February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected International JournalofModernPhysicsE (cid:13)c WorldScientificPublishingCompany 1 1 STAGGERING OF THE B(M1) VALUE AS A FINGERPRINT OF 0 SPECIFIC CHIRAL BANDS STRUCTURE 2 n a E.GRODNER J Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, ul. Hoz˙a 69, Warszawa 00-681, Poland 1 [email protected] 3 ] Received(receiveddate) h Revised(reviseddate) t - l c Nuclearchiralityhasbeenintensivelystuddiedforthelastseveralyearsinthecontextof u experimentalaswellastheoreticalapproach.Characteristicgammaselectionruleshave n been predicted for the strong chiral symmetry breaking limit that has been observed [ in Cs isotopes. The presented analysis shows that the gamma selection rules cannot beattributedonlytochiralsymmetrybreaking.Theselectionrulesrelatetostructural 1 composition of the chiral rotational bands, i.e. to odd particle configuration and the v deformationofthecore. 7 0 9 1. Introduction 5 . Chirality in nuclear physics relates to features of nuclear hamiltonian in the con- 1 textoftimereversalsymmetry.Thephenomenonofexplicittime-reversalsymmetry 0 1 breaking comes up through already well known Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawama- 1 trix of the standard model. The CKM matrix, introduced in order to diagonalize : v the mass terms given by Higgs mechanism with respect to quark flavor, contains i T violating terms being associated with the heavy quark sector. Therefore no ex- X plicitTviolationisexpectedtobepresentinlowenergynuclearinteractionsgiving r a T-symmetric nuclear hamiltonian. What remains is the mechanism of spontaneous time reversal symmetry breaking and possible occurrence of spontaneous break- down of the chiral symmetry. This possibility has been studied for several years through the measurements of the energy levels and gamma transition probabilities 1 2 , .ThelatteroneshavebeenintensivelystudiedinthemassregionsofA=130and A=100,whilethespecificgammaselectionrules,i.e.staggeringoftheB(M1)values 1 along the rotational bands have been observed only in Cs isotopes . Absence of the B(M1) staggering in other nuclei is intriguing and needs clarification what is the main goal of the present paper. 2. Eigenstates of the nuclear hamiltonian and phase convention Although spontaneous time-reversalsymmetry breaking is responsible for the phe- nomenon of chirality, there are no eigenstates of T operator and therefore the 1 February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected 2 Authors’ Names symmetry operator T alone is not used in the quantum-mechanical description of this problem. However,one can introduce another symmetry operatorRT being y a combination of time-reversal and π-rotation, that allows proper description of T-symmetry breaking and simultaneously possesses its own eigenstates.The RT is y 3 4 called T-signature or chiral symmetry operator. As stated above, nuclear hamiltonian H is expected to be T symmetric. Ad- ditionally, H is also rotationally invariant in the absence of external fields. As a result,the eigenstates ofH are assignedto spin andspin projectionquantumnum- bers IM , and the following commutation relation is valid | i (cid:2)RT,H(cid:3)=0. (1) y The commutation relation (1) shows that if IM is an eigenstate of H with the | i eigenvalue E, then RT IM must also be the eigenstate of H with the same eigen- y| i value IM H IM =(cid:0) IM RT+(cid:1)HRT IM . (2) h | | i h | y y| i The RT operatoris anti-unitarythe actionof which makescomplex conjugationof y allcomplexnumbers.Therefore,itdoesmatterwhichpartofthe eqn.(2)the oper- ator acts on, and the appearance of the round bracket in the eqn. (2) is necessary. The round bracket shows that RT+ acts only on the IM . Skipping this bracket y h | equals to the complex conjugation of the whole matrix element IM H IM = IM R T+HR T IM ⋆. (3) y y h | | i h | | i Spin and its projection are not changed by acting of RT operator 5 ,i.e. y RT IM =cIM (4) y| i | i where c is a complex number. The above equation shows that eigenstates of the hamiltonian are the eigenstates of the symmetry operator RT as well and, there- y fore, they preserve the chiral symmetry. Owing to the fact that eigenvalues of the hamiltonian are real values, one can show that c must be phase only (c2 =1) | | IM H IM = (5) h | | i = IM RT+HRT IM ⋆ (6) h | y y| i =cc⋆ IM H IM ⋆ (7) h | | i = c2 IM H IM . (8) | | h | | i The above analysis relates to diagonal matrix elements of the hamiltonian but it can be generalized. Particularly, it is possible to make any matrix element of any operator commuting with RT to be real by choosing the phase c=1 M y I2M2 I1M1 =c2c⋆1 I2M2 I1M1 ⋆ = I2M2 I1M1 ⋆. (9) h |M| i h |M| i h |M| i 5 The choice of this special phase c = 1 introduces a phase convention , and this convention has to be kept for the further analysis. February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected Instructions for Typing Manuscripts (Paper’s Title) 3 3. Symmetry breaking states In the most simple case of chirality, the nuclei are described as three-body objects being composed of two odd nucleons and an even-even core. Therefore presence of three angular momenta vectors forming a system with definite handedness is expectedintandemwithspecificconditionswhereoneoftheoddnucleonspossesses particle-like character, the other one hole-like character and a core is triaxially deformed. For that reason, apart of the eigenstate basis IM one can introduce | i equivalent basis set in which the handedness of the nucleus is specified. Although the handedness, being dependent on the angular momenta vectors orientation, is a continuous parameter, it can be classified in two values L and R corresponding to the left- or right-handedness of the system. The elements of the new basis set have several interesting features. In contrast to the matrix elements calculated on the IM states being real, the matrix elements calculated on the L , R are | i | i | i complex since L and R are not the eigenstates of the hamiltonian. This means | i | i alsothattheyrelatetodynamicalfeaturesofthenucleus.Thestateswithspecified handedness breakthe chiralsymmetry since they arenot the eigenstatesofthe RT y symmetry operator i.e. R T L = R (10) y | i | i R T R = L . (11) y | i | i 4. Symmetry restoration The L and R not being the eigenstates of the hamiltonian posses an essential | i | i dynamical feature, i.e. the system can tunnel between left- and right-handed con- figurations ∆E = LH R =0. (12) h | | i6 One can estimate the tunneling frequency as f 2.5 1019Hz by taking the ratio ≈ · f =∆E/h, where ∆E =100 keV is typical energy splitting observed in the chiral nuclei (see following sections). Since the time of gamma quanta emission is larger thanthe tunneling period,it is notpossible to observesuchfastdynamicalprocess experimentallythroughelectromagneticradiation.Inthiscasethetimescaleofthe measurement is much larger than the characteristic time of the tunneling process. Followingtheindeterminacyprinciple,thestateswithdefiniteenergyandundefined time areobservedexperimentally,i.e. onlythe eigenstatesofthe hamiltonian IM | i are visible. Therefore the L and R states have to be projected on IM basis | i | i | i elements in order to compare the theoretical predictions with the experimental observations. The projection procedure is also called symmetry restoration. In the case of the chiral symmetry the rotational as well as the T-symmetry (chirality) has to be restored. Rotational symmetry can be restored in the spirit of Generator Coordinate February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected 4 Authors’ Names Method method (see Sect. 11.4.6 in Ref. 6) by using projection operators PM I PM L,n = L,I,M,n (13) I | i | i PM R,n = R,I,M,n (14) I | i | i where the handedness is not affected by spin projection since there is no RT in y the operators PM. Indices n in Eqs. (13) and (14) stand for quantum numbers – I like spin of the core j and of the odd nucleons j , j etc. – related to structural c ν π compositionofthe partnerbandlevels.These quantumnumberswill be omitted in ordertoexamine the roleofthe handedness only.The spin quantumnumber is not affected by action of RT operator since according to Eq.(1-39) of Ref.5 it fulfills y the following commutation relations (cid:2)RyT,Iz(cid:3)= 0 (15) (cid:2)RT,I2(cid:3)= 0. (16) y Therefore the restoration of the chiral symmetry (projection of chirality quantum number + or ) have the following form − 1 IM,+ = (IM,L + IM,R ) (17) | i √2N+ | i | i i IM, = (IM,L IM,R ) (18) | −i √2N | i−| i − N beingthenormalizationfactors.The IM, statesformchiraldoublesthatcan ± | ±i be observed experimentally. These doublets form two chiral partner bands. Phases of IM, stateshavebeenchosensoastofulfillthephaseconventiongivenbyEq. | ±i 5 (1-38) of Ref. . The formulae (15,16) show that the order of the projections can bereversedandonecanprojectonthechiralityfirstandthenonthespinquantum number. 5. Electromagnetic transition matrix elements The probabilities of the electromagnetic transitions linking the excited states in the chiral bands relate to the matrix elements of the electromagnetic transition operator (σλ) calculated on the laboratory states IM, . As it was shown in 7 M | ±i Ref. ,the (σλ)fulfillsthefollowingcommutationrelation(seealsoEqs.(1A-73) M 5 and (3C-10) in Ref. ) [R T, (σλ)]=0 (19) y M σλ being the M1, E2, M3, E4,... transition type. This commutation relation, to- getherwith the introducedphaseconventionmakesallmatrixelements ofthe elec- tromagnetic transitions between the I,M states real values and that for the | ±i inband electromagnetic transition I2, I1, , i.e. without chirality change, h ±||M|| ±i February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected Instructions for Typing Manuscripts (Paper’s Title) 5 will assume the following form L,I2 L,I1 + R,I2 R,I1 h ||M|| i h ||M|| i (20) 2N N I2± I1± L,I2 R,I1 + R,I2 L,I1 h ||M|| i h ||M|| i ± 2N N I2± I1± and,accordingly,forthe I2, I1, interbandtransitionthatchangeschiral- h ±||M|| ∓i ity L,I2 L,I1 R,I2 R,I1 ih ||M|| i−h ||M|| i (21) 2N N I2± I1∓ L,I2 R,I1 R,I2 L,I1 ih ||M|| i−h ||M|| i. ∓ 2N N I2± I1∓ Onehastorememberthatmatrixelementsof I,L and I,R statestakeingeneral | i | i complex values. Relations (9), (10) and (11), (19) lead to the following expressions I2,L I1,L ⋆ = I2,R I1,R (22) h ||M|| i h ||M|| i I2,L I1,R ⋆ = I2,R I1,L . (23) h ||M|| i h ||M|| i The above relations show that summation and subtraction of complex conjugate values occurs in the matrix elements given by Eqs.(20) and (21). Therefore, the inband matrix element, I2 I1 , takes the final form h ±|M| ±i Re L,I2 L,I1 Re L,I2 R,I1 h ||M|| i± h ||M|| i (24) N N I2± I1± and the interband matrix element, I2 I1 , transforms to h ±|M| ∓i Im L,I2 L,I1 Im L,I2 R,I1 h ||M|| i∓ h ||M|| i. (25) N N ∓ I2± I1∓ No imaginary unit appeares in equations (24),(25) which is due to the the cho- sen phase convention. These equations are valid when the chiral symmetry is close to the strong symmetry breaking limit. When this limit is attained, the tunnel- ing effect between the left- and right-handed states disappears, which means that L,I H R,I = 0. The left- and right-handed states are separated L,I R,I = 0 h | | i h | i which means that normalization parameters N equal to unity. Gamma transi- I± tions of M1 and E2 type cannot change right-handed state to the left-handed one i.e. L,I2 (σλ) R,I1 =0(σλ=M1,E2)sincelargerangularmomentumchange h ||M || i of the nuclear state would be required. In this case Eqs. (24, 25) reduce to I2, I1, = Re L,I2 L,I1 (26) h ±||M|| ±i h ||M|| i I2, I1 = Im L,I2 L,I1 (27) h ±||M|| ∓i ∓ h ||M|| i being the M1 or E2 electromagnetic transition operator. The above equations M show that in the case of a strong chiral symmetry breaking limit, the B(M1) and February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected 6 Authors’ Names B(E2) transition probabilities in both bands should be identical. Moreover, equa- tions (26) and (27) show that if the dominating part of the L,I2 L,I1 ma- h ||M|| i trix element is real then the inband electromagnetic transition should mainly be observed.On the contrary,if the imaginary part of the L,I2 L,I1 matrix el- h ||M|| i ement dominates then the interband electromagnetic transition should be in favor of the inband one. These features are observedin the majority of partner bands in which lifetimes of the excited states have been measured. The role of the specified handedness of the intrinsic states is then explained. Staggering of the B(M1) value as a function of spin cannot be attributed only to the existence of the L and R 8 | i | i states in a quantum system. This effect, as discussed in Ref. , relatesto properties (herecalledstructuralcomposition)thatcanoccurinadditionwiththechiralsym- metry breaking.In the quoted paper, the Hamiltonian of the model consisting of a triaxiallydeformedcorecoupledtoone protonparticleandoneneutronholeinthe samesingle-j shellwasexamined.Sucha Hamiltonian,appropriatefor the descrip- tion of chiral bands built on two quasi-particle πh ν−1h configuration, 11/2 11/2 ⊗ possessesadditionalinvariancesandcorrespondingquantumnumbers.Thesequan- tum numbers have been used to derive the gamma selection rules which are based on the fact that the core angular momentum change for E2 and M1 transitions is ∆j 2. This special feature of core rotation is due to its triaxial deformation. c ≥ Staggering of the B(M1) transition probabilities relates therefore to the structural composition of the laboratory states and can be explained by examining the j , ν jπ, jc quantum numbers in matrix elements I2, ,jν,jπ,jc I1, ,jν,jπ,jc . If 8 h ± ||M|| ± i some of the conditions given in Ref. were not fulfilled then B(M1) staggering shouldvanish. Nonetheless,other propertiesrelatedto the existence of the L and | i R statescouldstillbeobserved.Suchasituationtakesplacein102,103,104,105,106Rh | i nucleiwherepartnerbandsareexpectedto bebuiltonthe configurationconsisting of different j-shell levels 9 10, 11, as well as in the 135Nd isotope where partner bandsareassumedtobebuiltonthethree(insteadoftwo)quasiparticleconfigura- tion12.Lifetimes oftheexcitedstatesweremeasuredinpartnerbandsof104Rh13 and 135Nd 12 and,indeed, the staggeringofB(M1) transition probabilityobserved in those bands is very weak (compared to that for Cs isotopes) or absent. More- over, in the case of 135Nd the corresponding transition probabilities in the partner bands are almost equal. This points to the strong chiral symmetry breaking limit in 135Nd and reflects different structural composition than in Cs isotopes. These examples indicate that B(M1) staggeringshould be a sensitive measure of triaxial- ity in two-quasiparticlesingle j-shellconfigurations.The dependence of the B(M1) staggering on triaxial deformation has been studied in terms of the CQPC model 3 where indeed the staggering effect vanishes rapidly when γ-deformationdeviates from 30◦. This fact supports the role of the structural composition in description of the electromagnetic properties of the partner bands. February 1, 2011 1:40 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE grodner˙corrected Instructions for Typing Manuscripts (Paper’s Title) 7 6. summary It follows from the above considerations that the chiral symmetry breaking in nu- clear physics leads to the existence of two rotational bands, almost degenerated with similar electromagnetic properties. Staggering of the B(M1) value quoted in many papers is an additionalproperty originatingfrom the structuralcomposition of a given nucleus. 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