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Lecture Notes ni Control dna noitamrofnI Sciences Edited by A.V. Balakrishnan and M.Thoma 20 I IIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII III II Bo Egardt Stability of Adaptive Controllers I II III III III II galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg NewYork 1979 Series Editors A.V. Balakrishnan • M. Thoma Advisory Board L. D. Davisson • A. G. .J MacFarlane - H, Kwakernaak Ya. Z. Tsypkin • A..I. Viterbi Author Dr. Bo Egardt Dept. of Automatic Control Lund Institute of Technology S-220 07 Lund ? ISBN 3-540-09646-9 Springer-Vedag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-09646-9 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All the whether whole rights are reserved, or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of re- translation, printing, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction photocopying by machine or similar means, dna storage banks. in data § Under 54 of the Copyright German where copies Law are made for other than private use, fee a is to payable the the publisher, amount of the fee to with agreement determined be the by publisher. Berlin © Springer-Verlag Heidelberg 1979 Printed in Germany and Printing binding: Offsetdruck, Reltz Hemsbach/Bergstr. 206013020-543210 ECAFERP ehT present work is concerned with the stability analysis of adaptive control systems in bothd iscrete dna continuous time. ehT attention is focussed no owt well-known approaches, namely the ledom reference adaptive systems dna the self-tuning regulators. ehT owt sehcaorppa are treated in a general framework, which leads to the formulation of a fairly general algorithm. ehT stability properties of this algorithm are analysed dna sufficient conditions for ssendednuob of closed-loop signals are given. ehT analysis differs from most other studies in this field in that disturbances are introduced in the problem. tsoM of the material saw originally presented sa a Ph.D. thesis at the tnemtrapeD of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, ,nedewS in rebmeceD 1978. It is a pleasure for em to thank ym super- visor, Professor Karl Astr~m, Johan ohw proposed the problem dna provided valuable guidance throughout the work. .B Egardt V elbaT of contents I. NOITCUDORTNI l .2 DEIFINU NOITPIRCSED FO ETERCSID EMIT SRELLORTNOC 9 1.2 Design dohtem for nwonk plants g 2.2 Class of adaptive controllers 31 3.2 elpmaxE of eht general control emehcs 02 4.2 ehT positive real condition 42 .3 DEIFINU NOITPIRCSED FSOUOUNITNOC EMIT SRELLORTNOC 72 1.3 Design dohtem for nwonk plants 72 2.3 Cloafs s adaptive controllers 03 3.3 selpmaxE of eht general control emehcs 53 4.3 ehT positive real condition 14 4. YTILIBATS FO ETERCSID EMIT SRELLORTNOC 34 1.4 Preliminaries 54 4.2 L~-stability 06 4.3 ecnegrevnoC in the disturbance-free esac 77 4.4 Results no other configurations 08 4.5 Discussion 48 .5 YTILIBATS FSOUOUNITNOC EMIT SRELLORTNOC 78 1.5 Preliminaries 78 2.5 L~-stability 59 3.5 ecnegrevnoC in eht disturbance-free esac 30I SECNEREFER 701 XIDNEPPA A - FOORP FO MEROEHT 1.4 Ill XIDNEPPA - B FOORP FO MEROEHT 1.5 231 1, NOITCUDORTNI Generalities tsoM of the current techniques to design control are systems based no egdelwonk of the plant dna its environment. In ynam cases this infor- mation is, however, not available. ehT might reason eb that the plant is too complex or that basic relationships are not fully understood, or that the process dna the disturbances yam egnahc with operating con- ditions. Different possibilities to emocrevo this difficulty exist. enO yaw to attack the problem is to apply emos system identification technique to obtain a ledom of the process dna its environment from practical experiments. ehT controller design is then desab no the re- sulting model. Another possibility is to adjust the parameters of the controller during plant operation. This nac eb manually done sa is normally done for ordinary PID-controllers, provided that only a wef sretemarap have to eb adjusted. launaM adjustment is, however, not feasible if erom than three parameters have to eb adjusted. emoS kind of automatic adjustment of the controller parameters is then .dedeen Adaptive control is eno possibility to tune the controller. In parti- cular, self-tuning regulators dna modeZreference adaptive systems are owt widely discussed sehcaorppa to solve the problem for plants with nwonknu parameters. techniques These will eb the main concern of the present work. Although these owt approaches in practice nac handle slowly time-varying plants, the design is basically edam for constant but nwonknu plants. ehT basic ideas behind the owt techniques are discussed below. Self-tuningregulators ehT self-tuning regulators )RTS( are desab no a fairly natural combi- nation of identification dna control. A design dohtem for nwonk plants is the starting-point. Since the plant is ,nwonknu the parameters of the controller can, however, not eb determined. They are instead ob- tained from a recursive parameter estimator. A separation between identification and control is thus assumed. Note that the only infor- mation from the estimator that is used by the control law is the para- meter estimates. Schemes which utilize e.g. parameter uncertainties are not considered here. Probably the first to formulate this simple idea as na algorithm saw Kalman (1958). nA on-line least-squares algorithm produced estimates of plant parameters. ehT estimates were then used at every sampling instant to compute a deadbeat control law. ehT self-tuning idea saw brought up by Peterka (1970) dna Astr~m/ Wittenmark (1973) in a stochastic framework. Astr~m dna Wittenmark's algorithm, based on minimum variance control, is described below in a simple case. ELPMAXE I.I Consider the plant, given yb y(t) + ay(t-l) = bu(t-l) + e(t), erehw u is the input, y the output dna {e(t)} is a ecneuqes of inde- pendent, naem-orez modnar variables. It is easy to ees that the control wal a u(t) = ~y(t) gives the minimum output variance. If the parameters a and b are unknown, the algorithm by Astr~m dna Wittenmark can eb applied. It consists of two steps, each repeated at every sampling instant: Estimate the parameter ~ in the model . y(t) : ~y(t-l) + Bou(t-I ) + c(t), t e.g. by minimizing zc2(s). Denote the resulting estimate by ~(t). .2 esU the control wal u(t) = - ~(t) y(t). OB It should eb noted that the estimation of ~ nac eb edam recursively if a least-squares criterion is used. This sekam the emehcs practically feasible. ][ ehT above algorithm nac easily eb generalized to higher order plants with time delays. ehT paper yb Astr~m dna Wittenmark (1973) presented emos analysis of the algorithm. ehT main conclusion saw that ~f the algorithm converges at all, then it converges to the desired muminim variance controller, even if the noise {e(t)} is correlated. ehT latter result saw tahwemos surprising at that point. It sah later been nwohs yb Ljung (1977a) that the algorithm converges under a stability condi- tion if the noise characteristics satisfy a certain positive realness condition. Similar results without the stability assumption saw given yb niwdooG et al. (1978b). ehT self-tuning regulators are not confined to muminim variance control. For example, Astr~m/Wittenmark (1974) dna C1arke/Gawthrop (1975) pro- posed generalizations of the basic algorithm. Algorithms based no pole placement design were discussed by sdnumdE (1976), Wellstead et al. (1978) dna Astr~m et al. (1978). Multivariable formulations are given by e.g. Borisson (1978). ehT general configuration of a self-tuning regulator is shown in Fig. I.I. ehT regulator nac eb thought of sa desopmoc of three parts: a parameter estimator, a controller, dna a third part, which relates the controller parameters to the parameter estimates. This partitioning of the regulator is convenient when describing woh it works dna to derive algorithms. ehT regulator could, however, equally well eb described sa a single nonlinear regulator. There are of course many design methods dna identification techniques that nac eb combined into a self-tuning regulator with this general structure. A survey of the field is given in Astr~m et al. (1977). F I J rotalugeR Parameter retemarap estimation noitaluclac $ ~4 Regulator Plant j y' Figure I.I. Block diagram of a self-tuning regulator. ]edoM reference adaptive smetsys ehT area of ledom reference adaptive systems )SARM( is erom difficult to characterize in a general way. ehT main reason is that the ynam different semehcs proposed have neeb motivated yb different considera- tions. nA early attempt to cope with e.g. gain variations in servo smelborp saw Whitaker's "MIT-rule". Parks (1966) initiated a rapid tnempoleved of the SARM yb using vonupayL functions dna stability theory in the design. eH also observed the relevance of a certain positive realness condition. A simple elpmaxe wi]l illustrate the ideas. ELPMAXE 2.1 A first order plant is demussa to have nwonk time constant but nwonknu gain. ehT desired relationship between the input u dna the output y is defined yb a reference ledom with output ,My ees Fig. 1.2. ehT objective is thus to adjust the gain K such that e(t) = y(t)-yM(t) tends to zero. ehT solution uses a vonupayL function ~=V I e( +cR2), 2 ledoM My J. M K ? y 7 Ts+1 U Plant j pK 1 +sT / Figure 1.2. Configuration of elpmaxE 1.2. erehw c > 0 dna - M = K .pKK ehT derivative of V is " = - ? + le- 2 IRue+cR~ T If eht gain is adjusted according to - --] ,eu (I.I) = K Tc eht derivative of V is negative definite dna it nac eb nwohs that eht error e tends to zero. This implies that eht objective is fulfilled. etoN that (l.l) nac equivalently eb written sa = "_l_lue pKTC if pK is demussa to eb constant. ecniS c is arbitrary, this updating formula is possible to ,tnemelpmi although eht adaptation rate will vary eud to the nwonknu plant gain. a ehT evoba elpmaxe nac eb generalized considerably. ehT melborp to follow a given reference signal saw solved for higher order plants with nwonknu ,scimanyd ees e.g. Gilbart et al. (1970) dna iloponoM (1973). ,revewoH a crucial noitpmussa in these references is that the plant's transfer function has a pole excess (i.e, difference between number of poles dna number of zeros) equal to one, Monopoli (1974) pro- posed a modification of the earlier schemes to treat the general case. His ideas have inspired many authors in the field dna in particular the stability problem associated with his scheme sah been frequently dis- cussed. ehT basic idea behind the schemes can eb described as in Fig. 1.3. ehT unknown plant is controlled by an adjustable controller. ehT desired behaviour of the plant is defined by a reference model. emoS kind of adaptation mechanism modifies the parameters of the adjustable control- ler to minimize the difference between the plant output and the desired output. The methods to design the adaptation loop in SARM have mostly been based on stability theory since Park's important paper appeared. Although the SARM ideas were first developed for continuous time con- trol, the same framework sah been carried over to discrete time control. Surveys of the numerous variants of the technique are given by e.g. Landau (1974) dna Narendra/Valavani (1976). ] Reference J- model J My noitatpadA L M u J. J" mechanism = Adjustoble J I u controller ~ PIont Figure 1.3. Block diagram of a model reference adaptive regulator.

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