeunder- rods. Of course, upon averaging the object would have stoodinthe contextofthe mean-field(n,t)modelabove worm-likechainstatistics. Finallywementionthatthere by observing that at low temperatures ℓ˜ ℓ˜ , one arelotsofinterestingprospectsforthestudyofsuchcom- BP TP ≪ canimaginethatthereareroughlyspeakingrod-likeseg- plexlinearobjects. Itisknownthatbiopolymers,suchas mentsoflengthℓ˜ ,eachsupportinganumberofshorter microtubules, can also be multi-stranded objects. This TP segmentsoflengthℓ˜ thataretwisted,butde-correlated method could be easily be extended to describe triple- BP with one other. As the temperature is raised, the num- strandedobjects. The effectofanintrinsictwistchanges ber of twisted rods in each segment N = ℓ˜ /ℓ˜ de- the ground state but does not change any of the conclu- TP BP creasesveryquicklyuntilitsaturatestounityatT =T . sions of our description [8] though we expect it to make c Forhighertemperaturesthemechanismchanges,andthe the effective persistence length much higher. bondcorrelationsarecutoffbythe tangentfluctuations. We have benefited from numerous discussions with R. Hence, the short-range twist order does not exist any- Bundschuh, R. Ejtehadi, R Evaerers, E. Frey, G. Grest, more. All the main features of the above picture have M. Kardar and M. Pu¨tz. We would like to thank the beenobservedinthesimulation. Weplotthe n(s) n(0) hospitality of ICTP, Trieste, where some of this work h · i correlation function from the simulation in Fig. 3. was done. [1] O. Kratky and G. Porod, Rec. Trav. Chim., 68, 1106 (1949) . β=50 0.02 β=5 [2] J.F. Marko and E.D. 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