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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Abridged Table of Contents Assigned Entries Only Welcome to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which was designed from its inception (September 1995) as a dynamic reference work. In a dynamic reference work, each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. These authors are given remote electronic access to copies of their entries on our server and they can update those copies any time the need arises. Moreover, all entries and updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. Whenever an author uploads a new entry or modifies an existing entry, the new material is stored off-line until it is approved by the Editorial Board member in charge of that entry. Consequently, our dynamic reference work is responsive to new research, for it can change at any time with the addition of new entries or the modification of existing entries. You can, however, cite fixed editions which are made on a quarterly basis and stored in our Archives. Thank you for your patience as our Encyclopedia develops. (Many of the assigned entries below have not yet been written.) See the Unabridged Table of Contents for the complete list of projected and assigned entries. Search Encyclopedia Editorial Information What's New How to Cite This Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Archives Unabridged Table of Contents Navigation Panel: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z A Abelard [Abailard], Peter (Peter King) l abstract objects (Gideon Rosen) l Academy, Plato's (Wolfgang Mann) l action (George Wilson) l action at a distance (Joseph Berkovitz) l actualism (Christopher Menzel) l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (1 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) adaptation (Robert Brandon) l Adorno, Theodore (Lambert Zuidervaart) l Aegidius Romanus -- see Giles of Rome l Aenesidemus -- see skepticism: ancient l aesthetics l and objectivity (Nick Zangwill) m affirmative action (Robert Fullinwider) l Agrippa -- see skepticism: ancient l akrasia -- see weakness of will l Albert of Saxony (Joël Biard) l altruism l biological (Samir Okasha) m Alyngton, Robert (Alessandro Conti) l Ammonius Saccas -- see Plotinus l analogy l medieval theories of (E. Jennifer Ashworth) m analysis (Michael Beaney) l analytic/synthetic distinction (Georges Rey) l anaphora (Jeffrey C. King) l anarchism (Robert Paul Wolff) l Anaxagoras (Patricia Curd) l Anaxarchus -- see Pyrrho l animal consciousness -- see consciousness: animal l animal rights -- see rights: of animals l anomalous monism (Steven Yalowitz) l Anselm, Saint [Anselm of Bec, Anselm of Canterbury] (Thomas Williams) l Antiochus of Ascalon (James Allen) l a posteriori knowledge -- see a priori justification and knowledge l a priori justification and knowledge (Robin Jeshion) l Aquinas, Saint Thomas (Ralph McInerny) l Arcesilaus (Charles Brittain) l Arendt, Hannah (Dana Villa) l arete -- see ethics: ancient l argument (John Corcoran) l Aristotelianism l in the Renaissance (Dennis Des Chene) m Aristotle (Alan Code) l biology (Allan Gotthelf) m ethics (Richard Kraut) m logic (Robin Smith) m mathematics (Henry Mendell) m http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (2 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) metaphysics (S. Marc Cohen) m on non-contradiction (Michael Wedin) m physics (Istvan Bodnar) m poetics (Glenn Most) m political theory (Fred Miller) m psychology (Christopher Shields) m rhetoric (Christof Rapp) m artifact (Risto Hilpinen) l artifical intelligence l logic and (John McCarthy) m artificial intelligence (Selmer Bringsjord) l assertion (Peter Pagin) l Astell, Mary (Alice Sowaal) l attributes -- see properties l Augustine, Saint (Michael Mendelson) l relation to Greek philosophy (Charles Brittain) m Auriol [Aureol, Aureoli], Peter (Russell L. Friedman) l Austin, John (Brian Bix) l authority (Tom Christiano) l legal -- see legal obligation and authority m automated reasoning -- see reasoning: automated l autonomy l in moral and political philosophy (John Christman) m personal (Sarah Buss) m A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z B Bacon, Francis (Juergen Klein) l Bain, Alexander -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century l basing relation, epistemic (Keith Allen Korcz) l Baudrillard, Jean (Douglas Kellner) l Bauer, Bruno (Douglas Moggach) l Bayes' Theorem (James Joyce) l Bayle, Pierre (Thomas M. Lennon) l Beattie, James -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century l behaviorism (George Graham) l being -- see existence l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (3 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) being and becoming -- see time l in modern physics -- see space and time: being and becoming in modern physics m belief (Eric Schwitzgebel) l Bell's Theorem (Martin Jones) l Bentham, Jeremy (Ross Harrison) l Bergson, Henri (Leonard Lawlor) l Berkeley, George (Lisa Downing) l binarium famosissimum [= most famous pair] (Paul Vincent Spade) l biological information -- see information: biological l biology l molecular -- see molecular biology m notion of individual (Jack Wilson) m notion of self (Alfred Tauber) m teleological notions in -- see teleology: teleological notions in biology m biology, philosophy of (Sahotra Sarkar and Paul Griffiths) l Blair, Hugh -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century l Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (Christopher Martin) l Bolzano, Bernard (Edgar Morscher) l Bonaventure, Saint (Tim Noone) l Boole, George (Sriram Nambiar) l Boolean algebra l the mathematics of (J. Donald Monk) m Bosanquet, Bernard (William Sweet) l boundary (Achille Varzi) l Boyle, Robert (J. J. MacIntosh) l Bradley, Francis Herbert (Stewart Candlish) l Brentano, Franz (Wolfgang Huemer) l theory of judgement (Johannes Brandl) m Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan (Mark van Atten) l Brown, Thomas -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century l Buber, Martin (Michael Zank) l Buridan, John [Jean] (Jack Zupko) l Burke, Edmund (Ian Harris) l Burley [Burleigh], Walter (Alessandro Conti) l Burnet, James [Lord Monboddo] -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century l A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z C http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (4 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) Callicles and Thrasymachus (Rachel Barney) l Cambridge Platonists (Sarah Hutton) l Campbell, George -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century l Carnap, Rudolf (Thomas Ricketts) l Carneades (James Allen) l Cassirer, Ernst (Michael Friedman) l casuistry -- see reasoning: moral l categories l medieval theories of (Robert Andrews) m category theory (Jean-Pierre Marquis) l causation l backward (Jan Faye) m causal processes (Phil Dowe) m counterfactual theories of (Peter Menzies) m and manipulability (James Woodward) m medieval theories of (Graham White) m mental -- see mental causation m the metaphysics of (Jonathan Schaffer) m probabilistic (Christopher Hitchcock) m causation, in the law (Antony Honoré) l change (Chris Mortensen) l character, moral (Marcia Homiak) l character/trait (Manfred Laubichler) l childhood, the philosophy of (Gareth Matthews) l children, philosophy for (Michael Pritchard) l Chinese room argument (David Cole) l Christian theology, philosophy and (Michael Murray) l Church-Turing Thesis (B. Jack Copeland) l Church's Thesis -- see Church-Turing Thesis l citizenship (Daniel Weinstock) l civil rights (Andrew Altman) l Clarke, Samuel (Ezio Vailati) l Cockburn, Catharine Trotter (Patricia Sheridan) l cognitive science (Paul Thagard) l cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, moral (Mark van Roojen) l Cohen, Hermann (Lanier Anderson) l Collins, Anthony (William Uzgalis) l color (Barry Maund) l common knowledge (Peter Vanderschraaf) l communitarianism (Daniel Bell) l comparative philosophy l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (5 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) Chinese and Western (David Wong) m compatibilism (Michael McKenna) l composition, the vagueness of -- see problem of the many l computer ethics l basic concepts and historial overview (Terrell Bynum) m computing, modern history of (B. Jack Copeland) l concepts (Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence) l condemnation of 1277 (Hans Thijssen) l Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (Lorne Falkenstein) l conditionals (Dorothy Edgington) l counterfactual (Peter Menzies) m confirmation (Branden Fitelson) l Confucius (Jeffrey Riegel) l connectionism (James Garson) l connectives (Ray Jennings) l conscience l medieval theories of (Douglas Langston) m consciousness (Robert Van Gulick) l animal (Colin Allen) m higher-order theories (Peter Carruthers) m and intentionality (Charles Siewert) m representational theories of (William Lycan) m self- -- see self-consciousness m unity of (Andrew Brook) m consequentialism (Walter Sinnott-Armstrong) l rule (Brad Hooker) m constitutionalism (Wil Waluchow) l constructivism (Andrews Reath) l continuant -- see change l contractarianism (Ann Cudd) l contracts, theories of (Jody Kraus) l Conway, Lady Anne (Sarah Hutton) l cosmology l methodological debates in the 1930s and 1940s (George Gale) m and theology (Adolf Gruenbaum) m and theology (John Leslie) m cosmopolitanism (Pauline Kleingeld and Eric Brown) l counterfactuals -- see conditionals: counterfactual l creationism (Michael Ruse) l criminal law, theories of (Antony Duff) l critical theory (James Bohman) l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (6 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) Cudworth, Ralph -- see Cambridge Platonists l cultural evolution -- see evolution: cultural l Curry's paradox (JC Beall) l A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z D Dante Alighieri (Winthrop Wetherbee) l Daoism -- see Taoism l Darwinism (James Lennox) l Dasein -- see Heidegger, Martin l David (Christian Wildberg) l Davidson, Donald (Jeff Malpas) l death (Steven Luper) l decision theory l causal (James Joyce) m democracy (Tom Christiano) l demonstration l Aristotle's theory of -- see Aristotle: logic m medieval theories of (John Longeway) m demonstratives -- see indexicals l deontological ethics -- see ethics: deontological l dependence, ontological (Brian Leftow) l Derrida, Jacques (Irene Harvey) l Descartes, René (Alan Nelson) l epistemology (Lex Newman) m life and works (Kurt Smith) m modal metaphysics (David Cunning) m ontological argument (Lawrence Nolan) m Descartes, René: ethics (Donald Rutherford) l descriptions (Peter Ludlow) l desert (Owen McLeod) l Desgabets, Robert (Patricia Easton) l determinates vs. determinables (David H. Sanford) l determinism, causal (Carl Hoefer) l developmental biology (Lenny Moss and Paul Griffiths) l epigenesis and preformationism (Kelly Smith) m evolution and development (Jason Scott Robert) m http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (7 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) diagrams (Sun-Joo Shin and Oliver Lemon) l dialectic (Pierre Keller) l dialetheism [dialethism] (Graham Priest) l Dionysius the Areopagite -- see Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite l disjunction (Ray Jennings) l distributive justice -- see justice: distributive l diversity (David Kahane) l divine command theory -- see voluntarism, theological l divine illumination (Robert Pasnau) l doing vs. allowing harm (Frances Howard-Snyder) l double effect, doctrine of (Alison McIntyre) l dualism (Howard Robinson) l Dunbar, James -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century l Duns Scotus, John (Thomas Williams) l A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z E ecology (Sahotra Sarkar) l conservation biology (Sahotra Sarkar) m Edwards, Jonathan (William Wainwright) l egalitarianism (Richard Arneson) l egoism (Robert Shaver) l Einstein, Albert l Einstein-Bohr debates (Don Howard) m the hole argument -- see space and time: the hole argument m philosophy of science (Don Howard) m Elias (Christian Wildberg) l emergent properties (Timothy O'Connor and Hong Yu Wong) l Emerson, Ralph Waldo (Russell Goodman) l emotion (Ronald de Sousa) l Empedocles (Richard Parry) l entailment -- see logical consequence l envy (Justin D'Arms) l Epictetus (Anthony Long) l epiphenomenalism (William Robinson) l episteme and techne [= scientific knowledge and expertise] (Richard Parry) l epistemic basing relation -- see basing relation, epistemic l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (8 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) epistemic closure principle (Steven Luper) l epistemology l Bayesian (William Talbott) m evolutionary (Michael Bradie and William Harms) m feminist -- see feminism, interventions: feminist epistemology and philosophy of science m moral -- see moral epistemology m naturalized (Richard Feldman) m social (Alvin Goldman) m virtue (John Greco) m epsilon calculus (Jeremy Avigad and Richard Zach) l equality (Stefan Gosepath) l of opportunity (Richard Arneson) m equivalence of mass and energy (Francisco Flores) l Eriugena, John Scottus (Dermot Moran) l eternity (Brian Leftow) l ethics l ancient (Richard Parry) m computer -- see computer ethics: basic concepts and historial overview m deontological (Piers Rawling and David McNaughton) m environmental (Andrew Brennan and Yeuk-Sze Lo) m feminist -- see feminism, interventions: feminist ethics m natural law tradition (Mark Murphy) m and personal identity -- see personal identity: and ethics m utilitarian -- see consequentialism m virtue (Rosalind Hursthouse) m ethics, morality and practical reason -- see morality and practical reason l eudaimonia -- see ethics: ancient l euthanasia l voluntary (Robert Young) m events (Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi) l evil, problem of (Michael Tooley) l evolution (Phillip Sloan) l cultural (William Wimsatt) m evolutionary game theory -- see game theory: evolutionary l evolutionary psychology -- see sociobiology l existence (Barry Miller) l existentialism (Steven Crowell) l experimentation l in physics -- see physics: experiment in m exploitation (Alan Wertheimer) l extrinsic -- see intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (9 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents (Abridged) A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z F fallacies -- see logic: informal l medieval theories of (Andrea Tabarroni) m fatalism (Hugh Rice) l federalism (Andreas Føllesdal) l feminism, approaches to (Nancy Tuana and Sally Haslanger) l analytic philosophy (Ann Garry) m continental philosophy (Penelope Deutscher) m intersection of analytic and continental philosophy (Georgia Warnke) m intersection of pragmatism and continental philosophy (Shannon Sullivan) m feminism, interventions (Sally Haslanger and Nancy Tuana) l feminist environmental philosophy (Karen Warren) m feminist epistemology and philosophy of science (Elizabeth Anderson) m feminist ethics (Rosemarie Tong) m feminist history of philosophy (Charlotte Witt) m feminist moral psychology (Claudia Card) m feminist philosophy of language (Jennifer Saul) m feminist philosophy of law (Anita Allen) m feminism, topics (Sally Haslanger and Nancy Tuana) l feminist perspectives on reproduction and the family (Debra Satz) m feminist perspectives on sexuality (Nancy Tuana) m feminist perspectives on the self (Diana Meyers) m Ferguson, Adam -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century l Ferrier, James -- see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century l Feyerabend, Paul (John Preston) l Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (Dan Breazeale) l fictionalism (Mark Eli Kalderon) l modal (Daniel Nolan) m film, philosophy of (Thomas Wartenberg) l Fitch's paradox of knowability (Joe Salerno and Berit Brogaard) l fitness (Alexander Rosenberg and Frederic Bouchard) l folk psychology l as mental simulation (Robert M. Gordon) m as a theory (Ian Ravenscroft) m Forms [Platonic] -- see Plato: metaphysics and epistemology l Foucault, Michel (Gary Gutting) l http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html (10 of 30) [8/7/02 12:56:17 PM]

q anomalous monism (Steven Yalowitz) q Anselm q a priori justification and knowledge (Robin Jeshion) q Boolean algebra q Clarke, Samuel (Ezio Vailati) . q geometry q Hartshorne, Charles (Dan Dombrowski) q "A Solution to the Problem of Updating Encyclopedias", by Eric Hammer and Edward N. Za
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