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STANDING SOLITARY EULER-KORTEWEG WAVES ARE UNSTABLE JOHANNESHO¨WING 1. The result The Euler-Korteweg system is given by the equations 3 1 V −U = 0, 0 t y 2 (1) 1 U +p(V) = −(κ(V)V + (κ(V)) V ) , t y yy y y y n 2 a with κ(V) > 0. System (1), and notably its solitary waves J 6 V v v v∗ 1 (x,t) = (x−ct) with (±∞) = , (cid:18)U(cid:19) (cid:18)u(cid:19) (cid:18)u(cid:19) (cid:18)u∗(cid:19) ] P have been intensely studied by Benzoni-Gavage et al. in [1, 2, 3]. A Definition 1. [3] A traveling wave (v,u) of (1) is called orbitally stable if for each ε > 0, h. there exists a δ > 0 such that for any solution (V,U) ∈ (v,u)+C([0,T);H3(R)×H2(R)) of at (1), closeness at initial time, m [ k(V,U)(·,0)−(v,u)(·)kH1×L2 < δ 2 implies closeness at any time v 7 infk(V,U)(·,t)−(v,u)(·+σ)kH1×L2 < ε for all t > 0. 6 σ∈R 7 The following is the point of this short note. 2 . Theorem 1. All non-trivial standing solitary Euler-Korteweg waves are not orbitally stable. 1 0 3 2. The proof 1 : v Forfixedbasestatev∗,thesolitarywaveshomoclinictov∗occurinfamilies(uc,vc)parametrized Xi by their speed c. The proof of Theorem 1 is based on r Lemma 1. [1] A solitary wave (uc∗,vc∗) is orbitally unstable if the moment of instability a ∞ m(c) = κ(v)v′2 dξ Z−∞ is not convex at c = c∗. Theorem 1 follows from Lemma 2. m′′(0) < 0. Date: January 13, 2013. 1 2 JOHANNESHO¨WING To prove Lemma 2, we recall that with 1 df(v) (2) F(v,c) = −f(v)+f(v∗)−p(v∗)(v−v∗)+ c2(v−v∗)2, − = p(v), 2 dv the profile equation 1 ∂F(v,c) ′′ ′ ′ κ(v)v + (κ(v)) v = − 2 ∂v possesses (cf. [3]) a first integral given by 1 (3) I(v,v′) = κ(v)v′2 +F(v,c). 2 As vm(c) ′ m(c) = 2 κ(v)v dv Z v∗ ′ with v∗,vm(c) > v∗ consecutive zeros of F(·,c). Since I(v,v ) ≡ 0 along solutions, we have vm(c) m(c) = 2 (κ(v))1/2 (−2F(v,c))1/2 dv Z v∗ = 4 (vm(c)−v∗)1/2 κ(v (c)−w2) 1/2 −2F(v (c)−w2,c) 1/2 w dw, m m Z 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) where w := (v (c)−v)1/2 (cf. [6]). The first derivative of m is m d m′(c) = 4 κ(v (c)−w2) 1/2 −2F(v (c)−w2,c) 1/2 w dw m m Z dcn o (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) κ (v (c)−w2)v′ (c) = 4 v m m −2F(v (c)−w2,c) 1/2 w dw + m Z 2(κ(v (c)−w2))1/2 m (cid:0) (cid:1) κ(v (c)−w2) 1/2 −F (v (c)−w2,c)v′ (c)−F (v (c)−w2,c) m v m m c m +4 w dw Z (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0)(−2F(v (c)−w2,c))1/2 (cid:1) m which, due to ∂ κ (v)(−2F(v,c))1/2 κ(v)1/2F (v,c) (κ(v)(−2F(v,c)))1/2 = v − v , ∂v (cid:16) (cid:17) 2(κ(v))1/2 (−2F(v,c))1/2 simplifies to κ(v (c)−w2) 1/2F (v (c)−w2,c) ′ m c m m(c) = −4 w dw. Z (cid:0) (−2F(v (cid:1)(c)−w2,c))1/2 m The second derivative of m can be written in the form vm(c) A(v,c)+B(v,c) ′′ m (c) = 2 dv Zv∗ (κ(v))1/2(−2F(v,c))3/2 ′ with A(v,c) = F(v,c)κ (v)v (c)F (v,c) and v m c ′ ′ B(v,c) = κ(v) (v−v∗) 2F(v,c) (v−v∗)+2cvm(c) −c(v −v∗) Fv(v,c)vm(c)+Fc(v,c) . (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) As F (v,0) = 0= A(v,0) and c B(v,0) = 2κ(v)(v −v∗)2F(v,0) < 0 for all v ∈ (v∗,vm(0)), STANDING SOLITARY EULER-KORTEWEG WAVES ARE UNSTABLE 3 ′′ we indeed have m (0) < 0. Remark. Certain of the results by Zumbrun [7] on the Bona-Sachs model (κ(V) ≡ 1 and p(V) = −V + Vq with q ≥ 2) and by De Bouard [4] on a Gross-Pitaevskii model (κ(V) = 1/(4V4) and p(V) = α/V2−β/V3 with α,β > 0) appear as interesting special cases of Theorem 1. I obtained parts of this result during my doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Hein- rich Freistu¨hler; I am very grateful to him for helpful discussions. References [1] S. Benzoni-Gavage, Spectral transverse instability of solitary waves in Korteweg fluids, J. Math. Anal. Appl.361, 2010, 338–357. [2] S. Benzoni-Gavage, R. Danchin, S. Descombes, Well-posedness of one-dimensional Korteweg Models, Electron. J. Differential Equations 59, 2006, 1–35. [3] S. Benzoni-Gavage, R. Danchin, S. Descombes, D. Jamet, Structure of Korteweg models and stability of diffusive interfaces, Interfaces Free Bound. 7, 2005, 371–414. [4] A.De Bouard, Instability of Stationary Bubbles, SIAMJ. Math. Anal. 26, 1995, 566–582. [5] M. Grillakis, J. Shatah, W. Strauss, Stability Theory of Solitary Waves in the Presence of Symmetry, I, J. Funct.Anal. 74, 1987, 160–197. [6] J.H¨owing,Stabilityoflarge- andsmall-amplitudesolitarywaves inthe generalized Korteweg-de Vriesand Euler-Korteweg/Boussinesq equations, J. Differential Equations 251, 2011, 2515–2533. [7] K.Zumbrun,Asharpstabilitycriterionforsoliton-typepropagatingphaseboundariesinKorteweg’smodel, Z. Anal. Anwend.27, 2008, 11–30. E-mail address: [email protected] University of Hamburg, Department of Mathematics, Germany

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