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e a s e wn ek ee 4 ne oe UNITED STATES Rbaa e LE & tf FERS State (ISSN 0278-1859) (formerly the Child care center We know, we know ... Department of State Newsletter) is published by the U.S. Department of State to acquaint its employees, at home and abroad, with developments that may affect WASHINGTON SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. operations or personnel. There are 11 monthly issues DEAR EDITOR: DEAR EDITOR: (none in August). Deadline for submitting material is in the first Over three years ago, I completed a Ever since I was appointed American week of each month. Contributions (consisting of survey questionnaire on the possibility of vice consul in Mazatlan in 1936, I have general information, feature articles, poems, the need for a child care center for the been telling people that the correct spell- photographs, drawings) are welcome. Double-space, Department. It is my understanding that ing is consul, not counsul, counsel, spelling out job titles, names of offices and programs—acronyms are not acceptable. Send there was sufficient interest for such a council, etc. As I moved on to be consul contributions to STATE magazine, PER/ER/SMG, center from the employees, and a commit- in Seville and finally consul general in SA-6, Room 433, Washington, D.C. 20522-0602. tee was convened to study the feasibility Rotterdam, I carried on my efforts. Telephone: (703) 516-1667. Fax: (703) 516-1677. and location. Recently, when the Spanish consul Contributions may also be dropped off in Room 3811 In an age of working mothers and general in Los Angeles visited Santa Main State. Although intended for internal communication, single-parent families, the demand for Barbara, our local newspaper referred to State is available to the public through the safe, reliable child care is critical. Most him as the counsul general. Likewise I Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government federal agencies have met the need by have seen people described as a consular Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. providing on-site day care for the children of embassy. Editor Sanford Watzman of employees. Now I am surprised to find that even Assistant editor Barbara Quirk This past July, the American Associa- STATE has made such an error in the Staff assistant Kim Banks tion of University Women recognized the obituary of Garret Ackerson (November Central Intelligence Agency for its efforts issue). to establish a successful and popular child Sincerely yours, care center for its employees. The center ROBERT E. WILSON serves about 100 children, from infants to Consul general (retired) pre-schoolers. For the majority of working mothers WASHINGTON in our country, there is no better solution DEAR EDITOR: than to integrate work and family. The My Colombian houseguest got a kick cost of not providing child-care benefits out of seeing the name of his capital results in real dollar losses to State, such city—Bogota—misspelled ‘‘Bogata’’ on as absenteeism, tardiness and increased the cover of the December issue. I stress levels for parents. promised him that we’d work on it. I question why the committee to Merry Christmas, study a child care center for the Depart- RICHARD DOUGLAS eek eee ee ment has yet to inform its employees on U.S. mission to the what efforts have been made. If this Organization of American States committee can obtain the full cooperation President Bush and Bill of management at the higher echelons in Thanks, says Miami Clinton, victor in the Novem- the Department, it will begin to assist our ber election, meet at the White House to arrange for still an- deserving families in obtaining this much- MIAMI, FLA. other peaceful transfer of needed service. Such a priority will put us DEAR EDITOR: power on January 20. Mr. ‘in good’’ with the new President-elect, We of the Miami Passport Agency Clinton’s choice for Secretary Bill Clinton, who advocates family pri- wish to thank all the readers of STATE of State had not been an- orities for all Americans. magazine who participated in any of the nounced as this publication Sincerely, relief and fund-raising efforts on behalf of went to press. (White House DonNnA RAY TAYLOR Department employees affected by Hur- photo by Susan Biddle) Grants specialist ricane Andrew. Bureau of Diplomatic Security There were offers of help; some of The Bureau of Administration replies: our work was rerouted; there were sup- “‘The Department’s child care center has plies sent to help us; and money and been designed and fully funded as part of prayers from so many sources, that STATE the Columbia Plaza (SA-1) renovation seems one of the best vehicles to let project. Congress has finally approved people know we received your gifts and this project, and we are waiting for the we appreciate the thoughtful concern U.S. General Services Administration’s which motivated you to send us help. construction schedule before releasing The efforts extended by all the further details on the center.’’ 0 employees of the Bureau of Consular —(Continued on Page 41) S t a t e UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE JANUARY 1993 News Stories Feature Stories Departments and Features 2 Guatemala’s Amselem wins 2 Portrait of a ‘character’ reporting honors Adventures on ‘‘The 36 Anapestic Assignments Belgrade’s Rackmales is Watch’’ the champion deputy chief 20 ‘‘Ask Dr. Kemp’’ of mission Open Forum: back in business 42 Bureau Notes Communicator award goes to Steuer in Kinshasa Your ‘‘public servants’’: 22 Education and Training Lauderdale in credit union, Europe bureau’s Langan Clemons-Green in Foreign Service Families takes Replogle management recreation award Honors and Awards Down with the paper Man jailed for assault on curtain Look-Alikes State security officer News Highlights Foreign Service national toll is growing in Sudan Photo Stories Obituaries Lawrence Eagleburger 16 Best Photos of 1992 Personnel: Civil Service becomes Secretary of State 30 Post of the Month: Madras Personnel: Foreign Service Eagleburger says State got ‘political’ in Clinton passport case Special 37 Promotion statistics HONORS & AWARDS Reporting award Mexico City; Niels Marquardt, Paris; which fit their particular prejudices and to Roger Meese, Brazzaville; Christopher dismiss allegations which do not. winner: W. Lewis Murray, Brussels; Michael McKinley, “‘Mr. Amselem was brutally frank London; Francis J. Ricciardone, Amman; and ruthlessly objective in his human Amselem, posted Eric W. Running, Bangkok; Douglas R. rights reporting, letting the chips fall Smith, Sofia; James Swigert, Belgrade; where they may—on the civilian govern- in Guatemala and Ronald Trigg, Johannesburg. ment, guerrillas, army or others—based on The award panel was chaired by the best information he could gather from James P. Covey, assistant secretary- all sources. His unrelenting efforts earned W. Lewis Amselem, political-military designate for South Asian affairs. Mem- him grudging respect for his unwillingness officer in Guatemala City, is the winner of bers were Richard Mueller, a deputy to accept claims at face value. the latest Director General’s Award for assistant secretary for legislative affairs “‘Mr. Amselem completely revamped Reporting. He will receive $5,000 and a until recently; and Phyllis Oakley, a the human rights reporting from this certificate signed by acting Secretary deputy assistant secretary for intelligence embassy, enhancing the Government’s Lawrence Eagleburger. and research. credibility in this country and in our own. Bill McCahill, consul general in His insistence on credibility led him to Amselem: ‘sharp wit’ Quebec, has been named _ runner-up. challenge, with the ambassador’s ap- Twenty others were nominated: proval, efforts by certain quarters in the Thomas Dowling, Ulaanbaatar; Don- Mr. Amselem was nominated by Department to make his reports into ald Gatto, Lagos; George A. Glass, Berlin; Thomas F. Stroock, ambassador to flabby affairs. His cable on the 1991 James H. Glenn, Caracas; Dennis Halpin, Guatemala, who wrote: ‘‘Mr. Amselem’s report to the Department was a classic, Seoul; Ravic Huso, Kuala Lumpur; Don- reporting has been in a class by itself for getting the bureaucracy to back off. His its detailed and accurate content, incisive principled dissent made our human rights analysis and sharp wit. His cables have report a more respected document, even in consistently received kudos from the the eyes of those who mistrust the Department and other agencies for their Department. perceptiveness. Because of his uncommon “‘He never hesitated to go into abilities, he has inevitably been at the harm’s way to get firsthand information— center of key issues, making him the meeting with contacts living under death embassy’s ‘reporter of choice.’ threats or making trips by road or ‘‘Mr. Amselem was responsible for helicopter into the most (dangerous) areas. preparing the 1990 and 1991 human rights His voluminous and trenchant reporting on reports. This violent society remains in a political violence, death squads and guer- period of transition. Those with a political rillas earned him applause from other Mr. Amselem Mr. McCahill ax to grind use human rights accusations posts and the Department. One example ald Jameson, Rangoon; Gordon M. Jones, against the left or right as a weapon to reported his trip to dig up the remains of a Brasilia; Stephen Klemp, Bonn; Hugo attack their opponents. Some are quick to murdered campesino in the hills, under the Llorens, San Salvador; Ann M. Low, accept as fact unconfirmed accusations hostile glare of armed civil patrollers _-————]$—K—<$—_$$ $$$ Portrait of My own career spans five decades, He completed his four-year tour in from the ’50s to the ’90s, and I’ve Guatemala without remembering to have a ‘character’ seen the Service become homogenized cards printed. He rises at 6 a.m. to as its more eccentric members retired wear out the stairmaster machine at the and were replaced with mainstream Camino Real health club, where fitness By THomAs M. TONKIN individuals. buffs crowd around in awe to watch But Lewis is a throw-back. He him break his own record for The author, on being informed smokes horrible cigars. He collects repetitions. that his colleague had won the cov- handguns of every imaginable caliber. He can swap stories with the most eted Director General’s Award for He is married to a fiery Basque who is hidebound neo-fascist, then drink beer Reporting, was moved to pen this a better shot than Lewis himself, or any with unwashed persons who know far piece about him. W. Lewis Amselem of the ambassador’s bodyguards. too much about guerrillas. reported to Mr. Tonkin (who is now His office is stacked high with the He has a sense of humor. He can deputy chief of mission in Dublin) latest books on foreign policy, war, joke about himself. He deserves the di- when Mr. Tonkin was political coun- peace, revolution and current events, rector general’s award. selor in Guatemala, 1988-91. which he reads in some hypothetical A reporting officer’s collection “*spare time.’’ Many of these are piled techniques are usually determined by the N ADDITION to W. Lewis Am- on some three or four framed honor nature of his or her posting. selem’s impressive intellectual awards which he always intends to hang Lewis himself says that a Foreign qualities, he’s a ‘‘character’’ in the old on his office wall, but he keeps chang- Service officer eventually assumes the Foreign Service tradition. ing offices. characteristics of the society to which STATE suspected of doing the deed.’’ very simple—and dangerous: will the covered the full political spectrum of “*He has covered the widest range of country stay united or break apart over government and opposition figures, as topics of any officer here. He has been Quebec’s longstanding and mounting de- well as influential media figures and responsible for reporting on peace nego- mands for recognition as a distinct entity? (others) who run Quebec. tiations between the Serrano government A country which has been a most useful “In ‘Bourassa’s Biggest Gamble,’ and leftist guerrillas, which is of key ally and member of the Group of Seven Bill analyzed Quebec’s governing liberal importance to the U.S. Government. His would plunge into a rancorous divorce, party which, 15 months later, governs reports, based on contacts within the making it much less able to play its Quebec’s dealings with the rest of Canada government’s negotiating team, an inde- present international role. Our friendly over constitutional reform. Quoting 18 pendent commission for national recon- neighbor, whose very stability made it leaders in the government and opposition, ciliation and with a guerrilla ‘eader seem boring, would be a much less stable Bill described why the premier risks defector, have given Washington decision- place.”’ losing the battle to prevent Quebec from makers an up-to-the-minute insider’s Against this background, the ambas- separating from Canada. In one cable, Bill view. sador credited Mr. McCahill with turning wove together the themes and dangers in “‘Mr. Amselem has also been an his townhouse into a salon for Quebec’s Quebec’s political agenda which still hold astute observer of the political dynamics political leaders, and observed: ‘‘Senior true today. of this fractious society. His reports on the officials, including ministers, the leader of ‘‘He has sent a stream of pertinent interplay of political institutions and per- the opposition and the acting premier, and timely cables on economic as well as sonalities have presented Washington a come by, often at their request. Drawing political issues that are honed to empha- fascinating insight on how decisions are size U.S. interests. A good example is made and power is exercised. As political- ‘Quebec and American Trade Realities,’ ‘McCahill routinely military officer, he has been at the center which dissected the implications of a U.S. of the controversy over the suspension of predicted trends’ countervailing duty procedure against a U.S. military assistance to Guatemala Quebec company, and then recommended because of its human rights record. His a strategy to deal with the problem. In its well-reasoned and piincipled recommen- annual assessment of reporting from Can- dations have been invaluable as_ the on his outstanding sources, Mr. McCahill ada, the Department praised this cable Department continues to grapple with has routinely predicted trends before they because it ‘underscored political misun- proper mix of carrot and stick.”’ were evident to most. derstanding of U.S. trade policies and ‘‘Tasked with managing a two-officer recommended preemptive measures to post which includes ship visits and other prevent trade disputes from enlarging.’ McCahill: salon-keeper time-consuming activities, Bill has pro- “‘Again and again, we have found duced reporting extraordinary in its quan- Bill’s cables to encompass all the factors Mr. McCahill was nominated by tity and quality. His reports have never bearing on a subject—poltical, economic, Edward N. Ney, ambassador to Canada, just covered what has happened. They cultural and historical. And, most mer- who wrote: ‘‘The critical issue facing always put the events and information in cifully in this age of information overload, Canada since my arrival nearly three years context and then use the information to they shine with rare elegance, grace and ago, and one that is coming to a crunch, is make predictions. Bill has repeatedly wit.”’ Oo he is assigned. Guatemala, in Lewis’ case, is a highly volatile, exciting, sometimes violent society, and his col- lection and reporting quickly acquired those very qualities. The ‘‘what’’ that Lewis did— produce excellent reporting—is second- ary in my mind to the environment in which he accomplished it and the im- pact he had on the human rights com- munity in the United States. Anyone involved in human rights in Guatemala, unfortunately, is at serious physical risk. Lewis traveled to dangerous parts of the interior with the country’s deputy hu- man rights ombudsman, Cesar Alvarez Guadamuz. He was himself a target who had come close to death on several occasions. —(Continued on next page) The author, left, with W. Lewis Amselem. January 1993 HONORS AND AWARDS New deputy chief of mission award goes to Rackmales in Belgrade Robert Rackmales of Embassy Belgrade is the first winner of the Baker- Wilkins Award for Excellence in the Direction and Management of Overseas Missions. The award will be given an- nually to a deputy chief of mission who Mr. Rackmales Mr. Beall Ms. Jones demonstrates unusual proficiency and the capacity to serve as chargé. It’s named for lee, Santiago; John Hall, Toronto; Dennis at Howard; Mary A. Ryan, a deputy former Secretary Baker and Howard K. Hays, Georgetown; John Holzman, assistant secretary for European and Cana- Wilkins, a former ambassador to The Accra; Robert O. Homme, San _ Jose; dian affairs; and William D. Montgomery, Hague, who has donated funding for the Michael Klosson, Stockholm; Donald J. an executive assistant to the acting award. Mr. Rackmales will receive $2,000 McConnell, Brussels; R. V. Perina, Secretary. and a certificate signed by acting Secre- Vienna; Mary Ann Peters, Sofia; David N. tary Lawrence Eagleburger. Rochelle, Rabat; Clarke H. Rogers, Ge- Rackmales: ‘full-time Russell Beall of Panama City and A. neva; Robert Service, Brasilia; Peter Ser- crisis manager’ Elizabeth Jones of Islamabad were named wer, Rome; Allen Sessoms, Mexico City; runners-up. Seven deputy chiefs of mis- George A. Trail III, Lagos; Lacy A. sion earned honorable mention—James F. Wright Jr., Kingston; and John M. Yates, Mr. Rackmales was nominated by Collins, Moscow; Wesley W. Egan, Cairo; Kinshasa. Warren Zimmermann, former ambassador William R. Gaines, Brazzaville; Marc I. The award committee was chaired by to Yugoslavia, now director of the Bureau Grossman, Ankara; Howard F. Jeter, H. Allen Holmes, the ambassador-at-large for Refugee Programs. The envoy wrote: Windhoek; Mark R. Parris, Tel Aviv; and for burden-sharing. Panel members were “In Robert Rackmales’ three years as George F. Ward, Bonn. Parker W. Borg, a former deputy assistant deputy chief of mission, he has guided the Eighteen others were nominated: Ste- secretary for international narcotics mat- embassy through a policy quagmire and ven J. Coffey, Algiers; David N. Green- ters; George Moose, diplomat-in-residence has overseen a drawdown of Foreign —(Continued from previous page) He was vilified by some in the a more accurate and useful reporting Department for boat-rocking. He left the stance on this topic. The Rivkin reporting award proba- chips fall where they would on guer- That, I’m persuaded, is his most bly doesn’t mention ‘‘physical courage,”’ but Lewis demonstrated that in abun- rillas and military alike. In the process, important contribution. he alienated supporters of both sides, The unjustified vilification Lewis ‘Helping dig up with their narrow political agendas. received from a broadcast network’s When bureaucrats would ‘‘tenderize’’ clumsy attempt to report on a human bodies under the his hard-hitting, accurate representation rights abuse case placed him at some of the human right situation, he would personal risk and did temporary harm to glare of those who counterattack with ‘‘nastygrams’’ re- his reputation. killed them ...’ setting the record straight. It made him a player, as opposed He went out of his way (not al- to an observer, but it didn’t cool his ar- ways wisely, in my opinion) to set dor for the truth, nor dampen his dance in his desire to go to almost any straight those in Americas’ Watch and willingness to go out again into a dan- length to get first-hand, accurate Amnesty International who put forth gerous world for facts. information. what he believed to be unsubstantiated Lewis also reported extensively on Helping dig up bodies under the claims. the Guatemalan peace process and mili- hostile glare of those who killed and I am convinced that Lewis, together tary relations. These topics, while not as buried them is certainly an initiative he with Ambassador Thomas F. Stroock attention-grabbing, cover the solutions to took that was well beyond the call of and his management team, reversed the the problems of human rights violations duty. Lewis did that. congressional staff’s mistrust of Em- in Guatemala. Once again he exhibited His impact on the human rights bassy Guatemala’s human rights position the same tenacious, aggressive tactics in community cannot ever be and, by so doing, nudged the rest of acquiring and disseminating overestimated. the inter-America affairs bureau toward information. STATE Service national employees followed by Department of Look-Alikes evacuations among our American centers and the consulate in Zagreb. He was largely responsible for the embassy receiving—before the war—the inspector general’s rating as one of the six best- managed missions in the world. And when the fighting began, he became a full-time crisis manager. “In September of last year, I was called back to Washington for consulta- tions on the increasingly bloody conflict in Croatia. While I was gone, the Yugoslav national army began a series of feints culminating in actual attacks on Zagreb. Bob ordered a gathering of U:S. citizens for a convoy out of Croatia, accompanied by the senior consular of- ficer, and instructed the staff to destroy all classified material, clear the money from safes and move their operations to Slov- enia temporarily. It was an inspired series Buddy Hackett Donnie Seale of decisions, keeping the staff in-country Donnie Seale is a professional architect in the Office of Foreign Buildings and avoiding the bureaucratic problem of an actual evacuation. By (being) close to Operations, and he has nothing in common with comedian Buddy Hackett— Zagreb, they could keep in contact with except. Except that they look alike. Except that a line in the Hackett official the Croatian leadership and, by remaining biography could have been written about Mr. Seale ‘*a rubber-faced comedian in the consular district, they were able to who can quip as well as squint his way to a laugh.’’ Except that they’ve both protect U.S. citizens and keep some been in Florida, where Mr. Seale was born and where Mr. Hackett has played functions operational.’’ the extended borscht circuit. Have you heard Mr. Seale’s latest quip? ‘‘No, Mr. Rackmales was lauded for what I’ve never been to Hollywood, but I’m waiting for this article to be my big the ambassador called an ‘‘ability to link break.”’ O all elements of the mission’’ to accom- plish goals. ‘‘Working through U.S.LA., the science office and the economic Beall: coup attempt hundreds of temporary-duty employees section, Bob put together an assistance was his ‘finest hour’ moving in a largely uncoordinated fash- package which covered the areas most ion, he built a competent, motivated staff. critical to reform,’’ Mr. Zimmermann Proof of his success is the fact that this said. ‘“‘The effort required coordination Mr. Beall was cited by Deane R. year Panama was recognized by the among many agencies at post and in Hinton, ambassador to Panama, who inspector general as one of the four best- Washington, and its smooth implementa- wrote: ‘‘David Beall assumed his respon- managed posts in the world.”’ tion showed both his grasp of economic sibilities in May 1990, in the chaotic Mr. Beall was praised by Mr. Hinton policy and his (ability) to drive a sluggish aftermath of ‘Operation Just Cause.’ He for his role in developing and directing bureaucracy.”’ helped rebuild a mission, the skeleton programs to aid Panama’s new govern- Mr. Rackmales was praised, too, for crew of which, along with our courageous ment, including a ‘‘$460-million economic bolstering morale. ‘‘Bob has a range of Foreign Service national employees, had assistance effort, a training effort to employees he deals with as reviewing been intimidated by General Noriega (the convert a brutal military force into a officer and as a mentor,’’ Mr. Zimmer- Panama strongman) and attacked by civilian-controlled police dedicated to the mann said. rockets the night of the intervention. protection of human rights and establish- ‘‘He adjusts his approach to each, There was no ‘corporate memory,’ and the ing a cooperative antinarcotics effort. according to need. Several employees morale of the post was abysmal. Leading our negotiating team through 14 have made it a point to tell me how ‘‘The government of Panama, led by months of arduous talks, David achieved effective an educator he has been. More- three men who had no prior experience in an agreement permitting our Coast Guard over, he has been a focal point for the government, had the daunting task of to patrol Panamanian waters. He also American community in Belgrade, as overcoming 21 years of military dictator- distinguished himself by helping attorneys battered as if has become. His strong ship, a looted economy and years of and investigators get what was needed for emphasis on the human side and his dysfunctional relations with the United the successful prosecution of Noriega.”’ unstinting commitment of time to people’s States. On David’s shoulders fell the Mr. Beall was lauded for his actions problems have—incredibly—improved responsibility of bringing order and direc- in thwarting a coup attempt. ‘‘The night morale in this period of crisis.”’ tion out of this situation. Starting with of December 4, 1990, was chargé Beall’s January 1993 HONORS AND AWARDS finest hour,’’ Mr. Hinton wrote. ‘‘Well- the president, prime minister, chief of Eric Milstead, Abidjan; David C. Neuser, armed, disgruntled former members of army staff and leader of the opposition, Port-au-Prince; David Nunnally, Abidjan; Noriega’s (regime) attempted to overthrow know her well from frequent stints as David L. Patterson, Algiers; Manuel Val- the government, threatening in the process chargé and respect her talent and integrity. dez Jr., Bureau of Personnel; Frederick J. all the gains made by ‘Just Cause.’ David Her range of contacts and her ability to Vinson, Lome; Charles Wills, Office of brought to bear his interpersonal skills and orchestrate information and_ influence Information Management; David M. Yeut- diplomatic expertise by rallying the wave- helps not only the embassy but the ter, Paris; and Joseph E. Zeman, Panama ting Panamanian leadership, securing at 3 constituent elements as well. During the City. a.m. Washington’s declaration of support recent hair-raising end-game of the The award panel was chaired by for the government and wearing down the Afghan war, Beth was receiving daily Warren E. Littrel, a deputy assistant rebels with measured applications of U.S. calls from the UN mediator because he secretary for administration. Members military force. To his credit, the coup was more confident of her ability to pass were Kathleen Charles, Bureau of Diplo- collapsed and its perpetrators were ar- messages to Afghan leaders in Pakistan matic Security; William Kelly, Bureau of rested. David has since worked with me than he was with his own staff. As a Near Eastern Affairs; Sidney Reeves, and the intelligence community to prevent result, the U.S. government was kept up Office of Information Management; and another such occurrence.’’ to the minute on fast-breaking events.”’ James Wiley, Bureau of Personnel. Ms. Jones was also cited for aiding Mr. Steuer was nominated by Melissa Jones: ‘virtuoso the careers of other officers, and for Wells, ambassador to Zaire, for his role in volunteer efforts in the American com- maintaining communications at the war- performance’ munity. ‘‘She is an acknowledged mentor torn post in Kinshasa. Ms. Wells said: for our junior and mid-level officers,’’ ““Mr. Steuer was serving as the junior Ms. Jones was nominated by Nich- Ms. Jones was also cited for aiding support communications officer in our six- olas Platt, ambassador to Pakistan, who careers and for volunteer efforts in the member communications program unit in wrote: “‘Beth Jones’ virtuoso performance American community. ‘‘She is an ac- September 1991 when Zaire’s political as manager of the mission began four knowledged mentor for our junior and situation, which had been simmering for years ago with Ambassador Arnie mid-level officers,’’ Mr. Platt wrote. 0 some time, boiled over. Units of the Raphel’s tragic death, and spanned the military mutinied on September 23 and extraordinary alarms and excursions in Kinshasa’s Steuer soon began branching out to surrounding between—five governments, the end of areas. Looting, pillaging and violence the Cold War, the imposition of an aid became the rule as a good percentage of wins communicator cut-off, the Gulf war, evacuation and the civilian population joined in. Because mission reorganization. award: $5,000 of the danger, departure of all dependents “Her crowning achievement this year and most mission employees was initiated. was to design and implement a major “*Mr. Steuer had been on duty when downsizing, taking into account both the William Steuer of Embassy Kinshasa the emergency broke and was the only impact of our relations with Pakistan and is this year’s winner of the Thomas staffer present for two days in the stern new budget realities. Her cable Morrison Communicator Award. He communications center. He functioned setting forth the rationale for restructuring will receive $5,000 and a _ plaque around the clock and turned in a body of the U.S. presence was cited by Under signed by acting work which would have been viewed as Secretary (John F.W.) Rogers as required Secretary Lawrence phenomenal if it had been the product of reading for other posts. Beth tactfully Eagleburger. the most seasoned operative. Mr. Steuer, negotiated reductions with each of the Twenty-four however, was only going into the seventh agencies of the country teams, drawing on others were nomi- month of his first tour. He made transmis- a track record of collegial management. nated: Luis L. sions to the Department and outlying posts Day to day, she kept the embassy and Amaral, U.S. mis- by regular means and satellite; assured constituent posts working together, with sion to the United that we were in communication with our results that drew raves from Washington Nations; Thomas A. consulate in Lubumbashi, where there and a hard-boiled inspection team. Bell, U.S. mission were rumblings of a major disturbance; ‘As editor-in-chief of the mission’s to Nato; Donald B. and set about destruction of classified prodigious output, Beth displayed a clear Mr. Steuer Boissonnault, Islam- material. sense of what was relevant as well as a abad; Terry L. “In the absence of a functional talent for analytical comment. She spends Branstner, Moscow; James Butler, Stock- Zairian telephone net, American members considerable time with other officers holm; Donald J. Connolly, Kaduna; Harry of the mission and dependents were throughout the mission to enhance their J. Dombi, Istanbul; Bradford W. Ham, participants in the ‘beehive’ net set up for written products. She makes a habit of Bogota; Alan R. Haydt, Canberra; Thomas emergency purposes. Emergency calls stimulating discussion between offices and J. Hettel, Dar es Salaam; Kenneth L. Hill, were legion. They included requests for agencies. This, with her easy accessibility, La Paz; Stephen A. Holmberg, Office of armed embassy assistance as looters were ensures a finely-honed product that Information Management; Robert C. Jen- coming over the walls of residences, and enhances readers’ understanding. nings, Belgrade; Robert K. King, Port harried questions on the location and “*‘The leaders of Pakistan, including Moresby; Kenneth W. Mack, Toronto; safety of individuals. Mr. Steuer and a STATE few Foreign Service national radio opera- role in opening posts in the former Soviet Europe. tors kept the system up 24 hours a day. Union. The nomination was cosponsored “‘He worked nothing less than a The service proved invaluable in relaying by four others—Arthur W. Fort, assistant fiscal miracle by opening 15 new em- instructions on safehavens and departure secretary for administration; Richard L. bassies for which no funds or positions points. Mr. Steuer also activated a dor- Green, associate comptroller, Bureau of had been budgeted.’’ mant communications system with other Finance and Management Planning; Praising Mr. Langan’s role in staffing missions and arranged for routing of Sheldon J. Krys, who was assistant the new embassies, the nomination con- pouch and courier traffic to safe areas. By secretary for diplomatic security; and Ruth tinued: ‘‘Under his leadership, a world- the time two of his colleagues were able A. Whiteside, a deputy assistant secretary wide full-court press was put on to find to join him in the communications center, for personnel. officers and staff members with the the situation was well in hand. The nomination said: ‘‘Douglas Lan- required diplomatic and language skills. “Due to his expertise and stamina, he gan quickly took charge of organizing the The effort required breaking or modifying was retained as the single staffer, although teams of American diplomats that would assignments, aggressive use of volunteer he was the most junior. Through bound- reestablish the first American presence in cables and tapping each incoming class of less energy, creativity and tough- the Baltics in more than 50 years. The junior officers. In addition to assigning mindedness, he ran the office alone for daunting jogistical problems of maintain- long-term personnel, Doug directed a nearly six months before a new position ing missions in the isolated Baltic capitals crash effort to staff the posts with was established. These were six months of were enormous, as were the pressures temporary-duty personnel until the perma- intense political activity when communi- generated by tight deadlines established nent staff could arrive. Thanks in large cations with the Department had to be by the President. Thanks to Doug’s measure to him, our posts in the former maintained almost around the clock.’’ ingenuity and tireless work, the new Soviet Union have now been fully embassies opened on time. staffed.’’ “*In anticipation of the devolution of Mr. Langan was credited with de- Langan wins power from Moscow to the republics, the veloping innovative and cost-saving European bureau in mid-1991 began con- methods to provide supplies to the far- $5,000 Replogle sultations with Congress to establish six flung posts. “‘For the western posts, he new consulates in the Soviet Union. Doug arranged trucking of supplies from west- award Langan shouldered a major share of the ern Europe and Romania,”’ the nomination responsibility for these consultations. He said. “‘The toughest nut to crack was established credibility with congressional supply to posts in the war-torn Caucasus Douglas Langan, executive director leaders by balancing post openings with and in remote central Asia. In a 20th- of the Bureau of European and Canadian the closing of consulates in western century analogue to the ancient silk road, Affairs, is the latest winner of the Luther Europe and reprogramming other Ameri- Doug devised a system for supply of the I. Replogle Award for Management Im- can positions. Largely as a result of his central Asia posts by air. He negotiated vgn ss provement. He will planning, congressional approval of our with the Air Force for C-141 support receive $5,000 and plans had been achieved by December flights at the lowest possible costs. Real- a certificate signed 1991. izing that even these costs were beyond by Secretary ‘In a speech on Christmas Day the Department’s means, he persuaded Eagleburger. (1991) President Bush announced USS. other agencies at our posts to join with the Eight others recognition of the independence of all 12 Department in a shared effort to fund the were nominated: A. states of the former Soviet Union. A flights.’’ Donald Bramante, flurry of diplomatic activity left Doug Mr. Langan was lauded for his efforts f Rio de Janeiro; Pe- Langan with the seemingly insurmount- to ensure housing for the new staffers and ' ter S. Flynn, Bureau able task of opening 10 new posts and for strengthening security at the posts. of Personnel; upgrading another in little more than 120 “*Six of the 12 nations in which embassies Mr. Langan Harold W. Geisel, days. They are located in a vast area from were established are either at war or Moscow; Donald S. central Europe to the borders of China and Hays, Bonn; William E. Sutherland, Free- Afghanistan. Many of the new nations convulsed by internal unrest,’’ the nomi- town; Edward H. Wilkinson, Seoul; An- were wracked by ethnic conflict and nation said. ‘‘Recognizing the threats that drew J. Winter, Bureau of African Affairs; political upheaval, raising concerns for the confront many of the embassies, Doug and Harry E. Young, Rio de Janeiro. security of U.S. diplomats. The Depart- worked urgently with the Bureau of The award panel was chaired by ment had not budgeted for these post Diplomatic Security and regional military Kathleen Charles, a deputy assistant secre- openings, so the job had to be done by commands to develop emergency and tary for diplomatic security. Members reprogramming resources. evacuation plans. He organized security were Ian Kivimae, acting deputy director ‘‘Doug managed to squeeze the nec- surveys by Embassy Moscow at our most for workforce planning at A.I.D., and essary resource out of a budget already vulnerable posts, while working with Lynn Noah, staff director of the resource stretched by expanding requirements, in- Diplomatic Security to arrange long-term management committee at U.S.I.A. flation in Europe and exchange rate (security) coverage for them all. He also Mr. Langan was nominated by losses. In addition, he directed the ensured that each post had emergency Thomas M. T. Niles, assistant secretary elimination of more than 450 Foreign communication to maintain contact with for European and Canadian affairs, for his Service national positions in western the Department.’ @ ia ace gn eaREE 7 January 1993 NEWS mDlLluUumklLiGauts Assault on State Bush on December 9. Mr. Eagleburger had been acting Secretary since August security officer 23, when then-Secretary James A. Baker returned to the White House as chief of brings jail term staff and senior counselor to the President. Mr. Eagleburger has been deputy secretary since 1989. Hector Leal-Andrino, a Guatemalan He has held several other senior national, was sentenced on November 13 positions at State, including that of under to 20 months in prison and three years of secretary for political affairs, deputy under supervised probation for the 1991 assault 4 frei: secretary for management, assistant secre- on the former assist- ON Ve tary for European and Canadian affairs Mr. Tombe Mr. Tally ant regional security and ambassador to Yugoslavia. He has officer in Guatemala, of treason by a secret military tribunal in served as deputy assistant to the President James Bacigalupo. September. His assistant, Baudouin Tally, for national security operations and as Mr. Bacigalupo was also arrested and is believed to be deputy assistant secretary and acting as- and four Marine se- dead. sistant secretary of defense. 0 curity guards were The Sudanese government has near a local night provided little information on_ the club when a gang of employees’ fate, despite repeated protests Eagleburger says Guatemalan men at- by U.S. Ambassador Donald K. tacked them in Octo- Petterson. State was in the ber that year. Mr. Mr. Bacigalupo Bacigalupo was ‘political arena’; President elevates struck in the head with a board while assisting the Marines. While lying on the he ‘resents’ it Eagleburger to ground, he was repeatedly kicked in the face. Mr. Bacigaiupo suffered serious Secretary of State injuries and was evacuated to the United The controversy resulting from the States for treatment and surgery. He has search of President-elect Clinton’s passport since returned to work as a special agent Lawrence S. Eagleburger, a career file has put State ‘‘in the political arena,”’ in the New York Field Office. acting Secretary Lawrence Eagleburger The initiation of an investigation and vtheet erUanni teodf Sttahtee s’F or6e2ingdn SeScerrevitcaer,y obfe cSatamtee said—‘‘the one place it should never be.”’ prosecution by the U.S. Attorney’s Office through a recess appointment by President Appearing with inspector general for the Southern District of Florida, with Sherman M. Funk at a joint news con- the assistance of Diplomatic Security’s ference on November 18, Mr. Eagleburger Miami Field Office and the regional added: ‘‘I resent, I regret the appearance of security office in Guatemala City led to the State Department being engaged in Mr. Leal’s arrest. He was charged with partisan political activities, and I do not assaulting an internationally protected per- consider that a minor matter.’’ And the son. He pleaded nolo contendere. 0 veteran career Foreign Service officer said: “IT truly regret ... anything that has been done to undermine the integrity of this 2 more Foreign institution.” He announced the dismissal from the Service nationals Department of Elizabeth Tamposi, assistant secretary for consular affairs, and the fact vanish in Sudan that Steven K. Berry, acting assistant secretary for legislative affairs, had been relieved of his duties. In addition, there Two more Foreign Service national will be disciplinary proceedings, he said, employees at the U.S. mission in Juba, against others. Mr. Funk said ‘‘at least Sudan, are feared to have been killed by four’’ persons, ‘‘less than 10, probably,’’ Sudan’s Islamic fundamentalist govern- will be targets. ment, the embassy has reported. The inspector general asserted in a Chaplin Lako and Dominic Morris, detailed written report: ‘“We found ... an gardeners at the post, disappeared after attempt to use the records and employees they were detained by Sudanese forces in of a Government agency, the U.S. Depart- late August. Andrew Tombe, the senior ment of State, to influence the outcome of Foreign Service national employee in a presidential election ... not a carefully Juba, was executed after he was convicted Secretary Eagleburger thought-out conspiratorial plan but, rather, STATE

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