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STABILITY OF THE OPTIMAL FILTER IN A HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL WITH MULTIPLICATIVE NOISE 3 BIRGIT DEBRABANTANDWILHELMSTANNAT 1 0 2 n a Abstract. We consider a hidden Markov model with multiplicative noise J emergingfromstudiesofsoftwarereliability. Weshowthestabilityoftheop- 8 timalfilterw.r.t.generalinitialconditionsinthetotalvariation-andLp-norm 1 and deduce explicitrates. Remarkably, stability turns out to beindependent oftheergodicbehavior ofthesignal. ] R P 1. Introduction . h The stability of nonlinear filters is a field of active research, see e.g. [3], the t introductionof[9]andreferencestherein. However,the majorityofresultsrequires a m the signal process to be ergodic or stable in some sense. In addition, most of the resultsareobtainedforsignalsobservedwithadditivenoise. Thecaseofnonergodic [ signals and also the case of signals observed with multiplicative noise still remains 1 mostlyopen. Inthiscontext,thepresentarticlestudiesthestabilityoftheoptimal v filter in the following hidden Markov model: 8 2 (1) Signal: X = bX W , n n 1 n 4 − 4 (2) Observation: Yn = Xn−1Gn, n∈N, 1. where W , n N, are independent identically Beta(α,β)-distributed random vari- n 0 ables, α,β >∈0, describing the noise incorporated in the unknown signal, b is a 3 positive parameter depending on which the unknownsignalprocess can be ergodic 1 or nonergodic and where G , n N, are independent Γ(1,β)-distributed. Hence, : n v the observation Y depends on X∈ via multiplication with the independent noise n n i X Gn. Thus, model (1) and (2) is an example of filtering a signal observed with multiplicative noise. Note that although to logarithmize leads to a classical linear r a model with additive noise, stability cannot be studied immediately with known methods such as proposed in e.g. [8, 4] since the corresponding noise terms are rather irregular e.g. neither unimodal nor do they have light tails. Essentially, the above model appears in [1] as example for models admitting explicit invariant conditional distributions. In our case this amounts to the fact that the incorporated assumptions on the distributions of signal and observation together with a corresponding initial distribution, i.e. signal: (X /bX X ) Beta(α,β) n n 1 n 1 − | − ∼ initial distribution: X Γ(λ,q), where q =α+β and λ>0 0 ∼ observation: (Y X ) Γ(X ,β) n n n | ∼ imply the following explicit updating rules: 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 93E11, 93E15,60G35. Key words and phrases. Stability,Optimalfilter,Multiplicativenoise. 1 2 BIRGITDEBRABANTANDWILHELMSTANNAT posterior of X : (X Y ) Γ(λ ,q), where Y =Y ,...,Y n n 1:n n 1:n 1 n | ∼ prior of X : (X Y ) Γ(λ /b,α) n+1 n+1 1:n n | ∼ 1-step ahead prediction: (bX /λ Y ) Pearson Type VI n+1 n 1:n | ∼ with parameters β and α, cp. [5] posterior of X : (X Y ) Γ(λ ,q), n+1 n+1 1:n+1 n+1 | ∼ where λn+1 = λbn +yn+1 To study software reliability, model (1) and (2) was later applied in [6, 2] as enhancement to the Kalman filter taking into account that failure data tends to be highly skewed and observational errors are not mainly caused by instrumental inaccuracies. Thereby, the observables Y can be interpreted as interfailure times n of some software. The X play the role of unknown parameters steering their n distribution. Tomodelanevolutionofthesoftwaretheparametersevolveaccording to (1). The value of b is typically unknown and indicates if we have a tendency of increasing reliability since e. g. E(Yn|Y1:n−1,X0) = 2b−n X0+ jn=−11bjYj obviously tends to infinity if b<1. (cid:16) (cid:17) P Our stability results give the dependence of the optimal filter πy1:n, that is the n regular conditional distribution of X given the observations y = (y ) , n 1:n k k=1,...,n on the initial distribution π of X . To cover a wider range of admissible initial 0 0 conditions we extend the assumptions of [1, 2] and suppose the initial distribution of X to be a mixed Gamma-distribution with the following density 0 (3) π0(x) xq−1 ∞λqe−λxdU0(λ), x>0, ∝ Z0 where q = α+β and U is a probability measure on a compact subset of (0, ). 0 ∞ Such a mixture conserves the conjugacy of this distribution, cp. Lemma 6 which shows that all the posterior distributions are of a similar type. The pure Gamma case, where U is a Dirac measure is easy to treat and will 0 serveusasanintroductoryexample,seeSection2. Providedthattheunknowntrue initialconditionπ˜ is absolutelycontinuousw.r.t.theassumedinitialconditionπ 0 0 with a density bounded awayfrom 0, we show stability in the total variationnorm (almost surely given the observations) and in the L -norm for arbitrary p > 0 p (expectation w.r.t.the observationsY ,Y ,...) both with explicit geometricrates. 1 2 In Sections 3 and 4 we pass on to the general mixed Gamma initial condition. UnderassumptionssimilartothoseinSec.2weshowstabilitywithgeometricrates. Concerning the total variation norm, Theorem 5 gives that almost surely (4) ||πny1:n −π˜ny1:n||var = O(δ−n), n→∞, for δ <E(W1β)−β1, which coincides with the pure Gamma case. Note that the rate of stability 1 is independent of the parameter b in the signal. That is, the filter δ is stable whether or not the signal is ergodic. However, the constant on the right hand side of (4) will depend on the given sequence y ,y ,... of observations. For 1 2 the L -norm with p 0, u0 lnE(Wβ) , Theorem 9 yields p ∈ −B¯ 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) E πY1:n π˜Y1:n p = (ρn), n , || n − n ||var O →∞ p where ρ = E(W1β)e(cid:0)puB0¯ p+β and where(cid:1) B¯ = B¯(β,u0,o0) is a positive constant specified in (cid:16)the theorem.(cid:17)These rates are smaller compared to ρ = E(Wp) in the 1 pure Gamma case. STABILITY OF THE OPTIMAL FILTER IN A HMM WITH MULTIPLICATIVE NOISE 3 All stability statements of this article are based on an universal stability result of [7]. Therein, a general bound for the total variation distance of optimal filters w.r.t.totheinitialconditionisdeducedintermsoftheLipschitzcontractionχ of ∗n acertainparabolicgroundstatetransformPn∗ associatedwithπny1:n. Moreprecisely, suppose that the optimal filter is erroneously initialized with initial condition π 0 and that π˜ is the true initial condition. If π˜ π with density h = dπ˜0 it fNo,llowwhsertehaPt0n∗fπ˜ny:1=:n π≪ny1:nπgnyR(1·g,:yn(ns,)wyPˆni()tfPhˆππnydny1−1:−en1:nn1−−s11i)t(ys)dhsn, Pgˆivr0eens≪pb.ypˆ0hisnt=hePdn∗ua◦l·o·p·e◦r0aPt1∗ohr0od,fπn0th∈e transitionprobabilityP resp.thetransitiondensitypofthesignal,thatisP(X n+1 ∈ dx X ) = p(X ,x )dx and Pˆf = p(x, )f(x)dx, and where g denotes n+1 n n n+1 n+1 | · the regular conditional density of the observation given the signal, i.e. P(Y n R ∈ dy X ) = g(X ,y)dy. It follows that the error between the true optimal filter n n | π˜y1:n and the erroneously initialized filter πy1:n can be expressed in terms of the n n Lipschitz contractions χ of the Markovian transition kernels P , whereby χ := ∗n n∗ ∗n P f sup || n∗ ||Lip and where Lip is the space of all Lipschitz continuous functions f f Lip Lip ∈ || || with the corresponding norm : Lip ||·|| Proposition 1 (cp. Prop. 2.1 of [7]). For the total variation distance of the true optimalfilterπ˜y1:n toawronglyinitialized πy1:n thefollowing explicit boundisvalid: n n n σˆ (5) ||πny1:n −π˜ny1:n||var ≤ 2Hn · χ∗k·||h0||Lip, n∈N, k=1 Y provided that π˜ has π -density h which is bounded away from 0 by a positive 0 0 0 constant H and with σˆn = ∞∞|x1−x2|dπny1:n(x1)dπny1:n(x2). 00 RR Note that the formulation in [7] is more general and gives a bound also in the case H =0. Clearly, for our model (1) and (2) we obtain (bx)1 q p(x,y)= Beta(α−,β)yα−1(bx−y)β−11l[0,bx](y) and (by)1 q pˆ(x,dy)=p(y,x)dy = Beta(α−,β)xα−1(by−x)β−11l[b−1x,∞)(y)dy. 2. Stability w.r.t. pure Gamma initial conditions We consider the particular case π (x) xq 1λqe λx, x > 0, for some λ > 0, 0 − − ∝ hence X is Γ(λ,q)-distributed. Using the recursion 0 (6) πy1:n+1(x) g(x,y ) p(s,x)πy1:n(ds), n+1 ∝ n+1 n Z it is straightforward to show that the corresponding optimal filters πy1:n, n N, are again Gamma-distributed, namely Γ(λ ,q) with λ =b nλ+ nn bj ny∈. n n − j=1 − j Tostudytheasymptoticdependenceoftheoptimalfilterontheinitialcondition P we apply Prop. 1. Since (7) p∗n(x,dy) = λΓβn(−β)1(y−b−1x)β−1e−λn−1(y−b−1x)1l(b−1x,∞)(y)dy, 4 BIRGITDEBRABANTANDWILHELMSTANNAT we find P =b 1, n N. Further || n∗||Lip − ∈ 1 2 ∞∞ √2q σˆ (x x )2dΓ(λ ,q)(x )dΓ(λ ,q)(x ) = , n N. n 1 2 n 1 n 2 ≤  −  λ ∈ n ZZ 0 0   Prop. 1 then implies √2q h (8) ||πny1:n −π˜ny1:n||var ≤ |2|H0||Lip(bnλn)−1, n∈N, if the true initial condition π˜ has a π -density which is bounded away from 0 by 0 0 some constant H >0. The following lemma analyses the limiting behavior of bnλ = λ+ n bjy n j=1 j which evidently plays a crucial role concerning stability: P uLleamr,ma∞j=21.bPjY(jlim=i+nf∞j→a∞lm{bojsYtjsu>reδljy}.)=1 for arbitrary δ <E(W1β)−β1. In partic- Proof.PWe may assume δ 0. Note that ≥ Xβ δjb−j P(bjYj δj) = E j yβ−1e−Xjydy ≤ Γ(β)Z0 ! δjβ (9) E (b jX )β − j ≤ Γ(β+1) · =(E(cid:0)(Wβ))jE(X(cid:1)β) 1 0 | {z } 1 is summable for δ < E Wβ −β. Hence, the Borel-Cantelli lemma yields 1 Pim(plilmiesintfhj→at∞{b∞jj=Y1jb>jYjδjd}i)ve=(cid:16)rg1e.s(cid:17)tSoinicnefinEit(yWa1βlm)−oβ1st>su1r,elwy.e can choose δ > 1 whic(cid:3)h P Remark3. Lemma2remainsvalidforanyinitialconditionπ satisfyingE(Xβ)< . 0 0 ∞ Concerningalmostsurestability,Lemma2impliesthat(8)convergesto0almost surely and behaves as O(δ−n) for every δ <E(W1β)−β1. Moreover,concerning stability in the Lp-norm, for 0<p<β we find E((bnYn)−p) = E ∞(bny)−p Xnβ yβ−1e−Xnydy Γ(β) (cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) Γ(β p) Γ(β p)E(Xp) = Γ(−β) E (b−nXn)p = −Γ(β) 0 E(W1p)n, (cid:0) (cid:1) n N. Therefore, the optimal filter is stable in the corresponding Lp-norm and ∈ satisfies E πY1:n π˜Y1:n p = (ρn), n , || n − n ||var O →∞ with ρ=E(Wp)=(cid:0)Beta(α+p,β). (cid:1) 1 Beta(α,β) STABILITY OF THE OPTIMAL FILTER IN A HMM WITH MULTIPLICATIVE NOISE 5 3. Stability in the total variation norm We return to the more general mixed Gamma initial conditions of the form (3) anddeduceanestimateofthetotalvariationdistanceofπy1:n w.r.t.differinginitial n conditionsinThm.4whichthenimpliesalmostsurestabilitywithgeometricrates, cp. Thm. 5. Theorem 4. Let π and π˜ be such that 0 0 • π0(x) ∝ xq−1 0∞λqe−λxdU0(λ) for some probability measure U0 with sup- port [u ,o ] (0, ), and 0 0 π˜ is a proba⊂bRility∞density on R such that the corresponding density h := 0 + 0 • π˜0 is Lipschitz continuous and h H >0 for some constant H. π0 0 ≥ Let y1:n ∈ Rn+ and let πny1:n resp. π˜ny1:n be the optimal filter w.r.t. π0 resp. π˜0. Then n 1 (10) ||πny1:n −π˜ny1:n||var ≤ bnQu − 1+Bo0bk−uu0 ||h0||Lip, n∈N, n k=0(cid:18) k (cid:19) Y where Q= √q(q+1) and B = 1 β(β+1) 2β2u0 + β(β+1)o20 21. √2H 2 − o0 u20 (cid:16) (cid:17) This estimate induces stability with geometric rates: Theorem 5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 4 the optimal filter is stable for almost all sequences y ,y ,... of observations and we have 1 2 (11) ||πny1:n −π˜ny1:n||var = O(δ−n), n→∞, for every δ <E(W1β)−β1. Proofs and preliminary results. Before proving the above main statements we con- sider two preliminary results. Firstly note that posterior distributions correspond- ing to an initial condition of the form (3) are again of mixed Gamma type: Lemma 6. The posterior distributions πy1:n are mixed Gamma-distributions with n densities πny1:n(x)∝xq−1 ∞λqe−λxdUn(λ), x>0. Z0 Hereby, the distributions U , n N, obey the following recursive scheme: n ∈ U(1)(dλ)=λαU (dλ), n n • U(2)(A)=U(1)(b A) for A (R ), n n + • · ∈B U(3) = δ ⋆U(2), where δ denotes the Dirac measure in y and ⋆ • n yn+1 n yn+1 n+1 the convolution, U (dλ)=λ qU(3)(dλ). n+1 − n • Remark7. ForU0 =δλ with someλ>0weobtain Un =δb−nλ+Pnk=1bk−nyk. This setup corresponds to the pure Gamma case of Section 2. If U has compact support [u ,o ] then U has also a compact support [u ,o ] 0 0 0 n n n with u =b nu + n bk ny and o =b no + n bk ny , n N. n − 0 k=1 − k n − 0 k=1 − k ∈ P P 6 BIRGITDEBRABANTANDWILHELMSTANNAT Proof. The recursion (6) implies πy1:n+1(dx) n+1 xβe−xyn+1 ∞ (bs)1−qxα−1(bs x)β−1 sq−1 ∞λqe−λsdUn(λ)ds ∝ Zb−1x − · Z0 xq−1e−xyn+1 ∞λαe−λb−1xdUn(λ) ∝ Z0 = xq−1e−xyn+1 ∞e−λb−1xdUn(1)(λ) = xq−1e−xyn+1 ∞e−λxdUn(2)(λ) Z0 Z0 = xq 1 ∞e λxdU(3)(λ) = xq 1 ∞λqe λxdU (λ), x>0. − − n − − n+1 Z0 Z0 (cid:3) In order to apply Prop. 1 we deduce an upper bound for the contraction coeffi- cient χ of the ground state transform P : ∗n n∗ Proposition 8. Let f : R R be Lipschitz-continuous. Under the assumptions + → of Thm. 4 we find 1sup d (x)+1 ||Pn∗f||Lip ≤ 2 x>0bn ||f||Lip with 1 ∞∞ β(β+1) 2β2 β(β+1) 2 d (x) = λ λ + dUx (λ )dUx (λ ) n ZZ | 1− 2|(cid:18) λ21 − λ1λ2 λ22 (cid:19) n−1 1 n−1 2 0 0 and λαe λb−1xdU (λ) dUnx−1(λ)= λαe−−λb−1xdUnn−11(λ), n∈N, x>0. − Moreover R 1 o 2β2u β(β+1)o2 2 sxu>p0dn(x) ≤ (cid:18)unn−−11 −1(cid:19)(cid:18)β(β+1)− o0 0 + u20 0(cid:19) , n∈N. Notations: To simplify notations in the following proof we introduce for x,y > 0 and n N the following measures derived from U : n ∈ λαe λb−1xdU (λ) dUx(λ) = − n , n 0∞λαe−λb−1xdUn(λ) dUnx,y(λ) = RΓλ(ββ)yβ−1e−λydUnx(λ), dU¯ (λ,y) = dUx,y(λ)dy. n n STABILITY OF THE OPTIMAL FILTER IN A HMM WITH MULTIPLICATIVE NOISE 7 Moreover,note the following estimate via Jensen’s inequality ∞∞ y y dΓ(λ ,β)(y )dΓ(λ ,β)(y ) 1 2 1 1 2 2 | − | ZZ 0 0 1 2 ∞∞ (y y )2dΓ(λ ,β)(y )dΓ(λ ,β)(y ) 1 2 1 1 2 2 ≤  −  ZZ 0 0  1  β(β+1) 2β2 β(β+1) 2 (12) = + . λ2 − λ λ λ2 (cid:18) 1 1 2 2 (cid:19) Proof. Let n N. Due to the structure of the optimal filter we obtain for x,y >0 ∈ p∗n(x,y) = R0∞Γe(−βλ)y(0y∞−λαbe−−1xλb)−β1−x1dλUqnd−U1n(−λ1)(λ)1l(b−1x,∞)(y). R For x ,x >0 we find 1 2 Pn∗f(x1)−Pn∗f(x2) ∞ x1 x2 x2 = f y+ f y+ p x ,y+ dy b − b ∗n 2 b Z0 h (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)i (cid:16) (cid:17) =:T1 +| ∞f y+ x2 p x{z,y+ x1 p x ,y+ x}2 dy. b ∗n 1 b − ∗n 2 b Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17)h (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)i =:T2 | {z } As x p (x,y+b 1x) is differentiable with 7→ ∗n − d x p x,y+ dx ∗n b = (cid:16)0∞−λb−(cid:17)1e−λ(y+b−1x)yβ−1λqdUn−1(λ) R 0∞λαe−λb−1xdUn−1(λ)Γ(β) + 0∞Re−λ(y+b−1x)yβ−1λqdUn−1(λ) 0∞λb−1λαe−λb−1xdUn−1(λ) R 0∞λαe−λb−1xdURn−1(λ) 2Γ(β) = ∞ λdUx,y (λ(cid:0))R+ ∞dUx,y (λ) ∞(cid:1)∞ λdUx,y (λ)dy, −Z0 b n−1 Z0 n−1 ·Z0 Z0 b n−1 for T we find 2 ∞ x2 x2 d x T2 = f y+ b dxp∗n x,y+ b dxdy Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17)Zx1 (cid:16) (cid:17) x2 ∞ x2 d x = f y+ p x,y+ dydx. b dx ∗n b Zx1 Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) =:T3 | {z } 8 BIRGITDEBRABANTANDWILHELMSTANNAT Further we have ∞∞ x λ T = f y+ 2 dU¯x (λ,y) 3 b b n−1 Z0 Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) ∞∞ x ∞∞λ f y+ 2 dU¯x (λ,y) dU¯x (λ,y) − b n−1 · b n−1 Z0 Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) Z0 Z0 1 ∞∞∞∞ x x λ λ 2 2 1 2 = f y + f y + 1 2 2 b − b b − b Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:18) (cid:19) dU¯x (λ ,y )dU¯x (λ ,y ), n 1 1 1 n 1 2 2 − − since U¯x is a probability measure on [0, )2. Therefore, n−1 ∞ f ∞∞∞∞ T || ||Lip y y λ λ dU¯x (λ ,y )dU¯x (λ ,y ) | 3| ≤ 2b | 1− 2|·| 1− 2| n−1 1 1 n−1 2 2 ZZZZ 0 0 0 0 f ∞∞∞∞ (λ λ )β = || 2||bLip |y1−y2|· Γ1(β2)2 (y1y2)β−1e−λ1y1−λ2y2dy1dy2 ZZZZ 0 0 0 0 λ λ dUx (λ )dUx (λ ) ·| 1− 2| n−1 1 n−1 2 and formula (12) yields 1 f ∞∞ λ λ 2β2λ β(β+1)λ2 2 T || ||Lip | 1− 2| β(β+1) 1 + 1 | 3| ≤ 2b λ − λ λ2 ZZ 1 (cid:18) 2 2 (cid:19) 0 0 dUx (λ )dUx (λ ) n 1 1 n 1 2 − − 1 f o 2β2u β(β+1)o2 2 || ||Lip n−1 1 β(β+1) 0 + 0 ≤ 2b u − − o u2 (cid:18) n−1 (cid:19)(cid:18) 0 0 (cid:19) =:2B since 1≤ uonn ≤ uo00 and uonn ↓1 due|to Lemma 2. For{zT2 we finally hav}e f o Lip n 1 T2 x1 x2 || || − 1 B | | ≤ | − | b u − (cid:18) n−1 (cid:19) which together with the obvious estimate |T1|≤ ||f|b|Lip ·|x1−x2| yields 1+ on−1 1 B P f un−1 − f . || n ||Lip ≤ (cid:16) b (cid:17) || ||Lip (cid:3) Now we can proceed with the proofs of Theorems 4 and 5: Proof. of Thm. 4: We apply Prop. 1. Due to Prop. 8 we have o u o u χ∗k ≤ b−1 1+B k−1u− k−1 = b−1 1+Bbk01−u 0 . (cid:18) k−1 (cid:19) (cid:18) − k−1(cid:19) STABILITY OF THE OPTIMAL FILTER IN A HMM WITH MULTIPLICATIVE NOISE 9 For σˆ we find n ∞∞∞∞ σˆ = x x dΓ(λ ,q)(x )dΓ(λ ,q)(x )dU (λ )dU (λ ) n 1 2 1 1 2 2 n 1 n 2 | − | ZZZZ 0 0 0 0 1 2 ∞∞q(q+1) q2 q(q+1) 2 + dU (λ )dU (λ ) ≤  λ2 − λ λ λ2 n 1 n 2  ZZ 1 1 2 2 0 0 ≤ u−n1(2q(q+1))21  due to (12). Altogether this yields (10) and proves the theorem. (cid:3) Proof. of Thm. 5: We show that (bnun)−1 kn=−01 1+Bob0k−uuk0 vanishes almost surely if n goes to infinity: (cid:16) (cid:17) Q First note that n 1 n 1 k=−0(cid:18)1+Bo0bk−uku0(cid:19) ≤ exp(B(o0−u0)k=−0(bkuk)−1), Y X since 1+x expx for x R. Rememb≤er that bku =∈u + k bjy . Due to Lemma 2 we canfind δ >1 and k 0 j=1 j a random index J a.s. finite such that Y >(δb 1)j for all j J . Consequently, there is a j N wδith P j − ≥ δ δ ∈ (13) kn=−01 1+Bob0k−uuk0 exp B¯ jkδ=−01 u10 +B¯ kn=−j1δ δ1k , Q (cid:16)bnun (cid:17) ≤ n Pu0+ nj=jδδPj o where B¯ =B(o u ). The right hand side of (13) cPan be bounded for n j by 0 0 δ − ≥ exp B¯j exp B¯ δ (14) u0 δ δ−1 , n oδn n o which tends to 0 as (δ n) for n . (cid:3) − O →∞ 4. Stability in the Lp-norm In the setting of Theorem 4 the optimal filter is always stable in the Lp-norm for every p > 0 since the total variation norm is bounded by 1 and so almost sure convergence of the optimal filter implies E πY1:n π˜Y1:n p 0, n , || n − n ||var → →∞ by dominated convergence. (cid:0) (cid:1) Moreover,for some values of p we can specify the rates of this convergence: Theorem 9. For p 0, u0 lnE(Wβ) we find ∈ −B¯ 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) E πY1:n π˜Y1:n p = (ρn), n , || n − n ||var O →∞ where ρ= E(W1β)ep(cid:0)uB0¯ p+pβ and B¯ = o0(cid:1)−2u0 β(β+1)− 2βo20u0 + β(βu+201)o20 21. (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 10 BIRGITDEBRABANTANDWILHELMSTANNAT Note that the theorem achieves lower rates than those in the pure Gamma case since p E(W1β)epuB0¯ p+β ≥ E(W1β)p+pβ ≥ E(W1pp+ββ) ≥ E(W1p). The proo(cid:16)f is based o(cid:17)n Theorem 5 and the bound (14) for the total variation distance. ConsiderfirstthefollowingLemmaspecifyingthebehavioroftherandom index J introduced in the proof of Thm. 5. δ Lemma 10. Let 0<δ <E(W1β)−β1. For J = inf k N:bjY >δj for all j k δ j { ∈ ≥ } we find E Xβ 0 (15) P(J >n) qn, n N , δ ≤ Γ(β+(cid:16)1)(1(cid:17) q) ∈ 0 − where q =δβE(Wβ). 1 Proof. Using (9) we have for n N 0 ∈ ∞ P(J >n) = P bjY δj P bjY δj δ ∪∞j=n{ j ≤ } ≤ j ≤ j=n (cid:0) (cid:1) X (cid:0) (cid:1) E X0β qn . ≤ Γ(β(cid:16)+1(cid:17)) · 1 q − (cid:3) Proof. of Thm. 9: First note that for s 0 ≥ ∞ E esJδ =1+(es 1) esnP(Jδ >n). − n=0 (cid:0) (cid:1) X Due to Lemma 10 the expectation is finite if esq <1, where q =δβE(Wβ). 1 1 Now let δ = E(W1β)epuB0¯ −p+β. Then δ satisfies 1 < δ < E(W1β)−β1. Now, Lemma 10 applie(cid:16)s and we obt(cid:17)ain from (14) that E πY1:n π˜Y1:n p || n − n ||var (cid:0)≤ Q||h0||LipE ep(cid:1)B¯δ−δ1eδpuBp0¯nJδ1l{Jδ≤n}+epuB0¯n1l{Jδ>n}! ≤ Q||h0||LipepB¯δ−δ1E(cid:16)eδppunB0¯Jδ(cid:17) +epuB0¯nP(Jδ >n)   ≤ Q||h0||LipepB¯δ−δ1E(cid:16)eδppunB0¯Jδ(cid:17) + ΓE(β(cid:16)X+0β1(cid:17))epuB0¯nqn,   whichtends to 0 as (ρn) since epuB0¯q =δ−p =ρ andρ<1 due to the assumptions on p. O (cid:3)

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