STABILITY OFANTIBIOTICS INPERITONEALDIALYSIS FLUIDS by SandraElizabethHohnes, B.Pharm submittedin fulfilment oftherequirements for the degree of MasterofPharmacy '"ti/ * "t' UniversityofTasmania March 1990 u Thisthesiscontains nomaterialwhichhasbeenacceptedfortheawardofanyother higher degree or graduatediplomainanytertiaryinstitution. To the best ofmy knowledge andbelief,this thesis contains no material previously published or written byanother person,except when due reference is made in thetext ofthe thesis. SandraHolmes m SUMMARY Literaturereview A literature review of the stability of antibiotics in peritoneal dialysis fluids was conducted. The information obtained was collated and presented in a format which would serve as a useful working reference for hospital pharmacists. It was found that the stability ofantibiotics inperitoneal dialysisfluids had receivedlittle attention in the literature. The review highlighted the lack of information on the stability and compatibility ofmany of the antibioticsandantibioticcombinations commonly used for the treatment of peritonitis. Despite increasing interest in intraperitoneal antifungal chemotherapy, there was no information on the stability of antifungal agents in peritonealdialysis fluids. Stabilitystudies A studyof thestabilityof theantifungal agent, miconazole, inperitonealdialysisfluid was conducted. Greaterthan 10% loss ofthe initialmiconazoleconcentration occurred within 4 hours when this drug was added to peritoneal dialysis fluid and stored in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) bags at 20°C. Similar admixtures were stable for at least 3days when stored in glass ampoules under the same conditions. These findings indicatedthat the loss of miconazole observedin PVC bags was dueprimarily to an interaction with the container, rather than chemical decomposition in solution. Approximately 28% ofthe miconazole lost from the solution was recovered from the plastic by methanolic extraction, representing sorption of miconazole by the PVC container. In theclinicalsituation, therapidlossofmiconazolefromperitonealdialysis fluid storedinPVCbags, would demandthatsuch admixtures bepreparedimmediately priorto administration. IV A study of the stability of both components of the antibacterial combination, co-trimoxazole, in peritoneal dialysis fluid was conducted. Greater than 10% loss of the initial trimethoprim concentration occurred within 3 days when admixtures of co-trimoxazole in peritoneal dialysis fluid were stored in PVC bags at 20°C. The concentrationoftrimethoprimin similaradmixtures stored in glass ampoules under the sameconditions,remained virtuallyunchangedfor9days. This suggested thatthe loss oftrimethoprimobservedin admixtures storedinPVC bags, mayhavebeen due to an interactionwith thecontainer. Greater than 10%loss of the initial sulphamethoxazoleconcentration occurred within 2 daysin admixtures storedinPVC bags. Similarlossesoccurred in admixtures stored in glass ampoules, suggesting thatthemechanism ofthislosswasprimarilychemical decomposition in solution. Further evidence for this proposition, was the time dependent increase in concentration of an unknown decomposition product in admixtures stored in both plastic and glass containers. It was suspected that this compoundwas a derivativeofsulphamethoxazole, howeverit was demonstrated that it was not sulphanilicacid or 5-methyl-3-isoxazolamine, which havepreviously been identifiedasdecompositionproducts ofsulphamethoxazoleunderacidconditions. This study found that the shelf-life of admixtures of co-trimoxazole in peritoneal dialysis fluid stored in PVC bags at 20°C, was limited by the stability of the sulphamethoxazole component. The data conservatively indicated a shelf-life of approximately 12hours, since greater than 10% lossoftheinitialsulphamethoxazole concentrationhadoccurredinthis timeinoneofthe admixtures examined. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I sincerely thank Dr. Stephen Aldous for his advice and encouragement during the course of this research. I am also grateful for the advice ofDr. Alan Polack, and extendmy appreciation to allmembers of staffofthe School ofPharmacy, University ofTasmania, for theirinterestandassistancein this work. VI CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 STABILITYOFANTIBIOTICS INPERITONEALDIALYSISFLUIDS 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.1.1 Anoverview ofperitonealdialysis 1 1.1.2 Continuous ambulatoryperitoneal dialysis(CAPD) 7 Advantages ofCAPD 7 Problems associatedwith CAPD 9 Treatmentofperitonitis 14 1.1.3 Stabilityofantibiotics inperitonealdialysis fluids 15 1.2 Aims 18 1.3 Methods 18 1.3.1 Literaturereview 18 1.3.2 Collation andpresentationofthe data 18 1.4 Results 22 1.5 Discussion 22 CHAPTER2 STABILITYOFMICONAZOLEINPERITONEALDIALYSISFLUID 25 2.1 Introduction 25 2.1.1 Fungalperitonitis: characterisation andincidence 25 2.1.2 Riskfactorsforfungalperitonitis 26 2.1.3 Treatmentoffungalperitonitis 27 2.1.4 Stabilityofantifungalagents inperitonealdialysisfluids 29 2.1.5 Miconazoleinthetreatmentoffungalperitonitis 30 2.2 Aims 30 2.3 Methods 32 2.3.1 Materials 32 2.3.2 Analysis ofmiconazole 32 Instrumentation 34 vu Operatingparameters 34 Calibrationcurve 34 Samplepreparation 36 2.3.3 Stability-indicatingcapabilityoftheassay 36 2.3.4 Stabilityofmiconazole in peritonealdialysis fluid storedin PVCbags 37 2.3.5 Stability ofmiconazoleinperitoneal dialysisfluid storedin glass ampoules 37 2.3.6 Sorptionofmiconazole byaPVCcontainer 38 2.4 Results 39 2.4.1 Stability-indicatingcapability oftheassay 39 2.4.2 Stabilityofmiconazoleinperitonealdialysis fluidstoredinPVC bags 42 2.4.3 Stabilityofmiconazoleinperitonealdialysisfluidstoredin glass ampoules 42 2.4.4 Sorptionofmiconazole byaPVCcontainer 44 2.5 Discussion 44 CHAPTERS STABILITYOFCO-TRIMOXAZOLEINPERITONEALDIALYSISFLUID 52 3.1 Introduction 52 3.2 Aims 54 3.3 Methods 54 3.3.1 Materials 54 3.3.2 Analysis ofco-tiimoxazole 56 Instrumentation 56 Operatingparameters 56 Calibrationcurves 58 Samplepreparation 58 3.3.3 Stability-indicatingcapabihtyofthe assay 61 3.3.4 Stabilityofco-tiimoxazoleinperitonealdialysis fluid storedinPVC bags 61 vm 3.3.5 Stability of co-trimoxazoleinperitonealdialysis fluid storedin glass ampoules 62 3.3.6 Identification ofadecompositionproductin co-trimoxazole/peritoneal dialysisfluid admixtures 63 Comparisonwithknowndecompositionproducts 63 DirectprobeMSanalysis 65 Extractionofcolumneffluentfractions: GCMS analysis 65 Extractionwithdichloromethane: HPLC andGCMS analysis 66 3.4 Results 66 3.4.1 Stability-indicatingcapabilityoftheassay 66 3.4.2 Stability ofco-trimoxazoleinperitonealdialysis fluid storedinPVC bags 68 3.4.3 Stabilityof co-trimoxazoleinperitoneal dialysis fluid storedin glass ampoules 71 3.4.4 Identificationofadecompositionproduct in co-trimoxazole/peritoneal dialysis fluid admixtures 74 Comparisonwithknowndecompositionproducts 74 Directprobe MS analysis 81 Extractionofcolumn effluent fractions: GCMS analysis 81 Extractionwith dichloromethane: HPLC andGCMS analysis 81 3.5 Discussion 84 REFERENCES 88 APPENDIX 1 Stabilityof antibioticsinperitonealdialysis fluids APPENDIX2 Miconazoleconcentrations inperitonealdialysis fluid admixtures storedin PVCbags and glass ampoules APPENDIX3 Sulphamethoxazole andtrimethoprimconcentrations inperitoneal dialysisfluid admixturesstoredinPVCbags and glass ampoules CHAPTER 1 STABELTTYOFANTIBIOTICS INPERITONEALDIALYSIS FLUIDS 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 An overviewofperitoneal dialysis In 1923,Ganterreported animprovementin theconditionof a uremic guineapig after theintermittentinfusionandremoval ofsalinesolution fromtheperitonealcavity. He noted that after an intraperitoneal (i.p.) dwell time of one hour, the urea-nitrogen concentration in the fluid approximated that in the blood. Ganter also reported an improvementin the condition ofa uremic woman afterthe instillation of 1.5L ofsaline solution into theperitonealcavity, and thatthei.p.infusionof3L ofsaline solution in a patientwithdiabeticcomaproducedareversaloftheunconsciousstate. Followingthese observations, Ganterproposed thattheperitoneal membrane allowed thepassage oftoxic substances from the bloodinto theperitoneal cavity (1). During the period from 1923 to 1948, 101 patients were reported as having received some form of peritoneal dialysis. Of the 63 patients who suffered reversible renal disease, 32 were treated successfully with this dialysis technique. During this pioneeringperiodofperitoneal dialysis, three complications accountedfor the majority ofdeaths; (i)pulmonaryoedema, (ii)uremia, and (iii)peritonitis. At this timeperitoneal dialysis was largely confinedto animalexperimentation andthe treatmentofacuterenal failure in humans. It was also used successfullyfor the treatmentofhypercalcaemiaand various poisonings. The high incidence of peritonitis, and the failure to develop a successfulperitoneal access device, leadto the abandonmentofattempts to establishlong termperitonealdialysis (1,2). 2 In 1963, Boen commenced treatment ofapatientusing peritoneal dialysis in which the dialysis fluid was introduced into the peritoneal cavity using a repeated puncture technique. Effective control of the uremic state was obtained using an intermittent dialysis regime consisting of three or four dialysis sessions per week, each session lasting approximately 10 hours and using approximately 40 L of fluid. This regime became known as intermittent peritoneal dialysis. Using the repeated puncture technique, Boen's patient was maintainedon intermittent peritoneal dialysis for three yearsprior to a successfulkidneytransplant, andthefeasibility of long term peritoneal dialysis for the management of end-stage renal disease was therefore established. Tenckhoff, Boen's co-worker, confirmedthe success ofthis procedureby maintaining a patientonintermittentperitonealdialysis forthreeandahalfyearsinahomesetting. In 1966, Lasker et al also reported success with the repeated puncture technique in 5 patients (1, 3). Peritonealaccessdevices Althoughtherepeated puncture technique wasassociatedwith alowriskofinfectionand enabled the feasibility oflong term peritoneal dialysis to be established, the procedure was both unpleasant for the patient and demanding on staff, who would have to carry outtheprocedureatleastthreetimesweeklyforeachpatient. Attentionwasonceagain turned to the developmentofalong termperitoneal access device. In 1968, Tenckhoff designeda siliconerubber catheterwithtwodacroncuffswhich wereintended toanchor the catheter to the abdominal wall, and to close the sinus tract around the catheter, therebypreventing bacterial intrusion. Thiscathetergained widespread acceptance and was the most important factor in promoting long term peritoneal dialysis in other centres (1). Many other catheter designs have evolved. A modified version of Tenckhoffsdoublecuffcatheter, with acatheteradaptermadeoftitaniumandaluerlock configuration between the adapter and theplastic extension tubing, is in widespreaduse today (4).