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STABILITY OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE VISCOUS FLOWS. A CASE OF PUDDING MODEL. 6 1 PIOTR B. MUCHA AND AGNIESZKAS´WIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA 0 2 n a J Abstract. We investigate the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system for incompressible heat con- 9 ducting inhomogeneous fluid. The main result concerns existence of global in time regular 2 large solutions, provided the initial temperature is sufficiently large. The system may be viewed as a model of pudding,as we assume the viscosity grows with thetemperature. ] P A 1. Introduction . h Our interest is directed to incompressible inhomogeneous heat conducting fluids. The flow t a is described by the following equations m ̺ +v·∇̺= 0, in (0,T)×Ω, [ t 1 (1.1) ̺vt+̺v·∇v−div(ν(θ)D(v))+∇π = 0 in (0,T)×Ω, divv = 0 in (0,T)×Ω, v 7 ̺θt+̺v·∇θ−div(κ(θ)∇θ) = ν(θ)D2(v) in (0,T)×Ω, 4 0 where ̺ : (0,T) × Ω → R,v : (0,T) × Ω → R3,θ : (0,T) × Ω → R and π : (0,T) × Ω → 8 R represent the density, velocity, temperature and pressure respectively. Given functions 0 ν : R → R and κ : R → R are the viscosity and heat conductivity. By D(v) we mean . 1 the symmetric gradient of a velocity field. The system is supplemented with the boundary 0 conditions 6 1 ∂ : (1.2) v = 0, θ = 0 at (0,T)×∂Ω v ∂n i X and initial data r a (1.3) v|t=0 = v0, θ|t=0 =θ0, ̺|t=0 = ̺0 at Ω. Our aim is to prove global in time existence of regular solutions without restrictions on the smallness of the data. The system (1.1) is a modification of the classical Navier-Stokes- Fourier model [5] for constant density fluids. Here we introduce a natural generalization on inhomogeneous fluids in order to justify the assumption of increasing viscous coefficient ν(·). Theoccurrenceofincreasing viscosity isvery naturalforcompressiblefluids. Andindeed,the variable density setting brings the system closer to a compressible model, having for instance in mind the so-called slightly compressible flows, cf. [12]. On the other hand, some motiva- tions to study the above described system, although at first glance rather counterintuitive for incompressible fluids, arise from such simple matters as e.g. pudding. This definitely incompressible fluid, once heated, experiences the growth of viscosity. 1 2 P.B.MUCHAANDA.S´WIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA Thesystem isthermodynamically isolated, forsufficiently smoothsolution thetotal energy is conserved 1 1 (1.4) ( ̺|v|2+̺θ)(t) dx = ( ̺ |v |2+̺ θ ) dx. ˆ 2 ˆ 2 0 0 0 0 Ω Ω Assuming that the initial temperature is sufficiently large, and as the temperature of the fluid remains bounded from below by the initial bound, then consequently the viscosity will never be below the minimum of the initial viscosity. This noteworthy observation will play a key role in our considerations. System(1.1)iswellinvestigatedintheformforhomogeneousfluids(withconstantdensity). In the literature we find almost complete theory of existence of weak solutions for general structure [3] and some nontrivial results about regular solutions [4]. However the theory is far from being complete. Still the interplay between viscous term divν(θ)D(v) and energy balance term ν(θ)D2(v) is not well understood. The present article is a step towards this direction. We will observe that for high/large temperature θ, the behavior of these terms indeed leads to the stabilization of the system. We restrict to initial densities, which are small perturbations of a constant density (1.5) k1−̺ k < c. 0 L∞((0,T)×Ω) Here c denotes a small constant compared to constants from estimates for linear systems – see Section 2. What is important, c is independent of the solution, in particular of the initial data. Clearly, the total mass of the fluid is preserved and (1.6) ρ(t)dx = ρ dx = mass. ˆ ˆ 0 Ω Ω The kernel of the system is a structure of the viscosity and heat conductivity, we assume that (1.7) ν(θ)= θm, m > 0, κ(θ) = (1+θ)l, l ≥ 0. The growth of ν(·) is necessary. We underline that the case l = 0 is also covered. The main result of the present paper is the following. Theorem 1.1. Given p > 7, let v ∈ W2−2/p(Ω), θ ∈ W2−4/p(Ω) and ̺ ∈ L (Ω)∩W1(Ω), 0 p 0 p/2 0 ∞ p in addition ̺ fulfills (1.5). Assume that 0 (1.8) θ = infθ 0 and κ(·),ν(·) fulfill (1.7). Then, provided θ is sufficiently large, there exists a regular global in time solution to system (1.1), satisfying v ∈ L (0,∞;W2−2/p(Ω))∩W1,2((0,∞)×Ω), ∞ p p (1.9) ̺ ∈L∞((0,∞)×Ω)∩C([0,∞);Wp1(Ω)), 2−4/p 1,2 θ ∈L (0,∞;W (Ω))∩W ((0,∞)×Ω). ∞ p/2 p/2 STABILITY OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE VISCOUS FLOWS. A CASE OF PUDDING MODEL. 3 The techniques presented here arise from maximal regularity estimates in the standard L -framework [1, 10, 17]. Our purpose, however, is not the most sharp description of the p regularity, we rather aim at capturing the most general constraints on ν(·) and κ(·). Our methods are close to the ones for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations [6, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22]. On the other hand, for the results on large data solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations the reader might refer to [2, 14, 16, 20, 23] for constant density flows and to [9, 19] for inhomogeneous models. Thestructure of the paper is the following. In the second section we state linear problems, along with various lemmas on regularity of solutions. We complete the section with the estimates for the temperature. All these facts are used in Section 3, where we provide crucial a priori estimates that allow to conclude that existence of regular solutions is indeed global. Thelast section contains theproofof existence of solutions andprescribesasymptotic behaviour of solutions (Theorem 4.1). 2. Auxiliary technical lemmas Throughout the paper we use the standard notation [1, 10]. By L (Q) we denote the p 1,2 Lebesgue space of functions integrable with p-th power. By W ((0,T)×Ω) we mean the p Sobolev space equipped with the following norm (2.1) kukWp1,2((0,T)×Ω) = ku,ut,∇2xukLp((0,T)×Ω). The homogeneous seminorm related to this space is denoted as follows (2.2) kukW˙p1,2((0,T)×Ω) = kut,∇2xukLp((0,T)×Ω). Further, we simplify the notation ∇ = ∇ . x 2−2/p The fractional Sobolev-Slobodeckii space W (Ω) is defined as the trace space for the p 1,2 space W ((0,T)×Ω) taking the truncation of functions for time i.e. {t = 0}×Ω. p Firstly, in the series of lemmas we collect estimates for linear problems. 2−2/q Lemma 2.1. [see e.g. [10]] Let Ω be bounded, α> 0 and f ∈ L ((0,T)×Ω),u ∈ W (Ω), q 0 q then a solution to the problem (2.3) u −α∆u= f in (0,T)×Ω, u| = u t t=0 0 obeys the following estimate (2.4) sutpkukWq2−2/q(Ω)+kut,α∇2ukLq((0,T)×Ω) ≤ C(kfkLq((0,T)×Ω) +ku0kWq2−2/q(Ω)), where C is independent of T. The system (2.3) is considered with the no-slip condition (2.5) u = 0 at (0,T)×∂Ω or with the homogeneous Neumann boundary relations ∂u (2.6) = 0 at (0,T)×∂Ω, in addition f(x,t)dx = 0 for t ∈ (0,T). ∂n ˆ Ω 4 P.B.MUCHAANDA.S´WIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA In addition, if u ≡ 0, then 0 (2.7) sutpα1−1/qkukWq2−2/q(Ω)+kut,α∇2ukLq((0,T)×Ω) ≤ CkfkLq((0,T)×Ω). 2−2/p Lemma 2.2. [see e.g. [11,21]] Let Ω be bounded, ν > 0,F ∈ L ((0,T)×Ω), v ∈ W (Ω), p 0 p then a solution to the Stokes system v −ν∆v+∇π = F in (0,T)×Ω, (2.8) t divv = 0 in (0,T)×Ω, with initial datum v| = v and v = 0 at the boundary satisfies the following bound t=0 0 (2.9) sutpkvkWp2−2/p(Ω) +kvt,ν∇2vkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ C(kFkLp((0,T)×Ω)+kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)). In addition if F ≡ 0, then for a.a. t ∈(0,T) (2.10) kv(t)kWp2−2/p(Ω) ≤ Ce−cνtkv0kWp2−2/p(Ω). In the case v ≡ 0, we obtain 0 (2.11) sutpν1−1pkvkWp2−2/p(Ω)+kvt,ν∇2vkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ CkFkLp((0,T)×Ω). Estimates (2.7) and (2.11) are a simple consequence of rescaling the considered systems in time. Thenextobservationconcernsthebehaviorofthetemperature. Bythemaximumprinciple we are able to control the lower bound of this quantity. This fact is crucial within our all considerations. Lemma 2.3. Let ̺,θ,v be sufficiently smooth solutions to system (1.1), then (θ is given by (1.8)) (2.12) θ(t,x)≥ θ for a.a. (t,x) ∈ (0,T)×Ω. Proof. For given scalar function u we define: (u) := min{u,0}. Multiplying (1.1) with − 3 (θ−θ) , integrating over Ω we obtain − (2.13) 1 1 ̺[(θ−θ)2] + ̺v·∇[(θ−θ)2]+κ(θ)[∇(θ−θ) ]2−ν(θ)D2(v)(θ−θ) dx = 0. ˆ (cid:18)2 − t 2 − − −(cid:19) Ω Using equation (1.1) we have 1 1 1 1 ̺v·∇[(θ−θ)2]dx = − v·∇̺(θ−θ)2dx = ̺ (θ−θ)2dx 2 ˆ − 2 ˆ − 2ˆ t − Ω Ω Ω and since the last two terms in (2.13) are nonnegative, thus d ̺(θ−θ)2dx ≤ 0. dt ˆ − Ω Hence (2.12) holds. The next result is a modification of the standard energy law. It allows to control the average of the quantity θ−θ without dependence on θ. STABILITY OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE VISCOUS FLOWS. A CASE OF PUDDING MODEL. 5 Lemma 2.4. Let ̺,θ,v be sufficiently smooth solutions to (1.1), then 1 1 (2.14) ( ̺|v|2 +̺(θ−θ))(t)dx = ( ̺ |v |2+̺ (θ −θ))dx, ˆ 2 ˆ 2 0 0 0 0 Ω Ω furthermore 1 (2.15) (θ−θ)(t)dx ≤ C ( ̺ |v |2+̺ (θ −θ))dx. ˆ ˆ 2 0 0 0 0 Ω Ω Proof. Testing the momentum equation by v and using the continuity equation we obtain d 1 (2.16) ̺|v|2dx+ ν(θ)D2(v)dx = 0. dt ˆ 2 ˆ Ω Ω Next, integrating the heat equation with θ−θ, we get d (2.17) ̺(θ−θ)(t)dx = ν(θ)D2(v)dx. dt ˆ ˆ Ω Ω Adding (2.16) and (2.17) we obtain (2.14). Relation (2.16) provides also that 1 1 (2.18) ̺(t)|v(t)|2dx ≤ ̺ |v |2dx. ˆ 2 ˆ 2 0 0 Ω Ω Since the classical maximum principle for the continuity equation implies (2.19) k̺(t)−1k = k̺ −1k , L∞ 0 L∞ weconclude(2.15)directly from(2.14). Weshallunderlinethatinformation carried by(2.15) is importantas itallows tocontrol thewholenormofthetemperature. Wedonothave direct control on the average of the temperature. The explanation one can find in Theorem 4.1. 3. The a priori estimates Since we work in the framework of regular solutions, the kernel of our studies are a priori estimates. Theconstruction/existence of solutions is shown in Section 4. To usethe methods of maximal regularity we restate the system as follows ̺ +v·∇̺= 0, t v −ν∆v+∇π =(1−̺)v −̺v·∇v−div((ν −ν(θ))D(v)) in (0,T)×Ω, (3.1) t t divv = 0 in (0,T)×Ω, θ −κ∆θ = (1−̺)θ +ν(θ)D2(v)−̺v·∇θ−div((κ−κ(θ))∇θ) in (0,T)×Ω, t t where ν = ν(θ) and κ = ν(θ). In the first step we introduce the extension of the initial data. To find suitable relations of solutions in terms of θ, κ, ν we divide the sought functions into two parts (3.2) v = N +S, where S is a solution to the Stokes system S −ν∆S +∇π = 0 in (0,T)×Ω, (3.3) t divS = 0 in (0,T)×Ω, 6 P.B.MUCHAANDA.S´WIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA withinitialdatumS| = v andS = 0attheboundary. ByLemma2.2thesolutionsatisfies t=0 0 (3.4) sutpkSkWp2−2/p(Ω)+kSt,ν∇2SkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤Ckv0kWp2−2/p(Ω). Thus in further considerations we treat S as a given vector field. The remaining part of the velocity field fulfills the system N −ν∆N +∇π = (1−̺)(N +S) t t −̺(N +S)∇(N +S)−div((ν −ν(θ))∇(N +S)), (3.5) divN = 0, N| = 0. t=0 System (3.5) is considered with zero Dirichlet conditions. For the later use of Lemma 2.2, case (2.11), to estimate solutions, we introduce the following quantity (3.6) Ξpν(N) := sutpν1−p1kNkWp2−2/p(Ω)+kNt,ν∇2NkLp((0,T)×Ω), underlining the dependence on ν. The zero initial data for N is crucial in proper definition of the above quantity. The same we perform for the temperature. Let (3.7) θ = H +E +θ, where E solves the linear heat equation E −κ∆E = 0, t (3.8) E| = θ −θ t=0 0 with the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition and by Lemma 2.1, case (2.7) (3.9) sutpkEkWp2/−24/p(Ω)+kEt,κ∇2EkLp/2((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Ckθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω). Note that having the boundary condition ∂E = 0 we control the average of E in terms of ∂n initial data (3.10) E(t)dx = |E(t)|dx = (θ −θ)dx. ˆ ˆ ˆ 0 Ω Ω Ω The remaining part is the solution to the following problem H −κ∆H = (1−̺)(H +E) +ν(θ)D2(N +S) t t (3.11) −̺(N +S)∇(H +E)−div((κ−κ(θ))D(H +E)) =:F . 1 H| = 0 t=0 again with the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition. Accordingly, keeping in mind Lemma 2.1, case (2.7), we introduce (3.12) Ξpκ/2(H) := sutpκ1−p2kHkW˙p2/−24/p(Ω)+k(H −{H})t,κ∇2HkLp/2((0,T)×Ω), STABILITY OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE VISCOUS FLOWS. A CASE OF PUDDING MODEL. 7 where for given w : (0,T)×Ω → R we use the notation 1 (3.13) {w} = w(t)dx. |Ω|ˆ Ω WeshallnotethatintheexpressionΞp/2(H)weusethehomogeneous normW˙ 2−4/p(Ω). This κ p/2 is a consequence of the fact that the space average of the right-hand side of (3.11) is not 1 necessarily equal to zero. For this reason we modify a solution up to a spatially homogeneous function. Indeed, we consider a projection of (3.11) on the space with zero average in the x-space (H −{H}) −κ∆(H −{H}) = F −{F }, t 1 1 (3.14) H| = 0, t=0 to obtain that (3.15) Ξp/2(H) = Ξp/2(H −{H}) = κ κ sutpκ1−p2kH −{H}kW˙p2/−24/p(Ω)+k(H −{H})t,κ∇2HkLp/2((0,T)×Ω). In order to recover the full norm we use Lemma 2.4 which controls the average of θ. We have 1 (3.16) | H(t)dx| ≤ (θ(t)−θ−E(t))dx ≤ C (̺ (θ −θ)+ ρ |v |2)dx. ˆ ˆ ˆ 0 0 2 0 0 Ω Ω Ω Observe that the regularity of solutions to equations for velocity is set in the L -spaces p whereasfortheheatequation intheL -spaces. Thisnaturally follows fromthenonlinearity p/2 of the right-hand side of (1.1) . Our goal is not the optimization of p, but we concentrate 4 our needs to have no restrictions on the magnitude of the initial configuration. Below we prove the inequality, which will play an essential role in obtaining the a priori bounds. Proposition 3.1. Let Ξp(N) and Ξp/2(H) be defined by (3.6) and (3.12) respectively. Then ν κ there exists Φ ≥ 0 depending only on the initial data such that 0 (3.17) Ξp(N)+Ξp/2(H) ≤ A K(Ξp(N)+Ξp/2(H))2 +Φ , ν κ 0 ν κ 0 for some constant A ≥ 0 and 0 (3.18) kν′(θ)k kν(θ)k kκ′(θ)k K = max ν−2+1/p, L∞((0,T)×Ω), L∞((0,T)×Ω),ν−1+1/pκ−1, L∞((0,T)×Ω) (cid:26) νκ1−1/p ν2 κ2−4/p (cid:27) is sufficiently small comparing to the size of initial data (v ,θ −θ), provided 0 0 kν(θ)−νkL∞((0,T)×Ω) kκ(θ)−κkL∞((0,T)×Ω) 1 (3.19) , ≤ , ν κ 40C 0 where C is the constant from Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2. 0 8 P.B.MUCHAANDA.S´WIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA Proof. The proof will consist of two steps, which correspond to the estimates for velocity and temperature solving systems (3.5) and (3.11) respectively. Step 1. Estimating the velocity field N, which solves system (3.5) we will essentially use Lemma 2.2. Thus Ξp(N) ≤ C k(1−̺)N k +k(1−̺)S k ν 0 t Lp((0,T)×Ω) t Lp((0,T)×Ω) +k̺N(cid:2) ·∇N, ̺N ·∇S, ̺S ·∇N, ̺S ·∇Sk Lp((0,T)×Ω) kν(θ)−νk (3.20) + L∞((0,T)×Ω)(kν∇2Nk +kν∇2Sk ) ν Lp((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) +kν′(θ)|∇H||∇N|k +kν′(θ)|∇E||∇N|k Lp((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) +kν′(θ)|∇H||∇S|k +kν′(θ)|∇E||∇S|k ]. Lp((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) We collect estimates of each term of the right-hand side of (3.20) 1 (3.21) k(1−̺)N k ≤ Ck1−̺k kN k ≤ Ξp(N), t Lp((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) t Lp((0,T)×Ω) 40C ν 0 1 (3.22) k(1−̺)StkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Ck1−̺kL∞((0,T)×Ω)kStkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ 40C0kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω). Above we used the fact (1.5) that k1−̺ k ≤ 1 . At this point one understands the 0 L∞(Ω) 40C0 meaning of the smallness of c in (1.5). The constant c needs to be small in comparison to constant C appearing in estimate (2.9) from Lemma 2.2. Next 0 k̺N ·∇Nk ≤ Ck̺k kNk k∇Nk Lp((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) L∞(0,T;Lp) Lp(0,T;L∞) (3.23) ≤ Cν−2+1/p(Ξp(N))2k̺ k . ν 0 L∞(Ω) By entirely similar arguments we conclude also that (3.24) k̺N ·∇SkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Cν−2+1/pΞpν(N)kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)k̺0kL∞(Ω), (3.25) k̺S ·∇NkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Cν−1kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)Ξpν(N)k̺0kL∞(Ω) and (3.26) k̺S ·∇SkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Cν−1kv0k2Wp2−2/p(Ω)k̺0kL∞(Ω). To justify the estimate (3.27) kν(θ)−νkL∞((0,T)×Ω)kν∇2Nk ≤ 1 kν∇2Nk ≤ 1 Ξp(N), ν Lp((0,T)×Ω) 40C Lp((0,T)×Ω) 40C ν 0 0 we use(3.19). Theconstraint (3.19) gives a clear explanation why the growth of ν(·) must be lower than exponential. In the same way (3.19) is necessary to hold for the a priori estimate (3.28) kν(θ)−νkνL∞((0,T)×Ω)kν∇2SkLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ 401C0kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω). 1,2 We stress that since p > 7 we have the embeddings W ((0,T)×Ω)⊂ L ((0,T)×Ω) with p ∞ 1,2 suitable constant depending on ν and ∇W ((0,T)×Ω) ⊂ L (0,T;L (Ω)), and indeed, the p/2 ∞ p STABILITY OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE VISCOUS FLOWS. A CASE OF PUDDING MODEL. 9 lower valueof p would notbepossible. Thisallows to providethe estimates for theremaining terms (3.29) kν′(θ)|∇H||∇N|k ≤ Ckν′(θ)k k∇Hk k∇Nk Lp((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) L∞(0,T;Lp) Lp(0,T;L∞) kν′(θ)k ≤ C L∞((0,T)×Ω)κ−1+1/pΞp/2(H)Ξp(N) ν κ ν and again in the same manner we obtain kν′(θ)k (3.30) kν′(θ)|∇E||∇N|kLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ C L∞ν((0,T)×Ω)kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω)Ξpν(N), kν′(θ)k (3.31) kν′(θ)|∇H||∇S|kLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ C L∞ν((0,T)×Ω)κ−1+2/pΞpκ/2(H)kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω), kν′(θ)k (3.32) kν′(θ)|∇E||∇S|kLp((0,T)×Ω) ≤ C L∞ν((0,T)×Ω)kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω)kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω). Collecting the above estimates gives kν′(θ)k (3.33) Ξp(N) ≤ C ν−2+1/p(Ξp(N))2+ L∞((0,T)×Ω)κ−1+2/pΞp/2(H)Ξp(N)+ ν ν ν κ ν (cid:2) kν′(θ)k kν′(θ)k + L∞ν((0,T)×Ω)kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)κ−1+2/pΞpκ/2(H)+ L∞ν((0,T)×Ω)kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω)Ξpν(N) kν′(θ)k +ν−1kv0k2Wp2−2/p(Ω)+Ckv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)+ L∞ν((0,T)×Ω)kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω)kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)(cid:3). Togetherwith(3.19)onceweprovidethatthefollowingquantities aresufficientlysmall,i.e. (3.34) ν−1+1/pkv0kWp2−2/p(Ω), kν′(θ)kL∞ν((0,T)×Ω), kν′(θ)kL∞ν((0,T)×Ω)kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω) ≤ 401C0, we conclude kν′(θ)k (3.35) Ξp(N) ≤ C ν−2+1/p(Ξp(N))2+ L∞((0,T)×Ω) Ξp/2(H)Ξp(N)+ ν ν νκ1−2/p κ ν (cid:2) kν′(θ)k + νκL1∞−(2(/0p,T)×Ω) kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)Ξpκ/2(H)+Ckv0kWp2−2/p(Ω) . (cid:3) Step 2. In the second part we concentrate on the temperature. We have to recall first that because of the boundary conditions of Neumann type we do not control the very function H for the estimates, but only H −{H}. Nevertheless, Lemma 2.4 and (3.16) allow to control (3.36) | H(t)dx| ≤ initial data. ˆ 10 P.B.MUCHAANDA.S´WIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA Applying (2.7) we find (3.37) Ξp/2(H) ≤ k(1−̺)(H −{H}) k +k(1−̺)E k κ t Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) t Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) (cid:2) +k̺N ·∇Hk +k̺S ·∇Hk Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) +k̺N ·∇Ek +k̺S ·∇Ek Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) kν(θ)k kν(θ)k + L∞((0,T)×Ω)kν∇2Nk2 + L∞((0,T)×Ω)kν∇2Sk2 ν2 Lp((0,T)×Ω) ν2 Lp((0,T)×Ω) kκ(θ)−κk kκ(θ)−κk + L∞((0,T)×Ω)kκ∇2Hk + L∞((0,T)×Ω)kκ∇2Ek κ Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) κ Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) +kκ′(θ)k k∇Hk2 +kκ′(θ)k k∇Hk k∇Ek L∞((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) +kκ′(θ)k k∇Ek2 . L∞((0,T)×Ω) Lp((0,T)×Ω) (cid:3) We estimate the terms from the right-hand side of (3.37) step by step (3.38) 1 k(1−̺)(H−{H}) k ≤ Ck1−̺k k(H−{H}) k ≤ Ξp/2(H). t Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) t Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) 40C κ 0 Here we use the fact that {(1−̺){H} −{(1−̺){H} }} = 0, t t since ̺(t)dx is constant in time. The estimates of the next two terms follow in a simple Ω way ´ (3.39) 1 k(1−̺)EtkLp/2((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Ck1−̺kL∞((0,T)×Ω)kEtkLp/2((0,T)×Ω) ≤ 40C0kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω), k̺N ·∇Hk ≤ Ck̺k kNk k∇Hk Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) L∞(0,T;Lp) Lp/2(0,T;Lp) (3.40) ≤ Cν−1+1/pκ−1k̺ k Ξp(N)Ξp/2(H), 0 L∞(Ω) ν κ whereas the next term we estimate differently k̺S ·∇Hk ≤Ck̺k kSk k∇Hk Lp/2((0,T)×Ω) L∞((0,T)×Ω) Lp/2(0,T;L∞) L∞(0,T;Lp/2) (3.41) ≤Ck̺0kL∞(Ω)ke−cνtkLp/2(0,T)kv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)κ−1Ξpκ/2(H) ≤Cν−2/pκ−1k̺ k kv k Ξp/2(H). 0 L∞(Ω) 0 Wp2−2/p(Ω) κ In (3.41) we used (2.10) from Lemma 2.2 in order to obtain better information in the terms of ν. Next (3.42) k̺N ·∇EkLp/2((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Cν−1+1/pΞpν(N)κ−1kθ0−θkWp2/−24/p(Ω)k̺0kL∞(Ω), (3.43) k̺S ·∇EkLp/2((0,T)×Ω) ≤ Cν−2/pkv0kWp2−2/p(Ω)kθ0−θkWp2−4/p(Ω)k̺0kL∞(Ω),

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