Anglo Technical Division A Division of Angglo Operations Limited STATISTICAL INVESTIGATION OOFF TTHHEE RRIISSKK OOFF AACCCCIIDDEENNTTAALL IMPACT OPENING OF MINE SHAFT DETACHING HOOKS De Wet Strydom Johann Wannenburg Presentation outline •• IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn • Method • Dynamic finite element analysis • PProbbabbiilliisttiic siimullattiion • Conclusion 2 Introduction 11999955 –– FFaattaall aacccciiddeenntt aatt NNoo. 22 VVaaaall rreeeeff shaft – LLooccoommoottiivvee ffeellll ddoowwnn sshhaafftt – 104 fatalities – Detachingg hook detached – Rope elasticity was sufficient for rope to survive impact – Many lives may have been saved – Additional questions concerning the overall risk were raised – A number of SIMRAC projects were launched to quantify the risk of aann aacccciiddeennttaall ooppeenniinngg 3 Introduction DDeettaacchhiinngg hhooookk ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Pivot pin Copppper shear pin Outer plates Banana slot ppin SSciissor pllattes 4 Introduction Tyyppical opperation of a detachment hook 5 Introduction • Since 1995, the South African Safetyy In Miningg Research Council (SIMRAC) funded various projjects aimed at quantifyyingg and mitiggatingg these risks W •• oorrkk pprreesseenntteedd iinn tthhiiss ppaappeerr ppeerrffoorrmmeedd aass ppaarrtt of SIMRAC project SIM 02 05 01, with aim to eessttaabblliisshh mmeetthhooddoollooggyy ffoorr ffiinnaall qquuaannttiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff risk for each shaft and setting of an acceptable ssttaannddaarrdd. 6 Historical work • Greenway, Hamashin and Thomas ((11999966)) • Crichton and Smith (1997) • Wainwright (1997) • Wainwrigght (2001) 7 Method Survey Actual hook resistance Monte Carlo Simulation Required minimum Head Impact Analysis Hook resistance 8 Dyynamic FEA: Model • 1100 ddiifffferentt hhookks were moddelllledd • Meshed only with Hex elements • CCoonnttaacctt wwaass mmooddeelllleedd iinn bbeettwweeeenn aallll contacting surfaces • Rope stiffness to simulate 160m of rrooppee 9 Dyynamic FEA: Strain rate model Plastic behaviour Johnson CCook strain rate model: Failure point ( )⎛ ⎛ ε& ⎞⎞ 7x 108 826M40 σ = A+Bεn ⎜1+Cln⎜ ⎟⎟ y p ⎜⎝ ⎜⎝ε&0 ⎟⎠⎟⎠ AA=SSttattiic yiielldd sttrengtthh 6 B=Hardening parameter 5 n=hardening exponent a) P s ( C=strain rate parameter esstre 44 Elastic behaviour ar e h al s 3 n mi o N 22 1 00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Displacement (mm) -3 x 10 SSplliitt hhopkkiinson bbar 10