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STABILITY OF HYPERSURFACES WITH CONSTANT R-TH ANISOTROPIC MEAN CURVATURE 8 0 0 YIJUN HEAND HAIZHONGLI 2 n a J 3 Abstract. GivenapositivefunctionF onSn which satisfiesaconvexitycondition,we 2 definether-thanisotropicmeancurvaturefunctionHrF forhypersurfacesinRn+1 which ] is a generalization of theusual r-thmean curvaturefunction. Let X :M →Rn+1 be an G n-dimensional closed hypersurfacewith HrF+1=constant,for somer with 0≤r≤n−1, D which is a critical point for a variational problem. We show that X(M) is stable if and . only if X(M) is theWulff shape. h t a m [ §1. Introduction 1 Let F: Sn → R+ be a smooth function which satisfies the following convexity condi- v 1 tion: 6 5 (1.1) (D2F +F1) > 0, ∀x∈ Sn, 3 x . 1 where Sn denotes the standard unit sphere in Rn+1, D2F denotes the intrinsic Hessian 0 8 of F on Sn and 1 denotes the identity on T Sn, > 0 means that the matrix is positive x 0 : definite. We consider the map v Xi φ: Sn → Rn+1, (1.2) ar x7→ F(x)x+(gradSnF)x, its image W = φ(Sn) is a smooth, convex hypersurface in Rn+1 called the Wulff shape F of F (see [3], [7], [8], [10], [13], [17], [18]). We note when F ≡ 1, W is just the sphere Sn. F Now let X: M → Rn+1 be a smooth immersion of a closed, orientable hypersurface. Let ν: M → Sn denotes its Gauss map, that is, ν is the unit inner normal vector of M. Let A = D2F +F1, S = −d(φ◦ν) = −A ◦dν. S is called the F-Weingarten F F F F operator, and the eigenvalues of S are called anisotropic principal curvatures. Let σ be F r 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53C42, 53A10; Secondary 49Q10. Key words and phrases. Wulff shape, F-Weingarten operator, anisotropic principal curvature, r-th anisotropic mean curvature. ThefirstauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyYouthScienceFoundationofShanxiProvince,China(Grant No. 2006021001). The second authorwas partially supported by thegrant No. 10531090 of theNSFCand bySRFDP.. 1 2 Y.J.HEANDH.LI the elementary symmetric functions of the anisotropic principal curvatures λ ,λ ,··· ,λ : 1 2 n (1.3) σ = λ ···λ (1 ≤ r ≤ n). r i1 ir i1<X···<ir We set σ = 1. The r-th anisotropic mean curvature HF is defined by HF = σ /Cr, also 0 r r r n see Reilly [15]. For each r, 0≤ r ≤ n−1, we set (1.4) A = F(ν)σ dA . r,F r X ZM The algebraic (n+1)-volume enclosed by M is given by 1 (1.5) V = hX,νidA . X n+1 ZM We consider those hypersurfaces which are critical points of A restricted to those r,F hypersurfaces enclosing a fixed volume V. By a standard argument involving Lagrange multipliers, this means we are considering critical points of the functional (1.6) F = A +ΛV(X), r,F;Λ r,F where Λ is a constant. We will show the Euler-Lagrange equation of F is: r,F;Λ (1.7) (r+1)σ −Λ = 0. r+1 So the critical points are just hypersurfaces with HF = const. r+1 If F ≡ 1, then the function A is just the functional A = S dA which was r,F r M r X studied by Alencar, do Carmo and Rosenberg in [1], where H = S /Cr is the usual r- r Rr n th mean curvature. For such a variational problem, they call a critical immersion X of the functional A (that is, a hypersurface with H = constant) stable if and only if r r+1 the second variation of A is non-negative for all variations of X preserving the enclosed r (n+1)-volume V. They proved: Theorem 1.1. ([1]) Suppose 0 ≤ r ≤ n−1. Let X: M → Rn+1 be a closed hypersurface with H = constant. Then X is stable if and only if X(M) is a round sphere. r+1 Analogously, we call a critical immersion X of the functional A stable if and only r,F if the second variation of A (or equivalently of F ) is non-negative for all variations r,F r,F;Λ of X preserving the enclosed (n+1)-volume V. In [13], Palmer proved the following theorem (also see Winklmann [18]): Theorem 1.2. ([13]) Let X: M → Rn+1 be a closed hypersurface with HF =constant. 1 Then X is stable if and only if, up to translations and homotheties, X(M) is the Wulff shape. In this paper, we prove the following theorem: STABILITY OF HYPERSURFACES 3 Theorem 1.3. Suppose 0 ≤ r ≤ n−1. Let X: M → Rn+1 be a closed hypersurface with HF =constant. Then, X is stable if and only if, up to translations and homotheties, r+1 X(M) is the Wulff shape. Remark 1.4. In the case F ≡ 1, Theorem 1.3 becomes Theorem 1.1. Theorem 1.3 gives an affirmative answer to the problem proposed in [8]. §2. Preliminaries Let X: M → Rn+1 be a smooth closed, oriented hypersurface with Gauss map ν: M → Sn, that is, ν is the unit inner normal vector field. Let X be a variation of t X, and ν : M → Sn be the Gauss map of X . We define t t dX dX t t ⊤ (2.1) ψ = h ,ν i, ξ = ( ) , t dt dt where⊤representsthetangentcomponentandψ,ξ aredependentoft. Thecorresponding first variation of the unit normal vector is given by (see [10], [13], [18]) ′ (2.2) ν = −gradψ+dν (ξ), t t the first variation of the volume element is (see [2], [4] or [9]) (2.3) ∂ dA = (divξ−nHψ)dA , t Xt Xt and the first variation of the volume V is ′ (2.4) V (t)= ψdA , Xt ZM where grad, div, H represents the gradients, the divergence, the mean curvature with respect to X respectively. t Let {E ,··· ,E } be a local orthogonal frame on Sn, let e = e (t) = E ◦ν , where 1 n i i i t i = 1,··· ,n and ν is the Gauss map of X , then {e ,··· ,e } is a local orthogonal frame t t 1 n of X : M → Rn+1. t The structure equation of x: Sn → Rn+1 is: dx= θ E i i i dE = θ E −θ x (2.5)  i P j ij j i  dθi = Pjθij ∧θj  dθ − θ ∧θ = −1 R˜ θ ∧θ = −θ ∧θ ij Pk ik kj 2 kl ijkl k l i j   where θ +θ =0 and R˜P = δ δ −δ δ P. ij ji ijkl ik jl il jk 4 Y.J.HEANDH.LI The structure equation of X is (see [11], [12]): t dX = ω e t i i i  dνt = −P ijhijωjei (2.6)  de = ω e + h ω ν  i Pj ij j j ij j t   dωi =Pjωij ∧ωjP dω − ω ∧ω = −1 R θ ∧θ  ij Pk ik kj 2 kl ijkl k l   where ωij +ωji = 0, Rijkl +RijPlk = 0, and Rijkl arPe the components of the Riemannian curvature tensor of X (M) with respect to the induced metric dX ·dX . Here we have t t t omitted the variable t for some geometric quantities. ∗ ∗ ∗ From de = d(E ◦ν )= ν dE = ν θ e −ν θ ν , we get i i t t i j t ij j t i t ωP= ν∗θ (2.7) ij t ij ∗ ( νtθi = − jhijωj, where ωij +ωji = 0, hij = hji. P Let F: Sn → R+ be a smooth function, we denote the coefficients of covariant differ- ential of F, gradSnF with respect to {Ei}i=1,···,n by Fi,Fij respectively. ∗ ∗ From (2.7), d(F(ν )) = ν dF = ν ( F θ ) = − (F ◦ν )h ω , thus t t t i i i ij i t ij j (2.8) grad(F(νt)) = − (PFi ◦νt)hijej =Pdνt(gradSnF). ij X Through a direct calculation, we easily get (2.9) dφ= (D2F +F1)◦dx= A θ E , ij i j ij X where A is the coefficient of A , that is, A = F +Fδ . ij F ij ij ij Taking exterior differential of (2.9) and using (2.5) we get (2.10) A = A = A , ijk jik ikj where A denotes coefficient of the covariant differential of A on Sn. ijk F We define (A ◦ν ) by ij t k (2.11) d(A ◦ν )+ (A ◦ν )ω + (A ◦ν )ω = (A ◦ν ) ω . ij t kj t ki ik t kj ij t k k k k X X X By a direct calculation using (2.7) and (2.11), we have (2.12) (A ◦ν ) = − h A ◦ν . ij t k kl ijl t l X We define L by ij de i ⊤ (2.13) ( ) = − L e , ij j dt j X STABILITY OF HYPERSURFACES 5 where ⊤ denote the tangent component, then L = −L and we have (see [2], [4] or [9]) ij ji ′ (2.14) h = ψ + {h ξ +ψh h +h L +h L }. ij ij ijk k ik jk ik kj jk ki k X Let s = A h , then from (2.7) and (2.9), we have ij k ik kj (2.15) P d(φ◦ν )= ν∗dφ= − s ω e . t t ij j i ij X We define S by S = −d(φ◦ν) = −A ◦dν, then we have S (e ) = s e . We call F F F F j i ij i S to be F-Weingarten operator. From the positive definite of (A ) and the symmetry F ij P of (h ), we know the eigenvalues of (s ) are all real. we call them anisotropic principal ij ij curvatures, and denote them by λ ,··· ,λ . 1 n Taking exterior differential of (2.15) and using (2.6) we get (2.16) s = s , ijk ikj where s denotes coefficient of the covariant differential of S . ijk F We have n invariants, the elementary symmetric function σ of the anisotropic prin- r cipal curvatures: (2.17) σ = λ ···λ (1 ≤ r ≤ n). r i1 in i1X<···ir For convenience, we set σ = 1 and σ = 0. The r-th anisotropic mean curvature HF is 0 n+1 r defined by n! (2.18) HF = σ /Cr, Cr = . r r n n r!(n−r)! We have by use of (2.2) and (2.6) d((A E ⊗E )◦ν ) ij i j t ′ = h(D(A E ⊗E )) ,ν i (2.19) ij dt ij ij i j νt t = − A (ψ + h ξ )e ⊗e , P ijk ijk k l kl l Pi j where D is the Levi-CPivita connectionPon Sn. On the other hand, we have d((A E ⊗E )◦ν ) de de ij i j t ′ i ⊤ j ⊤ (2.20) = {A e ⊗e +A ( ) ⊗e +A e ⊗( ) }. dt ij i j ij dt j ij i dt ij ij X X By use of (2.13), we get from (2.19) and (2.20) d(A ◦ν ) ij t ′ (2.21) = A (t) = {−A ψ − A h ξ +A L +A L }. dt ij ijk k ijk kl l ik kj jk ki k l X X By (2.12), (2.14), (2.21) and the fact L = −L , through a direct calculation, we get ij ji the following lemma: 6 Y.J.HEANDH.LI ds ij ′ Lemma 2.1. = s (t) = {(A ψ ) +s ξ +ψs h +s L +s L }. dt ij k ik k j ijk k ik kj kj ki ik kj P As M is a closed oriented hypersurface, one can find a point where all the principal curvatures with respect to ν are positive. By the positiveness of A , all the anisotropic F principal curvatures are positive at this point. Using the results of G˚arding ([5]), we have the following lemma: Lemma 2.2. Let X: M → Rn+1 be a closed, oriented hypersurface. Assume HF > 0 r+1 holds on every point of M, then HF > 0 holds on every point of M for every k = 1,··· ,r. k Using the characteristic polynomial of S , σ is defined by F r n (2.22) det(tI −S )= (−1)rσ tn−r. F r r=0 X So, we have (2.23) σ = 1 δj1···jrs ···s , r r! i1···ir i1j1 irjr i1,···,iXr;j1,···,jr where δj1···jr is the usual generalized Kronecker symbol, i.e., δj1···jr equals +1 (resp. -1) if i1···ir i1···ir i ···i are distinct and (j ···j ) is an even (resp. odd) permutation of (i ···i ) and in 1 r 1 r 1 r other cases it equals zero. We introduce two important operators P and T by r r (2.24) Pr = σrI −σr−1SF +···+(−1)rSFr, r = 0,1,··· ,n, (2.25) T = P A , r = 0,1,··· ,n−1. r r F Obviously P = 0 and we have n (2.26) Pr =σrI −Pr−1SF = σrI +Tr−1dν, r = 1,··· ,n. From the symmetry of A and dν, S A and dν ◦S are symmetric, so T = P A F F F F r r F and dν ◦P are also symmetric for each r. r Lemma 2.3. The matrix of P is given by: r (2.27) (P ) = 1 δj1···jris ···s r ij r! i1···irj i1j1 irjr i1,···,iXr;j1,···,jr Proof. We prove Lemma 2.3 inductively. For r = 0, it is easy to check that (2.27) is true. Assume (2.27) is true for r = k, then from (2.26), (P ) = σ δi − (P ) s k+1 ij k+1 j l k il lj = (k+11)! P(δij11······ijkk++11δji − lδij11······ijll−−11iiljill++11······jikk++11δjjl)si1j1···sik+1jk+1 = 1 Pδj1···jk+1is ·P··s . (k+1)! i1···ik+1j i1j1 ik+1jk+1 P STABILITY OF HYPERSURFACES 7 (cid:3) Lemma 2.4. For each r, we have (i). (P ) = 0, j r jij (ii). tr(P S )= (r+1)σ , P r F r+1 (iii). tr(P )= (n−r)σ , r r (iv). tr(P S2)= σ σ −(r+2)σ . r F 1 r+1 r+2 Proof. We only prove (ii), the others are easily obtained from (2.23), (2.26) and (2.27). Noting (j,j ) is symmetric in s ···s by (2.16) and (j,j ) is skew symmetric in r i1j1 irjrj r δj1···jrj , we have i1···iri (P ) = 1 δj1···jrjs ···s =0. r jij (r−1)! i1···iri i1j1 irjrj Xj i1,···,irX;j1,···,jr;j (cid:3) Remark2.5. WhenF = 1,Lemma2.4wasawell-knownresult(forexample,seeBarbosa- Colares [2], Reilly [14], or Rosenberg [16]). Since Pr−1SF is symmetric and Lij is anti-symmetric, we have (2.28) (Pr−1)ji(skjLki+sikLkj)= 0. i,j,k X From (2.16), (2.26) and (i) of Lemma 2.4, we get (2.29) (σr)k = (σrδjk)j = (Pr)jkj + [(Pr−1)jlslk]j = (Pr−1)jisijk. j j jl ij X X X X §3. First and second variation formulas of F r,F;Λ ∞ ∞ Define the operator L :C (M) → C (M) as following: r (3.1) L f = [(T ) f ] . r r ij j i i,j X dσ r ′ Lemma 3.1. dt = σr(t) = Lr−1ψ+ψhTr−1◦dνt,dνti+hgradσr,ξi. Proof. Using (2.23), (2.28), (2.29), Lemma 2.1, Lemma 2.3 and (i) of Lemma 2.4, we have σ′ = 1 δj1···jrs ···s s′ r (r−1)! i1,···,ir;j1,···,jr i1···ir i1j1 ir−1jr−1 irjr ′ = ijk(Pr−P1)jisij = Pijk(Pr−1)ji[(Aikψk)j +ψsikhkj +sijkξk +skjLki+sikLkj] = Pijk[(Pr−1)jiAikψk]j +ψ ijkl(Pr−1)jiAilhlkhkj + k(σr)kξk = Pjk[(Tr−1)jkψk]j +ψ ijPk(Tr−1)jihikhkj + k(σr)Pkξk = LPr−1ψ+ψhTr−1◦dνt,Pdνti+hgradσr,ξi. P 8 Y.J.HEANDH.LI (cid:3) Lemma 3.2. For each 0≤ r ≤ n, we have (3.2) div(Pr(gradSnF)◦νt)+F(νt)tr(Pr ◦dνt)= −(r+1)σr+1, and ⊤ (3.3) div(P X )+hX,ν itr(P ◦dν )= (n−r)σ . r t r t r Proof. From (2.6), (2.15) and Lemma 2.4, ⊤ div(Pr(gradSnF)◦νt) = div(Pr(φ◦νt) ) = ((P ) hφ◦ν ,e i) ij r ji t i j = − (P ) s +F(ν ) (P ) h P ij r ji ij t ij r ji ij = −tr(P S )−F(ν )tr(P ◦dν ) P r F t Pr t = −(r+1)σ −F(ν )tr(P ◦dν ), r+1 t r t ⊤ div(P X ) = ((P ) hX,e i) r ij r ji i j = (P ) δ + (P ) h hX,ν i Pij r ji ij ij r ji ij t = tr(P )−tr(P ◦dν )hX,ν i P r r P t t = (n−r)σ −tr(P ◦dν )hX,ν i. r r t t Thus, the conclusion follows. (cid:3) Theorem 3.3. (First variational formula of A ) r,F (3.4) A′ (t) = −(r+1) ψσ dA . r,F r+1 Xt ZM ′ ′ Proof. We have(F(νt)) = hgradSnF,νti, sobyuseofLemma3.1, Lemma3.2, (2.2), (2.3), (2.8), (2.26) and Stokes formula, we have A′ (t)= (F(ν )σ′ +(F(ν ))′σ )dA +F(ν )σ ∂ dA r,F M t r t r Xt t r t Xt = RM{F(νt)div(Tr−1gradψ)+F(νt)ψhTr−1◦dνt,dνti+F(νt)hgradσr,ξi R+hσr(gradSnF)◦νt,−gradψ+dνt(ξ)i+F(νt)σr(−nHψ+divξ)}dAXt = M{−hgrad(F(νt)),Tr−1gradψi+F(νt)ψhTr−1◦dνt,dνti R+hF(νt)gradσr,ξi+ψdiv(σr(gradSnF)◦νt)+hσrgrad(F(νt)),ξi −nHψF(ν )σ +F(ν )σ divξ}dA t r t r Xt = M{−hTr−1grad(F(νt)),gradψi+F(νt)ψhTr−1◦dνt,dνti R+ψdiv(σr(gradSnF)◦νt)−nHψF(νt)σr}dAXt = M ψ{div(σr(gradSnF)◦νt)+div(Tr−1grad(F(νt))) +R F(νt)hTr−1◦dνt,dνti−nHF(νt)σr}dAXt = M ψ{div[(σr +Tr−1◦dνt)(gradSnF)◦νt] R+F(νt)tr[(Tr−1◦dνt+σrI)◦dνt]}dAXt = M ψ{div(Pr(gradSnF)◦νt)+F(νt)tr(Pr ◦dνt)}dAXt = −(r+1) ψσ dA . R M r+1 Xt R STABILITY OF HYPERSURFACES 9 (cid:3) Remark 3.4. When F = 1, Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 3.3 were proved by R. Reilly [14] (also see [2], [4]). From (1.6), (2.4) and (3.4), we get Proposition 3.5. (the first variational formula). For all variations of X preserving V, we have (3.5) A′(t) = F′ (t) = − ψ{(r+1)σ −Λ}dA . r r,F;Λ r+1 Xt ZM Hence we obtain the Euler-Lagrange equation for such a variation (3.6) (r+1)σ −Λ = 0. r+1 Theorem 3.6. (thesecond variational formula). LetX : M → Rn+1 bean n-dimensional closed hypersurface, which satisfies (3.6), then for all variations of X preserving V, the second variational formula of A at t =0 is given by r,F (3.7) A′′(0) = F′′ (0) = −(r+1) ψ{L ψ+ψhT ◦dν,dνi}dA , r r,F;Λ r r X ZM where ψ satisfies (3.8) ψdA = 0. X ZM Proof. Differentiating (3.5), we get (3.7) by use of (3.6). (cid:3) We call X : M → Rn+1 to be a stable critical point of A for all variations of X r,F preserving V, if it satisfies (3.6) and A′′(0) ≥ 0 for all ψ with condition (3.8). r §4. Proof of Theorem 1.3 Firstly, we prove that if X(M) is, up to translations and homotheties, the Wulff shape, then X is stable. From dφ = (D2F +F1)◦dx, dφ is perpendicular to x. So ν = −x is the unit inner normal vector. We have (4.1) dφ= −A ◦dν = A h ω e . F jk ki i j ijk X On the other hand, (4.2) dφ= ω e , i i i X so we have (4.3) s = A h = δ . ij ik kj ij k X 10 Y.J.HEANDH.LI From this, we easily get σ = Cr and σ = Cr+1, thus the Wulff shape satisfies (3.6) r n r+1 n with Λ = (r+1)Cr+1. Through a direct calculation, we easily know for Wulff shape, n (4.4) Ar′′(0) = −(r+1)Cnr−1 [div(AF gradψ)+ψhAF ◦dν,dνi]dAX, ZM and ψ satisfies (4.5) ψdA = 0. X ZM From Palmer [13] (also see Winklmann [18]), we know A′′(0) ≥ 0, that is, the Wulff shape r is stable. Next, we prove that if X is stable, then up to translations and homotheties, X(M) is the Wulff shape. We recall the following lemmas: Lemma 4.1. ([7], [8]) For each r = 0,1,··· ,n − 1, the following integral formulas of Minkowski type hold: (4.6) (HFF(ν)+HF hX,νi)dA = 0, r =0,1,··· ,n−1. r r+1 X ZM Lemma 4.2. ([7], [8], [13]) If λ = λ = ··· = λ = const 6= 0, then up to translations 1 2 n and homotheties, X(M) is the Wulff shape. From Lemma 4.1 and (3.8), we can choose ψ = αF(ν) + HF hX,νi as the test r+1 function, where α = F(ν)HFdA / F(ν)dA . For every smooth function f: M → M r X M X R, and each r, we define: R R (4.7) I [f]= L f +fhT ◦dν,dνi, r r r Then, we have from (3.7) (4.8) A′′(0) = −(r+1) ψI [ψ]dA . r r X ZM Lemma 4.3. For each 0≤ r ≤ n−1, we have (4.9) Ir[F ◦ν] = −hgradσr+1,(gradSnF)◦νi+σ1σr+1−(r+2)σr+2, and ⊤ (4.10) I [hX,νi] = −hgradσ ,X i−(r+1)σ . r r+1 r+1 Proof. From (2.8) and (2.26), I [F ◦ν] = div{T grad(F(ν))}+F(ν)hT ◦dν,dνi r r r = div(Tr ◦dν(gradSnF)◦ν)+F(ν)hTr ◦dν,dνi = div(Pr+1(gradSnF)◦ν)+F(ν)tr(Pr+1dν)−hgradσr+1,(gradSnF)◦νi −σr+1{div(P0(gradSnF)◦ν)+F(ν)tr(P0dν)},

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