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STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS AMENDMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 989 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS AMENDMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 989 FINAL RULEMAKING FILE TABLE OF CONTENTS STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS ~ AMENDMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 989 FINAL RULEMAKING FILE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Volume I) Documentation of Board hearings and adoption of regulations 1. I. TRANSMITTAL LETTERS II. FORM 400 (includingj ustification for early effective date) A. FINAL TEXT OF REGULATIONS (attached to original form 400) Ill. NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING (including plain English s~mary) IV. STATEMENT OF MAILING V. TEXT OF REGULATIONS (as originally proposed) 8 VI. INITIAL STATEMENT OF REASONS VII. TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC HEARING RELATING TO PROPOSED REGULATIONS VIII. POST NOTICE MODIFICATION TO TEXT (including full text and SOR) A, NOVEMBER 22 TO DECEMBER 11,2000 B. DECEMBER22,2000 TO JANUARY 8,2001 C. JANUARY 9 TO JANUARY 26,2001 E. UPDATED INFORMATIVE DIGEST X FISCAL IMPACT (form 399, including supporting documentation). XI FINAL STATEMENT OF REASONS A. SUMMARY OF, AND RESPONSE TO, COMMENTS (45 DAY PERIOD) B. SUMMARY OF, AND RESPONSE TO, COMMENTS (NOV. 22 TO DEC. 11) C. SUMMARY OF, AND RESPONSE TO, COMMENTS (DEC. 22 TO JAN. 8) D. SUMMARY OF, AND RESPONSE TO, COMMENTS (JAN. 9 TO JAN. 26) (Volume 11) Y Xa. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS / OTHER MATERIAL A. WRITTEN, AND TRANSCRIBED, COMMENTS (45-DAY PERIOD) B. WIUTTEN COMMENTS (NOV. 22 TO DEC. 11) C. WRITTEN COMMENTS (DEC. 22 TO JAN. 8) D. WRITTEN COMMENTS (JAN. 9 TO JAN. 26) E. STUDIES RELIED ON I F. PRE-NPRM COMMENTS ,( G. SUPPORTING LEGISLATION (SB 989) DECLARATION I The foregoing index represents the rulemaking file of the subject proposed I i regulations of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Division of Clean Water Programs, Underground Storage Tank Program. The rulemaking file as submitted is complete. The rulemaking records for these regulations closed at 5:OO p.m. on March 15, 2001. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed at Sacramento, California on 486 ,/ 7 ,2001. f I r Charles NeSmh,A ssobiatk En2heering Geologist Division of Clean Water Programs State Water Resources Control Board .- -. . .. . ., i. SWRCB Hearings and Adoption of Package STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS AMENDMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 989 FINAL RULEMAKfNG FILE TABLE OF CONTENTS In re: NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF ACTION STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD act. &=<I REGULATORYA CTION: Government Code Section 11349.3 5 'Title 23, California Code of Regulations OAL File No. 01-0402-01 S., --- . -. ... - .......... . -~... . Adopt sections- ..-2&:q, 2636.2, 2636:3;2636.4;'- 2637,2644.1 Amend sections 2611,2630,2631,2635,2636, 2640,2641,2660,2666 This action updates the underground storage tank regulations to implement statutory changes that require periodic testing of secondary containment systems, standards for. under-dispenser containment and enhanced leak detection, and an appeal procedure. 0AL.approves this regulatory action as meeting all applicable legal requirements. 3 d O . DATE: 05/14/01 %$7Ej . . DAVID D. POTTER Senior Staff Counsel - , -. for:' DAVID B. JUDSON - .... ..... - Deputy Director/Chiei~Courisei . . . . . . . I ' Original : Edward C. Anton, Executive Director cc : Charles NeSmith .RE C E I V E D MAY I 2001 '? Division of Clean Water Programs A .. .- ! .. , -. ......... I In re: NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF REGULATORY t ACTION STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD REGULATORY ACTION: Government Code Section 11349.3 Title 23, California Code of Regulations OAL File No. 01-0402-01 S - . Adopt sectioiis- 2636.1; 2636.2, 2636:3,2636.4, . .. . . . - . _. .- . . . I 2637,2644.1 Amend sections 2611,2630,2631,2635,2636, 2640,2641,2660,2666 . . n DATE: 05/14/01 i DAVID D. POTTER Senior Staff Counsel for: DAVID B. JUDSON - . .. - ... . Deputy DirectoriCniei Counsel . ._ Original ; Edward C. Anton, Executive Director cc : Charles NeSmith I i STATE OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW e . MEMORANDUM To: Charles NeSrnith Date: 06/28/01 File# 01-0402-01 S Phone: 916-323-6225 ' From: OAL Front Counter Subject: RETURN OF APPROVED RULEMAKING MATERIALS OAL'hereby returns this Approved file your agency submitted for our review. . . ~~ ..If.thisi s an approved file, it containsa cop of the regulation(s) starn ed "ENDORSED FILED b the Secretar of State. The effective date of an ap roveJfile is specified on the da!? Form 400 (see item 8.4) kote : The 308 '-Daya fterfiling with the Secretaly orstate is calculated from thedate Form 400was stamped "ENDORSED . . , FILED by the Secretary of State. . . DO NOT DISCARD OR DESTROY THIS FILE e Due to its legal significance, please retain this rulemakin record. Government Code section 11347.3(d) requires .% that this record be available to the public and to the cour for possible later review. Government Code secbon ... 11347,3(e) further rovides that no item contained in the file shall be removed, altered, or destroyed or otherwise disposetof ." See also the Records Management Act (Government Code section 14740 et seq.) and the State Administrative Manual (SAM) section 1600 et sez/ regarding retention of your records.,lf, Y ou decide a not to keep this rulemaking at your a ency office or at the ate Records Centre, you may transmit I to the State Archives with instructions that t e Secretaty ofstate shall not remove, alter, or destroy or otherwise disposeof any item contained in the file. See Government Code section 11347.3(9 enclosures a , State Water Resources Control Board Executive Office .@ston H. Hickox 1001 I Street * Sacramento, California 95814 '(916) 341-5600 Gray Davis Tecrelo? for Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 * Sacramento, California * 95812-0100 ' Governor nviro?rnental FAX (916) 341-5620 * Web Site Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov Proleclio" CERTIFICATION ' 1. I, Maureen Marche, am the Clerk to the State Water Resources Control Board. I am custodian of certain records maintained by the State Water Board. 2. I hereby certify that the attached is a full, true, and correct copy of: February 15, 2001 agenda item, proposed resolution, and February 6, 2001 draft regulations regarding underground storage tank regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chaper 16, CCR, amendments for implementation of SB 989. ' Copy of Resolution No. 2001-024, Approval of Proposed Revised Regulations Governing Underground Storage Tanks Copy of the minutes of the February 15, 2001 meeting showing no changes were made to the proposed regulations. Executed on May 14, 2001 in Sacramento, California. Clerk& the Board California Environmental Protection Agency (D Recycled Poper .- .. . STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD - RESOLUTION NO. 2001 024 APPROVAL OF PROPOSED REVISED REGULATIONS GOVERNING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS WHEREAS: 1. The Legislature enacted Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 to establish orderly procedures that will ensure that underground storage tanks meet approiriate standards and are installed, ' maintained, inspected, tested, and upgraded so that the health, property, and resources of the people of the state will be protected. 2. The SWRCB administersthe Underground Stokage Tank (UST) Program, and local agencies implement the program through UST permitting and enforcement. ' . 3. Health and Safety Code section 25299.33 of chapter 6.7 authorizes the SWRCB to adopt regulations to implement chapter 6.7. 4. In October 1999, the Legislature amended chapter 6.7 by enacting Senate Bill 989 (stats.1999, ch 812). $ 2 5. On May 12,2000 the SWRCB published a notice of proposed rulemaking to implement, ili interpret, and clarify the recent amendments to chapter 6.7, and on July 18,2000 held a public hearing regarding the proposed regulations. 6. The SWRCB received several written and/or oral comments and, based on the accepted comments and on SWRCB initiated changes, the proposed regulations were revised and re- noticed to commenters for further comments for 15 days. Additional comments were received during the 15-day notice, and the SWRCB revised the regulations in response to these comments and re-noticed the changes. This process was repeated for a third and final 15-day notice. Although additional comments were received during the last 15-day comment period, the SWRCB rejected all of these comments and no further revisions were made to the proposed regulations. prior to the January 31,2001 SWRCB board workshop. However, at the SWRCB board worlcshop on January 3 1,2001 the board directed SWRCB staff to make non-substantial changes to subdivision 2637(a)(2), in response to or& comments presented at the workshop. Staff have made these changes as directed. 7. The SWRCB has determined that it is appropriate and desirable to amend the Underground Storage Tank regulations identified in the notice of proposed mlemaking, the 15-day notice of chmge of text, and the final statement of reasons, and that no revisions to the amendments are necessary in light of the final public comments received. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: ' The State Water Resources Control Board adopts the proposed amendments to the Underground Storage Tank regulations to implement, interpret, and make specific chapter 6.7 of the Health and Safety Code, which will become effective as provided by the California Administrative Procedure Act upon approval by the Office of Administrative Law and filing with the Secretary ' . of State, and directs the Executive Director to submit the proposed amendments to the Office of Administrative Law for approval. CERTIFICATION The undersigned, Adminstrative Assistant to the Board, does hereby certify that the foregoing is I a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board held on February 15,2001. Adminiskative Assistant to Board &he I . .

Clean Water Programs, Underground Storage Tank Program. The rulemaking require periodic testing of secondary containment systems, standards for. under-dispenser containment and for:' DAVID B. JUDSON. - Deputy
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