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state. The affinity of the blocking site for ACh is 1400 JIM (outside-out patches). PDF

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Preview state. The affinity of the blocking site for ACh is 1400 JIM (outside-out patches).

Journal ofPhysiology (1992), 454, pp. 129-153 129 With 11 figures Printed in GreatBritain A STUDY OF THE BOVINE ADRENAL CHROMAFFIN NICOTINIC RECEPTOR USING PATCH CLAMP AND CONCENTRATION-JUMP TECHNIQUES BY D. J. MACONOCHIE* AND D. E. KNIGHT From the Biomedical Sciences Division, King's College, London W8 7AH (Received 14 September 1990) SUMMARY 1. Voltage clamp records have been obtained from bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in the outside-out and whole-cell configurations, in response to step changes of acetylcholine (ACh) concentration. The concentrations used ranged from 50 nm to 20 mM. 2. At high acetylcholine concentrations, the activation and desensitization kinetics of the nicotinic receptor, as observed in outside-out patches, may be described by a model incorporating a single, fast agonist binding step, and relatively slow isomerization to the open state. The affinity of the closed receptor for ACh is 310 aM, the channel opening rate constant is 460 s-1, and the closing rate constant is 29 sol. 3. Single channel events, observed when nanomolar ACh concentrations are applied to whole cells, have two distinct channel lifetimes: 0(6 ms and 11-15 ms. The variation ofthe frequencies ofthe events with ACh concentration, suggests that the short lifetimes are openings of a singly liganded receptor and the longer lifetimes are openings of a doubly liganded receptor. 4. Only a single exponential associated with receptor desensitization is seen with outside-out patches, but two are seen with whole cells. It is postulated that there are two nicotinic receptor types present on adrenal chromaffin cells. 5. The rate ofdesensitization (9 s-1 and 26 s-1, whole cells; 24 s-1, patches), is fast enough to be significant in determining the open channel lifetime. 6. A sudden increase in current (rebound) is observed when a high concentration ofACh is abruptly removed from outside-out patches. This is evidence for a blocked state. The affinity of the blocking site for ACh is 1400 JIM (outside-out patches). 7. The total number ofactivatable nicotinic channels per whole cell is estimated to be 2600. INTRODUCTION As a modified autonomic ganglion, the adrenal medulla would be expected to express neuronal-type nicotinic receptors. It has been known for some time that the nicotinic receptors ofmuscle endplate and autonomic ganglia are different (Paton & Zaimis, 1951; Chiappinelli, 1985), although recent work suggests that they share the * To whom reprint requests should be addressed. 'N5 88(1 130 D. J. MACONOCHIE AND D. E. KNIGHT samepentameric structure andinclude twoasubunits (Cooper, Couturier &Ballivet, 1991). The kinetics ofthe muscle-type receptor have been characterized most effectively by single channel analysis ofpatch clamp records in the cell-attached configuration. Adrenal cells do not lend themselves particularly well to this sort ofanalysis for two reasons. They have a low receptor density (calculated here to be of the order of 10 um-2) compared to the receptor density at the endplate of 10000gtm-2 (Saltpeter & Eldefrau, 1973). Neuronal nicotinic receptors are observed here to desensitize quickly. As a consequence, analysis ofthe kinetics ofthe neuronal type ofreceptor has been restricted (Kuba & Nishi, 1979; MacDermott, Connor, Dionne & Parsons, 1980; Rang, 1982; Gurney & Rang, 1984; Ogden, Gray, Colquhoun & Rang, 1984; Oortgiesen & Vijverberg, 1989). On the basis ofnoise analysis and equilibrium current measurements at the frog neuromuscular junction, a basic model for the muscle type ofnicotinic receptor has beenproposed inwhich two successive ligand bindings arefollowed byisomerization of the receptor to an open form (Dionne, Steinbach & Stevens, 1978). This kinetic model has been widely used as the basis for explaining the behaviour of the nicotinic receptor/channel, additional complications such as desensitized states, a blocked state and a singly liganded open state being added to account for additional experimental observations. The final isomerization to the open state, governed by the channel opening rate constant / and the closing rate a, is common to a range ofmodels. Measurements of a and have been made from both single channel records, and from measurements , ofpostsynaptic currents. The value of/3 has been the subject ofsome controversy, since widely different values have been calculated (Colquhoun & Sakmann, 1985; Sine & Steinbach, 1986a, b, 1987). Previous work on frog sartorius endplate, in which the relationship of initial current amplitude to acetylcholine concentration is investigated (Adams, 1975) suggests two equivalent non-co-operative ligand binding steps. Single channel analysis of frog endplate currents (Colquhoun & Ogden, 1988) supports this. However, thereis alsoevidence thatthetwo agonist bindingsites mayhavedifferent affinities foragonist. Theaffinity ofradio-labelled toxinandsmallligandsto Torpedo and Electrophorus acetylcholine receptors has been measured (Neubig & Cohen, 1979), andtwoaffinitiesuncovered. Singlechannelmeasurementshavealsoindicated two non-equivalent binding steps (Jackson, 1988; Sine, Claudio & Sigworth, 1990). Perhaps the strongest arguments for the non-equivalence of the bindings sites are structural, and are based on the affinity ofthe a subunit, and subunitpairs for small ligands (Blount & Merlie, 1989). An alternative suggestion is that glycosylation with differentoligosaccharidemoietiesconfersagonistaffinitydifferences (Conti-Tranconi, Hunkapillar & Raftery, 1984). Concentration-jump experiments promise to clarify the concentration dependence of the nicotinic channel (Franke, Hatt & Dudel, 1991), and to measure ft directly. We show here, in the form of single channel measurements at nanomolar ACh concentrations, strong evidence for two non-equivalent agonist binding steps in the activation of the bovine adrenal chromaffin nicotinic receptor in response to acetylcholine. ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR KINETICS 131 Open channels are described as being 'blocked' by high agonist concentrations (Adams & Colquhoun, 1983; Colquhoun & Ogden, 1984; Ogden & Colquhoun, 1985; Colquhoun & Ogden, 1988), and a simple model ofopen channel block has been used to account for the observed channel kinetics. The simple model of channel block needs to be modified to account for the activation kinetics ofthe nicotinic receptor observed here. METHODS Cell culture The method ofpreparing a primary culture ofadrenal chromaffin cells is modified from Knight & Baker (1983). Bovine adrenalglandswererapidly cooledbytheinjectionof5-10 mlofice-coldsolutionviathe adrenal vein. The solution contained 1 mg ml-' Protease (Sigma P5147) in Ca2l-free physiological saline. Theglands were thentransported onicetothelaboratory, whereexternal connective tissue and fat were stripped away, and cortical tissue removed from the cranial surface to expose the partly digested medullary tissue. The medulla was sliced with stacked razor blades, and the tissue slices (ofthickness0-5-1 mm)putintocoldCa2+-free salineandrinsedtoremoveredcellsandtissue debris. The tissue was then enzymatically digested at 37 0C for 30-40 min in Ca2+-free saline containing bovine serum albumin (SigmaA7906) 5 mg ml-', collagenase (SigmaC6885) 2 mgml-', hyaluronidase (Sigma H3506) 2 mg ml-' and DNAse 0-1 mgml-' (Sigma D0876). The tissue was gently disaggregated every 10 min by passing through the widened end of a plastic 5ml pipette tip. Isolated cells were separated from undigested tissue debris by passing through four layers ofgauze swab, and a 25,um nylon mesh. The cells were repeatedly centrifuged at 100Yfor 2 minandre-suspended inCa2+-free saline, beforebeingre-suspendedinculture mediumandplated on glass coverslips. Cellswere cultured inDulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calfserum and used between 3 h and 14 days after isolation. Solutions A Ca2+-free saline was used for isolation of adrenal cells and as the extracellular solution in experiments. It contained (mM): NaCl, 140; KCl, 5-4; MgCl2, 2; HEPES, 10; pH adjusted to 7-4 with NaOH. The intracellular (pipette filling) solution, used for both whole-cell and outside-out patch experiments, contained (mM): CS2SO4, 83; MgCl2, 2; CaCl2, 01; EGTA, 1; dithiothreitol, 1; ATP, 2; tetraethylammonium chloride, 10; HEPES, 10; pH adjusted to 7-4 with NaOH. Current recordings Membrane currents were recorded in the outside-out and whole-cell tight-seal recording modes (Hamill, Marty, Neher, Sakmann & Sigworth, 1981). The currentswere amplified and converted to avoltage signal with apatch clamp amplifier (List EPC7; ListMedical, Darmstadt, Germany) and recorded on an FM tape-recorder (Racal store 4DS, Racal Recorders, Southampton, UK) before being filtered (purpose-built 5-pole Bessel filter) and digitized by an analog-to-digital interface (CED 1401, Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK). Consecutive traces were averaged using a signal averaging program also supplied by Cambridge Electronic Design. Solution changes The method of making fast solution changes is described elsewhere (Maconochie, 1987; Maconochie & Knight, 1989). Essentially, an excised membrane patch is positioned in the cross- stream oftwo glass capillary perfusion pipes. Solutions are fed first from one pipe and then the other, causing a sharp interface between the two solutions to move across the patch. The time taken to make a change of solution was measured by following the liquid junction potential at an open patch pipette tip while switching between solutions of different ionic compositions. At the relatively low (100 mm s-1) perfusion speeds used for outside-out patch experiments, junction potential 5-95% rise-time was routinely 0-2 ms or better. Although faster perfusion speeds (400 mm s-') allowed faster solution changes with a 10-90% rise-time of005 ms 132 D. J. MACONOCIIE AND D. E. KNIGHT (Maconochie & Knight, 1989), the higher perfusion speeds were not used, since 02 ms was more than adequate to follow the kinetics ofthe recorded current, and a higher perfusion speed led to a shorter patch lifetime. The slower perfusion speeds needed for perfusing whole cells resulted in a longer solution change time of3 ms. Fitting exponentials to current traces Averaged data were fitted with exponentials by a novel method, DELP, (differential equation legendre polynomial) described elsewhere (Maconochie & Martin, 1989; D. J.Maconochie, J. L. Martin & D. E. Knight, in preparation). Estimation ofthe error associated withfitting exponentials to noisy data Theerrorinvolved infittingexponentials arisesfromthepresence ofrandomfluctuationsofthe recorded current. Theprinciple noise component isrelatedtotheopen-channel lifetime (ofaround 10ms for the adrenal nicotinic receptor). Traces were synthesized using the reaction scheme below: k+XA P kD state 4 . state 3 state 2-state 1 (1) k- a State 4 is the inactive state, state 3 the active state, state 2 the open state and state 1 a desensitized state; x;A is the agonist concentration, kA/k+ the affinity for agonist, f and a the openingandclosingrateconstantsandkDtherateofdesensitization. Byvaryingthereactionrates, and the total number ofchannels involved, the amplitude and rate constants ofthe exponential relaxations following a concentration jump were varied while maintaining the open-channel lifetime. An example of the current passing through a single channel is given in Fig. 1A. The response ofa number ofreceptors to a step change ofagonist concentration (xA) is shown in Fig. 1B, C and D. These traces were computer synthesized using a direct Monte-Carlo approach (Hammersly & Handscomb, 1968). As the model used had three kinetically distinguishable states (the agonist binding step is assumed to be fast), the response to a step change of agonist concentration was a current with two exponential components (A2 and A1), relating to activation and desensitization ofthe receptor. The synthesized traces were fitted by the same program usedtofitexperimental data. Twenty tracesweresynthesized, usingthesamemodelwiththesamenumberofreceptors;theywerefitted, andestimatesofthemeanandstandarddeviationoftheexponential rate constantsobtained. The standard deviation ofthe exponential rate constants in thesample population oftwenty istaken tobeanestimateoftheerrorassociatedwithfittingasingle synthesized trace. Itisfoundthatthe errorassociatedwithmeasurement oftheexponentialrateconstantsisdependentonthesizeofthe peakcurrent (andthereforeonthenumberofchannelsmodelled),andonthesizeoftheexponential rate constants themselves. This relationship is shown in Fig. 1E. Each point on the graph represents a standard deviation oftwenty measurements. In order to obtain an estimate ofthe error associated with fitting a real data trace, the peak currentismeasured,andavalueofthepercentageerroroftheexponentialrateconstantsreadfrom the graph ofFig. IE. Thisfigure is referred to subsequently asthe errornomogram. Experimental traces were used for analysis ifthe sum ofthe errors in the fitted exponential rates constants, as read from the error nomogram, was less than 25%. This method oferrorestimation is only suitable fortraces withthe type ofnoise described, and with only two closely spaced exponential components. Fitting the concentration dependence ofthe A Asimplekinetic modelwasusedtodescribethedatafromoutside-outpatches;thisisdescribed by the reaction scheme (1) above. The agonist binding step is assumed to be fast. The desensitization step is assumed to be irreversible, since the equilibrium current recorded in the presenceof100gM-AChisidenticaltothecurrentintheabsenceofACh.TheplotsofAagainstACh concentration were fitted using a Marquardt least-squares process (Enzfitter, Elsevier-Biosoft, Cambridge,UK).ThevariationoftheexponentialrateconstantA1,associatedwithdesensitization ofthereceptor, withACh concentration wasinsufficiently dependentonaandf forafitofall the variables (a,fi, kDandagonistaffinity) to befullydeterminate. Soaand werekeptconstantand , ACETYLCHOLIVE RECEPTOR KINETICS 133 A B ''.'.h . I;i 'p !,* C D E 201 6c.n a) X 10 480 CaL, 420 280 5 *90 30 60 50 100 200 500 1000 Peak number of open channels Fig. 1. The use ofsynthesized current traces to estimate the error associated with fitting experimental data. Trace A represents a typical single channel current from a nicotinic receptor in the presence of 100/tM-ACh, filtered at 3 kHz (-3 dB 5 pole Bessel). Traces B, CandDrepresent typical responses of 20, 50 and 100 receptors, similarly filtered, and all lasting 100ms. All four traces have been synthesized using direct Monte-Carlo techniquesfromamodelconsistingofasinglefastagonist-bindingstep,slowisomerization totheopenstate, and irreversible desensitization. Gaussian noise hasbeen added tomore closely simulate real currents. Traces B-D have been overlaid with double exponential fits. From groups oftwenty such traces, estimates ofthe mean and standard deviation of the fitted exponential rate constants have been derived as functions of peak current. These are the bases of the points used in part E. Graph E shows the percentage error of the exponential rate constants fitted to a current trace, plotted against peak current amplitude (expressed asthe number ofsingle channels open), fordifferent values ofthe exponential rate constant. kD and the agonist affinity allowed to vary. Similarly, the exponential rate constant A2 was fitted byvariationofaand, only. Theestimatesofaand,wereusedinfittingA,again. Thisprocesswas repeated until further change in the fitted parameters was less than 10% ofthe estimated error. 134 D. J. MACONOCHIE AND D. K KNIGHT Theratioofslowtofastdesensitizingreceptorswasdeterminedasfollows.Firstthereactionrate constants and agonist affinityforeach receptortypewere calculated using the methods described above. Next, these values were usedtogenerate the amplitudes oftheexponential rate constants A. and A2 as functions ofconcentration using the methods ofColquhoun & Hawkes (1977). The ratio ofthe two receptor types was adjusted until the function A1/A2 most closely matched the graph ofA1/A2. RESULTS Concentration-jump experiments with patches and whole cells Concentration-jump experiments were performed with both outside-out patches and whole cells. Some examples oftypical traces at a variety ofacetylcholine (ACh) concentrations are shown in Fig. 2 (patches) and Fig. 3 (whole cells). The traces A B C D E F 20 pA 10 ms Fig. 2. The response of outside-out patches of adrenal chromaffin cell membrane to different concentrations ofACh. These traces ofmembrane current were recorded from outside-out patches excised from cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. The current baseline isnearto zero. The downward displacement indicates an inward current due to openingofnicotinic cholinergic ion channelsinresponsetopulsesofACh; 2 mm, tracesA and B; 100uM, traces C and D; and 10/SM, traces E and F. The presence of ACh is indicatedbythefilledbar. Thetracesinthefirst column areresponses toasinglestepin theAChconcentration; thesecondcolumn showstheresultofaveraging between 60and 120 successive responses. The averaged traces are smaller than the single traces because themagnitude oftheresponsetoACh declineswithtime. Therepetitionratewas01 Hz. Themembrane potentialwas -80mV. Thesignalswerefilteredat 10kHz (5poleBessel -3dB), digitized at 32kHz and then filtered again digitally at 2kHz (8 pole Bessel -3dB). ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR KINETICS 135 follow a double exponential time course, the current first activating, and then desensitizing. Whole-cell records are well fitted by a sum ofthree exponential: one activating, and two desensitizing. If more than three exponentials are fitted, the extra exponentials are oflow amplitude, and have variable (and frequently positive) rate constants. Figure 4 shows how closely the response of a whole adrenal cell to a sustained application of ACh may be fitted with three exponential. Outside-out patches are, in contrast, best fitted by a sum of two exponential components. In the continued presence ofhigh concentrations ofagonist (10/M to 1 mM), the currentsrecordedfrombothwholecellsandfromoutside-outpatchesdecaytoalevel that is indistinguishable from the current baseline. This is confirmed in truncated traces (responses to shorter applications ofagonist), the value ofthe constant term included in the multiple exponential fit is close to the value ofthe current prior to the application ofagonist. Afterisolation, andrepeated applications ofACh, the size ofthe currentsrecorded from outside-out patches declines and eventually disappears. Thetime course ofthis patch 'run-down' is variable, and can result in anywhere between 20 and 120 single responses being collected at 10 s intervals, from one patch. This phenomenon is not observed withwhole cells. The amplitude ofthe response to ACh may be maintained over periods of 1 h or more. The exponential rate constants are not stable with time. In experiments with outside-out patches, the rate of desensitization can increase by up to 30% over 30 min. However, most data were collected from outside-out patches in 5-10 min. Theresponse ofwhole cells also varieswith time. Responses to, forexample, 100gm- ACh, are on average 20% faster after 20 min. These time variations add to the error involved in measuring exponential rate constants. Simultaneous measurement ofvoltage-jump and concentration-jump responses It has been shown (Eigen & de Maeyer, 1963; Colquhoun & Hawkes, 1977) that a given reaction scheme, constructed of first-order reaction steps, will relax exponentially following a perturbation. If the Markov hypothesis applies to the behaviour ofthe bovine nicotinic receptor, then given the same external conditions, the exponential relaxation rate constants following a perturbation will be independent ofthe nature ofthe perturbation. Two simple ways of perturbing a receptor/channel are to step the agonist concentration (as described above) or to step the membrane potential (and modify voltage-sensitive reaction rates). Both of these manoeuvres are performed on the same cell in Fig. 5. The cell is held at -80 mV. A step change ofagonist is applied (100/lm-ACh); section a-d ofFig. 5. After a short time, during which the nicotinic receptors have activated and are beginning to desensitize, the membrane potential is stepped to +40 mV for 5 ms and then returned to -80 mV. At this point, the current begins to rise again, before desensitizing further; section c-d. Sincethe sections oftrace a-b and c-d areshort, onlytwoexponential components were fitted to the data (the third exponential component appears in the constant term). The results offitting exponentials to section a-b and c-d are shown in Table 1. Although the amplitudes A are different, as would be expected since the initial 136 D. J. IACO4NOCHIE AND D. E. KNIGHT conditions are different, the exponential rate constants are nearly identical. This is as predicted by the Markov hypothesis. and opens the way for the analysis of the results by constructing reaction schemes with constant reaction rates to model the data. 2 A B C D ' 9'~~-0~ E F 500 ms Fig. 3. The response of voltage-clamped adrenal chromaffin cells to different con- centrations ofACh. Thesetraces ofmembrane current were recorded from asingle bovine adrenal chromaffin cell in the 'whole-cell' recording configuration. The current baseline isveryclosetozero. Thecurrent isduetotheopeningofnicotinic ion channels in response toACh: 100puM. traceA 20yIM, trace (1; 5#AI, trace E. TracesB.DandFshow theresult of averaging fifteen to thirty single responses. The repetition rate was 0067 Hz. The signals were filtered at 2 kHz (5 pole Bessel -3 dB), (ligitize(1 at 5 kHz, and filtered digitally at 600 Hz (8 pole Bessel -3dB). The variation ofthe exponential rate constants with agonist concentration A total of ninety experiments were performed on outside-out patches, and two exponential fitted to each trace. For each trace, an estimate ofthe error involved in fitting exponential to the traces was made, using the procedure described in the Methods section. If the sum of the error associated with each exponential rate constant for a particular trace was greater than 25%, then that trace was ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR KINETICS 137 discarded. A total offorty-two traces were left, representing experiments with ACh concentrations of 10 aM to 2 mm. The two exponential rate constants, A, associated with desensitization and A2 associated with activation ofthe receptor, are plotted against ACh concentration in A 500 pA 100 Ms B C 100 Ms Fig. 4. A triple exponential fitted to whole-cell currents. The average ofsix responses of abovine adrenal cell toalong (2s) pulse of100gm-ACh. The trace is overlaid with afit ofthree exponential components, withrate constants -33, -18-1 and -131 s-1. Trace Ashowsthewholeoftheresponse,overlaidwiththefittedcurve. TraceBshowstherising phase in more detail, with the fitted curve overlaid in white. The fit starts -3ms after the start ofthe pulse ofACh. Trace C shows the difference between the recorded signal and the fitted curve of trace B. The current baseline is near to zero, and the trace approaches asymptotically the current baseline. The membrane potential was -80mV. The signal was filtered at 2kHz (5 pole Bessel -3 dB) and digitized at 6kHz. TABLE 1. A comparison ofconcentration-jump and voltage-jump responses Amplitudes and rate constants Al A1 A2 A2 Part oftrace (pAi) (srl) (pA) (($-1) Following concentration jump -1819 -5-1 1394 -108 Following voltage jump -1209 -4-3 6806 -102 After agonist removal -18 -9-72 -310 -76 Sections ofthe trace in Fig. 5A were fitted by two exponential. The amplitudes A and rate constantsAaregiven. Theexponential componentofpositiveamplitudeandfastexponential time constant relates to activation ofthe receptor. The similarity of the exponential rate constants following thevoltagejump and the concentration jump ispredicted fromthe Markov hypothesis. Fig. 6. It is apparent that there is a wide variation in the values of the two exponential rate constants, much wider than the estimated error ofmeasurement. The curves drawn through the graphs of Al and A2 are the results of fitting the 138 D. J. MACONOCHIE AND D. E. KNIGHT A B a bc d 100-0ppA I 50ms :I _ +40 mV- - -80mV- - Fig. 5. Anexaminationofavoltage-jump response andaconcentration-jumpresponsein thesamecell. Theresponseofabovineadrenalchromaffin celltoa50mspulseof100fiM- ACh. The membrane potential was -80mV. After 10ms the membrane potential was stepped to +40mV for 5ms. The capacitive transient cancellation circuitry ofthe List EPC7 amplifier was used to balance the transients dueto the impedance ofthe cell and the electrode. A part ofthe fast transient remains uncancelled. TraceA is anaverage of twenty single records. TraceB shows the initial rising phase oftraceA on an expanded timescale,withthepartofthetraceimmediatelyfollowingthevoltagestepsuperimposed (partoftheuncancelledcapacitivetransientisevidentatthestartofthissectionoftrace). Theinitialdownwarddisplacementisduetotheopeningofnicotinicchannelsonbinding withACh. Thevoltage pulseproduces ashiftinthe currentbaseline of240pA. Afterthe potential step, the current rises again with a similar time course to the initial displacement. All the traces were filtered at 10kHz (5 pole Bessel -3 dB), digitized at 30kHz, and filtered digitally at 3kHz (8 pole Bessel -3dB). ACh is applied at a, a-b shows the activation and partial desensitization ofthe receptors at -80mV. At b, the membrane potential is stepped to +40mV for 5ms. At c, the membrane potential is returned to -80mV. The section oftrace c-d shows the continuation ofactivation and desensitizationofthereceptorsat -80mV. Atd,theAChisremoved, sofromdonwards, the current decays in the absence ofagonist. model reaction scheme (1) tothe data, using the approach described in theMethods. The following values were found: a =29+12r1, A= 460+60 s-11 kD = 24+2 s-l k-lk+ = 310+100#M. The three components fitted to currents recorded from whole cells are shown in Fig. 7A,B and C (Al, A2 and A. respectively). The two exponential rate constants associated with desensitization are Al andA2. The third exponential rate constant A3 is associated with activation. In the majority ofexperiments performed with whole cells, the currents obtained were of the order of 100 times the amplitude of the response in a similar experiment with outside-out patches. These peak amplitudes were out ofrange ofthe nomogram constructed for error estimation. Moreover, the errornomogram ofFig. 1 appliestodataconsisting oftwoexponential withopposite

Single channel events, observed when nanomolar ACh concentrations are . a voltage signal with a patch clamp amplifier (List EPC7; List Medical, . patches are, in contrast, best fitted by a sum of two exponential components. The results at 100 nM, 200 nM, 500 nm and 1 1AM are shown in Fig.
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