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Preview stages and spatial scales of recruitment limitation in southern appalachian forests

EcologicalMonographs,68(2),1998,pp.213–235 (cid:113)1998bytheEcologicalSocietyofAmerica STAGES AND SPATIAL SCALES OF RECRUITMENT LIMITATION IN SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN FORESTS JAMES S. CLARK, ERIC MACKLIN,1 AND LESLIE WOOD Departmentof Botany,DukeUniversity,Durham,North Carolina 27708 USA Abstract. Recruitment limitation of tree population dynamics is poorly understood, because fecundity and dispersal are difficult to characterize in closed stands. We present an approach that estimates seed production and dispersal under closed canopies and four limitations on recruitment: tree density and location, fecundity, seed dispersal, and estab- lishment.Consistentestimatesareobtainedfor14canopyspeciesusing5yrofcensusdata from 100 seed traps and several thousand mapped trees and seedlings from five southern Appalachian forest stands that span gradients in elevation and moisture. Fecundity (seed productionpersquarecentimeterofbasalarea)rangedoverfourordersofmagnitude,from 100 cm2 basal area/yr (Carya, Cornus, Nyssa, Quercus) to (cid:46)103 cm2/yr (Betula). Mean dispersaldistancerangedfrom(cid:44)5m(Cornus,Nyssa)to(cid:46)20m(Acer,Betula,Liriodendron, Tsuga) and was positively correlated with fecundity. Species also differ in the degree of seedclumpingatfine(1m2)spatialscales.Dispersalpatternscanbeclassedintwogroups based on dispersal vector: wind-dispersed taxa with high fecundities, long-distance dis- persal, and low clumping vs. animal-dispersal taxa with low fecundities, short-distance dispersal, and a high degree of clumping. ‘‘Colonization’’ limitations caused by sizes and locations of parent trees, fecundity, and dispersal were quantified as the fraction of sites receivingseedrelativetothatexpectedundernullmodelsthatassumedispersalisnonlocal (i.e., long-distance) and not clumped (i.e., Poisson). Difference among species in coloni- zation levels ranged from those capable of saturating the forest floor with seed in most stands (Acer, Betula, Liriodendron) to ones that leave much of the forest floor without seed, despite presence of adults (Carya, Cornus, Nyssa, Oxydendrum).Seedlingestablish- ment is one of the strongest filters on recruitment in our study area. Taken together, our resultsindicate(1)thatfecundityanddispersalcanberesolved,evenunderaclosedcanopy, and (2) that recruitment of many species is limited by the density and location of source, dispersal patterns, or both. Keywords: dispersal;establishment;fecundity;forestdynamics;negativebinomial;recruitment; seed rain; southern Appalachians. INTRODUCTION Schupp 1993, Ribbens et al. 1994). Moreover, mech- anisticmodelsarehardtoapplyinforestunderstories, Field studies and simulation models of forest dy- because variable winds, seed release heights, and mi- namics have long assumed that seed is ubiquitous (re- viewedbyClark1993,PacalaandHurtt1993,Ribbens crotopographicreliefaredifficulttocharacterize(e.g., et al. 1994, Clark and Ji 1995, Schupp and Fuentes Greene and Johnson 1989). 1995) and, thus, that tree population growth rates are Growing realization that seed may often be in short limitedatotherlifehistorystages.Theassumptionthat supply has led to increased interest in understanding seed is always available allows one to overlook seed lifehistorystageswhererecruitmentlimitationcanoc- production and dispersal and focus instead on micro- cur, including seed arrival at the ground, seed preda- sites for seedling establishment, resource limitations tion, germination, and early seedling survival (Har- on growth, and factors causing mortality. Seed rain combe 1987, Schupp et al. 1989, Nakashizuka et al. tendstobeignored,becauseitisdifficultbothtoquan- 1995). Seed arrival depends on: (A) density and dis- tify seed production in closed canopies, where seed persion of adults, (B) adult fecundities, and (C) dis- shadows from individual crowns overlap (Willson persaldistancesofseed.Thesethreeconstraintsonseed 1993), and to track dispersal by wind (Augspurger arrivalareheretermed:(A)source-density,(B)source- 1986,Matlack1987,Johnson1988)andanimals(Smith strength, and (C) dispersal limitations, respectively and Follmer 1972, Darley-Hill and Johnson 1981, (Fig.1).Afourthlimitationonrecruitmentweexamine here,(D)establishmentlimitation,dependsonseedsur- Manuscript received 12 February 1997; revised and ac- vival and germination and seedling survival. We refer cepted1 May 1997. to‘‘establishment’’asthetimefromseedarrivalatthe 1Presentaddress:HarvardUniversity,HarvardUniversity soilsurface(estimatedbyseedtraps)tothetimeseed- Herbaria, 22 Divinity St., Cambridge, Massachusetts02138 USA. lingsarecensusedduringthefirstyearofgrowth.Each 213 214 JAMESS.CLARKET AL. EcologicalMonographs Vol.68,No.2 FIG. 1. Thefourlimitationson recruitmentanalyzedhere(labeledA–D)thatlink adultsto seedlings. stage may depend on processes operative at several and Nakashizuka 1995). Any spatial bias imposed by spatialscales(Schupp1993,Nakashizukaetal.1995). post-dispersal processing of seed (e.g., secondary dis- Atthebroadestscale,thedistributionofaspeciesalong persalbywind(Matlack1989)oranimals(Abbottand geographic or environmental gradients sets limits on Quink 1970, Schupp 1988, Willson and Whelan1990, the presence of reproductive individuals (A, source Whelan et al. 1991, Willson 1993) alters the relation- density).Finespatialscalesdescribelocaldensitiesand shipbetweenseedarrivalandseedlings.Moreover,dis- crown areas of seed-bearing trees (A, source density) tributions and abundances of seedlings do not neces- and dispersal distances (C), which, in turn, determine sarily give much insight into seed production (fecun- identities of neighboring plants and interaction inten- dity) (Willson 1993). Because of these problems pa- sities.Seedlingestablishment(D)dependsonphysical rameterizing seed production and dispersal, we are (e.g., light, water, and nutrients) and biotic (e.g.,litter aware of no studies showing how recruitment limita- depth, seed and seedling predators, pathogens, and tions compare among species that co-occur in closed competitors)factors thatvaryatseveralspatialscales, stands. both ‘‘within’’ and ‘‘among’’ stands (Godman and A way forward is available through models that as- Mattson1976,Beatty1984,Strengetal.1989,Peterson sociate offspring with the spatial pattern and sizes of and Pickett 1990, Alvarez-Buylla and Garc´ıa-Barrios potential parents. Ribbens et al. (1994) used the rela- 1991, Houle 1992a). tionshipbetweenseedlingsandconspecifictreestoes- Unfortunately, appreciation that recruitment limita- timate seedling production and dispersal. Their model tioncanoccurdoesnotremovetheobstaclethatcaused predicts seedling density as the summed contribution many to ignore it in the first place: lack of character- of seedlings from all trees on a sample plot. The ap- izationmethods.Mosteffortstoquantifyseedproduc- proach is a significant advance over simple seedling tion and dispersal are highly indirect. Seed arrival at counts, because it estimates fecundity and dispersal the forest floor is sometimes estimated from seedling distance (of seedlings, rather than seeds) based on the distributions, a method requiring establishment suc- summedcontributionsofpotentialparenttrees.Anext cess, i.e., that seeds become seedlings. Does absence step is the analysis of seed rain to estimate factors of seedlings mean seeds did not arrive or that seeds affecting seed arrival (limitations A, B, and C) vs. es- arrived, but did not germinate? If microrelieforbiotic tablishment (D). interactions influence germination success (Godman Ourobjectivesare(1)todevelopamodeltoestimate and Mattson 1976, Beatty 1984), there may be little seed production and dispersalunderclosedforestcan- (orevenanegative)relationshipbetweenseedrainand opies, (2) to introduce methods for evaluation of the seedlings (Augspurger 1986, Augspurger and Franson approach, and (3) to determine contributions of seed 1988, Houle 1992a, Nakashizuka et al. 1995, Shibata arrival vs. seedling establishment to the distributions May1998 RECRUITMENTLIMITATIONIN FORESTS 215 TABLE 1. Standcharacteristicsand basalareas(m2/ha). Stand 1 Stand 2 Stand 3 Stand 4 Stand 5 Elevation(m) 786 802 866 1085 1387 Setting xericridge mesiccove slope slope slope Acer 1.96 4.83 4.69 6.58 3.86 A. pensylvanicum 0.01 0.07 0.02 1.13 1.15 A. rubrum 1.86 4.50 5.71 5.45 0.31 A. saccharum 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 2.37 A. spicatum 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 Amelanchierarborea 0.47 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.18 Betula 0.03 2.55 0.70 0.02 12.76 B. alleghaniensis 0.00 0.09 0.11 0.00 8.25 B. lenta 0.03 2.46 0.59 0.02 4.52 Carya glabra 1.33 3.55 3.86 1.35 0.34 Castanea dentata 0.10 0.00 0.04 0.31 0.00 Cornus florida 0.17 0.61 0.22 0.16 0.02 Fagus grandifolia 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 Fraxinus americana 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 1.80 Hamamelisvirginiana 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.21 Liriodendron tulipifera 0.03 9.97 0.71 0.03 0.00 Magnolia 0.13 0.02 0.00 0.40 0.00 M. acuminata 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 M. fraseri 0.12 0.02 0.00 0.38 0.00 Nyssa sylvatica 0.69 0.33 2.97 2.03 0.00 Oxydendrumarboreum 1.62 0.15 3.13 2.88 0.00 Pinus rigida 6.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Quercus 8.65 6.92 13.51 15.40 8.71 Q. alba 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 Q. coccinea 3.56 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 Q. marilandica 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q. prinus 2.74 3.35 10.30 9.83 0.00 Q. rubra 0.10 1.65 2.70 4.12 8.33 Q. velutina 1.01 1.92 0.46 0.00 0.00 Q.sp. 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.51 0.00 Robinia pseudo-acacia 0.77 0.64 0.51 0.32 0.00 Sassafras albidum 0.57 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 Tilia americana 0.00 0.59 0.00 0.00 4.42 Tsuga canadensis 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.52 0.00 Note:Rounding resultsin discrepanciesforsometotals. of first-year seedlings in five of the principal stand are located to sample these gradients (Table 1).Mesic types of southern Appalachian forests. We use spatial sites include Cove hardwoods at mid elevation (stand distributionsofmaturetrees,seedarrival,andseedling 2) and Northern hardwoods at high elevation (stand establishmenttoquantifyrecruitmentlimitationsattwo 5)(Table1).APine/oakridge(stand1)isthemostxeric scales. Model results produce a simple ‘‘colonization stand.Intermediateinelevationandmoisturestatusare index,’’ the average fraction of 1-m2 plots of soil sur- oak-dominated stands (3 and 4). Species restricted to face expected to receive some seed in any given year. highelevationand/orhighmoisturestandsincludeAcer Weusetherelationshipbetweenseedrainandseedling pensylvanicum, A. saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, distributions as the basis for identifying arrivalvs.es- Fraxinus americana, and Tsuga canadensis. Cove tablishmentlimitationsonrecruitmentatthestandand hardwoods additionally include Liriodendron tulipi- at the square-meter scales. Because we expected the fera.Oakstands(3and4)arecentersofabundancefor relative contributions of seed arrivalvs.establishment Acer rubrum, Nyssa sylvatica, Quercusprinus,andQ. limitation to vary among species and across environ- rubra. Xeric stand 1 is dominated by Pinus rigida, Q. mental gradients, we analyzed 14 species across five alba, Q. coccinea, Q. marilandica, Q. velutina, and stands that span gradients in elevation and moisture. Sassafras albidum. THE STUDY AREA METHODS The study area consists of five stands along an el- Datacollectionwasdesignedtocharacterizerecruit- evation gradient at CoweetaHydrologicLaboratoryin mentlimitationsatfourstages(Fig.1)andtwospatial the southern Appalachians (35(cid:56)03(cid:57) N, 83(cid:56)27(cid:57) W). The scales. Our nested sampling design allowed modeling watershedischaracterizedbyhighandtopographically of seed production and dispersal at the local (within- variable precipitation (177–222 cm/yr). The two prin- stand) scale and comparisons of average seed rain cipalvegetationgradientsarethosediscussedbyWhit- among stands. Within-stand sampling allowed us to taker (1956), elevation and moisture. Our five stands estimate fecundity and dispersal of seed by modeling 216 JAMESS.CLARKET AL. EcologicalMonographs Vol.68,No.2 spatial pattern in seed rain relative to locations and mesh.LowestefficiencieswereforCarya(0.86(cid:54)0.05) sizes of adult trees. Stand differences in parent tree andQuercus(0.88(cid:54)0.03),buteventhesetaxaentered abundance,seedrain,andseedlingestablishmentdem- traps with high probability. Intermediate were Lirio- onstrated how recruitment limitation varied with can- dendron(0.98 (cid:54) 0.02), Pinus(0.95 (cid:54) 0.04), andAcer opy composition across the principal environmental (0.94 (cid:54) 0.04). gradients. The first limitation, (A) source abundance TrapsweredeployedinthefieldSeptember1991and (Fig.1),wasassessedfrombasalareas.Sourcestrength emptied at 2–4 mo intervals through July 1996. Be- (B) was estimated(1)atthelocalscale,frommodeled causefewspeciesreleasedseedduringsummermonths, seed rain within stands, and (2) as a stand average, annualaveragesarebasedonseedcollectionsbetween from average seed rain and basal areas. Regressions July of each year. All debris in traps was removed at between stand basal area and seed rain determined collectiondatesandsortedwiththeaidofsieves.Seeds whether differences in seed rain among stands (i.e., were identified to the lowest taxonomic unit possible acrossenvironmentalgradients)wereexplainedbyav- (Table 2). All seeds collected over the course of the erage basal area of adults. Limitations due to source studyarearchivedaccordingtotrapandcollectiondate density and distribution (A), source strength (B), and at the Duke University Phytotron. seeddispersal(C)werecollectivelyestimatedfromthe Seedling transects were established within each of fraction of ground surface expected to receive some thefivestandsinJune1992alongthelowerportionof seedinagivenyear,basedonmodeledseedrainwithin samplestands,withlocationdifferingsomewhatamong stands. Establishment limitation (D) was assessed at stands to avoid areas disturbed by foot traffic.Annual both scales. Comparisons of seedling distributions censuses of newly emerged seedlings were completed within stands with predicted seed rain permitted esti- in July of 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996 to match mation of establishment success at fine spatial scales. the period for seed rain collection. Newly emerged Differencesinstandaveragesofseedrainvs.seedling seedlings were readily distinquished from older seed- establishmentwereusedtoidentifyhowestablishment lings for all species that occurred within our stands. success varied across vegetation types. Togetherthese Seed dispersal vectors and taxonomic resolution resultswereusedtointerprethowdifferentspeciesmay be limited at different stages by factors operating at Notallseedsandseedlingscouldberesolvedtospe- localscales(dispersionofadulttrees,dispersalofseed, ciesinourstudy.Topermitcomparisonsamongseeds, and microrelief) and at broader scales (gradients in seedlings, and trees, we used the lowest common tax- elevation and moisture). onomic group for analysis (Table 2). For example, all Acer seed is treated as a single taxon. Although many Tree, seed, and seedling data could be confidently identified to species, others (par- From each of five stands we (1) mapped all trees ticularlydamagedseeds)couldnot.BecauseAcersac- greaterthan1mtallon60(cid:51)60m(0.36ha)plots,(2) charum trees are abundant only in stand 5, and Acer collectedseedintwenty0.42(cid:51)0.42mseedtraps,and pensylvanicum shrubs are short and not close to traps, (3) took a census of seedlings along a 1 (cid:51) 60 m belt most seeds on the remaining four plots were probably transect. Trees wereidentified,locatedusingaTopcon Acer rubrum. Acorns were separated as ‘‘red’’ vs. electronic Total Station, and diameters measured at a ‘‘white,’’ and several were identified to species.How- height of 1.3 m. ever,becausemanycouldnotbeseparated,andbecause Twenty seed traps were established within each of acorns were few, we lumped all Quercus. Carya nuts the five stands at 5-m intervals along two transects couldnotbeconfidentlyidentifiedtospecies,buttrees spaced20mapart.Wetestedseveralseedtrapdesigns. within our stands were principally Carya glabra. For Thedesignusedconsistsofaplasticbasketframesup- remaining taxa, either seed could be identified to spe- ported 1.5 m above the ground by PVC pipes. The ciesoronlyasinglespeciesrepresentativeofthetaxon basket has drain holes, but seeds falling in the trap occurred in the study area. Genders of dioecious spe- remain elevated above the bottom of the basket by 1 cies Nyssa sylvatica and, sometimes, Fraxinus ameri- mm mosquito netting. Elevation of the trap above the cana, were not determined, so all individuals werein- ground and a layer of wire mesh covering the trap cluded in the analysis. We did identify seed bearing minimized removal of Quercus and Carya seed by individuals of Acer rubrum, so only those individuals squirrelsandothervertebrateseedpredators.Concerns wereusedtoestimatefecundityanddispersal.Themin- that the wire mesh might cause some seeds to bounce uteseedsofOxydendrumarboreumwerenotrecovered out of traps led us to conduct efficiency trials. We re- inourtraps,butwedidquantifythedehiscentcapsules. leased seeds from sufficient heights to insure terminal Seedsanalyzedincludespeciesprincipallydispersed velocities were reached at the trap opening and re- bywindandanimals(Table2).Ourelevatedtrapschar- corded numbers of successful trap entries. Trap effi- acterize primarily wind dispersal; seeds ‘‘scatter- ciencies were generally high; clear differences among hoarded’’ by birds and mammals or dispersedsecond- taxacouldbeattributedtosizeandtendencytobounce. arily by wind (e.g., Betula, Matlack 1989, Houle and Small Betula seeds never bounced off the covering Payette 1990) are not expected to enter traps. May1998 RECRUITMENTLIMITATIONIN FORESTS 217 TABLE 2. Resolutionof taxaanalyzedin thisstudy and theirprobabledispersalvectors. 1st-yr Dispersal Taxon Trees Seed seedlings vector Acer A. pensylvanicum A. pensylvanicum A. pensylvanicum wind A. rubrum A. rubrum A. rubrum A. saccharum A. saccharum A. saccharum A. spicatum Acersp. Acersp. Amelanchier A. arborea Amelanchiersp. A. arborea birds Betula B. alleghaniensis Betulasp. Betulasp. wind B. lenta Carya C. glabra Caryasp. none mammals Cornus C. florida C. florida C. florida birds Fraxinus F. americana Fraxinussp. none wind Liriodendron L. tulipifera L. tulipifera L. tulipifera wind Nyssa N. sylvatica N. sylvatica none birds Oxydendrum O. arboreum O. arboreumcapsules none wind Pinus P. rigida Pinussp. none wind Quercus Q. alba Q. rubra Q. prinus mammals Q. coccinea Q. velutina Q. rubra Q. marilandica Red oak Q. velutina Q. prinus Whiteoak Red oak Q. rubra Q. velutina Robinia R. pseudo-acacia R. pseudo-acacia none wind Tilia T. americana T. americana none wind Tsuga T. canadensis T. canadensis none wind Seed production estimation at the stand scale Clumpeddistributionofseed.—Distributionsofseed Fecundityparameters((cid:98))wereestimatedattwospa- arrivals in our stands were ‘‘clumped,’’ having higher tial scales. An estimate of (cid:98) among stands is obtained variance than a Poisson process. This clumped distri- bution was described by a negative binomial distri- astheslopeoftheregressionofseedrainagainstbasal bution, generally appropriate for mixtures of random area: sources(e.g.,JohnsonandKotz1969).Considermseed s (cid:53) (cid:98)b (1a) traps located at various distances from a seed source jk k (a tree). Our likelihood function is based on negative where b is the basal area of the kth stand, and s is k jk binomial seed arrival: seed arrival at the jth seed trap in the kth stand. To evaluate constancy of fecundity among standswealso L(S|p, (cid:117)) estimated (cid:98) for each stand separately as the ratio of (cid:80) average seed rain and stand basal area: (cid:53) mtraps (cid:71)(sj (cid:49) (cid:117)) sˆsj(b, xj; p)(cid:117)(cid:117) (2) j(cid:53)1 (cid:71)(sj (cid:49) 1)(cid:71)((cid:117))(sˆ(b, xj; p) (cid:49) (cid:117))sj(cid:49)(cid:117) s (cid:98) (cid:53) k. (1b) where (cid:71)(·) is the gamma function, s is the observed k b j k rate of seed arrival to a given seed trap j,Sisthedata The following section (Seed production and dispersal set containing mseedtraps(thecollectionofs’s),sˆ(b, j modeling)describesathirdestimateof(cid:98)basedonspa- x; p) is the ‘‘expected’’ seed abundance at trap j, and j tial patterns of trees and seed rain within stands. (cid:117) is a dimensionless ‘‘clumping parameter.’’ The ex- pectedseedarrivalattrapjisafunctionsˆ(b,x;p)that Seed production and dispersal modeling j dependsondistancex fromaseedsourceandthesize j Oursummedseedshadow(SSS)modelpredictsseed (basal area) b of that source, with fitted parameters p arrivalatalocationasthesummedcontributionofseed (seeFittingthemodel,below).Thedegreeofclumping dispersedfromallconspecifictreesinthesamplearea. isdeterminedbythedata((cid:117)isafittedparameter).Val- The method assumes that each tree’s contribution to ues of (cid:117) (cid:44) 1 imply highly contagious distributions seed rain at a location depends on its size (basal area) (overdispersed), whereas large values ((cid:117) (cid:107) 1) tend to and distance. Functions describing how seed rain de- a Poisson process. pends on fecundity, tree basal area, and distance are Theunevendistributionofseedsources.—Nowcon- parameterized from an array of seed input data (e.g., siderastandofmanytrees,eachproducingseedswith seedtraps)andamapoftreelocationsandsizes(basal a source strength that depends on basal area and dis- areas). The model allows estimation of the seed con- persingseedsomedistance.Theexpectationoftheneg- tributions of individual trees. Our SSS model shares ativebinomialdistributionatagivenlocationdepends some attributes of that used by Ribbens et al. (1994) onthesizesanddistancestoalltreesinthestand.Here to estimate seedling distributions and by Kuuluvainen wederivethisexpectationasthesumofseedshadows et al. (1993) to model spatial effects of adult trees. of individual trees. Tree i’s contribution to total seed 218 JAMESS.CLARKET AL. EcologicalMonographs Vol.68,No.2 arrivalatlocationjistheproductofitssourcestrength (cid:97)(cid:71)(3/c) (cid:109) (cid:53) (4) Q(b), a function of its basal area b: 1 (cid:71)(2/c) i i Q(b) (cid:53) (cid:98)b (3) and kurtosis that dependsonlyontheshapeparameter i i with fitted parameter (cid:98) (seeds per basal area), and (a (cid:71)(6/c)(cid:71)(2/c) . density function of) seeds dispersed to a trap located (cid:71)2(4/c) x meters away, f(x ). The proportion of a tree’s Q(b) ij ij i seeds arriving on the area subtended by a trap of di- This flexible density includes some familiars ones as ameter dx and arc angle d(cid:119) is specialcases. Exponential densitieshave c(cid:53)1(John- son1988,Willson1993).OurmodelisGaussian,hav- proportion of seeds falling on the area (x, x (cid:49) dx, (cid:119)) ing c (cid:53) 2. Kurtosis of this arc-wise Gaussian density (cid:69) (cid:82) x(cid:49)dx (i.e., two) is lower than that of a one-dimensional (cid:53) f(x(cid:57), (cid:119)(cid:57)) d(cid:119)(cid:57) dx(cid:57) (cid:248) (cid:119)xf(x)dx. Gaussian density (kurtosis (cid:53) 3). Ribbens et al.(1994) x (cid:119) used a third special case with c (cid:53) 3 and a lower kur- tosis. Our density then is We fitted dispersal functions f(x, (cid:119)) of varying forms [ ] and numbers of parameters, including ones that allow f(x ; c (cid:53) 2) (cid:53) 1 exp (cid:50)(cid:49)xij(cid:50)2 (5) for the ‘‘skip’’ distance that can be associated with ij (cid:112)(cid:97)2 (cid:97) dispersionfromanelevatedsource(Sutton1953,Oku- with mean displacement from Eq. 4: boandLevin1989,Andersen1991),oneswithvarying degrees of kurtosis, and mixed models. Models witha (cid:97)(cid:207)(cid:112) (cid:109) (cid:53) (cid:53) 0.886(cid:97). skip distance did not fit the data, because crowns are 1 2 too broad to be regarded as point sources (aboundary Arc-wise integration gives the fraction of seed that conditionassumedinmostsolutionsofGaussianplume travels distance x in all directions, which yields the models having an elevated source [Okubo and Levin Weibull density: 1989]); seeds are broadly dispersed under individual [ ] crowns and then fall off with distance. Models with 2x (cid:49)x(cid:50)2 large kurtosis did not fit our data, yielding unstable F(cid:117)(x; c (cid:53) 2) (cid:53) (cid:97)2 exp (cid:50) (cid:97) . fecundity estimates. We wereunabletoobtainconver- gence of mixed models that had some proportion of The product of source strength (Eq. 3) and density of seedallocatedtoawidelydispersedtailduetoparam- seed arrivals (Eq. 5) is termed the ‘‘seed shadow’’ of eter redundancy. a tree i: The density used is isotropic, i.e., there is no direc- sˆ(b, x ; p) (cid:53) Q(b)f(x ). i ij i ij tional bias in the dissemination of seed. It has a mode Note that for global dispersal the average seed arrival at the source and adjustable kurtosis: [ ] reduces to Eq. 1b. f(x ) (cid:53) 1 exp (cid:50)(cid:49)xij(cid:50)c Fitting the model.—Assume each tree i disperses ij N (cid:97) seed to trap j. Seed arrival at trap j is the cumulative where (cid:97) is a dispersion parameter in metres, c is a contribution of n conspecific sample trees, each tree having source strength and seed shadow described by dimensionless shape parameter, and N is a normaliza- Eqs. 3 and 5, respectively: tionconstantobtainedbyintegratingarc-wiseandwith (cid:79) distance: ntrees (cid:69) (cid:82) sˆ(b, x; p) (cid:53) Q(b)f(x ) (cid:96) [ ] j i ij N (cid:53) 0 (cid:69)2(cid:96)(cid:112)exp (cid:50)[(cid:49)(cid:97)x(cid:50)c d](cid:119)(cid:57) dx (cid:53) (cid:112)i(cid:53)(cid:98)(cid:97)12 n(cid:79)it(cid:53)re1es bi exp[(cid:50)(cid:49)x(cid:97)ij(cid:50)2] (6) (cid:49)x(cid:50)c 2(cid:112)(cid:97)2(cid:71)(2/c) where p is a vector of fitted parameters [(cid:97), (cid:98)] that (cid:53) 2(cid:112) x exp (cid:50) dx (cid:53) . 0 (cid:97) c maximize the likelihood given in Eq. 2, b is a length- nvectoroftreebasalareasb,andxisthen(cid:51)mmatrix The proper form of N is required to obtain unbiased i of distances between trees and traps x . We simulta- parameterestimates(seeFittingthemodel,below).The neously fit (cid:117); the degree of clumpingijin the data is mth moment of this density is estimated together with the seed shadows, sˆ(b, x ; p), i ij (cid:49)m(cid:49)2(cid:50) aroundindividualtrees.Biascorrectedandaccelerated (cid:69)(cid:96) (cid:82) (cid:97)m(cid:71) (BCa)confidenceintervalsfor(cid:97),(cid:98),and(cid:117)wereobtained c by 1000 bootstrapped maximum likelihood (ML) es- (cid:109)m (cid:53) 0 2(cid:112) (x(cid:57))mf(x(cid:57), (cid:119)(cid:57)) d(cid:119)(cid:57) dx(cid:57) (cid:53) (cid:71)(2/c) tdiimffaetressfr(oEmfrothneasntdanTdiabrsdhpirearncie1n9ti9le3s).inTthweoBwCaayisn.tFerirvsatl, giving mean dispersal distance it corrects for the median bias (thedifferencebetween May1998 RECRUITMENTLIMITATIONIN FORESTS 219 median and mean) in the parameter estimate obtained variedwithspecies,becausetreesofallspeciesdidnot fromthesetofbootstrapestimates.Second,itcorrects occur on all plots. In some cases trees did occur, but for the fact that the standard error of the estimate can numbersweretoolowtoobtainfits.Theq(cid:49)1degrees depend on the parameter value. This correction is ac- of freedom for this model are the q (cid:49) 1 parametersin complished through an acceleration quantity that es- p ,plusonefortheclumpingparameter(cid:117),minusone. q(cid:49)1 timatestherateofchangeinthestandarderrorrelative By simultaneously taking advantage of data from all to the true parameter value. We compared BC confi- avaliable stands, this modelprovidesthebestestimate a denceintervalswiththoseobtainedfromstandardper- of dispersal distance. centiles and from a minimum volume ellipse for all Step 2 requires a ML for the model in which each parameterestimates.AlthoughBC endpointsaremore stand has a separate (cid:97) in order to test whether stand- a k accurate than those obtained by other methods (Efron specificdispersalparameterssubstantiallyimprovethe andTibshirani1993),wefounddifferencestobesmall likelihood of the data, so much so that we conclude at the 95% level, the level reported here. that dispersal distance may differ among stands. This Parameter correlations were determined from the likelihoodhasparametersetp (cid:53)[(cid:97) ,...,(cid:97) ,(cid:98) ,..., 2q 1 q 1 bootstrapped data set, and scatter plots of parameter (cid:98) ] with 2q degrees of freedom. The likelihood ratio q estimates were examined. Negative correlations in (cid:97) statistic, or deviance and (cid:98) estimates obtained from a simplified version of [L(S |p , (cid:117))] the model demonstrated need for a proper normaliza- D (cid:53) (cid:50)2 ln q 2q (8) L(S |p , (cid:117)) tion constant. The normalization constant assures that q q(cid:49)1 negativecorrelationbetweenparametersdoesnotdom- is asymptotically distributed as (cid:120)2 with q (cid:50) 1 degrees inate the fit, an instability we observed for an unnor- offreedom,thedifferenceindegreesoffreedom(num- malizedversionofthemodelthatpermitsalargesource berof parameters)oftheindividualmodels.Largede- strength parameter (cid:98) to offset a small dispersion pa- viance means that dispersal distance differs across rameter(cid:97).Thenormalizedmodelfittedhere,however, stands. can have the opposite tendency. Positive correlation Forstep3,weviewedanappropriatenullmodelfor occurswhenlargedispersionflattensthecurveandcan testing our results to be one where seed arrival is in- be compensatedbylargesourcestrength.Weobtained dependent of tree locations, i.e., nonlocal dispersal. positivecorrelationsonlyinafewcaseswherefitswere This null model is analogous to the conventional re- poor. gressionnullmodelofaslopeparameterequaltozero, Parameter estimation and evaluation was accom- i.e.,norelationbetweenvariables.Ourlikelihoodratio plished for each species in four steps: (1) estimation test compares the likelihood obtained with q (cid:49) 2 ML of the best (ML) dispersal parameter value (cid:97) incor- parameterestimateswiththelikelihoodunderthe(null) porating information obtained from allfivestands;(2) hypothesis that all traps receive,onaverage,themean assessmentofconsistencyofdispersalparametersfrom seed rain. The null model has fixed expectation s in k stand to stand; (3) comparison of model performance Eq.2andasinglefittedparameter(cid:117).Thedeviancefor against a null model ofnonlocal dispersal;and(4)ex- this model, [ ] amination of potential for bias in parameter estimates L (S |p , (cid:117)) resulting from finite area of mapped stands. One ob- D (cid:53) (cid:50)2 ln ML q q(cid:49)1 (9) L (S |(cid:117)) vious source of variance in dispersal among stands is null q thatassociatedwithdifferentarrangementsoftreesrel- has q degrees of freedom, q (cid:49) 1 parameters from the ative to seed traps. Because there are no conventional ML model, minus one parameter for the null model. hypothesistestsforsuchmodels,wedevelopedseveral. To safeguard against the event that D was not distrib- Our first two steps involve a hypothesis test that dis- uted as (cid:120)2 we also conducted permutation tests that persal parameters differ among stands. We compute involved generating a distribution of deviances from two likelihoods of the data. The first likelihood pro- permuted data sets, where S in Eq. 9 was replaced q videsparameterestimatesthatincorporateinformation with S , the kth random permutation of the data. The q,k fromallq((cid:35)5)standshavingsufficienttreestoobtain probability of D calculated from the original data was a fit, yielding the ML of the data for the model witha determined from this distribution of D’s. k species-specific (cid:97) parameter: The fourth step of model evaluation was a test for biasinparameterestimatesthatmightarisefromfinite (cid:80) qstands sizeofmappedstands.Contributionsofseedfromtrees L(S |p , (cid:117)) (cid:53) L(S |p , (cid:117)) (7) q q(cid:49)1 k k outsidethemappedplotmightbiasfecundityestimates k(cid:53)1 upward, because the model implicitly assumes thatall wheretheparametersetforstandkisp (cid:53)[(cid:97),(cid:98)],and seeds derive from trees in the plot. Dispersal param- k k p (cid:53) [(cid:97), (cid:98) , ..., (cid:98) ] includes separatefecundityes- etersmightalsobesensitivetoplotsizes.Wefittedthe q(cid:49)1 1 q timatesforeachstandandasingledispersalparameter model beginning at a minimal map area that included (cid:97) that best predicts seed rain across all stands. The thecentral20(cid:51)40mtoprogressivelylargermapareas numberofstandsqincludedinthelikelihoodfunction out to the full 60 (cid:51) 60 m. 220 JAMESS.CLARKET AL. EcologicalMonographs Vol.68,No.2 Thereisnosimpleestimateofthevarianceexplained Limited dispersal and clumping of seed reduce the bythemodel,butweprovidearoughindex.ThePear- actual colonization ratebelowthat whichwouldoccur soncorrelationcoefficientbetweenmodelanddatahas if dispersal were global, as estimated by C(s). Oures- been used for such comparisons, but it characterizes timate of dispersal limitation makes use of the prob- thelevelofagreementtoabest-fittinglinearregression ability that any given 1-m2patch j receives some seed to the model. Thus, high correlations can result even given the best estimates of local dispersal and clump- when model predictions are biased (i.e., good fit to a ing: linear model of slope (cid:177) 1). We used instead the cor- relation describing the level of agreement between C(sˆ) (cid:53) Pr{sˆ (cid:46) 0|Negative Binomial(sˆ, (cid:117)ˆ)} j j j modeland data, i.e.,thescatteraboutthelineofslope (cid:53) 1: (cid:53) 1 (cid:50) (cid:49) (cid:117)ˆ (cid:50)(cid:117)ˆ. (cid:79) (cid:79) sˆ (cid:49) (cid:117)ˆ qstands 20traps j (s (cid:50) sˆ (x, b; p))2 r2 (cid:53) 1 (cid:50) k(cid:53)1 (cid:79)j(cid:53)1 (cid:79)jk jk (10) The average of these estimates across the m (cid:53) 800 qstands 20traps central 1-m2 patches in each sample stand is the col- (s (cid:50) s )2 jk k onization index: k(cid:53)1 j(cid:53)1 (cid:79) where s is the observed seed rain at trap j in stand k, 1 m jk C (cid:53) C(sˆ) (13) andskisthemeanseedrainforstandk.Whendataare m j(cid:53)1 j highlyskewed(i.e.,(cid:117)(cid:75)1),andthefitweak,thisindex hasthelimitationthatitcanbenegative(i.e.,themean the expected fraction of patches (at the 1-m2 scale) better accounts for seed rain than does the model). It receiving some seed in a given year. The contribution isaconservativeindexofvarianceinthedataexplained of dispersal limitation to the colonization index is es- by the model. timated as the relative difference between the coloni- zationindexthatincludesonlysourcelimitations,C(s), Seed limitation index and the colonization index that incorporates dispersal Seed limitation at the local scale (1 m2) was esti- and clumping C: mated as the probability that no seed would arrive in agiven1-m2patch.The1-m2scalewaschosenforthis Dispersal limitation(cid:53) 1 (cid:50) C . (14) index, because microsites typically analyzed for re- C(s) cruitmentsuccessareofthisorder.Weconsideredtwo sources of limitation: (1) source limitation, the influ- Predicted seed rain and observed seedlings enceofsourcedensity,distribution,andfecundity;and (2) dispersal limitation, the influence of the local and ‘‘Establishment limitation,’’ the stage between seed clumped nature of seed dispersal. We estimated these dispersal and establishment as a 1st-yr seedling (Fig. limitations from probabilities calculated using the an- 1), was assessed by comparing 1st-yr seedlings with nual predicted seed rain density at each 1 m2 in the seedrainatstandandlocal(1-m2)scales.Thefraction central 20 (cid:51) 40 m rectangle of each stand using the of seed that produces 1st-yr seedlings was estimated tree census maps and parameterized seed dispersal at the stand scale by comparing average annual seed models. rain estimated from the 20 traps with average density Our index of source limitation consists of a com- of 1st-yr seedlings from the belt transects over 5 yr, parison of seed arrival predicted fromthefittedmodel with that expected if seed rain was not influenced by Establishment fraction limited dispersal. Assuming uniform distribution of (cid:79) 1 5 1st-yr seedling density seed and independent (unclumped) arrivals, the prob- (cid:53) y. 5 seed density abilityofany1-m2patchjreceivingatleastsomeseed y(cid:53)1 y in a given year is Totestforestablishmentlimitationatthe1-m2scale, C(s) (cid:53) Pr{sˆ (cid:46) 0(cid:122)Poisson(s)} (cid:53) 1 (cid:50) e(cid:50)s (11) we compared predicted seed rain to observed 1st-yr j seedlingdensityalongthebelttransects.Parameterized where models were used together with the mapped tree dis- (cid:79) 1 m tributions to predict seed rain densities at each 1-m2 s (cid:53) sˆ m j quadrat of the belt transects in each stand. The spatial j(cid:53)1 scale of coherence between predicted seed rain and is the average seed rain density, and sˆ is the expected j annual average 1st-yr seedling densities was assessed seed rain to patch j from Eq. 6. Low values of C(s) by cross-correlation. Significance levels included cor- occur if the total production of seed is low (i.e., in- rection for the autocorrelation within each series by adequate source density, fecundity, or both), yielding adjusting degrees of freedom according to Clifford et Source limitation (cid:53) 1 (cid:50) C(s). (12) al. (1989). May1998 RECRUITMENTLIMITATIONIN FORESTS 221 FIG.2. Threeestimatesofthefecundityparameter(cid:98):(1)‘‘withinstands,’’thevaluefittedbytheSummedSeedShadow model, incorporating locations of seed traps relative to individual trees (solid bars); (2) the ‘‘stand average,’’ obtained by dividing average seed rain of 20 traps by stand basal area (unshaded bars) (Eq. 1b); and (3) ‘‘among stands,’’obtainedby regressingseedrainagainstbasalareaacrossallfivestands(hatchedbars)(Eq.1a).Thelowerrightpanelindicatesthatthe differentmethodsshowcloseagreement.Fortaxashowingpoorestagreement,theSummedSeedShadowmodelfitsappear to be overestimates.Standarderrorsarebootstrapped(SSSparameterestimates)or fromregression. RESULTS Quercus prinus, Q. rubra), whereas others were con- Density of sources fined to specific stand types (Acer saccharum, Betula The most fundamental limitation on recruitment is alleghaniensis, B. lenta, Fraxinus, Liriodendron, Pi- absence of parent trees. Some taxa were abundant nus, Tilia, Table 1). Several taxa were presentinmost across most or all sites (e.g., Acer rubrum, Carya, stands, but were nowhere abundant (Cornus, Nyssa, 222 JAMESS.CLARKET AL. EcologicalMonographs Vol.68,No.2 TABLE 3. Summedseed shadow modelparameterestimates,goodness-of-fit,and hypothesistests. Stand Distance Fecundity‡ Clumping Explained Taxon q† (cid:97)(cid:54) 1 SE (m) (cid:98)k(cid:54) 1 SE (cm(cid:50)2·yr(cid:50)1) (cid:117)(cid:54) 1 SE variance§ Acer 4(1,2,3,4) 25.2 (cid:54) 2.39 (cid:98) (cid:53) 69.2 (cid:54) 6.82 10.8 (cid:54) 1.95 0.714*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 37.7 (cid:54) 4.00 (cid:98)3(cid:53) 23.4 (cid:54) 2.58(c) (cid:98)3(cid:53) 32.2 (cid:54) 2.84(c) Amelanchier 2(1,5) 16.9 (cid:54) 185 (cid:98)4(cid:53) 0.231 (cid:54) 450 0.165 (cid:54) 3500 0.125 (cid:98)1(cid:53) 4.44 (cid:54) 522 Betula 3(2,3,4) 37.1 (cid:54) 2.87 (cid:98)5(cid:53) 448 (cid:54) 62.7(c) 5.83 (cid:54) 1.22 0.681*** (cid:98)2(cid:53) 1470 (cid:54) 141 (cid:98)3(cid:53) 10200 (cid:54) 1040 Carya 3(1,2,3) 10.8 (cid:54) 2.06 (cid:98)4(cid:53) 0.657 (cid:54) 0.196 0.670 (cid:54) 1.16 0.529*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 0.296 (cid:54) 0.179 (cid:98)2(cid:53) 1.02 (cid:54) 0.267 Cornus 3(1,2,3) 3.65 (cid:54) 1.52 (cid:98)3(cid:53) 7.68 (cid:54) 30.7 0.447 (cid:54) 1.15 0.566*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 2.28 (cid:54) 2.73 (cid:98)2(cid:53) 8.87 (cid:54) 15.9 Fraxinus 1(5) 19.3 (cid:54) 5.84 (cid:98)3(cid:53) 3.40 (cid:54) 0.847 0.632 (cid:54) 0.757 0.379** Liriodendron 3(2,3,4) 33.9 (cid:54) 2.56 (cid:98)5(cid:53) 49.8 (cid:54) 7.89(c) 5.76 (cid:54) 1.21 0.707*** (cid:98)2(cid:53) 147 (cid:54) 15.2(c) (cid:98)3(cid:53) 1590 (cid:54) 254 Nyssa 3(1,3,4) 6.02 (cid:54) 4.48 (cid:98)4(cid:53) 7.30 (cid:54) 4.87 0.528 (cid:54) 1.12 0.554*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 9.12 (cid:54) 3.68 (cid:98)3(cid:53) 0.151 (cid:54) 0.101 Oxydendrum 2(1,3) 9.23 (cid:54) 2.86 (cid:98)4(cid:53) 24.5 (cid:54) 6.26 0.472 (cid:54) 0.254 0.593*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 0.975 (cid:54) 0.484 Pinus 1(1) 15.1 (cid:54) 3.27 (cid:98)3(cid:53) 2.16 (cid:54) 0.558 2.01 (cid:54) 88.1 0.364** Quercus 4(1,2,4,5) 11.8 (cid:54) 1.32 (cid:98)1(cid:53) 2.52 (cid:54) 0.383 1.30 (cid:54) 0.282 0.270*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 1.31 (cid:54) 0.468 (cid:98)2(cid:53) 2.85 (cid:54) 0.488 (cid:98)4(cid:53) 5.84 (cid:54) 1.99 Robinia 1(1) 14.8 (cid:54) 1.33 (cid:98)5(cid:53) 9.57 (cid:54) 0.454 65.6 (cid:54) 20.6 0 Tilia 2(2,5) 13.0 (cid:54) 2.95 (cid:98)1(cid:53) 22.3 (cid:54) 50.5 0.485 (cid:54) 0.374 0.114 (cid:98)2(cid:53) 12.9 (cid:54) 7.57 Tsuga 2(1,4) 19.7 (cid:54) 5.04 (cid:98)5(cid:53) 503 (cid:54) 170(c) (cid:46)100 0.523*** (cid:98)1(cid:53) 10.6 (cid:54) 2.24(c) 4 Note:Maximumlikelihoodestimatesforparameters(cid:97)and(cid:98)includebootstrappedstandarderrors.BC confidenceintervals a are included in Fig. 4. Likelihood-ratio statistics (D) and associated r2values includeprobabilityestimatesfornullmodels describedin text. *P(cid:35) 0.05, **P(cid:35) 0.01, ***P(cid:35) 0.001. †The numberof standshaving sufficientseeds and treesto obtainfits followedby the listof standsin parentheses. ‡Estimateswiththe designation(c)indicatecorrelationsbetween(cid:97) and (cid:98) exceed0.60, wherekis standdesignation. k §The r2foragreementbetweendataand model(Eq. 10). (cid:92)Deviance for the hypothesis test that seed dispersal is nonlocal (Eq. 9) with df (cid:53) q. Probabilities arefrompermutation tests,but (cid:120)2probabilitiesdid not differatthe levelsin footnotes*, **, or ***. ¶Devianceforthehypothesistestthatdispersionparameters(cid:97) arethesameacrossstands(Eq.8)withdf(cid:53)q(cid:50)1.Blank cellsareforq(cid:53) 1 and, thus, no degreesof freedom. k Robinia). Unless seed production and dispersal are es,andlowlevelsofclumping,includingAcer,Betula, great, recruitment limitation is likely for many taxa Liriodendron, and Tsuga. These factors insure that simply on the basis of parent tree abundance. seeds are evenly spread at the stand scale and, thus, reflect average tree abundance. Seed rain of taxa with Seed rain at the stand scale lowdispersaldistances,clumpeddistributions,orhigh- Spatialvariabilityinseedrainaffectedourabilityto ly uneven distributions of adults, including Amelan- estimate fecundity differences among stands. Regres- chier, Carya, Cornus, Nyssa, Oxydendrum, Quercus, sionsofseedrainagainstbasalareasofthefivestands Robinia, and Tilia, was not well-predicted from basal (Eq. 1a) provide (cid:98) (seeds per basal area) estimates area at the stand scale (r2values (cid:44)0.25). Intermediate based on varying abundances across the landscape levelsofexplainedvariancewereobtainedforFraxinus (‘‘among stands’’ in Fig. 2). Significant (cid:98)valueswere and Pinus, both of which were abundant in single obtained for Acer, Betula, Carya, Cornus, Fraxinus, stands and had intermediate dispersal distances. Liriodendron, Nyssa, Oxydendrum, Pinus, Quercus, Fecundity parameters (cid:98) estimated from within in- Tilia, and Tsuga (Fig. 2). Best fits (r2 (cid:46) 0.5) were dividualplotsvariedamongstandsforsometaxa(Fig. obtainedfortaxahavingadultsdistributedrathereven- 2).Betulaconsistentlyhadthehighestfecundities,with lyacrossplots,intermediatetolargedispersaldistanc- lowestvaluesobtainedinstand5,theonlystandhaving

JAMES S. CLARK, ERIC MACKLIN,1 AND LESLIE WOOD. Department of . competitors) factors that vary at several spatial scales, both ''within'' and .. that associated with different arrangements of trees rel- ative to seed traps.
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