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Stability of superfluid vortices in dense quark matter Mark G. Alford, S. Kumar Mallavarapu and Andreas Windisch Physics Department, Washington University,St. Louis, MO 63130, USA Tanmay Vachaspati Physics Department, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA (Dated: 16 Jan 2016) Superfluid vortices in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter are known to be energetically disfavored relative to well-separated triplets of “semi-superfluid” color flux tubes. However,theshort-rangeinteraction(metastableversusunstable)hasnotbeenestablished. Inthis paperweperformnumericalcalculationsusingtheeffectivetheoryofthecondensatefield,mapping the regions in the parameter space of coupling constants where the vortices are metastable versus unstable. For the case of zero gauge coupling we analytically identify a candidate for the unstable mode, and show that it agrees well with the results of the numerical calculations. We find that in 6 the region of the parameter space that seems likely to correspond to real-world CFL quark matter 1 0 the vortices are unstable, indicating that if such matter exists in neutron star cores it is very likely 2 to contain semi-superfluid color flux tubes rather than superfluid vortices. n PACSnumbers: 12.38.-t,25.75.Nq a J 8 I. INTRODUCTION plings where the superfluid vortex is metastable (Sec- 1 tion IV). • In the unstable regions we numerically extract the un- ] The densest phase of matter according to standard h stable mode (Section IV). model physics is the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase [1]. t • We analytically construct an unstable mode arising in - The CFL condensate breaks the baryon number symme- l thecaseofzerogaugecoupling(SectionIII),andshow c try of the theory, hence the CFL phase is a superfluid, that it is very similar to the numerically extracted un- u and CFL matter in the core of a spinning neutron star n will carry angular momentum in the form of superfluid stable mode. [ • We clarify the nature of interaction of semi-superfluid vortices. Unlike the fermions in terrestrial superfluids, vortices at short distances in the unstable region. 1 quarksinteractviaanon-Abeliangaugegroup;thestruc- v ture of the vacuum manifold [2] is SU(3)×U(1)/Z and 3 6 this permits the existence of a non-Abelian vortex con- 5 II. VORTICES AND FLUX TUBES figuration which is three times lower in energy than the 6 usual superfluid vortex. This configuration consists of 4 The non-Abelian Ginzburg-Landau Lagrangian used three widely-separated semi-superfluid flux tubes, each 0 to describe semi-superfluid vortices [2] in the CFL phase . carryingcolormagneticflux. Atseparationsmuchlarger 1 of dense quark matter is given by than the size of the core any two semi-superfluid flux 0 16 tfourbeesbesetnrocnognlyjecrteupreeldetahcahtoCtFheLrs[u3p],eraflnudiditvohratiscetshewriel-l L=Tr(cid:20)−14FijFij +DiΦ†DiΦ+m2Φ†Φ−λ2(Φ†Φ)2(cid:21) : spontaneously decay into triplets of semi-superfluid flux v 3m4 tubes. However, the short-range interaction between −λ (Tr[Φ†Φ])2+ , (1) Xi the flux tubes has not been calculated [4], leaving open 1 4(3λ1+λ2) r the possibility that the vortices might be metastable, in where D = ∂ −igA , F = ∂ A −∂ A −ig[A ,A ]. a which case the decay rate, occurring via barrier pene- i i i ij i j j i i j A represents the gluonic gauge field. We choose the i tration, could be extremely low. Such metastability has normalizationTr[TαTβ]=δαβ fortheSU(3)generators. alreadybeenestablishedforvorticesinananalogoussys- In the CFL phase Φ represents the color-flavor-locked tem, a three component Bose-Einstein condensate [5]. diquark condensate. It is a 3×3 complex matrix. An In this paper we address these unresolved questions. element of Φ may be denoted as φ , where α is a color αa To probe the stability of the CFL superfluid vortices we index and a is a flavor index. In the symmetry-breaking solvetheclassicalfieldequationsfortheCFLcondensate phasethefieldinthegroundstatehasanon-zerovacuum onatwo-dimensionallattice,analogouslytopreviouscal- expectation value, culations done for SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory [6],[7]. (cid:114) This approach gives us a full understanding of the decay m2 A =0 , Φ=φ¯1 , φ¯= , (2) process,farexceedingtheinsightthatcanbegainedfrom i 3×3 2λ asymptoticmethods. Theresultspresentedinthispaper where are: • Wemaptheregionsintheparameterspaceofthecou- λ≡3λ +λ , (3) 1 2 2 andthemassspectrumcontainstheGoldstonebosonand a single superfluid vortex, compare the energy densities two massive Higgs fields associated with perturbations far from the core: along the singlet and adjoint directions. Their masses are m =√2m and m =2√λ φ¯ respectively. Stability (cid:15)sf = 3φ¯2/r2, φ χ 2 (15) oaflstohmegarsosiuvnedgslutaotnesroefqumiraesssλm>=0a√n2dgλφ¯2. >0. Thereare (cid:15)ssft = 13φ¯2/r2. g The superfluid vortex is The energy density arises entirely from the scalar field gradient, which for each component is proportional to Ai =0 , Φsf =φ¯β(r)eiθ13×3 , (4) n2/r2, where n is the net winding of the field. In the superfluid vortex there is net winding of 1 in each of where β(r) is the radial profile that satisfies the three diagonal components, whereas in the semisu- β(cid:48) β perfluid flux tube there is net winding of 1/3 in each β(cid:48)(cid:48) + − −m2β(β2−1)=0 , (5) component. So the energy density of a single semisuper- r r2 fluid flux tube is 1/9 of the energy density of a super- with boundary conditions fluid vortex. This leads to a repulsive force between the flux tubes, since the further apart they are, the more of β → 0 as r →0 , space is filled with the energetically cheaper semisuper- (6) β → 1 as r →∞ . fluid field configuration, as opposed to the energetically costliersuperfluidvortexfieldconfiguration. Toestimate However, as noted above, the superfluid vortex is not the leading term in the resultant potential the lowest energy configuration in the topological sector of configurations with net winding number 1 at radial V(l)=E −E , (16) 3ssft sf infinity. Thelowestenergyconfigurationconsistsofthree (red, green, and blue) semisuperfluid color flux tubes, we note that the energy density of the three semisuper- each with global winding 1/3. A red semisuperfluid flux fluid vortices can be approximated as being the same as tube solution is a superfluid vortex at r (cid:29) l, and being a superposition f(r)eiθ 0 0  of the three individual energy densities at r (cid:46) l. If we Φssft(r,θ)=φ¯ 0 g(r) 0 , (7) assumethatthecoresofthefluxtubeshaveradiusρ,and neglect the core contributions (which are independent of 0 0 g(r) l), we find −2 0 0  (cid:90) l 1 3 V(l)≈2π rdr(3(cid:15) −(cid:15) ) Asθsft(r)=−gr(1−h(r)) 0 13 0 , (8) ρ ssft sf 0 0 31 =−4πφ¯2ln(l/ρ) . (17) For large separation l, there is a strong repulsive force Assft =0 . (9) r decayingas1/l. Thisjustifiesourneglectofcontributions Greenandbluefluxtubesareobtainedbypermutingthe that would be subleading in l, such as the core energies. diagonal elements. The profile functions f(r), g(r) and h(r) obey III. STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE f(cid:48)(cid:48)+f(cid:48) − (2h+1)2f − m2φf(cid:0)f2+2g2−3(cid:1) SUPERFLUID VORTEX r 9r2 6 m2 The Ginzburg-Landau energy functional for a two- − χf(f2−g2)=0 , (10) 3 dimensional static field configuration is g(cid:48)(cid:48)+g(cid:48) − (h−1)2g− m2φg(cid:0)f2+2g2−3(cid:1) E =(cid:90) d2xH, (18) r 9r2 6 m2 + χg(f2−g2)=0 , (11) with the Hamiltonian density 6 h(cid:48)(cid:48)−h(cid:48) − m2G (cid:0)g2(h−1)+f2(2h+1)(cid:1)=0 , (12) H=Tr(cid:20)1F Fij +D Φ†DiΦ−m2Φ†Φ+λ (Φ†Φ)2(cid:21) r 3 4 ij i 2 with boundary conditions 3m4 +λ (Tr[Φ†Φ])2+ , (19) f →0, g(cid:48) →0, h→1 as r →0, (13) 1 4λ f →1, g →1, h→0 as r →∞. (14) where λ has been defined in equation (3). We define the spatial behavior of the superfluid vortex (4) by To understand why a configuration of three well- separatedsemisuperfluidfluxtubeshaslowerenergythan ψ(r,θ)≡φ¯β(r)eiθ . (20) 3 Up to an additive constant, the energy density of the IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS vortex is H(Φ )=3(cid:0)|∂ ψ|2−m2|ψ|2+λ|ψ|4(cid:1) . (21) To analyze the instability of the superfluid vortex and sf i maptheunstable/metastableboundaryintheparameter space spanned by the three couplings g, λ, and λ , we To investigate the stability of the vortex, consider a per- 2 solve the classical field equations on a two-dimensional turbation δΦ which only affects the quark condensate, lattice. For details see Appendix A. For all numerical leaving the gauge field unperturbed, calculationswechosethemassscaletobem2 =0.25and f use a lattice spacing a = 1. This provides an adequate δΦ= √0 1 +f T . (22) 3×3 α α resolutionforthesuperfluidvortexsolutiononthelattice 3 for all parameter values that we studied, since the size (WeusethenormalizationTr(T T )=δ fortheSU(3) of the vortex depends only on m2, not on any of the α β αβ generators.) To second order, the change in energy den- couplings. sity due to the perturbation is given by, We use the ket |Φ(cid:105) as a convenient notation for the actuallatticeconfigurationsofmatricesin2-dimensional 8 (cid:88) position space. We define the following inner product δH≡H(Φ +δΦ)−H(Φ )=δH + δH sf sf 0 α and norm α=1 =(|∂ f |2+λ(ψf∗+f ψ∗)2+|f |2(−m2+2λ|ψ|2))+ (cid:104)A,B(cid:105) ≡ (cid:82) d2xTr{B†A} , i 0 0 0 0 (27) (cid:112) 8 ||A|| ≡ (cid:104)A,A(cid:105) . (cid:88) |∂ f |2+λ (ψf∗+f ψ∗)2+|f |2(−m2+2λ|ψ|2) i α 2 α α α α=1 To characterize the degree to which field configurations +O(f3 ) . (23) resemble each other, we introduce the notion of an angle {0,α} ϑ between two lattice configurations A and B, Focusing on perturbations in the T color direction, and 8 decomposing f =f +if , we can write |(cid:104)A,B(cid:105)| 8 8R 8I ϑ≡arccos , (28) ||A|| ||B|| (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) Ω Ω f δH = (f f ) RR RI 8R , 8 8R 8I Ω Ω f so when ϑ = 0 the configurations are the same up to an RI II 8I (cid:18) (cid:19) overall multiplicative factor. λ Ω = −∇2+m2 2 2β2cos2θ+β2−1 , RR λ (24) (cid:18) (cid:19) λ Ω = −∇2+m2 2 2β2sin2θ+β2−1 , A. Numerical analysis of the unstable mode II λ λ Ω = 2m2β2sin2θ. In parameter regions where the superfluid vortex is RI λ unstable, the vortex solution has an unstable mode, and It can be shown that, for λ >0 (i.e. λ>λ ) the vortex spontaneously decays to three semisuperfluid flux tubes 1 2 is unstable to a perturbation of the form that repel each other. Snapshots of this process are shown in Figure 1 where we plot the total energy den- δΦ(8) = (cid:15)nˆ·∇ψ(r,θ)T8 , (25) sityofthesystemalongtheverticalaxis. Theinstability arises from a direction in the high-dimensional config- which corresponds to a translation of the red and green uration space of perturbations to the superfluid vortex components of the vortex a small distance (cid:15) in the nˆ di- alongwhichthepotentialpossessesanegativecurvature. rection,andtranslationofthebluecomponentadistance This direction is the unstable mode |δΦ(u)(cid:105), and its time 2(cid:15) in the opposite direction. evolution is Using(24)weobtaintheenergyoftheperturbationto ∂ |δΦ(u)(cid:105) = γ2|δΦ(u)(cid:105) , order (cid:15)2, tt (29) |δΦ(u)(cid:105) = eγt|δΦ(u)(cid:105) . t t=0 πm4 (cid:90) ∞ δE =(cid:15)2(λ −λ) rdrβ(cid:48)2β2 . (26) 8 2 λ2 In parameter regions where the vortex is metastable, 0 thereisnosuchunstabledirection,andallperturbations This is the main result of this section. We see that if oscillate but remain small. λ > λ (i.e. λ > 0) then the perturbation (25) lowers To find out whether, for a given set of parameter val- 2 1 the energy of the vortex. At this point this is just a ues g, λ, and λ , the superfluid vortex is unstable or 2 guess: there might be a lower-energy perturbation that metastable, we proceed as follows. involvesthegaugefieldorhasadifferentspatialprofileor Wefirstgeneratealatticefieldconfiguration|Φ (cid:105)that sf color structure. However, we will see in Sec. IV that the is the exact superfluid vortex solution of the lattice field numerically obtained unstable mode matches (23) very equations. Wedothisbytransferringthecontinuumvor- closely. tex solution (with radial profile obeying Eq. (5)) to the 4 1.4 y 1.4 y 1.2 nsit 1.2 nsit e e 1.0 _d 1.0 _d y y 0.8 erg 0.8 erg n n 0.6 e 0.6 e _ _ 0.4 otal 0.4 otal 0.2 T 0.2 T 0.0 0.0 30 30 20 20 10 10 30 20 10 100 y 30 20 10 100 y 0 0 x 10 20 20 x 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 (a) (b) 1.4 y 1.4 y 1.2 nsit 1.2 nsit e e 1.0 _d 1.0 _d y y 0.8 erg 0.8 erg n n 0.6 e 0.6 e _ _ 0.4 otal 0.4 otal 0.2 T 0.2 T 0.0 0.0 30 30 20 20 10 10 30 20 10 100 y 30 20 10 100 y 0 0 x 10 20 20 x 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 (c) (d) FIG. 1. Plots of the total energy density in position space for: (a) a superfluid vortex before decay; (b) fission of a superfluid vortex; (c) formation of well separated semi-superfluid vortices; (d) semi-superfluid vortices repelling each other. lattice and then allowing it to relax to the lowest energy grow exponentially as we evolve forward in time. It state by evolving it using the Langevin equation with quickly dominates the other components of the initial damping but no noise. We can do this even when the perturbation. We tried three different perturbations superfluid vortex is unstable because the initial approxi- for the Φ-field (initial gauge links put to unity without matevortexconfigurationisproportionaltotheunitma- perturbation): trix in the color-flavor space of complex 3×3 matrices, andthecolor-flavorsymmetryoftheLagrangianguaran- (a) a random configuration teesthatundertimeevolutionitwillremainproportional Hereweused8complexrandomnumbers(uniformly totheunitmatrix,whereasdecaywouldrequirethegen- distributedbetweenzeroand10−16)asentriesforthe eration of non-singlet color components. 3×3 Φ-matrices at each lattice site. To probe the stability of the equilibrated vortex we add a small perturbation |δΦ(p)(cid:105) to the superfluid (b) the analytically obtained unstable mode for g =0 vortex, and evolve it forward in time. The exact form This mode is constructed using (25), which is con- of the perturbation is not important, as long as it has trolledbytwoparameters,thedirectionnˆandmagni- some overlap with the unstable mode (if any). If the tudeofthedisplacement,(cid:15). Usingtheset{1 ,T } 3×3 α vortex is unstable then even a tiny initial perturbation asacompletebasis,theradialprofileservesasthepo- with some component along the unstable direction will sitiondependentcoefficientofoneormoreofthebasis 5 elements {T }, since 1 is a stable direction. We α 3×3 usuallyusedT only,butonecanequallywellchoose 8 any other basis element or combinations thereof. (c) the numerically obtained unstable mode (see below). During an initial transient period t (which lasts min longestfortherandominitialperturbation)theunstable mode grows to become the dominant component. After t the overlap of the growing mode with the original min perturbationgrowsexponentiallyintime,following(29), (cid:16) (cid:17) A(t)≡(cid:104)δΦ(p)| |Φ(cid:105) −|Φ (cid:105) ∝eγt, t <t<t . t sf min max (30) The exponential growth ends after time t when the max amplitude is so large that nonlinearities become non- FIG. 2. The critical surface in the parameter space of the negligible. Using (30) we can measure the growth rate γ couplings g, λ and λ2. The surface separates the metastable fromtheunstableregime,wherethelattercorrespondstothe without knowing the actual form of the unstable mode. largervolumeshownintheplot. Anexplorationinλ-direction If such an exponential growth is observed, the superfluid uptoavalueofλ=6.0revealednothingbutunstablepoints. vortexisunstable. Thegrowthrateisdeterminedbythe negative curvature of the energy in the unstable direc- tion, and is independent of the initial “seed” perturba- tion. For an unstable vortex we can numerically obtain the unstable mode up to an overall normalization factor, by B. Parameter space scan computing |δΦ(u)(cid:105)≈|Φ(cid:105) −|Φ(cid:105) . (31) t+∆t t Using the procedure described above to determine whetherthevorticesforagivessetofcouplings(g,λ,λ ) 2 where t < t < t and similarly for t+∆t. Once are unstable or metastable, we performed a scan of the min max we know the unstable mode |δΦ(u)(cid:105), we can go back and parameter space for g ∈ [0.01,1], λ ∈ [0.1,6], λ ∈ 2 repeat the procedure described above using that mode [0.01,0.5]. The translation of these couplings to physi- as the initial seed perturbation, in which case the initial cal values is discussed in Section IVC below. Our main transient time t is very short and exponential growth findings are summarized in Figures 2 and 3. min starts immediately. Duringtheepochofexponentialgrowthweuse(28)to Thecriticalsurfaceseparatingthemetastablefromthe compute the angle θ between the growing mode and the unstableregimeisdepictedinFigure2. Weseethatonly initial perturbation. When using the numerically con- a small subspace of the surveyed parameter space yields structed unstable mode as a seed we find that θ is very metastable superfluid vortices. The plot suggests that small, typically in the range 10−2 to 2 degrees. When at higher values of the gauge coupling (g (cid:38) 1), which is using an unstable mode that has been constructed ana- the relevant region for QCD, the superfluid vortices are lyticallybyEq.(25),θistypicallyoftheorderof10−3de- unstable,spontaneouslydecayinginashorttime. Larger grees. Thus, theanalyticmodediscussedinSection(III) values of the coupling λ also yield unstable vortices. seemstobeidenticaltotheunstablemode,atleastasfar astheg =0caseisconcerned. Allowingfor(larger)non- In Figure 3 we sliced the three-dimensional parameter zero values of the gauge-coupling changes the picture, as spacealongthe physicallymostrelevantcouplingamong indicatedbyFigure4. Thetransitionlinebetweenunsta- the three, the gauge coupling g. With increasing g, the ble and metastable configurations is not parallel to the g area of metastable solutions decreases rapidly. The dot- axis, suggesting that the gauge field plays a more promi- ted line in the plot corresponds to λ = λ , which is the 2 nent role in the decay process as g grows larger. The line along which the analytic analysis of Section III pre- angleinthecaseoftherandommodeisslightlylargeras dicts the stable/unstable transition. For small values of compared to the case where we used the analytic mode g, this seems to be approximately true. As the gauge to perturb the system. This discrepancy is most likely a coupling increases, however, the transition boundary de- numerical artifact, as we are operating with very small viates more and more from the predicted line, which is numberstoisolateandextracttheunstablemodeinthis mostlikelyduetothegaugefieldplayinganincreasingly very high-dimensional space. important role in the decay process. 6 g=0.01 g=0.19 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 λ λ 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 λ λ 2 2 g=0.42 g=0.54 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 λ λ 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 λ λ 2 2 FIG.3. Stabilityofthesuperfluidvortexfordifferentvaluesofg,λandλ . Whiteareasindicateunstablesectors,whileshaded 2 areas correspond to regions where the superfluid vortex has been found to be stable. The dashed line corresponds to the line λ=4λ ,alongwhichtheequationsthatrelatethecouplingstophysicalvaluesofµandT arevalid,seediscussioninSection 2 C IVC. According to the stability analysis discussed in Section III, the transition region between stable and unstable solutions should correspond to the dotted line λ=λ in the case of vanishing coupling g. This prediction seems to hold approximately 2 in the case of small g. C. Relating stable and unstable regions to ratio of plane λ=0.1 and plotting the different mass hierarchies masses along with the unstable/metastable boundary. The ver- tical line corresponds to the line along which λ = λ . 2 Wecouldnotfindadirectagreementbetweentheunsta- In Ref. [8] it was suggested that the short range inter- ble/metastable boundary and any of the boundaries de- actionbetweensemi-superfluidfluxtubes, andhencethe rived from arranging the masses according to their mass unstable/metastable boundary for the superfluid vortex, hierarchy. is dictated by the hierarchy of the masses m , m and φ χ m (Section II). In Figure 4 we investigate this proposal g by choosing one slice of the parameter space along the 7 shrinks the region of meta-stability away from the plane λ = 4λ , and increasing the value of T just takes us to 2 c larger λ and λ , so from Figure 3 it seems likely that the 2 vortices will remain unstable at large g and T . c V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION We have studied the stability properties of the super- fluid vortices in the CFL phase of dense quark matter. UsingaGinzburg-Landaueffectivetheoryoftheconden- satefielddiscretizedonatwo-dimensionalspatiallattice, we evolved the vortex configuration in time and looked foranexponentiallygrowingunstablemode. Wescanned theparameterspaceofthecouplings,mappedtheregions wherethevorticesareunstableasopposedtometastable, and in unstable regions we identified the unstable mode. We found that the region where superfluid vortices are metastableisrathersmall. Vorticesaremetastablewhen the gauge coupling g is sufficiently small. In that case, thetransitionlineseparatingthemetastablefromtheun- FIG. 4. Mass hierarchy in g−λ plane for λ=0.1. The dif- 2 stable direction is almost as predicted in equation (26), ferentshadedregionscorrespondtothedifferentmasshierar- thatis,λ≈λ ,seeupperleftpanelinFigure3. Atlarger chiesofthescalarandgaugefieldmasses. Theintersectionof 2 values of g, the metastable region shrinks and vanishes theverticalline(λ =λ)withthehorizontalaxisisthepoint 2 around g = 0.6. We could not find any sign of metasta- where the superfluid vortex changes from being unstable to bilityabovevaluesofλ≈0.6. Ifweusemean-fieldweak- beingmetastableatzerogaugecoupling. Theredpoints(con- nectedbystraightlinesforbettervisualreference)denotethe couplingcalculationstorelatetheGinzburg-Landaucou- linealongwhichthestable/unstabletransitionoccurs. Points plings to QCD parameters such as g, µ, and T then it to the left of this line correspond to unstable configurations, seemslikelythatCFLvorticesinneutronstarswouldbe points to the right to metastable superfluid solutions. The unstable rather than metastable, but these calculations non-smoothnatureofthislinecanbeattributedtothefinite are not valid in the density range of interest for neutron resolution used while exploring the space of couplings. stars. If better calculations of the effective theory cou- plings become available, the physical region in our plots could be more precisely identified. D. Relation between the effective theory and QCD It is very interesting that a superfluid vortex can be renderedunstablebysolelyperturbingthequarkconden- At arbitrary density it is not possible to calculate the sate, in spite of the fact that in CFL matter gauge fields couplings in our effective theory in terms of the micro- playanessentialroleinthelaterstatesofthedecaypro- scopic physics, namely QCD, because QCD is strongly cess, in which the vortex separates into three color flux coupled. However, in the ultra-high density regime, tubes that repel each other. In a theory without gauge wherethecouplingbecomesweak,theparametersλ and 1 fields there would be no such repulsive force, and our λ havebeencalculatedusingthemeanfieldapproxima- 2 preliminary calculations suggest that in that theory the tion [9], [10] in terms of baryon chemical potential µ and superfluid vortex decays into a molecule-like configura- the transition temperature T of the CFL condensate, c tion of three separate vortices which remain bound at a λ 36 π4 (cid:18)T (cid:19)2 fixed spacial separation. λ1 =λ2 = 4 = 7 ζ(3) µc . (32) This work opens up several avenues of future enquiry. We only investigated the early stages of the process of Using this expression, the range of values of λ and λ vortex decay. For regions of parameter space where the 2 that we have explored in our study correspond to values vortices are metastable it would be interesting to mea- of µ ranging from 400 MeV to 500 MeV and values of sure their lifetime and evaluate the height of the energy T ranging from 10 MeV to 15 MeV. As we can see, in barrier. Our Ginzburg-Landau theory did not include c the weak coupling mean field calculation λ = λ , i.e. entrainment (current-current) interactions, and it would 1 2 λ = 4λ . In our calculations the superfluid vortex is be interesting to study how that affect our results. The 2 unstableforλ=4λ . WeillustratethisinFigure3where same methods that we used could be applied to vortices 2 the dashed straight line is where λ = 4λ , and even at in the color-spin-locked phase of quark matter, and to 2 very small QCD coupling g this line is in the unstable study the stability of the proposed color-magnetic flux region. Increasing the value of the coupling constant g tubes in two-flavor color superconducting quark matter. 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS andgoinginµˆ direction. Aftereachstep,theorientation is changed by a 90-degree turn to the left, such that the This material is based upon work supported by the plaquette closes after four steps. At any given time t, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Of- starting at site (i,j), one can thus construct four differ- fice of Nuclear Physics under Award Number #DE- ent elementary plaquettes, depending on the direction of FG02-05ER41375. AW acknowledges support by the the initial step. The plaquette then corresponds to the Schr¨odinger Fellowship J 3800-N27 of the Austrian Sci- product of the four link variables in the order of their ence Fund (FWF). TV thanks Washington University appearance. For example, the plaquette U(cid:50)(t,i,j,−yˆ) for hospitality. TV acknowledges support by the U.S. becomes the matrix product U†(t,i,j−1,+yˆ)U(t,i,j− Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High 1,+xˆ)U(t,i+1,j−1,+yˆ)U†(t,i,j,+xˆ). Energy Physics under Award number #DE-SC0013605. The lattice energy functional is (cid:88) Appendix A: Equations of motion on the lattice Elattice = (Hmagnetic+Helectric+Hpotential+Hkinetic), ij (A1) We solved the equations of motion on a two- where dimensional spacial lattice whose lattice spacing we de- note by “a”. The matter field and its conjugate momen- 6 (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) tum are represented by 3×3 complex matrices Φ and Hmagnetic = g2a2 1− 3(cid:60)Tr[U(cid:50)(t,i,j,+xˆ)] , (A2) Π with one color and one flavor index which live on the lattice sites. The gauge fields are 3×3 unitary matrices H = 1Tr(cid:2)E(t,i,j)2(cid:3), (A3) U with two color indices living on the links, and their electric 2 time derivative is encoded in the electric field E which Hpotential =Tr(cid:2)−m2Φ(t,i,j)†Φ(t,i,j)(cid:3) (A4) is a Hermitian matrix. In what follows, i and j are dis- +Tr(cid:2)λ (Φ(t,i,j)†Φ(t,i,j))2(cid:3) 2 cretized versions of spatial coordinates x and y, and t 3m4 represents time. U(t,i,j,+µˆ) represents a gauge link at +λ (Tr[Φ(t,i,j)†Φ(t,i,j)])2+ , time t that emanates from the site (i,j) along the µˆ di- 1 4λ rection. We perform our calculations in the temporal H =Tr(cid:2)Π(t,i,j)†Π(t,i,j)(cid:3). (A5) kinetic gauge, A (t,i,j) = 0. One can construct a plaquette at The lattice equations of motion derived from the above t time t, denoted by U(cid:50)(t,i,j,µˆ), by starting at site (i,j) energy functional are Π˙(t,i,j)=∇2Φ(t,i,j)+m2Φ(t,i,j)−2λ Tr(cid:2)Φ(t,i,j)†Φ(t,i,j)(cid:3)Φ(t,i,j)−2λ Φ(t,i,j)Φ(t,i,j)†Φ(t,i,j), (A6) 1 2 where ∇2Φ(t,i,j)= 1 (cid:0)U(t,i,j,+xˆ)Φ(t,i+1,j)+U†(t,i−1,j,+xˆ)Φ(t,i−1,j)−2Φ(t,i,j)(cid:1) a2 + 1 (cid:0)U(t,i,j,+yˆ)Φ(t,i,j+1)+U†(t,i,j−1,+yˆ)Φ(t,i,j−1)−2Φ(t,i,j)(cid:1), (A7) a2 (cid:18) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:19) E˙xα(t,i,j)=Im Tr Tα g2a(U(cid:50)(t,i,j,+xˆ)−U(cid:50)(t,i,j,−yˆ))+ 2ag (cid:0)U(t,i,j,+xˆ)Φ(t,i+1,j)Φ†(t,i,j)(cid:1) , (A8) (cid:18) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:19) E˙yα(t,i,j)=Im Tr Tα g2a(U(cid:50)(t,i,j,+yˆ)−U(cid:50)(t,i,j,+xˆ))+ 2ag (cid:0)U(t,i,j,+yˆ)Φ(t,i,j+1)Φ†(t,i,j)(cid:1) , (A9) U(t+δt,i,j,+µˆ)=exp(cid:2)−igaδtEα(t+δt,i,j)Tα(cid:3)U(t,i,j,+µˆ), (A10) µ where Tα’s are the SU(3) generators. We choose the normalization Tr[TαTβ]=δαβ. Φ(t+δt,i,j)=Φ(t,i,j)+δtΠ(t+δt,i,j). (A11) In order to obtain the initial superfluid vortex config- uration on the lattice, we use the Langevin evolution 9 method. The continuum profile of the superfluid vor- our numerical studies on stability. In the Langevin im- tex is first evolved using the Langevin approach, with plementation,equations(A10)and(A11)aremodifiedas temperature set to zero. We then take the final relaxed follows : configuration and use it as the input configuration for (cid:104) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) (cid:105) U(t+δt,i,j,+µˆ)=exp −igaδt Eα(t,i,j)+δt E˙α(t,i,j)−ηEα(t,i,j)+ζα(t,i,j) Tα U(t,i,j,+µˆ), (A12) µ µ µ (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) Φ(t+δt,i,j)=Φ(t,i,j)+δt Π(t,i,j)+δt Π˙(t,i,j)−ηΠ(t,i,j)+ζ (t,i,j)+iζ (t,i,j) . (A13) Re Im whereη isthecoefficientofviscosity. Bythefluctuation- at the boundary to be the same as their neighbors one dissipation theorem the stochastic noise terms ζ , ζ , latticespacingin. Thissetsthegradientofthefieldcon- Re Im ζα are independently drawn from the same Gaussian figuration to zero at the edge. With Neumann BC the probability distribution later stages of the decay behave correctly, with the three semisuperfluid flux tubes leaving the lattice and disap- (cid:114) pearing across the boundary. However, with Neumann 2ηΘ ζ = ξ(0,1) (A14) BC the early states of the decay were affected by a very a2δt slight attraction of the vortex to the boundary, so if the vortex lives for long enough it starts moving slowly to- whereξ(0,1)isaGaussianrandomnumberofzeromean wards the boundary. We therefore used fixed BC in our and unit variance. Θ is the temperature of the thermal calculations. bath that is coupled to the system. In order to study finite size effects, we used different We tested two types of boundary conditions (BC): lattice sizes for our calculations. Calculations that led fixed and Neumann. Fixed BC consisted of locking the to the main results of this paper were performed on a matter and gauge fields at the edge of the lattice to the 612 lattice and were repeated on a lattice of size 1012, values they would take when there is a superfluid vortex where we found no significant discrepancy in the results. at the center of the lattice. With fixed BC the boundary We furthermore varied the criteria in the code that are affects the later stages of the decay of a superfluid vor- responsible for detecting the exponential growth of the texbecausetheedgesrepelthesemisuperfluidfluxtubes. unstable mode. We found our results to be robust under For Neumann BC we fixed the matter and gauge fields these changes as well. [1] M.G.Alford,K.Rajagopal, andF.Wilczek,Phys.Lett. (2009), arXiv:0808.0514 [hep-th]. B422, 247 (1998), arXiv:hep-ph/9711395 [hep-ph]. [7] U. W. Heinz, C. R. Hu, S. Leupold, S. G. Matinyan, [2] A. P. Balachandran, S. Digal, and T. 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