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BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 34, 701-720 (1986) Stage-Specific Alterations in the Apical Membrane Glycoproteins of Endometrial Epithelial Cells Related to Implantation in Rabbits’ TED L. ANDERSON,2 GARY E. OLSON, and LOREN H. HOFFMAN3 Department of Anatomy D Vanderbilt University School of Medicine ow n Nashville, Tennessee 37232 lo a d e d ABSTRACT fro m The rabbit endometrial epithelium undergoes differentiation prior to the time of blastocyst implantation, h including loss of surface negativity and a change in glycocalyx morphology. Nonpregnant (estrous) and pseudo- ttp s pregnant rabbits were used to study specific alterations in proteins and saccharide composition of the luminal ://a epithelial membrane and its glycocalyx related to the acquisition of receptivity to implantation. Pregnant ani- c a d mals were used to study further modification of the luminal surface by implanting blastocysts. The apical sur- e m face of luminal epithelial cells was solubilized by a I 5-mm intraluminal incubation of 1% Triton X-1 00 contain- ic ing pro tease inhibitors. Proteins in extract solutions were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide .ou p gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Three new polypeptides (24 kDa, 42 kDa and 58 kDa) were identified in uteri .c from receptive rabbits. Binding of succinyl Wheat Germ A,gglutinin (sWGA) and Ricinus communis Agglutinin om (RCA-I) lectins to the 24 kDa and 42 kDa components on Western blots of extracts separated by SDS-PAGE /b io identified them as glycoproteins. Additionally, other polypeptides (26 kDa, 80-86 kDa and 145 kDa) showed lre p changes in affinity for WGA, RCA-I or concanavalin A (Con A), depending on the hormonal state. Correlating ro d with these findings was an increased binding of these lectins to intact nonciliated cells in uteri of receptive rab- /a bits compared to estrous animals; ciliated cells bound Dolichos biflorus Agglutinin (DBA) specifically, regardless rtic of the hormonal condition. Treatment of uteri from estrous animals, or Western blots of proteins from these ani- le-a mals, with neuraminidase prior to lectin exposure suggested the presence of glycoproteins having a sialic acid-D- b s galactose terminus in nonreceptive rabbits. Reduced binding of lectin to intact cells at implantation sites and to tra c blots of proteins isolated from these sites, compared to nonimplantation sites, was noted. These results provide t/3 4 evidence for stage-specific alterations in protein and saccharide composition of the apical surface of endometrial /4 epithelium prior to implantation, and indicate that implanting blastocystsfruther modify the luminal surface. /70 1 /2 7 INTRODUCTION remain unclear, as does the nature of trophoblast- 64 1 The mammalian uterus becomes receptive to blasto- uterine interactions at the time of implantation. 14 b cyst adhesion and implantation through the action of In rabbits, the luminal epithelium undergoes y g ovarian steroid hormones (Casimiri and Psychoyos, extensive differentiation prior to the time of blasto- ue s 1981). Although the endometrial epithelium is cysts implantation, including rapid proliferation and t o n hormone-responsive and appears to be important in fusion of adjacent cells (Davies and Hoffman, 1973, 0 5 the development of uterine receptivity (Martin, 1975). This endometrial transformation is accompa- M a 1980), few investigators have focused on its role in nied by a loss of surface negativity, as visualized after y 2 0 implantation. Therefore, the cellular and molecular polycationic ferritin binding, and an alteration in the 1 9 events related to the acquisition of uterine receptivity morphology of the luminal glycocalyx, as measured by periodic acid-alkaline bismuth treatment (Ander- son and Hoffman, 1984). Similarly, a loss of surface negativity has been reported in the rat and alterations Accepted October 30, 1985. in glycocalyx morphology have been noted prior to Received August 12, 1985. implantation in rats and mice (Hewitt et a!., 1979; ‘This work was supported by NIH research grant HD18123, center grant HDO5 797, and basic research support grant RR05424. Chavez and Anderson, 1985). Little is known, how- (cid:1) address; Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of ever, about biochemical alterations in luminal epithe- Medicine, Houston, TX 77030. (cid:1) Reprint requests. hal cells during the progestational period. 701 702 ANDERSON ET AL. Plasma membrane glycoproteins in a variety of cell nant and pseudopregnant rabbits, as well as implan- types have been implicated as mediators of cellular tation sites and nonimplantation areas of uteri from interactions such as cell-cell recognition, adhesion, pregnant rabbits. Proteins solubihized in such a man- fusion, and differentiation (Moscona, 1974; Gilula, ner were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate poly- 1980; Subtelny and Wessels, 1980; Knudsen et al., acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Addi- 1981). Stage-specific alterations in cell surface tionally, we compared lectin-binding affinities of in- components have been described biochemically in tact endometrial epithelial cells in uteri of nonpreg- several differentiating or hormonally-modulated cell nant (estrous), pseudopregnant and pregnant rabbits types, including the appearance or disappearance of (implantation and nonimplantation areas). Finally, D membrane proteins or lectin-binding affinities (Pinsker we examined lectin binding to proteins extracted o w and Mintz, 1973; Denari et at., 1976; Maylie-Pfen- from nonpregnant, pseudopregnant, and pregnant nlo finger and Jamieson, 1980). Changes in cell surface animals (implantation and nonimplantation areas), ad e glycoproteins of mammalian preimplantation embryos separated by SDS-PAGE, and transferred electro- d fro have also been described, including alterations in phoretically to nitrocellulose membranes. m h charge and lectin affinities, particularly in relation to ttp the acquisition of adhesive properties (Hyafil et al., METHODS s://a 1980; Johnson and Calarco, 1980; Magnuson and ca Epstein, 1981; Chavez and Enders, 1982). Animals and General Procedure dem Investigation of stage-specific proteins of the Adult, female New Zealand White Rabbits were ic.o u endometrial epithelium has been limited. Mullins et obtained from local rabbit breeders, housed individ- p .c al. (1980) were unable to detect qualitative proges- ually, and maintained on a 12L: 12D cycle with free om tational changes in proteins of plasma membrane frac- access to food and water. Except where specified /bio tions isolated from homogenates of pig endometrium otherwise, all biochemicals were obtained from Sigma lre p during the estrous cycle or early pregnancy. It is Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO). rod /a possible, however, that alterations in the luminal Pseudopregnancies were induced by injection of rtic membrane could remain undetected in this preparation human chorionic gonadotropin hCG (50 IU: Ayerst, le -a because of contamination by glandular, stromal and New York, NY) into the marginal ear vein. Pregnancies b s vascular membranes. Ricketts et al. (1984) described were obtained by mating virgin does with breeder tra c stage-specific proteins (38 kDa and 42 kDa) of bucks; the does were then injected with hCG. The t/3 4 endometrial epithelial cells from uteri of nonreceptive time of mating or injection was designated as the /4/7 0 and receptive rabbits by iodination before and after beginning of Day 0. Some animals received a uni- 1 /2 primary monolayer culture; quantitative changes in lateral tuba! ligation (UTL) prior to mating. Superovu- 76 4 some labeled proteins appeared to be related to lation was attained in some animals by s.c. injections 1 1 4 length of culture. More recently, Lampelo et a!. of 0.1 mg porcine follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) b y (1985) described stage-specific proteins (53 kDa, 84 twice daily for 3 days, followed by mating and/or g u e kDa and 120 kDa), related temporally to uterine hCG injection (Kennelly and Foote, 1965). s t o receptivity, in purified plasma membranes isolated Rabbits were utilized on Days 0 (estrus) and 6 or 7 n 0 from rabbit endometrial scrapings, but they were of pseudopregnancy. Pregnant animals were killed on 5 M unable to determine whether these proteins were Day 6 1/2 or 7. Animals were anesthetized with ay 2 components of epithehial or stromal membranes. Nembutal (i.v., Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, 0 1 9 The present study was undertaken to identify IL), or killed with T-61 euthanasia solution (American specific alterations in the uterine luminal surface Hoechst Corporation, Somerville, NJ), on the specified potentially related to the acquisition of receptivity to days. Uterine horns were exposed by laparotomy, in- implantation, and to identify further modification of cised near the cervical and oviductal ends, and flushed the luminal surface by blastocysts at implantation with 30 ml of warm (37#{176}C)phosphate-buffered saline sites. We present here a method of solubilizing the (PBS; 0.01 M sodium phosphate with 0.145 M NaCI, luminal surface of endometrial epithelial cells to the pH 7.3) to remove luminal mucus. Ovaries of pseudo- level of their junctional complexes, leaving the pregnant rabbits were examined to confirm the remainder of the uterus intact. This technique was presence of corpora lutea. Implantation sites were applied to solubihize epithelial surfaces from nonpreg- easily identified in pregnant animals due to dilation MEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS OF RABBIT UTERINE EPITITIELIUM 703 of the uterine wall, and were processed separately Uterine horns were flushed with PBS and fixed by from nonimplantation areas. Uterine flushings from luminal infusion of, and subsequent immersion in, 2% these animals were examined to confirm the presence formaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH of blastocysts. Tissue was obtained from 2-5 estrous, 7.3) for 30 mm at 4#{176}CA.fter fixation, tissue was pseudopregnant, and/or pregnant animals for each rinsed well in Tris-buffered saline (TBS; 0.025 M study below. Tris-HC1, pH 7.3, 0.15 M sodium chloride, 2 mM calcium chloride, and 2 mM manganese chloride). Processing for Transmission Electron Microscopy Lectins were diluted to 50 (cid:1)ig/ml in TBS and intro- duced into the lumen of uterine segments for an in- All tissue for electron microscopy was fixed after D o flushing by luminal infusion of 2.5% glutaraldehyde cubation of 20 mm at 4#{176}CU.teri were then flushed w n with TBS to remove nonbound lectin, embedded in lo in 0.15 M sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.3) and a d O.C.T. compound (Tissue-Tek II, Miles Laboratories, e subsequent immersion in the same fixative for 2 h at d 4#{176}C.Fixed tissue was then rinsed in buffer and Naperville, IL), and quick-frozen in Freon-22 cooled fro m postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.15 M with liquid nitrogen. Cryostat sections 4 .im thick were h mounted with 50% glycerin in TBS and observed by ttp sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.3) for 2 h at room s temperature. After dehydration in graded ethanols, fluorescence microscopy. ://ac tissue was infiltrated with propylene oxide and Preliminary studies, using FITC-lectin concentra- ade tions of 10 pg/ml suggested that lectin binding sites m embedded in Epon 812. One micron sections were ic of the uterine luminal surface were not saturated at .o stained with 1% toluidine blue or 1% azure blue, and u blocks were trimmed so that thin sections could be this concentration. Results and illustrations presented p.co here are from experiments using the higher lectin m cut perpendicular to the uterine lumen. Silver sections /b concentration. io were either not stained or stained with lead citrate lre In control incubations, lectins were preincubated p and examined using a Hitachi HU-11B or H-600 ro electron microscope. with the appropriate sugar hapten (0.1 M in TBS) d/a prior to introduction into the uterine lumen. All rtic le Enzyme Treatments FITC-conjugated lectin incubations, and subsequent -ab freezing, sectioning, and observing were conducted in s Uterine glycocalyx composition was investigated tra subdued light to minimize bleaching of the FITC. c by pretreatment of uteri from estrous females with t/3 4 neuraminidase prior to lectin incubation. Neuramini- /4/7 dase (Type VIII) was diluted to 10 U/ml in 0.1 M Labeling with Ferritin-Conjugated Lectins 01 /2 sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0). Uteri were flushed The following ferritin-conjugated (F-) lectins 76 4 with warm PBS, filled with enzyme solution, and (abbreviations and sugar specificities in parentheses) 11 4 incubated in situ for 20 mm. After extensive flush- were obtained from E-Y Laboratories (San Mateo, by ing with PBS, uteri were incubated with lectins as CA): succinyl (dimeric) Concanavalin A (sCon A, gu e described below. Flushed uterine horns, filled with a-methyl mannose), Dolichos biflorus Agglutinin st o the appropriate buffer but containing no enzyme, (DBA, N-acetyl galactosamine), Ricinis communis-I n 0 5 were incubated under identical conditions and served (RCA-I, D-galactose), succinyl Wheat Germ Agglutinin M as controls. (sWGA, N-acetyl glucosamine), and Ulex europaeus ay 2 0 (UEA, L-fucose). All lectins obtained had a reported 1 9 Labeling with FITC-Conjugated Lectins ferritin-lectin ratio of 1:1 and had been purified by Fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated (FITC-) lec- affinity chromatography. tins were obtained from Vector Laboratories (Burlin- Lectins were diluted to 250 jig/mI in the appropri- game, CA) and diluted immediately prior to use. The ate buffered saline immediately prior to use. Dulbec- following lectins were used (abbreviations and sugar co’s phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS; Dulbecco and specificities in parentheses): Concanavalin A (Con A, Vogt, 1954) was used for all lectins except sCon A, a-methyl mannose), Ricinus communis-I (RCA-I, which was diluted in TBS. D-galactose), Soybean Agglutinin (SBA, N-acetyl- Diced, glutaraldehyde-fixed (1 h, 4#{176}Ct)issue was galactosamine and D-galactose), Wheat Germ Agglu- rinsed 15 mm with 0.15 M sodium cacodylate buffer, tinin (WGA, sialic acid and N-acetyl-glucosamine), pH 7.3, containing 1% ammonium chloride or 2 mM and Ulex europaeus (UEA, L-fucose). glycine to block free aldehydes, and was divided into 704 ANDERSON ET AL. aliquots. After three 5-mm rinses in the appropriate unilateral tubal ligations and were superovulated as lectin buffer, tissue samples were incubated with a described previously. Uterine horns from the ligated lectin-ferritin conjugate for 45 mm at room tempera- side of these animals contained no blastocysts and ture with gentle shaking. After exposure to lectins, were called “sterile” horns; contralateral horns con- tissue was rinsed in lectin buffer prior to a second taining blastocysts were referred to as “implantation” fixation in glutaraldehyde for 30 mm at room temper- horns. Sites occupied by blastocysts could be identi- ature, and processed for electron microscopy as de- fied easily by dilatation of the uterine wall; each was scribed previously. isolated by hemostats immediately after introduction Some unfixed tissue and some tissue fixed in 4% of the Triton solution. Fluid collected from individual formaldehyde, were exposed to Con A, rinsed, and sites was pooled for each animal. After collection of Do w postfixed in glutaraldehyde as described above. the detergent extracts, each implantation site was n lo Additionally, some glutaraidehyde-fixed and aide- examined under a stereoscope for blastocyst frag- ad e hyde-blocked tissue was exposed to biotinylated-Con ments. d fro A (250 jig/mI in TBS) for 30 mm, rinsed, and exposed Tissues from segments of uteri were fixed by m to avidin-ferritin (1 mg/ml in TBS; E-Y Laboratories) luminal infusion of glutaraldehyde before or after cell http for 30 mm. surface solubiization and processed for electron s://a For control incubations, tissue was exposed to lec- microscopy as described previously. c a d tin in the presence of 0.1 M specific inhibiting sugars e m iNn-actehteyl-glaupcporsoapmriiantee, buffer 2%saliinne TBsSo)lutionw.as uCsehditin in (psoolmy-e Preparation of Serum and Luminal Fluid Proteins ic.oup .c experiments to inhibit binding of sWGA. Saline flushings were collected from uteri of o m estrous and pseudopregnant rabbits. Blood samples /b io were drawn from these animals by cardiac puncture lre p Preparation of Luminal Epithelial and allowed to clot so that serum could be collected. ro d Membrane Proteins Proteins in these samples were precipitated with /a Anesthetized animals were perfused via the abdomi- acetone, washed, dried and stored as described above. rticle -a nal aorta with PBS, containing 0.32% sodium citrate bs to prevent platelet aggregation, until the uterine horns tra c were visibly cleared of blood. Uteri were then removed Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis t/34 /4 and flushed with warm PBS; flushings of uteri from Dried ahiquots of membrane, serum, and luminal /7 0 pregnant animals were examined to confirm the fluid proteins were resuspended to 5 mg/ml in Laem- 1/2 presence of blastocysts or blastocyst fragments. mli’s electrophoresis sample buffer (0.062 M Tris-HC1, 76 4 Luminal epithelial membrane proteins were solubil- pH 6.8, containing 2% SDS, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 11 4 ized during a 15-mm intraluminal incubation with 1% and 10% glycerol) and heated in boiling water for 2 b y Triton X-100 in 0.1 M Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, containing 1 mm. Some aliquots were resuspended in 0.01 M gu e mM phenylmethyl-sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), 1 mM Tris-HCI, pH 6.8, for protein determination by the st o dithiothreitol (DTT), 1 mM EDTA, 20 jig/mi pepstatin method of Bradford (1976). n 0 5 A, and 20 jig/mi ieupeptin. All chemicals used for the Proteins were separated by polyacryalmide gel M a solubilization procedure were obtained from Sigma electrophoresis (PAGE) using the buffer system of y 2 Chemical Company except pepstatin A and leupeptin, Laemmli (1970). Discontinuous gels, having a 7.5- 01 9 which were obtained from Calbiochem (La Jolla, 15% linear gradient in the separation gel and a 3.5% CA). stacking gel, were loaded with equal amounts of pro- Fluid drained from the uterine horns after incuba- tein (20 jig) in each lane. Separation was achieved at tion in detergent solution was centrifuged at 1000 X 18#{176}wCith a constant power of 15 watts per gel. Pro- g for 15 mm to remove particulate matter. Proteins tam standards of known molecular mass were ob- were precipitated with 9 volumes of acetone (4#{1C7,6}30 tained from Bio-Rad Laboratories (Richmond, CA) mm), washed in five 5-mm rinses of cold acetone, and used for reference. To visualize polypeptides, gels dried under a gentle flow of nitrogen, and stored at were stained with 0.03% Coomassie brilliant blue R250 -70#{176}C. in 10% acetic acid, 25% isopropanol, or by the silver- Pregnant animals used for this study had received staining method of Wray et al. (1981). MEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS OF RABBIT UTERINE EPITHELIUM 705 Lectin Staining of Western Blots used a a cryoprotectant, observation and photographic The Western blotting method of Towbin et at. documentation of lectin binding had to be completed (1979) was modified to transfer proteins.from gels to immediately after cutting each frozen section since nitrocellulose membranes. Proteins were separated by some lectins were dissociated from the luminal SDS-PAGE as described previously, except that the surface within 20 mm. amount of protein loaded in each lane was increased Extensive and uniform binding of FITC-WGA to to 40 jig. The molecular mass of each was determined the luminal surface of uteri from estrous (Fig. 1-a) using prestained standard proteins (BRL, Gaithersburg, and pseudopregnant (Fig. 1-b) rabbits was evident, MD) as references. Transfers were completed in a with no apparent difference in intensity between the D Transblot cell (Bio-Rad Laboratories) using a current two stages. Preincubation of lectin with either N- ow n of 0.1 amps for 2 h, followed by 2 h at 0.2 amps, acetyl glucosamine or sialic acid (from bovine sub- lo a with transfer buffer (25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, maxillary gland mucin) prevented its labeling of the de d 20% methanol, pH 8.3) cooled at 4#{176}CB.lots were uterine surface (Fig. 1-c). Binding of FITC-SBA to fro stored at -20#{176}C. the luminal surface of uteri from estrous (Fig. 1-d) or m h Glycoproteins containing specific sugar residues pseudopregnant (Fig. 1-e) animals was uniform in ttp s were identified using biotinylated (B-) lectins (sCon both cases, but not as extensive as labeling of FITC- ://a c A, RCA-I, sWGA) obtained from E-Y Laboratories. WGA, and was inhibited by either N-acetyl galacto- ad e Blots were thawed, rinsed in TBS, and incubated 1 h samine or D-galactose (Fig. 1-f). Binding of FITC- m ic in TBS containing 10 mg/ ml IgG-free bovine serum RCA-I to the luminal surface of uteri from estrous .o u p albumin (BSA) with gentle agitation to block non- animals was weak (Fig. 1-g). There was a considerable .c o specific protein binding. After washing in TBS, blots increase in binding of this lectin conjugate to uteri m /b were incubated for 1 h with a solution of B-lectin from pseudopregnant animals (Fig. 1-h). Control io (2-6 jig/mi) in TBS containing 10 mg/ml hemoglobin incubations in the presence of D-galactose inhibited lrep ro as a carrier protein. Blots were again washed in TBS FITC-RCA-I labeling (Fig. 1-i). d /a and incubated 1 h with an avidin-biotinylated horse- The luminal surface of uteri from estrous (Fig. 1-k) rtic radish complex prepared from a Vectastain ABC kit and pseudopregnant (Fig. 1-1) rabbits bound FITC-Con le-a b (Vector Laboratories). After a final wash in TBS, A in an extensive and uniform fashion, although a s tra lectin-binding glycoproteins were visualized by slightly reduced intensity of label was apparent in the c t/3 incubation of blots in 0.05 M Tris-HCI, pH 7.5, latter. Preincubation of FITC-Con A with a-methyl 4 /4 containing 0.5 mg/mi diaminobenzidine (DAB) and mannose effectively inhibited its binding (Fig. 1-rn). /7 0 0.01% hydrogen peroxide. A weak and patchy surface binding pattern was 1/2 7 In control incubations, blots were treated as above exhibited by FITC-UEA in uteri from estrous (Fig. 6 4 1 but were incubated with lectins in the presence of 0.1 1-n) and pseudopregnant (Fig. 1-o) animals. This 1 4 M specific inhibiting sugars (see ferritin-conjugated binding was inhibited by L-fucose (Fig. l-p). by g lectin labeling, above, for lectin sugar specificities). Observations in multiple sections from oviductal to u e s Some blots were incubated in neuraminidase (Type cervical ends of uteri demonstrated that lectin-binding t o n VIII, 0.33 U/ml in TBS containing 10 jig/ml leupep- characteristics were uniform throughout the length of 0 5 tin and pepstatin A) for 2 h prior to treating as above. the uterus. Additionally, there were no apparent M a differences in binding between the epithelium of y 2 0 RESU LTS mesometrial and antimesometrial aspects of the 1 9 uterine wall. Labeling with FITC-Lectins Binding of FITC-Con A to nonimplantation areas Binding of FITC-lectins to formaldehyde-fixed of uteri from 6 1/2-day pregnant rabbits (Fig. 2-a) uterine tissue was identified by transmitted fluores- was indistinguishable from that of pseudopregnant cence microscopy. Intraluminal incubation of lectins animals (Fig. 1-i). Considerable reduction of FITC-Con in intact uterine segments limited labeling to the A binding was noted on both the mesometrial (Fig. luminal surface. Qualitative comparisons of lectin- 2-b) and antimesometrial (Fig 2-c) aspects of implan- labeling were made between uteri from estrous and tation sites. Binding of this lectin to uteri from preg- Day 6 pseudopregnant animals. Because O.C.T. was nant animals was inhibited by a-methyl mannose (Fig. 2-d). 706 ANDERSON ET AL. D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /b io lre p ro d /a rtic le -a b s tra c t/3 4 /4 /7 0 1 /2 7 6 4 1 1 4 b y g u e s t o n 0 5 M a y 2 0 1 9 FIG. 1. Light micrographs demonstrating FITC-lectin binding to uteri from estrous or pseudopregnant animals. In column 1 are micrographs of uteri from estrous animals; in column 2 are micrographs from Day 6 pseudopregnant animals; and in column 3 are micrographs representing con- trol incubations in the presence of specific inhibiting sugars. Illustrations of controls were taken from the progestational stage exhibiting greatest lectin binding; a-c, FITC-WGA; d-f, FITC-SBA;g-I, FITC-RCA-I; k-rn, FITC-Con A; n-p, FITC-UEA. All micrographs X100. MEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS OF RABBIT UTERINE EPITI-IELIUM 707 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e FIG. 2. Light micrographs demonstrating FITC-Con A binding to uteri from Day 6 1/2 pregnant animals: a, nonimplantation area; b, mesome- m ic trial aspect of an implantation site; c, antimesometrial aspect of an implantation Site; d, control incubation of nonimplantation area in the presence .o of o-methyl mannose. All micrographs X100. up .c o m /b io lre Labeling with Ferritin-Co n.juga ted Lectins 4-b); most ferritin molecules were approximately pro d apicaBlindingplasmaof fmerermitibnr-acnoenjugated was identif(iFe-d) lectbinys eletcotronthe 6p0ar-e7d0 tonmnontfrreoamted the saampipcalels plansemuraaminidmaseembrane. pretreCato-m- /article microscopy. Nonciliated endometrial epithelial cells ment of uteri from estrous rabbits had no apparent -ab s in uteri from estrous rabbits bound F-RCA-I moder- effect on F-sWGA binding (Fig. 4-c). Complete tra c ately, with no differences detected along the apical inhibition of F-sWGA binding (Fig. 4-d) was attained t/3 4 membrane and microvilli (Fig. 3-a). Most ferritin with lectin incubations in the presence of chitin /4/7 particles were localized approximately 30 nm from (poly-N-acetyl-glucosamine). 01 /2 the plasma membrane, but some particles extended as Neither F-RCA-I nor F-sWGA bound significantly 7 6 4 far as 60 nm. Binding of this lectin was increased to ciliated endometrial epithelial cells of uteri from 1 1 4 substantially in uteri from Day 7 pseudopregnant estrous or pseudopregnant rabbits, or of uteri pre- b y animals (Fig. 3-b), with ferritin molecules forming a treated with neuraminidase (not shown). In contrast, g u e dense layer approximately 80 nm from the apical F-DBA bound extensively and exclusively to the s t o plasmalemma on the outer aspects of a visible glyco- apical membranes of ciliated cells in uteri from n 0 calyx. Neuraminidase pretreatment of uteri from estrous and Day 7 pseudopregnant rabbits (Fig. 5 M estrous rabbits prior to F-RCA-I exposure, compared 5-a). Such binding was evidenced by the presence of a y to nonenzyme-treated samples, resulted in a moderate ferritin particles along the apical, microvillar, and 20 1 increase in lectin binding, with most ferritin particles ciliary plasma membranes of these cells at a distance 9 being localized about 60 nm from the cellular sur- of approximately 30 nm from the membrane surface. face (Fig. 3-c). Binding of F-RCA-I to the surface of Nonciliated epithelial cells showed no affinity for tissue from uteri of all animals was inhibited complete- F-DBA in uteri from either estrous or pseudopregnant ly when incubated in the presence of D-galactose (Fig. animals. Binding of F-DBA was inhibited by the 3-d). presence of N-acetyl-galactosamine in incubations No F-sWGA binding was detected on the surface of (Fig. 5-b). epithelial cells in uteri from estrous rabbits (Fig. 4-a). Binding of F-lectins was similar between oviductal Moderate binding of this lectin, in a uniform distribu- and cervical ends of each estrous and pseudopregnant tion, was evident along the surface of nonciliated cells uterus examined. No differences in binding were in uteri from Day 7 pseudopregnant animals (Fig. apparent between mesometrial and antimesometrial 708 ANDERSON ET AL. D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a (cid:1)4. c a d e m ic .o .1 u p .c , (cid:1) I o m s#{149}..(cid:1) r(cid:1) (cid:1) /b io lre (cid:1): p ‘I ‘(cid:1) rod /a rtic le -a b s tra c t/3 4 /4 /7 0 1 /2 7 6 4 1 1 4 b y g u e s t o n 0 5 M a y 2 0 1 9 FIG. 3. Electron micrographs of uteri from estrous, neuraminidase-treated, and Day 7 pseudopregnant animals exposed to F-RCA-I; a,epithelial cell from the uterus of an estrous animal; b, uterus from a pseudopregnant animal; c, uterus from an estrous female, incubated with neuraminidase prior to lectin exposure; d, uterus from a pseudopregnant animal, exposed to Iectin in the presence of D-galactose. All micrographs X60,000. regions of uteri. Binding of F-RCA-I and F-sWGA to in binding of both lectins, however, was evident at epitheliai cells in nonimplantation regions of uteri presumed sites of implantation. Labeling of F-sWGA from Day 7 1/2 pregnant rabbits was similar to that at these sites was limited primarily to the distal of pseudopregnant rabbits (not shown). A reduction regions of microvilli, with ferritin particles localized MEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS OF RABBIT UTERINE EPITHELIUM 709 I(cid:1)’. ‘(cid:1) D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /b io lre p ro d /a rtic le -a b s tra c t/3 4 /4 /7 0 1 /2 7 6 4 1 1 4 b y g u e s ‘e-(cid:1)(cid:1) t o n 0 5 M a y 2 0 1 9 / - FIG. 4. Electron micrographs of uteri from estrous, neuraxninidase-treated, and Day 7 pseudopregnant animals exposed to F-sWGA: a, epithelial cell from the uterus of an estrous animal; b, uterus from a pseudopregnant animal; c, uterus from an estrous female, incubated with neuraminidase prior to lectin exposure; d, uterus from apseudopregnant animal exposed to lectin inthe presence of chitin. All micrographs X60,000. up to approximately 80-90 nm from the membrane microvilli (Fig. 6-b). Ferritin particles were present (Fig. 6-a). Binding of F-RCA-I to epithelial cells was approximately 30-50 nm from the apical plasmalem- evident along the microvilli and apical membrane, ma and up to 90 nm from the microvillar plasmalem- although labeling appeared more dense at the tips of ma. 710 ANDERSON ET AL. D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s (cid:1)q. ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /b io lre p ro d /a rtic le -a b s tra c t/3 4 /4 /7 0 1 /2 7 6 4 1 1 4 b y g u e FIG. 5. Electron micrographs of uteri from estrous animals exposed to F-DBA: a, adjacent ciliated and nonciiated epithelial cells demonstrating s specific lectin binding to ciliated cell; b, adjacent ciliated and nonciliated cells of uterus incubated with lectin in the presence of N-acetyl-galacto- t o n samine. X30,000. 0 5 M a y 2 0 1 9 Preparation of Protein Extracts Binding of F-Con A to endometrial epithelial cells was not detected in uteri from estrous, pseudopreg- Repeated flushings of uteri from estrous, pseudo- nant or pregnant rabbits, regardless of whether incuba- pregnant, or pregnant animals with buffered saline tions were with glutaraldehyde-fixed, formaldehyde- solutions did not disrupt epithelial cells or alter their fixed, or fresh tissue (not shown). Similarly, no ferritin morphology (Fig. 7-a). Following intraluminal incuba- particles were observed on the surface of epithelial tion of uteri with detergent-containing solutions, the cells in tissue incubated with biotynlated-Con A apical plasma membranes on luminal epithelial cells followed by avidin-ferritin. Binding of F-UEA to were disrupted to varying degrees. The most typical endometrial epithelial cells was not detected in any condition was the occurrence of irregular gaps and uteri examined. partially solubilized patches of membrane adhering to

of Endometrial. Epithelial Cells .1. FIG. 3. Electron micrographs of uteri from estrous, neuraminidase-treated, and Day at the tips of microvilli.
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