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Stairway to Nirvana: A Study of the Twenty Samghas Based on the Works of Tsong Kha Pa PDF

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Preview Stairway to Nirvana: A Study of the Twenty Samghas Based on the Works of Tsong Kha Pa

Stairwtaoy Nirvana • Stairwtaoy Nirvana • STUDY A OFTHE TWENTY SAJy1GHAS BASEODN TH E WORKS OFT SONKHAG PA JAMEBS. A pPLE STATEU NIVERSITYO FN EW YORKP RESS Published by StaUtnei verosfiN teywY orPkr esAsl,b any © 200S8t aUtnei verosfiN teywY ork Alrli ghrtess erved Printientd h eU nitSetda teAsm eorfi ca Nop arotft hibso omka yb eu seodr r eproduicnae ndym annewrh atsoever without wpreirtmtiesnsN ioop na.ro tft hibso omka yb es torienad retriseyvsatloe rmt ransmiitnat neyfd o romr b ya nym eanisn cluding electreolneicct,r omsatganteittcai,pc me e,c hanipchaolt,o copryeicnogr,d ing, oro therwwiisteh otuhtpe r ipoerr misisniw orni tionftg h peu blisher. Fori nformactoinotnSa,tc atUt nei verosfi tNye Ywo rPkr esAsl,b anNyY, www.sunyspsr.eedu ProducbtyiD oann aFo ote MarketbiynA gn neM .V alentine LibroafrC yo ngrCeastsa lo-giinn-lPgiucbaDtaitoan ApplJea,m eBs. Stairtwoan yi rva:n saat udoyft htew enstaym ghbaass eodn t hew orks ofT sonkgh ap a/ J ameBs. Apple. p.c m. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceaalnn cdie nsd ex. ISB9N7 8-0-7914(-h7a3r7d5c:-oa 7vl ekpr.a per) 1.T son-khBal-op-ab zan-g1r53ag7-s14-19p.a2 ,.D ge-Iug(sS-epcat )­ Doctrin3e.As b.h isamayalankarai-nCtreirtpirceietstamct,.i on, 4.S piriltiufael- MahaByuadndah isIm.T. i tle. BQ795T07.57A260608 2944.230'42-dc22 2000716961 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS LisoftF iguarnedTs a bles vii Acknowledgments ix Abberviations xi 1 THET OPOIFCT HTEW ENTY SA¥GHAS 1 MethodolCoognisciadle rations 4 Tsoknhgpa a'Hse rmeneutical Strateg10y HermeneSuttriactaielnAg piperso acthhien g TwenStay11' lghas 12 2 TSONG KHA PAAN D THAEB HISAMAYALA¥CKAORMlvlAE NTARIAL TRADITI ON 21 IndiParne decienst shAoebr hsim sayaiila11'Tlrkaardai ti2o3n Tsonkgh pa a'Tsi bePtraend ecienst shoer s Abhimsayaiila11'lTkarraad ition 31 ThAeb hiasyaiimla11'lakanrdTa w enStay11' lgihna s Tsoknhgpa a'sL ifaen dW orks 36 Summary 46 3 CONTEXlUANADL DOCTRIPNRAELS UMPTIONS 47 LocattihTnewg e nStay11'l ghiants h Aeb himasyaiila11'lka4ra7 Sa11'lighnEa a rBluyd dhainsdim n t hAebh imsaayiila11'lka6r2a Avaivartlighkaaa-sR S eaf11'uignte h Aebh imsaayiila11'lkar6a5 Patahn dY ogSiycs toefmt shA ebh isayiimlaa11'lkara 66 CosmoloFgaicctaolr s 88 Summary 92 4 ANALYOSFTHEI ST WENTY SA¥GHAS 93 AnI ntrodtuoct thTieoo pnfi rco tmh Reo oTte xts 93 ThAel legoSra11'ligcohafaSl r iikavas 98 v vi CONTENTS 5 ANA sSEMBOLFYIR REvE RSIDBLOED HISATTVAS 149 ThAec tuSaal1]1. gohafB odhisattvas 149 EnumeraBotdihnigs iatntt hvPear sa jfimiipiiitriia 151 RelatiboentswhetiehpAne c tuSaal1]1. gahan dt he AllegoSra1]1.igchaal 171 CONCLUSION 181 Notes 191 Glossary 219 References 237 Index 255 FIGURAENSD T ABLES Figu2r.e1 Tsonkgh ap a'Lsi neaogfAe A Teachings 37 Figu3r.e1 Relatioonfts hhEeii pg hStu bje(cptasd artha) oft hAeA 54 Tabl3e. 1 TenF actTohrasCt o nstiTtouttOaeml n iscienc5e7 Tabl3e. 2 TenS pecIinaslt rucftoiBroo ndsh isattvas 61 Tabl3e. 3 PatohfS eein(gd'asr msaarngaMao)m entosf Consciousness 74 Tabl3e. 4 PatSht rucOtvuerrev iew 80 Tabl35e. Vehic(lyeasni ant) h Aeb himsaayalarrzkara 89 Tabl3e. 6 RealmTsr aveblyeN do blBee inognst hPea th 91 Tabl41e. Terminology CoomfIp nadriiasno nB uddh9i6s t Texts Tabl4e. 2 Stream-enterers 110 Tabl4e. 3 Once-returners 111 Tabl4e. 4 Non-returners 112 Tabl4e. 5 Arhats 113 Tabl4e. 6 Tsonkgh ap a'Dsi visoifDo ins tinctive Non-retu(rAnngeaarmisn i)nt hSer avaka SarrzgIhlal ustration 126 Figu4r1.e TenA specotfts h Feo rmR ealTmr ansmigra1t3o5r Figu5r1.e TwentSya rrzghAacsc ordtioAn rgy Vai muktis1e6n6a Figu5r.e2 TwentSya rrzghAacsc ordtioHn agr ibhaadnrda Tsonkgh ap a 172 vii ACKNOWLDEGMENTS GeshLeh unduSpo pean couramgee tdor eseatrhceth o piocft he TwentSya 1]lghwahsi lIew asa BuddhiSsttu digersa dusattued ent att heU niverosfiW tiys consin-MIac dainss otnir.le lm embtehre daym anyy earasg ow henG eshSeo ap mentionetdh ew ord Abhsiamayalat1]lomkti era.Ih adn evehre arodft hAeb himasyaala1]lktira, nore vetnh teo poifct hTew entSya 1]lghGaess.h eh-aIsba e eenv ery­ thitnhga att rukael yafJamcioturlbadeE .v erytIhk innogwo fT ibetan philosoplhaincgaulaa gnedp rincinpulaensc,oe fsD gel ugs pa Madyhamitkah ougahntdo, f M ahayanaB uddhsiostte riaoslr oegpyr e­ senttehdr outghhAe bhimasyaala1]lloktiwreta o h issc holagsutiidc­ anceW.o rdcsa nnroetl attheem anyw aysi nw hicGhe sheh-aIsa benefmiytl eidbf eey ontdhl ei offea cadesmcihco larIsf heietplr .u ly blessteohd a vset udiuendd esru cah l earnsecdh oloaftr h el iving TibeBtuadnd hsicshto ltarsatdiicAt niyoe nr.r oinr tsh iwso rko,fc ourse, armey solree sponsibility. Iw oulldi kteot hanDkr .J ohDn. D unnew,h os ervaesdm y dissertaadtviiosno r awtUh niilvee rosfWi itsyc onsin-Mwahdeins on GeshSeo prae tiJroehdpn.r ovided bemnucehf iccriiatlia cnidas dm­ vicAe n.u mbeorft ablaensdf iguirnec sh apt3ea rnsd4 a rteh ree sult ofm arathsotnu dsye ssiuonndseh ri gsu idance. Thibso oiksb aseodna r evivseerds iofom ny d octodriasls erta­ tioinnB uddhiSsttu diaetts h eU niverosfiW tiys consin-Madison. Materiinca hla pt1ae nrd c hapt4e,ir n cludtianbgla ensdf igurweass , publisihnte hdJe o uronfIa nld iPahni los3o1np oh5.y- 62,0 0p3p,5. 0 3- 592a,s" TwenVtayr ieotfit ehseS a1]lPgahra1t , b"y J ameBs.A pple. Materiinca hla pt5we ars p ublisihnte hdJe o uronfIa nld iPahni losophy 32n o.2 -32,0 04p,p .2 11-2a7s9" ,A nA ssembolfyI rreversible BodhtitasvsaT:w entVya rieotfti heSesa 1]lPgahra2t "b yJ ameBs.A pple. Thimsa terhiaabsle erne prodwuictethdh kei npde rmisosfSi porni nger ScienacnedB usinMeesdsi a. Myt hanaklssg oo tthome u ltiupnliev erasnidtci oelsl eignte hse UnitSetda taensdC anadtah aftu rnismheew di tthh ree souracneds thel ivelithofo oocdu osnt hes ystemsattuidocyf B uddhfiostr ma­ tionIsnp. a rticIuw loaurll,di kteoa cknowltehdIegn et erdisciplinary ProgrianRm e ligSitouudsai tet sh Uen iverosfAi ltbye rdtiar,e cbtye d ix

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