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STACS 91: 8th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Hamburg, Germany, February 14–16, 1991 Proceedings PDF

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Preview STACS 91: 8th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Hamburg, Germany, February 14–16, 1991 Proceedings

Lecture Notes ni Computer Science detidE yb .G Goos dna .J sinamtraH 480 C. turffohC M. neztnaJ (Eds.) STACS 19 ht8 launnA muisopmyS no laciteroehT stcepsA fo retupmoC ecneicS ,grubmaH ,ynamreG yraurbeF 14-16, 1991 sgnideecorP II II III II galreV-regnirpS nilreB grebledieH weN kroY nodnoL siraP oykoT Hong gnoK anolecraB Editorial Board D. Barstow W. Brauer .P Brinch Hansen D. Gries D. Luckham C. Moler A. Pnueli G. Seegm{Jller J. Stoer N. Wirth Volume Editors Christian Choffrut CSP Laboratoire d'lnformatique de Paris Nord Universit~ Paris-Nord Av. J.-B. Cldment, F-93439 Villetaneuse, France Matthias Jantzen Fachbereich Informatik, Universit~t Hamburg Rothenbaumchaussee 6?(cid:127)69, W-2000 Hamburg 13, FRG CR Subject Classification (1987): C.2.1, C.2.4, ,F G.2, ,1.1 1.3.5 ISBN 3-540-53?09-0 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-53709-0 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg subject is work This to rights All copyright. era ,devreser part or whole the whether of the lairetam is rights the specifically concerned, of re-use reprinting, translation, of recitation, illustrations, ,gnitsacdaorb on reproduction smliforcim Duplication banks. data or in storage and ways, other in of publication this provisions the or under permitted only is thereof parts of Copyright German the Law of 9, 1965, September paid. be in always must fee copyright a and version, current its act prosecution the under fall Violations of Copyright German the .waL © galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg Berlin 1991 Printed in ynamreG Beltz, Druckhaus binding: and Printing .rtsgreBthcabsmeH 012345-041315412 paper - acid-free on Printed Foreword The annum Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) is held each year, alternatively in Germany and France. STACS is organized jointly by the Special Interest Group for Theoretical Computer Science of the Gesellschaft f~r Informatik (GI) and the Special Interest Group for Applied Mathematics of the Association Fran~aise des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information, de l'Organisation et des Syst~mes (afcet). STACS 91, the eighth in this series, was held in Hamburg, February 14-16. It was pre- ceded by symposia at Rouen (1990), Paderborn (1989), Bordeaux (1988), Passau (1987), Orsay (1986), Saarbrficken (1985), and Paris (1984); the proceedings of all these symposia are published in this Lecture Notes series. The large number of 751 submitted papers from 32 countries, their scientific quality and relevance for the symposium once again proved the importance of STACS for many areas of theoretical computer science. Among the submission were 38 from Germany, 30 from USA, and 24 from France. The time schedule of the symposium allowed for acceptance of only 14 of the submitted papers and made parallel sessions unavoidable. Therefore, the selection was very difficult and many good papers had to be rejected. Almost all of the papers were judged by four referees and with the help of their evaluation the Program Committee selected the program. The Program Committee consisted of: A. Arnold )xuaedroB.( J. H£stad )mlohkcotS( W. Brauer )nehcniiM( M. Jantzen ,grubmaH( chairman) Ch. Choffrut (Paris, chairman) Ch. Rackoff (Toronto) M. Cosnard (Lyon) H. Reichel )nedserD( A. Finkel )nahcaC( R. Reischuck )tdatsmraD( J. Gabarr6 )anolecraB( W. Rytter (Warszawa) We would like to express our gratitude to all members of the Program Committee, in particular to those who made the final selection, aaad to all the referees who assisted them. Moreover we would like to thank all those who submitted papers to this symposium. STACS 19 offered three invited talks which opened each day of the symposium: Martin Wirsing ,)uassaP( J. Leszczytowski ( :)awazsraW Polymorphism, parameterization and typing: an algebraic specification perspective. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud :)yasrO( High-order executable algebraic specifications. Jeff S. Vitter :)ecnedivorP( Efficient memory access in large scale computation. A number of software systems were presented which showed the possibilities of applying theoretical results to software construction as well as providing a help for doing research. We acknowledge the help of the following sponsoring institutions and corporations: CUBUS, DFG, Digital Equipment, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Hamburg Messe, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Info-DV Schule, iso-Beratungen, Philips, Siemens-Nixdorf Infor- mationssysteme, Sun Microsystems, Systematics, Topologix, Tourismuszentrale Hamburg, Vereins- und Westbank Hamburg. Christian Choffrut Hamburg, December 1990 Matthias Jantzen Referees Many referees were helping the program committee to evaluate the submitted papers. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. H. Abdulrab C. Choffrut M.C. Gaudel M. Adiba P. Chrz~towski-Wachtel C, Germain S. Akl H. Comon C. Girault .fI Aft R. Coni R. Gold Alvarez C. .tI Cori M. Goldmann D. Angluin M. Cosnard D. Gomm S. Arnborg B. Courcelle D. Gouyou-Beauchamps A. Arnold A. Czumaj F,. Grand jean 5.-M. Autebert E. Dahlhaus F. Green P. Bachmann J. Dassow P. Greussay E. Badouel .~1 de Simone S. Grigorieff J.L. BalcAzar F. Dehne It. Grosu L. Banachowski J. Desel J. Gruska D. Beauquier J. Diaz I. Guessarian B. Becket V. Diekert M. Habib 5. Berstel M. Dietzfelbinger T. Hagerup G. Berthelot K. Diks A. Haken W. Bibel J. Ellis B. Halstenberg M. Bidoit 5. Engelfriet J. H£stad L. Boasson P. Enjalbert W. Heinle H.L. Bodlaender W. Ertel A. Heise 5.D. Boisonnat 5. Fanchar U. Hertrampf 5. Bond 5. Fanchon W. ttohberg S. Boucheron E. Fehr L. Holenderski V. Bouchitte P. Feofiloff It. Hussmann G. Boudot G. Ferrand G. Jacob L. Bouge A. Ferreira M. Jantzen H. Bramhoff F. Fich C. Jard F.5. Brandenburg A. Finkel Y. Jegou W. Brauer P. Fischer B. Jenner .tI Breu .P telojalF C. Johnen L. Budach P. Fraigniaud H. Jung H. Carstensen B. FronhSfer P. Jurkiewicz It. Casas M. Fuchs M. Kaufmann P. Casteran U. Furbach V. Kenn .5 Castro .J Gabarr6 C. Kenyon .S otirreC B. Gamatie A.J. Kfoury B. ellez.ahC D. Gardy Kirchner C. ¥ B. Kirsig It. Noltemeier M. Serna H. Kleine Brining E. Ochma~ski H.U. Simon J.N. Kok A. Oliv~ D. Simone J.-C. KSaig B.J. Oommen A. Skowron C. Kreitz F. Orejas M. Soria M. Kudlek T. Ottmaan P. Starke M. Kunde M.H. Overmaxs 3.M. Steya~rt J. Lagergren M. Pawlowsk R. Strandh J.-L. Lambert J.P. P&uchet M. Systo K.-J. Lange J.G. Penaud A. Szalas M. Langston D. Perrin T. Szymacha M.J. Lao A. Petit D. Taubner L.L. Larmore L. Petrucci T. Tensi M. Latteux J.P. Pettayre V. Thibau C. Laugier J.-E. Pin W. Thomas C. Lautemann W. Plaadowski J. Tiuryn C. Lavadt W. Plewka J. Tor£n R. Letz M. Poizat H. Tscha~h G. Lischke V. Prince Z. Turkiewicz A.I. Litwiniuk T. Priol P. Urzyczyn L. Litzcer C. Rackoff R. Valk P. Mahey T. Radzik M. van Kreveld C. Marche A. Rauzy J. van Leeuwen E. Mayr M. Regnier W.F. Vega J. Mazoyer H. Reichel G. Vidal-Naxtuet P. McKenzie R. Reischuk P. Vit£nyi C. Meinel Y. Robert J. Vogel D. Meinhard J. Rolim W. Vogler D. Mery J. Roman U. Wagner .E Meyer B. Rozoy It. Waldschmidt F. Meyer auf der tteide L. Ruzzo R. Walter G. Mirkowska W. Rytter I. Wegener B. MSller T. Sales E. Welzl B. Monien M. Santha R. Wiehagen A. Miick B. Schmeltz S. Yoccoz H. Mriller O. Schwarzkopf G. Zemor J.F. Myoupo B. Seiss T. Zeugmann D. Niwifiski G. S6nizergues W. Zielonka Table of Contents Invited Lectures Jacek ikswotyzczseL (Warszawa), Martin Wirsing )uassaP( Polymorphism, parameterization and typing: an algebraic specification perspective 1 erreiP-naeJ Jouannaud )yasrO( Executable higher-order algebraic specifications 61 Jeffrey S. Vitter ,ecnedivorP( USA) Efficient memory access in large-scale computation 62 Automata and Formal Languages Peter Roth (Frankfurt/Main) /-occurrences of avoidable patterns 24 enaitsirhC ,ynguorF seuqcaJ hctivorakaS (Paris) Rational relations with bounded delay 05 Martin Schmidt (Dortmund) On the power of several queues 64 Trace Theory annavoiG ,anaiauG Antonio Restivo, oigreS Salemi )omrelaP( On aperiodic trace languages 67 Paul Gastin (Paris) Recognizable and rational languages of finite and infinite traces 98 rekloV Diekert )nehcniiM( On the concatenation of infinite traces 501 Algorithms I Maria Serna ,)anolecraB( Spirakis Paul )sartaP( Tight RNC approximations to Max flow 811 leahciM uadoG (Berlin) A natural metric for curves -- computing the distance for polygonal chains and approximation algorithms 721 Ingo (Dortmund) Wegener The worst case complexity of the Mc Diarmid and Reed's variant of BOTTOM-UP-HEAP SORT is less than n logn + 1.1 n 731 IIV Rewriting Rdmi norelliG )elliL( Decision problems for term rewriting systems and recognizable tree languages 841 Madlener Klaus ,)nretualsresiaK( hcirdeirF Otto )lessaK( Decidable sentences for context-free groups 061 Parallel Models Peter Rossmanith )nehcniiM( The owner concept for PRAMs 271 esiOgnarF Baude ,)sissuocraM( yuG teuqaN-ladiV )yasrO( Actors as a parallel programming model 481 Logic Programming Luc Albert ,)truocneuqcoR( Rafael sasaC ,)anolecraB( siocnarF segaF ,)siraP( Antonio sallicerroT ,)anolecraB( Paul Zimmermann )truocneuqeoR( Average case analysis of unification algorithms 691 laB Park, (University Wang USA), dasarparduR .K Shyamasundar )yabmoB( Methodology for proving the termination of logic programs 412 Circuits solkiM Santha (Orsay), rehpotsirhC Wilson ,eneguE( USA) Polynomial size constant depth circuits with a limited numbeorf negations 822 nud Tarui USA) (Rochester, Randomized polynomials, threshold circuits, and the polynomial hierarchy 832 Interactive Proof Systems selliG Brassard ,)ladrtnoM( edualC uaepdrC Sophie (Orsay}, ,etnalpaL naitsirhC Ldger )ladrtnoM( Computationally convincing proofs of knowledge 152 ecnaL Lund Carsten Fortnow, )ogacihC( Interactive proof systems and alternating time-space complexity 362 Distributed Computing Bernd Schmeltz )tdatsmraD( Optimal tradeoffs between time and bit complexity in distributed synchronous rings 572 tigriB Baum-Waidner, Waidner Pfitzmann, Birgit Michael )ehurslraK( Unconditional Byzantine agreement with good majority 582 Svante ,nosslraC Mattsson (Lund), Christer Patricio .V (Santiago Poblete ed ,)elihC Mats Bengtsson (Lund) A new compacting garbage-collection algorithm with a good average-case performance 692 Concurrency I Walter relgoV )nehcniiM( Bisimulation and action refinement 903 Thierry Jeron (Rennes) Testing for unboundedness of FIFO channels 223 Joffroy ,reiuquaeB Annie ,teuqohC Antoine Petit, yuG teuqaN-ladiV )yasrO( Detection of deadlocks in an infinite family onfe ts 433 Complexity I F. Jonathan Buss ,oolretaW( CDN), Judy htimsdloG (Boston) Nondeterminism within P 843 drahreG Buntrock ,)grubzrliW( Datum Carsten ,)nilreB( hcirlU Hertrampf ,)grubzrliW( hpotsirhC Meinel (Berlin) Structure and importance of sessalc-DOM-ecapsgol 063 valsidalV grubnetuR Park, (Menlo USA) Complexity classification of truth maintenance systems 273 Concurrency II grhJ Desel ,)nehcniiM( Javier azrapsE )miehsedliH( l~eachability in reversible free systems choice 483 Eike Best ,)miehsedliH( Ludmila avosakrehC ,)ksribisovoN( grhJ Desel )nehcniiM( Compositional generation of home states in systems free choice 893 XI Complexity II Harry Buhrman, Edith Spaan, Leen Torenvliet (Amsterdam} Bounded reductions 410 Carme ~tlvarez, Josd L. Balcdzar (Barcelona), Birgit Jenner (Mffnchen} Functional oracle queries as a measure of parallel time 422 Parallel Algorithms Gisela Pitsch, Elmar SchSmer (Saarbriicken) Optimal parallel recognition of bracket languages on hypercubes 434 Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Richard Overholt }aihpledalihP( Constant queue routing on a mesh 444 Complexity III Anne Condon (Madison, USA) The complexity of the Max word problem 456 Erich ledi~rG (Basel) The expressive power of second order Horn logic 466 Algorithms II Alfredo De Santis (Salerno), Giuseppe Persiano (Cambridge, USA) Tight bounds on the path length of binary trees 478 Joachim Hartmann (Saarbiicken) The random testability of the n-input AND gate 488 Semantics Oliver Schoett (Miinchen) An observational subset of first-order logic cannot specify the behaviour of a counter 499 Frangoise Denis, Jean-Paul Delahaye (Lille} Unfolding, procedural and fixpoint semantics of logic programs 511 Phil(ppe Balbiani (Toulouse) A modal semantics for the negation as failure and the closed world assumption rules 523 Systems Berghammer, Rudolf Gunther Schmidt )grebibueN( The RELVIEW system 535 E.V. Biryalcev, A.M. Gusenkov, Ildar R. Nasyrov, A.A. Saveliev (Kazan) Geometry models design system FPOM 735 Berthold Hoffmann, Bernd Krieg-Briickner(Bremen) The PROSPECTRA system 935 Thierry Jeron (Rennes) Prototype of a verification tool 145 gr6J KrSger, Schmitz Lothar )grebibueN( IPG An interactive parser generator 345 - Simone Pimont )ennabruelliV( A placement system for constrained blocks with shapes flexible 545 .D Rayko Kirill (Budapest), ,ninihsreV L Romanenko (Kiev) Algebraic program interpreter APREX2 745 List of Authors 945

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