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Preview Star formation in a clustered environment around the UCHII region in IRAS 20293+3952

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.i20293_astroph c ESO2008 (cid:13) February5,2008 Star formation in a clustered environment  around the UCH region in IRAS 20293+3952 A.Palau1,R.Estalella1,J.M.Girart2,P.T.P.Ho3,Q.Zhang3,&H.Beuther4 1 Departamentd’AstronomiaiMeteorologia,UniversitatdeBarcelona,Av.Diagonal647,08028Barcelona,Catalunya,Spain 2 InstitutdeCiènciesdel’Espai(CSIC-IEEC),CampusUAB,FacultatdeCiències,TorreC5-Parell-2a,08193Bellaterra,Catalunya, 7 Spain 0 3 Harvard-SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,60GardenStreet,Cambridge,MA02138,USA 0 4 Max-Planck-InstitutforAstronomy,Koenigstuhl17,69117Heidelberg,Germany 2 Received/Accepted n a ABSTRACT J 7 Aims.WeaimatstudyingtheclusterenvironmentsurroundingtheUCHregioninIRAS20293+3952,aregioninthefirststagesof 1 formationofaclusteraroundahigh-massstar. Methods.BIMAandVLAwereusedtoobservethe3mmcontinuum,N H+(1–0),NH (1,1),NH (2,2),andCH OH(2–1)emission 2 3 3 3 1 ofthesurroundingsoftheUCHregion.Westudiedthekinematicsoftheregionandcomputedtherotationaltemperatureandcolumn v densitymapsbyfittingthehyperfinestructureofN H+andNH . 2 3 4 Results.ThedensegastracedbyN H+andNH showstwodifferentclouds,amaincloudtotheeastoftheUCHregion,of 0.5pc 2 3 ∼ 0 and 250 M , and awestern cloud, of 0.15pc and 30 M . Thedust emissionreveals two strongcomponents inthenorthern 5 side∼ofthem⊙aincloud,BIMA1andBIM∼A2,associate∼dwith⊙YSOsdrivingmolecularoutflows,andtwofaintercomponentsinthe 1 southernside,BIMA3andBIMA4,withnosignsofstarformingactivity.RegardingtheCH OH,wefoundstrongemissionina 3 0 fork-likestructureassociatedwithoutflowB,aswellasemissionassociatedwithoutflowA.TheYSOsassociatedwiththedensegas 7 seemtohaveadiversityofageandproperties.Therotationaltemperatureishigherinthenorthernsideofthemaincloud,around 0 22K,wheretherearemostoftheYSOs,thaninthesouthernside,around16K.Thereisstrongchemicaldifferentiationintheregion, / sincewedeterminedlowvaluesoftheNH /N H+ratio, 50,associatedwithYSOsinthenorthofthemaincloud,andhighvalues, h upto300,associatedwithcoreswithnode3tect2edYSOs,∼inthesouthofthemaincloud.Suchachemicaldifferentiationislikelydue p toabundance/depletion effects.Finally,interactionbetweenthedifferentsourcesintheregionisimportant.First,theUCHregion - o is interacting with the main cloud, heating it and enhancing the CN(1–0) emission. Second, outflow A seems to be excavating a r cavityandheatingitswalls.Third,outflowBisinteractingwiththeBIMA4core,likelyproducingthedeflectionoftheoutflowand t illuminatingaclumplocated 0.2pctothenortheastoftheshock. as Conclusions.Thestarformat∼ionprocessinIRAS20293+3952isnotobviouslyassociatedwithinteractions,butseemstotakeplace : wheredensityishighest. v i Keywords. Stars:formation—ISM:individual:IRAS20293+3952—ISM:dust—ISM:clouds X r a 1. Introduction clusterofinfrared/opticalsourcesemerges(e.g.,Hester&Desch 2005).Thestudyoftheclumpymediumaroundmassiveproto- Itisgenerallyacceptedthattheformationofmassivestarstakes starshelpsnotonlyintheunderstandingoftheformationofthe place not isolated but simultaneously with the formation of a massive star itself, but also provides a direct way to study the cluster. Clusters of infrared sources have been studied at op- clusteredmodeofstarformation,inwhichmoststarsarethought tical and near-infrared wavelengths around intermediate/high- toform. mass stars (e.g., McCaughrean & Stauffer 1994; Hillenbrand 1995; Hillenbrand & Hartmann 1998; Testi et al. 1998, 1999, Inordertoproperlycharacterizethemediumaroundamas- 2000). One could surmise on the structure and the evolution- siveprotostar,itisnecessarytobesensitivetosmall( 2000AU) arystateofthemolecularcloudwhensuchclusterswerebeing and low-mass (< 1 M ) clumps of gas and dust. F∼or this, in- bornaroundanintermediate/high-massprotostar.Inthestandard terferometric ob∼servati⊙ons toward relatively nearby (< 3 kpc) theoryofstarformation,thecentralmassiveobject,deeplyem- massivestar-formingregionsarerequired,andarenowpossible beddedinlargeamountsofgasanddust,startstoradiateatUV withsufficientsensitivity.Herewereportonobservationsofone wavelengthsat veryearly stages, beforefinishing the accretion intermediate/high-massstar-formingregion,IRAS20293+3952, ofallitsfinalmass(e.g.,Bernasconi&Maeder1996).TheUV locatedat2.0kpcofdistance(Beutheretal.2004b)inthesouth- photonsionizethesurroundingmedium,andthehigh-massstar western edgeofthe CygnusOB2 association,andwith a lumi- developesan UCHregionaroundit(see,eg.Garay& Lizano nosity of 6300 L . This region has been included in the sam- 1999),whichexpandsandpushesforwardthegasanddustsur- pleofhigh-mass⊙protostarcandidatesofSridharanetal.(2002). roundingituntiltheparentalcloudiscompletelydisruptedanda TheIRAS sourceis associatedwith the onlycentimetersource detectedin the region,which islikely tracinganUCH region Sendoffprintrequeststo:AinaPalau, (Beuther et al. 2002b). A study of the H2 emission in the re- e-mail:[email protected] gionshowstwonear-infraredstars(IRS1andIRS2)associated 2 Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 with the IRAS source, and a circular ring of H emission sur- calibration,andtheerrorinthefluxdensityscalewasassumedto 2 roundingIRS1(Kumaretal.2002).Beutheretal.(2002a)ob- be 30%.Datawerecalibratedandimagedusingstandardpro- ∼ servedtheregionwiththeIRAM30mtelescopeandfindsome cedures in MIRIAD (Sault et al. 1995). We combinedthe data substructureat1.2mmaroundtheUCHregion.Thestrongest from B and C configurations. In order to improve the angular millimeter peak, very close to the position of a H O maser, is resolutionofthecontinuumemission,weweightedthevisibility 2 located 15 north-east of the IRAS source, and observations datawitharobustparameterof+1.Forthelineemission,which ′′ ∼ with high angular resolution by Beuther et al. (2004a) reveal is more extendedthan the continuum,we used natural weight- a compactand strong millimeter source, mm1, associated with ing. The resulting synthesized beams and the final rms noises the H O maser. Two other fainter compact millimeter sources, arelistedinTable1. 2 mm2andmm3,arelocated10 totheeastoftheUCHregion. ′′ Beuther et al. (2004a), from CO(2–1) and SiO(2–1) observa- 2.2.VLA tions,suggestthepresenceoffourmolecularoutflowsinthere- gion,with two ofthem,outflowsA andB, associatedwith two Observations of the (J,K) = (1,1) and (2,2) inversion transi- chainsofH2knots(Kumaretal.2002).Subsequentobservations tions of the ammonia molecule were carried out with the Very with the PdBI were carried out at 2.6 and 1.3 mm by Beuther Large Array (VLA) of the NRAO2 in the D configuration on et al. (2004b),who find CN emission close to mm1, mm2 and 2000 September 3. The phase center was set to α(J2000) = mm3. The different millimeter sources detected and the pres- 20h31m10s.70; δ(J2000) = +40 0310.7 (catalogue position of ence of multiple outflowsaroundthe UCH region makesthis the IRAS source).The FWHM◦of t′he′′primarybeam at the fre- regionagoodchoicetostudystarformationandinteractionina quency of observation was 110 , and the range of projected ′′ clusteredenvironment. baselines was 37.9–708 m.∼The absolute flux calibration was In thispaperwe reportonBIMA andVLA observationsof performedbyusing3C48,adoptinga fluxdensityat1.3cmof thecontinuumat3mmandthedensegastracedbyN2H+(1–0), 1.05Jy.ThephasecalibratorwasQSO2013+370,witha1.3cm NH3(1,1), and NH3(2,2) toward IRAS 20293+3952, together bootstrappedfluxdensityof3.84Jy,and3C84wasusedasthe with observations of several CH3OH(2–1) transitions. In §2 bandpasscalibrator. we summarize the observations and the reduction process, in The NH (1,1) and NH (2,2) lines were observed simulta- 3 3 §3 we show the main results for the continuum and molecu- neously in the 4 IF correlator mode of the VLA (with 2 po- larlineemission,in §4weanalyzethelineemissionandshow larizations for each line), providing 63 channels with a spec- the method used to derive the rotational temperature and col- tralresolutionof0.62kms 1 acrossabandwidthof3.13MHz, − umndensitymaps.Finally,in§5wediscusstheresultsobtained, plusanadditionalcontinuumchannelcontainingthecentral75% mainly the properties of the dense gas surrounding the UCH ofthe totalbandwidth.Thebandwidthwascenteredatthe sys- region,thedifferentsourcesidentifiedintheregion,andthein- temicvelocityv = 6.3kms 1 (Sridharanetal.2002)forthe LSR − teractionbetweenthem. NH (1,1)line,andatv = 11.3kms 1 fortheNH (2,2)line 3 LSR − 3 (to cover the main and one of the satellite components). Data 2. Observations werecalibratedandimagedusingstandardproceduresofAIPS. The cleaned channel maps were made using natural weighting 2.1.BIMA ofthevisibilitydata.Table1summarizestheparametersofthe The N H+(1–0) and CH OH(2–1) lines and continuum at observations. 2 3 95 GHz were observed towards the IRAS 20293+3952region withtheBIMAarray1atHatCreek.Theobservationswerecar- 3. Results ried out on 2003 September 28 in the C configuration, and on 2004March24,intheBconfiguration,with10antennasinuse. 3.1.Continuumemission The phase center of the observations was set at α(J2000) = 20h31m12s.70; δ(J2000) = +40 0313.4 (position of the mil- Figure 1 shows the continuum map at 3.15 mm overlaid on ◦ ′ ′′ limeterpeakdetectedwiththeIRAM30mtelescopebyBeuther the continuuminfraredemission at 2.12 µm from Kumaret al. et al. 2002a). The full range of projected baselines, including (2002).Themillimetercontinuumemissionhastwostrongcom- bothconfigurations,was9.4–240m.TheFWHMoftheprimary ponents, BIMA 1 and BIMA 2, both spatially resolved. While beam at the frequencyof the observationswas 120 . Typical BIMA1iselongatedinanortheast-southwestdirection(roughly ′′ systemtemperatureswere 500K forSep 28an∼d500–1500K P.A. 45◦), BIMA 2 is somewhat flattened in the east-west di- forMar24. ∼ recti≃on, and is surrounded by an elongated structure of 30′′ ∼ The digitalcorrelatorwas configuredto observesimultane- (0.3 pc), which is tracing a dust ridge. There is an extended ouslythe continuumemission, theN2H+(1–0)groupof hyper- clump 10′′ to the southeast of the dust ridge, which we label finetransitions(93.17631GHz,inthelowersideband),andthe BIMA3.Notethatinthissoutheasternregionthereareveryfew CH3OH21–11 E,20–10 E,20–10 A+,and2 1–1 1 Etransitions infrared sources. At 10′′ to the east of the ridge, there is an- (96.74142GHz,intheuppersideband).For−the−continuum,we otherfaintfeature,BIMA4,extendingfor10′′inthenorthwest- usedabandwidthof600MHzineachsideband,andforthelines southeastdirection.Continuumemissionatalevelof5σisde- weusedabandwidthof25MHzwith256channelsof100kHz tected toward the position of the UCH region, and toward width,providingaspectralresolutionof0.31kms 1. IRS2.Beutheretal.(2004b)observedthesameregionat2.6mm − PhasecalibrationwasperformedwithQSO2013+370,with withthePdBIathigherangularresolution(1′.′5 1′.′2),butwitha × typical rms in the phases of 12◦ and 43◦ for C and B config- smallerprimarybeam(44′′).Theauthorsfindaverystrongcom- urations,respectively.The absolute position accuracywas esti- pactsource,mm1,towardthepositionofBIMA1andelongated matedto bearound0.5.We alsoused QSO 2013+370forflux ′′ 2 The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the 1 The BIMA arraywas operated by theBerkeley-Illinois-Maryland NationalScienceFoundationoperatedundercooperativeagreementby AssociationwithsupportfromtheNationalScienceFoundation. AssociatedUniversities,Inc. Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 3 Table1.ParametersoftheBIMAandVLAobservations Beam P.A. Spec.resol. Rmsa Observation Telescope Config. (arcsec) ( ) (kms 1) (mJybeam 1) ◦ − − Continuum BIMA B+C 5.8 5.6 6.4 0.7 CH OH(2–1) BIMA B+C 6.1×5.7 −6.2 0.−31 80 N H3+(1–0) BIMA B+C 6.2×5.9 −4.1 0.31 70 2 × − NH (1,1) VLA D 6.9 3.0 71.5 0.62 3 3 × NH (2,2) VLA D 6.6 3.1 71.4 0.62 3 3 × a Rmsnoiseperchannelinthecaseoflineemission. Fig.1. Contours:3.15mmcontinuumemissionfromIRAS20293+3952obtainedwithBIMAintheBandCconfigurationsusing anintermediateweightbetweenuniformandnatural(robust=+1).Thecontourlevelsare 3,3,5,7,9,12,15,18,21,and24times thermsnoiseofthemap,0.67mJybeam 1.Thesynthesizedbeam,showninthebottomr−ightcorner,is5.8 5.6,atP.A.= 6.4. − ′′ ′′ ◦ Whitecontourscorrespondtothecentimeteremissionat3.6cm,andtracetheUCHregion(Beutheretal.×2004a).Contour−sare 3, 3, 6, and 9 times 70 µJy beam 1. Grey scale: Continuum image at 2.12 µm from Kumar et al. (2002).Main clumps of dust − − emissionarelabeledasBIMA1toBIMA4.WhitedotsindicatethecompactmillimetersourcesdetectedbyBeutheretal.(2004b) at2.6mmwiththePdBI.Theseare,fromwesttoeast,mm2,mm3,andmm1.Whitecrossesmarkthesourcesfrom2MASSwith infraredexcess,andblacktiltedcrossesmarkthepositionoftheNorthernWarmSpot(NWS)andtheSouthernWarmSpot(SWS). in the same northeast-southwestdirection as BIMA 1. Besides correspondingtothelines2 –1 A+and2 –1 Eareshownin 0 0 1 1 this strong component, a weak subcomponent was resolved in Fig.4. − − the direction of the elongation(to the southwest of mm1), and ThestrongestemissionofCH OHisfoundtothesoutheast 3 waslabeledmm1a.Beutheretal.(2004b)alsofindtwocompact ofBIMA1,elongatedinthesoutheast-northwestdirection,and millimetersourcesassociatedwithBIMA2,mm2andmm3(see coveringaspatialextensionof 55 (0.6pc).Theemissionhas ′′ Fig.1forthepositionsofthesecompactmillimetersources). a fork-like structure (this is w∼ell observed in the 7.7 km s 1 − velocity channel of Fig. 4), and extends through several chan- InTable2weshowtheposition,peakintensity,fluxdensity nels. This structure is associated with high-velocity SiO(2–1) and masses associated with BIMA 1, BIMA 2, the entire dust andCO(2–1)emissionofoutflowB(Beutheretal.2004a).The ridge (including BIMA 2), BIMA 3, BIMA 4, and IRS 2. We position-velocity(p-v)plotalongoutflowBisshowninFig.5a. discusstheseresultsinsection4.1. Themostprominentfeatureintheplotisabluewing, 6kms 1 − ∼ wide,spanningfrom0 to15 offsetpositions.Atnegativeoff- ′′ ′′ sets the CH OH emission is dominated by a weak red wing 3 3.2.CH3OH (this is better seen for the 2 1–1 1 E line). Farther away than 25 (whichcorrespondstot−heso−utheasternmostclumpofout- ′′ ∼ Figure 2a shows the zero-order moment map of the CH OH flowB),theemissionhascontributionsfrombothredshiftedand 3 emission,integratedfrom 1.5to21kms 1,includingthetwo blueshifted emission. This change of behaviour spatially coin- − strongest transitions 2 –1−A+, and 2 –1 E. Figure 3 shows cideswithBIMA4,locatedinthep-vplotatanoffsetposition 0 0 1 1 the CH OH spectrum at selected pos−ition−s. The channel maps of20 . 3 ′′ 4 Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 Fig.2. a) CH OH zero-order moment for the 2 –1 A+, and 2 –1 E lines toward IRAS 20293+3952.Contours start at 1%, 3 0 0 1 1 increasinginstepsof12%ofthepeakintensity,10.7Jybeam 1k−ms −1.b)N H+zero-ordermomentintegratedforallthehyperfine − − 2 componentsofthe(1–0)transition.Contoursstartat2%,increasinginstepsof12%ofthepeakintensity,21.9Jybeam 1kms 1. − − c)NH (1,1)zero-ordermoment.Contoursstartat5%,increasingin stepsof15%ofthepeakintensity,0.240Jy beam 1 kms 1. 3 − − d)NH (2,2)zero-ordermoment.Contoursstartat7%,increasinginstepsof15%ofthepeakintensity,0.0892Jybeam 1kms 1. 3 − − In all panels, the first level is about3 times the rms noise of the map. Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1, with the star marking thepeakofthecentimeteremission,andthetrianglesmarkingthepositionsofBIMA3andBIMA4cores.MECandMWCstand formethanoleasternclumpandmethanolwesternclump,respectively.Thesynthesizedbeamsforeachtransitionareshowninthe bottomrightcorner,andarelistedinTable1.ThestraightlinesmarkthedirectionofoutflowsAandB(Beutheretal.2004a),with thelightgreylinecorrespondingtotheredshiftedlobe.ThedashedcurveindicatestheprimarybeamofBIMA(panelsaandb)and VLA(panelscandd)observations. Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 5 Table2.Parametersofthecontinuumsourcesat3.15mm PeakPosition Ipeak Fluxa AssumedT b Massc ν d α(J2000) δ(J2000) (mJybeam 1) (mJy) (K) (M ) − BIMA1 20:31:12.767 40:03:22.65 17.4 28 34 6.⊙3 BIMA2 20:31:12.062 40:03:12.22 12.1 23 34 5.2 BIMA2+ridge - - - 42 25 14 BIMA3 20:31:13.769 40:03:03.12 5.4 7.9 17 3.9 BIMA4 20:31:14.558 40:03:06.95 4.2 7.9 17 3.9 IRS2 20:31:10.303 40:03:17.10 3.5 3.9 50 0.60 a Fluxdensityinsidethe5σcontourlevelforBIMA1,BIMA2,andBIMA2+ridge,andthe3σlevelforBIMA3,BIMA4,andIRS2. b T is estimated by correcting the rotational temperature derived from NH (see § 4.2) to kinetic temperature, following the expression of d 3 Tafallaetal.(2004).ForIRS2weassumedT 50K. c Massesofgasanddustderivedassumingadusdt∼emissivityindexβ=1(Beutheretal.2004b).Theuncertaintyinthemassesduetotheopacity lawandthedustemissivityindexisestimatedtobeafactoroffour. AclumptotheeastofoutflowBthatcanbeseenintheinte- linebroadeningallalongtheoutflow,butwithoutthewingemis- gratedintensitymapshowsnarrowlinesandappearsonlyatsys- sioncomponentfoundintheCH OHemission. 3 temicvelocities(seeFigs.3and4).Welabelthisclump,which Thewesterncloudappearsredshifted,at 7kms 1,andhas − ≥ hasnotbeenpreviouslydetected,’methanoleasternclump’. narrowlines(Fig.7).Atthesevelocities,thereisweakemission connecting the western cloud with outflow B. Figure 9 shows Inaddition,therearetworedshiftedclumps,oneassociated withBIMA1,andtheotherclosetotheUCHregion(see,e.g., the p-v plot along a cut at P.A.=110◦, picking up partially the velocity channels from 13 to 16 km s 1), which probably are outflowandthewesterncloud.Fromthisplot,itseemsthatthe − westerncloudextends 1 (0.6pc)towardtheeast,intersecting partoftheredshiftedCO(2–1)lobeofoutflowA(Beutheretal. ′ ∼ 2004a).WelabeltheclumpclosetotheUCHregion’methanol themaincloud. westernclump’.InFig.6,showingthep-vplotalongoutflowA, wefindthatthereisavelocitygradient,from4kms 1 at7 ,to − ′′ 3.4.NH3 8kms 1at 10 ,clearlyseeninthetwolines.Thisvelocitygra- − ′′ dientiscen−teredaroundthezerooffsetposition(corresponding The zero-order moment map of the NH3(1,1) emission (inte- tomm1).Themethanolwesternclump,seenat 35 ,ishighly gratedincludingthemainlineandtheinnersatellites)isshown ′′ redshifted(line20–10 A+ isat 9kms−1)and∼sh−owsbroadred inFig.2c.TheoverallstructureofNH3(1,1)resemblesroughly wings,spreading 5kms−1. ∼ the emission of the dust and the emission of N2H+. NH3(1,1) ∼ emission is also associated with the main cloud and the west- ern cloud. There is another NH (1,1) clump to the northwest 3 3.3.NH+ (notshowninFig.2),whichisveryweakinN H+ (inpartdue 2 2 to the primary beam attenuation). A difference between N H+ 2 Thezero-ordermomentmapintegratedforallthehyperfinetran- andNH (1,1)emissionisthatwhereasN H+ peaksclosetothe 3 2 sitions is presented in Fig. 2b. Figure 3 shows the N2H+(1–0) millimetercontinuumsources,thestrongestNH3(1,1)emission spectraatselectedpositions. in the main cloud lies in the southeastern part. In addition, the TheintegratedN2H+ emissionconsistsofamaincloudand strongestNH3(1,1)emissionovertheentireregioncomesfrom asmallerandweakercloudtothewestofthemaincloud(west- thewesterncloud,notfromthemaincloud.NH3(1,1)emission erncloud).Thesizeofthemaincloudandthewesterncloudare towardtheUCHregionisweak. 50 (0.5pc),and 15 (0.15pc),respectively.ThefourBIMA Figure 2d shows the zero-order moment map of the ′′ ′′ ∼sourcesarelocated∼inthemaincloudwithBIMA1closetothe NH3(2,2) emission. NH3(2,2) emission resembles closely that N2H+ emissionpeak.N2H+ emissionismarginallydetectedto- of the NH3(1,1). However,the main difference with NH3(1,1) wardstheUCHregion. is that the strongest emission of the NH3(2,2) in the entire re- gion is found very close to BIMA 1. The NH (2,2) emission The hyperfine F = 0–1 was used for the analysis of the 3 1 in the western edge of the main cloud shows an extension that kinematicsoftheN2H+ emissionbecauseitisnotblendedwith encompassesthepositionoftheUCHregion. theotherhyperfines.InFigs.7and8weshowthechannelmaps NotethatthedensegastracedbyNH andN H+ismorpho- and the first and second-ordermomentsfor this hyperfine.The 3 2 logicallyverydifferentfromthegastracedbyCH OH. channelwithmaximumintensitywasfoundatthesystemicve- 3 locity(6.3kms 1). − The first-order moment map shows a small velocity gradi- 4. Analysis ent in the main cloud with increasing velocities roughly from 4.1.Dust the southwest to the northeast. In addition, there is a filament spatiallycoincidentwithoutflowB(clearlyvisibleinthe7.1to WecomparedthepositionofBIMA1withthemillimetersource 7.7kms 1 channelmapsofFig.7),whichhasverybroadlines found by Beuther et al. (2004b) at 3.5 mm at similar angular − associated, as seen in the second-ordermomentmap (Fig. 8b). resolution. The peak of BIMA 1 is shifted 1 to the west of ′′ ∼ Thep-vplotmadeacrossoutflowB andwithinthe maincloud mm1. The values of the peak intensities (Table 2) are in very (Fig.5b)showstheaforementionedvelocitygradientinthemain good agreement with Beuther et al. (2004a), and the flux den- cloudandthelinebroadeningtowardoutflowB (atoffsetposi- sities fromTable2 are about50%largerthanthose reportedin tion zero). The p-v plot along outflow B (Fig. 5c) shows clear Beutheretal.(2004a).Theoffsetinpositionsandthelargerflux 6 Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 Fig.3. Spectra towardsevenpositionsofthe IRAS20293+3952regionforthe fourtransitionsstudiedin thispaper,fromleftto right,NH (1,1),NH (2,2),N H+(1–0),andCH OH(2–1).Thesevenpositionsarelabeledontherightpanelofeachrow,andare, 3 3 2 3 fromtoptobottom,BIMA1,BIMA3,BIMA4,NWS(NorthernWarmSpot),SWS(SouthernWarmSpot),MEC(methanoleastern clump),andMWC(methanolwesternclump).Theverticalscaleisindicatedforeachtransitioninthebottomrow.ForCH OHwe 3 show,inorderofincreasingvelocity,the2 –1 E,2 –1 A+,and2 –1 Elines(velocitiesarereferredtothe2 –1 A+ line).For 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 N H+,velocitiesarereferredtotheF =0–1hyperfine. − − 2 1 densitiesdetectedinthisworkcouldbeproducedbythediffer- thepossiblefree-freeemissionfrommm1atoBIMA1issmall, entspatialfilteringoftheBIMAandPdBIarrays,withtheBIMA giventhattheintensity ofmm1 isfive timeslargerthanthe in- arraymoresensitivetolarge-scalestructures. tensityofmm1a,andthusessentiallyallcontinuumemissionat 3mmisduetothermaldustemission. Thecontinuumemissionat3.15mmisprobablyduetother- mal dust emission for most positions of the region, since free- Toderivemassesfromthefluxdensitiesat3.15mm,wecor- free emission from ionized gas, traced by the continuumemis- rectedthe rotationaltemperature,between 15and 25K (calcu- sion at 3.6 cm (Fig. 1), is detected only at the western edge of lated from NH (1,1)and NH (2,2),see § 4.2), to kinetic tem- 3 3 the main cloud, at the position of the UCH region. However, perature(Walmsley&Ungerechts1983),byfollowingTafallaet Beuther et al. (2004b) find a spectral index between 1.3 and al. (2004),yieldingkinetic temperaturesin the range17–34K. 2.6mmtowardmm1a(thesubcomponenttothewestofmm1)of Themasses (Table2) are2 timeslargerthan thoseobtainedby 0.8,andsuggestthatthe collimatedionizedwind fromoutflow Beutheretal.(2004b)fromobservationsat3.5mm.Thediffer- A could account for such a spectral index. The contributionof encearisesfromthefactthatBIMAisdetectingmorefluxthan Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 7 Fig.4. CH OH channelmapstoward IRAS 20293+3952for the lines 2 –1 A+ (around6.3 km s 1, the systemic velocity),and 3 0 0 − 2 –1 E(around13kms 1),averagedevery4channels.Contoursare 16, 12, 8, 4,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,and32timesthe 1 1 − rm−sof−themap,0.04Jybeam 1.Filledcirclesarethecompactmillimet−erso−urces−dete−ctedbyBeutheretal.(2004b),andthestar − marksthepositionoftheUCHregion.Thesynthesizedbeamisshowninthebottomrightcornerofeachpanel. PdBIobservations,andfromthedifferentdusttemperaturesas- intrinsic line width were the same for both NH (1,1) and 3 sumed.WhileBeutheretal.(2004a)assumeadusttemperature NH (2,2).FortheNH columndensityderivation,wefollowed 3 3 (derivedfrom a graybodyfit to the spectral energydistribution the expression given in Table 1 of Anglada et al. (1995), and in the entire region) of 56 K, we adopted the kinetic tempera- assumedthatthefillingfactorwas1. turesobtainedfromtheNH3 observations,whichallowedusto The map of the rotational temperature is presented in separate the contribution from each source, thanks to the high Fig.10a.Themaximumvalue,38 15K,isreachedatthepo- angularresolution.Thelowertemperaturesadoptedimplylarger sition of the UCH region. Intere±stingly, around the apparent massesinordertoproducethesamefluxdensity. dense gas cavity west to BIMA 1, NH shows high tempera- 3 tures,withamaximumof34 9K(thefitstotheNH (1,1)and 3 ± NH (2,2)atthesepositionsarereasonablygood,sothisheating 4.2.Rotationaltemperatureandcolumndensitymaps 3 mustbereal).Towardthewesterncloudwefindthattemperature We obtained N H+ and NH spectra for positions in a grid of isessentiallyconstant,around16K,slightlydecreasingtoward 2 3 2 2 inthemaincloudandthewesterncloud,andfittedthe thecenterofthecloud. ′′ ′′ × hyperfine structure of each spectrum, or a single Gaussian for There are some local maxima of rotational temperature in NH3(2,2).Weperformedthefitsonlyforthosespectrawithan themap.Inordertotestthesignificanceoftheselocalmaxima, intensitygreaterthan5σforNH3(1,1),andgreaterthan4σfor we fitted them with a ’gaussian + background level’ model in NH3(2,2). We set a higher cutoff for NH3(1,1) to ensure that a regiona few times the synthesized beam size, with the gaus- not only the main line is detected but also the satellites. The sianwidthandpositionanglefixedandequaltothesynthesized resultsfromthefitsindicatethattheentiremaincloudisessen- beam.Wedefinedthetemperatureenhancementasthedifference tiallyopticallythinforN2H+(τTOT 1.5),butopticallythickfor betweenthelocalmaximaandthebackgroundlevel.Thermsof ≤ NH3(1,1) (τTOT 12). In both cases, the highestopacities are theresidualimageinthefitted regionis< 1.5K,andtheposi- ≤ reachedinthesoutheasternsideofthecloud,aroundBIMA3. tionsof the gaussian peaksare within 0.2 of the localmaxima ′′ FromtheresultsofthefitstotheNH (1,1)andtheNH (2,2) positions.InTable3welistthepositionsofthesignificantlocal 3 3 spectra we computed the rotational temperature and NH col- maxima, their temperature, and temperature enhancement. We 3 umn density maps. We derived the rotational temperature fol- consideredthata local maximais significantwhenthe temper- lowingthestandardprocedures(Ho&Townes1983;Sepúlveda ature enhancement is at least two times the uncertainty. There 1993), and assuming that the excitation temperature and the is a local maximumthat is nearly coincident(within 0.5) with ′′ 8 Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 Fig.5. a) CH OH position-velocity(p-v)plotalong outflowB (P.A.=130 ). Channelmapshave beenconvolvedwith a beamof 3 ◦ 5 2 ,withP.A.perpendiculartothedirectionofthecut.Contoursstartat0.17Jybeam 1,andincreaseinstepsof0.17Jybeam 1. ′′ ′′ − − The×bottomdashedlineindicatesthesystemicvelocityforline2 –1 A+(takenasthereferenceline),at6.3kms 1.Thetopdashed 0 0 − lineindicatesthesystemicvelocityforline2 –1 E,at12.6kms 1.b)N H+ p-vplotfortheF = 0–1hyperfineacrossoutflow 1 1 − 2 1 Bandthemaincloud(P.A.=40 ).Positivepo−sitio−nsaretowardthenortheast.Contoursstartat0.2Jybeam 1, increasinginsteps ◦ − of0.2Jybeam 1.c)N H+ p-vplotfortheF =0–1hyperfinealongoutflowB(P.A.=130 ).Thevelocityscaleisplacedmatching − 2 1 ◦ thevelocityscaleoftheCH OHemission.Contoursstartat0.15Jybeam 1,increasinginstepsof0.15Jybeam 1.ForN H+,we 3 − − 2 didnotconvolvethechannelmaps.Inallpanels,thecentralpositioncorrespondstotheNorthernWarmSpot(seeTable4),andis markedbyaverticaldashedlineinpanela. IRS5,withavalueof24 3K.Thewarmestlocalmaximumis lowestvaluesintherotationaltemperaturemap(Fig.10a).Inthe ± located 5 tothesoutheastofmm1(labeledas’NorthernWarm northernpart of the cloud the column density is higher around ′′ ∼ Spot’),reaching29 6K,andisapparentlyassociatedwithfaint theNorthernWarmSpot.ItisworthnotingthattheNH column 3 ± continuum emission at 2.12 µm (see Fig. 1). There is another density decreases toward IRS 5. Note also that in the western localmaximumassociatedalsowithfaintemissionat2.12µm, cloudthecolumndensityincreasestowardthecenter. which is found 10 to the southwest of BIMA 3, with 20 2 ′′ ± K (labeledas’SouthernWarm Spot’).Anotherlocalmaximum is associated with the H knot c (Kumar et al. 2002), lying on 2 theaxisofoutflowB.Finally,notethatthereisalsosomeheat- ing about20′′ to the southeastofthe NorthernWarm Spot, but We calculated the N H+ column density by following 2 we did not consider this heating in the table because it falls in Bensonetal.(1998),takingintoaccounttheopacityeffects,and theedgeoftheregionwherewefittedthespectra.Notethatall correcting for the primary beam attenuation. In the expression thetemperatureenhancementsinTable3haveinfraredemission for the column density, the value for T was derived from the ex associated,givingsupporttotheirsignificance. hyperfinefitmadewithCLASS,andassumingafillingfactorof Figure10bshowstheresultingcolumndensitymapforNH , 1.TheresultingmapisshowninFig.10c.ContrarytoNH ,the 3 3 corrected for the primary beam response. An obvious feature mapof the N H+ columndensityhasthe maximumvaluevery 2 fromtheNH columndensitymapisthatthehighestvaluesare close to the position of the NorthernWarm Spot and BIMA 1, 3 found to the southeast of the main cloud, where we found the andnotinthesouthernsideofthemaincloud. Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 9 Fig.6. CH OHp-vplotalongoutflowA,withP.A.=67 .Contoursare 0.25, 0.15,0.15,0.25,0.35,0.45,and0.52Jybeam 1.The 3 ◦ − velocityresolutionis0.30kms 1,andthechannelmapshavebeenco−nvolved−withabeamof10 5 ,withaP.A.perpendicular − ′′ ′′ × tothedirectionofthecut,inordertorecoverthemaximumemissionineachposition.Thevelocityrangeincludestwolines:2 –1 0 0 A+(at6.3kms 1,bottomdashedline)and2 –1 E(at12.6kms 1,topdashedline).Thezeropositioncorrespondstomm1,and − 1 1 − positivevaluesgotothenortheast. − − Fig.7. N H+(1–0)channelmapsforthe F = 0–1hyperfinetowardIRAS20293+3952.Contourlevelsare 4,4,8,12,16,and 2 1 20 times the rms noise of the maps 0.07 Jy beam 1. Filled circles are the compactmillimeter sources detect−ed by Beuther et al. − (2004b),andthestarmarksthepositionoftheUCHregion.Thesynthesizedbeamisshowninthebottomrightcorner. 4.3.TheNH/NH+columndensityratiomap following the same procedures outlined above, and correcting 3 2 for the primarybeamof each interferometer.We computedthe InordertocomparetheNH3 emissionwiththeN2H+ emission, NH3/N2H+ columndensityratiomap,andtheresultisshownin weconvolvedtheNH3andN2H+ channelmapstoobtainafinal Fig.10d.FromtheNH3/N2H+ratiomap,onecanseeacleargra- beam of 7′′ (the major axis of the NH3 and N2H+ beams). We dientfromthenorthwestofthemaincloud,witharatioaround fittedthespectraineachpositionofagridof4 4 inthecon- ′′ ′′ volvedmaps,andderivedthecolumndensityfor×NH andN H+ 3 2 10 Palauetal.:StarFormationinIRAS20293+3952 Fig.8. a)Colorscale:first-ordermomentmapforthehyperfineF =0–1lineofN H+(1–0)towardIRAS20293+3952.b)Color 1 2 scale: second-ordermomentmap for the hyperfine F = 0–1 line of N H+(1–0). In both figures black contoursare the same as 1 2 Fig.2a, showingtheCH OH(2–1)emission,with contoursstartingat13%,andincreasinginstepsof 15%ofthepeakintensity. 3 Colorscalesareinms 1.Thesynthesizedbeamisshowninthebottomrightcorner,andsymbolsarethesameasinFig.2.Note − thatthesecond-ordermomentgivesthevelocitydispersion,andmustbemultipliedbythefactor2√2ln2 2.35toobtainFWHM ≃ linewidths. Table3.Significantlocaltemperatureenhancements Position T ∆Ta Possible rot α(J2000) δ(J2000) (K) (K) Counterparts 20:31:13.26 40:02:58.9 20 2 7 2 2.12µmfaintemission(SWSb) 20:31:13.23 40:03:19.5 29±6 12± 6 2.12µmfaintemission(NWSb) ± ± 20:31:13.44 40:03:13.4 24 3 7 3 IRS5 20:31:14.96 40:03:03.4 23±4 9±4 H knotcc ± ± 2 a Weassumedthateachlocalmaximumcanbedescribedbya’gaussian+backgroundlevel’model,withthegaussianwidthandpositionangle fixedandequaltothesynthesizedbeam.Thetemperatureenhancement,∆T,isdefinedasthedifferencebetweenthelocalmaximumandthe backgroundlevel.Weconsideredassignificantthetemperatureenhancementswith∆T 2σ,withσbeingtheuncertainty. b NWS:NorthernWarmSpot;SWS:SouthernWarmSpot ≥ c fromKumaretal.(2002). 50,tothesoutheast,wheretheratioreachesvaluesupto 300. ature of 16 K is higher than typicaltemperaturesfor low-mass ∼ Suchhighvaluesarealsoreachedinthewesterncloud. externallyheatedstarlesscores( 10K,e.g.,Tafallaetal.2002, ∼ 2004). Such higher temperatures could indicate that there are low-mass non-detected YSOs heating the southern side of the 5. Discussion maincloud,orthatthereisexternalheating.Asimilarresultwas found by Li et al. (2003), who derived temperatures of 15 K 5.1.Generalpropertiesofthedensegas ∼ towardmassive(withmassessimilartothemassderivedforthe main cloud,see nextparagraph)quiescentcores, with no signs 5.1.1. Rotationaltemperature ofstarformation,inOrion.Lietal.(2003)findthatthetempera- The temperature distribution in the main cloud can be clearly turesofthemassivequiescentcorescanbewellexplainedbythe separatedintotwoparts:thenorthernside,withanaveragetem- dustbeingheatedbytheexternalUVfieldfromtheTrapezium, peratureof 22K,andthe southernside,withanaveragetem- at a distance of 1 pc from the massive cores. In our case, the perature of∼16 K. It is interesting to note that almost all the B1 star associate∼d with the UCH region (see § 5.3) could be ∼ YSOsintheregion(§5.3)areassociatedwiththenorthernside thesourceofheatingofthesouthernside ofthemaincloud,at ofthecloud,whileinthecoldsouthernsidewefoundveryfew 0.5 pc from the UCH region. However, we find no temper- ∼ hints of active star formation. Thus, the higher temperature in auregradientacrossthe southof themain cloud.Alternatively, the northern side is probably due to internal heating from the embeddedYSOs. Asforthesouthernside,theaveragetemper-

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