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Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Saga Edition PDF

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Preview Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Saga Edition

SAGA EDITION Revises Cons RULEBEOK {© 10-18 PRINS, ONE, STEPHENS ROONEY THOMPSON GRsSEITs i i = eT aww ee ze a a a Cal Lanes, Sy Snel sn Near acer, Ha Haron Jeter Rosin Har Sete Gey Sake Se care reas Gian ur is | ie ce be Pe ee _, pecan tit (” AREAS alSKS ETON ET CONTENTS casceititin cat] Bibles ccc ¥O BALAGTIE ie 33) tor 131 Whe 2] capreat 33) Geir the faany Serer 45] sevesmstzpenes 188) Parcs of he sly reo sao) elt Gage. 237 Tete Stra. ysisaFoedyin Gare. TW: Comear Mile Sorte Tombs Sees ‘aa Care, Comte ates Me) —TheFl of Goreme Sua rns inte ‘us| Raniwasenestior 202 dees vedi. he Dost Wo Siprie us| Gadnean income, 287 * Tesi Cress Trt acion 180 inet Ein Tire na Shera Crandon 186] Rapetene Ps... 208 Tres Fania ieee DE samen Sef ‘emt so |(CQHREERISTSSTOTET) — fateapse enc 208 Yate? Tmene SMCS aD] SOR eens] | Eolrntorgegn cant Chae etn Gestwimeatas an) Weak hyess se)” pam 22 Cnbinng Sel eng at | Vie rates 16? | Sty 26 TERRE) xayors | Coane eres 160| ty Se STH 17] Sal epee. 1) Siete Besar i ees E | eisecaret iow 12 | RRS tang iy 1 (OGTR RATES) ancien oe pea eS eee) ‘Combat Rules. The Rise af Ure Empire Gere) tesa 78) ves engi: TeeRbe re 2 Ceara 2] Fexttecinieme ae “een el Ode 28h Bee Sorrbisst (TREOTSRSSSII) ives cast 1 ceeheeaaiaaeae POSES 13] Spring Chet 208 tats i] the-eeemoxhewages, a1] Gerinra Dele. n8S Coe 2] Ueep merce m2) datas 10 | Gi Acces ane Pine sccrcccccas | foeebanes 22] deaspien.. 8 |__ eemenimterm 272 ras 2 2 Ba Sane ae foeetonee s se eucptons a8 Tae. SUS] sietimerarabas 8 Neste rates, 277 Meer a | Reenter 100 Crater aces 2 ede COI) rows tein ‘et onecsoees ma Mosman | eweswere 103) Presge es Sater CON) faeetieg ators 40a] Ae 206 (ores. eesesee 8B fet Cas teary ins Seas a | Smee tine tas 21 Teatreccsse see IE) Bite too: Ts, | Dea ws] facean Baie | nea a | Fares al ee Tei eR UMN TT ‘eke a = 1] kaitewe tented tens m0] ree Werpns 118) Sanarpiee et Gssentirstonse a6 | Meer Wego 0] Sinton Bs Le Depndene Rees 3¢ | ged pens mat ‘elcome nthe Its eon of he Sta rs Reelayirg me neter youre an experience pvr oF en tthe game, youre infra ra tee. Uy ne new einen? Fst and overt, we wnt he “Stine” care rulebook 29 eseemeas al ‘ature fims-something rat waste pes unt afer the reese cf Elo I Revenge of ne Sin 2008, Sec Mz of Cat had slepes may earth lei ye fo! ae yeast cas he Sar are Minature Gn aire ucsesliuerh af the wy ates we tre na Ww wented esi 9 ‘ue rulebook rat embraces our pre alter pls: miniatura ove 8:0 of then ed count". nd rat ‘Tea: opserturity give Slr b's Mn'atas Gore players arotht way in which i use re minstrel {haty arte to rake geodon promise to reat the gare ars dacament st aped by fa feedback andthe leet breaktinoughs moare design Ue the Star ars 5, the geme evaves Shere isthe frst we ea tbat the Sma Estar? Th ruebooe doesn: ehenge how replaying gees are pages: You sated “nase wacky det, your Imagination. 3 ove fo al nrg: Stor Pers ar Ye good tend. toweve. it ala relvantsthe game by allowing payers to castonie ie characte’s ways net before posibe Character gam acess fo mare Feats smell es ea sts of ters vai level ane promises semetir gnaw ard exiting, We've even taken fem porter fr the misaturs game end te amlined the corel rues Wie 33 sinphied fe sl s/er ad device) Fes rls thot fe mor ent ane We to the Sir Mors mie, Ths book ireorporeen Ease coment of corel wel 25 fe spies: Lie its predecessors: ‘agp itr eboo romiesrew ave tures ine StaParsgplaey ard Je ners ules system at dest ‘loge or beacng new grand rg gare rsbooktoszar the complet Star/ia's“im saga hove could Bel eve toro, is Been hry yrs ines Serge Lucas gave us Ws fst fim ne Stor Wars 539. | wos yeas ale when the rovie premised ui Nay 28, 177. Tiv sre aye boy ony ac ithe Stor ‘lr soste tare to i bedr wlsshe ves ined we Sor Wars aeto= fires a x, Str Nos Bad nce My ofthe “ry years betnoe7 Epeede VI and Ese te span laying clean res ich {5 FV ng TE Fiarter ard Dark Forces. Somewee sang the way, Became sn end sort before tne feeaseu'ThePhantum Meme ncn d my pas er Slo rand ead my nner cid 2 bce mn thee torin-eve*of Str Pers Comer agaene 9th se. Iwas le to "eet the people shine the Stor ‘Airsiegacy even wark wth tem. 1vtee Seyael anh rae fe se sarge “niet aed ed Peet Maye sru'd ite» hepy litle og, ard eevee Frequent bering be scenes ‘fips of file akin: magic. sus me neo How rac Star Pars hes rare art 0m fen ‘ite ota the igs tat can acc one's tine Wry yee whet a ears for aelestation! Perhaps fo hs reason alone, te time somes 1g 9 ree Ihiserect game, nace it better and give ta faces mes proud af hs book a cryring le moked or nd The been dong uae design sine mas seve fo oaup, Wie of ve Cat sls to ane! mre prods in eerie of lplying ge sgl nert ard esesorn.| hope ore ae ested ny ees Farm More irpotrty rope ths 024 Fis mary fy evenings and wecierds Wh EAGER, ng, and fond memo eof a galay ff aay Chih ia Chace Peking Janay 7.203? The Sto orf seit a3 anorng guar of scan an wondroes shiner rst powers eps sugges in! mr aes tere he, theomen ne fist Sir Derrye-eoged eas the “scape Ire wi Nth She game, you Ean 91 Himsor rat your ann abvetu=sn he Sar arsurivare A Rec is sem les Fem hen ard yor ranation. 3 Kaulng stright: tpsae-s cone tog DSi rss apace tora a sat, tl of seth sens." onder Te hee te ger tanh The visi ace evi, “he nivel alivein wl eed loa and eto W's om ut t's never ben ch ue hs way befor. It as thi elves at speak tothe ear ofthe auane I ein sage: very hieg apes ‘a grad sae Ani a, Veils ve ey fst “bins Bow vs We wart To cheer tothe ev qurs ans boo Bed ye sete’. we want tobe aa of hat fr ua waar THis Is 4 ROLEPLAYING Game ee you ce el Sas aking varie yu ciate saa tha feet haactesomare wees tha ser the rast Sophie! computer gms esas te oa Rito wat Sou is what you can tral The Stary & hr «evi, excepto heaton takes plas in out iragieation, There’ septfo the move ther than ‘ugh olin se by the Gamarase) you dere wat our chert ‘aysand oes. The Gamemasters the decor and spr a eects descnr, kedng what the scr is cbeut ard tkng on the vl fall the eet faerie oan hee, the spe st sr the Garman: a cep track of he “aks, nee BE aLtCEM oF actors, and Abeserbes what hapens Tegel poe’ nd eveybedy naa eat ne, THIs Is THE STAR Wars ROLEPLAYING Game urbie te abubus element at the Sa arsusvese wh the nosh ation-panered engine oF ¢ rcepeyng game, cl he araayealny ras near. Everything you Feed ih as hook exept di. Check ‘ut The Basic, Sg on 509 Jt ge! an ro he fundantas oF the gem ARSUBADINY pI DHE OI! Wen yu'te razy lp trough the rest f this book I er 2 alt of epior alain Yuta py Ina Sta Yass fis you pay the “ood guys the bees, or the guys i= bere” if you want to adda ithe ris toa oer Blea dewnite uve ‘When ow pay the Star War oepayng Game, you eeate a unique fietanel haracte Dat foes nthe imaginations =f ys ard your Wind Cpe zersor inthe ware, he Gamaraser (ld), corte te villains end ter E09 whe iver te Sir Bans univers. Trough your evaractes, you and your ‘rere face the angers an exlore the myst that you” amaraster seve afore you ‘yt is 03s ene Str er Roelayng Come Yu cen nave your character ey ything you ce thik of Hiesaurds ga a'd Ueuice alin yout favor the actin suecetds. The Bess Eton hes no's deals Now ge: rary ta ang tne agp in galny far Tar aacy. Ard the Force & wie you. ny CHARACTERS Your arate are he sats ofthe move the main charatersin te ome. We oretines reer tt inthe “gpd uy” se 9 se bat in the sense ofthe min potazon sso" Ue sto. Ech charac’ Iraginary ife eran. Your enarste might: A tough bist for hire ‘Avadawan lene ecirg to gain power nthe Force ‘brath starter sien ‘gambler sting t= mate the next big store ‘ara spacer makog 31 veg on the spe lees. emg er vil et of ool 2 yours seal iam a pospesous wor Rebel sy ‘Jes Knit w elsng 2 gh ssber in deTense of the Repu. 2 galetcscoat exploring the hyperspace la 2 Soir aid fer war the Outer Rr (can stherkird cf eraracte yu can mire WHaT You NEED TO Play eres wat you nee 1 str playing he Star Hers Rtepoyng Gare: ‘This ok mre tl weu how t0 teat ans lay your ehaseter ‘ety of te character sheet (0s page 207) A pen land scrter pape he or two foussided ice (4, out of m: thre de (2), to tena ce (410), End a ertpeded de (220) x sed ee 14, a9 salve sede, 4 sine fm the Stor rs Miniatures Some lines retese our Payesshuuld ead he font seccons thick the parts dating wi ractr creation sls feats end ezupmentverest athe hk ior the Somemarter prong ave for wing the care opporen's tr teow at tha layers characters, and few staring Forts or aeventures Dice he des abe vis te el th phases sues 25482" wih means oursbesces es pus” (gneatingarurber between sd 26). Te est rune’ tes cu tou rary dee 2 fll which are ade toes the frum’ afte the@" tes ou wh ype eetuze and any ruber after tht indicts a quan hat aed tna usraeted from the result Some evarpls ‘346; Thee sic ded ie, generating a name from 0 18 Ts the ‘amount of demege hata bate sol sek. “248: Tun eg siged dice, genet nubs for 2 te “2 Unis she amount of demage “ata lightsaber Ges inthe ans of Ist-leve Jes THE THREE ERAS OF PLayr “Tre Sur Wors Roaring re spaorts acventures and compa gn sn many diferert eres, thee of whch fe seseibed in detain tls book You ‘an set you carpelgr nthe: me of the resuel mevis (pss | I Knorr 5 the Rie ef sre Empte ea, ths 53 pevion hen 2 Reps power e wating, war tps Ue gala, code Je Cures Fos say ber ten thowand sec) Kgs. This ire gti pre-dates ve moire Dut inciuaes the turlivous Cone Wars {ry sa ge ford in tine to the asi pero of alectc ev wa an payin te Reel an ef, when he cow’ ofthe Emp suprene ad nase case of wig the Fare are few ad fot beeen Ts esenbed nthe oni Src Wasi soe Ml. (Dr ie ttre twenty ears ater the Bate Erdorand partic pe inthe eer src nding the mension of the gelany les ram beyond the ie of Koown acace rave begun an incurs if the Hea Pepubl es crs tu theaten the hiedewon peeee n= sta of The New Jed ‘rer Ls desired the Del Rey Sooks nave sre) Inadghion, thelr thsteok can 2e me t ppt carpal gns att in thera Fr evar pa the Gstent pct he ied arith wae forthe Flot of ste gary deisedn Dts Hose Comes Toes af the Jal ane Koghsof the Old Seyuble sais, as we! ax the Kigtsof te Od Feral ‘dco gems seem eat, oy ene ser your gme Int Lega) Cra souluiod Dak Hose Ci’ depaey cries Foy years after “he New Jel Ordeaa the Erg hs once again “sen to pons ad the Sith ase asied contrat of the eaouy Ahgh Ure Ue 2-088 2 fot ealcly covers in boc ove les herein can be vee 963384 for pay these ene THE Basics ong =me aye 1 gel far anay. ‘ith ths ecmceling abrese, ee'y Stor Was flmthuncers ono tre ayeeh, These epi movies ental wi a mix of space forte. Nah Senta, ons ryhaloy- evil to =e acventusso" Lite Skynalerard fae soa, tiu-far san ard O8-War Keno nett Sealand Pedr Diol le agin ourves ating Xing startgnters own te Death Si trench engaging im Hgh-to-the-ea:?Hhnsaber duets with Darth Moa} Count bo, 2 Beers revs ‘ithe Stor dis aleplayng Goree you cen experince ee sa ina whole new way Imagine ysure as 3 Jed in trating o a Repub Seinoy,abrave warhgher pat ora poner Weate Whether you want 1G be a player the amemaster °*m book $ yout portal tothe action= sks Sor Peregtiny THe Core MecHanic Te Starrs oleplaying Gare wes oe mechani tn es ve all actions Tis centre gamer e seeps pa fast anc intutva Whenever wou want to ten an con tat na sore chance of folie, ou rll a twentesied {Fe lor "80" o determine whether your characte suceeds at ask such fsenettaecerthe wee of el you do, alias, AW any eka odie, orrgete he res. ta target nur, the eu equal or ecees the tarcet rr beret 2 the GM or iven In the rls), yor characar suceads 3 te ak a hat. M the res I Fomer thn he target rarer ou fal THE GAMEMaSTER Wen yo. play ie Sar Wars Aoeciaying Gome, youre rartipating ia 20 Intractnesicry Payers aleon heroes ef unique chaser, eres, De pliner series the Germs, a corbination director mcato: end Feters. The GU describes situations, asks he playts What ef eareter ean d,s recalues these atone according sth ues of the gam The GM sets each sean, keeps he sory movieg an tales nth os of "he apkores and sther characters tha tre players Feros enoumte in eh avenue ee Gv, you suds Feat teh a stein at Sook: you dart need to errr ze, cut yo donee te hae rides fhe Toi ngs once ley ecins. Heroes yore loys os take ther oa Fun of the Star” of the Stor Warsaca that yu, othr payers, end tne GM al hat seve ap You {jeuteyoat helace withthe help of egeme ues that fo low, ace=ring tu ycuron vision forthe fpe of Ferm wea went to lay A yur chart participates adventes, Fear she gens exzercne po ts ha ep Fincher improve and bear mize sour For ire ntzmtion on character GAME PLAY Wis overrew gives ou enough of the basics to get ee “Gr how ths rolesojig gre works. The shapters tat allow ak hese basieccacepts nc expel upcn ther Trportapt oct have Leroi th cont his bok olay legate Es 4a mal emenerh Or yov undestd re by tr ira Ue ths coc a eferene ding ley. Te table contents 3 indexstoell e(pyoufird a spec fe topices hy Wen” cous stick othe sic, hep pling, in hee far You ana ways ook v2 sn O2eeur= ule ‘teryaur gine session ens, b= ererier th oa nt rave t sent the stil the me ot py page 8 ROLLING Dice eve already explore the base rule tht “arms the “ourdeson ef the dgame-ro1. 423,206 madi, and tr to ge: a rest has qual 3 oF jyester than herarget numer Wrerever you" earecter testo accomplish Something signicar: the GU aks yu tits daa. Inparcant! Net ese’ ation tui ie ol Rode ia sombat ane thee demic suntians when re suncess an ain in bt The used to dete-nine eels combat Aad er king ih esa any ees. are were, the AP determines wet sat ou succeed a 9m eon, The other dice (4, 63, 410. an3 412) a= used to detenrine what ‘apps ater you sutces. Usua y te o2%e des come to play after rmaieg a suceesty tach ol to eter rch Jaage the tach dese to re age A Game Session tl St Ps Rleooving Sune the Oamerasteand ses gl gee 5 el a story (och te play of the gare: Ae cal these groups sot es "sivelu'a.” A Slor Mon avente features she fatto as ‘foarte for coat: iin, ep pats ard ares of wonder anigancay ‘pial the game consists o* avenues het ese ep ses inne smoke sara One arene ight pay cut ne sng gem eho 30:1¢° ight stretch seross several evenings ply A esl cn sts ong ss ANVSUOAGIIY uOS GUM VAS

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