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GGGeeeooorrrgggeee ooofff AAAllleeexxxaaannndddrrriiiaaa Tel. (613) 596-0052 + fax: (613) 823-6635 HRMots Creative Design (819) 595-4372 The Glorification Hymns St. Mary for Coptic Orthodox Church of Ottawa St. George of Alexandria 1 Canfield Rd, Ottawa, ON K1J 7T8 Tel: (613) 596-0052 + Fax: (613) 823-6635 Feast of Saint George, the Alexandrian HRMots Creative Design 7th Hatour 1720 AM, 16th Nov. 2004 AD (819) 595-4372 25 O -- : برﺎﻳ ﻚﺌﻟوا O LORD; all those on whom You have shone with ﺖﻗﺮﺷا ﻦﻳﺬﻟا a ray of Your love, .ﻚﺒﺣ ﻦﻣ عﺎﻌﺸﺑ ﻢﻬﻴﻠﻋ could not endure life among men, سﺎﻨﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ ﻰﻨﻜﺱﻟا اﻮﻠﻤﺘﺤﻳ ﻢﻟ rather, they cast away from them all ﺐــﺣ ﻞــآ ﻢــﻬــﻨــﻋ اﻮــﻘــﻟا ﻞــﺑ bodily desires, .ﻰﻧاﺩﺱﺟ and estranged themselves from everything, ﺐـﻠﻃ ﻰﻓ ﺊﺷ ﻞآ ﻦﻋ اﻮﺑﺮﻐﺗو seeking the Beloved. .ﺐﻴﺒﺤﻟا They forsook father, mother, brother and ﻖـﻳﺩﺼﻟاو خﻻاو مﻷاو بﻷا اﻮآﺮﺗ friend, in their quest to follow Him Who is rich in ﻢـﻬﻧﻷ ﻪﺒﺤﺑ ﻰﻨﻐﻟا ﻒﻠﺧ اﻮﻌﺱو His love; because they perceived that He harbours ﺐـﺣ ﻢـﻬـﻟ ﻪﺒﻠﻗ ﻰﻓ نا اﻮآردأ in His heart an immense love for them, and they ءاﺰـﻋ ﻢـﻬـﻟ ﻪـﺘـﺒـﺤﻣ ﻰﻓو ﺮﻴﺜآ could find in that love unsurpassed comfort and .ﻊﻴﻤﺠﻟا قﻮﻔﻳ serenity. ﻪـﺒـﺣ ةﻮـﻬـﺷ اﻮآردا ﺎﻣ ﺔﻋﺎﺱ .ﺩﻴﺣﻮﻟا The moment they felt the burning desire for His Book Name: The Glorification Hymns for St. George only love, حاﺮـﻓا ﻰـﻓ اﻮـﻘـﺒـﻳ نأ اوﺮﺒﺻ ﺎﻣ of Alexandria they tarried not a single instant in the pursuit .ﺔﻈﺤﻟ ﻢﻟﺎﻌﻟا Publisher: St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church, of this world’s merrymaking, ﻼـﺑ ناﺰـﺣﻻا ﻖﻳﺮﻃ ﻰﻓ نوﺮﺠﻳ Ottawa, Canada nor did they hasten unfulfilled down the road .ﻊﺒﺷ Distributed By: The Publisher of sorrows, carrying the burden of their ﻢﻬﺒﻳذﺎﻌﺗ ﻦﻴﻠﻣﺎﺣ نﻮﻋﺮﺱﻳو P. O. Box 6970, station J, Ottawa, torment. تاﻮـﻬـﺸﻟا ﻊـﻣ ءﺎـﻀﻋﻻا اﻮﺒﻠﺻ Ontario, Canada K2A 3Z6 Tel: (613) 596-0052 / 823-6625, They joyfully crucified the members with the lusts, .ﻦﻳروﺮﺱﻣ Fax: (613) 823-6635 and blissfully drank the bitterness of pain. .ﻦﻳذﺬﻠﺘﻣ ﻢﻟا ةراﺮﻣ اﻮﺑﺮﺷو Date of Issue: Feast of Saint George, the Alexandrian 7th Hatour 1720 AM, 16th Nov. 2004 AD “From the sayings of the Spiritual Sage” ﻰﻧﺎﺣوﺮﻟا ﺦﻴﺸﻟا لاﻮﻗا ﻦﻣ Desktop Publishing: HRMots Creative Design Tel & Fax: 819-595-4372 E-mail: [email protected] 24 The Glorification is concluded with: A A men. Alleluia. m/n all/louia: . ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)یﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ (cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻦﻴﻣﺁ Glory be to the Fa- doxa patri kai uiw ﺪ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا ther, the Son, and the kai agiw pneuma]. Kai حوﺮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟاو ﻦ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑﻻاو بﻶ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟ Holy Spirit. Now, and nun kai ai kai ictouc forever, and to the ages ناوأ ﻞ(cid:1127)آو نﻵا سﺪ(cid:1127)ﻘﻟا of ages. Amen. ewnac twn ewnwn : .ﻦﻴﻣﺁ رﻮهﺪﻟا ﺮهد ﻲﻟإو am/n. In the Name of We proclaim, saying, Tenws ebol enjw ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﺑر ﺎ(cid:1127)ی ﻦ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)ﺋﺎﻗ خﺮﺼﻧ God the Almighty “Our LORD, Jesus mmoc: je w Pen[oic I/ كرﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ ﺢ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا عﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴی Christ, bless the air of couc Pi,rictoc cmou e كرﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ ،ءﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻟا ﺔ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)یﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)هأ heaven, bless the water nia/r nte tve: cmou e of the rivers. Bless the كرﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ ،ﺮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻩﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻣ Cun :e8w Is,hros seeds and the herbs. nimoou mviaro: cmou e ﻦﻜﺘﻠﻓ . ﺐﺸﻌﻟاو عورﺰﻟا May Your mercy and nici] nem ni cim: mare ﺎً(cid:1127)ﻨﺼﺣ ﻚﻣﻼﺱو ﻚﺘﻤﺣر Your peace be a pe,nai nem tekhir/n/ oi .ﻚﺒﻌﺸﻟ fortress unto Your ncobt mpeklaoc: people. Save us and have Cw] mmon ouoh nai برﺎ(cid:1127)ی . ﺎﻨﻤﺣراو ﺎﻨﺼﻠﺧ mercy upon us. LORD nan. Kurie ele/con kurie ،ﻢ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺣرا برﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ی ،ﻢ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺣرا The Glorification Hymns have mercy. LORD ele/con: kurie eulog/con . ﻦ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻣﺁ كرﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ برﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ی have mercy. LORD for am/n: cmou eroi: eic ] bless, Amen. Bless me, ﺔﻴﻧﺎﻄﻤﻟا ﺎه ﻲﱠ ﻠﻋ اﻮآرﺎﺑ Bless me. Accept this metanoia: ,w n/i ebol: ﺔآﺮﺒﻟا ﻞﻗ ،ﻲﻟ اوﺮﻔﻏا St. George of Alexandria metania. Forgive me. jw mpicmou. Say the blessing. 6 23 Ask the LORD on our ﺎی . ﺎﻨﻋ بﺮﻟا ﻦﻣ ﺐﻠﻃأ T'w @ 8w abba Georgios 8nte behalf O Ava Gawargios سﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺝرؤﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺝ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻧأ of Alexandria. He may rako+@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻟ ﺮ(cid:1127)ﻔ(cid:1127)ﻐﻴﻟ .يرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا forgive us our sins. 8ebol. .ﺎﻧﺎیﺎﻄﺧ Martyrdom of St. George of Alexandria Blessed is the Father, بﻵا كرﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻣ ﻪ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻧﻷ Je 8f8smarwout 8nje 8viwt @ ىرﺪﻨﻜﺳﻻا سﻮﻴﺟرؤﺎﺟ ﺲﻳﺪﻘﻟا رﺎآﺬﺗ and the Son, and the ،سﺪ(cid:1127)ﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﻦﺑﻷاو Holy Spirit, the Perfect nem 8pshri nem pi'p'n'a 'e'c'u + ﺪ(cid:1127)ﺠ(cid:1127)ﺴﻧ ،ﻞ(cid:1127)ﻣﺎﻜﻟا ثﻮﻟﺎﺜﻟا Trinity, we worship and 8trias etjhk 8ebol @ The seventh Day of the Blessed Month of Hatour glorify Him. .ﻩﺪﺠﻤﻧو ﻪﻟ tenouwst 8mmos ten+1wou nas. @ ¿ On this day we commemorate the ﺲیﺪﻘﻟا ﺪﻬﺸﺘﺱا مﻮﻴﻟا اﺬه ﻞﺜﻣ @ Kirie eleyson: Kirie بر ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ی . ﻢ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺣرا بر ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ی martyrdom of St. George (Gawargios) Kuri8e 8ele8hson @ Ke @ Ke @ نﺎآ . يرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ eleyson: Kirie eleyson : the Alexandrian. His mother was the .ﻢﺣرا بر ﺎی .ﻢﺣرا ﻦﻜی ﻢﻟو ﺔیرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹﺎﺑ اﺮﺝﺎﺕ ﻩﻮﺑأ sister of Armenius, the Governor of Alexandria. His father was a merchant in the City of ﺮﻀﺣو ﺪﻠﻟا ﻰﻟإ ﺮﻔﺴﻟا ﻪﻟ ﻖﻔﺕاو . ﺪﻟو ﻪﻟ Alexandria and they had no son. It happened that . سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ ﺪﻴﻬﺸﻟا ﺔﺴﻴﻨآ ﺲیﺮﻜﺕ ﺪﻴﻋ O LORD hear us, O LORD have mercy on us, برﺎ(cid:1127)ی ،ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)ﺣرا برﺎ(cid:1127)ی ،ﺎﻨﻌﻤﺱا برﺎی his father was in the City of Lydd and attended نإ ﻢﻴﻈﻌﻟا ﻪﺴیﺪﻘﺑ ﺎﻌﻔﺸﺘﻣ ﷲا ﻰﻟإ ﻲﻠﺼﻓ O LORD Bless us. the feast of the consecration of the Church of St. .ﺎﻨآرﺎﺑ ﻼﻔﻃ ﻪﻗزرو ﻩﺎﻋد بﺮﻟا ﻞﺒﻘﻓ . اﺪﻟو ﻪﻗزﺮی George the martyr. He prayed to God through the intercession of His great saint that he might have ﺎﺘﺧﺁ ﻪﻣأ ﺖﻧﺎآو . سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ ﻩﺎﻤﺱا a son. God answered his prayers and gave him a ﻩاﻮﺑأ ﻲﻓﻮﺕو . ﺔ یرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا ﻲﻟاو سﻮﻴﻧﺎﻣرﻻ son, and he named him George. His parents died . ﺔﻨﺱ ﻦیﺮﺸﻋو ﺎﺴﻤﺧ ﺮﻤﻌﻟا ﻦﻣ ﻪﻟ نﺎآو when he was 25 years old. He was merciful and ﺎﺒﺤﻣ ،ﻦﻴآﺎﺴﻤﻟﺎﺑ ﺎﻣﻮﺣر ﺎﺤﻟﺎﺹ نﺎآو kind to the poor and he loved the church. He stayed with his uncle who had one daughter. One ﺔﻨﺑا ﻪﻟ ﺖﻧﺎآو ،ﻪﻟﺎﺧ ﺪﻨﻋ ﺚﻜﻤﻓ ﺔﺴﻴﻨﻜﻠﻟ day she went out with some of her friends and as ﺾﻌﺑ ﺎﻬﻌﻣو مﻮی تاذ ﺖﺝﺮﺧ ، ةﺪﻴﺣو they were walking near a monastery outside the جرﺎﺧ اﺮید تﺪهﺎﺸﻓ ،ﺔهﺰﻨﻠﻟ ﺎﻬﺕﺎﺒﺣﺎﺹ city she heard the monks chanting hymns. She ﻞﻴﺕاﺮﺕ نﻮﻠﺕﺮی ﻪﻧﺎﺒهر ﺖﻌﻤﺱو ،ﺔﻨیﺪﻤﻟا was touched by what she had heard and asked her cousin George to tell her about the monks. ﻦﺑا ﺖﻟﺎﺱو ﺖﻌﻤﺱ ﺎﻤﻣ تﺮﺙﺄﺘﻓ ﺔﻨﺴﺣ He replied that the monks had forsaken the world ﺎﻬﺑﺎﺝﺄﻓ ،ﻪﺘﻌﻤﺱ ﺎﻤﻋ سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ ﺎﻬﺘﻤﻋ to worship God and he led her to believe in the ﻢﻟﺎﻌﻟا ﻦﻋ اﻮﻌﻄﻘﻧا ﺪﻗ نﺎﺒهر ءﻻﺆه نﺎﺑ Lord Jesus. George also made her aware of what ،ﺢﻴﺴﻤﻟا ﺪﻴﺴﻟﺎﺑ نﺎﻤیﻹا ﻰﻟإ ﺎهاﺪهو ،ةدﺎﺒﻌﻠﻟ will happen to the sinners after judgement day, ،باﺬﻌﻟا ﻦﻣ ةﺎﻄﺨﻟا ﺐﻴﺼﻧ ﺎﻬﻓﺮﻋو i.e. eternal suffering in hell and the reward of the 22 7 righteous in heaven. When she returned to her ﻰﻟإ تدﺎﻋ ﺎﻤﻠﻓ . حﺎﻴﻨﻟا ﻦﻣ راﺮﺑﻷا ﺐﻴﺼﻧو May the peace of God be with you all, O all ﺢ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﺴ(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﺐ(cid:1127)ﻌ(cid:1127)ﺵﺎ(cid:1127)ی ﻢ(cid:1127)ﻜﻌﻣ نﻮﻜی ﷲا مﻼﺱو father, she told him that she believed in the Lord you people of Christ together, and with His ﺎﻬﻔﻃﻼﻓ ،ﺢﻴﺴﻤﻟﺎﺑ ﺔﻨﻣﺆﻣ ﻪﻧا ﻪﺘﻓﺮﻋ ﺎﻬﻴﺑأ ﻞ(cid:1127)ﺋﺎ(cid:1127)ﻘ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻢ(cid:1127)ﻜ(cid:1127)ﻌﻤﺴی حﺮﻔﻟا ﻪﺕﻮﺼﺑو ﻢﻜﻌﻤﺝﺄﺑ Jesus. Her father tried to reason with her, to joyful voice, He will say to you, “Enter into the ﻦﻋﺬﺕ ﻢﻠﻓ ، ﺎهﺪﻋﻮﺕ ﻢﺙ ﺎهﺪﻋوو ،ﺎﻬﻋدﺎﺧو ﻢ(cid:1127)یﺮ(cid:1127)ﻣ ةﻼ(cid:1127)ﺼﺑ سودﺮ(cid:1127)ﻔ(cid:1127)ﻟا حﺮﻓ ﻰﻟا اﻮﻠﺧدا dissuade her, to lure her with great promises joy of the Paradise” through the prayers of and finally he threatened her. When she would ﻞﻴﻠآإ ﺖﻟﺎﻧو ﺎﻬﺱأر ﻊﻄﻘﺑ ﺮﻣﺄﻓ ﻪﻣﻼﻜﻟ the Virgin Mary and Ava Gawargios of .يرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ ﺎﺒﻧأو ءارﺬﻌﻟا not listen to him, he ordered that her head be نإ ﻲﻟاﻮﻟا فﺮﻋ ﻚﻟذ ﺪﻌﺑو .ةدﺎﻬﺸﻟا Alexandria. cut off and she received the crown of ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ﺾﺒﻘﻓ ،ﺎهﺎﻐﻃأ يﺬﻟا ﻮه سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ martyrdom. The Governor knew that George . ﺎﻨﺼﻧا ﻰﻟإ ﻪﻠﺱرأ ﻢﺙ . اﺪیﺪﺵ ﺎﺑاﺬﻋ ﻪﺑﺬﻋو was responsible for her conversion. He seized him and tortured him severely. Then he sent ﻪﺱأر اﻮﻌﻄﻗ اﺮﻴﺧأو . ﺎﻀیا كﺎﻨه ﻩﻮﺑﺬﻌﻓ him to Ansena where they tortured him further كﺎﻨه نﺎآو . ةدﺎﻬﺸﻟا ﻞﻴﻠآإ لﺎﻧو سﺪﻘﻤﻟا and finally they cut off his head and he too سﺪﻘﻤﻟا ﻩﺪﺴﺝ ﺬﺧﺎﻓ . ﻞﻴﺋﻮﻤﺹ ﻲﻤﺴی سﺎﻤﺵ T C B T : received the crown of martyrdom. A deacon by HE ONCLUSION OF THE ATOS HEOTOKIAS ﺎﻤﻟو . ةﺰﻴﺠﻟا لﺎﻤﻋأ ﻦﻣ ﻒﻨﻣ ﻰﻟإ ﻪﺑ ﻲﻀﻣو the name of Samuel took his body and carried it to the City of Manf in El‑Giza. When the wife of ﺖﻠﺱرأ ،سﻮﻴﻧﺎﻣرأ ﻪﻟﺎﺧ ةأﺮﻣا ﺖﻤﻠﻋ O angel of this night : Flying to the heights ﻩﺬ(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)ﺑ ﻮ(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)ﻌ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻰﻟا ﺮﺋﺎﻄﻟا ﺔﻠﻴﻠﻟا ﻩﺬه كﻼﻣﺎی his uncle heard what had happened, she sent ﺎﻬﺘﻨﺑا ﺪﺴﺝ ﻊﻣ ﻪﺘﻌﺽوو ﺪﺴﺠﻟا تﺬﺧﺄﻓ for the body and placed it with the body of her with this hymn : Remember us before the ﺎﻨﻌﻣ نﻮﻜﺕ ﺎﻤﻬﺘﻋﺎﻔﺵ . ﺔیرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹﺎﺑ ةﺪﻴﻬﺸﻟا ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻟ ﺮ(cid:1127)ﻔ(cid:1127)ﻐ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﻟ بﺮ(cid:1127)ﻟا ىﺪ(cid:1127)ﻟ ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻧﺮ(cid:1127)آذا ﺔ(cid:1127)ﺤﺒﺴﺘﻟا martyred daughter in Alexandria. May their LORD : That He may forgive us our sins . ﻦﻴﻣا .ﺎﻧﺎیﺎﻄﺧ intercession be with us. Amen. The sick heal them Those who have slept, O ﻢ(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)ﺤﻴﻧ برﺎی اوﺪﻗر ﻦیﺬﻟا ﻢﻬﻔﺵا ﻰﺽﺮﻤﻟا LORD, repose them And all of our brothers .ﻢهﺎیاو ﺎﻨﻋا ةﺪﺵ ﻞآ ﻰﻓ ﻦیﺬﻟا ﺎﻨﺕﻮﺧاو in distress Help us, O LORD, and all of them. May God bless us all : And let us bless His ﻰ(cid:1127)ﻓ . سوﺪ(cid:1127)ﻘ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻪ(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)ﺱا كرﺎ(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)ﻨﻟو ﷲا ﺎﻨآرﺎﺒی Holy Name : At all times His praise : Is .ﺎﻨهاﻮﻓا ﻰﻓ ﺔﻤﺋاد ﻪﺤﻴﺒﺴﺕ ﻦﻴﺣ ﻞآ continuously (always) in our mouths. Followed by: Intercede on our behalf, Ariprecbuin ehri ejwn : ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﺕﺪ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﺱﺎ(cid:1127)ی ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﻓ ﻰﻌﻔﺵإ O Lady of us all the wtenoc nn/b t/ren : ] ﻪ(cid:1127)ﻟﻻا ةﺪ(cid:1127)ﻟاو ةﺪ(cid:1127)ﻴﺴﻟا ﺎﻨﻠآ Theotokos, Mary the yeotokoc : Maria ymau ﺮﻔﻐﻴﻟ ﺺﻠﺨﻤﻟا مأ ﻢیﺮﻣ Mother of Jesus Christ, mPencwr : ntef,a that He may forgive us .ﺎﻧﺎیﺎﻄﺧ ﺎﻨﻟ our sins. nennobi nan ebol 8 21 H “K E ” YMN OF HEN FRAN In the name of the ﻦ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑﻷاو بﻷا ﻢ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ـ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺱﺄ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ 4en 8vran 8~Mviwt nem Pshri Father, and the Son, ثﻮ(cid:1127)ﻟﺎ(cid:1127)ﺜﻟا سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو and the Holy Spirit, One nem Pi'p'n'a 'e'c'u @ }8trias 'e'c'u @ .ىوﺎﺴﻤﻟا سوﺪﻘﻟا Holy Trinity. 8n8omoousios. Worthy, worthy, worthy ﻪ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ ﻪ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ Axia Axia Axia +8agia is the Holy Virgin Mary. ﻢ(cid:1127)یﺮ(cid:1127)ﻣ ﺔ(cid:1127)ﺴیﺪ(cid:1127)ﻘﻟا ﻪﻘﺤﺘﺴﻣ Mari8a +parcenos. Q .ءارﺬﻌﻟا Worthy, worthy, worthy ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ Axios Axios Axios abba is the Ava Gawargios of سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ ﺎﺒﻧأ ﻖﺤﺘﺴﻣ Alexandria. Georgios 8nte rako+. .يرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God. Amen Let us gather, we, the ﻦ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻦﺤﻧ ﻊﻤﺘﺠﻨﻠﻓ Marencwou+ 8wpilaos @ Qen `vran `~Mviwt nem P]hri nem Pip/n/a/ e/q/u/ people who love God, مﺮ(cid:1127)ﻜﻨﻟ ﺢﻴﺴﻤﻟا عﻮﺴی ﷲ Jesus Christ, to honor: 8mmainou+ Ihsous Pi8<ristos @ Ounou; `nouwt. Amhn. the Ava Gawargios of 8nte8ntaio 8mpeniwt abba سﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺝرؤﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺝ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻧأ Alexandria, the beloved ﺐ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺣ . يرﺪ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻜ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺱﻹا Georgios 8nte rako+@ of Christ. .ﺢﻴﺴﻤﻟا ﺪـﺣاو ﻪﻟا سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﻦﺑﻹاو بﻵا ﻢـﺳﺄﺑ pimenrit 8nte P','s. ﻦﻴﻣﺁ Worthy, worthy, worthy ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ Axios Axios Axios.. .. .. .. is … … .... ﻖﺤﺘﺴﻣ A crown of gold, a ﻞ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)آإ . ﺐ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)هذ ﻞ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)آإ The Glorification is started with the following hymn of the blessing: Ou8,lom 8nnoub @ ou8,lom crown of silver, a crown ىﺮ(cid:1127)هﻮ(cid:1127)ﺝ ﻞ(cid:1127)ﻴﻠآإ . ﺔﻀﻗ of jewels on the head 8nxat @ ou8,lom n8 wni B lessed are You : With K cmarwout al/ ﻚ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﺑأ ﻊﻣ ﺔﻘﻴﻘﺤﻟﺎﺑ ﺖﻧأ كرﺎﺒﻣ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺒ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻧأ سأر ﻰ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻋ of: the Ava Gawargios of 8mmargariths @ 8e8xrhi 8ejen Your Good Father : ywc: nem ﻚ(cid:1127)ﻧﻷ سﺪ(cid:1127)ﻘ(cid:1127)ﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﺢﻟﺎﺼﻟا Alexandria, the beloved . يرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ And the Holy Spirit : For 8t8ave @ abba Georgios 8nte pekiwt nagayoc: ﺎﻨﺘﺼﻠﺧو ﺖﻴﺕأ of Christ. .ﺢﻴﺴﻤﻟا ﺐﻴﺒﺣ You have come and saved nem pipneuma ey- rako+@ pimenrit 8nte P','s. us. ouab: je aki Worthy, worthy, worthy ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻣ Axios Axios Axios.. .. .. .. akcw] mmon is … … .... ﻖﺤﺘﺴﻣ 20 9 (cid:40) He thus gained all he wished for, ﻰﻨﻤﻟا ﻞآ لﺎﻧ اﺬﺑو (cid:40) H “O K - …” in the city of Ansena, YMN OF IRIOS META SO ﺎﻨﺼﻧا ﺔﻨیﺪﻣ ﻰﻓ where our God realized for him, ﺎﻨﻬﻟا ﻪﻟ ﻢﺕ ﺚﻴﺣ his heavenly martyrdom. ءﺎﻤﺴﻠﻟ ﻪﻗﻼﻄﻧﺎﺑ T he LORD be with O Kurioc metacou @ : ﻚ(cid:1127)(cid:1127) (cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻌ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻣ بﺮﻟا you : Holy is the Agioc ictin: سوﺪ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻗ (cid:40) He wore a luminescent garment, رﻮﻧ ﻦﻣ ﺔﻠﺣ ﺲﺒﻟو (cid:40) Father, the King, Who on that famous day, opat/r Bacileucin: ﺮ(cid:1127)ﻈ(cid:1127)ﻧ ىﺬ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻚ(cid:1127)ﻠﻤﻟا بﻷا رﻮﻬﺸﻤﻟا مﻮﻴﻟا ﻚﻟذ looked upon our humil- which is the seventh of Hatour, ity, and the glorious na- yepenyebio: genoc ﺲ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺟو ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻋﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻀﺗأ ﻰ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا رﻮﺕﺎه ﻦﻣ ﺔﻌﺒﺱ يا and entered heaven gloriously. ture, and the Holy Spirit. ndoxin: tou pneuma سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﺪﺠﻤﻟا رﻮﺒﺤﺑ ءﺎﻤﺴﻠﻟ ﺮﺒﻋو tou agiou (cid:40) That same day is the feast, ﺪﻴﻋ ﻪﻠﺹا مﻮﻴﻟا اﺬه (cid:40) Righteous is the Father Dikeoc ictin: opat/r ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﻌ(cid:1127)ﻣ بﻵا ﻮه لدﺎﻋ of the Roman martyr, ﺪﻴﻬﺸﻟا ﻲﻧﺎﻣوﺮﻠﻟ Who helped our weak- eoubo/yin: yepenyebio: ﻞ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺟأ ﻦ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻣ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻔ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻐ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺽ ﻰ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻓ wthhise wn ahyis t hceh utwrcoh mwaarst ycrosn mseect.r ated, مﺎﺸﻟﺎﺑ ﻪﺘﻌﻴﺑ ﺲﻴآﺮﺕ nheeassv efnolry thleif es,a kaen do f tthhee zw/ nepouranion: tou حوﺮ(cid:1127)ﻟاو ﺔ(cid:1127)ﻴﺋﺎﻤﺴﻟا ةﺎﻴﺤﻟا pna tou agiou ناﺪﻴﻬﺸﻟا ﻰﻘﺘﻟا اﺬﺑو Holy Spirit. سﺪﻘﻟا Worthy of praise is the ?panoc ictin: opat/r ﺰ(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)آ بﻵﺎ(cid:1127)ﺑ ﻖﻴﻠی ﺢیﺪﻤﻟا (cid:40) Remember us O Georgios, سﻮﻴﺝرﻮﺝ ﺎی ﺎﻧﺮآذا (cid:40) before the Holy One's Throne, Father, the treasure for yucaurin: yepenyebio : عﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴیو ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻋﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻀﺗأ سوﺪﻘﻟا شﺮﻋ مﺎﻣا our humility, and heav- so He may grant us eternal life, I/c nepouranion: tou سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﻰﺋﺎﻤﺴﻟا سودﺮﻔﻟﺎﺑ ﺎﻨﻌﺘﻤﻴﻟ enly Jesus, and the Holy with His Mother St. Mary. pna tou agiou سﻮﺴیا ما ﻢیﺮﻣ ﻊﻣ Spirit. He is LORD, the Father Kurioc ictin: opat/r ﻢ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻜ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا بﻷا بﺮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا (cid:40) The meaning of your name, ﻩاﻮﻓا ﻰﻓ ﻚﻤﺱا ﺢﻴﺒﺴﺕ (cid:40) on all believers' lips, Who speaks with heav- laleuin: yepenyebio: ىﺬ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻰ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺋﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺴﻟا ﻖ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺤ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ ﻦﻴﻨﻣﺆﻤﻟا ﻞآ enly truth, and He Who is "O God of St. George, matouc nepouranion: ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻋﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻀﺗأ ﻰ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻓ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺷ ﻪﻟا ﺎی نﻮﻟﻮﻘی ﻞﻜﻟا resembled our humility, do help us all!" tou pna tou agiou and the Holy Spirit. سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﻦﻴﻌﻤﺝا ﺎﻨﻋا ﺲﺝﺮﺝرﺎﻣ Honored is the Father Nimioc ictin: opat/r ﻞ(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)ﻤﻟا بﻵا ﻮه مﺮﻜﻣ Who rejoices in our hu- xaleucin: yepenyebio: ﻰ(cid:1127)ﺌﻠﻤﺴﻟا ﻖﺤﻟا ﺎﻨﻋﺎﻀﺗﺎﺑ mility, the heavenly ontoc nepouranion: tou سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو truth, and the Holy pna tou agiou Spirit. The Shepherd is the Pimenoc ictin: opat/r ﻢﻠﻜﺘﻤﻟا ﻰﻋاﺮﻟا ﻮه بﻵا Father Who speaks on raraucin: yepenyebio: ﺐ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)ﺼﻟا ﺎﻨﺘﻟﺬﻣ ﻞﺟأ ﻦﻣ behalf of our suffering, ctauroc nepouranion: سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﻰﺋﺎﻤﺴﻟا the heavenly cross, and tou pna tou agiou the Holy Spirit. 10 19 Honored is the Father Timioc ictin: opat/r umon- قﺮ(cid:1127)ﺸ(cid:1127)ﻤﻟا بﻵا ﻮه مﺮﻜﻣ (cid:40) His cousin once passed by, ةﺮﻣ ﻪﻟﺎﺧ ﺖﻨﺑ تﺮﻣ (cid:40) Who shines on our suf- vin: yepenyebio: vwct/r رﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟﺬ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻣ ﻰ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻠ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻋ a home for pure virgins, ىراﺬﻋ ﺖﻴﺑ مﺎﻣا fering with the heavenly and heard lovely tunes, nepouranion: tou pna tou سﺪﻘﻟا حوﺮﻟاو ﻰﺋﺎﻤﺴﻟا ةرﺎﺣ نﺎﺤﻟا ﺖﻌﻤﺱ light, and the Holy Spirit. that strongly attracted her. agiou ةﺮﻤﻟﺎﺑ ﺖﺑﺬﺠﻧا Hail, now and forever, to <ere ictin ictin: opat/r ماوﺪ(cid:1127)ﻟا ﻰ(cid:1127)ﻠﻋ ﻦﺋﺎآ حﺮﻔﻟا (cid:40) She immediately asked George, لﺎﺤﻟا ﻰﻓ ﺲﺝﺮﺝ ﺖﻟﺄﺱ (cid:40) about what she had heard, the Father Who rejoices 'aleucin: yepenyebio: ﺎﻨﻌﺽاﻮﺘﺑ ﺞﻬﺘﺒﻤﻟا بﻵﺎﺑ لﺎﻘی ﻪﺘﻌﻤﺱ ﺎﻤﻋ he said those were God's lauds, in our humility, the heav- لﺎﻌﺘﻤﻟا مﺎﻐﻧا ﻚﻠﺕ wntwc nepouranion: tou حوﺮ(cid:1127)ﻟاو ﻰﺋﺎﻤﺴﻟا ﻖﺤﻟاو the God of all creation. enly truth, and the Holy Spirit. pna tou agiou .سﺪﻘﻟا لﺎﻴﺝﻻا ﻞآ ﻪﻟا (cid:40) She rejoiced and did believe, ﺖﻨﻣاو ﺖﺣﺮﻓ ﺔﻋﺮﺴﺑو (cid:40) in the Great Creator, ناﻮآﻻا ﻞآ ﻖﻟﺎﺨﺑ and she learned from George, ﺖﻟﺪﺘﺱا ﻪﻨﻣو the truth about the Faith. نﺎﻤیﻻا ﻖﺋﺎﻘﺣ ﻦﻋ H “R … ….” YMN OF ACHI NI (cid:40) Her father heard and wondered, رﺎﺘﺣاو ﺎهﻮﺑا ﻢﻠﻋ (cid:40) about his daughter's behaviour, راﺮﺹﺎﺑ ﺾﻓﺮﺕ ﻒﻴآ Refrain: and her constant rejection, R ةﺪﻴﺣﻮﻟا ﻪﺘﻨﺑا J oy to you O Mother asi ne w]yeotokoc: ﻪ(cid:1127)ﻟﻷا ةﺪ(cid:1127)ﻟاوﺎ(cid:1127)ی ﻚﻟ حﺮﻔﻟا of his hateful idols. ﺔﻤﻴﻣﺬﻟا ﻪﺘﻬﻟا of God: Mary, the Maria ymau ni?C ﺢﻴﺴﻤﻟا عﻮﺴی مأ ﻢیﺮﻣ Mother of JESUS p<C (cid:40) He ordered that she be hung, لﺎﻀﻟا كاذ ﺎﻬﻘﻨﺵ ﺐﻠﻃ (cid:40) CHRIST. and his order was obeyed, لﺎﻘﻤﻟا اﺬه ﺬﻔﻧو because she insisted, Joy to you O Martyr Rasi nak `w ﺪ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)ﺸﻟا ﺎ(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)یأ ﻚﻟ حﺮﻔﻟا لﺎﺤﻤﻟا ﻦﻣ ﺎﻬﻟﻮﻘﻟ on worshipping the true God. Gawargios of Alexandria. pimarturoc Georgioc .يرﺪﻨﻜﺱﻹا سﻮﻴﺝرؤﺎﺝ لﺎﻌﺘﻤﻟا ﻪﻟﻻا كﺮﺕ `nte rako]. (cid:40) He regretted bitterly, بءﺎﺘآاو ﺎهﺪﻌﺑ مﺪﻧ (cid:40) was tormented and tore his clothes, Joy to you O daughter Rasi ne wtseri nciwn: ﺔ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑأ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ی ﻚ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟ حﺮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻔ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻟا بﺮﻄﺽاو ﻪﺑﺎﻴﺙ قﺰﻣ then they told him the root cause, of Zion, We rejoice in yel/l mmau ymau ﺎ(cid:1127)ی ﻚﺑ ﻞﻠﻬﺘﻧو ،نﻮﻴﻬﺹ of all this was St. George. ﺐﺒﺴﻟا ﺲﺝﺮﺝ ﻩوﺮﺒﺧا you O mother of the mpouro .ﻚﻠﻤﻟا مأ ﺐﻜﻨﻟا ﻩﺬه ﻞﻜﻟ King. Joy to you …. Rasi ... ...... حﺮﻔﻟا (cid:40) He ordered his torture, ﻪﺒیﺬﻌﺘﺑ ﺮﻣا (cid:40) to give vent for his anger, ﻪﻠﻴﻠﻏ ﻲﻔﺸی ﻲآ and St. George went to his Beloved, Rejoice in God our Yel/l mv] mpen-bo/ ﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻨ(cid:1127)ﻴ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﻌ(cid:1127)ﻣ ﷲﺎ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺑ اﻮ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺠ(cid:1127)ﻬ(cid:1127)(cid:1127)ﺘ(cid:1127)ﺑأ ﻪﺒﻴﺒﺤﻟ ﺲﺝﺮﺝ ﻰﻀﻤﻓ after much suffering and pain. Helper. Sing to the God yoc: ]leloi mv] .بﻮﻘﻌی ﻪﻟﻷ اﻮﻠﻠهو ﻪﻌﻴﻄﻘﺕو ﻪﺑﺮﺽ ﺪﻌﺑ of Jacob. nIakwb