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STABILITY CONDITIONS, WALL-CROSSING AND WEIGHTED GROMOV-WITTEN INVARIANTS ARENDBAYERANDYU.I.MANIN a` PierreDeligne,ente´moignaged’admiration 9 ABSTRACT. We extend B. Hassett’s theory of weighted stable pointed curves 0 ([Has03]) to weighted stable maps. The space of stability conditions is described 0 explicitly, and the wall-crossing phenomenon studied. This can be considered as 2 anon-linear analogofthetheoryofstabilityconditionsinabelianandtriangulated n categories(cf.[GKR04],[Bri07],[Joy06,Joy07a,Joy07b,Joy08]). a We introduce virtual fundamental classes and thus obtain weighted Gromov- J Witteninvariants. Weshowthatbyincludinggravitationaldescendants,oneobtains 0 anL-algebraasintroducedin[LM04]asageneralizationofacohomological field 2 theory. ] G A §0. Introduction: Hassett’sstabilityconditions . h t 0.1. Pointedcurves. AnodalcurveC overanalgebraically closedfieldk isaproper a nodalreducedone-dimensional schemeoffinitetypeoverthisfieldwhoseonlysingu- m laritiesarenodes. ThegenusofC isg := dim H1(C,O ). [ C Let S be a finite set. A nodal S-pointed curve C is a system (C,s |i ∈ S) where i 2 {s }isafamilyofclosednon-singulark-pointsofC,notnecessarilypairwisedistinct. v i Theelementiiscalledthelabelofs . 0 i 8 The normalization C of C is a disjoint union of smooth proper curves. Each ir- 5 reducible component of C carries inverse images of some labeled points s and of 7 i 0 singular points of C. Teaken together, these points are called special ones. Instead of 6 passingtothenormalizatioen, wemayconsiderbranches(localirreduciblegerms)ofC 0 passingthroughlabeledorsingularpoints. Theyareinanaturalbijection withspecial / h points. t a Anodal connected S-pointed curve(C,si)iscalled stable ifsi 6= sj fori 6= j and m anyofthefollowingthreeequivalent conditions hold: : (i)Theautomorphism groupof(C,s )isfinite. v i i (ii)Eachirreducible component ofC ofgenus 0(resp. 1)supports ≥ 3(resp. ≥ 1) X distinctspecial points. r a (iii)ThelinebundleωC i∈Ssi iesample. ThisdefinitionhasastraightforwardextensiontofamiliesofstableS-pointedcurves (cid:0)P (cid:1) (cf. below). Thebasicresultstatesthatfamilies ofstableS-pointed curvesofgenusg form(schematicpointsof)aconnectedsmoothproperoverZDeligne-Mumfordstack M . It contains an open dense substack M parameterizing irreducible smooth g,S g,S curves,andisitscompactification. 2000MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary14N35,14D22;Secondary53D45,14H10,14E99. Keywordsandphrases. weightedstablemaps,gravitationaldescendants. 1 2 ARENDBAYERANDYU.I.MANIN 0.2. Weighted stability. Generalizing condition (iii), B. Hassett enriched the theory byadditional parametersgenerating awholenewfamilyofstabilityconditions, which leadtonewmodulistacks, representing differentcompactifications ofM . g,S Namely,theweightdata onS isafunction A : S → Q,0 < A(i) ≤ 1.S together withaweightdatawillbecalledaweightedset. 0.2.1. Definition ([Has03]). A connected S-pointed curve (C,s |i ∈ S) is called i weightedstable(withrespecttoA)ifthefollowingconditions aresatisfied: (i)K + A(i)s isanampledivisor, whereK isthecanonical classofC. C i i C (ii) For any subset I ⊂ S such that s pairwise coincide for i ∈ I, we have i P A(i) ≤ 1. i∈I PClearly,(i)impliesthat2g−2+ A(i) > 0. i The usual stability notion corresponds to the case A(i) = 1 for all i ∈ S. Inde- P pendently ofHassett’s work,A.LosevandYu.Maninconsidered in[LM00],[LM04] somenon-standard moduli spaces whichturned outtocorrespond tospecial Hassett’s stability conditions: see[Has03,section6.4]and[Man04]. Definition0.2.1admitsastraightforward extension tofamilies: Let U be a scheme, S a finite set, g ≥ 0. An S-pointed nodal curve (or family of curves)ofgenusg overU consists ofthedata (π : C → U; s : U → C, i∈ S) i where π is a flat proper morphism whose geometric fibers C are nodal S-pointed t curvesofgenusg. ThisfamilyiscalledA-stableiff (i)K + A(i)s isπ-relatively ample. π i i (ii)ForanyI ⊂ S suchthat∩ s 6= ∅,wehave A(i) ≤ 1. P i∈I i i∈I 0.3. Stacks of weighted stable curves M . ThePfirst main result of [Has03] is a g,A proof of the following fact. Fix a weighted set of labels S and a value of genus g. Thenfamilies ofweighted stable S-pointed curves ofgenus g form (schematic points of) aconnected smooth proper overZDeligne-Mumford stack M .Therespective g,A coarsemodulischemeisprojective overZ. 0.4. Walls and wall-crossing. The further results of Hassett on which we focus in this introduction concern the geometry of the space of stability conditions governing thevaryinggeometryofboundaries ofM ([Has03],sec. 5). g,A Put D := {A ∈ RS|0 < A(i) ≤ 1, A(i) > 2−2g}. g,S s X Wallsarenon-emptyintersectionsofD withcertainhyperplanesindexedbysubsets g,n I ⊂ S: w := {A ∈ D | A(i) = 1}. I g,S i∈I X Coarsechambersaredefinedasconnected components of D − w . g,S I 2<|I|≤[n−3δg,0 STABILITYCONDITIONS,WALL-CROSSINGANDWEIGHTEDGROMOV-WITTENINVARIANTS 3 Finechambersareconnected components of D − w . g,S I 2≤|I|≤[n−2δg,0 B.Hassettprovesthefollowingresult: 0.4.1. Proposition. (i) The moduli stack M is constant on each coarse chamber, g,A anddiffers fromonecoarsechambertoanother. (ii)Theuniversal curveC isconstantoneachfinechamber,anddiffersfromone g,A finechambertoanother. Finally, foranypoint A′ belonging toawall,thereexists apoint Ainside aneigh- boring coarse (resp. fine) chamber at which M (resp. C ) is the same as at g,A g,A A′. 0.5. Plan of this paper. Let V be a smooth projective manifold. M. Kontsevich has defined stacks M (V) of S-pointed stable maps (C → V;s ). The stacks M g,S i g,S correspond to the case V = a point. In this paper we generalize Hassett’s stability conditions toM (V)andstudytheresulting stacks. g,S In §1, we define the precise moduli problem and construct its moduli space as a proper Deligne-Mumford stack. Weshowtheexistence ofbirational contraction mor- phism for any reduction of the weights; in particular, all moduli spaces of weighted stablemapsarebirational contractions oftheKontsevichmodulispace. Weestablish theexistence ofallbasicmorphisms (gluing, changing thetarget, for- getting sections etc.) between them in §2. Section §3 describes the chamber decom- positions ofthesetofadmissible weights. andexhibits thereduction morphismsfora wall-crossing asanexplicitblow-up. In §4, we postulate a list of basic properties for virtual fundamental classes, and discuss consequences for the weighted Gromov-Witten invariants. After introducing the language of weighted graphs in §5, we prove a more complete graph-level list of properties ofthevirtualfundamental classesin§6. One motivation of this study was the work by Losev and Manin on painted stable curves [LM00, LM04, Man04], which constitute a special case of weighted stable curves. The authors introduced the notion of an L-algebra as an extension of the notionofacohomological fieldtheoryof[KM94]. Theconstruction ofvirtualfundamental classes intheextended contextofnewsta- bility conditions allows us to produce Gromov-Witten invariants based on weighted stablemaps. Includinggravitational descendants, weobtainL-algebrasinthesenseof [LM04]. WhileweightedGromov-Witteninvariantswithoutgravitational descendants yieldnothingnew(seeproposition 4.2.1),thecouplingtogravityintheweightedcase exhibitsanewstructure onquantum cohomology. In[MM08],theauthorsalreadyconstructedmodulispacesofweightedstablemaps as an aide in computing the Chow ring of non-weighted stable maps with target Pn. Independently ofthe present paper, Alexeevand Guystudied the behavior ofgravita- tionaldescendants forchanges ofweightsin[AG08],assumingthesamedefinitionof virtualfundamental classesthatwestudyinsections §4and§6. Anothermotivationisspelleddownbelow. 0.6. Stability conditions in abelian and triangulated categories. Stability condi- tions have been generally designed to choose a preferred compactification of various 4 ARENDBAYERANDYU.I.MANIN moduli spaces, typically of vector bundles, or more general coherent sheaves on pro- jectivemanifolds. Itwasonlyrecentlythattheattentionofalgebraicgeometersshifted to the families of variable stability conditions and their geometry: see [GKR04], [Bri07], [Joy06, Joy07a, Joy07b, Joy08], and the references therein. An influential recent paper by T. Bridgeland [Bri07] was very much stimulated by physics work on mirrorsymmetry,inparticular, M.Douglas’snotion ofΠ-stability. In this subsection we will sketch a purely geometric context in which various no- tions of stability in derived categories of coherent sheaves might be quite useful (see [Ina02],[Bri02],foraversionofbackground notions). Namely, consider the problem treated in several papers by A. Bondal, D. Orlov and others: what can be said about a (smooth projective) manifold V if we know its bounded derivedcategory ofcoherentsheaves D(V)? In an important paper [BO01] it was shown that if the canonical sheaf Ω of V or V its inverse is ample, then V can be reconstructed up to an isomorphism from D(V). The strategy of proof is this: the authors show how to detect (up to a shift) classes of structuresheavesofclosedpointsofV inD(V),thenclassesofinvertiblesheaves,and finallytoreconstruct thecanonical (oranticanonical) homogeneous coordinate ring. This result can become dramatically wrong, when Ω±1 is not ample, for example, V whenitistrivial. IntheproperCalabi-Yaucasevariousbirational modelsmayleadto equivalentderivedcategories. Thecompletepictureinthiscaseisfarfrombeingclear. The proof that worked in the Fano/anti-Fano cases breaks down at the first step: the classesofstructuresheaves ofclosedpointsofV becomeunrecognizable. However, the general strategy of the proof could be saved without additional as- sumptions onΩ ifonecoulddothefollowing: V a) Devise a family of appropriate stability conditions C (this is probably already donein[Bri07]). b)Prove that various V’s with “the same” D(V) could be reconstructed as moduli spaces V of appropriately defined C-stable point-like complexes in D(V). The de- C formation theory of objects in derived categories is not yet a mature subject, but see [LO06]forsomerecentdevelopments. c) obtain a sufficiently detailed description of chamber decomposition and wall- crossing inthespaceofC’s. A tentative picture of this type can be glimpsed from the Aspinwall’s sketch [Asp03]. Locally,thewall-crossing phenomenon hasbeenstudied in[Tod08]. Noticehoweverthatitisnotclearaprioriwhatwouldbethenetoutcomeofsucha reasoning. Infact,accordingtotherecentpreprint[Ca˘l07],twoCalabi-Yauthreefolds canhaveequivalent derivedcategories withoutbeingbirationally equivalent. Onthepositiveside,however,theymusthaveisomorphic motives: cf. [Orl05]. From this perspective, Hassett’s theory and its generalization, discussed inthis pa- per,canbeperceivedasatoymodelforthemoresophisticatedcaseofthetriangulated categories. Moreover,variousnotionsofstabilityformapsofcurvesintonontrivialtar- getspacescouldconceivablybecombinedwithsimilarstabilitynotionsforcomplexes ofsheaves onthetargetspaceleadingtoaricherstructureofquantum cohomology. 0.7. Acknowledgements. The first author would like to thank Andrew Kresch for usefulremarksonvirtualfundamental classes. STABILITYCONDITIONS,WALL-CROSSINGANDWEIGHTEDGROMOV-WITTENINVARIANTS 5 §1. Geometryofmodulispacesofweightedstablemaps 1.1. The moduli problem. Let k be a field of any characteristic, V/k a projective variety, and β ∈ CH1(V)aneffective one-dimensional class inthe Chowring. LetS beafinitesetwithweightsA: S → Q∩[0,1], andletg ≥ 0beanygenus. 1.1.1. Definition. A nodal curve of genus g over a scheme T/k is a proper, flat mor- phism π: C → T of finite type such that for every geometric point Spec η of T, the fiberoverSpecη isaconnected curveofgenusg withonlynodesassingularities. Given (g,S,A,β) as above, a prestable map of type (g,A,β) over T is a tuple (C,π,s,f)whereπ: C → T isanodalcurveofgenusg,s = (s ) isanS-tupleof i i∈S sections s : T → C,andf isamapf: C → V withf ([C]) = β,suchthat i ∗ (1) the image of any section s with positive weight A(i) > 0 lies in the smooth i locusofC/T, (2) foranysubsetI ⊂ S suchthattheintersection s (T)ofthecorrespond- i∈I i ingsections isnon-empty, wehave A(i) ≤ 1. i∈I T 1.1.2.Definition. Astablemapoftype(g,A,β)overT isaprestablemap(C,π,s,f) P ofthesametypesuchthatK + A(i)s +3f∗(M)isπ-relativelyampleforsome π i∈S i ampledivisorM onV. P We will often call such a curve (g,A)-stable when the homology class β is irrele- vant. 1.1.3. Remark. Assume that(C,π,s,f) isa(g,A)-prestable mapover T. Thenitis (g,A)-stable ifandonlyifitis(g,A)-stable overgeometricpointsofT. Over an algebraically closed field, ampleness of K + A(i)s + 3f∗(M) π i∈S i can only fail on irreducible components C that are of genus 0 and get mapped to a P point by f. Precisely, if n is the number of inverse images of nodal points in the C normalization, thenamplenessisequivalentton + A(i) > 2. C i:si∈C In particular, stability can be checked with an arbitrary ample divisor M; if all P sections have weight 1 (wewillwrite this asA = 1 ), weighted stability agrees with S thedefinitionofastablemapbyKontsevich. Wecallthedatag,S,A,β admissible, ifβ 6=0or2g−2+ A(i) > 0,andif i∈S β is bounded by the characteristic (cf. [BM96, Theorem 3.14]: this means that k has P characteristic zero,orthatβ·L < chark forsomeveryamplelinebundleLonV). 1.1.4.Theorem. Givenadmissible datag,S,A,β, letM (V,β)bethecategory of g,A stablemapsoftype(g,A,β)andtheirisomorphisms, withthestandardstructureasa groupoid overschemesoverSpeck. Thiscategory isaproperalgebraic Deligne-Mumford stackoffinitetype. The property of being a stack follows from standard arguments. The geometric properties areproven insection 1.3. Someoftheir proofs are simplified bythe useof thecontraction morphismfromtheKontsevichmodulispaceM (V,β)tothespace g,S ofweightedstablemapsasdiscussed inthenextsection; hencetheirexistence willbe provedfirst. 1.2. Reduction morphisms for weight changes. If β 6= 0, consider the open and densesubstack C (V,β) ⊂ M (V,β) g,S g,A 6 ARENDBAYERANDYU.I.MANIN of maps that do not contract any irreducible component of genus zero, and for which all marked sections are distinct. By some abuse of language we will call C (V,β) g,S the “configuration space”. Since any such map is stable regardless of the choice of weights,C (V,β)doesnotdependonA. EveryM (V,β)isacompactificationof g,S g,A C (V,β),andthusallthemodulistacksfordifferentAarebirational. Thefollowing g,S proposition gives actual morphisms, provided that the weights are comparable. They willbeanalyzed inmoredetailin§3. Consider two weights A,B: S → Q∩[0,1] such that A(i) ≥ B(i) for all i ∈ S; we will just write A ≥ B from now on. Any (g,A)-stable map is obviously (g,B)- prestable, but it may not be (g,B)-stable. However, we can stabilize the curve with respecttoB: 1.2.1. Proposition. If g,S,β,A ≥ B are as above, there is a natural reduction mor- phism ρ : M (V,β) → M (V,β). B,A g,A g,B Itissurjective andbirational.1 Overanalgebraically closed fieldη, itisgiven byad- justingtheweightsandthensuccessively contracting all(g,B)-unstable components. GiventhreeweightdataA ≥ B ≥ C,thereductionmorphismsrespectcomposition: ρ = ρ ◦ρ . C,A C,B B,A Inparticular,everymodulispaceM (V,β)isabirationalcontractionoftheKont- g,A sevichmodulispaceM (V,β) = M (V,β). g,S g,1 S 1.3. Proofs of the geometric properties. Asin the case of (g,A)-stable curves, the following vanishing result is essential to ensure that all constructions are compatible withbasechange: 1.3.1. Proposition. [Has03, Proposition 3.3] Let C be a connected nodal curve of genus g over an algebraically closed field, D an effective divisor supported in the smoothlocusofC,andLaninvertible sheafwithL ∼= ωk(D)fork >0. C 1. IfLisnef,andL 6= ω ,thenLhasvanishing highercohomology. C 2. IfLisnefandhaspositive degree, thenLN isbasepoint freeforN ≥ 2. 3. IfLisample,thenLN isveryamplewhenN ≥ 3. 4. Assume L is nef and has positive degree, and let C′ denote the image of C under LN with N ≥ 3. Then C′ is a nodal curve with the same arithmetic genus as C, obtained by collapsing the irreducible components of C on which L has degree zero. Components on whichL has positive degree are mapped birationally onto their images. 1.3.2. Stability and geometric points. Wewill firstshow how remark 1.1.3 follows fromthisproposition: Considerthelinebundle L =ωk(k A(i)s )⊗f∗(O(M))3k, C i i∈S X where k is such that all numbers kA(i) are integral. Then by the proposition and the basechangetheorems,formationofP := Proj(π (LN))commuteswithbasechange. ∗ 1Itisanisomorphism over theopen subset U := Cg,S(V,β), whichsatisfiesthefollowingstrong densityproperty:foranyopensubsetV,thereisnonon-zerosectionf ∈O(V)thatvanishesonU∩V; inotherwords,thecomplementisnowheredenseanddoesnothaveadditionalnilpotentstructure. STABILITYCONDITIONS,WALL-CROSSINGANDWEIGHTEDGROMOV-WITTENINVARIANTS 7 By definition, L is relatively ample iff the induced morphism p: C → P is defined everywhere and an open immersion. By [SGA1, expose´ I, The´ore`me 5.1], this is the case if and only if p is everywhere defined, radical, flat and unramified. All these conditions can be checked on geometric fibers (for flatness, this follows from [EGA, IV,The´ore`me11.3.10],forunramifiedness fromtheconormalsequence). 1.3.3. Reduction morphisms. By Grothendieck’s descent theory, M (V,β) is a g,A stack in the e´tale topology, i. e. the Isom functors are sheaves and any e´tale descent datum is effective. We first show the existence of the natural reduction morphisms ρ as maps between these abstract stacks. This will enable us to use the results of B,A [BM96]onM (V,β)toshorten ourproofs. g,S Using the vanishing result 1.3.1, the proof of proposition 1.2.1 is completely anal- ogous to that of theorem 4.1 in [Has03]: Let B = λA + (1 − λ)B, and let λ 1 = λ > λ > ··· > λ = 0be afinite setsuch that for allλ 6∈ {λ ,...,λ }, the 0 1 N 0 N followingcondition holds: • ThereisnosubsetI ⊂ S suchthat B (i) = 1and B (i) 6= 1. (*) i∈I λ i∈I 1 We will construct ρ as the composition ρ = ρ ◦ ··· ◦ B,A P B,A B(PλN),B(λN−1) ρ . Thismeanswecanassumethatthecondition(*)holdsforall0 < λ< 1. B(λ1),B(λ0) FixanampledivisorM onV,andfixanaturalnumberksothatkB(i)isaninteger for all i. Let L be the invertible sheaf L := ωk(k B(i)s ) ⊗f∗(M)3 for any C i∈S i (g,A)-stablemapf: C → V overT. Duetocondition(*),itisnef;alsoithaspositive degree. LetC′ betheimageofC under themapindPuced byLN forsomeN ≥ 3,i.e. C′ = Proj R where R is the graded sheaf of rings on T given by R = π ((LN)l). l ∗ Let t: C → C′ be the natural map, and let s′ = t◦s . By the same arguments as in i i the non-weighted case, C′ is a nodal curve of genus g, and s′ lie in the smooth locus i wheneverB(i) > 0. Byproposition 1.3.1,Lhasvanishinghighercohomology; sothe formation of π ((LN)l) and hence that of C′ commutes with base change. Over an ∗ algebraicallyclosedfield,thismorphismagreeswiththedescriptionviacontractionof unstable components. Inparticular, C′ is(b,B)-prestable. The original f factors via the induced morphism f′: C′ → V. Let L′ be the line bundle L′ := ωk (k B(i)s ) ⊗ f′∗(M)3. Then t L = L′; hence L′ is ample C′ i∈S i ∗ and (C′,π′,s′,f′) is a (g,B)-stable map. The induced morphism T → M (V,β) g,B P commuteswithbasechangeandthusyieldsthemapρ betweenstacksasclaimed. B,A To prove surjectivity, it is sufficient to show that every (g,B)-stable map (C,s,f) overanalgebraicallyclosedfieldK istheimageofsome(g,A)-stablemap(C′,s′,f′) overK. Itisobvious howtoconstruct C′: IfI ⊂ S isasubset ofthelabels such that condition (2) of definition 1.1.1 is violated for the weight data A, i.e. the marked points s ,i ∈ I coincide and A(i) > 1, we can attach a copy of P1(K) at this i i∈I point, move the marked points to arbitrary but different points on P1, and extend the P mapconstantly alongP1. Birationality(forβ 6= 0)followsfromthefactthatρ isanisomorphismoverthe B,A configuration space C (V,β), which is a dense and open subset. The compatibility g,S withcomposition followsimmediately oncewehaveshownthethemodulispacesare separate: thetwomorphismsρ andρ ◦ρ agreeontheconfiguration space. C,A C,B B,A 1.3.4. Proposition. The diagonal ∆: M (V,β) → M (V,β)×M (V,β) is g,A g,A g,A representable, separated andfinite. 8 ARENDBAYERANDYU.I.MANIN Let (C ,π ,s ,f ) and (C ,π ,s ,f ) be two families of (g,A)-stable maps to 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 V over a scheme T. We have to show that Isom((C ,π ,s ,f ),(C ,π ,s ,f )) is 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 represented by a scheme finite and separated over T. Since V is projective and β is bounded by the characteristic, we can use exactly the same argument as in the proof of [BM96, Lemma 4.2]: one shows that e´tale locally on T, one can extend the set of labels to S ∪S′ and find additional S′-tuples of sections (s )′ and (s )′, such that 1 2 (C ,π ,s ∪s′)and(C ,π ,s ∪s′)are(g,A∪1 )-stablecurves,andthatthereis 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 S′ anaturalclosedimmersion Isom((C ,π ,s ,f ),(C ,π ,s ,f )) → Isom((C ,π ,(s ,s′)),(C ,π ,(s ,s′))). 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 SineM hasarepresentable,separatedandfinitediagonalby[Has03],theclaim g,A∪1S′ oftheproposition follows. 1.3.5. Existence as Deligne-Mumford stacks. In particular, the diagonal is proper andthusthemodulistackseparated. AsM (V,β)isproperandthereductionmor- g,1 S phismρ : M (V,β) → M (V,β)issurjective, M (V,β)isalsoproper. A,1 g,S g,A g,A S Finally, the existence of a flatcovering of finite type follows with almost the same argument as the one in [BM96], following Proposition 4.7 there. However, some changes are required, so we spell it out in detail: We write A = A ∪ 1 for n {1,...,n} o the weight data obtained from A by adding n weights of 1. Let M (V,β) be the g,An open substack of M (V,β) where the additional sections of weight one lie in the g,An smooth locus of C (V,β) and away from the existing sections (in other words, the g,A open substack where the map is already (g,A)-stable after forgetting the additional sections). Theobviousforgetful map φ0 : Mo (V,β) → M (V,β) A,An g,An g,A issmoothandinparticularflat. LetU0 (V,β)betheopensubstackofMo (V,β) g,An g,An where the curve is already (g,A )-stable as a curve. Then for high enough n, n the restriction φo | to this substack is surjective. On the other hand, A,An Ug0,An(V,β) U0 (V,β)isanopensubstack oftherelativemorphism spaceMor (V,β)(pa- g,An Mg,An rameterizing mapsT → M together withamapofthepull-back oftheuniversal g,An curve C to V). So a flat presentation of the morphism space induces one for g,An M (V,β). g,A §2. Elementarymorphisms 2.1. Gluingmorphisms. Asinthenon-weighted case,wecangluecurvesatmarked points, buttoguarantee thattheresulting curvesareprestable, wehavetoassumethat bothlabelshaveweight1: Letg ,S ,A ,β andg ,S ,A ,β beweightdata,suchthattheextensionsg ,S ∪ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 i i {0},A ∪{0 7→ 1},β by an additional label of weight 1 are admissible. Denote by i i ev be the evaluation morphisms ev : M (V,β ) → V given by evaluating 0 0 gi,Ai∪{1} i theadditional section: ev = f ◦s . Similarly, letg,S,A,β beweightdatasuch that 0 0 g,S∪{0,1},A∪{1,1},β isadmissible,andletev ,ev betheadditional evaluation 0 1 morphisms. STABILITYCONDITIONS,WALL-CROSSINGANDWEIGHTEDGROMOV-WITTENINVARIANTS 9 2.1.1.Proposition. Therearenaturalgluing morphisms M (V,β )×M (V,β ) × V → M (V,β +β ) g1,A1∪{1} 1 g2,A2∪{1} 2 V×V g1+g2,A1∪A2 1 2 a(cid:0)nd (cid:1) M (V,β)× V → M (V,β). g,A∪{1,1} V×V g+1,A Theproduct over V ×V istaken via the morphism (ev ,ev )respectively (ev ,ev ) 0 0 0 1 ontheleft,andthediagonal ∆: V → V ×V ontheright. There is nothing new to prove here, except to note that the weight of 1 guarantees that the marked sections (of positive weight) do not meet the additional node on the gluedcurve. 2.2.Proposition. Letµ: V → W beamorphism,and(g,S,A,β)beadmissibledata for V, such that (g,S,A,µ (β)) is also admissible. Then there is a natural push- ∗ forward M (V,β) → M (W,µ (β)) g,A g,A ∗ thatisobtainedbycomposing themapswithµ,followedbystabilization. Onecouldadapttheproofof[BM96]totheweightedcase;instead,wegiveaproof analogous totheoneinsection1.3.3. Let f: C → V be the universal map over M (V,β), let f′ = µ ◦ f be the g,A induced map to W, and let M′ be an ample divisor on V′. By the assumptions, the divisorD′ = K + A(i)s +3f′∗M′haspositivedegree;however,itneednotbe π i∈S i nef. HenceweconsiderD = K + A(i)s +3f∗M andD(λ)= λD+(1−λ)D′ P π i∈S i for0 ≤ λ ≤ 1. Let{λ ,...,λ }bethesetofλforwhichthedegreeofD(λ)iszero 1 N P on any irreducible component of C, and let k ,r = 1...N be an integer such that r k λ andk A(i),i ∈ S isinteger. r r r Then L = ωk1(k A(i)s + k (3f∗Mλ + (1 − λ )3f′∗M′)) is a nef 1 1 i∈S i 1 1 1 invertible sheaf on C for which proposition 1.3.1 applies. Hence C defined by 1 C := ProjR and (RP) = π (L3l)isagain aflatnodal curve ofgenus g, contract- 1 1 1 l ∗ 1 ing all components of C on which L fails to be ample, and f′ factors via a unique 1 morphism f : C → W. We proceed inductively to obtain f : C → W on which 1 1 N N D′ is ample; this induces the map of moduli stacks. Note that C → C → W is the N universalfactorization off′ suchthatf : C → W isa(g,A)-stable map. N N 2.3.Proposition. Givenadmissibleweightdata(g,S,A,β),let(g,S∪{∗},A∪{a} = A {∗ 7→ a},β) be the weight data obtained by adding a label {∗} of arbitrary weighta∈ Q∩[0,1]. Thereisanaturalforgetfulmap ` φ : M (V,β) → M (V,β) A,A∪{a} g,A∪{a} g,A obtainedbyforgettingtheadditionalsectionandstabilization. Ifa= 0,thenφ A,A∪{0} istheuniversal curveoverM (V,β). g,A Wecanconstruct thismapasthecomposition φ ◦ρ : M (V,β) → M (V,β) → M (V,β). A,A∪{0} A∪{0},A∪{a} g,A∪{a} g,A∪{0} g,A The second morphism φ isthe naive forgetful morphism, as amap is (g,A∪ A,A∪{0} {0})-stable ifandonlyifitis(g,A)-stable. 10 ARENDBAYERANDYU.I.MANIN 2.4. Proposition. Let S′ S′′ = S be a partition of the set of labels such that A(S′′) = A(i) ≤ 1. Thenthereisanaturalmap i∈S′′ ` P M (V,β) → M (V,β). g,A|S′∪{A(S′′)} g,A Itis given by setting s = s for all i ∈ S′. Itidentifies M (V,β) i ∗ g,A|S′∪{∗7→A(S′′)} withthelocusofM (V,β)wherealls ,i ∈ S′′ agree. g,A i 2.5. Weightedmarkedgraphs. Agraph wasdefinedin[BM96]asaquadruple τ = (V ,F ,∂ ,j )ofasetofverticesV ,asetofflagsF ,amorphism∂ : F → V and τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ aninvolution j : F → F . Wethink ofagraphintermsofitsgeometric realization: τ τ τ itisobtained byidentifying inthedisjoint union [0,1]thepoints0forallflags f∈Fτ f attached to the same vertex via v = ∂ (f), and the points 1 for all orbits of j . A τ τ ` flagf withj (f)= f iscalledatailofthevertex∂ (f),whereasapair{f,j (f)}for τ τ τ f 6= j (f) is called an edge, connecting the (not necessarily distinct) vertices ∂ (f) τ τ and∂ (j (f)). τ τ GivenaprojectivevarietyV,aweightedmodularV-graphisagraphτ togetherwith agenus g: V → Z , aweight data A: F → Q∩[0,1] such that A(f) = 1for all τ ≥0 τ flagsthatarepartofanedge,andamarkingβ: V → H+(V). Toanyweightedstable τ 2 mapwecanassociateitsdualgraph: avertexforeveryirreduciblecomponent,anedge for every node, and a tail for every marked section. Conversely, to every weighted modular graph we can associate the moduli space of tuples of weighted stable maps f : C → V of type (g(v),S = {f ∈ F : ∂(f) = v},A| ,β(v)), such that for v v v τ Sv every edge {f,f′ = j (f)} connecting the vertices v = ∂ (f) and v′ = ∂ (f), the τ τ τ corresponding evaluationmorphismsareidentical: f ◦s = f ◦s . Viagluing,this v f v′ f′ gives a single weighted stable map f: C → V; if all C are smooth, its dual graph v willgivebackτ. The moduli space M (V,β) corresponds to the one-vertex graphs with the set g,A S of tails. The morphisms constructed in this section correspond to elementary mor- phismsbetweengraphswithoneandtwovertices. Extending thissetofmorphismsto higher codimension boundary strata, indexed by graphs with more vertices, naturally leadstoacategoryofweightedstablemarkedgraphs. Wewilladoptthisviewpointin §5, and show that we get a functor M from the graph category to Deligne-Mumford stacksoverk. §3. Birationalbehaviorunderweightchanges For this section, we will fix g,S,V,β, and analyze more systematically the reduc- tion morphisms ρ of proposition 1.2.1 for varying weight data A,B. Assume that A,B g,V,β aresuchthatM (V,β)isnotempty. g,A 3.1. Exceptionallocusandreductionmorphismasblow-up. 3.1.1.Proposition. [Has03,Proposition4.5]AssumewehaveweightdataA ≥ B > 0. Thereductionmorphismρ contractstheboundarydivisorsD givenastheimage B,A I,J ofthegluingmorphism M (V,0)× M (V,β) → M (V,β) 0,A|I∪{1} V g,A|J∪{1} g,A

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