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STATISTICAL ESTIMATION OF GAP OF DECOMPOSABILITY OF THE GENERAL POVERTY INDEX 2 MOHAMEDCHEIKHHAIDARA∗ ANDGANESAMBLO∗∗ 1 0 Abstract. ForthedecomposabilitypropertyisveryapracticaloneinWelfare 2 analysis, mostresearchers andusers favordecomposable poverty indices such n as theFoster-Greer-Thorbeck poverty index. Thismayleadtoneglect theso a important weighted indices like the Kakwani and Shorrocks ones which have J interesting other properties in Welfare analysis. To face up to this problem, 1 we give in this paper, statistical estimations of the gap of decomposability 1 of a large class of such indices using the General Poverty Indice (GPI) and of a new asymptotic representation Theorem for it, in terms of functional ] empirical processes theory. The results then enable independent handling of E targetedgroupsandnextglobalreportingwithsignificantconfidenceintervals. M Data-drivenexamplesaregivenwithrealdata. . t a t s [ 1. Introduction 1 v We are concerned in this paper with the statistical estimation of the gap 1 of decomposability of the class of the statistical poverty indices in general. 7 SupposethatwehavesomestatisticofthefunctionalformJ = J(Y ,...,Y ) 3 n 1 n 2 where = Y1,...,Yn is a sample of the random variable Y defined on a E { } . probability space (Ω, ,P) and drawn from some specific population. Now, 1 A 0 suppose that this population is divided into K subgroups S1,...,SK and 2 let us, for each i 1,...,K , denote the subset of the random sample 1 ∈ { } Y ,...,Y coming from S by = Y ,...,Y and then put J (i) = : { 1 n} i Ei { 1,i ni,i} ni v J(Y ,...,Y ). The statistic J is said to be decomposable whenever one i 1,i ni,i n X always has r K a 1 J = n J (i), n n i ni i=1 X whatever may be the way in which is partitioned into the ’s (i = i E E 1,...,K).Thispropertyisaverypracticalonewhendealingwiththepoverty measures or welfare measures in general for the following reason. If we are willing to monitor the poverty situation, it may be very useful to target some sensitive areas or subgroups. By dividing the population into tar- geted groups, and estimating the poverty intensity by J (i) (resp. varia- ni tion of poverty by ∆J (i)) in each group, one would be able to report the ni poverty intensity (resp. global poverty variation) by (1.1) (resp. ∆J = n 1 K n ∆J (i)), provided that the samples are the same as it is the case n i=1 i ni in longitudinal data. Thus, decomposability allows an independenthandling P 1 2 MOHAMEDCHEIKHHAIDARA∗ ANDGANESAMBLO∗∗ of poverty for different areas and next an easy reconstruction of the global situation. Now inthespecificcase ofpoverty indices, wemainlyhave thenon-weighted ones and the weighted ones. The statistics in the first case are automati- cally decomposable and then are mostly preferred by users. However, the weighted measures, which in general are not decomposable, have very in- teresting properties in poverty analysis. Dismissing them only for non- decomposability would result in a disaster. We tackle this problem in this paper. Indeed, by estimating the following gap of decomposability K 1 (1.1) gd = J n J (i) n n− n i ni i=1 X with significant confidence intervals, we would be able to handle separated analyses in the subgroups and report the global case and, at the same time, make benefit of the other properties of such statistics. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief introduction of the poverty measures and to the General Poverty In- dex (GPI). In Section 3, we return back to the decomposability problem by describingthe drawingscheme under which the results are given. In Section 4, we state the results which are applied to the Senegalese and Mauritanian data in Section 5. The proofs are given in Section 6. The concluding re- marks are in Section 7. The paper is finished by an appendix in Section 8. 2. A brief reminder on Poverty measures We consider a population of individuals or households, each of which having arandomincomeorexpenditureY withdistributionfunctionG(y) = P(Y ≤ y). In the sequel, we use Y as an income variable although it might be any positive random variable. An individual is classified as poor whenever his income or expenditure Y fulfills Y < Z, where Z is a specified threshold level (the poverty line). Consideralso a random sample Y ,Y ,...Y of size n of incomes, with empir- 1 2 n ical distribution function G (y) = n−1# Y y : 1 i n . The number n i { ≤ ≤ ≤ } of poor individuals within the sample is then equal to Q = nG (Z). And, n n from now on, all the random elements used in the paper are defined on the same probability space (Ω, ,P). A Giventhesepreliminaries,weintroducemeasurablefunctionsA(p,q,z),w(t), and d(t) of p,q N, and z,t R. Set B(Q ) = Qn w(i). ∈ ∈ n i=1 P ESTIMATES OF GPI GAP OF DECOMPOSABILITY 3 Let Y Y ... Y be the order statistics of the sample Y ,Y ,...Y 1,n 2,n n,n 1 2 n ≤ ≤ ≤ of Y. We consider general poverty indices (GPI) of the form (2.1) A(Q ,n,Z) Qn Z Y n j,n GPI = δ w(µ n+µ Q µ j +µ ) d − , n 1 2 n 3 4  nB(Q ,n) − Z  n j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X   where µ ,µ ,µ ,µ are constants. This global form of poverty indices was 1 2 3 4 introduced in [15] (see also [13], [15] and [16]) as an attempt to unify the large number of poverty indices that have been introduced in the literature since the pioneering work of the Nobel Prize winner, Amartya Sen(1976) who first derived poverty measures (see [19]) from an axiomatic point of view. A survey of these indices is to be found in Zheng [24], who also discussed their introduction, from an axiomatic point of view. We will cite a few number of them here just to make clear the minds and prepare the data-driven applications in Section 5. One may devide the poverty indices into two classes. The first includes the nonweighted ones. The most popular of them is the Foster-Greer- Thorbecke(1984) [7] class which is defined for α 0, by ≥ 1 Qn Z Y α j,n (2.2) FGT(α) = − . n Z j=1(cid:18) (cid:19) X For α = 0, (2.2) reduces to Q /n, the headcount of poor individuals. For n α= 1 and α = 2, it is respectively interpreted as the severity of poverty and the depth in poverty. (2.2) is obtained from (2.1) by taking δ = I , w 1, d(u) = uα, B(Q ,n) = Q and A(Q ,n,Z) = Q . d n n n n ≡ Next, we have for α 0, ≥ 1 Qn Y α j,n C(α) = 1 , n − Z j=1(cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) X the Chakravarty family class of poverty measures is obtained from (2.1) by taking Yα and Zα as respectively transformed income Y and threshold Z and δ = I , w 1, d(u) = u, B(Q ,n)= Q and A(Q ,n,Z) = Q . d n n n n ≡ The statistics in this class are decomposable and are not concerned by the present work. The second class consists of the weighted indices. We mention here two of its famous members. The Sen(1976) index (see [19]) 2 Qn Z Y j,n (2.3) P = (Q j +1) − SE,n n n(Q +1) − Z n j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X 4 MOHAMEDCHEIKHHAIDARA∗ ANDGANESAMBLO∗∗ (2.3) is obtained from (2.1), by taking d(u) = u, w(u) = u, A(Q ,n,Z) = Q , n n B(Q )= Q (Q +1)/2, µ = 0 and µ = µ = µ = 1. n n n 1 3 2 4 The Shorrocks(1995) index (see [21]) 1 Qn Z Y j,n (2.4) P = (2n 2j +1) − SH,n n2 − Z j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X is obtained from (2.1) by taking B(Q ,n)= Q (Q +1)/2, A(n,Q ,Z) = Q (Q +1)/2n, n n n n n n δ = I , w(u) (u), d(u) = u, µ = 2, µ = 0, µ =2 µ = 1. d 1 2 3 4 ≡ Measures (2.3) and(2.4) evaluate thepoverty intensity by givinga moreim- portantweight onthepoorestindividuals. Thismeans thatasmalldecrease of the intensity on the poorest household indicates significant improvement in the population. Intheapplications, wemainly dealwith thesetwo specificmeasuresbecause oftheirimportanceinpoverty analysis. Notice thattheThonmeasure([22]) is different from the Shorrocks one only by their normalization coefficients whicharerespectivelyn(n+1)andn2,sothattheyhavethesameasymptotic behavior. Finally, we have the following generalization of the Sen measure given by Kakwani(1980) [11], Q Q Z Y J (k) = (Q j +1)kd − j,n , n n Q jk − Z j=1 j=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X where k is a positive parameter. Notice that J (1) is the Sen measure. P n Notice also that, under mild conditions, J converges in probability to the n Exact General Poverty Index (EGPI) (see [1], [2], [3] and [13]), Z Z u) (2.5) J(G) = GPI = L (u,G) d − dG(u), 1 Z Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19) where L is some weight function depending on the distribution function. 1 This result will be proved again in Theorem 1 below. 3. Statistical decomposability From now, we suppose that our studied population of households is divided into K subgroup such that, for each i 1,...,K , the probability that a ∈ { } randomly drawn household comes from the ith subgroup is p > 0, with i p +...+p = 1. Let us suppose that we draw a sample of size n from the 1 K population : Y ,...,Y and let us denote those of the n∗ observations coming 1 n i from the ith subgroup, (1 ≤ i ≤ K) by Yi,j, j = 1,...,n∗i. Let Jn∗i(Gi) = ESTIMATES OF GPI GAP OF DECOMPOSABILITY 5 Jn∗(Yi,1,...,Yi,n∗) the empirical index measured on the ith subgroup and i i J (G) the global index. Clearly, decomposability implies for all n 1, n ≥ K 1 gdn = Jn − n n∗iJn∗i ≡ 0. i=1 X Surely, n∗ = (n∗,...n∗ ) follows a multinomial law with parameters n and 1 K p = (p ,...,p ).Sinceeach p > 0,wehavethatforeach 1 i K,n∗ 1 K i ≤ ≤ i → ∞ a.s., as n . We will have by (1.1) and by (2.5), → ∞ K K 1 gdn = Jn(G)− n n∗iJn∗i(Gi)→P gd = J(G)− piJi(Gi). i=1 i=1 X X The right member of this equation is the exact gap of decomposability gd. It follows that gd is zero if the distribution of the income is the same over all the population, that the more homogeneous the income is over the pop- ulation, the lower the gap of decomposability gd is. As a first result, we get that the decomposability does not, asymptotically at least, matter for a more or less homogeneous population. That is, the decomposability is not only a functional form matter (of the index), but it is also a statistical one since whatever might be the index, decomposability is asymptotically obtained when the subgroups have the same distribution. For example, it has been pointed out in ([10]), for the Senegalese poverty databases from 1996 to 2001, that the gaps of decomposability were very low for various stratifications (in regions, gender, ethnic groups, etc.). The apparent reason was the homogeneity of the income. Such results are confirmed in Section 5. Now we want to find the law of gd∗ = √n(gd gd) n n − for a more accurate estimation of gd by confidence intervals. At this step, we have to precise our random scheme. We put a probability space (Ω 1 × Ω , ,P P ) and put P = P P . We draw the observations in 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 A ⊗ A ⊗ ⊗ the following way. In each trial, we draw a subgroup, the ith subgroup ( ) i E having the occurring probability p . And we put i π (ω )= I (ω ), i,j 1 (theith subgroupisdrawnatthejth trial) 1 1 i K,1 j n. Now, given that the ith subgroup is drawn at the ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ jth trial, we pick one individual in this subgroup and observe its income Y (ω ,ω ). We then have the observations j 1 2 Y (ω ,ω ), 1 j n . j 1 2 { ≤ ≤ } We have these simple facts. First, for 1 i K, ≤ ≤ n (3.1) n∗ = π . i i,j j=1 X 6 MOHAMEDCHEIKHHAIDARA∗ ANDGANESAMBLO∗∗ Secondly, the distribution of Y given (π = 1), is G , that is j i,j i P(Y y (cid:30)π = 1) = G (y), j i,j i ≤ Next (y R), ∀ ∈ K K P(Y y )= P(π = 1)P(Y y (cid:30)π = 1) = p G (y). j i,j j i,j i i ≤ ≤ i=1 i=1 X X We conclude that Y ,...,Y is an independent sample drawn from G(y) 1 n { } = K p G (y), the mixture of the distribution functions of the subgroups i=1 i i incomes. Finally, wereadilyseethatconditionallyonn∗ (n∗,n∗,...,n∗ ) = (nP,n ,...,n ) n with n + n + ... + n = n, Y ≡, 1 1 j2 n∗Kare 1 2 K ≡ 1 2 K { i,j ≤ ≤ i} independent random variables with distribution function G . i 4. Our results The results stated here hold for a very large class of poverty measures sum- marized in the GPI. This is why we need the representation Theorem of the GPI in [18]. In fact, we do not need here the complete form of [18], but a special case of it, based on the assumptions described below. For that, suppose that G (1 i K), is the distribution function of the income for i ≤ ≤ the ith subgroup, and G is the distribution function of the income for the global population. Let also γ(x) = d Z−x 1 and e(x) = 1 . The Z (x≤Z) (x≤Z) following assumptions are required. (cid:0) (cid:1) (HD0) G (Z) ]0,1[ for G G,G ,...,G . 0 0 1 K ∈ ∈ { } (HD1) There exist a function h(p,q) of (p,q) N2 and a function c(s,t) of ∈ (s,t) (0,1)2 such that, as n + , ∈ → ∞ max A(n,Q)h−1(n,Q)w(µ n+µ Q µ j +µ ) c(Q/n,j/n) 1 2 3 4 1≤j≤Q − − (cid:12)(cid:12) = oP(n(cid:12)(cid:12)−1/2). (HD2) For the function h found in (HD1), there exists a function π(s,t) of (s,t) R2 such that as n + , ∈ → ∞ 1 max w(j)h−1(n,Q) π(Q/n,j/n) = o (n−3/2). P 1≤j≤Q − n (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (HD3) The bivaria(cid:12)te functions c and π have contin(cid:12)uous partial differentials. (cid:12) (cid:12) (HD4) For a fixed x, the functions y ∂c(x,y) and y ∂π(x,y) are → ∂y → ∂y monotone. (HD5) G is strictly increasing for any G G,G ,...,G . 0 0 1 K ∈ { } (HD6) We have for any G G,G ,...,G 0 1 K ∈{ } 0 < H (G ) = c(G (Z),G (y))γ(y)dG (y) <+ c 0 0 0 0 ∞ Z ESTIMATES OF GPI GAP OF DECOMPOSABILITY 7 and 0< H (G ) = π(G (Z),G (y))e(y)dG (y) < + π 0 0 0 0 ∞ Z We also need the following definitions, for G G,G ,...,G , 0 1 K ∈ { } J(G ) = H (G )/H (G ), 0 c 0 π 0 (4.1) g () = H−1(G )g () H (G )H−2(G )g ()+K(G )e(), 0 · π 0 c,0 · − c 0 π 0 π,0 · 0 · with (4.2) g () = c(G (Z),G ())γ(), g () =π(G (Z),G ())e(), c,0 0 0 π,0 0 0 · · · · · · (4.3) K(G )= H−1(G )K (G ) H (G )H−2(G )K (G ) 0 π 0 c 0 − c 0 π 0 π 0 with 1 ∂c (4.4) K (G )= (G (Z),s)γ(G−1(s))ds, c 0 ∂x 0 0 Z0 1 ∂π K (G )= (G (Z),s)e(G−1(s))ds, π 0 ∂x 0 0 Z0 (4.5) ν () = H−1(G )ν () H (G )H−2(G )ν (), 0 · π 0 c,0 · − c 0 π 0 π,0 · where ∂c ∂π ν () = (G (Z),G ())γ(),ν () = (G (Z),G ())e(). c,0 0 0 π,0 0 0 · ∂y · · · ∂y · · with the conventions that for G = G, we denote g = g and ν = ν. For 0 0 0 G = G ,1 i K, we put g = g and ν = ν . Finally define 0 i 0 i 0 i ≤ ≤ (4.6) ℓ (t) = (g g ) G−1(t) , c (t) =(p ν ν ) G−1(t) , 0 t 1. i − i i i i − i i ≤ ≤ We are now able to brie(cid:0)fly desc(cid:1)ribe the approximati(cid:0)on of [1(cid:1)8] : if G0 fulfills (HD1), ..., (HD6), then as n + , we have → ∞ √n(J (G ) J(G )) = α (g )+β (ν )+o (1), n 0 0 n 0 n 0 P − where n 1 α (g )= g (G (V ) Eg (G (V )) n 0 0 0 j 0 0 j √n − j=1 X is the functional empirical process and n 1 (4.7) β (ν ) = G (V ) G (V ) ν (V ) n 0 n j 0 j 0 j √n { − } j=1 X 8 MOHAMEDCHEIKHHAIDARA∗ ANDGANESAMBLO∗∗ is a residual stochastic process introduced in [18] and widely studied in [12], where G is the empirical distribution function associated with V ,...,V n 1 n { } sampled from G . 0 Finally, we introduce these constants of whom the variances of our theorem are based on : K Gi(Z) Gi(Z) 2 A = p (g g )2(G−1(t))dt (g g )(G−1(t))dt , 1 i − i i − − i i  Xi=1 Z0 Z0 !  K Gi(Z) Gi(Z)  A = p (s t st)(p ν ν )(G−1(s))(p ν ν )(G−1(t))dsdt, 2 i ∧ − i − i i i − i i i Z0 Z0 X K K Gi(Z) Gi(Z) A = p p2 G (G−1(s)) G (G−1(t)) 31 i h h i ∧ h i i=1 h6=i Z0 Z0 X X (cid:2) G (G−1(s))G (G−1(t)) ν(G−1(s))ν(G−1(t))dsdt, − h i h i i i (cid:3) K K K Gi(Z) Gj(Z) A = p1/2 p1/2 p2 G (G−1(s)) G (G−1(t)) 32 i j h h i ∧ h j Xi=1 Xj6=i h∈/X{i,j} Z0 Z0 h G (G−1(s))G (G−1(t)) ν(G−1(s))ν(G−1(t))dsdt, − h i h j i j i K Gi(Z) s∧Gi(Z) B = p (g g )(G−1(t))dt 1 i − i i i=1 Z0 (Z0 X 1 s (g g )(G−1(t))dt (p ν ν )(G−1(s))ds, − − i i i − i i Z0 (cid:27) K K Gi(Z) Gj(Z) B = p3/2 p1/2 [s G (G−1(t)) sG (G−1(t))] 2 i j ∧ i j − i j i=1 j6=i Z0 Z0 X X (p ν ν )(G−1(s))ν(G−1(t))dsdt, × i − i i j and B = K p3/2 K p1/2 Gj(Z) Gi(G−j1(s))∧Gi(Z)(g g )(G−1(t))dt 3 i j − i i i=1 j6=i Z0 (Z0 X X 1 G (G−1(s)) (g g )(G−1(t))dt ν(G−1(s))ds, − i j × − i i j Z0 (cid:27) ESTIMATES OF GPI GAP OF DECOMPOSABILITY 9 where g () = g () e() and ν () = ν () e(), 0 · 0 · × · 0 · 0 · × · and (g ,ν ) (g,g ,...,g ) (ν,ν ,...,ν ) and i = 1,...,K. 0 0 1 K 1 K ∈ × We are now able to state our main result. Theorem 1. Let (HD0)-(HD6) hold. Then gd∗ = √n(gd gd ) n,0 n − 0 (0,ϑ2+ϑ2), and gd∗ = √n(gd gd) (0,ϑ2+ϑ2) with N 1 3 n n − N 1 2 ϑ2 = A +A +A +2(B +B +B ) 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 K K ϑ2 = F 2p F p 2 h h− h h ! h=1 h=1 X X for F = Eg(Yh) J(G )+ K p EG (Yi)ν(Yi), and h − h i=1 i h 2 KP K ϑ2 = M 2p M p 3 h h− h h ! h=1 h=1 X X for M = Eg(Yh)+ K p EG (Yi)ν(Yi). h i=1 i h P Remark 1. This clearly makes the so important decomposability require- ment less crucial since the default of decomposability may be estimated by confidence intervals based on this theorem, as we showed it in the next sec- tion. 5. Examples and Applications 5.1. Sen Case. The conditions (HD1), (HD2), (HD3) and (HD4) hold for this measure and we have here c(x,y) = x y and π(x,y) = y/x. Further − when (HD0), (HD5) and (HD6) are true, the results of Theorem 1 apply with G0(Z) s Z G−1(s) J(G ) = 2 1 − 0 ds, 0 − G (Z) Z Z0 (cid:18) 0 (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) 1 G0(Z) J(G ) K(G )= 2 1 G−1(s)ds + 0 , 0 − ZG (Z) 0 G (Z) 0 Z0 ! 0 G (y) Z y 0 g (y) = 2 1 − 0 − G (Z) Z (cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:18) 0 (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) G (y) J(G ) 0 0 +K(G ) 1 , 0 (y≤Z) − G (Z) G (Z) (cid:18) 0 (cid:19)(cid:18) 0 (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:27) 10 MOHAMEDCHEIKHHAIDARA∗ ANDGANESAMBLO∗∗ and 2 Z y J(G ) 0 ν (y) = − + 1 . 0 (y≤Z) −G (Z) Z G (Z) 0 (cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:19) 0 (cid:21) 5.2. Shorrocks’ case. We have the same conclusion of the previous case with c(x,y) = 2(1 y), K(G ) = 0, 0 − G0(Z) Z G−1(s) (5.1) J(G ) = 2 (1 G (Z)) − 0 ds, 0 0 − Z Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19) Z y g (y) = 2(1 G (y)) − 1 , 0 − 0 Z (y≤Z) (cid:18) (cid:19) and Z y ν (y) = 2 − 1 . 0 (y≤Z) − Z (cid:18) (cid:19) 5.3. Kakwani case. We also have the same conclusion for the Kakwami measure of parameter k 1 with c(x,y) = (x y)k and π(x,y) = yk/x, ≥ − G0(Z) s k Z G−1(s) J(G ) =(k+1) 1 − 0 ds, 0 − G (Z) Z Z0 (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) k(k+1) G0(Z) s k−1 Z G−1(s) K(G ) = 1 − 0 ds 0 G (Z) − G (Z) Z 0 Z0 (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) J(G ) 0 + , G (Z) 0 k G (y) Z y 0 g (y) = (k+1) 1 − 0 − G (Z) Z ( "(cid:18) 0 (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) k J(G ) G (y) 0 0 +K(G ) 1 , 0 (y≤Z) − G (Z) G (Z) 0 (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) # ) and k−1 k(k+1) G (y) Z y 0 ν (y) = 1 − 0 − G (Z) − G (Z) Z 0 "(cid:18) 0 (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) k−1 J(G ) G (y) 0 0 + 1 . (y≤Z) G (Z) G (Z) 0 (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) # 5.4. Data-driven applications. In this note, let us focus on the Sen case, which is more tricky than the Shorrocks one. We consider the Senegalese databaseESAM1of 1996 whichincludes3278 households. We firstconsider the geographical decomposition into the areas, Dakar is the Capital. We have the Sen measure values for the whole Senegal and for its ten sub-areas.

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