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ingis Depextment of Publle Heal PRINTED: opine FORMAPPROVED Eipamoromametes | cOTDERSIPLERELR” [payne ooaTRoRTON peaxeamer & fever ene oxu092016 STVINCENT'S HOME QUINGY, IL €2304 ‘Wo NORTH 40TH STREET seuGilnereatrnsr oe PrecobeD By FULL sEdihnoncon ce cretion OTIS) '.000 Ines Comments ‘sano Annus! Health with L104668 & 1.104788 Stalement of Liconsure vilatione ‘88999 Final Observations sees 00.5102) 00, 12100) ‘0.2¢0a} 032400} ‘Seotion 200.814 Resident Care Policies 2}, The cilly shall have witten poles and provedures govaming al earvicas provided bythe {aclily. The uritian poleSas and procedures shal be frmuisted by @ Resident Care Poly Commies consisting ofa ast he _érnnisetor, the acaary physician or the medical advisory committe, and reprasentalvas of nursing ard other sendcoe inthe facy. The polices shall comply wh the Act and iis Par ‘The writen pais shal ba falewod in operating tha feciily are shal be resiened atleast anrually by is camvllze, coeumeried by writen, signed ‘nd dated minulae a the meeting ‘Suctlon 200.1210 Ganaral Requirements for ‘Nursing ang Personal Care +) The fanity shall provide tne naveegery sare and servoes Io allan er maintain the highest pscticable physical, mental, and paycholaleal ‘wellbeing of the rasidan, in accordance wath ach residents comprehensive resent care Dian. Adequate and propety supervised nursing ‘ere and personel care shal be provided Io each relent 10 met tha otal musing and pereonal ‘care needs ofthe resident, Restorative measures shalllnchide, a 2 minenunh the folawing Attachment A Halement oF Licensure Violations IgE Oaparnet STROH oatie TNE PORT = PRINTED: car182019 FOR APPROVED Hingis Depsriment of Public Heth Se omar aaa aac : : sass pms cofans “sno ‘eroxontn nonce STVINCERT'S QUINGY, Th 62304 TES GRERECASHSGTESM, ss RETR, Ser Gino et ce — Section 300-3240 Abute and Neglect 8) An owner, leansae, adminictaor, ployee ce ‘agent ofa facify shal nat abuse or nedect @ resident D)A Teclly employes or agent wha bacomes _avare of sue of negletaf# resident shall immedialty report the mailto the facity ‘dmicralor “These requirements wore not met as evidenced by: 4.82860 on observation interviw and record ‘ule the fect flied io prevent staf le resident ‘mental abuse for ono of four reeldents (R43) reviewed for abuse ina sampla of 23. This fare resulted in 19 purposefully slapalng me baby dll ofa severely cagnively impaired fecidant ny order tre up" the resident causing Rag to sufer emosional dress ad agialion 2, Based an observation, Interdew, and ecard review the fact fated ts demonstrate ctat ampatency and kilo implement inhicvallen ‘approaches far understanding, prevention and ral of resison stress associated wath dermeri or one ove residenls (RAS) reviewed fr ‘dementia care na sample af 23, These failures reeuited in P43 curfering emolional distress and agitation whan VI0(CNA/Cerifiea Nuree Aids} apped Ina residents cherished baby dol ‘order fo purpasetly “re her up.” Findings inalude: ‘An Abuse Preverllon Program policy dated 1212018 stole, " Our residents have the right to be free fom abuse, nagict, misappropriation of resident propery and expliation, This includes ras para oT PAM Heal STATE Poet at Veoianonsss: 2018 Pravren:osrazore eR SS ln ssn tbc Han c occa or oxfizet = store REET MCENT'S HOME QUINGY. 62301 a eS C._ eESS a es, oie STS, Se Corinne Fon pe? Se fous not Wit to freedom from corporal punishment, imvolurary seclusion, xe, ‘mental, sexual or physical abuse. ‘An Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program ‘stnployee education booklataled 28/12 sates, “Any employee who beoomes ane of perceived, possibie or actual abusatnadhect of @ fesidontshalimmaciately protect he resident Tram further hare er aurpmon help # nace Unmedatelyrepor the incident te Atministsar A Gually of Lie Dignty policy dated 8/2000 sates, "Each resident shal ba cared far in 2 ‘manner tal premotas ard erinanoee queliy of Ha, eigity, raspact and nelvigualy. Sia shall, speak respect fo residents a al times.” ‘A reclty deme trsning booklet (undated) Insttoets staf, "Reassure her (sian) wih ‘words and fauch. Beingith a person ‘lh dementia means understanding Inngs ram hia oF her ungue prospective. Itis important fo us a3 ‘caregivers fa have empathy Empathy fs Navin ‘awareness of or sight ina tha fein, ‘mations and behesiara of another pefson and thelrmeseing and slonifeance. Empathy butds ‘wust decreases anxiety; restores digniy. wen ‘esidenis feel hey ere belng accepted and acknowiadged for vat aver the foslings are, ‘vies fend fo decrease.” 3's Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment dled 6/15/18 decumants tat Pe modarataly ‘ogni Impaire. Ags Ist of current diagnotes induces Demeriia, Ansaty disorder, and Depression, Rs eurrent cae plan states, “have onlusonishort and ong tam mamary Wea Oesitoen oF een, gariaz018 FORM APPROVED Minole Decartment of Public Health Sueneurorerseses | POUTDERRIPRENGI — GaUNITREGOETRICTER mesa © fey rs onmeora . "440 WORTH 10TH STREET STMINCENT'S HOME tune eet SOR eaitetnenr ust sermectce es Fas, pile aencomecmenctananeanese —colltere Tie’ ARSGLAS ORT Gthboirerne reer a ehedEneraranece torre srmmcrnare “bee BERGEN 88888, Continued Fram page ‘e008 Aenpaiement that affects my dally functioning Provide me comfott and support my cutrent ‘moughts wa soothing manner, and ensure my safely. [nave a baby dol In my oom that Uke to ‘ake care of Daat touch or rearrange ay of my personal deans, Proude me wih emotional ‘Support and reassurance ban | ope” On g8 al 41pm. RAS wae saat inher room in choi next o her bed. RAB wee helena ‘oo baby dol n her arms an atid baby dal was laying on top Rass bedside tabla. When ‘kod sbeut her baby dolls, RS became agitated ‘nd pulled te baby dels closer to her bedi and ‘moved the lal wih the thir dol degsrto herself aprolecve geste Ra's abuse imestgaton dated 626/18 documents that on (24018 at 70pm. V20 (Certfia Nursa AdeiCNA), v2i (CNA) and via NA) were in R's room when Vi9 sisled, vay re i a | Hk 10h. han prooeded fo pick up R&S haby dal and eke ‘The Inveaigation states that V43, ‘Was VSIDhy upeet,"and proceeded ta say, "No, put dav ‘how. Sop I" The Invesigation documents Hat nce Vi (Adminisialar was noted, an abuse investigation waisted which subatanistes mental abuse to RAS By VIS, ‘On 8116 at 5:40p.m.¥20 staed that onthe vaning of 124/18 V20, V24, and VIS ware in 4's room esslating 43's roommate wit care. ‘20 stated tat before thoy lft ne oom V9 said, Watch this," hen V18 proceeded to slap Rais babydoll, V20 stated that Re has ‘dementia and ail eat ar aware thal V3 ‘considers her tie baby dolls her chikren and ‘doesril want sayona lo teuch them. 20 stated that when ¥20, V19, end Zi tet R45 roam, Te Deparment aT PTS PRINTED: os/182018 FOR APPROVED Hingis Deparment of Publis Heat STATEMENT OFOeRTEICES [Fil PROVGERGLOALERGIA | [ETRE GoSTRICTON lerayeaner © Inseostss a nwicozors rcenr "Wo NORTH 40TH STREET STVERENT NOME QuINcY, IL 82304 Prom esewoereescr must a pmeceoeD FULL pattie \gton Corrector actapsrauto ‘S85G0) Continued From page + 08 ‘Vat asked V18 why she would de such thing. ‘V0 stated thay VIG told V20, "She (V1) dass athe time." 20 state tha ato V18 slapped Rast dal, Ra3 was, "Very dasressed and angry” 'V20 sated thai Re alsa became agtatad end Sockes ner baby cols. V20 sted tat she dd no} rape wirzssing V's mental abuse fo 2, '¥20 stated that V19 continusd fe provide care 1o sesidris unl the end of Per shit al 10:45pm, On $9118 a1S:10a.m. vot sted thet 124/15 vas only he gecond evening he had Werke! at the fall, V2 also staled that tne evening of 8/28/18 was tha Ht fime he had met V19, V2 Slaled that V19 wes rue snd Seemed! ike, "She ‘do realy wantto Be hare at work" V2" staied that al approximately &00p.m, V1, V20, and ‘V2t onlered R49' room Io pravie care io PASS scommals. V2i staled at while hey were In RAB room, Vi8 stared discussing, “How to keap from being borad during a ahi. She leaked at Ra's baby dell on her bor of eau, whens FAs Favore, R43 s2y6 I's toa baat to touch, and RAS never holds f becouse she thinks Teo besutfl. Rts os gevera dementia and she lo very natlicular aboul her environment” ‘24 stated, (18) said someting Ike, Every ‘once ina wie Jk to ls her up, then (18) hela Ress) baby dallin hee hand and ariacked its ead in Rent of {Ra}. (RA3} said ‘Dont da, tht! and No’ very stam. (R43) animaced and ached forthe baby dob, (19) pute baby dol beck down and sax lo (R43), “out fine (RAS) Tocked and caddled the by doll That's the aly fire 've ever seen (R43) hol tat baby. wes Miabbergasin, astounded samaane ould do thal lt habe for not seying anyning* te slop V1, In 19% abuse slegaton ntarviaw daled 625/18 acuments that dung the inlerviow V19 slated, a Depeina oT Pn Paar stare FORK sein vite see Sete PRInTED. car182018 aR APPROVED ine Depgeiment of Public Healt Sutewenrorceneeniss |, RODERGLER-EREN | pa) aUTPCECIRETROCTIT eapaEaRET ane i 005465 ——— oucaze 7 ‘20 Norm 10TH STREET STVINCENT'S HOME ‘QUINCY, IL 62201 Eo TOD aIeen or ere = Feaens ann os coRREGTIN om hele gucci ere wey BeRreceUED aYFULL otras karcomesintacnarersucae — cofalere ‘$8889. Goninued From page 5 ‘S009 "Oh. Sometimes we toss her dels an har {Ra's} bed and tees ner up. Is kind of cue, but probably not othe resident Then we have a fhe fem forher" (On arte at 115S0.m.V26 (RAS amy) state that RAS has severe dementia and daestt ever ramembar Iho nemee of Ra's cldren. V28 slated, "Those baby dols are her (P23) everything. Thos baby dels sre her children. | knew his (slapping he baby dol) would have really disturbed her. She inks those baby dole ffs her babies" (n 689/16 al 12:38pm. V2 (Drector of Nurses) Salad, Al stff know F43) has demenia ard ‘cansiers the dals 2s her chien. Vid made the decision, even afler having demantsalning, (2 Syahe kes foe (Rad) op by ting he baby, dats," V2 verited thal hating RAs baby dos te “le up" Fis mantal abuse, ® Rae RAT oT EFT ‘SuePOR oe earns: 968

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