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State-Space Search Springer Science+B usiness Media, LLC Weix iong Zhang State-Space Search Algorithms, Complexity, Extensions, and Applications With 51 Figures Springer Weixiong Zhang Information Sciences Institute and Department of Computer Science University of Southem California Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA [email protected] Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Zhang, Weixiong. State space search : a1gorithms, complexity, and applications / Weixiong Zhang. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4612-7183-3 ISBN 978-1-4612-1538-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-1538-7 1. State-space methods. 2. Combinatorial optimization. 3. Algorithms. 1. Title. QA402.Z475 1999 519.7'6-dc21 99-24756 Printed on acid-free paper. © 1999 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York, IDc. in 1999 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1 st edition 1999 AlI rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission ofthe publisher (Springer Science+Business Media New York), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even ifthe former are not especia1ly identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Production managed by Robert Bruni; manufacturing supervised by Jacqui Ashri. Typeset from the author's LaTeX files. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 978-1-4612-7183-3 To Hui, Kevin, Jay, and Elaine Preface This book is about problem solving. Specifically, it is about heuristic state-space search under branch-and-bound framework for solving com binatorial optimization problems. The two central themes of this book are the average-case complexity of heuristic state-space search algorithms based on branch-and-bound, and their applications to developing new problem-solving methods and algorithms. Heuristic state-space search is one of the fundamental problem-solving techniques in Computer Science and Operations Research, and usually constitutes an important component of most intelligent problem-solving systems. The search algorithms considered in this book can be classified into the category of branch-and-bound. Branch-and-bound is a general problem-solving paradigm, and is one of the best techniques for optimally solving computation-intensive problems, such as scheduling and planning. The main search algorithms considered include best-first search, depth first branch-and-bound, iterative deepening, recursive best-first search, and space-bounded best-first search. Best-first search and depth-first branch-and-bound are very well known and have been used extensively in Computer Science and Operations Research. One important feature of depth-first branch-and-bound is that it only requires space this is linear in the maximal search depth, making it very often a favorable search algo rithm over best-first search in practice. Iterative deepening and recursive best-first search are the other two linear-space search algorithms. Iterative deepening is an important algorithm in Artificial Intelligence, and plays an irreplaceable role in building a real-time game-playing program. Recursive best-first search expands new nodes in best-first order, but with a space viii Preface linear in search depth. It is also more efficient than iterative deepening when the cost function used is monotonic. Space-bounded best-first search is a generalized recursive best-first search, and is able to utilize whatever memory available to avoid reexpanding a node if possible. The purpose of algorithm analysis is twofold. The first is to better un derstand the problem under consideration. To this end, this book presents average-case complexity of heuristic state-space search algorithms, espe cially those run in space that is linear in the maximal search depth. In addition to the analysis of average-case complexity, it reveals the condi tions under which problems are easy or difficult to solve on average. The results shows that the difficult problem instances are clustered into one region and the easy ones into the other. Furthermore, the transition from the difficult problem region to the easy one is abrupt. This phenomenon is similar to a phase transition of a physical system, such as water changing from the solid phase, ice, to the liquid phase, water, when the temperature rises. The second purpose of algorithm analysis is to develop new, more efficient problem-solving methods. Along this direction, this book demonstrates three successful applications of the analytical results. They are state-space transformation methods in principle, and can be used to find approximate as well as optimal solutions quickly and to develop new anytime algorithms for applications where computation resources are limited. The first is a state-space transformation method developed from an observation on the phase transitions of heuristic state-space search algorithms on an analytic model. It simply transforms a difficult state space into an easy one and finds the optimal goal in the simplified space as an approximation. The second application is a forward pruning method in principle, and is thus presented under the framework of forward pruning, which is an old tech nique in heuristic search. The third application is a forward pruning method for multiagent game-tree search. The key idea is to construct a more infor mative heuristic evaluation function based on the static evaluation function in game playing. In addition, this book also specifically studies computational complex ity of branch-and-bound in the asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem, an important NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Specifically, it proves that branch-and-bound, using the assignment-problem cost func tion, cannot find an optimal solution to the asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem in polynomial time of the problem size in an average case. This settles a debate if the problem can be solved in polynomial or exponential time. Nevertheless, it shows that depth-first branch-and-bound significantly outperforms a local search algorithm on the asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem, and demonstrates that depth-first branch-and-bound is efficient, anytime and approximation algorithms. The book is structured as follows. Chapter 1 is an introduction to problem solving and state-space search. It discusses a few combinatorial Preface ix problems, their state-space descriptions, how complex problems can be de composed under the principle of inclusion and exclusion, and how they can be solved by heuristic state-space search. Chapter 2 considers state space in detail, and describes many state-space search algorithms, including best first search, depth-first branch-and-bound, iterative deepening, recursive best-first search, and space-bounded best-first search, and discusses their properties. This chapter also discusses how a heuristic state-space search algorithm under branch-and-bound paradigm can be tailored to an ap proximation algorithm, and describes local search, which includes' many general and efficient approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimiza tion problems. The average-case analyses of state-space search algorithms appear in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 studies complexity transitions in search problems and examines the intrinsic problem features which cause complex ity transitions. Chapter 5 then considers how to select a search algorithm for a given problem, by taking into account the factors of running time and memory requirement. Chapter 6 studies the complexity of branch and-bound on the asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem, proving that branch-and-bound using the assignment-problem cost function cannot find an optimal solution to the asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem in polynomial expected time, and showing that depth-first branch-and-bound significantly outperforms local search. Chapter 7, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 contain the applications of the analytical results of average-case analyses. Chapter 7 presents a state-space transformation method that transforms a complex state space into one that is easy to search. Chapter 8 considers a forward pruning method for single-agent problem solving. Chapter 9 de velops a new method to construct a more informative evaluation function from a static evaluation function for game playing. These three chapters also present experimental results from the applications of the methods in solving realistic combinatorial optimization problems. To put the overall discussion into perspective, each chapter makes a note on bibliography and makes remarks on historical development of related topics. The reader with a background of heuristic search or combinatorial search techniques can skip Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. The reader who is interested in average-case analysis can read Chapter 3 through Chapter 5. The reader who is only interested in the main results of Chapter 3 can go directly to Section 3.8. The reader who is interested in solving practical problems can cover Chapter 4 through Chapter 9. By their nature, the analyses of average-case complexity are presented mathematically, using probability theory and recurrence relations. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts of random vari ables, distribution functions, and expectations, which are taught in a first course in probability theory, and those of recursive equations, which are covered in an undergraduate course in discrete mathematics. The average case analyses make use of some results from the theory of branching processes, which are described and summarized in Appendix A at the end x Preface of the book. In addition, in order to make algorithm descriptions easily readable to someone without a lot of programming experience, I do not usc a particular programming language for algorithm description. Instead, I use an informal and proselike language. This book is written with a vision of a broader audience, and should be accessible to someone who is interested in Artificial Intelligence and/or combinatorial optimization. I use terminology and examples from these two areas. As it now stands, this book can serve as a textbook, a mono graph, and a reference in Computer Science and Operations Research. It can be used as a reference book for graduate courses on problem solving, combinatorial optimization, and algorithm analysis. My research interest in problem solving and search algorithms started in the middle 1980s when I was a graduate student, studying and doing re search on heuristic search and robot planning under Bo Zhang, at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. In 1985, I read Judea Pearl's book Heuristics: Intelligent Search Stmtegies for Computer Problem Solving. I was amazed by the beauty of the mathematical results presented in the book. At that time, I even ambitiously tried to translate the book into Chinese, although I never had a chance to complete that task. My continued interest in heuristic search and combinatorial optimization finally led me to pursue my Ph.D. at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), where two of the most active and productive researchers in the area of heuristic search, Judea Pearl and Richard Korf, teach. This book contains the research results that I obtained at UCLA and at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC/lSI), some of which were previously published in journals and conference proceedings. Specifically, Chapter 3 is based on [153, 154, 156J, Chapter 4 uses materials from [155, 156, 157], Chapter 5 is based on [156], Chapter 6 combines [148J and [150J, Chapter 7 draws upon [158, 117], Chapter 8 is based on [151, 152], and Chapter 9 is from [149J. I take great pleasure in closing this preface by acknowledging those who helped me, and contributed to and/or influenced my research. First and foremost, I would like to thank my Ph.D. thesis advisor, Richard Korf, for his invaluable guidance and collaboration, especially during those four years I spent at UCLA, and his friendship. Rich has been demanding, ask ing difficult questions that have significantly improved my research. He has been encouraging as well, cheering me up when I was stuck and pushing me forward when I made progress. I am very grateful to Sheila Greibach and Judea Pearl. Sheila's comments and the opportunities that she provided for me to present some of my results at her theoretical computer science semi nar at UCLA clarified and sharpened many of my ideas and results. Judea explained to me his previous work, upon which one of the major results of this book is based. My research greatly benefited from many discussions with him. My special thanks go to my former officemate Joseph Pember ton for his collaboration and major contributions to the approximation method presented in Chapter 7. Peter Cheeseman, Tad Hogg, Colin Mc- Preface xi Diarmid, and Greg Provan provided many discussions on heuristic search and phase transitions. My research has also benefited from discussions with and comments from many other researchers. At the risk of missing some of them, they are, in alphabetical order, Liz Borowsky, Eli Gafni, Lars Hagen, David Johnson, Richard Karp, Andrew Kahng, Colin McDiarmid, Donald Miller, Dick Muntz, Dana Nau, Bruno Repetto and Colin Williams. I thank Kai-Fu Lee for the static evaluation function of his Othello pro gram Bill. I am grateful to Sheila Coyazo for proofreading many of my papers. I also thank my editors at Springer-Verlag for providing the oppor tunity to publish my research results. Thanks to Dr. Martin Gilchrist, who started this project, to Dr. Bill Sanders, who oversaw it to the end, and to my production editor Mr. Robert Bruni and his staff, who provided valu able assistance in preparing the manuscript. My research was supported in part by three National Science Foundation grants (No. IRI-8552925, No. IRI-9119825, and No. IRI-9619554), a grant from Rockwell International, a fellowship from the Graduate Division of UCLA (1990-93), a fellowship from GTE Corporation (1992-93), and the UCLA Chancellor's Disserta tion Fellowship (1993-94). Finally and most importantly, I am indebted to my family and particularly, my wife, Hui Zhou. Without her love and support, it would not have been possible for me to finish this book. She has sheltered me from many duties that I should have carried, especially taking care of Kevin, Jay and Elaine. I wish that I could have spent with them those countless evening hours and weekends that I worked on my research. I dedicate this book to them. I thank my parents and parents-in-law for their continued support. Marina del Rey, California, U.S.A. Weixiong Zhang

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