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STARTER SECOND EDITION OXFORD STARTER American ENGLIFSIHL E TeacheBro'osk u-;,,ma.,e;.,;(!, 0 irLanguage ChrisLtaitnhaa m-Koenig CliOvxee nden witMha rgaBrreoto ks u�l>!0l� j� .>" 15�,i� o...c � �I •.:..W I O�J � � J.oL, 9h> �.,.,:..:, uJ9,M> � .� .l.419"'� � J.oW. 9.:..W I .;u.;19 e_ ,;,t, •09-i.,jli!J.,; uTj lISJ I�� ,r.S OXFORD PauSle ligasnoCdnl iOvxee ndaertne h e orciog-ianuatolhf o rs EnglFiis1lha e n Edn glFiis2lh e UNIVERSITPYR ESS Contents 4 Syllacbhuesc klist s Introduction •Whadtob eginsntiundgen netesd ? •StuLdiyn k •Courcsoem ponents StudeBnotoF ki l1e-s1 2 Bacokft hSet udeBnoto k •Fosrt udents OnliPnrea ctice Workbook iChecker PronunciAaptpion •Fotre achers TeachBeoro'ks iTools TestPirnogg rCaDm- ROM Video Claasusd CiDos 12 Lesspolna ns 126 Photocoapcitaibvliet ies Contents Grammaacrt ivaintsyw ers Grammaacrt ivmiatsyt ers Communicativien satcrtuicvtiitoyn s Communicaacttiivvmeia tsyt ers Vocabualcatriyiv nisttyr uctions Vocabualcatriyvm iatsyt ers Sonagc tiivnisttyr uctions Sonagc tivmiatsyt ers 22s Workbaonoskw keery 3 Grammar Vocabulary 4 AH ello! verbbe I:a ndy ou numbe0r-s1 0; dayosft hew eek 6 B Wheraer yeo uf rom? verbbe h:e s,h ei,t countries 8 PRACTICEANLG LISHoHw d oy ous pciitt9'? 4 Peopolnet hset reet 10 A We'rCean adian verbbe w:e y,o ut,h ey nationalities 12 B Whath'isns u mber? Wha-ndH owq uestiwointbshe numbe1r1s- 100; personal information 14 REVIEAWN DC HEC1K& 29' 4 Short mForviieesn ds 16 A Whati'nsy oubra g? a/an; smatlhli ngs singualnadpr l urnaouln s 18 B Ist haath at? thiIts h aItt heIst eh ose morsem atlhli ngs 20 PRACTICEANLG LISHHo wm uchI S1 t....? Peopolnet hset reet 22 A Famialnydf riends possesasdijveec tives; peopalnedf amily possesss ive 24 B Thata'c so oela rl adjectives coloarnsdc ommoand jectives 26 REVIEAWN DC HEC3K& 49'4 Shormto viAe sso uvesnhiorp 28 A Ab adh aidra y simpplree seIan ntd:y ou commovne r1b s 30 B Whatd oy ouh avfeo brr eakfast?s impplree sewnety,: o ut,h ey; fooadn dd rink Whq-uestions 32 PRACTICEANLG LIWShHa tti miesi t9'4? Peopolnet hset reet 34 A Hes peaEknsg laitsw ho rk simpplree sehnets,:h ei,t jobasn d ploafwc oersk 36 B Doy oul ikmeo rnings? adverobffs r equency at ypidcaayl 38 REVIEAWN DC HEC5K& 69'4 Short mTovhielel osf fea c hef 4 PronunciatiSopne aking Listening Reading worsdt ress; introduycoiunrgs elf peopilnet rodutchienmsge lves /h//a,a1 n/d,I ii sentensctere ss; Guestsh ceo untries Cany ouh eatrh de ifference? Iilioot,,a nd/ cl worsdt re/sJas/n; d l tfl nationalities understaand diianlgo gue ont hter ain sayipnhgo nneu mbers; Persoinnaflo rmation conversabteitownesfe rni ends; sentesncter ess Cany ouh eatrh dei fference? lzaln dI ; p lureanld ings thinignys o ubra g understasnhdoirntg fvtemorgya me conversations I�a ndl a:/ thinignts h cel assroom ata s ouvesntiarn d /:JI!t,J a,n d/ or/ talkaibnoguy to ufra mily understaand diianlgo gue Whacta rM?e na ndw omen orf riends SongY:o u'trhFeei rtshtLe,a st,a rdei fferent /vtyE verything /:JfuIr,la ,n d/ :Jr/ talkaibnogud tr eacma rs /h//w,a/ n,d/ vl/i;n king talkaibnoguy to ulri festyluen derstaanl doinngge r A newh aircut conversation SongIW: a nttoB reFarke e worsdt ress; af ooqdu estionnaire ani nteravbioeuwft o od breakfaarsotut nhdwe o rld /1/Jd/3a,/n ,dl g! thipredr s-osn; talkaibnogup te opwlheo w ork understaand diianlgo gue EngliTshheL: a nguaogfe woradn ds entenscter ess Business sentesncter ess questionnaire: ani nterview A Dayi nt hLei foef Doy oul imkoe rnings? SongW:o nderTfounli ght SimoCno well 5 Grammar Vocabulary 40 A Lifaett heen do ft hweo rld worodr dienqr u estions commovne r2b s 42 B Youc anp'atr hke re caInc an't commovne r2b s 44 PRACTIECNAGLL IWShHa tt'hsde a ttao da94y ?P eopolnte h set reet 46 A Whaatr teh edyo ing? presceonntt inuous verpbh rases 48 B Todaiyds i fferent presceonntt inourso iumsp plree sent?t hwee ather 50 REVIEAWN DC HEC7K& 894 ShorhmoAv diaeoyfs f 52 A Int hjeu ngilnGe u atemala theirsIet hearree hoteilnos,n; u, n der 54 B Befotrheew ye rset a.r.s. simpplaes bte: ina,to .n p:l aces 56 PRACTIECNAGLL IIStsHh earb ea nnke ahre r94e ? Peopolnte h set reet 58 A Itc hangmeydl ife simpplaesr te:g uvlearrb s commovne r3b s 60 B Whadti ydo duo ? simpplaesd to:g, e tg,oh ,a ve dairloyu tvienreb s; irregvuelrabrs 62 REVIAENWD C HECK 994& 10S homrotv iAensi nterehsottienlg 64 A Whadto y otuh ionfik t ? objepcrto nomuenh,si :m e,t c. opinwioornd s 66 B Stranognea rt sr ain simplem opraiesr tr:e gvuelrabrs commovne r3b;s irregvuelrabrs 68 PRACTICAL EWNoGuLlyIdoS ulH i akc eo ffe94e ?P eopolnte h set reet 70 A AT riopfa l ifetime futubrege o:i tnog fututrieme ex pressions 72 B From sttofa irnti sh revioefpw r esepnatsa,tn ,df uture revioefvw e rcbo llocations 74 REVIAENWD C HEC1K1 &1942 Shomrotv iTersoi fpa l ifetime 76 Communication 86 Litsening 116V ocabuBlaanrky 84 Writing 92 GrammBaarn k 132S ounBda nk 6 PronunciatioSnp eaking Listening Reading /i;/ru///,a, au/ n,d/ y/ talkaibnoguf rte tei me ani nterview ani nteravbioeulwti viinn g activities Ushuaia Weekdaanywdse ekends la:a/n fda /; Cayno .u?. . understadnidailnogg ues senternhcyet hm /o//ua,/n ,d/ rJf thinpgeso palrede o ing SonSgi:n giintn hgRe a in al etatneadrn e mail /::JII,O<J! a,n d/ e1/ ani nterview Workionnv ga cation /e/ri/ar,n/ /d,-:xi ttsh earT eV ?W herieis t ? understaadn idailnogg ue AmaziHnogt els! /�arn/dw a sIw ere Wherwee rteh ey? regusliamrpp laese tn dingtsa lkaibnogup ats etv ents Il aughIle eda,r nIe dc,h a.n.g.e d sentesntcree ss Liifnead ay SonWgh:e rDeiO du Lro vGeo ? Movsiheo wlsia freo und thweo rld strosntgr ess talkaibnogum tu sic ac onversaabtoiumotun s icians silent consonanatnss werqiunegs taiboonaus t Stranognea rt sr ain Stranognea rt sr ain story sentesntcree ss futuprlea nads r:e atmr ip ar adiinot erview MyA dventBuergei ns! SonIgC :a nS eCel eaNrolwy revioefsw o unds ar evioefpw r esepnats,t and future 7 AmeriEcnaanlF iisSlheec oEnddi tiisoh;in n tegsrkaitledll si sfteo rainesdsi tuahtuiomnoasrn,,sd u speTnhsee . sertiheagste stst udetnatlsk- iinncg lasse.vaenrdy wherGer.a mmaBra nkastt, h bea cokft hbeo ogki,vs et udents Ourg oawli tthh Siesc oEnddi thiaobsn� nt om akeev ery as ingelaes,y -tog-raacmcmerasersf erseencctewi iotnh, lessboent atnemdro rset udaenndt -t•eearc- frIine ndlcyl.e raurl eexsa,m psleen tewnictaehus d iaon,cd o mmon addittioSo tnu dBeonotLk e ssAoa nnsd� !t.h eiraser ange erroTrhse.ar era etl eatswtpo r acetxiecrec foires aecsh ofm atertihaayltoc ua uns aec cortdci, nogus rt udents'g rammpaori nt. neeadnstd h tei maen rde souyrochuea se,a vailable: •PractEincgalvlii sdhae noed x erc.ilsasevosa iloanbleV ocabulary claasusd io) Beginnsitnugd ennetesd •ReviaenwCd h ecpka gewsi,tv hi deo •tor apiedxlpya ndk ntohwelierodf hg ieg h-frequency •PhotocoGpriaammbalrYe,o acbulariCocmamtuinvie, wordasnp dh rases. anSdo nagc tiv(iittnhi Teeea sc heH"r"'.J'osk ) •tou snee wv ocabuilnpa errys onacloinzteedx ts. STUDYl!lm Online PWroarcktbioicoCeoh, e caknetdrh ,e •accesrseifbelreme atnecrei al. Pronuncaipapptr ioovnmi udlemt eidine ai eswu,p poarntd, pracfotris cteu deonuttssoi fcd lea ss. TheT eachBeoro'aksl ssou ggedsitffset rw earyo sf explomiatnioynft g h Set udBeonotak c tr,dietpieensd ing ont hlee voefyl o ucrl ass. Whadto b eginsntiundge nnetesd ? Inn inoeuo tft ecna swehse,an s tudseingtun pfos r E nglish. ......_. _.__ _ clastsheesgi,or ai lrs o s peak. Sapfo eraekiligannng g uage �� isv erhya rsdos, t udenneteasdl ootfm otivattoi on Jlll,;; ,., ---- . encoutrhaegtmeo spienEa nkg lish. n----�--•·<--"'"-""'---·----... --. GrammaVro,c abulaanrdPy r,o nunciat...i'!:':.o-=::- 'n__.... _ .,._ ...._.........- ,..._... ... _ =- Ata nlye vtehlte,o ols snteuetddose pnetEasnk g lish with confideanrGcer ea mmaVro,c abu,al naPdrr yonunciatiEovney lr essfoocnu soenhs i gh-frevqouceanbcuayln adr y (GY,,P )W.e b elitehvaGet + V c+o nPfid se=pn eta king,c ommolne xiacraeblau skt,e etphsle o arde aliAslntlei wc . anidnA meriEcnaanlF iiSslehec oEnddi tailotlnh ,r ee vocabuilgsai rvwyei ntt hhp eh onettoih cesls,pt udents elemeanrgteis v en equal imporhtaacsnl ceea.r lEwyai ctthhhp elr eosnsuonnco ifna etwwi oornd Mso.sl te ssaornes stagtreadm mvaorc,a bualnapdrr yo,n uncgioaatTlihsoi.ns linkteotd hV eo cabulBaarnyka stt hbea cokft he book, keeps lfeoscsuaosnnegdsdi ves sctoundcerlneettaser ningw hihcehl ppr esaennpdtr actthiveco ec abulcalragysi svi,en objecatniadvs eesno sfpe r ogress. ana udmiood eolfe acwho radn,pd r ovaic dleer aerf erence sos tudecnartnes v iaenwtd e tshte mseolntv heesoi wrn . Grammar Beginnsitnugd ennetesd Pronunciation •cleaanrmd e morapbrlees entoafnt eiwso tnrsu cturesB.eginnsitnugd ents need •plenotfry e gualnavdra riperda citnui sceefa nudl •tol eatrhnEe n glvioswhae nlcd o nsosnoaunntad nsd natucroanlt exts. practthiecimen tensively. •student-rferfieernmedanltcyee r ial. •tos eweh erthee arrere u laenspd a tteirn ns I�--�---- sound-spreelllaitnigo nships. •systempartaicoctf io cteha esrp eocfpt rso nunciation, _____··_·-- ·· - ·�--- e.sgt.r aensrdshy thm. . ... ·� � a* name late eitgt hhey __ ..lb ai emaiSlpa ni great . 'Ea ay days ay - �·--·---·.-· ,·�----- ...... ___ _...... .. .... ··-·-··-·---­ Beginlneianrgwn aenrtesos pecalke abrualtry oe f ten \....._ �§------ frustbryaE tnegdlp irsohn uncipaatritoinct,uh lea rly '"·---·- sound-spreelllaitnigos nislhleienpttst a,en rwdse ,a k formsW.ee mphasiimzper ovpirnogn uncbiya tion p��==== -=-- :,.--··--·-.- =- focusionntg h seo unmdossu ts effourcl o mmunication, onw orsdt reasnosdn, s enternhcyet Ahmm.e riEcnaanl ish AmeriEcnaanlF iisSlheec oEnddi tpiroonv icdoenst extsF ile hSatasap rrtoenru ncfoicautisine o vne lreys stohna t forn ewl angutahgaweti elnlg asgteu deunstisrn,eg a l- targseotusn wdosr,sd t reosrss e,n tesntcree ss. 8 Speaking studetnort esai dts o g ivteh emmo tivabtuaitcn cge ssible materaintadal stkhse y dcoAa.mn e riEcnaBnlF iisSlhte a rter Beginnsitnugd ennetesd readtienxgat rsse t agseotd h atthe pyr ogrfersoosmn e-line •toptihcas ti wnispltilhr eiein rt erest. sentetnosc heosar rtt iacdlaepsft reodam v arioefrt eya l •realainsadtc ihci evtaabslkes . sour(cneesw spampaegrasz,i newse,b snieTtwheses s)e. •reguolpaprto urnittoui senese wl anguoargael ly. articlbeesne c hhaovsfeeo tnrh eiinrt riinnstiecr est. AmeriEcnaBnlF iisSlhee c ond €ommunication Editmiootni vsattuedse nt-s -�_·-_-_- · Writing tos pebaykp rovidtihnegm �....· _. .-... ..- Beginnsitnugd ennetesd witvha rianemddo tivating tasaknstd,h lea nguage --II-�- •cleard elmso. (gramvmoacr,al baury, ___ •th"en uatnsbd o lotfws r"i toinan wg o radn sde ntelnecvee l. _.. anpdr ounnciation) �II Theg rowotfth h Ien ternet thtahte nye eidno rder anedm amiela ntsh at toc ommuniwciatthe ·-----· ). peopwloer ldwairdee confidIenan dcdei.tt oit ohne writiinEn ngg lmiosrhe Commuincataicotni vitIIie� s thaenv ebref orbeo,tfo hr att hbea cokft hbeo ok, .P•_ ...E_ _""'""-:'._°'"" __ -==- businaenspdse rsonal studaenretens c ourtaog ed communicAamteiroinc.a Pn-_ ._._ _ _ spetahkr ougthhloeeu sts on, EnBlFiisSlhte a rptreorv ides respontdoti enxagtn sld i steannipdnra gcst,i gcrianmgm ar guidwerdi ttiansgwk ist h anvdo cabuolraarlyl y. ar anogfwe r ittiynpge s Listening nfertofowmro mrapeklomi santtigsosl . o ci-a•·_lC:;:..._- ..:_-..--::::.-::;-...-..........- _-�.. ....._ Beginnsitnugd ennetesd •t ob ee xpotsoea dsm ucahu rEanlg laisps ohs sible. PractiEcnagll ish •tob uitlhde ciorn fidebnylc ies tetnosi hnogar ntd Beginnsitnugd ennetesd simpultet erances. •tol eatrogn e tth gei osftw haitbs e isnagib dyfo cusionng •t ol eahring h-frefquunecntcipyoh nraals es. thkee wyo rdisna nu tterance. •t ok nowwh attos aiync ommosni tuations. Thlei steinnAi mnegrsi canF iESlnteBa lraitrsbeehar s oend Thes iPxr actEincgalllie sshs goinvsset udepnrtasc tice av arioefet nyrt teaiannirdne ga lsitisutaitciT ohnesira.se ink elya ngufoarsg iet uastuicoahnso s r dercionffgae ned widrea nogfve o iacneadsc cefnrtotsmh UeS a ntdh ree osft askianbgo purti Tcoem .a kteh eesvee rysdiatyu ations thEen glsipseha-kwionrglb dua,tl ls ptehaek aercrels e aanrd comael itvhee,ar rePc e opolnte h Set reseetc tiinoe nvse ry comprehetnoss tiunbdtleaestt h liesv Tehlep. e rformancePsr actEincgalllie sshs ionwn h,i csht udewnattcsoh rl isten antdh seo unedffe cbtrsit nhgle i steanliinavgnesmd, a kteh e tor epale olp-en oatc t-oursste h kee lya nguianrg eea l-life American recordeiansfgiosesr rt udetnoft osl laonmwdo rfuen t ol istesni tuatioPnrsa.c tETinhcgeal vlii sdhie oson t he toT.h et asfokcsu osnh elpsitnugd etong tetsth gei tshtfe i rstE nBlFiilsSeht arDtVeDr a nidT ooTleasc.h ecraasnl so timaen tdh ebnea blteou ndersmtoartnehd se e cotnidm e. usteh Per actEincgalSlit suhd Beonotek x esrecwsii tthh e ClasAsud iCoD s. Reading Beginnsitnugd ennetesd Review •engaginga ntsdot piimcuslt aetxitnsg. Beginnsitnugd ennetesd •managetaabsltkehs ah tel spt udetnort esa d. •regular roefgc ryacmlmivanocrga, b ulaanrdy, •tol eahronwt od eawli tuhn knowwonr disnat ext. proniuantcion. •motivarteifenrge anncpder acmtaitcreei al. tof eaes le nosfpe r ogress. __ __ .·.-...,... · ---- Howevcelre arly sotrvr ocuacbtuulararepresry e sented, ... ii-:-:. -s-tudewnitulssl u aolnllayys simainlrdae tmee mnbeewr ff• ·•-· -.... languiatfgh eeh ya vteh ceh antcose e ieat n uds iest e veral �···- -- timeGsr.a mmaVro,c abualnaPdrr yo,n uncairaet ion !C: ------ -_-_-_- ......- recyctlherdo ugthhobeuo toA kf.t eevre trwyoF i ltehse,r e ,._. ..... .. isat wo-pRaegvei aenwCd h ecske ctTihoeln e.f t-hand pagree vitehwgesr ammvaorcb,au laarnypd,r ounnciation ··- ofe acFhi lTeh.er i ght-phaagpnerd o viasd eersoi fes sk ill­ - __..-...· -----_i)_ .. -·· bascehda lleinngcelsur.de iandgti enxgat nsld i stening ·-·-.·-. -·:-::.:---·-.!.�_-·- -- --a-ctivtioht eilsepts u detnomt esa sutrheep irro griens s teromfsc ompnecteTe.h epsaeg aersde e sigtnobe eud s ed Mansyt udennetetsdor eaidnE nglfoirsw ho rokrs chool,fl exiabclcyo rtdoti hnnege eodfsy ousrt udeTnhtesar.er e anrde adiiasnl gsi om poritnha enltp tiobn ugi vlodc abulaarlyss oe parsahtomero tv ioenvs i dfeoosr t udetnowt ast ch antdo c onsolgirdaamtmeTa hrek. e tyoe ncouraging anedn joy. StudBeonotFk i l1e-s1 2 TheS tudBeonothk a tsw elFvielo erus t,s E.atcsFh.i ilsoe r ganliiztkehedi s: A andB l essons EacFhi cloen tatiwntosw o-plaegses1 oSlnpasrt e saennpdtr acGtriacmem ar, VocabularPyr,o naunndc iwaittai.h o, na loafrn ecaed ainnldgi stening activaintadil eoostfo, p pournitfotrys pe,cTkhienlsgee.s shoanvcsel eraerf erences cot hGer ammBaarn akn tdh Veo cabu.lBaaarntt k h bea cokft hbeo ko. PractEincgalli sh Afteerv eordyd -numbFeirlteehd,ei rs,e.t wo-lpeasgsteoh nar te acfhuensic otnal "svuirvEanlg li(sfoher"x ampllaen,g ufoarag s,k ianbgo purti ocreas s kifonrg dirieocntasn)ad l ssoo cEinagll (iusshe pfrh ralsieEksxe c umseeS? orrayn?d Wouyldol ui tk.oe?. )T.. h lee ssons featuwri<:tpthet onpotlntee hr sevt ireaewnesdt linwki tthhA em eriEcnaBnl FiisSlhte a rrV ri deo. Reviaenwd C heck Afteerv eervye n-numFbielree,id as t« hNeor-ep ager esveicettwihioenn g G rammar, VocabulaanPrdry o,n uncioaft ie=oainca! lne-pd r oviRdeiandgi Lnigs,t ening, and Spe"aCkaiynno .gu?. "c. h alltecn,gies,sth uodwew nhtatsth ecyaa nc hieve. Theb acokf t heS tudeBnotn k Thel esscoonnst raeifne rteont cheessse ec tiCoonmsm:u nicaWtriiotni,n g, ListeGnrianmgm,Ba arn Vko,c abuBlaanrakyn, Sd o unBda nk. OnliPnrea ctice .. .;,;,,. Ii•I:\.: STUDY Workbook STAaT!.R Amer Foprr actaifctece lra ss ENGLIFSIHL E STARTE'R' °·'-"· ···· •Alolft hGer ammaVro,c abulary, eeiMSW· PronunciaantPdir oanc.tE incgalli sh • •Extrreaa ding Leaornn lwiinteOh xf ord.::• • Al isteenxienrgfc oiersv ee lreys son •Pronunciatiowni taehux deirocises •Usef\uVlo radnsdP hrases •AudifoorP ronuncainaLdti isotne enxienrgc ises Theriesa na ccecsasr odnt hien sibdaecc ko voefre ach (oinC hecker) StudeBnoto kS.t udernetgsi sftoeernr g agLiMnSg- powered practwiictiehm medifaeteed boanc:k iChecCkDe-rR OM •ReadianngdL isteenxienrgcfo irse evesr y File •WritainnSdgp eakmiondge alnstd a sfkoser v eFriyl e -oc•• ENCLIFSIHL uE,o .Tu- ·-· •• � 1ChP<k-r1 Pronunciaaptpi on ___ _ __ _ _ _·_.....,, - ,.-, ·---- _,_ --.."'· .......-- _· �-- ---·-..---- Eacwho rkboiospk a ckagweidta hni ChecCkDe-rR OfMo r studetnotc sh ectkh epirro grcehsasl,l etnhgeem selves, and receiimvmee difaeteed back •Progressw iCt3hhe0m c ukl.t icphloeiq cuee stions onG rammaVroc,a bulaanrdPyr .a ctEincgalli sh Studecnatpnsu rchaanse en gagaipnptg h routghhie T unoers fore acFhi le GoogAlned rooindl isnteo rfeotsra bloerpt h-one-based •Challewnhgeers,et ude"nbtusiat l edx uts"i tnhge practSitcued.e cnatlnse aarnndp racttihcseeo unodfsE nglish langutahgeheya vlee arnferdo tmh Fei le •Indivsioduunadls •AudiBoa nwki,t ahlo lft haeu diot hfoWero rkbook •Sounidnus s efuplh rases listeannipdnr go nuncaicattiivoint ies •Speaankrd e cord 10

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